
Communion with Apostle/Success

May 22nd, 2016
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  1. Payment
  5. A lone, and bound figure is dragged along. Procurred at some time, or another; time mattered not as the collective of those who sought to oppose the cult were many in number. This particular one grabbed for no other reason despite the fact that a necessity had been made for penance.
  7. Communion
  9. Sugriva's words rang in his mind; to commune, and speak with the currently dormant Apostle within -- it still slumbering, yet partially roused from it's sleep. The events in the Sarab empowering it, and yet it still remained with him; harnessing power was a forethought that had continuously crept upon him.
  11. The Marshal finding himself lacking, and as the person he dragged along with him would struggle, and murmur as their mouth is found muffled, and bound. In his hurry, he neglects care.
  13. Tugging him along, and at his side resting dagger, upon back sitting axe concealed, and restrained; the nameless blade compromised of the lunar imbued arcanium metal Gore Arcanium rests at hip, and it clatters along as he strides.
  15. Nearing opening, a seal prepared prematurely; the sigil of Belial burning bright -- empowered with Este's own mana, the adopted lunar quanity of cosmic crimson energy pervades, and seeps through cracks. With sudden force, the prisoner is tossed towards it- aiming for the center the howling cry of urgency as a body is suspended, and then set to land there.
  17. The dagger, a ceremonial aspect is drawn for the detailed portions of this 'journey'. He approaching, and with controlled poised, and acuteness; a trained eye of violet looking down at whimpering figure as blade is pressed to flesh of neck.
  19. "Lord Apostle that resides within..." His voice rings out, low at first, and there a pause in-between; mana along the blade, cutting into skin- inching already past membrane of muscle, and flesh. "I beckon for you to wake. To rouse from your sleep, and with this sacrifice- fill me with your presence; knowledge, power, and promise -- give it it to me as I provide for you sustenance."
  21. Speaking to it, or at it really- mute now for the moment; the Este seeks to communicate. His dagger slow to draw blood, it teases at the one bound; no swift movements yet, nothing to enact that peak moment of sacrifice.
  23. "As Sugriva has blessed me with his words, and his advice. Marrowit bestowing upon me comfort, and his aid; Give to me your gifts and answer me now!" Suddenly, it is raised, from neck, and into the air -- magic enveloping; crimson portions now peaking at their heightest, and the dark glint of the dagger now adopting the crimson sheen of magical starlight.
  25. "With this sacrifice I offer blood! Blood for your awakening, for your might, and for your ability; Answer this cry, and with the passing of non-believer I call you down from Belial's embrace, and truly into this plane!"
  27. The dagger is brought down, and in a final motion; the flesh is severed. Blood pours as result, a trail of glistening sparks, and radiating light -- the gasping, and coughing sounds that are still held back; convulsions, and otherwise experienced as he steps back slightly. It sinking into the seal, and a tightened grip around handle of blade utilized.
  28. (Hendrix Este)
  29. Blood had been spilled- the path to the Apostle now opened.
  31. For years, Hendrix had been tormented with the voice- the influence of this damned creature. Yet, now, with the unsealing of the Apostles, he could make attempts to communicate with the dread-demon of Belial. Though, for a moment, it would seem unresponsive, almost as if the Este had been ignored- until...
  33. His vision would dim, fade, the area in the room growing darker, and darker- upon his chest, he would 'feel' pressure, pain, the agony of a creature attempting to exit his body. Flesh began to peel backwards, just before thousands of spiders began to crawl out of his chest cavity. In the center, a leg, one several feet in length, it protruded from the young man's chest- after the first, seven more of these hairy apendages followed.
  35. He would find himself alone- everything around him black. The flooring, cieling, walls- they all equated to nothingness. It was he, and this massive spider- the first of his tests- facing a creature that cost him more than most.
  37. "Elena Eldor..." The voice, it would ring throughout his mind, giving him naught but a few moments to react before....
  39. Her face would cloud his mind. Forced to stare down the illusion of his 'mother'. The first of many trials he would have to face...
  41. While dealing with an Apostle making horrible comments about his lack of an eye, leg, and actual mother.
  42. The path was opened, and he is thrust along. Down into the hole- with no safety, nor restraint; faded vision, contorting flesh- caving in on itself, slowly being eaten away.
  44. Fear.
  46. Such was what he felt as hands are raised to combat, screams ushering out, and from him spilling thousands of arachnids; fears touched one, the visions too gruesome, and too personal. From him it rips -- the legs of what had taken his own; recalling to Arachne, the creature is thrust into the world from the makeshift womb that is his chest cavity now left ajar.
  48. The area is shifted- alone with this entity; the being that had torn from him, the Apostle? No time to answer. A hand to what remained of it's departure, a word, a name voiced.
  50. His Mother
  52. One adopted but most cherished; that of the Eldor remembered fondly- the voice that rings, a hollow cry in the face of his inability to cope with the situation. As she blots out mental picture, all that he saw- that he could see in that moment. "What is this?!"
  54. Maddening.
  56. This ordeal; thrown into it, what to expect he didn't know. The beast before him, and he facing trials of body, and mental; emotional scars are weighed, ad terrors, and traumas are hung infront of him. Face to Face with one such thing- it a lingering thought; limb that had been removed feels heavy, as though still there- a phantom effect in the face of what had caused such.
  58. Not truly it, but familial links would have him think back to that.
  59. (Hendrix Este)
  60. From what semeed like nowhere, an eight-legged terror descended from the skies. There was no msitaking that it definitely took the form of a spier, but whether or not that was its actual form or one made solely to screw with Hendrix was up in the air. The webing it descended on was as black as the human eye could conveicably discern, absorbing most if not all light within the immediate vicinity.
  62. "Hello again, my old friend. What brings you here today?"
  64. Despite appearing monstrous, Leyak's voice was soothing, if not melodic. While it wasn't outright singing, the rhythym with which it spoke made it easy to think that it was.
  66. "It's been a while since we last spoke- you look like you're filled with dismay."
  68. The rhyming was the icing on the cake- give it a background tune and you'd have the makings of a hit song. Not that it'd be very marketable given who was "singing" it...
  70. "Sit down, stay a while, let's talk, and get to know each other a bit better."
  72. What word would Jesse choose to rhyme with better? stay tuned!!!!
  73. (Leyak)
  74. To consider any of what they had in the past a mutual conversation might have been too far of an accusation to make. The Spider- appearing to be the Apostle within. It's form was a sickly sight to him, and he could hardly stomach it as he stared at them; one eye to view eight eyes -- the beady little dots they possessed a reminder of shitty tea, and silk web gloves.
  76. Yet despite his disgust, or distaste- her voice came off as smooth, calm, and in no way bothered by how she had come to be just now. From him there no mortal danger; wrenched from chest, and yet here he still stood. Chatting!
  78. "I looked like I'm filled with dismay...?" Her words shock, his gaze to chest for a moment- if hole remained, he was definitely freaking the fuck out in his mind, if it didn't? equally freaking the fuck out in his mind over apparent regenerative capability.
  80. "You've bursted out of me as though you were a jack-in-box, and brought a horde of little ones with you. Of course I'm dismayed!" Shouting at them, Leyak is not regarded with the same respect as Marrowit, or Sugriva; this one his own, and a dynamic between them seemed ready to be installed.
  82. "Why do you look like? Is this a game?!" Power was one thing, but this. . .? He couldn't believe it to be true- Leyak's form too convenient, and he left wondering. Glaring, violet sticks, and teeth grind; "Are you toying with me, Apostle?"
  83. (Hendrix Este)
  84. The face of Elena would expand, allowing the form of the woman to enter the darkness in full- wrapping her arms around the boy that she took in long ago.
  86. "You did well, son. Managed to secure my position, and make your city proud. But, Arwen died. You let your sister die. You could have saved her from her fate, Hendrix. Now, she's gone. My child's blood was spilled upon your hands. I may be proud of you, 'son', but I can never forgive you."
  88. With that, she would fade into the nothingness- hardly allowing a response to the psuedo-Eldor.
  89. "This is the very definition of a game, right down to the letter."
  91. There we go.
  93. "The question at hand is whether or not you can win."
  95. "And to be honest, I don't think you can. Much to your chagrin."
  97. "If you can see through all of my tricks, you can free yourself from this curse."
  99. "...but from what I can see, you'd only manage half. Maybe even worse."
  101. There's the mandatory eye joke. Are you happy now?
  103. "Seeing through this is an important step. But you can't even do that."
  105. "Go on. Scurry through this maze. Prove you're smarter than a rat."
  107. this rhyming thing is hard
  108. (Leyak)
  109. A game it was then, and he thrusted into it. As their words ring out, and he thrown about; emotional whirlwinds, and rhyming rhetoric that tosses him for a spin.
  111. The apparition of Elena approaches, his mind expands upon it- he can only watch as it encroaches. Sent through motions, and reminded how hard he tries it'll always be hopeless. She offering her praises, but then there came a delay- a reminder of his failures, a call to how he could not carry her- other children through out life.
  113. Arwen's lost amongst the strife; war had taken her, and it wasn't even a battle she was indebted towards. Stunned silenc eis what he has, as she passes without forgivness, leaving him with nothing to distill it.
  115. Leyak remained, and to reiterate- to them, this was a game. One that he could not win, already decided, even still as he waits for it to begin. A maze is mentioned, but maybe it was just that- a mention, something that might exercise retention, so he would not face detention; for lack of insight, she even making fun of his foresight.
  117. "I don't think we're going to get along." He says, taking a step forward toward them, the Este still of course- abhores them; physical form that's grotesque, it's body the one it sought to persist. Wanting nothing more that it might desist, looking at it now, he tries his very best to resist.
  118. (Hendrix Este)
  119. "We never got along..." A voice, a haunting memory from the past- a man who both saved, and abused the boy during his youth emerged from the shadows. No words were offered, but the form of the man began to manifest. Slowly, ever so slowly, an copy of Erik Hirano had formed before the young Este.
  121. "..." Not a single word was offered, though, a first came flying towards the lad...
  123. If you attempt to flee it, flee roll.
  125. If you attempt to block it, 1-whatever your base melee is roll.
  127. If you attempt to swing back, pursue roll.
  129. If you attempt to perform any form of magic on the illusion, 1-whatever your base magic is roll.
  132. A fist crashed right into his jaw, or so it would seem. Leaving nothing more than the faint snickers of the Hirano as he began to plunge back into the darkness- though, unlike the other illusions...this lingered, giving him time to offer words to the spectre before it faded into obvlivion...
  133. Regret
  137. At the appearance of Cousin; Erik Hirano an ethereal form- it not entirely whole, but it not so much transparent that he didn't believe it to be physical. It speaks to him, recounting briefly in few words the culmination of their relationship.
  139. As it aims to strike a blow, his arms coming up to late to defend- square into his jaw; pushed back some due to it. What rpressure there should have been does not set in- a test of mental strength allowing for the astonishing recoil to come.
  141. "What problems we had were because of how you treated me! How you treated people in general!" Comes the shout- fury he could not place with the deceased man; his life ended in an untimely manor. Something promised to him, but never claimed; the mad king slain, but by Champion, and not he who was once abused.
  143. As he fades, his form still seen- lashing out with words where physical weight held no merit any logner. "Do not blame me for dissent! Do not look on me as if it were not your fault." Whether htis was the truth of it though would probably never been known. Moments between the two; quiet, and peaceful- to blanket the tension, and remind him of another side.
  145. Wrapped up in this, the Host soon forgets; Leyka watching, and waiting- he succumbing quickly to the ravaging ghost of trials thought past.
  146. (Hendrix Este)
  147. Leyak: <*waits for this little exchange to end*>
  148. Just after Erik laughed, his last action before fading into the void, yet another figure would arrive- sudden, rapid. No words were exhanged, just a visualization of the man who he aided- the one who took Erik's place as the ruler of Nostvale- King Judas Hirano.
  150. A blonde male with Viridian armor, morphed, rapid, locks of Ebony replaced those of blond, armor of green now remained coated in a thick layer of Crimson. A man that was once loyal to that of the wolf spirits and his city- now a slave to the diety that rests within the moon. His skin, it grew pale, before a layer of black, tarlike liquid coated his form- eyes of goldrenrod were changed to spheres of red- leaving behind a monster in the place of what was once a simple King.
  152. ---Nothing.
  154. The tar sunk into the void, leaving Hendrix alone once more- but soon after, another creation have bloomed, blossomed from this madness- the women he cared for- in any sense of the word. Ashura, Basille, Viola, yet before they could speak- another emerged, holding that of a child, his very own. Nefertari broke through the viel, only to stare upon the Este, wickedless- before it all faded to black...
  156. Leaving him along with the Apostle.....but what remained was not a spider, but...a reflection of himself.
  157. Images, and form meld- rapidly. From those he served, to those he loved, and/or cared for; the ones who earned hate were there- the last to go. Fleeting images that all carry with them emotions; laughter of former King the one to sit, along with that of Kesi in the hands of one barred from such.
  159. For any words he might have spoke, any protest he might have given... Coming up short as he taken by lonliness; solitude for a moment as they sink away, and in wake of their now faded appearance- there stands Hendrix.
  161. Apart from him, he resides there; Apostle's form shifted to his own, and he looks on with shock, mouth agape, fingers splayed- twitches every now, and again. Looking at them now- no longer that spider, the mandibles gone, the eyes gone, the legs... gone-thankfully.
  163. "Enough of this. If this is you're doing- no more; I came for your aid, and what you offer. Not a walk down memory lane with my mistakes." Demands. For power was what he sought, and not the emotional tugs, and pull that Elena, Erik, and those many suitors- and Nefertari- would have on him. The Host wanting an answer, seeking them, and requiring strength; a lust that drove him, and a want above any other to claim it resting deep within.
  164. (Hendrix Este)
  165. "My aid? You came for my aid? Come on now, is that why you're here?"
  167. "Do you expect me to be some kind of seer?"
  169. "The best help I can offer you is what you see now."
  171. "Unless you really think you're deserving of more, somehow?"
  173. "The best I can offer you is some solid advice."
  175. "But fear not- your pride and your ego will be the only price."
  177. Leyak closed the distance between the two, its pitch-black webs encircling his body. Not to bind his movement so much as prevent his escape. No, he was going to hear all of this whether he liked it or not.
  179. "If you haven't seen it by now, you really are daft."
  181. "But now I can say for sure- that every one of your friends has gotten the shaft."
  183. "I wouldn't be surprised if you don't see where I'm going with this."
  185. "After all, you've spent your entire life taking the piss."
  187. "I'd suggest you listen carefully, I'll make it as clear as I can."
  189. "The truth will be one of the few things in life from which you have never ran."
  191. The two pincers of the spider surrounded Hendrix's head- not to devour it, but to function as an echo chamber so he could hear what Leyvak was about to say better.
  193. "The truth is that your entire life has been a huge waste of time..."
  195. "...even more so than these STUPID FUCKING RHYMES."
  196. (Leyak)
  197. There might have been some sting. Some underlying pain from Leyak's words. The spider-humanoid appearance that approached him; making little of his claim, and plights.
  199. Offering not what he wanted, but what- unfortunately - he already knew. Of a life spent trying; minor successess never amounting to much of what he wanted. Their way of going about it might have been funny- in their mind somewhere deep down - but to him it just rang as belittlement.
  201. "I know."
  203. Hands raised, in hopes of grasping at pincers; making no efforts to restrain himself, he seeks to 'level' with Leyak now. As they had a message from him, and the price to pay apparently his ego, and pride; willing to throw it -- it bringing only the waste of time that they spoke of.
  205. "I'm wasting my time. I'm running, and I remain tilted on some invisible line-" It happening to him now; contagious rhymes that even the Este was now using.
  207. "You can offer more than advice, or some stupid, and silly little vice- I don't want what Marrowit offers, and I don't need what Sugriva gives Ophelia. I'm here for you, and I'm throwing away pride, and ego to have you -- do not patronize me, or make little of my plight. If words are all you really have to offer, than maybe serving, and pledging myself to Belial was not right."
  208. (Hendrix Este)
  209. Leyak: <*Took out a pair of glasses.*>
  210. Leyak: <*Put them on.*>
  211. Leyak: <*Took out the script.*>
  212. Leyak: <*Began reading it.*>
  213. Hendrix Este: <. . . >
  214. Judas Hirano: ...
  215. A tumbleweed passes through the void..
  216. Leyak: Well-
  217. Leyak: I could offer you a $15 Chipotle gift card.
  218. Leyak: How does that sound?
  219. "Ah, well... I suppose that's all I need to know."
  221. Green, mistlike mana arose from within the apostle, carring a foul stench. Not the kind that'd make someone dry-heave or vomit, but the kind that burned the nose hair of anyone unfortuate- or daft- enough to even try. It was venomous mana at its core, slowly-yet-surely poisoning Hendrix if he drew near. The time for pleasantries had come to an end.
  223. "But now I will show you that you reap what you sow."
  225. "You must defeat me if you wish to form a bond."
  227. The Apostle of Ls was about to deliver the most self-evident kind of L-
  229. A firm, decisive ass-whooping.
  231. "And this will be your last chance if you wish to abscond."
  232. (Leyak)
  233. To blows they'd go.
  235. With his demands made, and Leyak's rather nonchalant manner towards them being expressed still. A fight. Something he knew, apart of his tormenting life, and on occasion- the reason for grief, of inability.
  237. "Say this next time then." From the beginning; the visions, and ghosts were too much -- wraiths, and dealing them were not what he expected, and as a hand makes the mistake of reaching for the Axe of Kark. His touch awakening, and there a minor jolt; a price to be paid for it's usage.
  239. Heavy was the toll, and something to be decided -- now not the time, but something to surely come of it as well. Unsheathed, and torn from bandage; it's red hue adopting to cosmic embellishment.
  241. As the Apostle of Ls was set, and ready to hand him his deserved one- the Host had nothing of the sort- he saw vines. He cried inside.
  242. (Hendrix Este)
  243. It comes. Down upon him, Leyak's form, the hulking mass of legs, and poison spew at over him; narrow dodges, and frantic swinging. The axe feeds upon him -- with each swipe, each swing, it's pull strong as Leyak's magic bewilders the senses.
  245. The Arachnid's poisonous miasma fills lungs, it deters movements; the screen of casading echos hit him, and the reverberation shakes him down to the bones. The raw essence of aura utilized to repel, and he running for his god damn life as torrmenting winds pursue, and shred through armor, and fabric.
  247. Despite honest efforts though- he some how claims some semblance of victory, and as he pants, and weaves over head; fire raging about him in a sphere now encircling, the axe used as leverage, and heavy breathing evident as he looks on with singular violet as Leyak's still restless form.
  248. (Hendrix Este)
  249. Defeat.
  251. The Apostle hadn't gotten into a serious fight in a long time, and Hendrix was a massively powerful magi in his own right, so it should've come at no surprise that he managed to win. Despite this, Leyak wasn't going to go down so easily.
  255. It didn't bother speaking this time. It merely let out a loud, ear-shattering roat. IIt was in it for keeps, now, and fully intended on defeating Hendrix with everything it had. Mind, it hadn't actually gotten any stronger, but intimidation factor was a thing, and boy howdy, was it intimidating.
  256. (Leyak)
  257. It's cry was frightening, it's approach even more so than that. Something out of a fucking horror-movie; Leyak came upon him, and he was ready to retreat. From ther approach, and the spiderlings that suddenly spewed from them he fled; keeping to distance as he slowly works away.
  259. Whittling down defenses as noxious fumes take him slightly -- disoriented, the Host does his best to persvere. Such coming to light as for the second time- they are felled. This time, hopefully for good(?); Axe in hand, the handle brandished, and it wielded close to Leyak now; "Are we bonding now, or what?"
  261. He wasn't enitely sure. Crossing blade(mandibles) with it yielded little in the way of understanding. While here in this place, a pool of Belial's mana accessible, but did it feel as though it were from them? Not so much- the empowering blows, and stirkes that he delivered are all to land with precision, and intent; leaving nothing to chance, but not aiming for severance, or mutiliation.
  263. "Communion was what I wanted, and it is what I came for. Regain yourself, and answer me, Apostle."
  264. (Hendrix Este)
  265. "Hmph... color me impressed. I suppose I'll drop the theatrics."
  267. The true form of the spider became visible as a shade- a humanoid form, and not much else. It seems as if the spider was just a construct made to psychologically
  269. "Most who worship and seek to fre Belial do so as to suck his teet for power they truly do not deserve. Those who make that mistake will end up as nothing more than the cannon fodder they have willingly relegated themselves to. He needs us as much as we need him, so those who expect power from him are those who lack the strength of will to actually assist him in becoming freed. You, though..."
  271. "You are worthy, Hendrix Este. Do not prove me wrong in the future- you will regret it, if not by my hand, or the hand of those who oppose you, then the hand of the Sealed God himself."
  272. (Leyak)
  273. Keeping this going because suddenly stopping after victory seemed weird, and the author wasn't sure of the runner of this scenario died on him, and spider.
  275. The sudden shift in form completely now; humanoid once more, and the screeching dying down. Leyak succumbs in a way- his worth measured, and he apparently making the cut. It was surprising, the change in attitude and approach all of a sudden now.
  277. "My will isn't something to challenge." Even in the face of defeat often in the past- he didn't falter. Memories showing that much, and for every rough patch he had been through; trying was what he always continued to do. To work towards the unsealing of god; Apostle offerin words for him pertaining to.
  279. "As long as you help me- I'll continue to try, and strive for his unsealing." Strength.
  281. It was the driving focus, and even now- he wanted it; setting himself apart from others -- limitations that he had were hindering, and so these methods of power grasping were enacted to supplement his hollow points. Considered now in the presence of Leyak, a glance off to the right momentarily...
  283. "...What happens now?" Did they teleport back? He didn't know- with Leyak awake, and he commiting to this route; there were some changes surely that he would face. The Arachnid themed facade dropped, and there it's shaded form that was akin to marrowit's own.
  284. (Hendrix Este)
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