
Stuff for complaint

Dec 6th, 2016
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  1. [14:07:18] Elijah Hirano: ( Hello. )
  2. [14:12:25] Lorelei: ((I don't know if I was too far away, but would you like to rp?))
  3. [14:15:50] Lorelei: ((Well, I'll be idling just south of you. Let me know if you would like to.))
  4. [14:18:24] Elijah Hirano: ( Whoops, I was away, but yes- I'd like to rp. )
  5. [14:18:24] Elijah Hirano: ( If that's still alright. )
  6. [14:18:24] Lorelei: ((Sure. Do you want me to set a scene, or you start?))
  7. [14:19:15] Elijah Hirano: ( Uhh.. You, if you wouldn't mind. I need to grab a drink real quick. )
  8. [14:19:15] Lorelei: ((Sure.))
  9. [14:24:22] There was a certain soft quality to the walled-dunes of the Sarab wastelands. The sand upon the ground was ephemeral and fleeting--a single grasp of the endless particles quickly lead to the bits floating through one's hand--no matter how healthy it was.
  11. The walls of the Sarab, surely built somehow by predecessors of yore, contained a thickness that was unrivaled--yet a softness that made any impact last. In times of war, it was used as intimidation--throwing and embedding the fallen soldiers of the enemies into the walls to scare others into not invading.
  13. It was this certain softness to the peat-like walls that the girl was drawn to.
  15. Lorelei's left hand extends outwards against the rising mound, a corrupted nail scratching deliberate etchings against the wall. It was difficult to make out, at a distance, exactly what it was. A rune? No--Not quite. Similar, but it was far more like a sigil then a simple rune.
  17. Runes were like letters---strung together to form runic sentances that created the desired effects. What Lorelei was fixating on was more akin to an runic oriental character--a series of particles converged into one core, with the same basic principle of arcana behind it.
  19. She seemed rather focused in her endevors--but it wasn't so easy to miss the lone woman in stark black against the endless expanse of nothingness the Sarab had to offer. Especially when seated within the choke-point that separates the northern fields of Asena and the lower lands of the dark city Nostvale.
  21. A hum, she gives, as she continues her work. Occasionally her eyes divert from the wall, glancing down at a leather-bound vellum notebook in her rightmost, healthy hand.
  23. Too focused on her work, any approach is lost on her as she carves.
  24. (Lorelei)
  25. [14:30:20] Aira Horada: (Is camo working on me? XD)
  26. [14:30:20] Lorelei: ((Spooky, a ghost))
  27. [14:30:20] Aira Horada: (lol)
  28. [14:30:20] Aira Horada: (Guess it is working then? XD)
  29. [14:30:20] Lorelei: ((You blend well.))
  30. [14:32:03] Aira Horada: (Or maybe I'm not working?)
  31. [14:37:10] It's one of those days for Elijah. Wandering, considering it not to be an aimless journey -- moving with a purpose, but that was just something he told himself. The truth of course was a lot more simple, and unspectacular.
  33. A boy, in his teens- eager to see the world, and experience a cultural shock. Something to invigorate, and inspire him maybe. A way to past the time outside of the grey walls of Nostvale. A way to find himself, by finding others and things to attune, and align with.
  35. These little jaunts were becoming more frequent. He was leaving more often, and coming back less and less as time let on. On the way back from one of the shorter journeys- a lack of provisional care having caused the sudden jolt to do so.
  37. Through through valley entrance overlooking expanding desert, the hallmark that he had become familiar with. Ever-changing underneath the surface but always the same duns, and sands- even if their locations did drift on occasion.
  39. A barren place that normally did not exhibit much in the way of interesting life. Banditry, and a food chain system in place- something that always deterred his lingering.
  41. Today though, that wasn't the case. Marking his checkpoint as he always did, there's something, or rather someone who presents unfamiliarity within him. Hooded, and with a back turned.
  43. Scrawling there upon one of the expansive walls lining the pathway.
  45. Melodic hymns exuded, and engrossed in their work. It's then that his steps become light. Softened against the sand, and every gradual brush, ad crunch undertoe causes a slight deterrent as he seeks to observe, but not be observed in turn. Garnering awareness not yet a plausible course of action to consider.
  47. A stranger was a stranger afterall. Who knew what might come of jumping into this without preparation.
  49. And so, as she is focused on work. He is focused on working around being noticed so soon. Careful to draw close enough though -- inching ever closer so that he might survey what it was that was so engrossing. What was being written, how, and above all, why. In this place of all places.
  50. (Elijah Hirano)
  51. [14:45:42] If Elijah ever got close enough to take a direct peek, he'd find that Lorelei's notebook--the notes, the inscriptions, and all but the drawings-- to be nearly illegible. There were bits and pieces the teen could understand, surely, and he might even get the feeling that he would understand it if he gave it a good deal of effort. It seemed to be Valmasian, just...just a very bastardized dialect of it.
  53. The accursed arm continues to scrawl against the soft, sanded wall with deliberate intent. One large circle--bisected with two circles at the top of the head as if it were some runic acknowledgement of the great Mickey in the sky. From therein, a sequence of dashes and connections that draw what seemed to be a 'V' within the two, the ends touching the topmost (and bottommost) points upon the circular sigils.
  55. The center rune is complete--and with a push of the darkened, violet hand does it glow a deep sanguine. Her arm gets to work on the top-left most sigil.
  57. Elijah's approach is unheeded. Typically, he would be close enough for detection--and a startled girl would lash out against him. Now, however, she was close to progress. Through unyielding repition, the runes seem to be accepting their syntax with the main focus. That was the hardest part! There was so little more to do--certainly she could do it!
  59. ...If Elijah had any connection to the spirit realm, be it through the practice of the raw energies of the world or the deliberate summoning of spirits, he might recognize a certain energy slowly enriching the atmosphere around the girl. It was drawing power from the aether, channeling a connection between the sigil and the spirit realm. The grove of Asena seemed to sway ever-so-gently in the direction of the sigil, the bounty of blessed spirits within taking note of the sigil.
  61. It takes time, however, and she continues on. The left arm, corrupted and mottled, seems to shake ever so gently from exhaustion. A drop of sweat cascades down off the topmost part of the girl's hood.
  63. She's focused. Hyperly so.
  64. (Lorelei)
  65. [14:59:21] Split focus once he gains what he assumes is the upperhand in regards to proximity while remaining undetected. A few points highlighting now, and his brain set to work in a mad fury to garner understanding from which he saw.
  67. The most obvious: A hand that was unlike any other he had ever come to know. Abnormally twisted in it's own right, and if he could align a word with it's outer appearance- corrupted would be what was used.
  69. There along the rock walling it carves. Completing it's work, and there's a glow to show this achievement. Leading to the second discovery, was this a result of these scrawlings upon the wall, or some odd byproduct of the aforementioned hand? He couldn't be too sure.
  71. The final brain-buster: Only partially legible scriptures. Priding himself on his ability to comprehend, when faced with three things he could not- it drove him to the wall. Nearly very literally, feeling he required a closer look, he steps over. Too eager to see, and abandoning any hope of anonymity.
  73. This is where his focus was now. Lorelei's activities proving to enchant the youth. Before long, he finds it unbearable, and so..
  75. "Explain this to me." He demands, a calm tone associated with it though. This is how he raises awareness of himself being here if not already achieved through his acts of pressing closer to survey. As close as Lorelei now was to completing what she set out to do- it seemed she might have to stop and consider Elijah's newly budding interest in what it was this all meant, and represented.
  77. Straightening himself as he awaits something in the form of acknowledgement. Training eyes on her flank, a weariness keeping the majority of his focus on that still to-be-determing corrupt-like appendage she sported.
  78. (Elijah Hirano)
  79. [15:11:18] Closer, closer!
  81. It certainly feels as if the talon of the girl is moving faster, if not to Lorelei alone, though surely it's actually become slower from her exhaustion. Deliberate marks slowly etch the final focal points of the runic signature, completing the channels that would funnel the mana into the central reservoir.
  83. Just as the leftmost fixture was to be completed--
  85. Panic.
  87. The sudden demand brings a jolt to the heart of the girl, angry at herself for being caught-off guard and terrified of the origin of the voice. A certain level of authority in the declaration gave her flashbacks to the tribal-lands, the ring of chieftans and their rules of power. The hooded girl's head swivels viciously, a terrified expression expecting someone far, far larger and more malicious--and overtly powerful.
  89. Lavender eyes squint as Elijah's form is taken in. Young--not more then several seasons older then herself. Her breathing regulates, snarling as slowly turns back to the sigils. "...Explain what." She retorts with defiance, staring down back at her--
  91. --her--
  93. Lorelei's eyes narrow once more. In her sudden startle, in her sudden haste, an erroneous dash was included within the markings. No good--not anymore. It throws off the entire ordeal.
  95. In a huff comes the corrupted harm, in a flare of occultic magic, smashing into the central sanguinous origin. A desperate attempt to activate what was there to no avail--the wall behind merely crackles, breaking off the pieces that held the rune and leaving a small crater behind it as the 'ritual' fails.
  97. "...Explain..." She shakes, lightly. "Explain!" Her voice goes high in a fury. "Look!"
  99. A foot stomps against the ground, a creature from--from somewhere, certainly not Valmasia--emerging from the raw energies around them. The head of a lion, the torso of a man and the legs of a horse. Certainly beastial--certainly celestial. Intimidating--but any magi worth their salt can see it's merely a spirit, summoned from the stars. A strange form--but the denizens of the spirit realm take many, many forms.
  101. "Do you see this? Do you know what this is? Do you know what this is from?!" She exclaims, stomping forward in anger. "Do you even know what I was doing? Do you even know anything? Who are you--where is your tribe--you're far from your lands!" Another stomp of her foot. "What gives you the right to inturrupt my work?!"
  102. (Lorelei)
  103. [15:18:08] Lorelei: ((Hello!))
  104. [15:18:08] Lorelei: ((Are you wandering by, or looking to join?))
  105. [15:18:08] Berehynia: (wandering around out of boredom)
  106. [15:18:59] Lorelei: ((Let us know if you plan on joining))
  107. [15:21:32] Three questions.
  109. That's all he had to ask. Elijah was well-versed in give-and-take relations. From Lorelei, he wanted to take information, and in return- give the same. Although the quantity of what she wanted to know seemed to far outweigh his, and so that threw off the balance in his head.
  111. Before anything else, he raises hands. High up, and close to his head- for her to see, and implying no harm to be done. Hoping to issue an air of calm that would be adopted, and adapted to.
  113. "This." From this point, one hand is moved -- fingers curling, balled up save for an index which is now pointed at completed ritualistic scrawlings upon the wall letting off a glow.
  115. He was looking, and yet he still did not understad. As outwardly frustrated that she seemed, that was how he was currently on the inside. Unable to decipher, unable to prevail with knowledge that he already had. It was nothing short of humiliating to him.
  117. "I mean no harm to you." Manifested alongside her is quite the beast. Not a man-made marvel- something else, older perhaps. Looking at it, he remains steadfast that staying calm was how this would end amicably for both parties.
  119. "I don't know where your cohort comes from, nor do I know what it is you've drawn up. So I asked- naturally. Do you follow?" Adding another question of his own, the balance that was outweighed by her inquiries begins to level out with this addition.
  121. "Elijah Hirano, that is my name. Valmasia is my own, and so I feel accustomed even here- in the desert. Although I don't know of this 'tribe' you mean, you've lost me with that."
  122. (Elijah Hirano)
  123. [15:32:38] "You're--"
  125. She hesitates, taken aback in a sheer fury.
  127. "--you're--"
  129. A step is taken, the girl shaking with a deliberate, terrible anger. It was like an affliction, the short temper, and despite Elijah's calm temperment it only serves to fuel it more. Were Elijah more direct, able to bark back and intimidate with the best of them, it is possible Lorelei would have calmed. It was the manner in which she was accustomed.
  131. Sadly, Elijah's rationality and level-headedness, traits that serve one well in most situations, simply reach the girl's mind as weakness. No harm? Then she had no reason to be afraid of him--to be weary of him lashing out if she stepped out of line. With now line drawn...
  133. "Elijah." She repeats as she steps forward, a desperate (if not clumsy) swipe attempting to grip the boy's shirt and drag him closer to her. "Listen closely. I was crafting very delicate, very important sigils. I had peace. That little creature? Is a spirit. It doesn't really exist--not here. But it does exist somewhere. In a better form. In a better mind. In a great scope. I'm bringing it here. And this is what you're going to do. You're going to apologize. You're going to plead. You're going to apologize to Adramelech--" She gestures towards the spirit--far more menacing if it wasn't so clearly ephemeral. "--for ruining his chance at existing again. And you're going to stop talking down to me as if you own me."
  135. ...There is a certain level of projection that is going on, the Hirano boy can likely detect. It seems the lack of conflict on his side is taken as an offense, her passivity a criticism that she cannot harm him. It's a cultural clash coupled with a rather not-nice person.
  136. (Lorelei)
  137. [15:36:03] Trinity: Whoa...
  138. Gained 8 Roleplay Points
  139. Your combat experience has grown! (2 BL Gained)
  140. [15:48:00] Experience, and previous encounters should have prepared him for this. Everyone he had run into lately had a habit of being direct, and on-hand kind of individuals.
  142. Her words failing her where actions did not, and as she steps forward. An arm to do bidding, and attempts to grasp, and wrinkle there his shirt are made. In the spirit of good-nature, and assuming it was still there he would not make a move to subtract himself. Rather, he in a dumbfounded action steps forward noting a clumsy approach.
  144. Letting a hand fall outward as he tries to provide support only for this to be apart of the effort she needed to take hold, and grasp the reigns herself. Leaving him there to listen.
  146. "I don't want to repeat myself you know." He had said he meant no harm, and this did obviously extend to the idea of maintaining peace. "I'll extend an apology if you will it though- for your companion. It's an unfortunate mishap that they can not join us on our plane now."
  148. Done as easily as anything else he might have in this moment. Elijah could see where he was at fault, and held no qualms of making right on them. "You will have to make do with that though, and in return- lay to rest my dilemma."
  150. He still needed to know. This little side step in the conversation did not take away from that. Despite it all, he was not shaken, nor was he intimidated. A clash of customs was the issue here, but he would not bend his own so easily.
  152. "Maybe after you decide to let go of me."
  153. (Elijah Hirano)
  154. [15:58:14] He folded?
  156. Lorelei's reaction is closer to one of bewilderment then a continued anger. She had expected a strike--a counter-lash from the teen. For him to stand up and assert dominance--never did she expect him to comply. A notion of weakness all the same, but it was enough for Lorelei to simmer down.
  158. She had, after all, 'won' the clash. "Pathetic." She retorts, turning back to the cracked and destroyed sigil upon the once-smooth sand wall. The afflicted hand, gnarled and locked in place, slowly unclenches--leaving a few unfortunate holes in the shirt of Elijah in her wake--as she continues to study the successful portions of the rune.
  160. "I take it you come from the northern groves? Everything there is so passive. So 'idyllic'. The very ground seems to sing with every movement and even the 'wild' animals seem to be tamed." She speaks as her healthy hand runs against the last remnants of the carving that had yet to be chipped off.
  162. "...Anyway, I already told you. It's an--" Attempt. Guess. Estimation. From the way she hesitates on the right word to use, it's clear she lacks the exact confidence in whatever it was she was doing. "--advanced ritual to bridge the gap between planes." A farfetched idea in any right--to do so is to go far beyond the capacities of any one magi. The thought is on the money, but the scholars of magic would have many technicalities to explain how it wasn't actually just that.
  164. "My elders never succeeded in it. I don't believe they ever tried very hard. It's all I have to work-on as I roam, so I figured I'd give it a shot. It's moving along--piece by piece. Not that you likely understand." Again, she supposes, that his withdrawl is due to an ineptitude and an incompetence. "...I think it's just a way to make spirits stronger, in truth, but I won't know until it succeeds."
  167. (Lorelei)
  168. [16:12:44] "Right then." Knowing better to tempt, Elijah does not have a cat-call to use to return Lorelei's statement as she let's go. Looking instead at where marks were left by that oddity of a hand.
  170. "I don't know of any Northern Groves. As far North as I can tell, it is a desolate land ruled by frost. Nothing you describe fits that." Where she imagined he was from due to his pretense, it didn't register. Another question to ask of her, making that five.
  172. Looking for a moment at what remained of her work- now ruined, and withering away. A result of his untimely interest it seemed, or atleast that's how she extended the issue of her failure to him.
  174. "From where though- does this ritual stem, what are the historical origins of the magic you are trying to utilize?" Mentioning a tribe, and then following with talk of a Northern Grove where man, and beast seemingly had good relations- he could bridge that she was not any simple commoner, or for that matter- even one by his standards.
  176. "Pardon the questions, but you did initially bombard me with them as well. Consider this a penance I wish for you to pay. For ruining my cloth, and demanding so much of a stranger." It was a situation of a pot accusing a kettle honestly. Elijah doing very much the same, but with him already having admitted to fault, and issuing an apology- it was behind him.
  178. Only Lorelei remain a transgressor in his eyes. His part fulfilled.
  180. "I don't understand it all, and what I can grasp- pertaining to a mix of symbols, and familiar letters on that book of yours does not help me to see the greater picture on my own. Unfortunately." Yes, he was at a loss. But it wasn't him acting with incompetence, nor inepitutude. Knowing he could fathom it should he only have the time to study, and consider.
  182. Not a lot of ways to do that save for having bitten the bullet, and ended up in this odd exchange. "So, indulge me would you? Surely, if your experiment is done, then you can attempt a new one- a cultural one this time." Implications that he hoped were clear, and really boiled down to: tell me a tale of where you magic came from.
  184. The best way to get to the bottom of something Elijah had found out was to always find a source. Satisfying that requirement, he now only needed to siphon off of that source until he too could claim to have a pool of knowledge ot draw upon.
  187. (Elijah Hirano)
  188. [16:13:36] Lorelei: brb bathroom very quickly))
  189. [16:26:24] Not the north, huh?
  191. She glances idly towards the Wytchwood, a silent hum coming out of her mouth. Was the grove hidden? Surely not, she had found it just fine. Maybe it was just somewhere secluded not many went unintentionally?
  193. Likelier, she supposes, as she kneels lightly against the ground to pick up a fragment of the broken sigils, thumbing across the surface. "Southern islands." She responds, losing herself in thought once more before rising, dusting off her dress with her corrupted limb. "Indulge..." She lulls her head back and forth with a faint curl of her lip. "Hum..."
  195. The vellum notebook snaps shut as she tucks the book once more into her dress, "Nope!" With a sadistic smile, she turns her back upon Elijah. "It needs perfection--yes--but not here. Not now. The environment isn't right for it. It's annoying, it's sunny, and I simply don't need to!" With a snap of her finger comes Adramelech, stepping beside her as she slowly advances south through the Sarab with painfully slow steps--each one making a great indentation within the sandy gravel below.
  197. "You've inturrupted it once-enough and learned far more then you should! Go back to your tribe--your broken shanties with the tower." She presumes, incorrectly, his home to be the once-proud lands of Danarium. It's only a few steps before she hesitates, her voice dropping low and dire as she finishes with a last proclaimation.
  199. "...You'll never get anything by asking for it. Others will ask from you and take, but you'll never receive anything in return unless you can grasp it. You won't know because you can't know, not like that. Keep that in mind as you travel. Only death awaits if you don't take control of every opportunity with a bloodied hand."
  200. (Lorelei)
  201. [16:32:22] Rindi Silverblood: (I will fucking eat you
  202. [16:41:45] A hard egg to crack. That's what she was attempting to be. Lorelei gives Elijah an inch in one direction when she answers his inquiry as to where her odd symbolism originated from, but then throws him off a mile the opposite way whe refusing to do anymore than that.
  204. The sound of her book snapped shut heavy in his ears. "I'd ask that you see differently as to why you need to then." Following forward as she heads south- the same direction he intended before stumbling upon her anyway afterall.
  206. It might seem like he's ugently following her, and that wouldn't be a wrong assumption to make. Either way, his main objective was off in this direction, but nothing said he couldn't partake in side affairs as he went about it.
  208. "I'd contest to say I've learned little, other than the fact that you are quick to scream, anger, and grab at others when feeling threatened." None of those things really having to do with the magical attempt though.
  210. "Not what I'm use to. My 'tribe' as you call it- doesn't normally handle things as you do, and that leads me to another point of interest- one found moreso in you." Although that was just a side road found while on a side route. It could wait to be traveled.
  212. "Things work differently here from what you're accustomed too- obviously. Force isn't always necessary." There wasn't any reason Elijah didn't apply it. Some situations demanding it, and others- like this one- he believed didn't. Contrary to how Lorelei might have thought, the youth wasn't quick to just let go of his typical way of deaing with things.
  214. Reserved for those very rare, and volatile situations. It hadn't gotten to that point yet.
  216. Walking ahead of her- a feat not hard to accomplish considering her slow pace. He turns his back south, and faces her as he walks, and talks. Hoping to convince.
  218. "I'm not from there either by the way-- the place with the tower. You're mistaken about that, but that doesn't matter. What matters is I want to know, and I will know. Is that understood?" Firm in his statement now. It doesn't change how it's delivered though. Calm beyond compare, and unwilling to let himself relent to the whirlwinds that were his emotions.
  220. He remained in control he believed.
  221. (Elijah Hirano)
  222. [16:50:17] There were all of three encampments that the girl had found--four, if one was to include the mythical 'citadel' that she had heard but never seen. There was the grove of Asena, where the blessings of the wolf-god spring forth bounties upon the land and a supernal grace to the fauna. There was the tribe of the Tower, the shanty and ruin filled land that was in a perpetual state of disrepair. Then, the walled city where the girl dared not peek her head in.
  224. Process of elimination leads her to the conclusion that it must be Nostvale--yet she has nothing to relate the idea of 'Nostvale' to.
  226. Step, step, step.
  228. She advances forth. Does Elijah keep up with her? If so, he'll find it slightly more difficult the deeper into the Sarab they go--her steps quicken, her determination rising in tandum with her annoyance.
  230. "You will!" She mocks, the lilac eyes glimmering lightly from behind the cowl. On occasion, when the sun hits her just right, can a violet strand of hair be seen sneaking out past the upper, blackened hood. "With what force? With what blade? What do you have to make me care what you want...?"
  232. Does Elijah slow? Does he not keep up? The end result is the same, either way--should Lorelei ever be close enough to the staunched-scholar...
  234. Swipe!
  236. The corrupted hand strikes out at Elijah with a vicious lash. It's clumsy--not the arm of a trained swordsmen, to say the least, and a magi with half a year's training in the basic combat arts will likely be able to swerve out of the way. If not? A nasty, three-fingered gash slashes across the face of the boy as she tries to drive him out of the way.
  238. "Move or be moved." She continues to walk, regardless of whether or not her strike lands. "You're getting nothing more from me. You're like the 'general', Juhl. Talk, talk, talk. Never a backbone, never an ounce of power to get what they want. His corpse likely litters the sands. Find him if you want a reminder of how it all works."
  240. Step, step, step...
  241. (Lorelei)
  242. [16:52:00] Elijah Hirano: ( Oh. )
  243. [16:57:07] Lorelei: ((brb rq again))
  244. [16:59:40] Lorelei: ((back, and I realized I spelled affliction wrong in my description......))
  245. [17:02:14] With each step, he matches it with one of his own. Effortlessly infact, the boy proving himself no stranger to this journey. Even as sand does find it's way into footwear as it always did, he does not seem deterred.
  247. "But you will." Combatting her mocking tone with a sense of knowledge that could only imply he saw this as nothing more than preordained before she finally gave in to his request.
  249. "You ask with what force, or what blade but has it not been said that the pen is mightier than the sword before?" Not straying from the idea that he was nothing more than as he appeared. A scholar-to-be with an interest, but no drive or power to go about finding it himself.
  251. Keeping up, that pace is still matched, and it's due to this- during mid speech. "As I said. I've grown up in a different environment, not requir-" Cut off, and as had been done before- a swipe with that mortifying looking hand.
  253. Yet unlike before, there's no holding onto to peace, or the idea of it. Sloppy moves give way to ease of comfort hwen it comes to reconciling against the blow with one of his own.
  255. A hand, just like her own but unlike it at the same time- enshrouded upon by his 'blade' if one might see it as that. Magic erected as a defensive barrier against the claw-like appendages as they come down to find their mark.
  257. "Remain to teach me what you know, or be forced to." Those eyes of a steel-blue affiliation are set on her, and for once there is something in his tone that was not there. Something that promotes a more... bold atmosphere around Elijah.
  259. It's underlying in regards to the calm tone from earlier, remaining all the while. Angling to keep her there, restraint found possible through her own rash act of trying to muscle her way past him, and as a result, leaving his hand upon her's as a means of stopping it.
  261. The currently empowering addition of magic, it's spectral violet shroud correlating to some extent- an occultic laced background.
  263. "Alternatively: A pleasant walk to where my Tribe actually does reside. It's along the way we are currently heading, and seeing that you have nothing but nomadic tendencies in mind- I'm sure there's nothing better you have to do."
  264. (Elijah Hirano)
  265. [17:14:11] bonk
  267. The claw bounces harmlessly (...maybe not so harmlessly; the bonk stings very lightly, akin to a very weak slap that will leave a very tiny bruise) against the erected barrier as Lorelei continues on--though pleasantly suprised that Elijah was even able to ward off the blow at all. She had written him off as rather impotent!
  269. The view hadn't changed! It had simply changed to 'less impotent'.
  271. "Your environments are very different." She concurs, pushing against his grasp upon her hand. For all it's terrible, terrible aesthetics it doesn't feel terribly 'off'. It was smooth--far smoother then normal skin, feeling more akin to a sheened glass or a smoothed stone then strictly speaking flesh. Yet there is a pulse behind it--there is a heat that eminates from it. It was clearly biological, if simply diseased. Nor, perhaps thankfully, did it seem like any part of it was rubbing off on Elijah--no strange oils.
  273. "I can think of nothing less I want then to walk on the tribelands of others. Disgusting places with disgusting people. Slaves, servants, and masters that cannibalize each other. I will not go. Not to your towered tribe, nor your walled tribe, nor the tribe of the citadel." Contrary to when she refused to answer questions, which had a hint of condescention carry in her voice, there seems to be an almost sheer malice when she speaks of the great cities of Valmasia.
  275. The easiest answer is that she was merely antisocial.
  277. Her hand waggles--once to the left, then once to the right-- in a feeble attempt to have the teen's grip overturned. She wasn't particularly strong, but it didn't seem as if she was giving it her all either--merely the most basic of effort is needed to maintain the grip. "...You'll see what comes of it when it's finished. Just like the rest. Let go. You're not going to hear me say it agian."
  279. The geist steps forward, staring down at Elijah. "My elders tell me this one was a great Akuma." Her tone shifts--almost as if she was telling a story. Reciting folklore, perhaps? "One that fought in the great divine wars beside Mordred." ...Though Mordred was not around for the wars of divinity. "Who slew Percival where he stood as he tried to strike down Tristan the Dark. He is the Redeemer, the Avenger. Remember his name. You'll see him soon if you keep this up."
  281. Shake...shake...
  283. Her arm feebly tries to escape the grasp. Does he let go...?
  285. (Lorelei)
  286. [17:14:11] Lorelei: ((in case i need to spoiler warning it: her story is 100% false, even if she believes it))
  287. [17:15:53] Elijah Hirano: ( Amazing. I like it. )
  288. [17:24:25] Long-winded all of a sudden, Lorelei speaks. An attempt, here or there to shake him but it does little to afford her freedom. This was a moment to satisfy another of the three initial things he could not comprehend.
  290. The issue of her arm that did not seem to match the rest of her- as far as he could tell. "I've not seen one person eaten. Although what some partake in behind closed doors, I will neither condone, nor condemn for those actions." Speaking, but all the while he's focused.
  292. Bringing up his free hand as well to feel along the flesh that did not feel like flesh. Sleeker, and much more in the way... manufactured in his mind. It's with some-what of a sharp twist that this is possible for him to survey it as he pleases. Losing the charm, or whatever it was he began with- he's not above forcing her compliance in this situation as he inspects.
  294. "I do not want to hear you say let go again actually. I rather you explain this to me- your arm. As well as more on the subject of these Southern islands, and that test you were concocting when I found you."
  296. Looking up at her, he's not satisfied. It's evident in his eyes, and until then- she would not find rest it seemed.
  298. Giving a moment to breathe, and take in though- there's a story. Quite the wild story. Brandished as though a weapon.
  300. Akuma. Elders. Great Divine Wars. Something were out of books he read, and others just seemed too grand to be true. "How is it then that you- a Great Akuma- is reduced to this state? Is this arm a byproduct of your conversion then? Tell me." Yet he doesn't laugh.
  302. He's honestly... taking it seriously. Not to say that he thought everything she said was completely rationale, or a sane person's response to this all, but when faced with this oddity of an arm. It sort of made sense had she been something other than just human.
  303. (Elijah Hirano)
  304. [17:26:59] Sebastian S. Avharain: (Locked scene?)
  305. [17:26:59] Lorelei: ((Nope! You're free to enter if you wish))
  306. [17:26:59] Sebastian S. Avharain: (Aight)
  307. [17:32:57] If they didn't devour, it was their loss.
  309. It was a double-think of the mind of the girl--to presume weakness for not devouring the threats of the tribe while loathing the nature of it through fear of being one chosen to be devoured.
  311. Her arm swiftly moves left--gripped still, it shakes under the strain of muscle. It seems now that she's actively attempting to be rid of his grasp but is unable. It infuriates her, more and more, as the ghastly 'creature' begins to advance on Elijah. It was ephemeral all the same--it's physical capability far from anything that itself could move Elijah, but magical creatures had a way of hurting in magical fashions.
  313. "I'm not--" Another attempted rip of her arm to be rid of his grasp. "--going to tell you--" Another, failed attempt as her muscles strain more and more. "--anything! Let--!"
  315. Until, finally, she reaches her breaking point of being restrained. An unbridled fury rears up within her head as she flares a surge of occultic magic, driving the corrupted arm as close to Elijah's chest as possible and unleashing a torrent of sickeningly dark brine--forcing Elijah to choose between impalement or releasing her arm from his grasp.
  317. "I'll not be contained by you! I'm not going to be controlled! You will get nothing more from me! Nothing! Nothing at all!" She cries out as she stomps her ground, her violet strands of hair dipping past her hood--dripping lightly from a combination of reflexive water accumulation and sweat.
  319. Adramalech, the spirit, is sadly rather ineffectual. In the form he was in, he can do little more then support her arcana as she stares down Elijah.
  321. Lorelei is ignorant to any approaching--her fury too fixated upon the Hirano boy to recongize the surroudings.
  322. (Lorelei)
  323. [17:33:48] Lorelei: ((Oh, sebastian: i have a spirit thing, he exists))
  324. [17:33:48] Sebastian S. Avharain: (Oki)
  325. [17:43:12] Sebastian was walking around, without a purpose anymore. His mother left without any real notice, nothing but a letter saying that she will be going to do something quite bad that will lead to the greater good. What could she be doing? Did she go after Ryan by herself? or maybe Sareen. She would be stupid to do so, there was nothing that should make her want to give away her life so blindly. There is no real purpose for that and he would simply try to find her and give her the smacking that she normally gave him for doing dumb shit.
  327. As he put those thoughts to rest, he found himself wandering into a situation between a young boy and a girl, or whatever that thing was. It had a beastly arm that was clearly oozing depravity. The power was insane, literally. It was maddening that so much occult could come from one person and to think it was just an arm. What is that thing?
  329. She was apparently being detained to a certain extent but managed to break free and attempt to attack the boy. There was no way Sebastian was going to allow this to happen, within seconds Sebastian would jump in and push the boy back then spinning his spear around in hopes of fanning her off with the gust form the weapons spin.
  331. "Back! What the hell are you doing?!" He'd stare down the monster with intense silver eyes. Eyes of a determined Avharain, eyes of a Hero.
  332. (Sebastian S. Avharain)
  333. [17:54:17] Despite the good-natured Avharain's attempts- there's little need.
  335. The developing conversation has reached a tipping point where Elijah would like to believe that Lorelei was coming aorund. Swiping from left to right with no effort showing any result. He follows with his eyes at every instance.
  337. "Perhaps telling me something will loosen my grip." A suggestion for her. Not that she'd follow, or hinder it. Adramalech, her spiritual companion coming to her aid and as a result- there his attentions fall shortly. Enough time, and enough of a slip up that his hold is lax for a moment.
  339. Nothing in the of a physical phenomena caused by her cohort caused this. Merely his own interest in what it might do. Much to his avail though- as he feels that oddly skinned hand slip from his hold, a shout of frustration, and a very familiar feeling of sweeping occult-dark magic being unbound and used without relent.
  341. Faced with a choice- the obvious one is to backtrack.
  343. To save his own skin, but seeing, or rather- hearing another come into the scene. That same Avharain seeking to be helpful. A closer proximity of clawed appendage, and a now distracted Elijah see him as the victim of some form of impalement as he stumbles back over himself. Not by a large enough margin to evade any real damage, and so...
  345. Coughing ensues. A fit of broken gasps, and lunges for air as eyes widen due to a mix of astonishment, and incredulity find him. What might have been easily avoided prior is now the scene of a potential murder scandal, or atleast- a wounded teenage boy who just couldn't quit when he was ahead.
  347. (Elijah Hirano)
  348. [18:02:49] Her healthy hand is quick to grasp against her afflicted one, rubbing lightly where the grip of Elijah had been strongest. A light wound--barely a bruise--but a sense of a dull throb all the same. She huffs--but barely has time to follow up on the staggered Hirano before the Avharain comes forth, spear in hand.
  350. Lorelei takes a reflexive step back, a cloud of occultic arcana forming before her, before simmering--staring down Sebastian long and hard as if daring him to take a stab. Where had he come from? There were no patrols that she knew of. A bodyguard? It had to have been.
  352. ...That was why he was confident.
  354. The lilic gaze of the girl closes for a moment, silently cursing herself for being so foolhardy. None would take a gamble without some form of guarentee. These people were stupid and weak, but they didn't lack basic survival instinct.
  356. Sebastian doesn't get a response--the knight is simply looked past, as if he were an extension of Elijah.
  358. "Allies." She speaks, her tone soft and low. "Your weapon is allies. A guarentee of safety and numbers. That is why you act as you do." She concludes, her corrupted arm gently touching the tip of the spear--never enough to ward it, but merely acknowledge it. If the blade shifts, then her fingers are surely cut--a shallow (but sharp) slice against the tips that drip a blackened, vile ichor.
  360. "...The southern isle..." She concedes a small bit of information--an acknowledgement and respect for the power brought to the table. "...Southeast of your caverns, within the tropics. There's a gathering of trees on the isle, thick enough that the light of day struggles to pierce through. I come from that area. I'm not going back."
  362. There are two southern isles known to Valmasia. One, the populous Antegria, a fantastic spot for many well-adjusted men and women that holds certainly quite a few trees but has long since been civilized and cultivated. The other is the ruins, and wilderness, of what was Tilandre--a surging overgrowth caused by depraved attacks of the east.
  364. "...Step aside."
  366. The command is directed at Elijah, as if he has control over Sebastian.
  367. (Lorelei)
  368. [18:06:14] Elijah Hirano: ( Ah, Seb- d you have anything to add or is it alright if i take the reins? )
  369. [18:07:05] Sebastian S. Avharain: (Yeah its okay)
  370. [18:07:05] Sebastian S. Avharain: (I'll just rp blocking you then you can run)
  371. [18:13:55] He'd stand firm not even bothering to dodge. Sebastian would just allow the now injured Elijah to move backwards, it was for the best that the child runs. He was going to have to deal with this beast for himself not wanting to let it roam around any longer. This might be the end for him or maybe a victory in his very long stride for the betterment of humanity. A world without depravity lurking around.
  373. "You can leave kid. It's not safe around, just remember my name. I am Sebastian." He'd try to ward it off by poking forward towards her with his spear, in all honesty despite his act of bravery he was quite afraid of her arm. It was scary and the mass amount of depravity made him feel slightly sick within himself. But he tried to keep strong and just ready himself to fight in case she attacks.
  375. "Go back where you came from heathen. I see you've already harmed him, no further for you. What are you even?! Who's your creator" He seeked the same knowledge Elijah wanted, the origins of this beast and the reason for that half humanoid appearance stained by the ghastly arm.
  376. (Sebastian S. Avharain)
  377. [18:26:43] Misconceptions were lively today.
  379. Between his 'weapon' utilized, and why he acted the way he did and Sebastian's focus now. Despite not being stupid, nor weak- Elijah did infact lack basic survival instincts when it came to traveling alone, and the dangers it imposed.
  381. The arrival of the Avharain was just a stroke of luck, although their distracting him- not so lucky. Gripping now at a wound, blood threatening to pour from it profusely at this point.
  383. There were a few matters to clear up on his end.
  385. "Strangers." To combat what she thought, and following suit -- he doesn't seem to rightly acknowledge Sebastian as an individual entity. Moreso a wall that had scrounged itself into being as he was getting somewhere.
  387. "I act on my own, and without any other to protect me. Do not think this is a ploy of mine to convince you to speak freely." Nothing but an inconvenience.
  389. This now a messy situation where he seemed to have become a skewering post. It was easy to say his mood had been soured by it all. "You there- the one wielding his weapon without cause, nor understanding."
  391. As Sebastian sets off to try and get answers- none that he wanted. He aims to intervene. Unyielding despite his body planning to do otherwise. "Stay your hand for a moment, and help me would you? This might have been avoided had you not come galloping in, so it's the least you could do." Hoping to detract from that, and save himself some blood in the process. Elijah now gives acknowledgement, solely for the sake of bettering both his position, and Lorelei's while snipping away anymore would-be heroics that might end up with either dead.
  393. (Elijah Hirano)
  394. [18:33:32] "It speaks."
  396. Her attention shifts towards Sebastian, slowly phasing Elijah out of the equation. Her breathing slowly hastens, bit by bit, as her eyes lock--a rare occurance-- with Sebastian's own. There is a certain malificence behind her stare--had the term 'heathen' bothered her?
  398. "I bet you live within the walls." She responds, her words laced with venom. "Hiding from the world. Hiding within your armor. Hiding behind those you serve. A terrified, fragile, pathetic creature. Do--" Her neck clicks lightly as she catches her tongue, closing her eyes for but a moment to shift her focus towards Elijah.
  400. "Step out of my path or be removed from it." Sebastian wasn't an ally of Elijah? Lorelei didn't buy it--not right now. A calmer mind will see reason. A calmer mind will be able to recall the situation and know what went wrong. The number one failure was to be so obvious.
  402. Lorelei's gaze drops back to Sebastian--but this time on the armor and blade. Steel? Not terrible quality. It wasn't scrounged from battle, but forged. Had they a solid core? Or perhaps simply a large mine to work off of? It was mundane--the taint of magic wasn't as strong as it should be if it was one of the deep riches of the earth.
  404. Scorn falls upon her face as she takes a step forward. If the spear is still in front of her? It presses gently against her chest--slowly digging in as she forces herself forward. The corrupted hand moves forward--if the spear isn't held back--and if Sebastian doesn't step away--then it seems like a repeat of before will occur.
  405. (Lorelei)
  406. [18:45:29] He'd be a bit shocked by her glare. She was indeed a brave one, not caring the slightest bit about threats. He honestly didn't want to hurt her, Elijah spoke saying he was the reason, when he was clearly going to get attacked before Sebastian stepped in. If he hadn't stepped it, it would be vastly worse actually.
  408. However it didn't matter, it was just a kid so he did not know better. Sebastian would laugh at her attempt to mock him and whether he was a man who lived in the city or not. He'd been in there, and also in there walls but the walls of a jail cell that is. He was lucky to even be alive today after lieing right infront of the Marshalls face.
  410. "Hehe. I'm nothing like what you think. I am in Whychwood, I fight almost everyday against yokai. Been to war against the Kaor lord and his forces. I've been in the walls of a jail cell thats about it. I am apart of the world, one with earth. I have taken the baddest ass kickings and more. So what more do you have to say?" He'd simply put down his lance and end it there turning around to Elijah and walking towards him to help him up, if he allows him he'd take him in his arms and carry him back home.
  412. Despite being a "Big" kid, he wasn't too big for this giant man. He was muscular and tall, he'd surely be able to handle the weight of one teenager.
  414. "Do you want anything from this girl? You are hurt and bleeding, I can't leave you out here. Clearly you would be worse if I didn't come "galloping" in here. If you drop the tough guy act, I'll gladly save you the trouble of bleeding out."
  415. (Sebastian S. Avharain)
  416. [18:47:12] Sebastian S. Avharain: (if I cut off its my internet)
  417. [18:47:12] Sebastian S. Avharain: (I'll be back)
  418. [18:52:19] Elijah Hirano: ( aaah. sorry, one sec )
  419. [19:12:48] Shaking his head before anything else. Standing on his own was certainly still possible. All he needed was immediate care in the form of staunching the wound.
  421. "All I require is something to wrap around it. Can you do that much?" A half-step back, staggering somewhat but stable otherwise. This was an odd development, and while there was something he did want from Lorelei. This was no longer the time or place for it!
  423. "We can waste time arguing, or you can help me wrap myself, so that I don't bleed out here." Whether it was believed or not, the addition of a third random element was the catalyst for this all. Doing a good deed was fine, and all but sometimes the results fell incredibly short of the budding intent.
  425. Eyes shift, and settle on Lorelei now. Attempting to see past the gargantuan that was Sebastian for a moment. "There's nothing else she'll give me right now. It's best to let her go." Issuing a command. It might seem like he did infact know the Avharain after all.
  427. Really though, it was just a byproduct of no discipline when growing up. You talked to people all sorts of ways when that was the case.
  428. (Elijah Hirano)
  429. [19:17:04] It takes a deal of effort to not spit on Sebastian.
  431. "So you can kill a lesser." She pushes herself past Sebastian--if able--to continue her trip southbound. It didn't seem as if Elijah was going to be stopping her anymore. Her wrist could remain safe--unmolested and unharmed. "Keep your boasts to someone that listens. You're at least willing to draw a blade on someone to prove a point."
  433. Unlike certain others she could think of--and, shockingly enough, most weren't currently in this conversration! She moves, if she can, past the two as they recover. "Kaor lord..." She repeats, shaking her head. Every yokai was called a Kaor now, weren't they? They weren't like--
  435. --she hesitates, for just a moment, thinking. He said he had a pet Kaor--could it have been one in the same? Maybe it was dead now--thats why there was no evidence, nor name, of it. She gives a weak 'hum' of thought before carrying on.
  437. If Sebastian lets her go--she's gone, walking past the dunes of the sand and on her way. If not? She attempts to exit--by force.
  438. (Lorelei)
  439. [19:25:36] Sebastian completely forgets about the girl now and focuses on Elijah. Despite his ill mannered self he'd still be focusing on nursing him back. He had a child so he knew very well how to deal with them. This was just liike how he was when he was younger, lack of parents really had a lot of effect on him. He spoke to people rude and still does. It's just that with age he becomes more mature.
  441. "Here." He'd take out bandages from his pocket and wrapped it around his injured area then taking up a needle out his coat pocket and sticking it into place. How convenient he had those even, he wrapped it perfectly making sure that no blood would seep out and it was completely covered up.
  443. "There. You can walk home safetly right? Or do you want a walk home too Haha" He jeered him a bit for being a teenager all tough and cool but still needed some help. It was common actually, just like he was.
  444. (Sebastian S. Avharain)
  445. [19:30:43] Attempts at humor in this situation are lost.
  447. A sour mood was something that easily set in, but did not easily abate itself. The help was of course appreciated though. The idea of succumbing to blood loss not the most exciting one in recent hours.
  449. "Do consider more subtle means next time. This might be avoided." Yet his mouth doesn't stave itself for long it seems. As grateful as he might be, there was an opportunity lost.
  451. Turning from Sebastian now, in preparation to make the journey back home. "The idea was a noble one though- you have my appreciation, although I'll reserve my thanks." Not exactly the easiest one to get along with but where credit was deserved, Elijah would always apply it.
  452. (Elijah Hirano)
  453. [19:34:59] Sebastian didn't really mind this kids attitude, hating him for it would make him a hypocrite as he was just as much as a sassy kid. He simply smiles and agrees to what he said. However he would never be subtle, he got it from his mother. Not really the type of person to be subtle, he always got into fights and it normally would turn out well for him.
  455. "It's okay. My harsh ways derive from the fact I live in a cave." He walks away while waving at the kid before he turnt away completely.
  457. "I try my best kid, After all. I just want to be the "Champion of the people" He walked away now completely on that note, making sure that Elijah remembers what he says. That he would be the real hero of this world, sooner or later will his heroics be recognized.
  458. (Sebastian S. Avharain)
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