
몽유 30 complete

Mar 12th, 2017
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  1. Chapters starts with FMC proudly proclaiming she's been deceiving them for a long time, MC and CH goes in unison and ask her why does she mean by that. Then an explanation text where it says that Lisa/FMC made a very thorough plan to lead a double life by faking sleepwalking.
  2. Then MC/bf asks her if everything they had was just a play of hers. Then CH guy ask her why did she cheat and lie to them, her reply was that so she could have sex freely(so dumb). Both go 'what?!?!?' The she goes that if she acted normal, it wouldn't have been possible for all of this and them 3 to live like this. Then how because she was sick/sleepwalking, all 3 agreed to share the care of her without complaining. Then flashback on when she went to the hospital and got herself check out and whens he asked the doctor not to tell them what she suffers from. Then when she discovers what she did when she sleepwalked, and that after she finished the treatment she was gonna tell them, but it depends if she should do that. Then flashback with her sucking doctor and him telling her that she's alright now, but then she tells him yeah and that what she does now it's a celebration of her getting better and thanks maybe. But then she noticed she couldn't go back to the time when she was a normal girl, and how she discovered the real her, how she was the first ranked girl in a date app. The she tarted to enjoy the double life she ever knew she had, and went on dates with popular guys from the app. Acted all shy towards them, the guys really fell for her too, and then she started to enjoy the concept of shameful sex. The next day after she fucked the 1st guy, she went for another dude, fucked him he liked it she too, the guy asked for her phone number so he could met her again, but by then she had a new fetish where she liked to provoke and taunt guy .. She got addicted to sex with different guys, and she felt she wanted to have a different life, was unhappy with how she lived as a nice girl, but she felt it was too hard to change it so sudden, so she needed a plan. But an opportunity came up when she fucked the elevator guy and she was kicked out, and then she moved in with MC and CH guys, and she felt like she wanted to sleep with smbdy that wanted her. Back to the present, she tells them it wasn't easy living a life like that, MC goes 'it isn't true .' CH goes 'that's a lie' but she tells them that now she's bored of sex with both of them and wants to meet another guy, and tells them she wants to break off/up what they have. Their reactions.. MC 'what are you serious?' CH 'unni ..' and she then calls a guy to come pick her up. She then tells them how frustrating was for her to deal with both of them and how their support was not so good, and on her way out, she tells them that if they both get a new girl or gfs in the future, they should do a better job. 2nd guy comes to pick her up, and she thanks them and tells them they were both good ppl. Then MC and CH guy yell 'come back to us Lisa, we were wrong, come back'. Scene goes to sex with 2nd guy, and he tells her how she feel different than before, more passive like, she then goes 'is that so?' and that from now on, she will do what she wants, and that he should get ready. Then a text about FMC who got cured of her sleepwalking problem and how that she found herself, will continue to enjoy her sex life. **THE END** then a message of thanks for the readers from the author.
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