
FE:AR James Huxley [SeriousConcentrate]

Jan 7th, 2016
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  1. Name: James Huxley
  2. Class: Monk -> Inquisitor
  3. Affinity: Swage
  4. Character Specific Skill: Awareness
  5. Class Skill: Levitation, Pious Veil
  7. Personal Fault: Reluctant Killer: If James kills an enemy, then he suffers -10 HIT/EVA until the next Player Phase
  8. Personal Skill: Warning Shot: If James attacks an enemy that is over 50% HP, +15 HIT
  9. Personal Skill: Trained Reflexes: If James is attacked in melee range, +15 EVA.
  10. \ Personal Skill: ???
  12. Preferred stats: RES, SKL
  13. Proficiency: Holy (C), Light Magic (D)
  14. Progression spent: 300%/300%
  16. HP: 18 (50%)
  17. STR: 2 (00%)
  18. MAG: 4 (60%)
  19. SKL: 3 (60%) +2
  20. LUK: 5 (10%)
  21. DEF: 1 (10%)
  22. RES: 7 (50%)
  23. SPD: 5 (60%)
  25. CON: 5 +2
  26. AID: 4 +2
  27. MOV: 5
  29. Levels:
  31. Current Stats:
  33. HP: 18 (50%)
  34. STR: 2 (00%)
  35. MAG: 4 (60%)
  36. SKL: 5 (60%)
  37. LUK: 5 (10%)
  38. DEF: 1 (10%)
  39. RES: 7 (50%)
  40. SPD: 5 (60%)
  42. CON: 7
  43. AID: 6
  44. MOV: 5
  46. Supports:
  48. Inventory:
  49. Name Type (-) RNG WT MT HIT CR QL
  50. Lightning Holy (E) 1 6 4 85 5 40
  51. Ray Jdge (E) 1 6 5 80 5 40
  52. Vulnerary (3/3) Heals 10 HP for 3 Rounds, 1/2 Healed each Round
  53. -
  54. -
  56. Battle Stats (Lightning)
  57. AT: 8
  58. Hit: 97
  59. AS: 5
  60. Eva: 15
  61. Crt: 7
  62. DG: 5
  64. Battle Stats (Ray)
  65. AT: 9
  66. Hit: 92
  67. AS: 5
  68. Eva: 15
  69. Crt: 7
  70. DG: 5
  72. Backstory (3):
  73. - James's first clear memory is an explosion and the feeling of being thrown across wet grass in a pouring thunderstorm. He has the impression he was severely wounded, but does not remember how he recovered; only that he did, in time.
  74. - He remembers, faintly, voices at various times referring to him as "James", "Huxley", "Brother", and even in one instance "Operative Huxley". He thinks he must have been part of a religious organization of some sort given the "Brother" and the magic he carries, but he has no idea when or how he was ever an "Operative", or what he did. It's the only clue he has to his name and identity, though, so he clings to it.
  75. - For the better part of a year, James has been wandering, trying to find someone who knows who he is - family, a friend, a fellow "Brother" or "Operative" if that's what it comes down to. From what he's learned of the world in his travels, he suspects he may have been affiliated with Uxanin in some way, possibly as a saboteur given his first memory and where he started anew. But it doesn't sit right with him. It doesn't feel like something he would do.
  77. Beliefs (3):
  78. - People ought to fight less and laugh more.
  79. - Everyone deserves a second chance.
  80. - No one has the right to force their way of life on someone else.
  82. Goals (3):
  83. - Enjoy life while it exists.
  84. - Find out who he really is and where he belongs.
  85. - Try to make things better for as many people as he can, however he can.
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