

Jan 30th, 2015
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  1. a da m n awa b: hey
  2. punchdrunk16: what the hell!
  3. a da m n awa b: sorry.....this hot girl only knows this screen name
  4. a da m n awa b: im waiting to see if she comes on
  5. punchdrunk16: oh why thank you!
  6. a da m n awa b: haha
  7. a da m n awa b: not at home
  8. punchdrunk16: just changed the spaces
  9. a da m n awa b: lolol
  10. punchdrunk16: its still the same sn
  11. a da m n awa b: i know
  12. punchdrunk16: so people can still find you
  13. a da m n awa b: damn
  14. punchdrunk16: DUN DUN DUN
  15. a da m n awa b: i was hoping they couldnt
  16. punchdrunk16: man last night was crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. a da m n awa b: really? do tell
  18. punchdrunk16: omgad best night of my life
  19. a da m n awa b: nice
  20. punchdrunk16: ok well you know the whole sandha\sophie, situation, right?
  21. a da m n awa b: ya
  22. punchdrunk16: well in the end i broke up with sandha, and just really hated her for a while
  23. a da m n awa b: ya...shes the friend of sophie right?
  24. punchdrunk16: so alst night sophie wanted to do something, so we went bowling, then to a movie, then she drove me home at like 12:30
  25. punchdrunk16: ex-best friend
  26. ADAM NaWaB: ok
  27. punchdrunk16: LOL
  29. ADAM NaWaB: i was waiting for that
  30. punchdrunk16: anyway, im sitting on the couch watching ESPN when the phone rings
  31. punchdrunk16: im like wtf its 12:30
  32. ADAM NaWaB: espn..classic
  33. punchdrunk16: so I pick it up, and guess who it is!
  34. aDAm nAWAb: sandah
  35. punchdrunk16: ding ding ding!
  36. aDAm nAWAb: so you get with her?
  37. punchdrunk16: anyway, we had a really long conversation about us and life and suckiness in general
  38. aDAm nAWAb: lol
  39. punchdrunk16: this went on for like an hour and a half
  40. punchdrunk16: then all of a sudden she was like 'how did you drop me so fast?'
  41. aDAm nAWAb: rofl
  42. punchdrunk16: as in me get over her so fast
  43. aDAm nAWAb: typical women
  44. punchdrunk16: of course
  45. ADAMNAWAB: ya
  46. ADAMNAWAB: they are like.....what happened?
  47. punchdrunk16: so I said, and this is true 'when i was talking with sophie she said youve done this to guys before, and youve practically ruined them. I just didnt want that happen to me, so I didnt show any emotion'
  49. ADAMNAWAB: nice
  50. punchdrunk16: whether what sophie said was true, or not doesnt really matter
  51. punchdrunk16: i believe sophie over sandha
  52. punchdrunk16: anyway...we started talkign some more...
  53. aDaMnAwAb: ya, i would do the same
  54. punchdrunk16: then the topic very quickly changed to sex
  55. punchdrunk16: VERY QUICKLY
  56. aDaMnAwAb: lol
  57. aDaMnAwAb: sweet
  58. punchdrunk16: ya dude
  59. punchdrunk16: she was practicing doing her moaning over the phone
  60. punchdrunk16: and i would give it a score out of 10
  61. aDaMnAwAb: omg omg
  62. aDaMnAwAb: niice
  63. punchdrunk16: and so things started getting hot and heavy
  64. aDaMnAwAb: did she ever get a ten?
  65. punchdrunk16: noo...
  66. aDaMnAwAb: a 2?
  67. punchdrunk16: i gave her a 9.9 just to be a tease
  68. aDaMnAwAb: id give her a 1 to get her to shut the hell up
  69. punchdrunk16: so she started talkign about how she was holding her boob and how soft it was, and all her 'other erogenous zomes'
  70. punchdrunk16: zones
  71. aDaMnAwAb: lol
  72. punchdrunk16: i was like 'DONT MAKE ME COME OVER THERE, WOMAN!"
  73. aDaMnAwAb: oh god
  74. punchdrunk16: by then it was 2:30, and she was a good 5 minute walk away
  75. punchdrunk16: 15
  76. aDaMnAwAb: and u would lose ur boner by then no doubt
  77. aDaMnAwAb: haha
  78. punchdrunk16: no no no
  79. punchdrunk16: she got very blunt
  80. punchdrunk16: she said
  81. punchdrunk16: 'to be honest, allister, i'd really like to take a bath, with you'
  82. punchdrunk16: I WAS LIKE OMG OMG OMG OMG
  84. aDaMnAwAb: WOOT
  85. punchdrunk16: OMG OMG OMG
  87. aDaMnAwAb: and thats when u told her u were gay?
  88. punchdrunk16: ROFL
  89. aDaMnAwAb: haha
  90. aDaMnAwAb: so did you go?
  91. punchdrunk16: no, i got my jacket on...i grabbed thoms skateboard and flew over there
  92. aDaMnAwAb: nice
  93. punchdrunk16: she told me to knock on her front window, so i did
  94. punchdrunk16: the door was open, and the house was completely dark
  95. aDaMnAwAb: dun dun dun
  96. punchdrunk16: but i finally found her lying on the couch in her pyjamas
  97. aDaMnAwAb: nice
  98. punchdrunk16: and we made out for like 10 minutes
  99. punchdrunk16: then she slowly took her clothes off
  100. aDaMnAwAb: omg omg
  101. punchdrunk16: and her boobs, they were the greatest boobs ever
  102. punchdrunk16: E V E R
  104. aDaMnAwAb: she wasnt wearing anything underneath?
  105. punchdrunk16: black underwear
  106. aDaMnAwAb: niiiiiice
  107. punchdrunk16: so i started doing the whole foreplay thing
  108. aDaMnAwAb: lolol
  109. aDaMnAwAb: nipples much?
  110. punchdrunk16: and ended up munching box for about 15 minutes. i had to put my hand over her mouth to stop her from moaning
  111. aDaMnAwAb: why...shes not a good moaner?
  112. punchdrunk16: no, shes just really LOUD
  113. aDaMnAwAb: haha
  114. aDaMnAwAb: well...thats not always bad
  115. punchdrunk16: so she was like 'lets move this to the bathtub'
  116. aDaMnAwAb: unless they are fat
  117. aDaMnAwAb: wewt
  118. punchdrunk16: what's fat?
  119. aDaMnAwAb: by that time ur cock was an anaconda
  120. punchdrunk16: ROFL, yes
  121. aDaMnAwAb: sweet
  122. punchdrunk16: i was like 'maybe i shouldnt be walking right now'
  123. aDaMnAwAb: hahahaha
  124. aDaMnAwAb: even tho you were about to be naked...
  125. punchdrunk16: so she ran a bath, and closed the door
  126. punchdrunk16: then 2 minutes later she invited me in
  127. punchdrunk16: and she already had a bubble bath ready
  128. aDaMnAwAb: then she said get the fuck out..../has bad memories
  129. punchdrunk16: no!
  130. punchdrunk16: then i got in el tub
  131. aDaMnAwAb: lol
  132. aDaMnAwAb: woot....with el bigo cocko
  133. punchdrunk16: and she gave me el cabeza
  134. punchdrunk16: and about 5 minutes into it, she wanted to move on to the sex
  135. punchdrunk16: i was like OOOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKKAAAAAAAAYYY!!!!!
  136. aDaMnAwAb: ROFL nice
  137. punchdrunk16: then we heard footsteps upstairs!
  138. punchdrunk16: i was like NOOOOOOO
  139. punchdrunk16: someone was coming down the stairs
  140. punchdrunk16: i think it was her sister
  141. punchdrunk16: 8 year old sister
  142. aDaMnAwAb: haha
  143. aDaMnAwAb: damn them kids
  144. punchdrunk16: so i jumped out the bathtub completely naked and hid behind the piano
  145. aDaMnAwAb: lololololol
  146. punchdrunk16: and wwhen the fucking little sister went back upstairs, sandha was like 'this is TOO dangerous'
  147. punchdrunk16: you should go, otherwise we'll get caught
  148. aDaMnAwAb: my god....thats a sad story
  149. punchdrunk16: I WAS LIKE NOOOOOOOOOOOO
  151. punchdrunk16: NOOOOOOOOOO
  153. punchdrunk16: NOOOOOOOOOO
  154. aDaMnAwAb: i feel for you
  155. punchdrunk16: so she said call her tomorrow
  156. punchdrunk16: (today)
  157. aDaMnAwAb: and u did?
  158. punchdrunk16: but i ended up leaving first thing this morning
  159. aDaMnAwAb: doh
  160. punchdrunk16: so i have to wait a whole week before i go down again
  161. punchdrunk16: NOOOOOOOOOOOOo
  162. punchdrunk16: worst day of my lie, today
  163. punchdrunk16: life
  164. aDaMnAwAb: was the best 5 minutes ago
  165. punchdrunk16: last night was
  166. aDaMnAwAb: oh
  167. aDaMnAwAb: i see
  168. punchdrunk16: I was sooooooo close to not being a virgin
  169. punchdrunk16: DOH DOH DOH
  171. aDaMnAwAb: and blowing ur load inside of her only for her to get pregnant and want to marry you
  172. aDaMnAwAb: son of a
  173. punchdrunk16: no we had condoms
  174. aDaMnAwAb: i know i was joking
  175. punchdrunk16: no, i told her beforehand i wasnt doing the whole withdrawal thing on my first time
  176. punchdrunk16: too risky
  177. punchdrunk16: WAY too risky
  178. aDaMnAwAb: very
  179. punchdrunk16: and the best thing about it
  180. punchdrunk16: is that she's shaved
  181. aDaMnAwAb: oh god
  182. aDaMnAwAb: thats awesome
  183. punchdrunk16: dude
  184. punchdrunk16: its the best
  185. punchdrunk16: have you ever muched box?
  186. punchdrunk16: munched
  187. aDaMnAwAb: lol
  188. aDaMnAwAb: not yetters...
  189. punchdrunk16: well, its WAY better if shes shaved
  190. punchdrunk16: no pubes gettin in the way
  191. aDaMnAwAb: of course...i want to wait till theres not so many ugly fucking women with gigantic pussies roaming around my school
  192. punchdrunk16: eeew
  193. aDaMnAwAb: net
  194. aDaMnAwAb: oops
  195. punchdrunk16: how many have you seen?
  196. aDaMnAwAb: dos
  197. punchdrunk16: big and hairy?
  198. aDaMnAwAb: no
  199. aDaMnAwAb: i was exaggerating
  200. punchdrunk16: ohhh
  201. punchdrunk16: what color were they?
  202. punchdrunk16: black, i presume
  203. punchdrunk16: ahahaha
  204. aDaMnAwAb: lol
  205. punchdrunk16: pink?
  206. aDaMnAwAb: no...but one was hairy
  207. aDaMnAwAb: ..../dies
  208. punchdrunk16: LOL
  209. punchdrunk16: the other was shaved?
  210. punchdrunk16: sophie had hair, but not a lot
  211. aDaMnAwAb: ya....but it wasnt the girl i was with
  212. punchdrunk16: as long as they keep it tidy
  213. punchdrunk16: this weekend was good for me self-confidence
  214. punchdrunk16: its ever so slowly coming back
  215. punchdrunk16: each trip down there
  216. aDaMnAwAb: ya
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