
School Timetable IIRC

Dec 20th, 2013
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  1. Start time Finish time Period
  2. -----------------------------------------------
  3. 8:50 9:00 Registration
  4. 9:00 10:00 1st Period
  5. 10:00 11:00 2nd Period
  6. 11:00 11:15 Play Time
  7. 11:15 12:15 3rd Period
  8. 12:15 13:30 Dinner Hour
  9. 13:30 14:30 4th Period
  10. 14:30 15:30 5th Period
  12. - Our dinner hour was incredibly long, because the canteen was small and had to hold two sittings.
  14. - There was a 10 minute afternoon break too at some point, which was cancelled and the school day made that much shorter.
  17. As far as I can recall it, my time table looked like this:
  19. 1 2 3 4 5
  20. -----------------------------------------------
  21. Mon Maths French Crafts Geog History
  22. Tue Science Maths Crafts English Geog
  23. Wed Maths PE Art Science RE
  24. Thu PE English IT Maths Science
  25. Fri History Science Music English French
  29. Class Hours per week. Notes
  30. -----------------------------------------------
  31. Maths 4. So almost every day. It was a good thing that I enjoyed maths. :)
  33. Science 4. This was 2+2 classes. eg, in Autumn term this might be 2 Chemistry + 2 Biology. Then Spring and Summer terms would include physics and drop one of the other discplines.)
  35. English 3. For one term of the year only, one of these hours became Drama class.
  37. History 2. I found this incredibly boring, and it wasn't helped by the fact that my teacher had this unemotional monotone voice and he just kept talking, in one long incredibly unbroken sentence.
  39. Geography 2. There are U and V shaped river valleys. Population pyramids. The rivers in france (which are V shaped). The port of Basel, which is inland, and pronounced Barl. Repeat every month.
  41. Crafts 2. As with science, this was 1+1 class which rotated each term between (cooking+electronics | cooking+technical drawing | needlecraft+woodwork) This was one of my favourite lessons.
  43. French 2. Nobody seemed to take french seriously in my school. Foreign languages seem to be considered less important here than in other parts of europe.
  45. PE 2. Initially we had two PE lessons per week. As we moved to senior years this was reduced to one to make room for our options.
  47. IT 1. I'm not sure what happened to this lesson, because we didn't have it through the whole year. I remember there was a health class which popped up at random times, and it might have been swapped in here.
  49. Art 1. Each term this rotated between painting, ceramics, and drawing.
  51. Music 1. Probably the most unstructured lesson. It often seemed more like 'hand out the electronic keyboards and let them get on with it'. Occasionally our teacher played something on the piano and we'd listen to her skills. Occasionally we had little quizzes. This was one of my favourite lessons.
  53. RE 1. This was another very unstructured lesson. Our teacher encouraged us to ask questions about anything we wanted (most was not even religious stuff), and she would answer them to the best of her ability. She'd often get us trying to answer our questions for ourselves. This was one of my favourite lessons.
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