
Story update 2, Electric boogaloo.

Dec 18th, 2016
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  1. You lie back for a time, relaxing as Fey enjoys the warmth your body provides. She feels the same, but her personality feels much different than the feeling from before. You wonder if that was simply a tough act.
  3. You slowly ruffle her hair, she looks at you rather strangely. “Colour me confused, why are you patting my head?”
  5. “Force of habit”.
  7. “I would guess that your acquaintances are rather lewd then.”
  9. “You would be correct to guess that, though they are lovely wives”.
  11. She cocks an eyebrow. “Do they know of all of this?”
  13. “The lady herself told them, though they rarely speak of it”.
  15. Fey narrows her eyes for a mere fraction of a second, in fact you are unsure if it actually happened. Her veil obscures so much of her features, it’s hard to tell if ti was simply a trick of the light.
  17. “Well that is good then, cannot keep them in the dark about everything, but go to great lengths to make sure that they stay safe and preferably by your side.”
  19. “I always do”.
  21. Her words seem slightly rushed and out of the left wing, though she has a clear composure something is slightly off. You put that thought off to the side for the moment, even if you asked Fey she would not tell you. Most likely.
  23. But you have to try.
  25. “Is something else the matter Fey? You seem tense, here let me help”.
  27. Your hands slide into the back of her robe and start pressing into her back. Your fingers rotate and start massaging her. She stretches back at your touch and stifles a small moan of relaxation like a small cat would mewl.
  29. Between her stifled breaths she can manage to say. “Nothing important, I’m just a little tired and annoyed from a lack of activity.”
  31. “I see, I see”.
  33. “Anon… When your done do you mind if I just take a nap here? Please?”
  35. Strange, why is she acting submissive infront of you? Why does she act so differently? Is it really the pregnancy? You have heard that it can cause changes like this for the duration but this does seem extreme.
  37. You imagine a cuddly and submissive Khaldir, happy smiling and sitting on your lap. Her heated fur and soft skin pressing against yours in front of a fire place. You imagine a small sleeping Klo curled in your lap, face pressed into your chest as she barks quietly in her sleep. Her tail wagging from a happiness in her dreams. Such a thing would be nice. Such a thing would be cute.
  39. “For a time Fey, I have a few errands I need to run. Would you like me to carry you to your room?”
  41. She yawns and snuggles down, pulling the furs over her. “Okay, in a minute”.
  43. Then you can hear light snoring.
  45. Then loud snoring. Like someone has been asleep for some time.
  47. You look under her veil, out of curiosity. Her pale complexion is as it was, her slightly pudgy face is as it was, narrow cheekbones and small jaw alike. Her hair, the bangs, have been cut back slightly. She is smiling with her pale, near ghostly white lips.
  49. You pull off the furs slowly and pick her up, princess style.
  51. She squirms but does not wake.
  53. You walk to the right wall and imagine the nice wooden door that lead to Fey’s room. When you blink the door is suddenly there. You open it using your foot and silently walk inside. The room is the same as the one you woke in when you first arrived, excessive amounts of luxurious decor and all.
  55. You lower Fey onto the bed and pull up the sheets as she buries herself in the several pillows. One of the pillows as a large “X” scratched into the pillowcase, and that is the one she buries her face into.
  57. You walk out of the room.
  59. Now to find Caelumei, or Deadskies as she introduced herself. Though she did say she was going to find you when the time was right.
  61. You walk out to the library, not really knowing too many other places at the moment. You don’t immediately see anything and turn to instead pop over to the bar that you remember from that party.
  63. You end up in the party room once again, and see that it is equally populated as it was before. Many tailed demons, very few untailed ones, all talking in small groups. On some couches you can see some servant boy being ravished by elder Demon’s who have nobody of their own, though not many.
  65. You take a quick peek around, managing to not be seen. Now that you think about it, ever since you have gotten your powers you seem to stand out less. You blend in here more.
  67. Eventually you find the bard and see Caelumei sitting on a large armchair, her large clawed knuckles gripped around a large tankard.
  69. You move over and sit beside her quietly.
  71. “Bartender, hand me and the beautiful lady next to me a tankard of what she’s having would you kindly?.”
  73. The bartender is a simple succubus, minor, small tail, weak wings that do not even allow flight. A peon among peons.
  75. You slide four silver coins along the Table, knowing that the pure silver content of Lost Man’s Silver coins is much purer and would act as a suitable exchange. The succubus, slightly long face, happy smile, tiny hands, pulls out a scale. She places the coins in a small pile and a small weight on the other end. She nods and hands you and Caelumei a tankard.
  77. You take a small sip while Caelumei seems rather surprised to see you.
  79. “Well then, the game victor graces me with his presence. I felt you enter with that scroll I gave you,I expected that I would find you.”
  81. You smirk, very slightly. “I prefer to not leave debts unsettled. It is unbecoming of someone in my profession. When a deal is struck it is my word to see it through”.
  83. The Smug demon smiles sharply, revealing several teeth. Your traditionalism is becoming of you in my opinion”.
  85. The pair of you take drinks from your tankards almost simultaneously, as if you were old drinking buddies.
  87. “Why thank you Caelumei.”
  89. “Not many humans bother to pronounce my name properly. I am surprised that you do not simply call me Dead Skies.”
  91. The spikes that make up her “Hair” all seem to shift slowly into a more relaxed position, all the way down her back. She leans forward with her bone ribbed elbows leaning on the marble counter. Her four wings stretch slightly outward and only slightly graze you.
  93. “However, I was asked not to ravish and exhaust you by My Mistress herself. So I will not… But there is something I would not mind your help with.”
  95. "And what would that be, and what would I gain if you don't mind my bluntness?"
  97. She looks downward at the tankard. "I was asked to go to a meeting with Vauriel, but I was told to bring someone with me. However I don't have anyone I would like to take".
  99. "And what is this meeting about?"
  101. She seems slightly different from her stern and confident manner. More dodgy than before like she wants to avoid the question.
  103. "I am supposed to talk..."
  105. "and?"
  107. "And.."
  109. >What to do?
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