
Ouroboros Tape

Feb 25th, 2019
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  1. When the tape starts, you can see The Curator stepping into a familiar hall, the Reproduction Studies Hall, although it is far nicer than when you saw it, and he's wearing a rather bright neon pink suit with a cane in one hand, very obviously for show instead of function. Beside him as he walks is another man, broader and either his height or taller, though it's difficult to tell with the angle of the camera. But in contrast to the Curator's crisp, arguably over-adorned and flashy suit-fashion style, this other person wears layers of thin, flowing robes. Delicate and subtly ornate in the style of hanfu cloaks, loose sleeves open wide at the ends where his hands clasp politely behind his back. You don't get a good look at his face, but his skin is a fair, light amber, hair dark and long; it's pulled up into a high bun and held with a hairpiece at the tie that resembles a lotus flower in the curve of a crescent moon. The Curator speaks with a smile in his usual way,this time almost like a salesman. "I am so, so glad you're interested in a partnership, as you can see my operations here are a bit reduced lately, but our research departments are busier than ever." The man responds with a voice that sounds almost computer generated, but too human to be entirely fake. It's a voice you all might recognize. Toby. "I take it research is a priority, then." The Curator responds easily and quickly. "Yes, especially at the moment while we build up a bigger stockpile of Homunculus and collect more agents." A slight pause from the man opposite of him before he speaks again. "Might there come a time when your homunculi will have advanced enough to be suitable replacements for human agents?" A grin breaks out on the Curator's face, showcasing his rows of sharpened teeth. "Oh absolutely. That's part of one of the current projects in fact. Make them more dynamic and adaptable, easier to replicate humans and do what they can do." The man responds calmly in contrast with The Curator's excitement. "I would be interested to see how far you have come in these endeavors so far." The Curator speeds up his walk eagerly, leading the man out of frame. "Oh I would love to show you! Come come it's right over here!" And with that, the tape ends.
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