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Nov 15th, 2013
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  1. Traceback (most recent call last):
  2. File "", line 117, in main
  3. File "lib\controller.pyo", line 121, in __init__
  4. File "wx\lib\pubsub\pubsub1\pub.pyo", line 750, in sendMessage
  5. File "wx\lib\pubsub\pubsub1\pub.pyo", line 423, in sendMessage
  6. File "wx\lib\pubsub\pubsub1\pub.pyo", line 261, in sendMessage
  7. File "lib\controller.pyo", line 124, in OnInit
  8. File "lib\initialization.pyo", line 206, in InitializeLauncher
  9. File "lib\initialization.pyo", line 136, in SetLanguage
  10. File "lib\userSettings.pyo", line 38, in Serialize
  11. IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'D:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-beta\\launcher\\cache\\settings.yaml'
  12. Locals by frame, innermost last:
  13. Frame <module> in at line 147:
  14. EnsureDirectoryIsWritable = <function EnsureDirectoryIsWritable at 0x0243F770>
  15. Event = <class ''>
  16. IsLowerFolderPrivsRun = <function IsLowerFolderPrivsRun at 0x0243F7B0>
  17. NoInternetError = <class 'lib.exceptions.NoInternetError'>
  18. ServerUnreachableException = <class 'lib.exceptions.ServerUnreachableException'>
  19. Shutdown = <function Shutdown at 0x032E1DB0>
  20. __builtins__ = <module '__builtin__' (built-in)>
  21. __doc__ = None
  22. __name__ = '__main__'
  23. __package__ = None
  24. esky = <module 'esky' from 'D:\Program Files (x86)\CCP\EVE-beta\launcher\appdata\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.651614.win32\\esky\__init__.pyo'>
  25. launcherApp = <module 'lib.ui.launcherApp' from 'D:\Program Files (x86)\CCP\EVE-beta\launcher\appdata\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.651614.win32\\lib\ui\launcherApp.pyo'>
  26. launcher_helper = <module 'lib.launcher_helper' from 'D:\Program Files (x86)\CCP\EVE-beta\launcher\appdata\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.651614.win32\\lib\launcher_helper.pyo'>
  27. log = <module 'lib.log' from 'D:\Program Files (x86)\CCP\EVE-beta\launcher\appdata\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.651614.win32\\lib\log.pyo'>
  28. main = <function main at 0x033C67F0>
  29. os = <module 'os' from 'D:\Program Files (x86)\CCP\EVE-beta\launcher\appdata\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.651614.win32\\os.pyo'>
  30. signal = <module 'signal' (built-in)>
  31. sys = <module 'sys' (built-in)>
  32. utilities = <module 'utilities' from 'D:\Program Files (x86)\CCP\EVE-beta\launcher\appdata\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.651614.win32\\utilities.pyo'>
  33. utils = <module 'lib.utils' from 'D:\Program Files (x86)\CCP\EVE-beta\launcher\appdata\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.651614.win32\\lib\utils.pyo'>
  34. winapitools = <module 'lib.winapitools' from 'D:\Program Files (x86)\CCP\EVE-beta\launcher\appdata\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.651614.win32\\lib\winapitools.pyo'>
  35. zipextimporter = <module 'zipextimporter' from 'D:\Program Files (x86)\CCP\EVE-beta\launcher\appdata\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.651614.win32\\zipextimporter.pyo'>
  36. zsync = <module 'zsync' from 'D:\Program Files (x86)\CCP\EVE-beta\launcher\appdata\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.651614.win32\\zsync\__init__.pyo'>
  37. Frame main in at line 134:
  38. app = <lib.ui.launcherApp.LauncherApp; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxPyApp *' at 0x27f0fe0> >
  39. controller = <module 'lib.controller' from 'D:\Program Files (x86)\CCP\EVE-beta\launcher\appdata\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.651614.win32\\lib\controller.pyo'>
  40. runtime = < object at 0x032E0BB0>
  41. Frame __init__ in lib\controller.pyo at line 121:
  42. app = <lib.ui.launcherApp.LauncherApp; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxPyApp *' at 0x27f0fe0> >
  43. publisher = < instance at 0x03303968>
  44. self = <lib.controller.Controller instance at 0x033C7620>
  45. Frame sendMessage in wx\lib\pubsub\pubsub1\pub.pyo at line 750:
  46. aTopic = (1,)
  47. data = None
  48. message = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.datamsg.Message instance at 0x033E30A8>
  49. onTopicNeverCreated = None
  50. self = < instance at 0x03303968>
  51. self._PublisherClass__deliveryCount = 0
  52. self._PublisherClass__messageCount = 1
  53. self._PublisherClass__topicTree = < instance at 0x03303850>
  54. topic = 1
  55. Frame sendMessage in wx\lib\pubsub\pubsub1\pub.pyo at line 423:
  56. deliveryCount = 0
  57. message = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.datamsg.Message instance at 0x033E30A8>
  58. node = < instance at 0x033DC058>
  59. onTopicNeverCreated = None
  60. self = < instance at 0x03303850>
  61. self._TopicTreeNode__callables = []
  62. self._TopicTreeNode__onDeadListenerWeakCB = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 53491712>
  63. self._TopicTreeNode__subtopics = {4096: < instance at 0x033E36E8>, 1: < instance at 0x033DC058>, 2: < instance at 0x033DC5A8>, 3: < instance at 0x033DCA58>, 4: < instance at 0x033DEE18>, 5: < instance at 0x033DEEE0>, 6: < instance at 0x033DEFA8>, 7: < instance at 0x033DCF58>, 8: < instance at 0x033DC300>, 9: < instance at 0x033DEC88>, 10: < instance at 0x033DEBC0>, 11: < instance at 0x033DED50>, 12: < instance at 0x033E3238>, 4098: < instance at 0x033E37B0>, 16: < instance at 0x033E3558>, 17: < instance at 0x033E3620>, 19: < instance at 0x033E33C8>, 20: < instance at 0x033E3490>, 21: < instance at 0x033E3300>, 22: < instance at 0x033DE4E0>, 23: < instance at 0x033E3170>, 4100: < instance at 0x033E3940>, 768: < instance at 0x033E3C60>, 4101: < instance at 0x033E3A08>, 8193: < instance at 0x033E3B98>, 4102: < instance at 0x033E3AD0>, 13: < instance at 0x033E3D28>, 4099: < instance at 0x033E3878>, 512: < instance at 0x033E3DF0>}
  64. self._TopicTreeNode__topicPath = ('',)
  65. self._TopicTreeRoot__callbackDict = {<wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 54409056>: [<weakref at 033E1720; to 'instance' at 033E3620>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 54411056>: [<weakref at 033E1AE0; to 'instance' at 033E3DF0>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 54408056>: [<weakref at 033E1540; to 'instance' at 033E3238>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 54408256>: [<weakref at 033E15A0; to 'instance' at 033E3300>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 54408856>: [<weakref at 033E16C0; to 'instance' at 033E3558>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 54410856>: [<weakref at 033E1A80; to 'instance' at 033E3D28>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 54410656>: [<weakref at 033E1A20; to 'instance' at 033E3C60>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 54380424>: [<weakref at 033E1060; to 'instance' at 033DC058>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 54408456>: [<weakref at 033E1600; to 'instance' at 033E33C8>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 54408656>: [<weakref at 033E1660; to 'instance' at 033E3490>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 54390616>: [<weakref at 033E1360; to 'instance' at 033DEE18>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 54407256>: [<weakref at 033E13C0; to 'instance' at 033DEEE0>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 54389616>: [<weakref at 033E1180; to 'instance' at 033DCF58>, <weakref at 033E1780; to 'instance' at 033E36E8>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 54389816>: [<weakref at 033E11E0; to 'instance' at 033DC300>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 54407456>: [<weakref at 033E1420; to 'instance' at 033DEFA8>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 54407656>: [<weakref at 033E1480; to 'instance' at 033DE4E0>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 54407856>: [<weakref at 033E14E0; to 'instance' at 033E3170>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 54390016>: [<weakref at 033E1240; to 'instance' at 033DEBC0>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 54390416>: [<weakref at 033E1300; to 'instance' at 033DED50>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 54390216>: [<weakref at 033E12A0; to 'instance' at 033DEC88>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 54410056>: [<weakref at 033E1900; to 'instance' at 033E3A08>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 54388056>: [<weakref at 033E1120; to 'instance' at 033DCA58>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 54410456>: [<weakref at 033E19C0; to 'instance' at 033E3B98>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 54381944>: [<weakref at 033E10C0; to 'instance' at 033DC5A8>, <weakref at 033E17E0; to 'instance' at 033E37B0>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 54409656>: [<weakref at 033E1840; to 'instance' at 033E3878>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 54409856>: [<weakref at 033E18A0; to 'instance' at 033E3940>], <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 54410256>: [<weakref at 033E1960; to 'instance
  66. self._TopicTreeRoot__callbackDictCleanup = 0
  67. topic = (1,)
  68. topicItem = 1
  69. Frame sendMessage in wx\lib\pubsub\pubsub1\pub.pyo at line 261:
  70. cb = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 54380424>
  71. deliveryCount = 0
  72. listener = <bound method Controller.OnInit of <lib.controller.Controller instance at 0x033C7620>>
  73. message = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.datamsg.Message instance at 0x033E30A8>
  74. self = < instance at 0x033DC058>
  75. self._TopicTreeNode__callables = [<wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 54380424>]
  76. self._TopicTreeNode__onDeadListenerWeakCB = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.weakmethod.WeakMethod at 53491712>
  77. self._TopicTreeNode__subtopics = {}
  78. self._TopicTreeNode__topicPath = (1,)
  79. Frame OnInit in lib\controller.pyo at line 124:
  80. event = <wx.lib.pubsub.core.datamsg.Message instance at 0x033E30A8>
  81. self = <lib.controller.Controller instance at 0x033C7620>
  82. = <lib.ui.launcherApp.LauncherApp; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxPyApp *' at 0x27f0fe0> >
  83. self.folder = None
  84. self.settings = None
  85. self.upToDate = None
  86. self.view = None
  87. Frame InitializeLauncher in lib\initialization.pyo at line 206:
  88. folder = u'D:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-beta'
  89. launcherResourcesDir = u'D:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-beta\\launcher\\appdata\\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.651614.win32'
  90. settings = <lib.userSettings.UserSettings instance at 0x0709FF30>
  91. Frame SetLanguage in lib\initialization.pyo at line 136:
  92. languageFromLocale = 'en'
  93. languageFromSettings = 'en'
  94. languageToUse = 'en'
  95. settings = <lib.userSettings.UserSettings instance at 0x0709FF30>
  96. Frame Serialize in lib\userSettings.pyo at line 38:
  97. self = <lib.userSettings.UserSettings instance at 0x0709FF30>
  98. self.default = None
  99. self.defaultSettingsKey = 'DefaultSettings'
  100. = False
  101. self.settings = {'Settings': {'DeletePatches': True, 'NumberOfDownloadThreads': 5, 'KeepSeeding': False, 'Language': 'en', 'MaxConnections': 16, 'DownloadThrottling': 0, 'MaxListenPort': 6959, 'DisableHashChecks': False, 'TorrentConnectionTimeout': 90, 'UploadSlots': 8, 'IgnoreResumeTimestamps': False, 'CloseLauncherAfterStartingClient': False, 'UploadThrottling': 10, 'StartInSafeMode': False, 'MinListenPort': 6811, 'SendLogs': True}}
  102. self.settingsFile = u'D:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-beta\\launcher\\cache\\settings.yaml'
  103. self.usingInfoDefaults = False
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