
noob bat fe edit

Jun 16th, 2019
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  1. --ah
  2. if game:GetService("RunService"):IsClient() then error("Script must be server-side in order to work; use h/ and not hl/") end
  3. local Player,Mouse,mouse,UserInputService,ContextActionService = owner
  4. do
  5. print("FE Compatibility code by Mokiros | Translated to FE by pizzacruster!")
  6. script.Parent = Player.Character
  8. --RemoteEvent for communicating
  9. local Event ="RemoteEvent")
  10. Event.Name = "UserInput_Event"
  12. --Fake event to make stuff like Mouse.KeyDown work
  13. local function fakeEvent()
  14. local t = {_fakeEvent=true,Connect=function(self,f)self.Function=f end}
  15. t.connect = t.Connect
  16. return t
  17. end
  19. --Creating fake input objects with fake variables
  20. local m = {Target=nil,,KeyUp=fakeEvent(),KeyDown=fakeEvent(),Button1Up=fakeEvent(),Button1Down=fakeEvent()}
  21. local UIS = {InputBegan=fakeEvent(),InputEnded=fakeEvent()}
  22. local CAS = {Actions={},BindAction=function(self,name,fun,touch,...)
  23. CAS.Actions[name] = fun and {Name=name,Function=fun,Keys={...}} or nil
  24. end}
  25. --Merged 2 functions into one by checking amount of arguments
  26. CAS.UnbindAction = CAS.BindAction
  28. --This function will trigger the events that have been :Connect()'ed
  29. local function te(self,ev,...)
  30. local t = m[ev]
  31. if t and t._fakeEvent and t.Function then
  32. t.Function(...)
  33. end
  34. end
  35. m.TrigEvent = te
  36. UIS.TrigEvent = te
  38. Event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr,io)
  39. if plr~=Player then return end
  40. if io.isMouse then
  41. m.Target = io.Target
  42. m.Hit = io.Hit
  43. else
  44. local b = io.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin
  45. if io.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
  46. return m:TrigEvent(b and "Button1Down" or "Button1Up")
  47. end
  48. for _,t in pairs(CAS.Actions) do
  49. for _,k in pairs(t.Keys) do
  50. if k==io.KeyCode then
  51. t.Function(t.Name,io.UserInputState,io)
  52. end
  53. end
  54. end
  55. m:TrigEvent(b and "KeyDown" or "KeyUp",io.KeyCode.Name:lower())
  56. UIS:TrigEvent(b and "InputBegan" or "InputEnded",io,false)
  57. end
  58. end)
  59. Event.Parent = NLS([==[
  60. local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  61. local Event = script:WaitForChild("UserInput_Event")
  63. local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
  64. local input = function(io,a)
  65. if a then return end
  66. --Since InputObject is a client-side instance, we create and pass table instead
  67. Event:FireServer({KeyCode=io.KeyCode,UserInputType=io.UserInputType,UserInputState=io.UserInputState})
  68. end
  69. UIS.InputBegan:Connect(input)
  70. UIS.InputEnded:Connect(input)
  72. local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
  73. local h,t
  74. --Give the server mouse data 30 times every second, but only if the values changed
  75. --If player is not moving their mouse, client won't fire events
  76. while wait(1/30) do
  77. if h~=Mouse.Hit or t~=Mouse.Target then
  78. h,t=Mouse.Hit,Mouse.Target
  79. Event:FireServer({isMouse=true,Target=t,Hit=h})
  80. end
  81. end]==],Player.Character)
  82. Mouse,mouse,UserInputService,ContextActionService = m,m,UIS,CAS
  83. end
  87. -----Decompiled And Stolen Of Dahnoob, Leaked By Shelter----
  89. plr = owner
  90. repeat
  91. wait(0.4)
  92. until plr.Character
  93. chr = plr.Character
  94. human = chr:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  95. mouse = Mouse
  96. cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
  97. selected = false
  98. equipd = false
  99. tors = chr.Torso
  100. rarm = chr["Right Arm"]
  101. larm = chr["Left Arm"]
  102. rleg = chr["Right Leg"]
  103. lleg = chr["Left Leg"]
  104. hrp = chr.HumanoidRootPart
  105. hed = chr.Head
  106. anim = human:FindFirstChild("Animator")
  107. activu = false
  108. ragged = false
  109. batting = false
  110. memeing = false
  111. Heartbeat ="BindableEvent")
  112. Heartbeat.Name = "Heartbeat"
  113. Heartbeat.Parent = script
  114. frame = 0.03333333333333333
  115. tf = 0
  116. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(function(s, p)
  117. tf = tf + s
  118. if tf >= frame then
  119. for i = 1, math.floor(tf / frame) do
  120. Heartbeat:Fire()
  121. end
  122. tf = tf - frame * math.floor(tf / frame)
  123. end
  124. end)
  125. function swait(num)
  126. if num == 0 or num == nil then
  127. Heartbeat.Event:wait()
  128. else
  129. for i = 1, num do
  130. Heartbeat.Event:wait()
  131. end
  132. end
  133. end
  134. tool ="Tool")
  135. tool.CanBeDropped = false
  136. tool.RequiresHandle = false
  137. tool.TextureId = "rbxassetid://291302154"
  138. tool.ToolTip = "NANI"
  139. tool.Name = "AAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
  140. tool.Parent = plr.Backpack
  141. modz ="Model")
  142. modz.Name = "efx"
  143. modz.Parent = chr
  144. RSC0 =, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  145. RSC1 =, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  146. LSC0 =, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  147. LSC1 =, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  148. RHC0 =, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  149. RHC1 =, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  150. LHC0 =, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  151. RJC1 =, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  152. LHC1 =, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  153. NC0 =, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  154. NC1 =, -0.5, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  155. RJC0 =, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  156. local nscale ="NumberValue")
  157. nscale.Value = 1
  158. nscale.Parent = nil
  159. RightShoulderC0 = * nscale.Value, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  160. RightShoulderC1 =, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  161. LeftShoulderC0 = * nscale.Value, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  162. LeftShoulderC1 =, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  163. RightHipC0 = * nscale.Value, -1 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  164. RightHipC1 =, 1 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  165. LeftHipC0 = * nscale.Value, -1 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  166. LeftHipC1 = * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  167. RootJointC0 =, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  168. RootJointC1 =, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  169. NeckC0 =, 1 * nscale.Value, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  170. NeckC1 =, -0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  171. nscale.Changed:connect(function()
  172. RightShoulderC0 = * nscale.Value, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  173. RightShoulderC1 =, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  174. LeftShoulderC0 = * nscale.Value, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  175. LeftShoulderC1 =, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  176. RightHipC0 = * nscale.Value, -1 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  177. RightHipC1 =, 1 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  178. LeftHipC0 = * nscale.Value, -1 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  179. LeftHipC1 = * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  180. RootJointC0 =, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  181. RootJointC1 =, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  182. NeckC0 =, 1 * nscale.Value, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  183. NeckC1 =, -0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  184. end)
  185. RS = tors:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder")
  186. LS = tors:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder")
  187. RH = tors:FindFirstChild("Right Hip")
  188. LH = tors:FindFirstChild("Left Hip")
  189. RJ = hrp:FindFirstChild("RootJoint")
  190. N = tors:FindFirstChild("Neck")
  191. cf =
  192. ang = CFrame.Angles
  193. rd = math.rad
  194. rd2 = math.random
  195. function nooutline(p)
  196. p.TopSurface, p.BottomSurface, p.LeftSurface, p.RightSurface, p.FrontSurface, p.BottomSurface = 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
  197. end
  198. function makepart(color, name, reflec, trans, mater, parnt, cfram)
  199. local port ="Part")
  200. port.BrickColor =
  201. port.Name = name
  202. port.Transparency = trans
  203. nooutline(port)
  204. port.Reflectance = reflec
  205. port.Material = mater
  206. port.Anchored = false
  207. port.CanCollide = false
  208. port.Locked = true
  209. port.CFrame = cfram
  210. port.Size =, 0.2, 0.2)
  211. port.Parent = parnt
  212. return port
  213. end
  214. function makemesh(meshtype, scale, meshid, parent)
  215. local mes ="SpecialMesh")
  216. mes.MeshType = meshtype
  217. mes.Scale = scale
  218. if meshtype == "FileMesh" then
  219. mes.MeshId = meshid
  220. end
  221. mes.Parent = parent
  222. return mes
  223. end
  224. function makeweld(parent, p0, p1, c0, c1)
  225. local wel ="Weld")
  226. wel.Part0 = p0
  227. wel.Part1 = p1
  228. wel.C0 = c0
  229. if c1 ~= nil then
  230. wel.C1 = c1
  231. end
  232. wel.Parent = parent
  233. return wel
  234. end
  235. local lauf1 ="Sound")
  236. lauf1.SoundId = "rbxassetid://725969678"
  237. lauf1.Volume = 1.5
  238. lauf1.Pitch = 1
  239. lauf1.Parent = hrp
  240. function lerpz(joint, prop, cfrmz, alp)
  241. joint[prop] = joint[prop]:lerp(cfrmz, alp)
  242. end
  243. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  244. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  245. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  246. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  247. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  248. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  249. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  250. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  251. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  252. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  253. function resetlerp()
  254. RJ.C0 = RJC0
  255. RJ.C1 = RJC1
  256. N.C0 = NC0
  257. N.C1 = NC1
  258. RS.C0 = RSC0
  259. RS.C1 = RSC1
  260. LS.C0 = LSC0
  261. LS.C1 = LSC1
  262. RH.C0 = RHC0
  263. RH.C1 = RHC1
  264. LH.C0 = LHC0
  265. LH.C1 = LHC1
  266. end
  267. function test()
  268. if selected == false or activu == true then
  269. return
  270. end
  271. if ragged == false then
  272. ragged = true
  273. human.PlatformStand = true
  274. if rarm and tors:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder") then
  275. tors:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder"):Destroy()
  276. makegloo(tors, RightShoulderC0, RightShoulderC1, tors, rarm, "Right Shoulder")
  277. maketouchy(rarm, rarm,, 0.5, 0))
  278. end
  279. if larm and tors:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder") then
  280. tors:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder"):Destroy()
  281. makegloo(tors, LeftShoulderC0, LeftShoulderC1, tors, larm, "Left Shoulder")
  282. maketouchy(larm, larm,, 0.5, 0))
  283. end
  284. if rleg and tors:FindFirstChild("Right Hip") then
  285. tors:FindFirstChild("Right Hip"):Destroy()
  286. makegloo(tors, RightHipC0, RightHipC1, tors, rleg, "Right Hip")
  287. maketouchy(rleg, rleg,, 0.5, 0))
  288. end
  289. if lleg and tors:FindFirstChild("Left Hip") then
  290. tors:FindFirstChild("Left Hip"):Destroy()
  291. makegloo(tors, LeftHipC0, LeftHipC1, tors, lleg, "Left Hip")
  292. maketouchy(lleg, lleg,, 0.5, 0))
  293. end
  294. elseif ragged == true then
  295. ragged = false
  296. human.Jump = true
  297. if rarm and tors:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder") then
  298. tors:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder"):Destroy()
  299. makejoint(tors, RSC0, RSC1, tors, rarm, "Right Shoulder")
  300. rarm:FindFirstChild("touchy"):Destroy()
  301. end
  302. if larm and tors:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder") then
  303. tors:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder"):Destroy()
  304. makejoint(tors, LSC0, LSC1, tors, larm, "Left Shoulder")
  305. larm:FindFirstChild("touchy"):Destroy()
  306. end
  307. if rleg and tors:FindFirstChild("Right Hip") then
  308. tors:FindFirstChild("Right Hip"):Destroy()
  309. makejoint(tors, RHC0, RHC1, tors, rleg, "Right Hip")
  310. rleg:FindFirstChild("touchy"):Destroy()
  311. end
  312. if lleg and tors:FindFirstChild("Left Hip") then
  313. tors:FindFirstChild("Left Hip"):Destroy()
  314. makejoint(tors, LHC0, LHC1, tors, lleg, "Left Hip")
  315. lleg:FindFirstChild("touchy"):Destroy()
  316. end
  317. RS = tors:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder")
  318. LS = tors:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder")
  319. RH = tors:FindFirstChild("Right Hip")
  320. LH = tors:FindFirstChild("Left Hip")
  321. RJ = hrp:FindFirstChild("RootJoint")
  322. N = tors:FindFirstChild("Neck")
  323. end
  324. end
  325. function makegloo(paren, co, ci, parto, parti, nam)
  326. local gloo ="Glue")
  327. gloo.Name = nam
  328. gloo.C0 = co
  329. gloo.C1 = ci
  330. gloo.Part0 = parto
  331. gloo.Part1 = parti
  332. gloo.Parent = paren
  333. end
  334. function makejoint(paren, co, ci, parto, parti, nam)
  335. local gloo ="Motor6D")
  336. gloo.Name = nam
  337. gloo.C0 = co
  338. gloo.C1 = ci
  339. gloo.Part0 = parto
  340. gloo.Part1 = parti
  341. gloo.Parent = paren
  342. end
  343. function maketouchy(parent, limb, cframe)
  344. local pr ="Part")
  345. pr.Name = "touchy"
  346. pr.Size = * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value)
  347. pr.Transparency = 1
  348. pr.CustomPhysicalProperties =, 0.3, 0.5)
  349. pr.CanCollide = true
  350. pr.Anchored = false
  351. pr.Parent = parent
  352. local w ="Weld")
  353. w.Part0 = pr
  354. w.Part1 = limb
  355. w.C0 = cframe
  356. w.Parent = pr
  357. end
  358. local clibat, spec, dipperrot
  359. local dipperhat = chr:FindFirstChild("DXD_DipperHat")
  360. if dipperhat then
  361. dipperrot = dipperhat.Handle.HatAttachment.Rotation
  362. end
  363. function bat()
  364. if selected == false or activu == true then
  365. return
  366. end
  367. if batting == false then
  368. batting = true
  369. dipperhat = chr:FindFirstChild("DXD_DipperHat")
  370. if dipperhat then
  371. dipperrot = dipperhat.Handle.HatAttachment.Rotation
  372. else
  373. dipperhat = nil
  374. end
  375. do
  376. local bmod ="Model")
  377. bmod.Name = "bmodel"
  378. bmod.Parent = chr
  379. local hnd = makepart("Br. yellowish green", "hnd", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  380. local hmes = makemesh("Head",, 9, 2), nil, hnd)
  381. local hwel = makeweld(hnd, hnd, rarm, ang(rd(90), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0), nil)
  382. local pt1 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt1", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  383. local p1m = makemesh("Head",, 2.5, 2.5), nil, pt1)
  384. local p1w = makeweld(pt1, pt1, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0), nil)
  385. local pt2 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt2", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  386. local p2m = makemesh("FileMesh",, 0.375, 0.375), "rbxassetid://250640098", pt2)
  387. p2m.TextureId = "rbxassetid://250639536"
  388. local p2w = makeweld(pt2, pt2, hnd, ang(rd(180), rd(180), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1.225, 0.075), nil)
  389. local pt3 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt3", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  390. local p3m = makemesh("Head",, 2.5, 2.5), nil, pt3)
  391. local p3w = makeweld(pt3, pt3, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -1, 0), nil)
  392. local pt4 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt4", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  393. local p4m = makemesh("FileMesh",, 0.025, 0.025), "rbxassetid://703458158", pt4)
  394. local p4w = makeweld(pt4, pt4, hnd, ang(rd(180), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -1.25, 0), nil)
  395. local pt5 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt5", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  396. local p5m = makemesh("Cylinder",, 6.25, 6.25), nil, pt5)
  397. local p5w = makeweld(pt5, pt5, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(0, -4.025, 0), nil)
  398. local pt6 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt6", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  399. local p6m = makemesh("Head",, 6.5, 6.5), nil, pt6)
  400. local p6w = makeweld(pt6, pt6, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -6.05, 0), nil)
  401. local pt7 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt7", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  402. local p7m = makemesh("FileMesh",, 0.95, 0.95), "rbxassetid://272942659", pt7)
  403. p7m.TextureId = "rbxassetid://272942750"
  404. local p7w = makeweld(pt7, pt7, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0, -6.2, 0), nil)
  405. local swingwoo ="Sound")
  406. swingwoo.SoundId = "rbxassetid://138097048"
  407. swingwoo.Pitch = rd2(10, 11) / 10
  408. swingwoo.Name = "sweae"
  409. swingwoo.Volume = 5
  410. swingwoo.Parent = hrp
  411. clibat = tool.Activated:connect(function()
  412. if selected == false or activu == true or ragged == true then
  413. return
  414. end
  415. activu = true
  416. for _ = 1, 5 do
  417. swait()
  418. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * ang(rd(-20), rd(10), rd(-40)), 0.7)
  419. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  420. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(-20), rd(179)), 0.7)
  421. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  422. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-20), rd(20), rd(30)), 0.7)
  423. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  424. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-30)), 0.7)
  425. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  426. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(-110)), 0.7)
  427. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  428. end
  429. local bon ="Sound")
  430. bon.SoundId = "rbxassetid://135436482"
  431. bon.Pitch = rd2(10, 12) / 10
  432. bon.Volume = 1
  433. bon.Parent = hrp
  434. game.Debris:AddItem(bon, 1)
  435. bon:Play()
  436. swingwoo:Play()
  437. for X = 1, 5 do
  438. swait()
  439. if X > 1 then
  440. hito(pt5, 5, 10, 0.2, hrp.CFrame.lookVector * 25,, rd2(-5, 5), rd2(-40, 40)))
  441. end
  442. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, -0.5, 0) * ang(rd(60), rd(-10), rd(30)), 0.7)
  443. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  444. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(20), rd(40)), 0.7)
  445. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  446. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-70), rd(20), rd(30)), 0.7)
  447. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  448. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(-40), rd(80)), 0.7)
  449. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  450. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(60)), 0.7)
  451. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  452. end
  453. activu = false
  454. end)
  455. spec = mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(keya)
  456. if selected == false or activu == true or ragged == true then
  457. return
  458. end
  459. if keya == "e" then
  460. activu = true
  461. local speed = human.WalkSpeed
  462. human.WalkSpeed = 0.5
  463. human:SetStateEnabled(3, false)
  464. local function expa()
  465. local sond ="Sound")
  466. sond.Volume = 1.25
  467. sond.Pitch = 1
  468. sond.EmitterSize = 15
  469. sond.SoundId = "rbxassetid://1370232812"
  470. sond.Parent = pt6
  471. sond.Playing = true
  472. for _ = 1, 3 do
  473. swait()
  474. hmes.Scale = hmes.Scale:lerp(, 27, 6), 0.7)
  475. p1m.Scale = p1m.Scale:lerp(, 7.5, 7.5), 0.7)
  476. p1w.C0 = p1w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 3, 0), 0.7)
  477. p2m.Scale = p2m.Scale:lerp(, 1.125, 1.125), 0.7)
  478. p2w.C0 = p2w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(180), rd(0)) * cf(0, 3.6750000000000003, 0.22499999999999998), 0.7)
  479. p3m.Scale = p3m.Scale:lerp(, 7.5, 7.5), 0.7)
  480. p3w.C0 = p3w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -3, 0), 0.7)
  481. p4m.Scale = p4m.Scale:lerp(, 0.07500000000000001, 0.07500000000000001), 0.7)
  482. p4w.C0 = p4w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -3.75, 0), 0.7)
  483. p5m.Scale = p5m.Scale:lerp(, 18.75, 18.75), 0.7)
  484. p5w.C0 = p5w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(0, -12.075000000000001, 0), 0.7)
  485. p6m.Scale = p6m.Scale:lerp(, 19.5, 19.5), 0.7)
  486. p6w.C0 = p6w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -18.15, 0), 0.7)
  487. p7m.Scale = p7m.Scale:lerp(, 2.8499999999999996, 2.8499999999999996), 0.7)
  488. p7w.C0 = p7w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0, -18.6, 0), 0.7)
  489. end
  490. for _ = 1, 5 do
  491. wait(1)
  492. sond.Playing = false
  493. hmes.Scale = hmes.Scale:lerp(, 18, 4), 0.7)
  494. p1m.Scale = p1m.Scale:lerp(, 5, 5), 0.7)
  495. p1w.C0 = p1w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 2, 0), 0.7)
  496. p2m.Scale = p2m.Scale:lerp(, 0.75, 0.75), 0.7)
  497. p2w.C0 = p2w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(180), rd(0)) * cf(0, 2.45, 0.15), 0.7)
  498. p3m.Scale = p3m.Scale:lerp(, 5, 5), 0.7)
  499. p3w.C0 = p3w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -2, 0), 0.7)
  500. p4m.Scale = p4m.Scale:lerp(, 0.05, 0.05), 0.7)
  501. p4w.C0 = p4w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -2.5, 0), 0.7)
  502. p5m.Scale = p5m.Scale:lerp(, 12.5, 12.5), 0.7)
  503. p5w.C0 = p5w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(0, -8.05, 0), 0.7)
  504. p6m.Scale = p6m.Scale:lerp(, 13, 13), 0.7)
  505. p6w.C0 = p6w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -12.1, 0), 0.7)
  506. p7m.Scale = p7m.Scale:lerp(, 1.9, 1.9), 0.7)
  507. p7w.C0 = p7w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0, -12.4, 0), 0.7)
  508. end
  509. sond.Pitch = 0.75
  510. sond:Play()
  511. for _ = 1, 3 do
  512. swait()
  513. hmes.Scale = hmes.Scale:lerp(, 54, 12), 0.7)
  514. p1m.Scale = p1m.Scale:lerp(, 15, 15), 0.7)
  515. p1w.C0 = p1w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 6, 0), 0.7)
  516. p2m.Scale = p2m.Scale:lerp(, 2.25, 2.25), 0.7)
  517. p2w.C0 = p2w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(180), rd(0)) * cf(0, 7.3500000000000005, 0.44999999999999996), 0.7)
  518. p3m.Scale = p3m.Scale:lerp(, 15, 15), 0.7)
  519. p3w.C0 = p3w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -6, 0), 0.7)
  520. p4m.Scale = p4m.Scale:lerp(, 0.15000000000000002, 0.15000000000000002), 0.7)
  521. p4w.C0 = p4w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -7.5, 0), 0.7)
  522. p5m.Scale = p5m.Scale:lerp(, 37.5, 37.5), 0.7)
  523. p5w.C0 = p5w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(0, -24.150000000000002, 0), 0.7)
  524. p6m.Scale = p6m.Scale:lerp(, 39, 39), 0.7)
  525. p6w.C0 = p6w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -36.3, 0), 0.7)
  526. p7m.Scale = p7m.Scale:lerp(, 5.699999999999999, 5.699999999999999), 0.7)
  527. p7w.C0 = p7w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0, -37.2, 0), 0.7)
  528. end
  529. for _ = 1, 5 do
  530. swait()
  531. hmes.Scale = hmes.Scale:lerp(, 36, 8), 0.7)
  532. p1m.Scale = p1m.Scale:lerp(, 10, 10), 0.7)
  533. p1w.C0 = p1w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 4, 0), 0.7)
  534. p2m.Scale = p2m.Scale:lerp(, 1.5, 1.5), 0.7)
  535. p2w.C0 = p2w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(180), rd(0)) * cf(0, 4.9, 0.3), 0.7)
  536. p3m.Scale = p3m.Scale:lerp(, 10, 10), 0.7)
  537. p3w.C0 = p3w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -4, 0), 0.7)
  538. p4m.Scale = p4m.Scale:lerp(, 0.1, 0.1), 0.7)
  539. p4w.C0 = p4w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -5, 0), 0.7)
  540. p5m.Scale = p5m.Scale:lerp(, 25, 25), 0.7)
  541. p5w.C0 = p5w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(0, -16.1, 0), 0.7)
  542. p6m.Scale = p6m.Scale:lerp(, 26, 26), 0.7)
  543. p6w.C0 = p6w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -24.2, 0), 0.7)
  544. p7m.Scale = p7m.Scale:lerp(, 3.8, 3.8), 0.7)
  545. p7w.C0 = p7w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0, -24.8, 0), 0.7)
  546. end
  547. sond.Pitch = 0.4
  548. sond:Play()
  549. game.Debris:AddItem(sond, 2)
  550. for _ = 1, 3 do
  551. swait()
  552. hmes.Scale = hmes.Scale:lerp(, 81, 18), 0.7)
  553. p1m.Scale = p1m.Scale:lerp(, 22.5, 22.5), 0.7)
  554. p1w.C0 = p1w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 9, 0), 0.7)
  555. p2m.Scale = p2m.Scale:lerp(, 3.375, 3.375), 0.7)
  556. p2w.C0 = p2w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(180), rd(0)) * cf(0, 11.025, 0.6749999999999999), 0.7)
  557. p3m.Scale = p3m.Scale:lerp(, 22.5, 22.5), 0.7)
  558. p3w.C0 = p3w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -9, 0), 0.7)
  559. p4m.Scale = p4m.Scale:lerp(, 0.225, 0.225), 0.7)
  560. p4w.C0 = p4w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -11.25, 0), 0.7)
  561. p5m.Scale = p5m.Scale:lerp(, 56.25, 56.25), 0.7)
  562. p5w.C0 = p5w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(0, -36.225, 0), 0.7)
  563. p6m.Scale = p6m.Scale:lerp(, 58.5, 58.5), 0.7)
  564. p6w.C0 = p6w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -54.449999999999996, 0), 0.7)
  565. p7m.Scale = p7m.Scale:lerp(, 8.549999999999999, 8.549999999999999), 0.7)
  566. p7w.C0 = p7w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0, -55.800000000000004, 0), 0.7)
  567. end
  568. for _ = 1, 5 do
  569. swait()
  570. hmes.Scale = hmes.Scale:lerp(, 63, 14), 0.7)
  571. p1m.Scale = p1m.Scale:lerp(, 17.5, 17.5), 0.7)
  572. p1w.C0 = p1w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 7, 0), 0.7)
  573. p2m.Scale = p2m.Scale:lerp(, 2.625, 2.625), 0.7)
  574. p2w.C0 = p2w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(180), rd(0)) * cf(0, 8.575000000000001, 0.525), 0.7)
  575. p3m.Scale = p3m.Scale:lerp(, 17.5, 17.5), 0.7)
  576. p3w.C0 = p3w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -7, 0), 0.7)
  577. p4m.Scale = p4m.Scale:lerp(, 0.17500000000000002, 0.17500000000000002), 0.7)
  578. p4w.C0 = p4w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -8.75, 0), 0.7)
  579. p5m.Scale = p5m.Scale:lerp(, 43.75, 43.75), 0.7)
  580. p5w.C0 = p5w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(0, -28.175000000000004, 0), 0.7)
  581. p6m.Scale = p6m.Scale:lerp(, 45.5, 45.5), 0.7)
  582. p6w.C0 = p6w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -42.35, 0), 0.7)
  583. p7m.Scale = p7m.Scale:lerp(, 6.6499999999999995, 6.6499999999999995), 0.7)
  584. p7w.C0 = p7w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0, -43.4, 0), 0.7)
  585. end
  586. end
  587. for _ = 1, 9 do
  588. swait()
  589. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  590. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(10), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  591. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-20), rd(0), rd(-10)), 0.5)
  592. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  593. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0.2, -0.2) * ang(rd(70), rd(-60), rd(-100)), 0.5)
  594. if dipperhat then
  595. dipperhat.Handle.HatAttachment.Rotation = dipperhat.Handle.HatAttachment.Rotation:lerp(dipperrot +, 0, 0), 0.3)
  596. end
  597. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  598. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-10)), 0.5)
  599. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  600. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-10), rd(-10)), 0.5)
  601. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  602. end
  603. for _ = 1, 9 do
  604. swait()
  605. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  606. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(10), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  607. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-20), rd(0), rd(-10)), 0.5)
  608. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  609. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(35), rd(-50), rd(-100)), 0.3)
  610. if dipperhat then
  611. dipperhat.Handle.HatAttachment.Rotation = dipperhat.Handle.HatAttachment.Rotation:lerp(dipperrot +, 0, 0), 0.3)
  612. end
  613. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  614. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-10)), 0.5)
  615. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  616. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-10), rd(-10)), 0.5)
  617. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  618. end
  619. for _ = 1, 30 do
  620. swait()
  621. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(1.1, 0.6, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(-120)), 0.2)
  622. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(5), rd(0), rd(-20)), 0.2)
  623. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0.4, 0.2) * ang(rd(80), rd(-20), rd(80)), 0.2)
  624. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.2)
  625. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, -0.2, -0.7) * ang(rd(-20), rd(-60), rd(-80)), 0.2)
  626. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.2)
  627. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(-5)), 0.2)
  628. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.2)
  629. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0.4, 0, -0.4) * ang(rd(-10), rd(70), rd(-5)), 0.2)
  630. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.2)
  631. end
  632. expa()
  633. for O = 1, 10 do
  634. swait()
  635. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0.3, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(60)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
  636. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(5), rd(0), rd(-20)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
  637. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0.4, 0.2) * ang(rd(80), rd(-20), rd(80)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
  638. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
  639. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, -0.2, -0.7) * ang(rd(-20), rd(-60), rd(-80)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
  640. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
  641. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(-5)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
  642. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
  643. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0.4, 0, -0.4) * ang(rd(-10), rd(70), rd(-5)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
  644. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
  645. end
  646. local whoooo ="Sound")
  647. whoooo.Volume = 3
  648. whoooo.TimePosition = 0.15
  649. whoooo.Pitch = 0.5
  650. whoooo.SoundId = "rbxassetid://541909867"
  651. whoooo.Parent = pt5
  652. whoooo:Play()
  653. game.Debris:AddItem(whoooo, 2)
  654. for O = 1, 6 do
  655. swait()
  656. hito(pt5, 25, 40, 0.75, hrp.CFrame.rightVector * -100 +, 50, 0),, rd2(-25, 25), rd2(-160, 160)))
  657. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0.9, -0.7, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(120)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
  658. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(5), rd(0), rd(-20)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
  659. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0.4, 0.2) * ang(rd(80), rd(20), rd(20)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
  660. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
  661. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, -0.2, -0.7) * ang(rd(-20), rd(-60), rd(-80)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
  662. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
  663. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(-5)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
  664. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
  665. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0.4, 0, -0.4) * ang(rd(-10), rd(70), rd(-5)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
  666. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
  667. end
  668. for O = 1, 13 do
  669. swait()
  670. hmes.Scale = hmes.Scale:lerp(, 9, 2), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  671. p1m.Scale = p1m.Scale:lerp(, 2.5, 2.5), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  672. p1w.C0 = p1w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  673. p2m.Scale = p2m.Scale:lerp(, 0.375, 0.375), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  674. p2w.C0 = p2w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(180), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1.225, 0.075), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  675. p3m.Scale = p3m.Scale:lerp(, 2.5, 2.5), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  676. p3w.C0 = p3w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -1, 0), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  677. p4m.Scale = p4m.Scale:lerp(, 0.025, 0.025), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  678. p4w.C0 = p4w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -1.25, 0), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  679. p5m.Scale = p5m.Scale:lerp(, 6.25, 6.25), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  680. p5w.C0 = p5w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(0, -4.025, 0), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  681. p6m.Scale = p6m.Scale:lerp(, 6.5, 6.5), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  682. p6w.C0 = p6w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -6.05, 0), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  683. p7m.Scale = p7m.Scale:lerp(, 0.95, 0.95), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  684. p7w.C0 = p7w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0, -6.2, 0), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  685. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(1.1, -0.8, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(150)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  686. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(5), rd(0), rd(-20)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  687. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0.4, 0.2) * ang(rd(80), rd(30), rd(10)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  688. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  689. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, -0.2, -0.7) * ang(rd(20), rd(20), rd(-20)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  690. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  691. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(-5)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  692. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  693. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0.4, 0, -0.4) * ang(rd(-10), rd(70), rd(-5)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  694. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
  695. end
  696. if dipperhat then
  697. dipperhat.Handle.HatAttachment.Rotation = dipperrot
  698. end
  699. human.WalkSpeed = speed
  700. human:SetStateEnabled(3, true)
  701. activu = false
  702. end
  703. if keya == "q" then
  704. activu = true
  705. do
  706. local checkkey = true
  707. local keyingup = mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(xzx)
  708. if xzx == "q" then
  709. checkkey = false
  710. end
  711. end)
  712. repeat
  713. for _ = 1, 2 do
  714. swait()
  715. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * ang(rd(-20), rd(10), rd(-40)), 0.7)
  716. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  717. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(-20), rd(179)), 0.7)
  718. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  719. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-20), rd(20), rd(30)), 0.7)
  720. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  721. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-30)), 0.7)
  722. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  723. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(-110)), 0.7)
  724. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  725. end
  726. swingwoo:Play()
  727. for T = 1, 2 do
  728. swait()
  729. if T == 2 then
  730. hito(pt5, 5, 4, 0.03, hrp.CFrame.lookVector * 10,, rd2(-2, 2), rd2(-10, 10)))
  731. end
  732. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, -0.5, 0) * ang(rd(60), rd(-10), rd(30)), 0.7)
  733. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  734. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(20), rd(40)), 0.7)
  735. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  736. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-70), rd(20), rd(30)), 0.7)
  737. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  738. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(-40), rd(80)), 0.7)
  739. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  740. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(60)), 0.7)
  741. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  742. end
  743. for _ = 1, 2 do
  744. swait()
  745. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * ang(rd(-30), rd(20), rd(0)), 0.7)
  746. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  747. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * ang(rd(60), rd(20), rd(179)), 0.7)
  748. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  749. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-40), rd(20), rd(30)), 0.7)
  750. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  751. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-30)), 0.7)
  752. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  753. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-30), rd(20), rd(35)), 0.7)
  754. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  755. end
  756. swingwoo:Play()
  757. for T = 1, 2 do
  758. swait()
  759. if T == 2 then
  760. hito(pt5, 5, 4, 0.03, hrp.CFrame.lookVector * 10,, rd2(-2, 2), rd2(-10, 10)))
  761. end
  762. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, -0.5, 0) * ang(rd(40), rd(40), rd(0)), 0.7)
  763. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  764. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * ang(rd(60), rd(20), rd(30)), 0.7)
  765. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  766. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-70), rd(20), rd(30)), 0.7)
  767. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  768. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-30)), 0.7)
  769. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  770. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-30), rd(20), rd(-65)), 0.7)
  771. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
  772. end
  773. until not checkkey
  774. if keyingup then
  775. keyingup:disconnect()
  776. end
  777. activu = false
  778. end
  779. end
  780. if keya == "f" then
  781. activu = true
  782. do
  783. local speed = human.WalkSpeed
  784. human.WalkSpeed = 2
  785. human:SetStateEnabled(3, false)
  786. local checkkey = true
  787. local chargecounter = 0
  788. local keyingup = mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(xzx)
  789. if xzx == "f" then
  790. checkkey = false
  791. end
  792. end)
  793. local firederp
  794. for _ = 1, 8 do
  795. swait()
  796. hwel.C0 = hwel.C0:lerp(ang(rd(65), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0), 0.6)
  797. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0.5, 0.5, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(-70)), 0.5)
  798. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(10), rd(0), rd(60)), 0.5)
  799. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(70), rd(-10), rd(80)), 0.5)
  800. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  801. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(-0.3, -0.1, -1) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-70), rd(-75)), 0.5)
  802. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(-20), rd(0)), 0.5)
  803. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(-10), rd(5)), 0.5)
  804. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  805. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0.5, 0, -0.4) * ang(rd(0), rd(80), rd(-5)), 0.5)
  806. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(5), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  807. end
  808. repeat
  809. swait()
  810. chargecounter = chargecounter + 1
  811. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(rd2(-5, 5) / 100, rd2(-5, 5) / 100, rd2(-5, 5) / 100) * ang(rd(rd2(65, 75)), rd(rd2(-15, 5)), rd(rd2(75, 85))), 0.05 + chargecounter * 0.019)
  812. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(-0.3, -0.1, -1) * ang(rd(rd2(-15, -5)), rd(rd2(-75, -65)), rd(rd2(-80, -70))), 0.05 + chargecounter * 0.019)
  813. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(rd2(-25, -15)), rd(0)), 0.05 + chargecounter * 0.019)
  814. if chargecounter > 15 and firederp == nil then
  815. firederp ="Fire")
  816. firederp.Parent = pt5
  817. end
  818. until not checkkey or chargecounter > 50
  819. swingwoo:Play()
  820. for U = 1, 10 do
  821. swait()
  822. if U < 3 then
  823. hito(pt5, 5, 10 + chargecounter / 10, 0.2, hrp.CFrame.lookVector * (80 + chargecounter * 3) +, 6 + 6 * (chargecounter / 5), 0),, rd2(-25, 25) * (chargecounter / 25), rd2(-80, 80) * (chargecounter / 25)))
  824. if chargecounter > 15 then
  825. tagexplode(pt5, 5, 0.65)
  826. end
  827. end
  828. hwel.C0 = hwel.C0:lerp(ang(rd(135), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0), 0.6)
  829. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0.5, -0.5, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(50)), 0.6)
  830. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(0), rd(-30)), 0.6)
  831. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0.75, 0.5, -0.5) * ang(rd(0), rd(60), rd(120)), 0.4)
  832. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(100), rd(0)), 0.4)
  833. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(20), rd(-125)), 0.4)
  834. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(-20), rd(0)), 0.4)
  835. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(-10), rd(5)), 0.6)
  836. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.6)
  837. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(-10), rd(-6)), 0.6)
  838. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(5), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.6)
  839. end
  840. if firederp then
  841. firederp:Destroy()
  842. end
  843. swait(10)
  844. hwel.C0 = ang(rd(90), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0)
  845. if keyingup then
  846. keyingup:Disconnect()
  847. end
  848. human.WalkSpeed = speed
  849. human:SetStateEnabled(3, true)
  850. activu = false
  851. end
  852. end
  853. end)
  854. end
  855. elseif batting == true then
  856. batting = false
  857. clibat:Disconnect()
  858. spec:Disconnect()
  859. hrp.sweae:Destroy()
  860. local batmod = chr:FindFirstChild("bmodel")
  861. batmod.hnd.Weld:Destroy()
  862. batmod.PrimaryPart = batmod.hnd
  863. batmod:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(rarm.CFrame * ang(rd(-90), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0, -1))
  864. for _, A in pairs(batmod:GetChildren()) do
  865. if A.ClassName == "Part" then
  866. A.CanCollide = true
  867. A.Anchored = false
  868. end
  869. end
  870. batmod.Parent = workspace
  871. game.Debris:AddItem(batmod, 8)
  872. end
  873. end
  874. local movin = false
  875. local cliham, hamspec
  876. function ham()
  877. if batting == false then
  878. batting = true
  879. do
  880. local bmod ="Model")
  881. bmod.Name = "bmodel"
  882. bmod.Parent = chr
  883. local makemotor = function(parent, p0, p1, c0, c1)
  884. local wel ="Motor6D")
  885. wel.Part0 = p0
  886. wel.Part1 = p1
  887. wel.C0 = c0
  888. if c1 ~= nil then
  889. wel.C1 = c1
  890. end
  891. wel.Parent = parent
  892. return wel
  893. end
  894. local hnd = makepart("Br. yellowish green", "hnd", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
  895. hnd.Anchored = true
  896. local hmes = makemesh("Head",, 30, 5), nil, hnd)
  897. movin = true
  898. hnd.CFrame = hrp.CFrame
  899. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  900. while hnd.Anchored == true do
  901. swait()
  902. if movin then
  903. hnd.CFrame = hnd.CFrame:lerp(hrp.CFrame * ang(rd(40), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 11, 0), 0.65)
  904. end
  905. end
  906. end))
  907. local pt1 = makepart("Lily white", "pt1", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
  908. local p1m = makemesh("Head",, 5.5, 5.5), nil, pt1)
  909. local p1w = makemotor(pt1, pt1, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 3, 0), nil)
  910. local pt2 = makepart("Lily white", "pt2", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
  911. local p2m = makemesh("Head",, 5.5, 5.5), nil, pt2)
  912. local p2w = makemotor(pt2, pt2, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -3, 0), nil)
  913. local pt3 = makepart("Lily white", "pt3", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
  914. local p3m = makemesh("Head",, 6.5, 6.5), nil, pt3)
  915. local p3w = makemotor(pt3, pt3, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 3.75, 0), nil)
  916. local pt4 = makepart("Lily white", "pt4", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
  917. local p4m = makemesh("FileMesh",, 1, 1), "rbxassetid://250640098", pt4)
  918. p4m.TextureId = "rbxassetid://250639536"
  919. local p4w = makemotor(pt4, pt4, hnd, ang(rd(180), rd(180), rd(0)) * cf(0, 4.25, 0.25), nil)
  920. local pt5 = makepart("Bright blue", "pt5", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
  921. local p5m = makemesh("Head",, 90, 4), nil, pt5)
  922. local p5w = makemotor(pt5, pt5, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -12, 0), nil)
  923. local pt6 = makepart("Bright blue", "pt6", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
  924. local p6m = makemesh("FileMesh",, 0.4, 0.16), "rbxassetid://703458158", pt6)
  925. local p6w = makemotor(pt6, pt6, hnd, ang(rd(180), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -16, 0), nil)
  926. local pt7 = makepart("Lily white", "pt7", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
  927. local p7m = makemesh("Head",, 75, 75), nil, pt7)
  928. local p7w = makemotor(pt7, pt7, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0, -27, 0), nil)
  929. local hdec1 ="Decal")
  930. hdec1.Texture = "rbxasset://textures/face.png"
  931. hdec1.Face = "Front"
  932. hdec1.Parent = pt7
  933. local pt8 = makepart("Lily white", "pt8", 0, 1, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
  934. local p8m = makemesh("Head",, 75, 75), nil, pt8)
  935. local p8w = makemotor(pt8, pt8, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(-90), rd(0)) * cf(0, -27, 0), nil)
  936. local hdec2 ="Decal")
  937. hdec2.Texture = "rbxasset://textures/face.png"
  938. hdec2.Face = "Front"
  939. hdec2.Parent = pt8
  940. local pt9 = makepart("Lily white", "pt9", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
  941. local p9m = makemesh("FileMesh",, 11, 11), "rbxassetid://272942659", pt9)
  942. local p9w = makemotor(pt9, pt9, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0, -30, 0), nil)
  943. p9m.TextureId = "rbxassetid://272942750"
  944. local pt10 = makepart("Lily white", "pt10", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
  945. local p10m = makemesh("Head",, 60, 60), nil, pt10)
  946. local p10w = makemotor(pt10, pt10, pt7, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(11, 0, 0), nil)
  947. local hdec3 ="Decal")
  948. hdec3.Texture = "rbxasset://textures/face.png"
  949. hdec3.Face = "Front"
  950. hdec3.Parent = pt10
  951. local pt11 = makepart("Lily white", "pt11", 0, 1, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
  952. local p11m = makemesh("Head",, 60, 60), nil, pt11)
  953. local p11w = makemotor(pt11, pt11, pt7, ang(rd(0), rd(180), rd(90)) * cf(11, 0, 0), nil)
  954. local hdec4 ="Decal")
  955. hdec4.Texture = "rbxasset://textures/face.png"
  956. hdec4.Face = "Front"
  957. hdec4.Parent = pt11
  958. local pt12 = makepart("Lily white", "pt12", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
  959. local p12m = makemesh("Head",, 60, 60), nil, pt12)
  960. local p12w = makemotor(pt12, pt12, pt7, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(-90)) * cf(-11, 0, 0), nil)
  961. local hdec5 ="Decal")
  962. hdec5.Texture = "rbxasset://textures/face.png"
  963. hdec5.Face = "Front"
  964. hdec5.Parent = pt12
  965. local pt13 = makepart("Lily white", "pt13", 0, 1, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
  966. local p13m = makemesh("Head",, 60, 60), nil, pt13)
  967. local p13w = makemotor(pt13, pt13, pt7, ang(rd(0), rd(180), rd(-90)) * cf(-11, 0, 0), nil)
  968. local hdec6 ="Decal")
  969. hdec6.Texture = "rbxasset://textures/face.png"
  970. hdec6.Face = "Front"
  971. hdec6.Parent = pt13
  972. cliham = tool.Activated:connect(function()
  973. if selected == false or activu == true or ragged == true then
  974. return
  975. end
  976. activu = true
  977. movin = false
  978. for B = 1, 20 do
  979. swait()
  980. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.4)
  981. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(8), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.4)
  982. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-15), rd(-5), rd(170)), 0.4)
  983. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.4)
  984. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(-10), rd(10)), 0.4)
  985. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.4)
  986. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(-10), rd(-10)), 0.4)
  987. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.4)
  988. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(10), rd(10)), 0.4)
  989. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.4)
  990. hnd.CFrame = hnd.CFrame:lerp(rarm.CFrame * ang(rd(-110), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0, -1), 0.1 + B * 0.045)
  991. end
  992. for B = 1, 30 do
  993. swait()
  994. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0.8, 0) * ang(rd(-25), rd(0), rd(-50)), 0.1 + B / 80)
  995. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-18), rd(0), rd(40)), 0.1 + B / 80)
  996. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-30), rd(-5), rd(160)), 0.1 + B / 80)
  997. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.1 + B / 80)
  998. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(-0.8, 0, -1) * ang(rd(-60), rd(-20), rd(-150)), 0.1 + B / 80)
  999. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.1 + B / 80)
  1000. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-15), rd(-20), rd(-10)), 0.1 + B / 80)
  1001. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.1 + B / 80)
  1002. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0.5, 0, -0.4) * ang(rd(-5), rd(60), rd(-110)), 0.1 + B / 80)
  1003. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.1 + B / 80)
  1004. hnd.CFrame = hnd.CFrame:lerp(rarm.CFrame * ang(rd(-110), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0, -1), 1)
  1005. end
  1006. for B = 1, 7 do
  1007. swait()
  1008. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(10), rd(0), rd(40)), 0.015 + B / 15)
  1009. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(9), rd(0), rd(-15)), 0.015 + B / 15)
  1010. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(-50), rd(100)), 0.015 + B / 15)
  1011. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.015 + B / 15)
  1012. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(-0.8, 0, -1) * ang(rd(-60), rd(-25), rd(-90)), 0.015 + B / 15)
  1013. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.015 + B / 15)
  1014. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-15), rd(-20), rd(10)), 0.015 + B / 15)
  1015. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.015 + B / 15)
  1016. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0.1, 0, -0.1) * ang(rd(-5), rd(20), rd(-20)), 0.015 + B / 15)
  1017. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.015 + B / 15)
  1018. hnd.CFrame = hnd.CFrame:lerp(rarm.CFrame * ang(rd(-110), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0, -1), 1)
  1019. end
  1020. for B = 1, 4 do
  1021. swait()
  1022. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, -0.8, 0) * ang(rd(70), rd(0), rd(40)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
  1023. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(9), rd(0), rd(-15)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
  1024. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(-40), rd(100)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
  1025. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
  1026. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(-0.8, 0, -1) * ang(rd(-60), rd(-25), rd(-90)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
  1027. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
  1028. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-15), rd(-20), rd(60)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
  1029. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
  1030. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0.1, 0, -0.1) * ang(rd(-5), rd(20), rd(70)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
  1031. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
  1032. hnd.CFrame = hnd.CFrame:lerp(rarm.CFrame * ang(rd(-110), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0, -1), 1)
  1033. end
  1034. swait(15)
  1035. movin = true
  1036. activu = false
  1037. end)
  1038. end
  1039. elseif batting == true then
  1040. batting = false
  1041. cliham:Disconnect()
  1042. local badevz = chr:FindFirstChild("bmodel")
  1043. badevz.PrimaryPart = badevz.hnd
  1044. for _, A in pairs(badevz:GetChildren()) do
  1045. if A.ClassName == "Part" then
  1046. A.CanCollide = true
  1047. A.Anchored = false
  1048. end
  1049. end
  1050. movin = false
  1051. badevz.Parent = workspace
  1052. badevz:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(hrp.CFrame * ang(rd(40), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -11, 0))
  1053. game.Debris:AddItem(badevz, 8)
  1054. end
  1055. end
  1056. local ehhh = false
  1057. local ymmu, kabomobepo
  1058. local memedonlist = {}
  1059. local noobcharge = 0
  1060. function nommy()
  1061. if selected == false or activu == true then
  1062. return
  1063. end
  1064. if batting == false then
  1065. batting = true
  1066. do
  1067. local bmod ="Model")
  1068. bmod.Name = "bmodel"
  1069. bmod.Parent = chr
  1070. local hnd = makepart("Lily white", "hnd", 0, 1, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  1071. local hmes = makemesh("Head",, 1, 1), nil, hnd)
  1072. local hwel = makeweld(hnd, hnd, rarm, ang(rd(90), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0), nil)
  1073. local pt1 = makepart("Lily white", "pt1", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  1074. local p1m = makemesh("FileMesh",, 1, 1), "rbxasset://fonts/leftleg.mesh", pt1)
  1075. local p1w = makeweld(pt1, pt1, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0.5, -1, 0), nil)
  1076. local pt2 = makepart("Lily white", "pt2", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  1077. local p2m = makemesh("FileMesh",, 1, 1), "rbxasset://fonts/rightleg.mesh", pt2)
  1078. local p2w = makeweld(pt2, pt2, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(-0.5, -1, 0), nil)
  1079. local pt3 = makepart("Bright blue", "pt3", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  1080. local p3m = makemesh("FileMesh",, 1, 1), "rbxasset://fonts/torso.mesh", pt3)
  1081. local p3w = makeweld(pt3, pt3, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -3, 0), nil)
  1082. local pt4 = makepart("Lily white", "pt4", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  1083. local p4m = makemesh("FileMesh",, 1, 1), "rbxasset://fonts/rightarm.mesh", pt4)
  1084. local p4w = makeweld(pt4, pt4, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(-1.5, -3, 0), nil)
  1085. local pt5 = makepart("Lily white", "pt5", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  1086. local p5m = makemesh("FileMesh",, 1, 1), "rbxasset://fonts/leftarm.mesh", pt5)
  1087. local p5w = makeweld(pt5, pt5, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(1.5, -3, 0), nil)
  1088. local pt6 = makepart("Lily white", "pt6", 0, 1, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  1089. local p6m = makemesh("Brick",, 5.5, 5.5), nil, pt6)
  1090. local p6w = makeweld(pt6, pt6, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -4.5, 0), nil)
  1091. local pt7 = makepart("Lily white", "pt7", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  1092. local p7m = makemesh("Brick",, 5.5, 1), nil, pt7)
  1093. local p7w = makeweld(pt7, pt7, pt6, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0, -0.425), nil)
  1094. local pt8 = makepart("Lily white", "pt8", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  1095. local p8m = makemesh("Brick",, 2.5, 4.25), nil, pt8)
  1096. local p8w = makeweld(pt8, pt8, pt6, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -0.3, 0.1), nil)
  1097. local pt9 = makepart("Lily white", "pt9", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  1098. local p9m = makemesh("Brick",, 0.5, 4.25), nil, pt9)
  1099. local p9w = makeweld(pt9, pt9, pt6, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0.5, 0.1), nil)
  1100. local pt10 = makepart("Lily white", "pt10", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  1101. local p10m = makemesh("Brick",, 2.5, 4.25), nil, pt10)
  1102. local p10w = makeweld(pt10, pt10, pt6, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(-0.275, 0.2, 0.1), nil)
  1103. local pt11 = makepart("Lily white", "pt11", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  1104. local p11m = makemesh("Brick",, 2.5, 4.25), nil, pt11)
  1105. local p11w = makeweld(pt11, pt11, pt6, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0.275, 0.2, 0.1), nil)
  1106. local pt12 = makepart("Really black", "pt12", 0, 0.1, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  1107. local p12m = makemesh("Brick",, 3.25, 2.5), nil, pt12)
  1108. local p12w = makeweld(pt12, pt12, pt6, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0.175, -0.25), nil)
  1109. local pt13 = makepart("Really black", "pt13", 0, 0.2, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  1110. local p13m = makemesh("Brick",, 3.25, 0.75), nil, pt13)
  1111. local p13w = makeweld(pt13, pt13, pt6, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0.175, 0.05), nil)
  1112. local pt14 = makepart("Really black", "pt14", 0, 0.3, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  1113. local p14m = makemesh("Brick",, 3.25, 0.75), nil, pt14)
  1114. local p14w = makeweld(pt14, pt14, pt6, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0.175, 0.2), nil)
  1115. local pt15 = makepart("Really black", "pt15", 0, 0.4, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  1116. local p15m = makemesh("Brick",, 3.25, 0.75), nil, pt15)
  1117. local p15w = makeweld(pt15, pt15, pt6, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0.175, 0.35), nil)
  1118. local pt16 = makepart("Lily white", "pt16", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  1119. local p16m = makemesh("Cylinder",, 0, 0), nil, pt16)
  1120. local p16w = makeweld(pt16, pt16, pt6, ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0.5, 0.1, 0), nil)
  1121. local pt17 = makepart("Lily white", "pt17", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  1122. local p17m = makemesh("Cylinder",, 0, 0), nil, pt17)
  1123. local p17w = makeweld(pt17, pt17, pt6, ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(-0.5, 0.1, 0), nil)
  1124. local pt420 = makepart("Lily white", "pt420", 0, 1, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
  1125. local p420m = makemesh("Brick",, 5.25, 0), nil, pt420)
  1126. local p420w = makeweld(pt420, pt420, pt6, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0, 0.525), nil)
  1127. local hd1 ="Decal")
  1128. hd1.Name = "face1"
  1129. hd1.Texture = "rbxasset://textures/face.png"
  1130. hd1.Face = "Front"
  1131. hd1.Transparency = 0
  1132. hd1.Parent = pt420
  1133. local hd2 ="Decal")
  1134. hd2.Name = "face2"
  1135. hd2.Texture = "rbxassetid://14175189"
  1136. hd2.Face = "Front"
  1137. hd2.Transparency = 1
  1138. hd2.Parent = pt420
  1139. local souno1 ="Sound")
  1140. souno1.SoundId = "rbxassetid://189505649"
  1141. souno1.Volume = 1.5
  1142. souno1.Parent = hnd
  1143. local souno2 ="Sound")
  1144. souno2.SoundId = "rbxassetid://189652112"
  1145. souno2.Volume = 1.5
  1146. souno2.Parent = hnd
  1147. local souno3 ="Sound")
  1148. souno3.SoundId = "rbxassetid://90869127"
  1149. souno3.Pitch = 1.15
  1150. souno3.Volume = 1.5
  1151. souno3.Parent = hnd
  1152. local haseaten = false
  1153. local function squarehito(partoz)
  1154. for _, huh in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  1155. if huh:IsA("BasePart") then
  1156. local objs = partoz.CFrame:pointToObjectSpace(huh.Position)
  1157. if huh:GetMass() < 1750 and objs.Z < 3 and objs.Z > -1 and objs.X < 6 and objs.X > -6 and math.abs(objs.Y) < 14 then
  1158. if math.ceil(huh:GetMass() * 1.5) < 25 then
  1159. noobcharge = noobcharge + math.ceil(huh:GetMass() * 3)
  1160. else
  1161. noobcharge = noobcharge + 25
  1162. end
  1163. huh:Destroy()
  1164. haseaten = true
  1165. end
  1166. elseif huh:IsA("Model") and huh ~= chr then
  1167. for _, WOP in pairs(huh:GetChildren()) do
  1168. if WOP:IsA("BasePart") then
  1169. local objs = partoz.CFrame:pointToObjectSpace(WOP.Position)
  1170. if WOP:GetMass() < 1750 and objs.Z < 3 and objs.Z > -1 and objs.X < 6 and objs.X > -6 and math.abs(objs.Y) < 14 then
  1171. if math.ceil(WOP:GetMass() * 1.5) < 25 then
  1172. noobcharge = noobcharge + math.ceil(WOP:GetMass() * 3)
  1173. else
  1174. noobcharge = noobcharge + 25
  1175. end
  1176. WOP:Destroy()
  1177. haseaten = true
  1178. end
  1179. end
  1180. end
  1181. end
  1182. end
  1183. end
  1184. local asplohito = function(poso, magn, dmg, debtim, bodyfdire, bodyrot)
  1185. for _, guy in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  1186. if guy:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and magn > (guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position - poso).magnitude and guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart"):FindFirstChild("alabo") == nil then
  1187. do
  1188. local humz = guy:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  1189. local horp = guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
  1190. humz.Health = humz.Health - humz.MaxHealth / 100 * dmg
  1191. humz:SetStateEnabled(16, true)
  1192. delay(debtim, function()
  1193. humz:SetStateEnabled(16, true)
  1194. end)
  1195. local db ="StringValue")
  1196. db.Name = "alabo"
  1197. db.Parent = horp
  1198. delay(debtim, function()
  1199. db:Destroy()
  1200. end)
  1201. local damageind ="Model")
  1202. damageind.Name = dmg
  1203. damageind.Parent = workspace
  1204. game.Debris:AddItem(damageind, 0.5 + dmg / 75)
  1205. local awawaa ="Humanoid")
  1206. awawaa.MaxHealth = 0
  1207. awawaa.Parent = damageind
  1208. local dhed ="Part")
  1209. dhed.Name = "Head"
  1210. dhed.Locked = true
  1211. dhed.Size =, 0.2, 0.2)
  1212. dhed.Position = horp.Position
  1213. dhed.BrickColor ="Bright red")
  1214. dhed.CanCollide = false
  1215. dhed.Parent = damageind
  1216. local flo ="BodyPosition")
  1217. flo.MaxForce =, math.huge, math.huge)
  1218. flo.P = 20000
  1219. flo.D = 300
  1220. flo.Position = dhed.Position +, 5, 0)
  1221. flo.Parent = dhed
  1222. local dasdada ="CylinderMesh")
  1223. dasdada.Parent = dhed
  1224. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1225. while dasdada do
  1226. swait()
  1227. dasdada.Scale = dasdada.Scale:lerp( + dmg / 10, 1.25 + dmg / 35, 2.5 + dmg / 10), 0.4)
  1228. end
  1229. end))
  1230. if bodyfdire then
  1231. local boopyve ="BodyVelocity")
  1232. boopyve.MaxForce =, 9999999999999, 9999999999999)
  1233. boopyve.P = 9999999999
  1234. boopyve.Velocity = bodyfdire
  1235. boopyve.Parent = horp
  1236. game.Debris:AddItem(boopyve, debtim)
  1237. end
  1238. if bodyrot then
  1239. local boopyro ="BodyAngularVelocity")
  1240. boopyro.MaxTorque =, 999999, 999999)
  1241. boopyro.P = math.huge
  1242. boopyro.AngularVelocity = bodyrot
  1243. boopyro.Parent = horp
  1244. game.Debris:AddItem(boopyro, debtim)
  1245. end
  1246. end
  1247. end
  1248. end
  1249. end
  1250. local awawarafasa = false
  1251. local customactive = false
  1252. ymmu = tool.Activated:connect(function()
  1253. if activu == true or customactive == true or ragged == true then
  1254. return
  1255. end
  1256. customactive = true
  1257. awawarafasa = true
  1258. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1259. tool.Deactivated:wait()
  1260. awawarafasa = false
  1261. end))
  1262. for _ = 1, 5 do
  1263. wait()
  1264. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(50)), 0.25)
  1265. hwel.C0 = hwel.C0:lerp(ang(rd(80), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0), 0.25)
  1266. end
  1267. hd1.Transparency = 1
  1268. hd2.Transparency = 0
  1269. local chargecountaPOOOOO = 0
  1270. if awawarafasa then
  1271. souno3.TimePosition = 0.15
  1272. souno3:Play()
  1273. local oz = 20
  1274. local dz = 10
  1275. local az = oz / 6
  1276. repeat
  1277. wait()
  1278. if chargecountaPOOOOO < 10 then
  1279. chargecountaPOOOOO = chargecountaPOOOOO + 1
  1280. end
  1281. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(190)), 0.5)
  1282. hwel.C0 = hwel.C0:lerp(ang(rd(160), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0), 0.45)
  1283. p6w.C0 = p6w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -4.5 * az, 0), 0.45)
  1284. p7m.Scale = p7m.Scale:lerp( * dz, 5.5 * oz, 1), 0.45)
  1285. p7w.C0 = p7w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0, -0.425), 0.45)
  1286. p8m.Scale = p8m.Scale:lerp( * dz, 0.5 * oz, 4.25), 0.45)
  1287. p8w.C0 = p8w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -0.5 * oz, 0.1), 0.45)
  1288. p9m.Scale = p9m.Scale:lerp( * dz, 0.125 * oz, 4.25), 0.45)
  1289. p9w.C0 = p9w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0.5375 * oz, 0.1), 0.45)
  1290. p10m.Scale = p10m.Scale:lerp(, 5 * oz, 4.25), 0.45)
  1291. p10w.C0 = p10w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(-0.2625 * oz, 0.5, 0.1), 0.45)
  1292. p11m.Scale = p11m.Scale:lerp(, 5 * oz, 4.25), 0.45)
  1293. p11w.C0 = p11w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0.2625 * oz, 0.5, 0.1), 0.45)
  1294. p12m.Scale = p12m.Scale:lerp( * dz, 5.25 * oz, 2.5), 0.45)
  1295. p12w.C0 = p12w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0.175, -0.25), 0.45)
  1296. p13m.Scale = p13m.Scale:lerp( * dz, 5.25 * oz, 0.75), 0.45)
  1297. p13w.C0 = p13w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0.175, 0.05), 0.45)
  1298. p14m.Scale = p14m.Scale:lerp( * dz, 5.25 * oz, 0.75), 0.45)
  1299. p14w.C0 = p14w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0.175, 0.2), 0.45)
  1300. p15m.Scale = p15m.Scale:lerp( * dz, 5.25 * oz, 0.75), 0.45)
  1301. p15w.C0 = p15w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0.175, 0.35), 0.45)
  1302. p16m.Scale = p16m.Scale:lerp(, 0, 0), 0.45)
  1303. p16w.C0 = p16w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0.5, 0.1, 0), 0.45)
  1304. p17m.Scale = p17m.Scale:lerp(, 0, 0), 0.45)
  1305. p17w.C0 = p17w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(-0.5, 0.1, 0), 0.45)
  1306. p420m.Scale = p420m.Scale:lerp( * dz, 5.25 * dz, 0), 0.45)
  1307. p420w.C0 = p420w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -0.4 * oz, 0.525), 0.45)
  1308. until not awawarafasa
  1309. end
  1310. if chargecountaPOOOOO > 7 then
  1311. activu = true
  1312. souno1:Play()
  1313. local RIDLEYDIDDLY = hrp.Velocity
  1314. local AWSHOOTMYPOO = hrp.Position
  1315. hrp.Velocity =, 0, 0)
  1316. local BAP ="BodyPosition")
  1317. BAP.MaxForce =, math.huge, math.huge)
  1318. BAP.D = 500
  1319. BAP.P = 5000
  1320. BAP.Position = AWSHOOTMYPOO
  1321. BAP.Parent = hrp
  1322. game.Debris:AddItem(BAP, 8)
  1323. local HWOWH ="BodyAngularVelocity")
  1324. HWOWH.MaxTorque =, math.huge, math.huge)
  1325. HWOWH.AngularVelocity =, 0, 0)
  1326. HWOWH.P = 2000
  1327. HWOWH.Parent = hrp
  1328. game.Debris:AddItem(HWOWH, 8)
  1329. for _ = 1, 5 do
  1330. wait()
  1331. squarehito(pt7)
  1332. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(50)), 0.6)
  1333. hwel.C0 = hwel.C0:lerp(ang(rd(155), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0), 0.6)
  1334. end
  1335. if haseaten == true then
  1336. swait(5)
  1337. hd1.Transparency = 0
  1338. hd2.Transparency = 1
  1339. souno2:Play()
  1340. for _ = 1, 5 do
  1341. for _ = 1, 5 do
  1342. wait()
  1343. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)), 0.3)
  1344. hwel.C0 = hwel.C0:lerp(ang(rd(90), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0), 0.3)
  1345. p6w.C0 = p6w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -4.5, 0), 0.45)
  1346. p7m.Scale = p7m.Scale:lerp(, 4.125, 1), 0.45)
  1347. p7w.C0 = p7w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0.125, -0.425), 0.45)
  1348. p8m.Scale = p8m.Scale:lerp(, 1.875, 4.25), 0.45)
  1349. p8w.C0 = p8w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -0.1, 0.1), 0.45)
  1350. p9m.Scale = p9m.Scale:lerp(, 0.5, 4.25), 0.45)
  1351. p9w.C0 = p9w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0.5, 0.1), 0.45)
  1352. p10m.Scale = p10m.Scale:lerp(, 1.875, 4.25), 0.45)
  1353. p10w.C0 = p10w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(-0.275, 0.275, 0.1), 0.45)
  1354. p11m.Scale = p11m.Scale:lerp(, 1.875, 4.25), 0.45)
  1355. p11w.C0 = p11w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0.275, 0.275, 0.1), 0.45)
  1356. p12m.Scale = p12m.Scale:lerp(, 3.25, 2.5), 0.45)
  1357. p12w.C0 = p12w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0.175, -0.25), 0.45)
  1358. p13m.Scale = p13m.Scale:lerp(, 3.25, 0.75), 0.45)
  1359. p13w.C0 = p13w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0.175, 0.05), 0.45)
  1360. p14m.Scale = p14m.Scale:lerp(, 3.25, 0.75), 0.45)
  1361. p14w.C0 = p14w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0.175, 0.2), 0.45)
  1362. p15m.Scale = p15m.Scale:lerp(, 3.25, 0.75), 0.45)
  1363. p15w.C0 = p15w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0.175, 0.35), 0.45)
  1364. p16m.Scale = p16m.Scale:lerp(, 5, 5), 0.45)
  1365. p16w.C0 = p16w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0.6, 0.1, 0), 0.45)
  1366. p17m.Scale = p17m.Scale:lerp(, 5, 5), 0.45)
  1367. p17w.C0 = p17w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(-0.6, 0.1, 0), 0.45)
  1368. p420m.Scale = p420m.Scale:lerp(, 5.25, 0), 0.45)
  1369. p420w.C0 = p420w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0.15, 0.525), 0.45)
  1370. end
  1371. for _ = 1, 5 do
  1372. wait()
  1373. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)), 0.3)
  1374. hwel.C0 = hwel.C0:lerp(ang(rd(90), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0), 0.3)
  1375. p6w.C0 = p6w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -4.5, 0), 0.45)
  1376. p7m.Scale = p7m.Scale:lerp(, 5.5, 1), 0.45)
  1377. p7w.C0 = p7w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0, -0.425), 0.45)
  1378. p8m.Scale = p8m.Scale:lerp(, 2.5, 4.25), 0.45)
  1379. p8w.C0 = p8w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -0.3, 0.1), 0.45)
  1380. p9m.Scale = p9m.Scale:lerp(, 0.5, 4.25), 0.45)
  1381. p9w.C0 = p9w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0.5, 0.1), 0.45)
  1382. p10m.Scale = p10m.Scale:lerp(, 2.5, 4.25), 0.45)
  1383. p10w.C0 = p10w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(-0.275, 0.2, 0.1), 0.45)
  1384. p11m.Scale = p11m.Scale:lerp(, 2.5, 4.25), 0.45)
  1385. p11w.C0 = p11w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0.275, 0.2, 0.1), 0.45)
  1386. p12m.Scale = p12m.Scale:lerp(, 3.25, 2.5), 0.45)
  1387. p12w.C0 = p12w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0.175, -0.25), 0.45)
  1388. p13m.Scale = p13m.Scale:lerp(, 3.25, 0.75), 0.45)
  1389. p13w.C0 = p13w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0.175, 0.05), 0.45)
  1390. p14m.Scale = p14m.Scale:lerp(, 3.25, 0.75), 0.45)
  1391. p14w.C0 = p14w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0.175, 0.2), 0.45)
  1392. p15m.Scale = p15m.Scale:lerp(, 3.25, 0.75), 0.45)
  1393. p15w.C0 = p15w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0.175, 0.35), 0.45)
  1394. p16m.Scale = p16m.Scale:lerp(, 1.75, 1.75), 0.45)
  1395. p16w.C0 = p16w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0.5, 0.15, 0), 0.45)
  1396. p17m.Scale = p17m.Scale:lerp(, 1.75, 1.75), 0.45)
  1397. p17w.C0 = p17w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(-0.5, 0.15, 0), 0.45)
  1398. p420m.Scale = p420m.Scale:lerp(, 5.25, 0), 0.45)
  1399. p420w.C0 = p420w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0, 0.525), 0.45)
  1400. end
  1401. end
  1402. print(noobcharge)
  1403. haseaten = false
  1404. else
  1405. swait(10)
  1406. end
  1407. BAP:Destroy()
  1408. HWOWH:Destroy()
  1409. hrp.Velocity = RIDLEYDIDDLY
  1410. activu = false
  1411. end
  1412. hd1.Transparency = 0
  1413. hd2.Transparency = 1
  1414. customactive = false
  1415. end)
  1416. kabomobepo = mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(thekeyyyy)
  1417. if activu == true or customactive == true or ragged == true or noobcharge < 100 or thekeyyyy ~= "f" then
  1418. return
  1419. end
  1420. noobcharge = 0
  1421. batting = false
  1422. ymmu:Disconnect()
  1423. ymmu = nil
  1424. kabomobepo:Disconnect()
  1425. kabomobepo = nil
  1426. local taggedpos = mouse.Hit.p
  1427. local badevz = chr:FindFirstChild("bmodel")
  1428. badevz.PrimaryPart = badevz.hnd
  1429. if badevz.hnd:FindFirstChildOfClass("Weld") then
  1430. badevz.hnd:FindFirstChildOfClass("Weld"):Destroy()
  1431. end
  1432. badevz.Parent = workspace
  1433. badevz:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(rarm.CFrame * ang(rd(-90), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0, -1))
  1434. game.Debris:AddItem(badevz, 40)
  1435. local bodyrot ="BodyAngularVelocity")
  1436. bodyrot.MaxTorque =, 9999999999999, 9999999999999)
  1437. bodyrot.P = 500000
  1438. bodyrot.AngularVelocity =, 0, 0)
  1439. bodyrot.Parent = badevz.hnd
  1440. local bodyfor ="BodyForce")
  1441. bodyfor.Force =, 20, 0)
  1442. bodyfor.Parent = badevz.hnd
  1443. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1444. while bodyrot do
  1445. swait(3)
  1446. bodyfor.Force = bodyfor.Force +, 1, 0)
  1447. end
  1448. end))
  1449. local AWDAMN = {}
  1450. for _ = 1, 8 do
  1451. local aw = makepart("Grey", "wot", 0, 0.4, "SmoothPlastic", modz, badevz.hnd.CFrame)
  1452. aw.Size =, 2, 2)
  1453. aw.Anchored = true
  1454. game.Debris:AddItem(aw, 20)
  1455. table.insert(AWDAMN, aw)
  1456. end
  1457. for _ = 1, 35 do
  1458. for _, ADASD in pairs(AWDAMN) do
  1459. swait()
  1460. if 1 < ADASD.Transparency then
  1461. ADASD.Size =, 2, 2)
  1462. ADASD.Transparency = 0.4
  1463. else
  1464. ADASD.Transparency = ADASD.Transparency + 0.1
  1465. ADASD.Size = ADASD.Size +, 1, 1)
  1466. end
  1467. ADASD.CFrame = badevz.hnd.CFrame * ang(rd(rd2(0, 360)), rd(rd2(0, 360)), rd(rd2(0, 360)))
  1468. end
  1469. end
  1470. bodyfor:Destroy()
  1471. bodyrot:Destroy()
  1472. badevz.hnd.Anchored = true
  1473. badevz:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(, taggedpos) * ang(rd(-90), rd(0), 0))
  1474. for _ = 1, 40 do
  1475. wait()
  1476. local wayy =, badevz.hnd.CFrame.upVector * 200)
  1477. local gotdeparto = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(wayy, {badevz}, true, false)
  1478. if gotdeparto then
  1479. asplohito(taggedpos, 100, 80, 1,, 40), rd2(160, 180), rd2(-40, 40)),, 20), rd2(40, 80), rd2(-20, 20)))
  1480. do
  1481. local poopys = makepart("White", "WOAH", 0, 0.2, "Neon", modz, cf(taggedpos))
  1482. poopys.Anchored = true
  1483. local loldon = makemesh("Sphere",, 30, 30), nil, poopys)
  1484. game.Debris:AddItem(poopys, 10)
  1485. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1486. for _ = 1, 20 do
  1487. swait()
  1488. loldon.Scale = loldon.Scale +, 60, 60)
  1489. poopys.Transparency = poopys.Transparency + 0.05
  1490. end
  1491. poopys:Destroy()
  1492. end))
  1493. badevz:Destroy()
  1494. break
  1495. end
  1496. else
  1497. badevz:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(badevz.hnd.CFrame * cf(0, 180, 0))
  1498. end
  1499. end
  1500. end)
  1501. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1502. while ymmu do
  1503. wait()
  1504. if not customactive then
  1505. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)), 0.3)
  1506. hwel.C0 = hwel.C0:lerp(ang(rd(90), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0), 0.3)
  1507. p6w.C0 = p6w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -4.5, 0), 0.45)
  1508. p7m.Scale = p7m.Scale:lerp(, 5.5, 1), 0.45)
  1509. p7w.C0 = p7w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0, -0.425), 0.45)
  1510. p8m.Scale = p8m.Scale:lerp(, 2.5, 4.25), 0.45)
  1511. p8w.C0 = p8w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -0.3, 0.1), 0.45)
  1512. p9m.Scale = p9m.Scale:lerp(, 0.5, 4.25), 0.45)
  1513. p9w.C0 = p9w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0.5, 0.1), 0.45)
  1514. p10m.Scale = p10m.Scale:lerp(, 2.5, 4.25), 0.45)
  1515. p10w.C0 = p10w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(-0.275, 0.2, 0.1), 0.45)
  1516. p11m.Scale = p11m.Scale:lerp(, 2.5, 4.25), 0.45)
  1517. p11w.C0 = p11w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0.275, 0.2, 0.1), 0.45)
  1518. p12m.Scale = p12m.Scale:lerp(, 3.25, 2.5), 0.45)
  1519. p12w.C0 = p12w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0.175, -0.25), 0.45)
  1520. p13m.Scale = p13m.Scale:lerp(, 3.25, 0.75), 0.45)
  1521. p13w.C0 = p13w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0.175, 0.05), 0.45)
  1522. p14m.Scale = p14m.Scale:lerp(, 3.25, 0.75), 0.45)
  1523. p14w.C0 = p14w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0.175, 0.2), 0.45)
  1524. p15m.Scale = p15m.Scale:lerp(, 3.25, 0.75), 0.45)
  1525. p15w.C0 = p15w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0.175, 0.35), 0.45)
  1526. p16m.Scale = p16m.Scale:lerp(, 0, 0), 0.45)
  1527. p16w.C0 = p16w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0.5, 0.1, 0), 0.45)
  1528. p17m.Scale = p17m.Scale:lerp(, 0, 0), 0.45)
  1529. p17w.C0 = p17w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(-0.5, 0.1, 0), 0.45)
  1530. p420m.Scale = p420m.Scale:lerp(, 5.25, 0), 0.45)
  1531. p420w.C0 = p420w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0, 0.525), 0.45)
  1532. end
  1533. end
  1534. end))
  1535. end
  1536. elseif batting == true then
  1537. if customactive == true or activu == true then
  1538. return
  1539. end
  1540. batting = false
  1541. ymmu:Disconnect()
  1542. ymmu = nil
  1543. kabomobepo:Disconnect()
  1544. kabomobepo = nil
  1545. noobcharge = 0
  1546. for h = 1, #memedonlist do
  1547. table.remove(memedonlist, h)
  1548. end
  1549. local badevz = chr:FindFirstChild("bmodel")
  1550. badevz.PrimaryPart = badevz.hnd
  1551. if badevz.hnd:FindFirstChildOfClass("Weld") then
  1552. badevz.hnd:FindFirstChildOfClass("Weld"):Destroy()
  1553. end
  1554. for _, A in pairs(badevz:GetChildren()) do
  1555. if A.ClassName == "Part" then
  1556. A.CanCollide = true
  1557. end
  1558. end
  1559. badevz.Parent = workspace
  1560. badevz:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(rarm.CFrame * ang(rd(-90), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0, -1))
  1561. game.Debris:AddItem(badevz, 6)
  1562. end
  1563. end
  1564. game:GetService("ContentProvider"):Preload("rbxassetid://725969678")
  1565. function lauf()
  1566. if selected == false or activu == true or batting == true or ragged == true then
  1567. return
  1568. end
  1569. activu = true
  1570. local sped = human.WalkSpeed
  1571. hrp.Anchored = true
  1572. human.WalkSpeed = 0
  1573. lauf1:Play()
  1574. cam.CameraType = "Scriptable"
  1575. cam.CoordinateFrame = hrp.CFrame * ang(rd(0), rd(215), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0, 13)
  1576. for i = 1, 4 do
  1577. swait()
  1578. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(80)), 0.4 + i * 0.15)
  1579. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.4 + i * 0.15)
  1580. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, -0.3, 0) * ang(rd(-40), rd(-10), rd(10)), 0.4 + i * 0.15)
  1581. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.4 + i * 0.15)
  1582. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, -0.3, 0) * ang(rd(-40), rd(-10), rd(-10)), 0.4 + i * 0.15)
  1583. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.4 + i * 0.15)
  1584. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-10), rd(-10)), 0.4 + i * 0.15)
  1585. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.4 + i * 0.15)
  1586. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-10)), 0.4 + i * 0.15)
  1587. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.4 + i * 0.15)
  1588. end
  1589. local makeglasses = function(whicharm, motorcf)
  1590. local makemotor = function(parent, p0, p1, c0, c1)
  1591. local wel ="Motor6D")
  1592. wel.Part0 = p0
  1593. wel.Part1 = p1
  1594. wel.C0 = c0
  1595. if c1 ~= nil then
  1596. wel.C1 = c1
  1597. end
  1598. wel.Parent = parent
  1599. return wel
  1600. end
  1601. local glasses = makepart("Black", "glasses", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", whicharm, whicharm.CFrame)
  1602. local glassesmesh = makemesh("FileMesh",, 1, 1), "rbxassetid://30166087", glasses)
  1603. glassesmesh.TextureId = "rbxassetid://30166098"
  1604. local glassesmotor = makemotor(glasses, glasses, whicharm, motorcf, nil)
  1605. return glasses, glassesmotor
  1606. end
  1607. swait(10)
  1608. local glasses1, glassesmotor1 = makeglasses(hed, ang(rd(0), rd(0), 0) * cf(0, -0.2, 0.25))
  1609. swait(13)
  1610. cam.CoordinateFrame = hed.CFrame * ang(rd(5), rd(145), rd(-5)) * cf(0, 0, 5)
  1611. local glasses2, glassesmotor2 = makeglasses(rarm, ang(rd(180), rd(0), 0) * cf(0, 1, 0))
  1612. for i = 1, 4 do
  1613. swait()
  1614. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(80)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1615. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1616. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, -0.3, 0) * ang(rd(-40), rd(-10), rd(170)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1617. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1618. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, -0.3, 0) * ang(rd(-40), rd(-10), rd(-10)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1619. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1620. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-10), rd(-10)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1621. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1622. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-10)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1623. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1624. end
  1625. glassesmotor2.Part1 = hed
  1626. glassesmotor2.C0 = ang(rd(-25), rd(-2), rd(4)) * cf(0, -0.55, 0.275)
  1627. swait(3)
  1628. local glasses3, glassesmotor3 = makeglasses(larm, ang(rd(180), rd(0), 0) * cf(0, 1, 0))
  1629. for i = 1, 4 do
  1630. swait()
  1631. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(80)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1632. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1633. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, -0.3, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(-10), rd(10)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1634. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1635. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, -0.3, 0) * ang(rd(-40), rd(-10), rd(170)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1636. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1637. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-10), rd(-10)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1638. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1639. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-10)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1640. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1641. end
  1642. glassesmotor3.Part1 = hed
  1643. glassesmotor3.C0 = ang(rd(-8), rd(13), rd(-2)) * cf(-0.075, 0, 0.35)
  1644. swait(3)
  1645. local glasses4, glassesmotor4 = makeglasses(rarm, ang(rd(180), rd(0), 0) * cf(0, 1, 0))
  1646. for i = 1, 4 do
  1647. swait()
  1648. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(80)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1649. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1650. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, -0.3, 0) * ang(rd(-40), rd(-10), rd(170)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1651. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1652. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, -0.3, 0) * ang(rd(40), rd(-10), rd(-10)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1653. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1654. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-10), rd(-10)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1655. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1656. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-10)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1657. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1658. end
  1659. glassesmotor4.Part1 = hed
  1660. glassesmotor4.C0 = ang(rd(10), rd(-10), rd(16)) * cf(0, 0.1, 0.325)
  1661. swait(3)
  1662. local glasses5, glassesmotor5 = makeglasses(larm, ang(rd(180), rd(0), 0) * cf(0, 1, 0))
  1663. for i = 1, 4 do
  1664. swait()
  1665. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(80)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1666. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1667. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, -0.3, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(-10), rd(10)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1668. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1669. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, -0.3, 0) * ang(rd(-40), rd(-10), rd(170)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1670. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1671. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-10), rd(-10)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1672. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1673. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-10)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1674. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1675. end
  1676. glassesmotor5.Part1 = hed
  1677. glassesmotor5.C0 = ang(rd(-37), rd(17), rd(-8)) * cf(0, -0.75, 0.2)
  1678. swait(3)
  1679. local glasses6, glassesmotor6 = makeglasses(rarm, ang(rd(180), rd(0), 0) * cf(0, 1, 0))
  1680. for i = 1, 4 do
  1681. swait()
  1682. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(80)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1683. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1684. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, -0.3, 0) * ang(rd(-40), rd(-10), rd(170)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1685. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1686. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, -0.3, 0) * ang(rd(-40), rd(-10), rd(10)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1687. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1688. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-10), rd(-10)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1689. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1690. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-10)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1691. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1692. end
  1693. glassesmotor6.Part1 = hed
  1694. glassesmotor6.C0 = ang(rd(37), rd(4), rd(-2)) * cf(0, 0.3, 0.275)
  1695. for i = 1, 4 do
  1696. swait()
  1697. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(80)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1698. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1699. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, -0.3, 0) * ang(rd(-40), rd(-10), rd(10)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1700. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1701. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, -0.3, 0) * ang(rd(-40), rd(-10), rd(10)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1702. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1703. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-10), rd(-10)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1704. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1705. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-10)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1706. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3 + i * 0.14)
  1707. end
  1708. swait(1)
  1709. local scg ="ScreenGui")
  1710. scg.Parent = plr.PlayerGui
  1711. local t1 ="TextLabel")
  1712. t1.AnchorPoint =, 0.5)
  1713. t1.BackgroundTransparency = 0
  1714. t1.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1715. t1.Position =, 0, 0.78, 0)
  1716. t1.Rotation = -6
  1717. t1.Size =, 2, 0, 2)
  1718. t1.TextSize = 100
  1719. t1.Font = "Cartoon"
  1720. t1.Text = "I.."
  1721. t1.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  1722. t1.Parent = scg
  1723. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1724. while t1 do
  1725. t1.TextColor3 =, 1), rd2(0, 1), rd2(0, 1))
  1726. for _ = 1, 15 do
  1727. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait()
  1728. t1.TextColor3 =, t1.TextColor3.g + 0.06666666666666667, t1.TextColor3.b)
  1729. end
  1730. for _ = 1, 15 do
  1731. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait()
  1732. t1.TextColor3 = - 0.06666666666666667, t1.TextColor3.g, t1.TextColor3.b)
  1733. end
  1734. for _ = 1, 15 do
  1735. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait()
  1736. t1.TextColor3 =, t1.TextColor3.g, t1.TextColor3.b + 0.06666666666666667)
  1737. end
  1738. for _ = 1, 15 do
  1739. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait()
  1740. t1.TextColor3 =, t1.TextColor3.g - 0.06666666666666667, t1.TextColor3.b)
  1741. end
  1742. for _ = 1, 15 do
  1743. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait()
  1744. t1.TextColor3 = + 0.06666666666666667, t1.TextColor3.g, t1.TextColor3.b)
  1745. end
  1746. for _ = 1, 15 do
  1747. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait()
  1748. t1.TextColor3 =, t1.TextColor3.g, t1.TextColor3.b - 0.06666666666666667)
  1749. end
  1750. end
  1751. end))
  1752. swait(8)
  1753. local t2 ="TextLabel")
  1754. t2.AnchorPoint =, 0.5)
  1755. t2.BackgroundTransparency = 0
  1756. t2.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1757. t2.Position =, 0, 0.84, 0)
  1758. t2.Rotation = 15
  1759. t2.Size =, 2, 0, 2)
  1760. t2.TextSize = 100
  1761. t2.Font = "Cartoon"
  1762. t2.Text = "WIN!!!!!!! yeet"
  1763. t2.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  1764. t2.Parent = scg
  1765. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1766. while t2 do
  1767. t2.TextColor3 =, 1), rd2(0, 1), rd2(0, 1))
  1768. for _ = 1, 15 do
  1769. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait()
  1770. t2.TextColor3 =, t2.TextColor3.g + 0.06666666666666667, t2.TextColor3.b)
  1771. end
  1772. for _ = 1, 15 do
  1773. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait()
  1774. t2.TextColor3 = - 0.06666666666666667, t2.TextColor3.g, t2.TextColor3.b)
  1775. end
  1776. for _ = 1, 15 do
  1777. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait()
  1778. t2.TextColor3 =, t2.TextColor3.g, t2.TextColor3.b + 0.06666666666666667)
  1779. end
  1780. for _ = 1, 15 do
  1781. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait()
  1782. t2.TextColor3 =, t2.TextColor3.g - 0.06666666666666667, t2.TextColor3.b)
  1783. end
  1784. for _ = 1, 15 do
  1785. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait()
  1786. t2.TextColor3 = + 0.06666666666666667, t2.TextColor3.g, t2.TextColor3.b)
  1787. end
  1788. for _ = 1, 15 do
  1789. game:GetService("RunService").RHeartbeat:wait()
  1790. t2.TextColor3 =, t2.TextColor3.g, t2.TextColor3.b - 0.06666666666666667)
  1791. end
  1792. end
  1793. end))
  1794. swait(20)
  1795. scg:Destroy()
  1796. glasses1:Destroy()
  1797. glasses2:Destroy()
  1798. glasses3:Destroy()
  1799. glasses4:Destroy()
  1800. glasses5:Destroy()
  1801. glasses6:Destroy()
  1802. cam.CameraType = "Custom"
  1803. hrp.Anchored = false
  1804. human.WalkSpeed = sped
  1805. activu = false
  1806. end
  1807. function makenoob(cfrem, scalo, rags)
  1808. nscale.Value = scalo
  1809. local md ="Model")
  1810. md.Name = "Noob"
  1811. md.Parent = workspace
  1812. local hu ="Humanoid")
  1813. hu.RigType = "R6"
  1814. hu.MaxHealth = 100 * scalo
  1815. hu.Health = 100 * scalo
  1816. hu.Parent = md
  1817. local anm ="Animator")
  1818. anm.Parent = hu
  1819. hu.PlatformStand = true
  1820. local light = function(part)
  1821. part.CustomPhysicalProperties =, 0.3, 0.5)
  1822. end
  1823. local hd ="Part")
  1824. hd.Name = "Head"
  1825. hd.Size = * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value)
  1826. hd.TopSurface = "Smooth"
  1827. hd.BottomSurface = "Inlet"
  1828. hd.Locked = true
  1829. hd.BrickColor ="Lily white")
  1830. hd.CanCollide = true
  1831. hd.Anchored = false
  1832. light(hd)
  1833. hd.Parent = md
  1834. local hm ="SpecialMesh")
  1835. hm.MeshType = "Head"
  1836. hm.Scale =, 1.25, 1.25)
  1837. hm.Parent = hd
  1838. local hf ="Decal")
  1839. hf.Name = "face"
  1840. hf.Texture = "rbxasset://textures/face.png"
  1841. local gen = math.random(1, 40)
  1842. if gen == 3 then
  1843. hf.Texture = "rbxassetid://260884109"
  1844. end
  1845. if gen == 8 then
  1846. hf.Texture = "rbxassetid://260569492"
  1847. end
  1848. if gen == 12 then
  1849. hf.Texture = "rbxassetid://259580505"
  1850. end
  1851. if gen == 16 then
  1852. hf.Texture = "rbxassetid://259579232"
  1853. end
  1854. if gen == 24 then
  1855. hf.Texture = "rbxassetid://259571525"
  1856. end
  1857. if gen == 28 then
  1858. hf.Texture = "rbxassetid://258283210"
  1859. end
  1860. if gen == 32 then
  1861. hf.Texture = "rbxassetid://258940032"
  1862. end
  1863. if gen == 38 then
  1864. hf.Texture = "rbxassetid://673220970"
  1865. hf.Color3 =, 0, 0)
  1866. end
  1867. hf.Face = "Front"
  1868. hf.Parent = hd
  1869. local hrpa ="Part")
  1870. hrpa.Name = "HumanoidRootPart"
  1871. hrpa.TopSurface, hrpa.BottomSurface = 0, 0
  1872. hrpa.Size = * nscale.Value, 2 * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value)
  1873. hrpa.Transparency = 1
  1874. hrpa.CanCollide = false
  1875. hrpa.Locked = true
  1876. light(hrpa)
  1877. hrpa.Parent = md
  1878. local tagbomb ="BoolValue")
  1879. tagbomb.Name = "tagbomb"
  1880. tagbomb.Value = false
  1881. tagbomb.Parent = hrpa
  1882. local learm ="Part")
  1883. learm.Name = "Left Arm"
  1884. learm.BrickColor ="Lily white")
  1885. learm.CanCollide = false
  1886. learm.Locked = true
  1887. learm.Size = * nscale.Value, 2 * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value)
  1888. light(learm)
  1889. learm.Parent = md
  1890. local riarm ="Part")
  1891. riarm.Name = "Right Arm"
  1892. riarm.BrickColor ="Lily white")
  1893. riarm.CanCollide = false
  1894. riarm.Locked = true
  1895. light(riarm)
  1896. riarm.Size = * nscale.Value, 2 * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value)
  1897. riarm.Parent = md
  1898. local leleg ="Part")
  1899. leleg.Name = "Left Leg"
  1900. leleg.BrickColor ="Lily white")
  1901. leleg.CanCollide = false
  1902. leleg.Locked = true
  1903. light(leleg)
  1904. leleg.BottomSurface = 0
  1905. leleg.Size = * nscale.Value, 2 * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value)
  1906. leleg.Parent = md
  1907. local rileg ="Part")
  1908. rileg.Name = "Right Leg"
  1909. rileg.BrickColor ="Lily white")
  1910. rileg.CanCollide = false
  1911. rileg.Locked = true
  1912. light(rileg)
  1913. rileg.BottomSurface = 0
  1914. rileg.Size = * nscale.Value, 2 * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value)
  1915. rileg.Parent = md
  1916. local tor ="Part")
  1917. tor.Name = "Torso"
  1918. tor.BrickColor ="Bright blue")
  1919. tor.Locked = true
  1920. light(tor)
  1921. tor.Size = * nscale.Value, 2 * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value)
  1922. tor.LeftSurface, tor.RightSurface = "Weld", "Weld"
  1923. tor.Parent = md
  1924. md.PrimaryPart = hrpa
  1925. md:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(cfrem)
  1926. md:makeJoints()
  1927. makejoint(hrpa, RootJointC0, RootJointC1, hrpa, tor, "RootJoint")
  1928. makejoint(tor, NeckC0, NeckC1, tor, hd, "Neck")
  1929. if rags == true then
  1930. makegloo(tor, RightShoulderC0, RightShoulderC1, tor, riarm, "Right Shoulder")
  1931. makegloo(tor, LeftShoulderC0, LeftShoulderC1, tor, learm, "Left Shoulder")
  1932. makegloo(tor, RightHipC0, RightHipC1, tor, rileg, "Right Hip")
  1933. makegloo(tor, LeftHipC0, LeftHipC1, tor, leleg, "Left Hip")
  1934. maketouchy(riarm, riarm,, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0))
  1935. maketouchy(learm, learm,, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0))
  1936. maketouchy(leleg, leleg,, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0))
  1937. maketouchy(rileg, rileg,, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0))
  1938. elseif rags == false then
  1939. makejoint(tor, RightShoulderC0, RightShoulderC1, tor, riarm, "Right Shoulder")
  1940. makejoint(tor, LeftShoulderC0, LeftShoulderC1, tor, learm, "Left Shoulder")
  1941. makejoint(tor, RightHipC0, RightHipC1, tor, rileg, "Right Hip")
  1942. makejoint(tor, LeftHipC0, LeftHipC1, tor, leleg, "Left Hip")
  1943. hu.PlatformStand = false
  1944. end
  1945. nscale.Value = 1
  1946. local whistl ="Sound")
  1947. whistl.SoundId = "rbxassetid://170297200"
  1948. whistl.Name = "whistl"
  1949. whistl.Volume = 1
  1950. whistl.TimePosition = 0.6
  1951. whistl.Pitch = 1
  1952. whistl.Parent = hrpa
  1953. hu.Touched:connect(function(tpart, uwot)
  1954. if tagbomb.Value == true and tpart.Parent ~= md and tpart.Parent.Parent ~= md and tpart.Parent.Parent.Parent ~= md and tpart.Parent ~= "Noob" then
  1955. tagbomb.Value = false
  1956. hu.Health = 0
  1957. local derp ="Explosion")
  1958. derp.BlastPressure = 200
  1959. derp.BlastRadius = 16
  1960. derp.DestroyJointRadiusPercent = 0
  1961. derp.ExplosionType = 2
  1962. derp.Visible = true
  1963. derp.Position = uwot.Position -, 0.5, 0)
  1964. derp.Parent = workspace
  1965. game.Debris:AddItem(md, 8)
  1966. local sound2 ="Sound")
  1967. sound2.SoundId = "rbxassetid://157878578"
  1968. sound2.Volume = 0.8
  1969. sound2.Pitch = 0.9
  1970. sound2.Parent = uwot
  1971. sound2:Play()
  1972. whistl:Stop()
  1973. hito(uwot, 14, 24, 0.3,, 10), rd2(20, 30), rd2(-10, 10)),, 10), rd2(20, 30), rd2(-10, 10)))
  1974. end
  1975. end)
  1976. return md
  1977. end
  1978. local pl, st, gotago
  1979. function musicnoob()
  1980. if selected == false or activu == true then
  1981. return
  1982. end
  1983. if memeing == false then
  1984. activu = true
  1985. do
  1986. local nib = spawnnoob(hrp.CFrame * cf(5, 3, -1) * ang(rd(90), 0, 0), cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-90), 0, 0), 1, false)
  1987. nib.Name = "Nooprah"
  1988. nib.Parent = modz
  1989. local nHuman = nib:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  1990. local nhrp = nib:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
  1991. local nTorso = nib:FindFirstChild("Torso")
  1992. local nRS = nTorso:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder")
  1993. local nLS = nTorso:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder")
  1994. local nRH = nTorso:FindFirstChild("Right Hip")
  1995. local nLH = nTorso:FindFirstChild("Left Hip")
  1996. local nRJ = nhrp:FindFirstChild("RootJoint")
  1997. local nN = nTorso:FindFirstChild("Neck")
  1998. local nFace = nib:FindFirstChild("Head"):FindFirstChild("face")
  1999. nHuman.MaxHealth = math.huge
  2000. nHuman.Health = math.huge
  2001. nFace.Texture = "rbxassetid://14175189"
  2002. local mp = makepart("Black", "mauth", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", nib:FindFirstChild("Head"), nhrp.CFrame)
  2003. local mm = makemesh("Sphere",, 0.25, 0.75), nil, mp)
  2004. local mmot = makejoint(mp, cf(0, 0.175, 0.55), cf(0, 0, 0), mp, nib:FindFirstChild("Head"), "derp")
  2005. local mosicu ="Sound")
  2006. mosicu.Name = "moose"
  2007. mosicu.Volume = 1
  2008. mosicu.EmitterSize = 40
  2009. mosicu.MaxDistance = 80
  2010. mosicu.Looped = true
  2011. mosicu.Parent = nib:FindFirstChild("Head")
  2012. local sg ="ScreenGui")
  2013. sg.Name = "simpleflips"
  2014. sg.Parent = plr.PlayerGui
  2015. local fr ="Frame")
  2016. fr.AnchorPoint =, 0.5)
  2017. fr.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 0.0784313725490196)
  2018. fr.BorderSizePixel = 2
  2019. fr.Position =, 0, 0.5, 0)
  2020. fr.Size =, 200, 0, 100)
  2021. fr.Parent = sg
  2022. local mbox ="TextBox")
  2023. mbox.AnchorPoint =, 0.5)
  2024. mbox.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.9019607843137255, 0.0784313725490196)
  2025. mbox.BorderSizePixel = 2
  2026. mbox.Position =, 0, 0.25, 0)
  2027. mbox.Size =, 150, 0, 40)
  2028. mbox.Font = "SourceSansBold"
  2029. mbox.FontSize = "Size24"
  2030. mbox.Text = "MEME"
  2031. mbox.TextWrapped = true
  2032. mbox.Parent = fr
  2033. local pley ="TextButton")
  2034. pley.AnchorPoint =, 0.5)
  2035. pley.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 0.3137254901960784)
  2036. pley.BorderSizePixel = 2
  2037. pley.Position =, 0, 0.75, 0)
  2038. pley.Size =, 75, 0, 35)
  2039. pley.Font = "SourceSansBold"
  2040. pley.FontSize = "Size18"
  2041. pley.Text = "kappa"
  2042. pley.Parent = fr
  2043. local stap ="TextButton")
  2044. stap.AnchorPoint =, 0.5)
  2045. stap.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.25098039215686274, 0.11764705882352941)
  2046. stap.BorderSizePixel = 2
  2047. stap.Position =, 0, 0.75, 0)
  2048. stap.Size =, 75, 0, 35)
  2049. stap.Font = "SourceSansBold"
  2050. stap.FontSize = "Size18"
  2051. stap.Text = "pride"
  2052. stap.Parent = fr
  2053. pl = pley.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  2054. mosicu.SoundId = "rbxassetid://" .. mbox.Text
  2055. mosicu:Play()
  2056. end)
  2057. st = stap.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  2058. mosicu:Stop()
  2059. end)
  2060. gotago = tool.Activated:connect(function()
  2061. if mouse.Hit ~= nil and batting == false then
  2062. nHuman:MoveTo(mouse.Hit.p)
  2063. end
  2064. end)
  2065. local memevalue, memevalue2, liftvalue
  2066. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  2067. while nib do
  2068. swait()
  2069. memevalue = -90 * (mosicu.PlaybackLoudness / 500)
  2070. memevalue2 = -20 * (mosicu.PlaybackLoudness / 500)
  2071. liftvalue = 0.75 * (mosicu.PlaybackLoudness / 500)
  2072. mm.Scale = mm.Scale:lerp( * (1 - mosicu.PlaybackLoudness / 900), 0.25 * (1 + mosicu.PlaybackLoudness / 30), 0.75 * (1 + mosicu.PlaybackLoudness / 1750)), 0.7)
  2073. if mosicu.PlaybackLoudness > 1 and mosicu.PlaybackLoudness < 10000000 then
  2074. lerpz(nN, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(memevalue), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  2075. lerpz(nRJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, liftvalue) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  2076. lerpz(nRS, "C0", RightShoulderC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(memevalue), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  2077. lerpz(nLS, "C0", LeftShoulderC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(memevalue), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  2078. lerpz(nRH, "C0", RightHipC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(memevalue2), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  2079. lerpz(nLH, "C0", LeftHipC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(memevalue2), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  2080. else
  2081. lerpz(nRJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  2082. lerpz(nN, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  2083. lerpz(nRS, "C0", RightShoulderC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  2084. lerpz(nLS, "C0", LeftShoulderC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  2085. lerpz(nRH, "C0", RightHipC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  2086. lerpz(nLH, "C0", LeftHipC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
  2087. end
  2088. end
  2089. end))
  2090. activu = false
  2091. memeing = true
  2092. end
  2093. elseif memeing == true then
  2094. gotago:Disconnect()
  2095. pl:Disconnect()
  2096. st:Disconnect()
  2097. if plr.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("simpleflips") then
  2098. plr.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("simpleflips"):Destroy()
  2099. end
  2100. if modz:FindFirstChild("Nooprah") then
  2101. modz:FindFirstChild("Nooprah"):Destroy()
  2102. end
  2103. memeing = false
  2104. end
  2105. end
  2106. function makecircle(cfrem, scalo)
  2107. local mcir1 ="Part")
  2108. mcir1.Anchored = true
  2109. mcir1.CanCollide = false
  2110. mcir1.Size =, 0.2, 0.2)
  2111. mcir1.Transparency = 1
  2112. mcir1.CFrame = cfrem
  2113. mcir1.Parent = modz
  2114. game.Debris:AddItem(mcir1, 8)
  2115. local d1 ="Decal")
  2116. d1.Texture = "rbxassetid://602615043"
  2117. d1.Face = "Front"
  2118. d1.Parent = mcir1
  2119. local d2 ="Decal")
  2120. d2.Texture = "rbxassetid://602617463"
  2121. d2.Face = "Back"
  2122. d2.Parent = mcir1
  2123. local bme ="BlockMesh")
  2124. bme.Parent = mcir1
  2125. for _ = 1, 9 do
  2126. swait()
  2127. bme.Scale = bme.Scale:lerp( * scalo, 35 * scalo, 0), 0.3)
  2128. end
  2129. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  2130. swait(15)
  2131. for _ = 1, 12 do
  2132. swait()
  2133. d1.Transparency = d1.Transparency + 0.08
  2134. d2.Transparency = d2.Transparency + 0.08
  2135. end
  2136. mcir1:Destroy()
  2137. end))
  2138. return mcir1
  2139. end
  2140. function spawnnoob(circlecf, noobcf, scalez, ragd)
  2141. local aearae = makecircle(circlecf, scalez)
  2142. local nananb
  2143. if ragd then
  2144. nananb = makenoob(aearae.CFrame * noobcf, scalez, true)
  2145. elseif not ragd then
  2146. nananb = makenoob(aearae.CFrame * noobcf, scalez, false)
  2147. end
  2148. return nananb
  2149. end
  2150. function tagexplode(partoz, magn, bombdelay)
  2151. for _, guy in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  2152. if guy:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and guy.Name == "Noob" and magn > (guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position - partoz.Position).magnitude then
  2153. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  2154. guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").whistl:Play()
  2155. swait(bombdelay * 30)
  2156. guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").tagbomb.Value = true
  2157. end))
  2158. end
  2159. end
  2160. end
  2161. function hito(partoz, magn, dmg, debtim, bodyfdire, bodyrot)
  2162. for _, guy in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  2163. if guy:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and guy ~= chr and magn > (guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position - partoz.Position).magnitude and guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart"):FindFirstChild("alabo") == nil then
  2164. do
  2165. local humz = guy:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  2166. local horp = guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
  2167. humz:TakeDamage(dmg)
  2168. if guy:FindFirstChildOfClass("ForceField") then
  2169. humz.Health = humz.Health - dmg
  2170. end
  2171. humz:SetStateEnabled(16, true)
  2172. delay(debtim, function()
  2173. humz:SetStateEnabled(16, true)
  2174. end)
  2175. local db ="StringValue")
  2176. db.Name = "alabo"
  2177. db.Parent = horp
  2178. delay(debtim, function()
  2179. db:Destroy()
  2180. end)
  2181. local b ="Part")
  2182. nooutline(b)
  2183. b.Size =, 0.2, 0.2)
  2184. b.Transparency = 0.25
  2185. b.Anchored = true
  2186. b.CanCollide = false
  2187. b.BrickColor ="Institutional white")
  2188. b.Locked = true
  2189. b.CFrame = horp.CFrame *, 1), rd2(-2, 2), rd2(-1, 1))
  2190. b.Parent = modz
  2191. local c ="SpecialMesh")
  2192. c.MeshType = "Sphere"
  2193. c.Scale =, 3.5, 3.5)
  2194. c.Parent = b
  2195. game.Debris:AddItem(b, 1)
  2196. local damageind ="Model")
  2197. damageind.Name = dmg
  2198. damageind.Parent = workspace
  2199. game.Debris:AddItem(damageind, 0.5 + dmg / 75)
  2200. local awawaa ="Humanoid")
  2201. awawaa.MaxHealth = 0
  2202. awawaa.Parent = damageind
  2203. local dhed ="Part")
  2204. dhed.Name = "Head"
  2205. dhed.Locked = true
  2206. dhed.Size =, 0.2, 0.2)
  2207. dhed.Position = horp.Position
  2208. dhed.BrickColor ="Bright red")
  2209. dhed.CanCollide = false
  2210. dhed.Parent = damageind
  2211. local flo ="BodyPosition")
  2212. flo.MaxForce =, math.huge, math.huge)
  2213. flo.P = 20000
  2214. flo.D = 300
  2215. flo.Position = dhed.Position +, 5, 0)
  2216. flo.Parent = dhed
  2217. local dasdada ="CylinderMesh")
  2218. dasdada.Parent = dhed
  2219. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  2220. while dasdada do
  2221. swait()
  2222. dasdada.Scale = dasdada.Scale:lerp( + dmg / 10, 1.25 + dmg / 35, 2.5 + dmg / 10), 0.4)
  2223. end
  2224. end))
  2225. if bodyfdire then
  2226. local boopyve ="BodyVelocity")
  2227. boopyve.MaxForce =, 9999999999999, 9999999999999)
  2228. boopyve.P = 9999999999
  2229. boopyve.Velocity = bodyfdire
  2230. boopyve.Parent = horp
  2231. game.Debris:AddItem(boopyve, debtim)
  2232. end
  2233. if bodyrot then
  2234. local boopyro ="BodyAngularVelocity")
  2235. boopyro.MaxTorque =, 999999, 999999)
  2236. boopyro.P = math.huge
  2237. boopyro.AngularVelocity = bodyrot
  2238. boopyro.Parent = horp
  2239. game.Debris:AddItem(boopyro, debtim)
  2240. end
  2241. local bet ="Sound")
  2242. bet.Pitch = rd2(9, 11) / 10
  2243. bet.Volume = rd2(12, 14) / 10
  2244. bet.SoundId = "rbxassetid://305526724"
  2245. bet.Parent = b
  2246. bet:Play()
  2247. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  2248. for _ = 1, 5 do
  2249. swait()
  2250. b.Transparency = b.Transparency + 0.175
  2251. c.Scale = c.Scale + * dmg, 0.8 * dmg, 0.8 * dmg)
  2252. end
  2253. end))
  2254. end
  2255. end
  2256. end
  2257. end
  2258. function cleannoobs()
  2259. for _, nib in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  2260. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  2261. if nib.Name == "Noob" then
  2262. if nib:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  2263. local g ="Part")
  2264. g.CanCollide, g.Anchored = false, true
  2265. g.Transparency = 1
  2266. g.CFrame = nib:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame
  2267. g.Parent = workspace
  2268. game.Debris:AddItem(g, 3.5)
  2269. local sou ="Sound")
  2270. sou.Pitch = math.random(7, 11) / 10
  2271. sou.Volume = 0.8
  2272. sou.SoundId = "rbxassetid://111124523"
  2273. sou.Parent = g
  2274. local pe ="ParticleEmitter")
  2275. pe.Acceleration =, 8, 0)
  2276. pe.Lifetime =, 1.5)
  2277. pe.Rate = 0.005
  2278. pe.RotSpeed =, 30)
  2279. pe.Rotation =, 360)
  2280. pe.Size ={
  2281., 4.38, 0),
  2282., 4.14, 0),
  2283., 1.48, 0)
  2284. })
  2285. pe.Texture = "rbxassetid://244221440"
  2286. pe.Transparency ={
  2287., 0, 0),
  2288., 0.3, 0),
  2289., 1, 1)
  2290. })
  2291. pe.ZOffset = 5
  2292. pe.Enabled = true
  2293. pe.VelocitySpread = 360
  2294. pe.Parent = g
  2295. swait(5)
  2296. pe:Emit(6)
  2297. sou:Play()
  2298. end
  2299. nib:Destroy()
  2300. end
  2301. end))
  2302. end
  2303. end
  2304. function animo(yep)
  2305. if anim then
  2306. if yep == true then
  2307. anim.Parent = human
  2308. chr.Animate.Disabled = false
  2309. elseif yep == false then
  2310. chr.Animate.Disabled = true
  2311. anim.Parent = nil
  2312. end
  2313. end
  2314. end
  2315. human.Died:connect(function()
  2316. script:Destroy()
  2317. end)
  2318. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  2319. if key == "r" then
  2320. test()
  2321. end
  2322. if key == "m" then
  2323. lauf()
  2324. end
  2325. if key == "c" then
  2326. ham()
  2327. end
  2328. if key == "v" then
  2329. nommy()
  2330. end
  2331. if key == "x" then
  2332. bat()
  2333. end
  2334. if key == "l" and selected == true then
  2335. spawnnoob(hrp.CFrame * cf(5, 3, -1) * ang(rd(90), 0, 0), cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-100), 0, 0), 1, true)
  2336. end
  2337. if key == ";" and selected == true then
  2338. spawnnoob(hrp.CFrame * cf(5, 60, -1) * ang(rd(90), 0, 0), cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-90), 0, 0), 10, true)
  2339. end
  2340. if key == "k" and selected == true then
  2341. spawnnoob(hrp.CFrame * cf(5, 3, -1) * ang(rd(90), 0, 0), cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-90), 0, 0), 1, false)
  2342. end
  2343. if key == "p" then
  2344. cleannoobs()
  2345. end
  2346. if key == "[" then
  2347. musicnoob()
  2348. end
  2349. if key == "z" then
  2350. if selected == false or activu == true then
  2351. return
  2352. end
  2353. if human.WalkSpeed == 25 then
  2354. human.WalkSpeed = 70
  2355. human.JumpPower = 75
  2356. else
  2357. human.WalkSpeed = 25
  2358. human.JumpPower = 50
  2359. end
  2360. end
  2361. end)
  2362. tool.Equipped:connect(function()
  2363. selected = true
  2364. end)
  2365. tool.Unequipped:connect(function()
  2366. selected = false
  2367. end)
  2368. animo(false)
  2369. human.WalkSpeed = 25
  2370. sine = 0
  2371. charge = 1
  2372. cos = math.cos
  2373. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(function()
  2374. if ragged == false and activu == false then
  2375. local checkfloor =,, -5, 0))
  2376. local checkpart = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(checkfloor, {chr}, false, false)
  2377. local checkstate = human:GetState()
  2378. if checkstate.Value == 13 then
  2379. animpose = "Sitting"
  2380. elseif hrp.Velocity.y > 1 and checkpart == nil then
  2381. animpose = "Jumping"
  2382. elseif hrp.Velocity.y < -1 and checkpart == nil then
  2383. animpose = "Falling"
  2384. elseif (hrp.Velocity *, 0, 1)).magnitude < 2 then
  2385. animpose = "Idle"
  2386. elseif (hrp.Velocity *, 0, 1)).magnitude < 40 then
  2387. animpose = "Walking"
  2388. elseif (hrp.Velocity *, 0, 1)).magnitude > 40 then
  2389. animpose = "TooFast"
  2390. end
  2391. if animpose == "Idle" then
  2392. sine = sine + charge
  2393. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0.05 * cos(sine / 40), 0, -0.05 - 0.05 * cos(sine / 20)) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2394. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(4 + 2 * cos(sine / 20)), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2395. if not ymmu then
  2396. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(8 * cos(sine / 80)), rd(0), rd(8 * cos(sine / 80))), 0.3)
  2397. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2398. end
  2399. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(8 * cos(sine / 80)), rd(0), rd(8 * cos(sine / 80))), 0.3)
  2400. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2401. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0.05 + 0.05 * cos(sine / 20), 0.05 * cos(sine / 40)) * ang(rd(-5), rd(-5), rd(1)), 0.3)
  2402. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2403. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0.05 + 0.05 * cos(sine / 20), -0.05 * cos(sine / 40)) * ang(rd(-5), rd(5), rd(1)), 0.3)
  2404. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2405. end
  2406. if animpose == "Walking" then
  2407. sine = sine + charge
  2408. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0.025 * cos(sine / 4)) * ang(rd(-5), math.sin(hrp.RotVelocity.Y / 30), math.sin(hrp.RotVelocity.Y / 5)), 0.3)
  2409. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-2), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2410. if not ymmu then
  2411. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(5 * cos(sine / 5)), rd(-20 * cos(sine / 5)), rd(90 * cos(sine / 5))), 0.6)
  2412. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2413. end
  2414. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5 * cos(sine / 5)), rd(-20 * cos(sine / 5)), rd(90 * cos(sine / 5))), 0.6)
  2415. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2416. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-1 - 1 * cos(sine / 60)), rd(-1 - 1 * cos(sine / 60)), rd(-90 * cos(sine / 5))), 0.6)
  2417. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2418. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-1 - 1 * cos(sine / 60)), rd(1 - 1 * cos(sine / 60)), rd(-90 * cos(sine / 5))), 0.6)
  2419. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2420. end
  2421. if animpose == "Jumping" then
  2422. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2423. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2424. if not ymmu then
  2425. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, -0.5, 0.2) * ang(rd(-70), rd(-5), rd(-20)), 0.3)
  2426. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2427. end
  2428. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, -0.5, 0.2) * ang(rd(-70), rd(5), rd(20)), 0.3)
  2429. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2430. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-20), rd(-20), rd(-20)), 0.3)
  2431. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2432. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-20), rd(20), rd(15)), 0.3)
  2433. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2434. end
  2435. if animpose == "Falling" then
  2436. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(10), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2437. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(10), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2438. if not ymmu then
  2439. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0.6) * ang(rd(-150), rd(-5), rd(-20)), 0.3)
  2440. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2441. end
  2442. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0.6) * ang(rd(-150), rd(5), rd(20)), 0.3)
  2443. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2444. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-15), rd(-15), rd(-20)), 0.3)
  2445. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2446. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-15), rd(15), rd(15)), 0.3)
  2447. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2448. end
  2449. if animpose == "TooFast" then
  2450. sine = sine + charge
  2451. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0.35 * cos(sine / 2)) * ang(rd(-20), math.sin(hrp.RotVelocity.Y / 20), math.sin(hrp.RotVelocity.Y / 2)), 0.3)
  2452. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-15 - 5 * cos(sine / 2)), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2453. if not ymmu then
  2454. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(5 * cos(sine / 3)), rd(-120 * cos(sine / 3)), rd(110 * cos(sine / 3))), 0.6)
  2455. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2456. end
  2457. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5 * cos(sine / 3)), rd(-120 * cos(sine / 3)), rd(110 * cos(sine / 3))), 0.6)
  2458. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2459. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-1 - 1 * cos(sine / 60)), rd(-1 - 1 * cos(sine / 60)), rd(-110 * cos(sine / 3))), 0.6)
  2460. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2461. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-1 - 1 * cos(sine / 60)), rd(1 - 1 * cos(sine / 60)), rd(-110 * cos(sine / 3))), 0.6)
  2462. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2463. end
  2464. if animpose == "Sitting" then
  2465. lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2466. lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2467. if not ymmu then
  2468. lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)), 0.3)
  2469. lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2470. end
  2471. lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(-90)), 0.3)
  2472. lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2473. lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)), 0.3)
  2474. lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2475. lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(-90)), 0.3)
  2476. lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
  2477. end
  2478. end
  2479. end)
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