

Jun 1st, 2014
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  1. Real name: Aditya Nambiar
  2. Ingame name: KLM-NC|Aditya.N#M
  3. Ingame account name: GTASAforever
  4. IRC name (if used): Aditya
  5. MTA serial: 680F61B42D11722CCEC91E115EC92243
  6. Age in years: 16 years.
  7. Country of residence: India.
  8. Real world occupation: Student.
  9. Times that I usually play (include timezone): 11:30 am morning to 3:00 pm afternoon and 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm at the evening. Timezone: GMT +5:30
  11. I have been part of the following ingame groups: INDIAN_LEGACY, BloodBrotherz, KLM.
  12. I have been playing on the CIT MTA SA server since: November, 2012.
  13. I have been a member of the staff team / supporter before, if yes for how long: No.
  14. How many hours have you played on the server in total: 438 hours.
  15. How many hours on average do you play on the server a week: 35 hours.
  16. I may end up inactive because of real world commitments/duties: Not really. There are times when you need to focus on few most important things in the real life instead of continuously playing games. I will still try my best to stay active in the server.
  17. I am aware that I have to be active to perform my duties as a supporter: Yes.
  18. I am aware that I have to sacrifice a portion of my play time to help out: Yes. I do it often as every time I play on this server, I am a free civilian.
  20. My understanding of the English language is: Above average, except some grammatical and vocabulary mistakes that may happen sometimes but I am totally capable of communicating with people. I can even understand them who can't speak out their sentences quite properly or cannot say some words using the correct spelling.
  21. What languages can you speak: English, Hindi, Malayalam & Marathi (Indian languages).
  22. In detail, describe yourself and why you want to be a CIT supporter and what activities you're involved in within CIT (group participation, bug reports, favourite jobs, etc):
  23. Hello! My name is Aditya Premkumar Nambiar. I am 16 years old and I have finished my school, according to the education system in my school. I am a state board student. I have been involved in gaming since the past 5 years because that's the time when I got my own Personal Computer. I have played a lot of games, but I lost interest in all of them but only one game remained in my heart and I kept playing it. It was Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. It's been over 3 years since I started playing GTA:SA. My life is pretty much mixed with all the emotions that a teenager could face. Tragedy, Drama, Sadness, Happiness etc I have experienced almost every bit of these emotions and I have learnt to tackle hardships like these very well. I don't like to be famous. And I think nor I am. I am a teen who always attempts his best to accomplish the task or responsibility wherever and whenever it's necessary to do so. I love peace and I like those players / members who maintain peace in a particular place. Also, I am fond of nature. As you must have seen me having trees, beaches and other natural things as my forum profile picture.
  25. Coming to my Multiplayer San Andreas life, I started playing Multi Theft Auto (MTA) since May, 2012. Ultimately, I started playing CIT since November as I wrote above. I came into CIT for only 2 or 3 reasons, one of them was because of my best and old friend playing here. And one more was that I wanted to check out CIT as it was the most popular server during those times. It sure took me time to get around and know each and every thing very well enough to make myself comfortable in this wide community. I started off as a criminal. Few kind and generous people helped me get through difficulties. Mostly, Indians helped my beginning in this community. They thought me what to do, how to play, where to ask etc. I started to love this server and continued to play until one day because of my forgetfulness, I forgot my account password. I had even asked for help in the support chat but in those days I didn't got an actual help for 2 reasons;
  26. 1. I didn't know what they were talking about as I only saw them saying "Contact L5 staffs" and all.
  27. 2. I am sorry to say this, but ignoring me half of the time.
  28. It's true that the fault for them ignoring me is clearly because either I was repeating my question or they didn't know what would be the correct answer. Well, that's an old story. Let me continue and talk apart from this. I went inactive for many months but during those times, I tried to help using IRC.
  30. Talking about my involvement within the community is mainly on the civilian side aspect of CIT. You will always find me giving big replies to the ones who put up a discussion on the General discussion board. Otherwise, I shall only look out for the suggestions that can change anything in the civilian side. Also, I don't post on the 3 most important board unless there is a real need for sharing my opinion within a particular topic. And, according to me, the 3 most important boards are "General CIT Discussion", "Ingame features" and "General Support / Questions". I don't stay back to help out people in the General Support / Questions board. The only reason why I don't help is, I don't want the person who is asking for help gets confused with same answer but posted in a different way. Also, there are many others who are doing their job to help out as much as they can. If I find that, something is wrongly answered or something is not understood by the one who asked for a certain thing, I will try to elaborate and explain the way it should be in pure detail. Because, as a Regular Community Member, it is my first and most important duty to serve the new players who are having difficulty in getting things cleared up.
  32. Concluding, I would like to become a supporter for pretty much things. First reason would be to give the players a trust that the CIT support administration is there to help them and they will never be left ignored or unanswered whenever I am there and I promise that. Second reason will be because I have been helping in support for pretty much a long time after I realized what was the real problem for players saying "Support don't help" and everything. I don't like that and I would like to give those sentences an end by communicating and discussing with the other CIT support administration members, every small problem players face. These are the main reasons why I would like to be a part of your support administration team and I still continue helping in the support chat, as a whole. Also, sometimes not every staff or supporter is available to help. I mean, they are not present, when I am online. So, it might be a good thing if players want to confirm answers for some questions by a supporter.
  34. For these questions imagine you're a supporter and therefore only have access to mute, what do you think would be an appropriate action in the below circumstances
  35. I think somebody is cheating so I: Gather enough evidence as much as possible by me and then keep a sharp eye on him to confirm that what all proofs I have are absolutely correct. Then, contact a staff member. Either on IRC or using the supporters chat (If I am not wrong, they have their separate chat).
  36. A player is shouting for help in main chat so I: Ask him what is his problem. If it's something that staffs can only sort out, I will make sure to get that player (who is asking for help) a free staff immediately. Otherwise, I will politely tell him to ask in the Support chat by pressing "J" and clicking on support. Even if he spams with extended words and punctuation like "?" and "!" I will request him, not to spam and ask his question once in the support chat, as there are many people from the community willing to help players in trouble.
  37. A player insults me so I: I will only ask him the reason as for why he is insulting me. If the reason that he gives to me is valid, I will try to improve myself on whatever it shall be without starting a new fight over the chatbox disturbing others' gameplay. If needed, I will sort it out via SMS. But, if the player crosses his limit by going beyond me and starts to insult any of my Real Life acquaintances, and the reason for that is invalid, I would have to report him.
  38. A player asks me to give them some money so I: I tell him/her the best job in the server that pays a good ransom so that the player won't have to ask for some money again. However, if the player really need financial help, I will ask him what does he wanna do with -so and so- amount, if he wanna start farmer or fisherman or else if he wants to buy some weapons or anything, I will give him/her some fixed amount of money using which he will do what he is desiring to do.
  39. Somebody is cheating but I can't ban them so I: Same. But, this time if the cheater is found by someone else, I will tell him that I may help in whatever way I can. So, I will slowly ask about how does he/she feel that -this- player is cheating? I will also tell him to show in what all ways is the player cheating. At the end, if I feel that this player is actually cheating and needs to be stopped. I will report him on forum with valid proof(s).
  40. I have found a bug which gives free money so I: I will immediately visit IRC and query a staff who is associated with the Quality Assurance team. Also, I will try to stop players from doing the activity that reproduces this bug.
  42. I agree that I will not behave in an immature or immoral manner: Yes.
  43. I agree that any rights given to me will be used for only what they are intended for: Yes.
  44. I agree not to act in a negligent, insulting or unfair way to people: Yes, of course.
  45. I agree not to compromise the security of anything I may have access to: Yes.
  46. I agree to be honest and not jump to conclusions: Yes.
  47. I agree to remain loyal to CIT throughout my membership as supporter: Yes.
  48. I agree that I haven't even read this and just put yes for everything: No.
  49. I agree to ask somebody when I am unsure of something: Yes.
  50. I agree to follow all requests made by CIT leadership: Yes.
  51. I agree that my supporter status may be terminated for breaking an agreement: Yes.
  52. I agree that any actions performed on my account(s) are my responsibility: Yes.
  53. I agree that the information on this application is correct and truthful: Yes.
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