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a guest
Feb 27th, 2014
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  1. 12:22:19: Exécution des étapes pour le projet harbour-carbudget...
  2. 12:22:19: Débute : "/home/fproriol/.config/SailfishAlpha3/mer-sdk-tools/MerSDK/SailfishOS-i486-x86/qmake" /home/fproriol/CarBudget/ -r -spec linux-g++-32 CONFIG+=debug CONFIG+=declarative_debug CONFIG+=qml_debug
  3. Too many spec files - not using any. Use -s to identify a specific one
  4. 12:22:19: Le processus "/home/fproriol/.config/SailfishAlpha3/mer-sdk-tools/MerSDK/SailfishOS-i486-x86/qmake" s'est terminé normalement.
  5. 12:22:19: Débute : "/home/fproriol/.config/SailfishAlpha3/mer-sdk-tools/MerSDK/SailfishOS-i486-x86/make"
  6. Too many spec files - not using any. Use -s to identify a specific one
  7. make: Nothing to be done for `first'.
  8. 12:22:22: Le processus "/home/fproriol/.config/SailfishAlpha3/mer-sdk-tools/MerSDK/SailfishOS-i486-x86/make" s'est terminé normalement.
  9. 12:22:22: Emulator is already running. Nothing to do.
  10. 12:22:22: Deploying binaries...
  11. 12:22:22: Débute : "/home/fproriol/.config/SailfishAlpha3/mer-sdk-tools/MerSDK/SailfishOS-i486-x86/deploy" --rsync
  12. Fatal: Too many spec files - please use -s to identify which to use
  13. 12:22:22: Le processus "/home/fproriol/.config/SailfishAlpha3/mer-sdk-tools/MerSDK/SailfishOS-i486-x86/deploy" s'est terminé avec le code 1.
  14. Erreur lors de la compilation/déploiement du projet harbour-carbudget (kit : MerSDK-SailfishOS-i486-x86)
  15. Lors de l'exécution de l'étape "Rsync"
  16. 12:22:22: Elapsed time: 00:04.
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