

Aug 11th, 2019
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  1. ASWORD:
  2. Item_Information:
  3. Item_Name: "&bAir&7 Sword"
  4. Item_Type: 267
  5. Melee_Mode: false
  6. Item_Lore: "&f少し長い剣|&f広範囲の攻撃ができ|&f向いている方向へ飛ぶ|&7---===:&estatus&7:===---|&c攻撃力: 3|&7--------------"
  7. Sounds_Toggle: NOTE_STICKS-1-2-0
  8. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  9. Remove_Unused_Tag: true
  10. Inventory_Control: NS
  11. Shooting:
  12. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  13. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  14. Delay_Between_Shots: 7
  15. Projectile_Damage: 7
  16. Recoil_Amount: -13
  17. Projectile_Amount: 1
  18. Projectile_Speed: 1000
  19. Projectile_Type: energy
  20. Projectile_Subtype: 2-3-1-0
  21. Bullet_Spread: 0
  22. Sounds_Shoot: ENTITY_PLAYER_ATTACK_SWEEP-1-1-0
  23. Abilities:
  24. Reset_Hit_Cooldown: true
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