

Jan 9th, 2016
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  1. Staff Guidelines
  3. Staff tools¹ are NOT to be abused. Kicking or muting someone without cause is a no.
  5. It's important that staff maintain an air of responsibility and maturity. Chat spamming, griefing, kick wars, mute wars, random jailing, etc. should not occur.
  7. Staff Members are not expected to act as server police 100% of their play time. But if someone asks for help then you ARE expected to drop whatever you're doing and help them. While moderating, please be respectful, professional, and efficient. If a player is abusing their help requests (constantly bothering you without good reason) you may ask them politely to stop, when/if the player persists, you may then issue them a warning.
  9. If a player is asking for reasonable assistance that you can provide some or all of, do so. Do not wait until someone else gets on, help them out. It's part of being a staff member, and helps everyone out.
  11. Don't Ban Without Probable Cause. We cannot ban someone on suspicion alone. If you think they might be x-ray hacking or might be a griefer, get solid proof and evidence FIRST before even considering the ban. All Bans (except for temporary bans) must be posted in the Reports Skype Chat.
  13. Don't Assume. Just because someone is standing in front of a burnt down house with a flint and steel in their hands, doesn't mean they burnt it down. ALWAYS check your logs to confirm that they are indeed the person that did the griefing. Also, check to see if they've already been handled by another mod previously to see what action needs to be taken now.
  15. Donators Have Strikes. Please do NOT perma-ban Donators. Donators receive strikes (temp bans) instead. 1st Strike: Issue a 3 day temp ban. 2nd Strike: Second Strike carries a temp ban of 1 week. 3rd Strike: Is a permanent ban.
  17. If you see or encounter a problem, screenshot it, and post at the Reports Skype Chat about it. Don't wait for someone who can fix it to get on, report it immediately, so that they're not swamped when they log on, and can get to/remember to get to all the issues that crop up.
  19. Muting Guidelines
  21. Countdowns higher that start from 5 and counts down to 1 or 0 should not be considered as Spam. Anything higher than 5 should be considered as Spam and you should warn the player who said it.
  23. If a random player² logs on and starts Advertising you may mute them for 1w (One Week). If a ranked player³ Advertises you may first warn at first.If they keep on Advertising you may mute for 1w (One Week)
  25. If you filtered word at chat (Example: Fuck --> ****) you may warn for Language at first and then mute for Language if they keep on swearing.
  27. If a player Spams you may warn them.If they keep on Spamming after their warning you may mute them for 1m (One Minute).If, again, they start Spamming you may mute them for 2m (Two Minutes) 4m (Four Minutes) etc , doubling the length of the last mute. Spamming can depend on how fast/slow the chat is traveling. You can expect a player to send messages in chat at a faster rate in a fast chat. You must use your best judgement to determine if they are spamming or not.
  29. If you see a player acting like a Staff-Member you may warn them for impersonation. For muting you may follow Spam's muting guidelines.
  30. Example #1 of a player Impersonating: [Rank] <Name>: [Moderator] Hello people
  31. Example #2 of a player Impersonating: [Member] <ColdFusion>: [Mod] Hi
  33. Mute and Warn Reasons:
  34. Muting:
  35. - Advertising
  36. - Spam
  37. - Impersonation
  38. - Language
  40. Warning:
  41. - Advertising
  42. - Spam
  43. - Impersonation
  44. - Language
  46. How To Mute:
  47. /tempmute 2w ProKillerIV Advertising
  48. /tempmute 1m ProKillerIV Spam
  50. How To Warn:
  51. /warn ProKillerIV Spam
  52. /warn ProKillerIV Advertising
  56. ¹: Such as World Edit , Powertools , Gamemode Creative etc
  57. ²: Random Players Include Members and new-joined players. If you know a Member and you trust them you may treat them as a Ranked member.
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