
[RGRE|WIP:2016-07-22] The Coach

Dec 3rd, 2015
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  1. >Looking across the bar, you watch him.
  2. >His blue mane gently falling across his face in the flickering light as he glances down at his drink.
  3. >He's not wearing anything special, and he's not acting all slutty like some of the younger stallions you've seen tonight.
  4. >Compared to the other stallions who show up, he seems rather plain.
  5. >A cute little smile is on his face as he sips from his dainty little drink.
  6. >He looks around the room, as if searching for somepony.
  7. >When his gaze passes by you, you look down, blushing.
  8. >Is he looking around for a mare to ask him out?
  9. >You haven't seen anypony flirt with him so far tonight.
  10. >Maybe because he's a little chubby.
  11. >Not that that's a bad thing.
  12. >That just means he's more cuddly.
  13. >But just maybe you have a chance for once.
  14. >You can buy him a drink and strike up a conversation.
  15. >One thing will lead to another, and you'll ask if he wants to meet up for lunch.
  16. >Or maybe, he'll come home with you and snuggle.
  17. >And then you won't be alone anymore.
  18. >You shake your head.
  19. >Keep a hold of yourself, Quill.
  20. >One step at a time.
  21. >Alright.
  22. >So, first, you just have to walk over, say "Hi", and ask if you can buy him a drink.
  23. >That's it.
  24. >Okay, mare, you can do this.
  25. >You down the rest of your drink, hoping the extra alcohol can suppress your nervousness.
  26. >Standing up, you try to project an air of confidence.
  27. >It takes all of your effort to steady your shaking hooves as you walk over to his table.
  28. "Hey."
  29. >When he looks to you with his sparkling golden eyes, words abandon you.
  30. >"Hello."
  31. >What was the next part of your plan?
  32. >What were you supposed to say next?
  33. >"Can I help you?"
  34. >Say something, stupid!
  35. "H-how's the weather?"
  36. >What are you doing?
  37. >"Umm, well, last I checked it wasn't raining or anything, if that's what you mean."
  38. >You start to sweat.
  39. >Flirt, damn it!
  40. "I-is it h-hot in here, or is it j-just you?"
  41. >He gives you a funny look, while you feel a bead of sweat run down your face.
  42. >"Are you alright?"
  43. "I-I, uhm..."
  44. >Your mouth dries up.
  45. >"I'm a registered nurse. You seem a little feverish. Are you alright, ma'am?"
  46. >Oh Celestia, he's a nurse?
  47. >This is just like one of your Japonese --
  48. >No, focus.
  49. "I-I'm fine n-now."
  50. >Now that you're here.
  51. >Say it!
  52. "N-n-n--"
  53. >Your face heats up as he reaches over and presses the side of his hoof against your forehead.
  54. >"Oh my. You're burning up. You really should be home resting."
  55. >You try to respond, but you can't seem to move your mouth.
  56. >"Hey, babe. Sorry I'm late, but you know how late these meetings can run."
  57. >He takes his hoof away, and turns to a mare in a immaculate suit.
  58. >Oh no.
  59. >He's already taken by an important business mare.
  60. >Abort!
  61. >"It's fine, honey."
  62. >"So, who's this?"
  63. >She's going to kick your flank.
  64. >"The poor mare has a high fever. She must've seen my cutie mark, because she came over and started talking about how hot it was."
  65. >"Alright. But you know how I feel about you taking on extra patients outside the hospital. You don't need to overwork yourself, babe."
  66. >Blushing heavily, you quietly back away.
  67. >"I'm not going to just ignore somepony who's clearly sick, though, Gray."
  68. >"Yeah, I know."
  69. >He turns to see you halfway to the door.
  70. >"Make sure to drink plenty of water!"
  71. >You bolt out of there, hiding your eyes from the few ponies still outside this late.
  72. >After a minute of running, you enter the nearby park and collapse on a bench after making sure there was nopony nearby.
  73. >How did you manage to embarrass yourself so much?
  74. >You couldn't even manage to get through the first sentence.
  75. >Not that it would've mattered, since he already had somepony.
  76. >Somepony more successful than you.
  77. >Who are you kidding?
  78. >Nopony wants to go out with a failure of a novelist who can't speak in front of a stallion.
  79. >He didn't even realize that you were flirting with him.
  80. >Or, at least, trying to.
  81. >You're already 30, and you've never even been on a date.
  82. >Face it, you'll be alone forever.
  83. >Sniffling, you wipe your eyes.
  84. >Mares don't cry.
  85. >Even if they don't have someone to cuddle.
  86. >Even if they're destined to die alone.
  87. >No.
  88. >You're not going to think like that, Quill Stain.
  89. >Even if you've been trying for years.
  90. >Sighing, you lie down on the bench and close your eyes.
  91. >You should probably avoid that bar for a bit, now that everypony knows what a screw-up you are.
  92. >At least the whole thing gave you an idea for another short story to send to magazines.
  93. >Not that they bring in much money.
  94. >Trying to ignore your thoughts, you just listen to the quiet chirping of the crickets.
  95. >At least they won't judge you.
  96. >Well, you think they won't judge you.
  97. >Maybe all the crickets have their own secret society hidden from ponies, or something.
  98. >Just another idea for a story nopony will read.
  99. >"Hey."
  100. >Your ears perk up slightly, but you ignore him.
  101. >You can't let anypony see you like this.
  102. >"I know you can hear me."
  103. >Reluctantly, you sit up and find yourself looking into a crotch.
  104. >"My face is up here."
  105. >Blushing, you immediately jerk your eyes upward.
  106. >Oh Celestia.
  107. >He looks like that minotaur from the cheerleading team you had a crush on in high school.
  108. >But without the horns.
  109. >And with oddly shaped legs.
  110. >Come to think of it, he's probably not actually a minotaur.
  111. >It's a little hard to tell in the dark.
  112. >But all that clothing lewdly covering him up.
  113. >Unf.
  114. >Is this a dream?
  115. >"There you go."
  116. >Why would someone like him just come up to you?
  117. >"I saw your little... performance in the bar a few minutes ago."
  118. >No, this is a nightmare.
  119. >"It was kind of pathetic, really."
  120. >Celestia, not a repeat of prom night.
  121. >You look away, not wanting him to see your face when he inevitably kicks you when you're down.
  122. >"Hey. No."
  123. >He uses one of his hands to turn your head up to face him.
  124. >You pin your tail back to hide the increasing wetness.
  125. >Now isn't the time, coltdom fetish!
  126. >"Rule 1: Most stallions like confidence."
  127. >Your confusion momentarily pushes aside your embarrassment.
  128. "W-what?"
  129. >"Look. Your attempt back in the bar was just terrible. Is this your first time asking someone out?"
  130. "N-no, I..."
  131. >"So, you've tried this before? How's that working out for ya?"
  132. >You just look away.
  133. >"Hey. Eyes up here."
  134. >He pulls you back to face him.
  135. >"I honestly feel sorry for you. You seem like a nice mare. All you need is a little... coaching."
  136. >No one says anything.
  137. >"I'm trying to imply that I'll help you find someone, genius."
  138. >Your ears flatten at the sarcasm, but it seems too good to be true.
  139. >A 10/10 stallion just shows up out of nowhere to give you dating advice?
  140. >That seems a little --
  141. "N-no."
  142. >Wait, what are you saying?
  143. "I-I..."
  144. >"I'm not going to let anyone have to suffer through that excuse for flirting, so unless you're planning to become a monk or something, I'm helping you."
  145. "O-okay, m'sir."
  146. >"Rule 2: Don't call someone that. It's stupid as hell."
  147. >He takes a few steps away, and you sneak a peek at his butt, which --
  148. >"Are you coming? We've got a lot to do."
  149. "Y-yes, sir."
  150. >You hop off the bench.
  151. >"Just call me Anon."
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