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Sep 28th, 2013
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  1. ====================== SYSTEM INFORMATION ===================
  2. Linux localhost #2 PREEMPT Thu Sep 26 12:37:58 PDT 2013 armv7l GNU/Linux
  4. [com.qc.hardware]: [true]
  5. [dalvik.vm.checkjni]: [false]
  6. [dalvik.vm.dexopt-data-only]: [1]
  7. [dalvik.vm.dexopt-flags]: [m=y]
  8. [dalvik.vm.execution-mode]: [int:jit]
  9. [dalvik.vm.heapgrowthlimit]: [48m]
  10. [dalvik.vm.heapsize]: [128m]
  11. [dalvik.vm.heapstartsize]: [5m]
  12. [dalvik.vm.jmiopts]: [forcecopy]
  13. [dalvik.vm.lockprof.threshold]: [500]
  14. [dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file]: [/data/anr/traces.txt]
  15. [dalvik.vm.verify-bytecode]: [false]
  16. []: [120]
  17. [debug.composition.type]: [gpu]
  18. [debug.egl.hw]: [1]
  19. [debug.egl.profiler]: [1]
  20. [debug.enabletr]: [false]
  21. []: [3]
  22. [debug.nfc.fw_boot_download]: [false]
  23. [debug.nfc.fw_download]: [true]
  24. []: [true]
  25. [debug.performance.tuning]: [1]
  26. [debug.sf.hw]: [1]
  27. [dev.bootcomplete]: [1]
  28. []: [1]
  29. [drm.service.enabled]: [true]
  30. []: [2]
  31. []: [1xRTT]
  32. [gsm.nitz.time]: [1380330174009]
  33. [gsm.operator.alpha]: [Virgin Mobile]
  34. [gsm.operator.iso-country]: [us]
  35. [gsm.operator.isroaming]: [false]
  36. [gsm.operator.numeric]: [310127]
  37. [gsm.sim.operator.alpha]: [Virgin_Mobile]
  38. [gsm.sim.operator.iso-country]: [us]
  39. [gsm.sim.operator.numeric]: [311490]
  40. [gsm.sim.state]: [READY]
  41. []: [Qualcomm RIL 1.0]
  42. [hwui.disable_vsync]: [true]
  43. [hwui.render_dirty_regions]: [false]
  44. [init.svc.adbd]: [running]
  45. [init.svc.amp_load]: [stopped]
  46. [init.svc.bluetoothd]: [running]
  47. [init.svc.bootanim]: [stopped]
  48. [init.svc.btwlancoex]: [running]
  49. [init.svc.dbus]: [running]
  50. [init.svc.debuggerd]: [running]
  51. [init.svc.drm]: [running]
  52. [init.svc.formatfat]: [stopped]
  53. [init.svc.hciattach]: [running]
  54. [init.svc.installd]: [running]
  55. [init.svc.keystore]: [running]
  56. []: [running]
  57. [init.svc.netd]: [running]
  58. [init.svc.netmgrd]: [running]
  59. [init.svc.port-bridge]: [running]
  60. [init.svc.qcom-post-boot]: [stopped]
  61. [init.svc.qmuxd]: [running]
  62. []: [running]
  63. [init.svc.rmt_storage]: [running]
  64. [init.svc.sensorinit]: [stopped]
  65. [init.svc.servicemanager]: [running]
  66. [init.svc.surfaceflinger]: [running]
  67. [init.svc.sysinit]: [stopped]
  68. [init.svc.vold]: [running]
  69. [init.svc.wpa_supplicant]: [running]
  70. [init.svc.zygote]: [running]
  71. [keyguard.no_require_sim]: [true]
  72. [lpa.decode]: [true]
  73. [media.stagefright.enable-http]: [true]
  74. [media.stagefright.enable-meta]: [true]
  75. [media.stagefright.enable-player]: [true]
  76. [media.stagefright.enable-record]: [false]
  77. [media.stagefright.enable-rtsp]: [true]
  78. [media.stagefright.enable-scan]: [false]
  79. [mobiledata.interfaces]: [wlan0,rmnet0,rmnet1,rmnet2]
  80. []: [Android]
  81. [net.change]: [net.qtaguid_enabled]
  82. [net.dns1]: []
  83. [net.dns2]: []
  84. [net.hostname]: [android-e8e86491872883ec]
  85. [net.qtaguid_enabled]: [1]
  86. [net.tcp.buffersize.default]: [4096,87380,110208,4096,16384,110208]
  87. [net.tcp.buffersize.edge]: [4093,26280,35040,4096,16384,35040]
  88. [net.tcp.buffersize.evdo_b]: [4094,87380,262144,4096,16384,262144]
  89. [net.tcp.buffersize.gprs]: [4092,8760,11680,4096,8760,11680]
  90. [net.tcp.buffersize.hsdpa]: [4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608]
  91. [net.tcp.buffersize.hspa]: [4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608]
  92. [net.tcp.buffersize.hsupa]: [4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608]
  93. [net.tcp.buffersize.lte]: [4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608]
  94. [net.tcp.buffersize.umts]: [4094,87380,110208,4096,16384,110208]
  95. [net.tcp.buffersize.wifi]: [4095,87380,110208,4096,16384,110208]
  96. [otaupdater.otaid]: [VM696]
  97. [otaupdater.otatime]: [20130926-1017]
  98. [otaupdater.otaver]: [VM696..20130926-1017]
  99. [persist.cne.UseCne]: [false]
  100. [persist.cne.bat.based.rat.mgt]: [false]
  101. []: [30]
  102. []: [60]
  103. [persist.cne.bwbased.rat.sel]: [false]
  104. [persist.cne.loc.policy.op]: [/system/etc/OperatorPolicy.xml]
  105. [persist.cne.loc.policy.user]: [/system/etc/UserPolicy.xml]
  106. [persist.cne.rat.acq.retry.tout]: [0]
  107. [persist.cne.rat.acq.time.out]: [30000]
  108. [persist.cne.snsr.based.rat.mgt]: [false]
  109. []: [1]
  110. []: [0]
  111. []: [5]
  112. [persist.rild.nitz_long_ons_0]: []
  113. [persist.rild.nitz_long_ons_1]: []
  114. [persist.rild.nitz_long_ons_2]: []
  115. [persist.rild.nitz_long_ons_3]: []
  116. [persist.rild.nitz_plmn]: []
  117. [persist.rild.nitz_short_ons_0]: []
  118. [persist.rild.nitz_short_ons_1]: []
  119. [persist.rild.nitz_short_ons_2]: []
  120. [persist.rild.nitz_short_ons_3]: []
  121. [persist.service.adb.enable]: [1]
  122. [persist.service.usbport.enable]: [1]
  123. []: [0]
  124. []: [US]
  125. [persist.sys.language]: [en]
  126. [persist.sys.localevar]: []
  127. [persist.sys.profiler_ms]: [0]
  128. [persist.sys.purgeable_assets]: [1]
  129. [persist.sys.timezone]: [America/Detroit]
  130. [persist.sys.usb.config]: [mass_storage,rndis,adb]
  131. [persist.sys.usbcharger.enable]: [1]
  132. [persist.sys.use_dithering]: [0]
  133. []: [1]
  134. []: [1]
  135. [profiler.force_disable_err_rpt]: [1]
  136. [profiler.force_disable_ulog]: [1]
  137. [ril.ecclist]: [911,*911,#911]
  138. [ril.subscription.types]: [NV]
  139. [rild.libargs]: [-d /dev/smd0]
  140. [rild.libpath]: [/system/lib/]
  141. [ring.delay]: [0]
  142. [ro.adb.qemud]: [1]
  143. [ro.additionalmounts]: [/mnt/sdcard]
  144. [ro.allow.mock.location]: [0]
  145. [ro.aokp.version]: [m3s_unofficial_Sep-26-13]
  146. [ro.baseband]: [msm]
  147. [ro.bluetooth.remote.autoconnect]: [true]
  148. [ro.bluetooth.request.master]: [false]
  149. [ro.board.platform]: [msm7x30]
  150. [ro.bootloader]: [unknown]
  151. [ro.bootmode]: [unknown]
  152. []: [/data/misc/bd_addr]
  153. []: [default]
  154. []: [1380215925]
  155. []: [Thu Sep 26 10:18:45 PDT 2013]
  156. []: [m3s-userdebug 4.1.2 JZO54K eng.phenomx4.20130926.101739 test-keys]
  157. []: [m3s-userdebug 4.1.2 JZO54K eng.phenomx4.20130926.101739 test-keys]
  158. []: [lge/m3s/m3s:4.1.2/JZO54K/eng.phenomx4.20130926.101739:userdebug/test-keys]
  159. []: [PhenomX4-desktop]
  160. []: [JZO54K]
  161. []: [m3s]
  162. []: [release-keys]
  163. []: [userdebug]
  164. []: [android-build]
  165. []: [REL]
  166. []: [eng.phenomx4.20130926.101739]
  167. []: [4.1.2]
  168. []: [16]
  169. [ro.carrier]: [unknown]
  170. [ro.cdma.home.operator.alpha]: [Virgin_Mobile]
  171. [ro.cdma.home.operator.numeric]: [311490]
  172. [ro.cdma.voicemail.number]: [mine]
  173. []: [false]
  174. []: [MM-dd-yyyy]
  175. []: [GoogleGuest]
  176. []: [android-virgin-us]
  177. []: [android-lge]
  178. []: [android-virgin-us]
  179. []: [android-virgin-us]
  180. []: [android-google]
  181. []: [2.3_r6]
  182. []: [1]
  183. []: [1]
  184. [ro.config.alarm_alert]: [Scandium.ogg]
  185. []: [no]
  186. [ro.config.disable_hw_accel]: [false]
  187. [ro.config.ehrpd]: [true]
  188. [ro.config.hw_accesscontrol]: [true]
  189. [ro.config.hw_fast_dormancy]: [1]
  190. [ro.config.hw_quickpoweron]: [true]
  191. [ro.config.hw_smartcardservice]: [true]
  192. [ro.config.nfc.card_setting]: [false]
  193. [ro.config.nocheckin]: [1]
  194. [ro.config.notification_sound]: [Antimony.ogg]
  195. [ro.config.ringtone]: [Scarabaeus.ogg]
  196. [ro.debuggable]: [1]
  197. [ro.emmc.sdcard.partition]: [15]
  198. [ro.emmc]: [1]
  199. [ro.error.receiver.system.apps]: []
  200. [ro.factorytest]: [0]
  201. [ro.hardware]: [qcom]
  202. []: [0]
  203. [ro.kernel.checkjni]: [0]
  204. [ro.max.fling_velocity]: [12000]
  205. [ro.min.fling_velocity]: [8000]
  206. [ro.min_pointer_dur]: [8]
  207. [ro.multi.rild]: [true]
  208. [ro.nfc.port]: [I2C]
  209. [ro.opengles.version]: [131072]
  210. [ro.product.board]: [lge_m3s]
  211. [ro.product.brand]: [lge]
  212. []: [msm7630]
  213. [ro.product.cpu.abi2]: [armeabi]
  214. [ro.product.cpu.abi]: [armeabi-v7a]
  215. [ro.product.device]: [m3s]
  216. [ro.product.locale.language]: [en]
  217. [ro.product.locale.region]: [US]
  218. [ro.product.manufacturer]: [LGE]
  219. [ro.product.model]: [LG-VM696]
  220. []: [m3s_virgin_us]
  221. [ro.qualcomm.bluetooth.dun]: [false]
  222. [ro.qualcomm.bluetooth.ftp]: [true]
  223. [ro.revision]: [0]
  224. []: [4]
  225. []: [0]
  226. []: [1]
  227. []: [10]
  228. []: [1]
  229. [ro.runtime.firstboot]: [1380330140511]
  230. []: [0]
  231. [ro.serialno]: [31220be3]
  232. [ro.setupwizard.enable_bypass]: [1]
  233. [ro.setupwizard.enterprise_mode]: [1]
  234. [ro.sf.compbypass.enable]: [0]
  235. [ro.sf.lcd_density]: [160]
  236. [ro.telephony.call_ring.delay]: [0]
  237. [ro.telephony.call_ring.multiple]: [false]
  238. [ro.telephony.cdma.ecclist]: [110,112,119,911]
  239. [ro.telephony.default_network]: [4]
  240. [ro.telephony.ecclist]: [08,000,110,112,118,119,911,999]
  241. [ro.telephony.gsm.ecclist]: [110,112,119,911]
  242. [ro.telephony.gsm.spn.shortname]: [true]
  243. [ro.telephony.no_icc]: [true]
  244. []: [true]
  245. []: [signalstrength,datacall,singlepdp,datacallapn]
  246. [ro.telephony.ril_class]: [LGEQualcommRIL]
  247. []: []
  248. []: []
  249. [ro.use_data_netmgrd]: [true]
  250. [ro.vendor.extension_library]: [/system/lib/]
  251. [ro.vold.switchablepair]: [/mnt/sdcard,/mnt/emmc]
  252. [ro.wifi.channels]: []
  253. [service.adb.root]: [1]
  254. [service.bootanim.exit]: [1]
  255. [softap.interface]: [wl0.1]
  256. [sys.boot_completed]: [1]
  257. [sys.mem.max_hidden_apps]: [3]
  258. [sys.usb.config]: [mass_storage,rndis,adb]
  259. [sys.usb.state]: [$sys.usb.config]
  260. [system_init.startsurfaceflinger]: [0]
  261. [video.accelerate.hw]: [1]
  262. [vold.post_fs_data_done]: [1]
  263. [wifi.ap.interface]: [wl0.1]
  264. [wifi.interface]: [wlan0]
  265. [wifi.supplicant_no_update_ctrl]: [true]
  266. [wifi.supplicant_scan_interval]: [90]
  267. [windowsmgr.max_events_per_sec]: [240]
  268. [wlan.chip.vendor]: [qcom]
  269. [wlan.driver.status]: [ok]
  270. ======================= SYSTEM LOG ===================
  271. 09-27 21:02:26.643 D/Finsky ( 1252): [1] Finished loading 1 libraries.
  272. 09-27 21:02:26.773 E/Trace ( 1349): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  273. 09-27 21:02:26.833 I/ActivityThread( 1349): Pub
  274. 09-27 21:02:26.853 I/ActivityThread( 1349): Pub
  275. 09-27 21:02:26.853 I/ActivityThread( 1349): Pub
  276. 09-27 21:02:26.853 I/ActivityThread( 1349): Pub
  277. 09-27 21:02:26.853 I/ActivityThread( 1349): Pub;
  278. 09-27 21:02:26.853 I/ActivityThread( 1349): Pub
  279. 09-27 21:02:26.913 D/dalvikvm( 1349): GC_CONCURRENT freed 208K, 21% free 2441K/3075K, paused 14ms+2ms, total 50ms
  280. 09-27 21:02:26.923 E/dalvikvm( 1349): Could not find class 'android.content.RestrictionEntry', referenced from method
  281. 09-27 21:02:26.923 W/dalvikvm( 1349): VFY: unable to resolve new-instance 432 (Landroid/content/RestrictionEntry;) in Lcom/google/android/gms/common/account/GetRestrictionsReceiver;
  282. 09-27 21:02:26.923 D/dalvikvm( 1349): VFY: replacing opcode 0x22 at 0x0033
  283. 09-27 21:02:26.923 D/dalvikvm( 1349): DexOpt: unable to opt direct call 0x0b41 at 0x39 in Lcom/google/android/gms/common/account/GetRestrictionsReceiver;.onReceive
  284. 09-27 21:02:26.923 E/dalvikvm( 1349): Could not find class 'android.os.UserManager', referenced from method xg.b
  285. 09-27 21:02:26.923 W/dalvikvm( 1349): VFY: unable to resolve check-cast 598 (Landroid/os/UserManager;) in Lxg;
  286. 09-27 21:02:26.923 D/dalvikvm( 1349): VFY: replacing opcode 0x1f at 0x000c
  287. 09-27 21:02:26.923 I/dalvikvm( 1349): Could not find method android.accounts.AccountManager.getAccountsByTypeForPackage, referenced from method xg.c
  288. 09-27 21:02:26.923 W/dalvikvm( 1349): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 2421: Landroid/accounts/AccountManager;.getAccountsByTypeForPackage (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)[Landroid/accounts/Account;
  289. 09-27 21:02:26.923 D/dalvikvm( 1349): VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x000c
  290. 09-27 21:02:26.923 E/dalvikvm( 1349): Could not find class 'android.os.UserManager', referenced from method xg.c
  291. 09-27 21:02:26.923 W/dalvikvm( 1349): VFY: unable to resolve check-cast 598 (Landroid/os/UserManager;) in Lxg;
  292. 09-27 21:02:26.923 D/dalvikvm( 1349): VFY: replacing opcode 0x1f at 0x000f
  293. 09-27 21:02:26.923 I/Recovery( 1349): Received: Intent { act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x10$Receiver }
  294. 09-27 21:02:27.003 I/Velvet.VelvetFactory( 1312): refreshing internal icing corpora
  295. 09-27 21:02:27.013 E/Trace ( 1370): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  296. 09-27 21:02:27.193 D/dalvikvm( 1297): GC_CONCURRENT freed 316K, 26% free 2302K/3075K, paused 13ms+18ms, total 245ms
  297. 09-27 21:02:27.284 D/Finsky ( 1252): [1] GmsCoreHelper.cleanupNlp: result=false type=1
  298. 09-27 21:02:27.304 D/dalvikvm( 765): GC_CONCURRENT freed 261K, 19% free 3229K/3971K, paused 12ms+20ms, total 76ms
  299. 09-27 21:02:27.304 D/dalvikvm( 765): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 2ms
  300. 09-27 21:02:27.344 E/dalvikvm( 1370): Could not find class 'android.os.UserManager', referenced from method xg.b
  301. 09-27 21:02:27.344 W/dalvikvm( 1370): VFY: unable to resolve check-cast 598 (Landroid/os/UserManager;) in Lxg;
  302. 09-27 21:02:27.344 D/dalvikvm( 1370): VFY: replacing opcode 0x1f at 0x000c
  303. 09-27 21:02:27.344 I/dalvikvm( 1370): Could not find method android.accounts.AccountManager.getAccountsByTypeForPackage, referenced from method xg.c
  304. 09-27 21:02:27.344 W/dalvikvm( 1370): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 2421: Landroid/accounts/AccountManager;.getAccountsByTypeForPackage (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)[Landroid/accounts/Account;
  305. 09-27 21:02:27.344 D/dalvikvm( 1370): VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x000c
  306. 09-27 21:02:27.344 E/dalvikvm( 1370): Could not find class 'android.os.UserManager', referenced from method xg.c
  307. 09-27 21:02:27.344 W/dalvikvm( 1370): VFY: unable to resolve check-cast 598 (Landroid/os/UserManager;) in Lxg;
  308. 09-27 21:02:27.344 D/dalvikvm( 1370): VFY: replacing opcode 0x1f at 0x000f
  309. 09-27 21:02:27.424 I/Velvet.VelvetFactory( 1312): refreshing search history.
  310. 09-27 21:02:27.474 D/dalvikvm( 765): GC_EXPLICIT freed 113K, 20% free 3201K/3971K, paused 2ms+3ms, total 26ms
  311. 09-27 21:02:27.534 E/Trace ( 1409): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  312. 09-27 21:02:27.554 W/GCM ( 765): DIR: /data/data/ /data/data/
  313. 09-27 21:02:27.594 D/GCM ( 765): GcmService start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x10 } android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED
  314. 09-27 21:02:27.654 W/GAV2 ( 1312): Thread[Thread-133,5,main]: Need to call initialize() and be in fallback mode to start dispatch.
  315. 09-27 21:02:27.654 W/GAV2 ( 1312): Thread[Thread-133,5,main]: dispatch call queued. Need to call GAServiceManager.getInstance().initialize().
  316. 09-27 21:02:27.654 D/dalvikvm( 1370): GC_CONCURRENT freed 179K, 20% free 2426K/3011K, paused 17ms+6ms, total 78ms
  317. 09-27 21:02:27.784 I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.MainApplication( 1409): onCreate()
  318. 09-27 21:02:27.784 D/dalvikvm( 969): GC_CONCURRENT freed 811K, 32% free 2825K/4099K, paused 2ms+8ms, total 41ms
  319. 09-27 21:02:27.794 D/dalvikvm( 1409): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup/lib/ 0x40d392e0
  320. 09-27 21:02:28.104 E/Trace ( 1450): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  321. 09-27 21:02:28.114 D/dalvikvm( 150): GC_EXPLICIT freed 38K, 24% free 2167K/2816K, paused 1ms+6ms, total 29ms
  322. 09-27 21:02:28.154 D/dalvikvm( 150): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 24% free 2167K/2816K, paused 2ms+2ms, total 36ms
  323. 09-27 21:02:28.164 D/dalvikvm( 1409): Added shared lib /data/data/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup/lib/ 0x40d392e0
  324. 09-27 21:02:28.174 D/dalvikvm( 150): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 24% free 2167K/2816K, paused 1ms+1ms, total 28ms
  325. 09-27 21:02:28.275 E/dalvikvm( 969): Could not find class 'android.os.UserManager', referenced from method xg.b
  326. 09-27 21:02:28.275 W/dalvikvm( 969): VFY: unable to resolve check-cast 598 (Landroid/os/UserManager;) in Lxg;
  327. 09-27 21:02:28.275 D/dalvikvm( 969): VFY: replacing opcode 0x1f at 0x000c
  328. 09-27 21:02:28.275 I/dalvikvm( 969): Could not find method android.accounts.AccountManager.getAccountsByTypeForPackage, referenced from method xg.c
  329. 09-27 21:02:28.275 W/dalvikvm( 969): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 2421: Landroid/accounts/AccountManager;.getAccountsByTypeForPackage (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)[Landroid/accounts/Account;
  330. 09-27 21:02:28.275 D/dalvikvm( 969): VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x000c
  331. 09-27 21:02:28.275 E/dalvikvm( 969): Could not find class 'android.os.UserManager', referenced from method xg.c
  332. 09-27 21:02:28.275 W/dalvikvm( 969): VFY: unable to resolve check-cast 598 (Landroid/os/UserManager;) in Lxg;
  333. 09-27 21:02:28.275 D/dalvikvm( 969): VFY: replacing opcode 0x1f at 0x000f
  334. 09-27 21:02:28.295 I/dalvikvm( 1450): Could not find method, referenced from method se.b
  335. 09-27 21:02:28.295 W/dalvikvm( 1450): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 2630: Landroid/app/PendingIntent;.getCreatorPackage ()Ljava/lang/String;
  336. 09-27 21:02:28.295 D/dalvikvm( 1450): VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x000b
  337. 09-27 21:02:28.295 I/dalvikvm( 1450): Could not find method, referenced from method se.a
  338. 09-27 21:02:28.295 W/dalvikvm( 1450): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 2631: Landroid/app/PendingIntent;.getCreatorUid ()I
  339. 09-27 21:02:28.295 D/dalvikvm( 1450): VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x000f
  340. 09-27 21:02:28.315 I/dun_service( 159): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
  341. 09-27 21:02:28.345 E/dalvikvm( 1450): Could not find class 'android.os.UserManager', referenced from method xg.b
  342. 09-27 21:02:28.345 W/dalvikvm( 1450): VFY: unable to resolve check-cast 598 (Landroid/os/UserManager;) in Lxg;
  343. 09-27 21:02:28.345 D/dalvikvm( 1450): VFY: replacing opcode 0x1f at 0x000c
  344. 09-27 21:02:28.345 I/dalvikvm( 1450): Could not find method android.accounts.AccountManager.getAccountsByTypeForPackage, referenced from method xg.c
  345. 09-27 21:02:28.345 W/dalvikvm( 1450): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 2421: Landroid/accounts/AccountManager;.getAccountsByTypeForPackage (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)[Landroid/accounts/Account;
  346. 09-27 21:02:28.345 D/dalvikvm( 1450): VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x000c
  347. 09-27 21:02:28.345 E/dalvikvm( 1450): Could not find class 'android.os.UserManager', referenced from method xg.c
  348. 09-27 21:02:28.345 W/dalvikvm( 1450): VFY: unable to resolve check-cast 598 (Landroid/os/UserManager;) in Lxg;
  349. 09-27 21:02:28.345 D/dalvikvm( 1450): VFY: replacing opcode 0x1f at 0x000f
  350. 09-27 21:02:28.635 I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.MainApplication( 1409): Detected CPU architecture: ARM
  351. 09-27 21:02:28.645 W/Settings( 1409): Setting android_id has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning read-only value.
  352. 09-27 21:02:28.645 D/o.䥯 ( 1409): Debug features are disabled.
  353. 09-27 21:02:28.655 I/o.盅 ( 1409): restoreMySettings_ifNeeded()
  354. 09-27 21:02:28.715 I/o.盅 ( 1409): Internal settings found => No need to restore.
  355. 09-27 21:02:28.945 D/dalvikvm( 1450): GC_CONCURRENT freed 205K, 22% free 2406K/3075K, paused 19ms+12ms, total 84ms
  356. 09-27 21:02:29.065 W/Search.LoginHelper( 1312): TimeoutException while waiting for token.
  357. 09-27 21:02:29.095 W/Sidekick_LocationOracleImpl( 1312): Best location was null
  358. 09-27 21:02:29.105 I/Search.SearchUrlHelper( 1312): No config timestamp found.
  359. 09-27 21:02:29.155 E/dalvikvm( 1297): Could not find class 'android.os.UserManager', referenced from method eu.chainfire.supersu.User.a
  360. 09-27 21:02:29.155 W/dalvikvm( 1297): VFY: unable to resolve check-cast 95 (Landroid/os/UserManager;) in Leu/chainfire/supersu/User;
  361. 09-27 21:02:29.155 D/dalvikvm( 1297): VFY: replacing opcode 0x1f at 0x000f
  362. 09-27 21:02:29.155 W/dalvikvm( 1297): VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature (Landroid/os/UserHandle;)
  363. 09-27 21:02:29.155 I/dalvikvm( 1297): Could not find method android.os.Process.myUserHandle, referenced from method eu.chainfire.supersu.User.b
  364. 09-27 21:02:29.155 W/dalvikvm( 1297): VFY: unable to resolve static method 424: Landroid/os/Process;.myUserHandle ()Landroid/os/UserHandle;
  365. 09-27 21:02:29.155 D/dalvikvm( 1297): VFY: replacing opcode 0x71 at 0x0008
  366. 09-27 21:02:29.225 W/Resources( 1409): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
  367. 09-27 21:02:29.225 W/Resources( 1409): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
  368. 09-27 21:02:29.235 W/Resources( 1409): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
  369. 09-27 21:02:29.235 W/Resources( 1409): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0xf a=-1}
  370. 09-27 21:02:29.245 W/Resources( 1409): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x80 a=-1}
  371. 09-27 21:02:29.245 W/Resources( 1409): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x80 a=-1}
  372. 09-27 21:02:29.245 W/Resources( 1409): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x3 a=-1}
  373. 09-27 21:02:29.245 W/Resources( 1409): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x3 a=-1}
  374. 09-27 21:02:29.265 W/Resources( 1409): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x20 a=-1}
  375. 09-27 21:02:29.265 W/Resources( 1409): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x20 a=-1}
  376. 09-27 21:02:29.265 W/Resources( 1409): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x1 a=-1}
  377. 09-27 21:02:29.265 W/Resources( 1409): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x3 a=-1}
  378. 09-27 21:02:29.265 W/Resources( 1409): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x3 a=-1}
  379. 09-27 21:02:29.296 D/dalvikvm( 1409): GC_CONCURRENT freed 239K, 21% free 2431K/3075K, paused 17ms+13ms, total 60ms
  380. 09-27 21:02:29.296 D/dalvikvm( 1409): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 6ms
  381. 09-27 21:02:29.306 I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.schedules.BootReceiver( 1409): Boot has completed => Scheduling next wake-up ...
  382. 09-27 21:02:29.306 I/o.잖 ( 1409): scheduleNextWakeup(): Invoked with idToExcludeForToday=null
  383. 09-27 21:02:29.326 I/dalvikvm( 969): Could not find method android.location.Location.getElapsedRealtimeNanos, referenced from method ebw.b
  384. 09-27 21:02:29.326 W/dalvikvm( 969): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 3270: Landroid/location/Location;.getElapsedRealtimeNanos ()J
  385. 09-27 21:02:29.326 D/dalvikvm( 969): VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0037
  386. 09-27 21:02:29.326 I/dalvikvm( 969): Could not find method android.location.Location.getElapsedRealtimeNanos, referenced from method ebu.a
  387. 09-27 21:02:29.326 W/dalvikvm( 969): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 3270: Landroid/location/Location;.getElapsedRealtimeNanos ()J
  388. 09-27 21:02:29.326 D/dalvikvm( 969): VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0009
  389. 09-27 21:02:29.406 I/dalvikvm( 969): Could not find method android.location.Location.setElapsedRealtimeNanos, referenced from method ecb.a
  390. 09-27 21:02:29.406 W/dalvikvm( 969): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 3287: Landroid/location/Location;.setElapsedRealtimeNanos (J)V
  391. 09-27 21:02:29.406 D/dalvikvm( 969): VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0739
  392. 09-27 21:02:29.516 D/dalvikvm( 1312): GC_CONCURRENT freed 323K, 22% free 2870K/3651K, paused 12ms+2ms, total 101ms
  393. 09-27 21:02:29.526 I/o.잖 ( 1409): scheduleNextWakeup(): No next wakeup scheduled.
  394. 09-27 21:02:29.546 D/dalvikvm( 1482): Late-enabling CheckJNI
  395. 09-27 21:02:29.636 D/dalvikvm( 340): GC_EXPLICIT freed 728K, 24% free 8082K/10627K, paused 3ms+6ms, total 73ms
  396. 09-27 21:02:29.716 I/dalvikvm( 1482): Turning on JNI app bug workarounds for target SDK version 4...
  397. 09-27 21:02:29.726 D/GeofencerStateMachine( 969): Creating GeofencerStateMachine
  398. 09-27 21:02:29.736 E/Trace ( 1482): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  399. 09-27 21:02:29.746 W/dalvikvm( 969): Unable to resolve superclass of Lees; (2294)
  400. 09-27 21:02:29.746 W/dalvikvm( 969): Link of class 'Lees;' failed
  401. 09-27 21:02:29.746 W/dalvikvm( 969): VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature (Lees;)
  402. 09-27 21:02:29.746 W/dalvikvm( 969): Unable to resolve superclass of Lees; (2294)
  403. 09-27 21:02:29.746 W/dalvikvm( 969): Link of class 'Lees;' failed
  404. 09-27 21:02:29.746 W/dalvikvm( 969): VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature (Lees;)
  405. 09-27 21:02:29.746 W/dalvikvm( 969): Unable to resolve superclass of Lees; (2294)
  406. 09-27 21:02:29.746 W/dalvikvm( 969): Link of class 'Lees;' failed
  407. 09-27 21:02:29.746 W/dalvikvm( 969): VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature (Lees;)
  408. 09-27 21:02:29.756 W/dalvikvm( 969): Unable to resolve superclass of Lees; (2294)
  409. 09-27 21:02:29.756 W/dalvikvm( 969): Link of class 'Lees;' failed
  410. 09-27 21:02:29.756 I/dalvikvm( 969): Could not find method ees.a, referenced from method eeb.<init>
  411. 09-27 21:02:29.756 W/dalvikvm( 969): VFY: unable to resolve static method 28233: Lees;.a ()Lees;
  412. 09-27 21:02:29.756 D/dalvikvm( 969): VFY: replacing opcode 0x71 at 0x001a
  413. 09-27 21:02:29.756 W/dalvikvm( 969): Unable to resolve superclass of Lees; (2294)
  414. 09-27 21:02:29.756 W/dalvikvm( 969): Link of class 'Lees;' failed
  415. 09-27 21:02:29.756 W/dalvikvm( 969): Unable to resolve superclass of Lees; (2294)
  416. 09-27 21:02:29.756 W/dalvikvm( 969): Link of class 'Lees;' failed
  417. 09-27 21:02:29.766 W/dalvikvm( 969): Unable to resolve superclass of Lees; (2294)
  418. 09-27 21:02:29.766 W/dalvikvm( 969): Link of class 'Lees;' failed
  419. 09-27 21:02:29.766 W/dalvikvm( 969): Unable to resolve superclass of Lees; (2294)
  420. 09-27 21:02:29.766 W/dalvikvm( 969): Link of class 'Lees;' failed
  421. 09-27 21:02:29.766 W/dalvikvm( 969): Unable to resolve superclass of Lees; (2294)
  422. 09-27 21:02:29.766 W/dalvikvm( 969): Link of class 'Lees;' failed
  423. 09-27 21:02:29.766 I/dalvikvm( 969): Could not find method ees.b, referenced from method eeb.e
  424. 09-27 21:02:29.766 W/dalvikvm( 969): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 28234: Lees;.b ()Ledx;
  425. 09-27 21:02:29.766 D/dalvikvm( 969): VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x000d
  426. 09-27 21:02:29.826 V/GeofencerHelper( 969): Initializing geofence's system cache.
  427. 09-27 21:02:29.896 I/GCoreUlr( 969): Ensuring that reporting is active
  428. 09-27 21:02:29.916 D/dalvikvm( 1482): GC_CONCURRENT freed 118K, 19% free 2505K/3075K, paused 15ms+32ms, total 59ms
  429. 09-27 21:02:29.956 D/dalvikvm( 969): GC_CONCURRENT freed 280K, 28% free 2962K/4099K, paused 24ms+3ms, total 96ms
  430. 09-27 21:02:29.986 I/ActivityThread( 1482): Pub com.handcent.e.b.r
  431. 09-27 21:02:29.986 D/GeofenceStateCache( 969): Recovered 0 geofences.
  432. 09-27 21:02:29.996 D/dalvikvm( 1482): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.handcent.nextsms/lib/ 0x40d32660
  433. 09-27 21:02:30.016 I/GCoreUlr( 969): GMS FLP location updates requested at interval 60000 ms
  434. 09-27 21:02:30.106 D/dalvikvm( 1482): Added shared lib /data/data/com.handcent.nextsms/lib/ 0x40d32660
  435. 09-27 21:02:30.126 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): wpa_s 0x2a081620 cmd SCAN
  436. 09-27 21:02:30.126 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): wpa_driver_wext_combo_scan: Start
  437. 09-27 21:02:30.126 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): For Scan: (null)
  438. 09-27 21:02:30.126 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): Scan requested (ret=0) - scan timeout 30 seconds
  439. 09-27 21:02:30.136 I/dalvikvm( 1482): Could not find method, referenced from method com.handcent.sender.i.a
  440. 09-27 21:02:30.136 W/dalvikvm( 1482): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 725: Landroid/media/MediaMetadataRetriever;.captureFrame ()Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;
  441. 09-27 21:02:30.136 D/dalvikvm( 1482): VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x001f
  442. 09-27 21:02:30.166 D/dalvikvm( 1297): GC_CONCURRENT freed 293K, 24% free 2462K/3203K, paused 12ms+17ms, total 92ms
  443. 09-27 21:02:30.226 W/Search.SearchUrlHelper( 1312): Auth token not ready, no auth header set.
  444. 09-27 21:02:30.367 I/ActivityThread( 1482): Pub com.handcent.providers.PrivacyMmsProvider: com.handcent.i.q
  445. 09-27 21:02:30.377 I/ActivityThread( 1482): Pub com.handcent.providers.PrivacyProvider: com.handcent.i.r
  446. 09-27 21:02:30.377 I/ActivityThread( 1482): Pub com.handcent.providers.HcSysProvider: com.handcent.i.k
  447. 09-27 21:02:30.457 D/dalvikvm( 1482): GC_CONCURRENT freed 241K, 20% free 2738K/3395K, paused 13ms+2ms, total 44ms
  448. 09-27 21:02:30.487 I/LauncherIconVisibilityManager( 513): Boot has been completed
  449. 09-27 21:02:30.487 I/LauncherIconVisibilityManager( 513): Activity has already been enabled: ComponentInfo{}
  450. 09-27 21:02:30.577 D/dalvikvm( 340): GC_EXPLICIT freed 260K, 25% free 8036K/10627K, paused 3ms+5ms, total 71ms
  451. 09-27 21:02:30.637 E/Trace ( 1504): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  452. 09-27 21:02:30.767 I/ActivityThread( 1504): Pub
  453. 09-27 21:02:30.827 D/dalvikvm( 1504): GC_CONCURRENT freed 199K, 20% free 2473K/3075K, paused 14ms+1ms, total 32ms
  454. 09-27 21:02:30.827 D/dalvikvm( 1504): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 8ms
  455. 09-27 21:02:30.847 I/ActivityThread( 1504): Pub gmail-ls:
  456. 09-27 21:02:30.867 I/ActivityThread( 1504): Pub
  457. 09-27 21:02:30.867 I/ActivityThread( 1504): Pub
  458. 09-27 21:02:30.867 I/ActivityThread( 1504): Pub
  459. 09-27 21:02:30.867 I/ActivityThread( 1504): Pub
  460. 09-27 21:02:30.907 D/dalvikvm( 1525): Late-enabling CheckJNI
  461. 09-27 21:02:30.937 I/dalvikvm( 1525): Turning on JNI app bug workarounds for target SDK version 8...
  462. 09-27 21:02:30.957 E/Trace ( 1525): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  463. 09-27 21:02:31.067 D/dalvikvm( 1525): GC_CONCURRENT freed 145K, 20% free 2476K/3075K, paused 14ms+12ms, total 36ms
  464. 09-27 21:02:31.107 W/GLSActivity( 1450): [sj] Status from wire: NetworkError status: NETWORK_ERROR
  465. 09-27 21:02:31.107 E/GLSUser ( 1450): Empty consent data
  466. 09-27 21:02:31.107 I/GLSUser ( 1450): GLS error: NetworkError ###ACCT### mobilepersonalfeeds
  467. 09-27 21:02:31.127 W/GLSActivity( 1450): [sj] Status from wire: NetworkError status: NETWORK_ERROR
  468. 09-27 21:02:31.177 D/dalvikvm( 1504): GC_CONCURRENT freed 271K, 22% free 2619K/3331K, paused 46ms+1ms, total 69ms
  469. 09-27 21:02:31.187 W/Search.LoginHelper( 1312): IO exception for scope: mobilepersonalfeeds
  470. 09-27 21:02:31.217 I/Crashlytics( 1525): Initializing Crashlytics
  471. 09-27 21:02:31.348 D/dalvikvm( 1525): GC_CONCURRENT freed 183K, 18% free 2804K/3395K, paused 13ms+2ms, total 38ms
  472. 09-27 21:02:31.348 D/dalvikvm( 1525): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 4ms
  473. 09-27 21:02:31.348 D/dalvikvm( 1525): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 5ms
  474. 09-27 21:02:31.348 D/dalvikvm( 1525): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 5ms
  475. 09-27 21:02:31.418 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x1003 ([UP])
  476. 09-27 21:02:31.418 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface 'wlan0' added
  477. 09-27 21:02:31.418 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): Wireless event: cmd=0x8b19 len=8
  478. 09-27 21:02:31.418 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): Scan results did not fit - trying larger buffer (8192 bytes)
  479. 09-27 21:02:31.418 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): Received 8192 bytes of scan results (18 BSSes)
  480. 09-27 21:02:31.418 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): Add randomness: count=51 entropy=50
  481. 09-27 21:02:31.418 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): Add randomness: count=52 entropy=51
  482. 09-27 21:02:31.418 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): Add randomness: count=53 entropy=52
  483. 09-27 21:02:31.418 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): Add randomness: count=54 entropy=53
  484. 09-27 21:02:31.418 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): Add randomness: count=55 entropy=54
  485. 09-27 21:02:31.418 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): Add randomness: count=56 entropy=55
  486. 09-27 21:02:31.418 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): Add randomness: count=57 entropy=56
  487. 09-27 21:02:31.418 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): Add randomness: count=58 entropy=57
  488. 09-27 21:02:31.418 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): Add randomness: count=59 entropy=58
  489. 09-27 21:02:31.418 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): Add randomness: count=60 entropy=59
  490. 09-27 21:02:31.418 I/dun_service( 159): process rmnet event
  491. 09-27 21:02:31.418 I/dun_service( 159): Post event 3
  492. 09-27 21:02:31.418 I/dun_service( 159): received event: DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN
  493. 09-27 21:02:31.418 I/dun_service( 159): received event(DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
  494. 09-27 21:02:31.418 I/dun_service( 159): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
  495. 09-27 21:02:31.418 I/dun_service( 159): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
  496. 09-27 21:02:31.418 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): wpa_s 0x2a081620 cmd AP_SCAN 1
  497. 09-27 21:02:31.418 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): wpa_s 0x2a081620 cmd SCAN_RESULTS
  498. 09-27 21:02:31.468 E/Crashlytics( 1525): Failed to retrieve settings from; [class$HttpRequestException: Unable to resolve host "": No address associated with hostname]
  499. 09-27 21:02:31.498 E/Trace ( 1552): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  500. 09-27 21:02:31.638 I/ActivityThread( 1552): Pub
  501. 09-27 21:02:31.658 D/dalvikvm( 1525): GC_CONCURRENT freed 468K, 25% free 2847K/3779K, paused 1ms+34ms, total 84ms
  502. 09-27 21:02:31.658 I/ActivityThread( 1552): Pub
  503. 09-27 21:02:31.658 I/ActivityThread( 1552): Pub
  504. 09-27 21:02:31.658 I/ActivityThread( 1552): Pub
  505. 09-27 21:02:31.658 I/ActivityThread( 1552): Pub;
  506. 09-27 21:02:31.668 I/ActivityThread( 1552): Pub
  507. 09-27 21:02:31.738 D/dalvikvm( 1552): GC_CONCURRENT freed 193K, 21% free 2441K/3075K, paused 14ms+2ms, total 37ms
  508. 09-27 21:02:32.048 D/dalvikvm( 1525): GC_CONCURRENT freed 368K, 22% free 2985K/3779K, paused 24ms+85ms, total 143ms
  509. 09-27 21:02:32.198 D/dalvikvm( 1525): Trying to load lib /data/data/ 0x40d33500
  510. 09-27 21:02:32.218 D/dalvikvm( 1525): Added shared lib /data/data/ 0x40d33500
  511. 09-27 21:02:32.218 D/dalvikvm( 1525): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/ 0x40d33500, skipping init
  512. 09-27 21:02:32.248 D/dalvikvm( 1552): Trying to load lib /data/data/ 0x40d36d88
  513. 09-27 21:02:32.298 D/dalvikvm( 1525): GC_CONCURRENT freed 498K, 24% free 3000K/3907K, paused 13ms+1ms, total 51ms
  514. 09-27 21:02:32.308 E/Trace ( 1597): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  515. 09-27 21:02:32.308 V/Geofencing( 1525): Starting nearbyStoresManager from BackgroundService
  516. 09-27 21:02:32.338 D/dalvikvm( 1525): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 36K, 24% free 2996K/3907K, paused 22ms, total 23ms
  517. 09-27 21:02:32.338 I/dalvikvm-heap( 1525): Grow heap (frag case) to 3.469MB for 158332-byte allocation
  518. 09-27 21:02:32.369 D/dalvikvm( 1525): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 24% free 3150K/4099K, paused 27ms, total 27ms
  519. 09-27 21:02:32.409 D/dalvikvm( 1018): GC_CONCURRENT freed 233K, 22% free 2373K/3011K, paused 16ms+2ms, total 193ms
  520. 09-27 21:02:32.429 E/Trace ( 1612): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  521. 09-27 21:02:32.469 D/dalvikvm( 1552): Added shared lib /data/data/ 0x40d36d88
  522. 09-27 21:02:32.469 D/dalvikvm( 1552): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/ 0x40d36d88, skipping init
  523. 09-27 21:02:32.479 D/LocalBluetoothProfileManager( 1612): LocalBluetoothProfileManager construction complete
  524. 09-27 21:02:32.509 E/Trace ( 1626): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  525. 09-27 21:02:32.519 I/ActivityThread( 1626): Pub
  526. 09-27 21:02:32.529 I/ActivityThread( 1626): Pub
  527. 09-27 21:02:32.659 D/Icing ( 1552): Init last flush num docs 0 last docstore size 0
  528. 09-27 21:02:32.659 D/Icing ( 1552): Docid map file has data, scanning...
  529. 09-27 21:02:32.669 D/dalvikvm( 1525): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2K, 24% free 3150K/4099K, paused 277ms, total 287ms
  530. 09-27 21:02:32.669 I/dalvikvm-heap( 1525): Grow heap (frag case) to 3.583MB for 118753-byte allocation
  531. 09-27 21:02:32.709 D/Icing ( 1552): Scanning /data/data/ found 126 documents, last docstore location 160256
  532. 09-27 21:02:32.719 D/Icing ( 1552): File /data/data/ contains 126 records of size 6
  533. 09-27 21:02:32.729 I/Recovery( 1552): Received: Intent { flg=0x10$Receiver }
  534. 09-27 21:02:32.739 D/dalvikvm( 1525): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 23% free 3266K/4227K, paused 66ms, total 66ms
  535. 09-27 21:02:32.769 D/Geofencing( 1525): The battery remaining is 20%
  536. 09-27 21:02:32.769 D/Geofencing( 1525): Stopping location updates because battery is low: 20
  537. 09-27 21:02:32.769 D/Geofencing( 1525): Stopping Location updates
  538. 09-27 21:02:32.769 D/Geofencing( 1525): Thread id:1525 Geofencing failure reason: 10 count: 1 value: 20
  539. 09-27 21:02:32.789 E/Trace ( 1642): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  540. 09-27 21:02:32.919 D/GCM ( 765): GcmService start Intent { flg=0x10 }
  541. 09-27 21:02:32.939 E/dalvikvm( 1642): Could not find class 'android.os.UserManager', referenced from method xg.b
  542. 09-27 21:02:32.939 W/dalvikvm( 1642): VFY: unable to resolve check-cast 598 (Landroid/os/UserManager;) in Lxg;
  543. 09-27 21:02:32.939 D/dalvikvm( 1642): VFY: replacing opcode 0x1f at 0x000c
  544. 09-27 21:02:32.939 I/dalvikvm( 1642): Could not find method android.accounts.AccountManager.getAccountsByTypeForPackage, referenced from method xg.c
  545. 09-27 21:02:32.939 W/dalvikvm( 1642): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 2421: Landroid/accounts/AccountManager;.getAccountsByTypeForPackage (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)[Landroid/accounts/Account;
  546. 09-27 21:02:32.939 D/dalvikvm( 1642): VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x000c
  547. 09-27 21:02:32.939 E/dalvikvm( 1642): Could not find class 'android.os.UserManager', referenced from method xg.c
  548. 09-27 21:02:32.939 W/dalvikvm( 1642): VFY: unable to resolve check-cast 598 (Landroid/os/UserManager;) in Lxg;
  549. 09-27 21:02:32.939 D/dalvikvm( 1642): VFY: replacing opcode 0x1f at 0x000f
  550. 09-27 21:02:33.019 I/Recovery( 1552): Received: Intent { flg=0x10$Receiver }
  551. 09-27 21:02:33.039 D/GCM ( 765): GcmService start Intent { flg=0x10 }
  552. 09-27 21:02:33.039 D/dalvikvm( 1642): GC_CONCURRENT freed 194K, 22% free 2423K/3075K, paused 12ms+9ms, total 53ms
  553. 09-27 21:02:33.049 I/GCoreUlr( 969): Ensuring that reporting is active
  554. 09-27 21:02:33.059 D/dalvikvm( 1525): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 32K, 23% free 3268K/4227K, paused 101ms, total 101ms
  555. 09-27 21:02:33.059 I/dalvikvm-heap( 1525): Grow heap (frag case) to 3.698MB for 118752-byte allocation
  556. 09-27 21:02:33.079 I/GCoreUlr( 969): GMS FLP location updates requested at interval 60000 ms
  557. 09-27 21:02:33.179 D/dalvikvm( 340): GC_EXPLICIT freed 471K, 24% free 8078K/10627K, paused 3ms+5ms, total 62ms
  558. 09-27 21:02:33.229 D/dalvikvm( 1525): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 116K, 25% free 3268K/4355K, paused 164ms, total 164ms
  559. 09-27 21:02:33.239 D/dalvikvm( 1504): GC_CONCURRENT freed 340K, 23% free 2736K/3523K, paused 177ms+11ms, total 240ms
  560. 09-27 21:02:33.259 D/dalvikvm( 1525): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 3K, 23% free 3385K/4355K, paused 31ms, total 31ms
  561. 09-27 21:02:33.259 I/dalvikvm-heap( 1525): Grow heap (frag case) to 3.812MB for 118736-byte allocation
  562. 09-27 21:02:33.289 I/dun_service( 159): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
  563. 09-27 21:02:33.349 E/Trace ( 1668): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  564. 09-27 21:02:33.390 D/dalvikvm( 1525): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 22% free 3501K/4483K, paused 85ms, total 85ms
  565. 09-27 21:02:33.410 I/dalvikvm( 1525): Total arena pages for JIT: 11
  566. 09-27 21:02:33.410 I/dalvikvm( 1525): Total arena pages for JIT: 12
  567. 09-27 21:02:33.410 I/dalvikvm( 1525): Total arena pages for JIT: 13
  568. 09-27 21:02:33.410 I/dalvikvm( 1525): Total arena pages for JIT: 14
  569. 09-27 21:02:33.410 I/dalvikvm( 1525): Total arena pages for JIT: 15
  570. 09-27 21:02:33.410 I/dalvikvm( 1525): Total arena pages for JIT: 16
  571. 09-27 21:02:33.410 I/dalvikvm( 1525): Total arena pages for JIT: 17
  572. 09-27 21:02:33.440 D/Geofencing( 1525): The battery remaining is 20%
  573. 09-27 21:02:33.440 D/Geofencing( 1525): Stopping location updates because battery is low: 20
  574. 09-27 21:02:33.440 D/Geofencing( 1525): Stopping Location updates
  575. 09-27 21:02:33.440 D/Geofencing( 1525): Thread id:1525 Geofencing failure reason: 10 count: 2 value: 20
  576. 09-27 21:02:33.440 I/ActivityThread( 1668): Pub
  577. 09-27 21:02:33.450 D/AlertReceiver( 1668): onReceive: a=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content:// flg=0x10 }
  578. 09-27 21:02:33.460 I/dalvikvm( 1525): Total arena pages for JIT: 18
  579. 09-27 21:02:33.490 I/Gmail ( 1504): calculateUnknownSyncRationalesAndPurgeInBackground: queueing
  580. 09-27 21:02:33.500 D/AlertService( 1668): 0 Action = android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED
  581. 09-27 21:02:33.530 D/AlertService( 1668): Beginning updateAlertNotification
  582. 09-27 21:02:33.590 E/Trace ( 1687): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  583. 09-27 21:02:33.610 I/ActivityThread( 1687): Pub
  584. 09-27 21:02:33.680 V/AlarmClock( 1626): AlarmInitReceiver finished
  585. 09-27 21:02:33.750 D/dalvikvm( 1525): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 30K, 22% free 3503K/4483K, paused 174ms, total 175ms
  586. 09-27 21:02:33.750 I/dalvikvm-heap( 1525): Grow heap (frag case) to 3.926MB for 118725-byte allocation
  587. 09-27 21:02:33.810 I/Gmail ( 1504): calculateUnknownSyncRationalesAndPurgeInBackground: queueing
  588. 09-27 21:02:33.850 D/dalvikvm( 1525): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 349K, 30% free 3269K/4611K, paused 61ms, total 61ms
  589. 09-27 21:02:33.860 V/NativePresencePipeline( 1525): Initialized location list bundle files.
  590. 09-27 21:02:33.880 D/NativePresencePIPELINE( 1525): RESETTING PIPELINE
  591. 09-27 21:02:33.940 D/dalvikvm( 150): GC_EXPLICIT freed 38K, 24% free 2167K/2816K, paused 1ms+2ms, total 32ms
  592. 09-27 21:02:33.940 E/Trace ( 1709): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  593. 09-27 21:02:33.960 D/dalvikvm( 150): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 24% free 2167K/2816K, paused 4ms+1ms, total 26ms
  594. 09-27 21:02:34.000 D/dalvikvm( 150): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 24% free 2167K/2816K, paused 2ms+1ms, total 30ms
  595. 09-27 21:02:34.070 I/Gmail ( 1504): Sending provider changed intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://gmail-ls/unread/^i (has extras) }
  596. 09-27 21:02:34.070 I/ActivityThread( 1709): Pub
  597. 09-27 21:02:34.130 D/dalvikvm( 1709): GC_CONCURRENT freed 267K, 23% free 2382K/3075K, paused 13ms+1ms, total 30ms
  598. 09-27 21:02:34.140 I/GCoreUlr( 969): Ensuring that reporting is active
  599. 09-27 21:02:34.140 D/AndroidRuntime( 1336):
  600. 09-27 21:02:34.140 D/AndroidRuntime( 1336): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<
  601. 09-27 21:02:34.140 D/AndroidRuntime( 1336): CheckJNI is OFF
  602. 09-27 21:02:34.170 D/AndroidRuntime( 1435):
  603. 09-27 21:02:34.170 D/AndroidRuntime( 1435): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<
  604. 09-27 21:02:34.170 D/AndroidRuntime( 1435): CheckJNI is OFF
  605. 09-27 21:02:34.180 I/GCoreUlr( 969): GMS FLP location updates requested at interval 60000 ms
  606. 09-27 21:02:34.190 D/vclib:CallStateClient( 1709): startListening
  607. 09-27 21:02:34.210 D/AndroidRuntime( 1445):
  608. 09-27 21:02:34.210 D/AndroidRuntime( 1445): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<
  609. 09-27 21:02:34.210 D/AndroidRuntime( 1445): CheckJNI is OFF
  610. 09-27 21:02:34.260 D/AndroidRuntime( 1449):
  611. 09-27 21:02:34.260 D/AndroidRuntime( 1449): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<
  612. 09-27 21:02:34.260 D/AndroidRuntime( 1449): CheckJNI is OFF
  613. 09-27 21:02:34.280 D/GCM ( 765): GcmService start Intent { flg=0x10 }
  614. 09-27 21:02:34.280 I/Gmail ( 1504): Sending provider changed intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://gmail-ls/unread/^iim (has extras) }
  615. 09-27 21:02:34.310 I/talk ( 1709): onMcsConnectionStarted
  616. 09-27 21:02:34.330 D/AlertService( 1668): No fired or scheduled alerts
  617. 09-27 21:02:34.330 I/Recovery( 1552): Received: Intent { flg=0x10$Receiver }
  618. 09-27 21:02:34.350 D/GCM ( 765): GcmService start Intent { flg=0x10 }
  619. 09-27 21:02:34.370 I//system/bin/fsck_msdos( 144): ** Phase 4 - Checking for Lost Files
  620. 09-27 21:02:34.380 D/dalvikvm( 1435): DexOpt: sleeping on flock(/data/dalvik-cache/system@framework@framework2.jar@classes.dex)
  621. 09-27 21:02:34.380 D/dalvikvm( 1336): DexOpt: sleeping on flock(/data/dalvik-cache/system@framework@framework2.jar@classes.dex)
  622. 09-27 21:02:34.400 I/Recovery( 1552): Received: Intent { flg=0x10$Receiver }
  623. 09-27 21:02:34.431 D/dalvikvm( 1445): DexOpt: sleeping on flock(/data/dalvik-cache/system@framework@framework2.jar@classes.dex)
  624. 09-27 21:02:34.441 D/GCM ( 765): GcmService start Intent { flg=0x10 }
  625. 09-27 21:02:34.491 D/Icing ( 1552): Corpus scoring data inited successfully num corpora 3
  626. 09-27 21:02:34.491 D/Icing ( 1552): Init docstore ok num docs 126 bytes 160512
  627. 09-27 21:02:34.541 I//system/bin/fsck_msdos( 144): 7700 files, 2230176 free (803060 clusters)
  628. 09-27 21:02:34.571 D/dalvikvm( 1336): DexOpt: sleeping on flock(/data/dalvik-cache/system@framework@apache-xml.jar@classes.dex)
  629. 09-27 21:02:34.571 D/dalvikvm( 1445): DexOpt: sleeping on flock(/data/dalvik-cache/system@framework@apache-xml.jar@classes.dex)
  630. 09-27 21:02:34.571 D/dalvikvm( 1449): DexOpt: sleeping on flock(/data/dalvik-cache/system@framework@apache-xml.jar@classes.dex)
  631. 09-27 21:02:34.591 D/dalvikvm( 1336): Trying to load lib 0x0
  632. 09-27 21:02:34.591 D/dalvikvm( 1449): Trying to load lib 0x0
  633. 09-27 21:02:34.681 I/Recovery( 1552): Received: Intent { flg=0x10$Receiver }
  634. 09-27 21:02:34.711 D/dalvikvm( 1445): Trying to load lib 0x0
  635. 09-27 21:02:34.761 D/GCM ( 765): GcmService start Intent { flg=0x10 }
  636. 09-27 21:02:34.791 D/dalvikvm( 1435): Trying to load lib 0x0
  637. 09-27 21:02:34.791 I/Recovery( 1552): Received: Intent { flg=0x10$Receiver }
  638. 09-27 21:02:34.811 D/GCM ( 765): GcmService start Intent { flg=0x10 }
  639. 09-27 21:02:34.831 D/dalvikvm( 765): GC_CONCURRENT freed 348K, 19% free 3324K/4099K, paused 1ms+3ms, total 107ms
  640. 09-27 21:02:34.851 D/dalvikvm( 1449): Added shared lib 0x0
  641. 09-27 21:02:34.851 D/dalvikvm( 1435): Added shared lib 0x0
  642. 09-27 21:02:34.871 I//system/bin/fsck_msdos( 144): ** /dev/block/vold/179:15
  643. 09-27 21:02:34.941 E/Trace ( 1746): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  644. 09-27 21:02:34.951 I//system/bin/fsck_msdos( 144): ** Phase 1 - Read and Compare FATs
  645. 09-27 21:02:34.951 I//system/bin/fsck_msdos( 144): Attempting to allocate 123 KB for FAT
  646. 09-27 21:02:35.021 E/Trace ( 1761): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  647. 09-27 21:02:35.101 I//system/bin/fsck_msdos( 144): Attempting to allocate 123 KB for FAT
  648. 09-27 21:02:35.101 I/ActivityThread( 1761): Pub
  649. 09-27 21:02:35.151 D/dalvikvm( 1761): GC_CONCURRENT freed 199K, 20% free 2473K/3075K, paused 20ms+1ms, total 32ms
  650. 09-27 21:02:35.161 D/dalvikvm( 1761): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 16ms
  651. 09-27 21:02:35.181 I/ActivityThread( 1761): Pub gmail-ls:
  652. 09-27 21:02:35.211 I/ActivityThread( 1761): Pub
  653. 09-27 21:02:35.211 I/ActivityThread( 1761): Pub
  654. 09-27 21:02:35.211 I/ActivityThread( 1761): Pub
  655. 09-27 21:02:35.211 I/ActivityThread( 1761): Pub
  656. 09-27 21:02:35.231 D/dalvikvm( 1445): Added shared lib 0x0
  657. 09-27 21:02:35.241 D/dalvikvm( 1336): Added shared lib 0x0
  658. 09-27 21:02:35.261 I//system/bin/fsck_msdos( 144): ** Phase 2 - Check Cluster Chains
  659. 09-27 21:02:35.271 I//system/bin/fsck_msdos( 144): ** Phase 3 - Checking Directories
  660. 09-27 21:02:35.281 I/CalendarProvider2( 1687): Sending notification intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content:// }
  661. 09-27 21:02:35.281 W/ContentResolver( 1687): Failed to get type for: content:// (Unknown URL content://
  662. 09-27 21:02:35.331 I/Recovery( 1552): Received: Intent { flg=0x10$Receiver }
  663. 09-27 21:02:35.361 D/GCM ( 765): GcmService start Intent { flg=0x10 }
  664. 09-27 21:02:35.432 D/dalvikvm( 1445): Trying to load lib 0x0
  665. 09-27 21:02:35.432 D/dalvikvm( 1445): Added shared lib 0x0
  666. 09-27 21:02:35.442 D/dalvikvm( 1336): Trying to load lib 0x0
  667. 09-27 21:02:35.442 D/dalvikvm( 1336): Added shared lib 0x0
  668. 09-27 21:02:35.442 D/dalvikvm( 1435): Trying to load lib 0x0
  669. 09-27 21:02:35.442 D/dalvikvm( 1435): Added shared lib 0x0
  670. 09-27 21:02:35.442 V/Icing ( 1552): Lite index crc computed in 0.153ms
  671. 09-27 21:02:35.442 V/Icing ( 1552): Lite index init ok in 310.333ms
  672. 09-27 21:02:35.442 D/Icing ( 1552): Lite index recovered docid (1048575, 125]
  673. 09-27 21:02:35.442 V/Icing ( 1552): Warming lite-index took 0.000ms
  674. 09-27 21:02:35.442 V/Icing ( 1552): Warming lexicon took 0.000ms
  675. 09-27 21:02:35.442 V/Icing ( 1552): Warming display mappings took 0.000ms
  676. 09-27 21:02:35.442 D/Icing ( 1552): Init index ok num docs 126
  677. 09-27 21:02:35.442 D/Icing ( 1552): Init done
  678. 09-27 21:02:35.472 I/Recovery( 1552): Received: Intent { flg=0x10$Receiver }
  679. 09-27 21:02:35.512 D/GCM ( 765): GcmService start Intent { flg=0x10 }
  680. 09-27 21:02:35.532 D/dalvikvm( 1449): Trying to load lib 0x0
  681. 09-27 21:02:35.532 D/dalvikvm( 1449): Added shared lib 0x0
  682. 09-27 21:02:35.542 D/dalvikvm( 1552): GC_CONCURRENT freed 350K, 25% free 2524K/3331K, paused 34ms+1ms, total 104ms
  683. 09-27 21:02:35.632 D/dalvikvm( 340): GC_EXPLICIT freed 590K, 24% free 8078K/10627K, paused 2ms+4ms, total 62ms
  684. 09-27 21:02:35.682 D/dalvikvm( 1761): GC_CONCURRENT freed 327K, 23% free 2594K/3331K, paused 74ms+1ms, total 116ms
  685. 09-27 21:02:35.712 E/Trace ( 1790): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  686. 09-27 21:02:35.732 I/ActivityThread( 1790): Pub
  687. 09-27 21:02:35.772 E/Icing ( 1552): Service broker callback failed
  688. 09-27 21:02:35.772 E/Icing ( 1552): android.os.DeadObjectException
  689. 09-27 21:02:35.772 E/Icing ( 1552): at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Native Method)
  690. 09-27 21:02:35.772 E/Icing ( 1552): at abp.a(SourceFile:102)
  691. 09-27 21:02:35.772 E/Icing ( 1552): at bjm.a(SourceFile:325)
  692. 09-27 21:02:35.772 E/Icing ( 1552): at bjm.a(SourceFile:279)
  693. 09-27 21:02:35.772 E/Icing ( 1552): at bjn.a(SourceFile:299)
  694. 09-27 21:02:35.772 E/Icing ( 1552): at
  695. 09-27 21:02:35.772 E/Icing ( 1552): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
  696. 09-27 21:02:35.772 E/Icing ( 1552): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  697. 09-27 21:02:35.772 E/Icing ( 1552): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  698. 09-27 21:02:35.772 E/Icing ( 1552): at
  699. 09-27 21:02:35.782 D/MediaScannerReceiver( 1018): action: android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED path: /storage/sdcard1
  700. 09-27 21:02:35.822 D/AlertReceiver( 1790): onReceive: a=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content:// flg=0x10 }
  701. 09-27 21:02:35.842 D/AlertService( 1790): 0 Action = android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED
  702. 09-27 21:02:35.922 E/Trace ( 1811): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  703. 09-27 21:02:35.932 I/ActivityThread( 1811): Pub
  704. 09-27 21:02:35.992 D/AlertService( 1790): Beginning updateAlertNotification
  705. 09-27 21:02:36.022 E/Trace ( 1825): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  706. 09-27 21:02:36.032 I/ActivityThread( 1825): Pub
  707. 09-27 21:02:36.042 I/ActivityThread( 1825): Pub user_dictionary:
  708. 09-27 21:02:36.092 I/ActivityThread( 1825): Pub applications:
  709. 09-27 21:02:36.152 I/ActivityThread( 1825): Pub contacts;
  710. 09-27 21:02:36.182 I/ActivityThread( 1825): Pub call_log:
  711. 09-27 21:02:36.252 D/dalvikvm( 1825): GC_CONCURRENT freed 225K, 21% free 2380K/3011K, paused 16ms+2ms, total 35ms
  712. 09-27 21:02:36.352 D/dalvikvm( 765): GC_EXPLICIT freed 229K, 21% free 3279K/4099K, paused 2ms+2ms, total 27ms
  713. 09-27 21:02:36.452 D/AlertService( 1790): No fired or scheduled alerts
  714. 09-27 21:02:36.503 D/dalvikvm( 1761): GC_CONCURRENT freed 264K, 22% free 2731K/3459K, paused 11ms+1ms, total 29ms
  715. 09-27 21:02:36.533 D/dalvikvm( 1336): DexOpt: sleeping on flock(/data/dalvik-cache/system@framework@am.jar@classes.dex)
  716. 09-27 21:02:36.533 D/dalvikvm( 1435): DexOpt: sleeping on flock(/data/dalvik-cache/system@framework@am.jar@classes.dex)
  717. 09-27 21:02:36.533 D/dalvikvm( 1449): DexOpt: sleeping on flock(/data/dalvik-cache/system@framework@am.jar@classes.dex)
  718. 09-27 21:02:36.603 I/Gmail ( 1761): calculateUnknownSyncRationalesAndPurgeInBackground: queueing
  719. 09-27 21:02:36.653 I/Gmail ( 1761): calculateUnknownSyncRationalesAndPurgeInBackground: queueing
  720. 09-27 21:02:36.753 I/Gmail ( 1761): calculateUnknownSyncRationalesAndPurgeInBackground: running
  721. 09-27 21:02:36.753 I/Gmail ( 1761): calculateUnknownSyncRationalesAndPurgeInBackground: running
  722. 09-27 21:02:36.803 D/dalvikvm( 1761): GC_CONCURRENT freed 277K, 21% free 2851K/3587K, paused 14ms+13ms, total 76ms
  723. 09-27 21:02:37.103 I/CalendarProvider2( 1811): Sending notification intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content:// }
  724. 09-27 21:02:37.103 W/ContentResolver( 1811): Failed to get type for: content:// (Unknown URL content://
  725. 09-27 21:02:37.103 D/AlertReceiver( 1790): onReceive: a=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content:// flg=0x10 }
  726. 09-27 21:02:37.123 D/AlertService( 1790): 0 Action = android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED
  727. 09-27 21:02:37.123 D/AlertService( 1790): Beginning updateAlertNotification
  728. 09-27 21:02:37.193 D/AlertService( 1790): No fired or scheduled alerts
  729. 09-27 21:02:37.774 D/dalvikvm( 340): GC_EXPLICIT freed 300K, 25% free 8054K/10627K, paused 3ms+4ms, total 67ms
  730. 09-27 21:02:37.824 D/AndroidRuntime( 1336): Calling main entry
  731. 09-27 21:02:37.824 D/AndroidRuntime( 1449): Calling main entry
  732. 09-27 21:02:37.824 D/AndroidRuntime( 1445): Calling main entry
  733. 09-27 21:02:37.824 D/AndroidRuntime( 1435): Calling main entry
  734. 09-27 21:02:37.884 E/Trace ( 1897): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  735. 09-27 21:02:37.964 E/Trace ( 1910): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  736. 09-27 21:02:37.984 I/ActivityThread( 1910): Pub
  737. 09-27 21:02:37.994 I/ActivityThread( 1910): Pub user_dictionary:
  738. 09-27 21:02:38.004 I/ActivityThread( 1910): Pub applications:
  739. 09-27 21:02:38.094 D/dalvikvm( 1897): GC_CONCURRENT freed 318K, 24% free 2352K/3075K, paused 16ms+1ms, total 62ms
  740. 09-27 21:02:38.094 D/dalvikvm( 1897): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 30ms
  741. 09-27 21:02:38.124 I/ActivityThread( 1910): Pub contacts;
  742. 09-27 21:02:38.204 I/ActivityThread( 1910): Pub call_log:
  743. 09-27 21:02:38.254 D/AndroidRuntime( 1445): Shutting down VM
  744. 09-27 21:02:38.264 I/AndroidRuntime( 1445): NOTE: attach of thread 'Binder_3' failed
  745. 09-27 21:02:38.324 D/AndroidRuntime( 1435): Shutting down VM
  746. 09-27 21:02:38.334 I/AndroidRuntime( 1435): NOTE: attach of thread 'Binder_3' failed
  747. 09-27 21:02:38.334 D/AndroidRuntime( 1449): Shutting down VM
  748. 09-27 21:02:38.344 I/AndroidRuntime( 1449): NOTE: attach of thread 'Binder_3' failed
  749. 09-27 21:02:38.354 D/AndroidRuntime( 1336): Shutting down VM
  750. 09-27 21:02:38.414 D/dalvikvm( 1910): GC_CONCURRENT freed 229K, 22% free 2377K/3011K, paused 12ms+1ms, total 31ms
  751. 09-27 21:02:38.444 D/dalvikvm( 1336): GC_CONCURRENT freed 103K, 81% free 499K/2560K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 85ms
  752. 09-27 21:02:38.454 D/dalvikvm( 1435): GC_CONCURRENT freed 100K, 81% free 499K/2560K, paused 0ms+107ms, total 123ms
  753. 09-27 21:02:38.454 D/dalvikvm( 1449): GC_CONCURRENT freed 100K, 81% free 499K/2560K, paused 44ms+1ms, total 116ms
  754. 09-27 21:02:38.464 D/dalvikvm( 1445): GC_CONCURRENT freed 100K, 81% free 499K/2560K, paused 66ms+1ms, total 207ms
  755. 09-27 21:02:40.837 W/MediaProvider( 1018): no database for scanned volume external
  756. 09-27 21:02:41.127 D/dalvikvm( 1018): GC_CONCURRENT freed 316K, 24% free 2487K/3267K, paused 12ms+7ms, total 51ms
  757. 09-27 21:02:41.507 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1322
  758. 09-27 21:02:41.708 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1323
  759. 09-27 21:02:41.708 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1324
  760. 09-27 21:02:41.718 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1325
  761. 09-27 21:02:41.718 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1326
  762. 09-27 21:02:41.718 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1327
  763. 09-27 21:02:41.718 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1328
  764. 09-27 21:02:41.728 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1329
  765. 09-27 21:02:41.728 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1330
  766. 09-27 21:02:41.728 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1331
  767. 09-27 21:02:41.728 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1332
  768. 09-27 21:02:41.728 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1333
  769. 09-27 21:02:41.738 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1334
  770. 09-27 21:02:41.738 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1335
  771. 09-27 21:02:41.738 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1336
  772. 09-27 21:02:41.738 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1337
  773. 09-27 21:02:41.738 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1338
  774. 09-27 21:02:41.738 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1339
  775. 09-27 21:02:41.738 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1340
  776. 09-27 21:02:41.738 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1341
  777. 09-27 21:02:41.748 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1342
  778. 09-27 21:02:41.748 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1343
  779. 09-27 21:02:41.748 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1344
  780. 09-27 21:02:41.748 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1345
  781. 09-27 21:02:41.748 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1346
  782. 09-27 21:02:41.748 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1347
  783. 09-27 21:02:41.748 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1348
  784. 09-27 21:02:41.768 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1349
  785. 09-27 21:02:41.768 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1350
  786. 09-27 21:02:41.768 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1351
  787. 09-27 21:02:41.768 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1352
  788. 09-27 21:02:41.768 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1353
  789. 09-27 21:02:41.768 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1354
  790. 09-27 21:02:41.768 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1355
  791. 09-27 21:02:41.768 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1356
  792. 09-27 21:02:41.778 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1357
  793. 09-27 21:02:41.778 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1358
  794. 09-27 21:02:41.778 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1359
  795. 09-27 21:02:41.778 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1360
  796. 09-27 21:02:41.778 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1361
  797. 09-27 21:02:41.778 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1362
  798. 09-27 21:02:41.778 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1363
  799. 09-27 21:02:41.778 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1364
  800. 09-27 21:02:41.778 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1365
  801. 09-27 21:02:41.778 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1366
  802. 09-27 21:02:41.778 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1367
  803. 09-27 21:02:41.778 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1368
  804. 09-27 21:02:41.778 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1369
  805. 09-27 21:02:41.778 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1370
  806. 09-27 21:02:41.778 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1371
  807. 09-27 21:02:41.778 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1372
  808. 09-27 21:02:41.788 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1373
  809. 09-27 21:02:41.788 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1374
  810. 09-27 21:02:41.788 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1375
  811. 09-27 21:02:41.788 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1376
  812. 09-27 21:02:41.788 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1377
  813. 09-27 21:02:41.788 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1378
  814. 09-27 21:02:41.788 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1379
  815. 09-27 21:02:41.818 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1380
  816. 09-27 21:02:41.858 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1381
  817. 09-27 21:02:41.898 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1382
  818. 09-27 21:02:41.898 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1383
  819. 09-27 21:02:41.898 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1384
  820. 09-27 21:02:41.898 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1385
  821. 09-27 21:02:41.898 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1386
  822. 09-27 21:02:41.898 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1387
  823. 09-27 21:02:41.908 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1388
  824. 09-27 21:02:41.908 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1389
  825. 09-27 21:02:41.908 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1390
  826. 09-27 21:02:41.908 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1391
  827. 09-27 21:02:41.908 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1392
  828. 09-27 21:02:41.908 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1393
  829. 09-27 21:02:41.908 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1394
  830. 09-27 21:02:41.908 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1395
  831. 09-27 21:02:41.908 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1396
  832. 09-27 21:02:41.908 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1397
  833. 09-27 21:02:41.908 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1398
  834. 09-27 21:02:41.918 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1399
  835. 09-27 21:02:41.918 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1400
  836. 09-27 21:02:41.918 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1401
  837. 09-27 21:02:41.918 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1402
  838. 09-27 21:02:41.918 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1403
  839. 09-27 21:02:41.918 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1404
  840. 09-27 21:02:41.918 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1405
  841. 09-27 21:02:41.918 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1406
  842. 09-27 21:02:41.918 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1407
  843. 09-27 21:02:41.918 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1408
  844. 09-27 21:02:41.918 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1409
  845. 09-27 21:02:41.918 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1410
  846. 09-27 21:02:41.918 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1411
  847. 09-27 21:02:41.928 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1412
  848. 09-27 21:02:41.928 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1413
  849. 09-27 21:02:41.928 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1414
  850. 09-27 21:02:41.928 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1415
  851. 09-27 21:02:41.928 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1416
  852. 09-27 21:02:41.928 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1417
  853. 09-27 21:02:41.928 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1418
  854. 09-27 21:02:41.928 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1419
  855. 09-27 21:02:41.928 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1420
  856. 09-27 21:02:41.928 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1421
  857. 09-27 21:02:41.928 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1422
  858. 09-27 21:02:43.069 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1423
  859. 09-27 21:02:43.069 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1424
  860. 09-27 21:02:43.069 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1425
  861. 09-27 21:02:43.069 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1426
  862. 09-27 21:02:43.069 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1427
  863. 09-27 21:02:43.079 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1428
  864. 09-27 21:02:43.079 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1429
  865. 09-27 21:02:43.079 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1430
  866. 09-27 21:02:43.079 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1431
  867. 09-27 21:02:43.079 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1432
  868. 09-27 21:02:43.079 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1433
  869. 09-27 21:02:43.079 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1434
  870. 09-27 21:02:43.079 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1435
  871. 09-27 21:02:43.079 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1436
  872. 09-27 21:02:43.119 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1437
  873. 09-27 21:02:43.149 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1438
  874. 09-27 21:02:43.149 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1439
  875. 09-27 21:02:43.189 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1440
  876. 09-27 21:02:43.209 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1441
  877. 09-27 21:02:43.209 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1442
  878. 09-27 21:02:43.279 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1443
  879. 09-27 21:02:43.279 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1444
  880. 09-27 21:02:43.279 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1445
  881. 09-27 21:02:43.279 I/dun_service( 159): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
  882. 09-27 21:02:43.299 D/Geofencing( 1525): The battery remaining is 20%
  883. 09-27 21:02:43.299 D/Geofencing( 1525): Stopping location updates because battery is low: 20
  884. 09-27 21:02:43.299 D/Geofencing( 1525): Stopping Location updates
  885. 09-27 21:02:43.309 D/Geofencing( 1525): Thread id:1525 Geofencing failure reason: 10 count: 3 value: 20
  886. 09-27 21:02:43.309 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1446
  887. 09-27 21:02:43.329 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1447
  888. 09-27 21:02:43.339 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1448
  889. 09-27 21:02:43.339 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1449
  890. 09-27 21:02:43.339 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1450
  891. 09-27 21:02:43.339 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1451
  892. 09-27 21:02:43.359 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1452
  893. 09-27 21:02:43.359 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1453
  894. 09-27 21:02:43.359 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1454
  895. 09-27 21:02:43.369 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1455
  896. 09-27 21:02:43.439 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1456
  897. 09-27 21:02:43.439 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1457
  898. 09-27 21:02:43.439 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1458
  899. 09-27 21:02:43.599 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1459
  900. 09-27 21:02:43.599 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1460
  901. 09-27 21:02:43.640 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1461
  902. 09-27 21:02:43.640 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1462
  903. 09-27 21:02:43.640 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1463
  904. 09-27 21:02:43.640 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1464
  905. 09-27 21:02:43.640 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1465
  906. 09-27 21:02:43.670 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1466
  907. 09-27 21:02:43.700 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1467
  908. 09-27 21:02:43.710 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1468
  909. 09-27 21:02:43.710 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1469
  910. 09-27 21:02:43.710 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1470
  911. 09-27 21:02:43.710 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1471
  912. 09-27 21:02:43.710 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1472
  913. 09-27 21:02:43.710 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1473
  914. 09-27 21:02:43.710 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1474
  915. 09-27 21:02:43.710 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1475
  916. 09-27 21:02:43.710 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1476
  917. 09-27 21:02:43.720 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1477
  918. 09-27 21:02:43.720 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1478
  919. 09-27 21:02:43.720 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1479
  920. 09-27 21:02:43.720 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1480
  921. 09-27 21:02:43.720 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1481
  922. 09-27 21:02:43.720 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1482
  923. 09-27 21:02:43.720 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1483
  924. 09-27 21:02:43.720 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1484
  925. 09-27 21:02:43.720 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1485
  926. 09-27 21:02:43.720 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1486
  927. 09-27 21:02:43.720 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1487
  928. 09-27 21:02:43.720 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1488
  929. 09-27 21:02:43.750 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1489
  930. 09-27 21:02:43.750 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1490
  931. 09-27 21:02:43.750 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1491
  932. 09-27 21:02:43.750 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1492
  933. 09-27 21:02:43.750 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1493
  934. 09-27 21:02:43.750 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1494
  935. 09-27 21:02:43.750 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1495
  936. 09-27 21:02:43.750 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1496
  937. 09-27 21:02:43.750 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1497
  938. 09-27 21:02:43.750 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1498
  939. 09-27 21:02:43.750 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1499
  940. 09-27 21:02:43.750 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1500
  941. 09-27 21:02:43.750 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1501
  942. 09-27 21:02:43.790 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1502
  943. 09-27 21:02:43.790 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1503
  944. 09-27 21:02:43.790 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1504
  945. 09-27 21:02:43.790 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1505
  946. 09-27 21:02:43.790 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1506
  947. 09-27 21:02:43.790 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1507
  948. 09-27 21:02:43.790 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1508
  949. 09-27 21:02:43.790 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1509
  950. 09-27 21:02:43.790 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1510
  951. 09-27 21:02:43.790 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1511
  952. 09-27 21:02:43.800 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1512
  953. 09-27 21:02:43.800 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1513
  954. 09-27 21:02:43.800 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1514
  955. 09-27 21:02:43.800 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1515
  956. 09-27 21:02:43.800 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1516
  957. 09-27 21:02:43.800 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1517
  958. 09-27 21:02:43.800 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1518
  959. 09-27 21:02:43.800 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1519
  960. 09-27 21:02:43.800 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1520
  961. 09-27 21:02:43.800 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1521
  962. 09-27 21:02:43.800 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1522
  963. 09-27 21:02:43.800 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1523
  964. 09-27 21:02:44.771 I//system/bin/fsck_msdos( 144): ** Phase 4 - Checking for Lost Files
  965. 09-27 21:02:44.781 I//system/bin/fsck_msdos( 144): 5526 files, 786144 free (24567 clusters)
  966. 09-27 21:02:44.961 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1524
  967. 09-27 21:02:44.961 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1525
  968. 09-27 21:02:44.961 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1526
  969. 09-27 21:02:44.961 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1527
  970. 09-27 21:02:44.961 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1528
  971. 09-27 21:02:44.961 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1529
  972. 09-27 21:02:44.971 I/PackageManager( 340): Updating external media status from unmounted to mounted
  973. 09-27 21:02:45.031 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1530
  974. 09-27 21:02:45.031 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1531
  975. 09-27 21:02:45.031 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1532
  976. 09-27 21:02:45.031 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1533
  977. 09-27 21:02:45.031 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1534
  978. 09-27 21:02:45.031 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1535
  979. 09-27 21:02:45.031 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1536
  980. 09-27 21:02:45.031 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1537
  981. 09-27 21:02:45.031 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1538
  982. 09-27 21:02:45.031 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1539
  983. 09-27 21:02:45.031 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1540
  984. 09-27 21:02:45.031 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1541
  985. 09-27 21:02:45.031 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1542
  986. 09-27 21:02:45.041 D/MediaScannerReceiver( 1018): action: android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED path: /storage/sdcard0
  987. 09-27 21:02:45.061 I/PackageManager( 340): No secure containers on sdcard
  988. 09-27 21:02:45.061 D/dalvikvm( 1018): GC_CONCURRENT freed 558K, 30% free 2384K/3395K, paused 1ms+2ms, total 70ms
  989. 09-27 21:02:45.071 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1543
  990. 09-27 21:02:45.071 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1544
  991. 09-27 21:02:45.071 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1545
  992. 09-27 21:02:45.071 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1546
  993. 09-27 21:02:45.071 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1547
  994. 09-27 21:02:45.071 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1548
  995. 09-27 21:02:45.091 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1549
  996. 09-27 21:02:45.091 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1550
  997. 09-27 21:02:45.101 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1551
  998. 09-27 21:02:45.101 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1552
  999. 09-27 21:02:45.101 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1553
  1000. 09-27 21:02:45.101 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1554
  1001. 09-27 21:02:45.111 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1555
  1002. 09-27 21:02:45.111 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1556
  1003. 09-27 21:02:45.111 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1557
  1004. 09-27 21:02:45.111 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1558
  1005. 09-27 21:02:45.111 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1559
  1006. 09-27 21:02:45.131 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1560
  1007. 09-27 21:02:45.131 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1561
  1008. 09-27 21:02:45.131 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1562
  1009. 09-27 21:02:45.141 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1563
  1010. 09-27 21:02:45.141 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1564
  1011. 09-27 21:02:45.151 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1565
  1012. 09-27 21:02:45.151 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1566
  1013. 09-27 21:02:45.151 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1567
  1014. 09-27 21:02:45.161 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1568
  1015. 09-27 21:02:45.161 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1569
  1016. 09-27 21:02:45.161 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1570
  1017. 09-27 21:02:45.161 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1571
  1018. 09-27 21:02:45.161 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1572
  1019. 09-27 21:02:45.161 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1573
  1020. 09-27 21:02:45.161 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1574
  1021. 09-27 21:02:45.161 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1575
  1022. 09-27 21:02:45.161 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1576
  1023. 09-27 21:02:45.161 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1577
  1024. 09-27 21:02:45.161 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1578
  1025. 09-27 21:02:45.161 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1579
  1026. 09-27 21:02:45.161 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1580
  1027. 09-27 21:02:45.161 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1581
  1028. 09-27 21:02:45.181 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1582
  1029. 09-27 21:02:45.181 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1583
  1030. 09-27 21:02:45.181 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1584
  1031. 09-27 21:02:45.181 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1585
  1032. 09-27 21:02:45.181 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1586
  1033. 09-27 21:02:45.191 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1587
  1034. 09-27 21:02:45.201 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1588
  1035. 09-27 21:02:45.201 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1589
  1036. 09-27 21:02:45.201 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1590
  1037. 09-27 21:02:45.201 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1591
  1038. 09-27 21:02:45.211 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1592
  1039. 09-27 21:02:45.211 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1593
  1040. 09-27 21:02:45.211 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1594
  1041. 09-27 21:02:45.211 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1595
  1042. 09-27 21:02:45.221 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1596
  1043. 09-27 21:02:45.231 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1597
  1044. 09-27 21:02:45.231 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1598
  1045. 09-27 21:02:45.231 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1599
  1046. 09-27 21:02:45.231 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1600
  1047. 09-27 21:02:45.241 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1601
  1048. 09-27 21:02:45.251 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1602
  1049. 09-27 21:02:45.251 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1603
  1050. 09-27 21:02:45.261 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1604
  1051. 09-27 21:02:45.261 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1605
  1052. 09-27 21:02:45.261 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1606
  1053. 09-27 21:02:45.261 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1607
  1054. 09-27 21:02:45.261 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1608
  1055. 09-27 21:02:45.261 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1609
  1056. 09-27 21:02:45.261 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1610
  1057. 09-27 21:02:45.281 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1611
  1058. 09-27 21:02:45.281 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1612
  1059. 09-27 21:02:45.281 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1613
  1060. 09-27 21:02:45.291 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1614
  1061. 09-27 21:02:45.291 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1615
  1062. 09-27 21:02:45.291 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1616
  1063. 09-27 21:02:45.291 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1617
  1064. 09-27 21:02:45.291 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1618
  1065. 09-27 21:02:45.301 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1619
  1066. 09-27 21:02:45.301 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1620
  1067. 09-27 21:02:45.301 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1621
  1068. 09-27 21:02:45.301 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1622
  1069. 09-27 21:02:45.301 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1623
  1070. 09-27 21:02:45.301 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 1624
  1071. 09-27 21:02:46.152 I/Choreographer( 442): Skipped 33 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  1072. 09-27 21:02:46.192 D/dalvikvm( 969): GC_CONCURRENT freed 319K, 27% free 3027K/4099K, paused 31ms+4ms, total 61ms
  1073. 09-27 21:02:46.412 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): wpa_driver_wext_combo_scan: Start
  1074. 09-27 21:02:46.412 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): For Scan: (null)
  1075. 09-27 21:02:46.412 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): Scan requested (ret=0) - scan timeout 30 seconds
  1076. 09-27 21:02:47.683 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x1003 ([UP])
  1077. 09-27 21:02:47.683 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface 'wlan0' added
  1078. 09-27 21:02:47.683 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): Wireless event: cmd=0x8b19 len=8
  1079. 09-27 21:02:47.683 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): Scan results did not fit - trying larger buffer (8192 bytes)
  1080. 09-27 21:02:47.683 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): Received 8192 bytes of scan results (20 BSSes)
  1081. 09-27 21:02:47.683 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): Add randomness: count=61 entropy=60
  1082. 09-27 21:02:47.683 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): Add randomness: count=62 entropy=61
  1083. 09-27 21:02:47.683 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): Add randomness: count=63 entropy=62
  1084. 09-27 21:02:47.683 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): Add randomness: count=64 entropy=63
  1085. 09-27 21:02:47.683 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): Add randomness: count=65 entropy=64
  1086. 09-27 21:02:47.683 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): Add randomness: count=66 entropy=65
  1087. 09-27 21:02:47.683 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): Add randomness: count=67 entropy=66
  1088. 09-27 21:02:47.683 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): Add randomness: count=68 entropy=67
  1089. 09-27 21:02:47.683 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): Add randomness: count=69 entropy=68
  1090. 09-27 21:02:47.683 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): Add randomness: count=70 entropy=69
  1091. 09-27 21:02:47.683 I/dun_service( 159): process rmnet event
  1092. 09-27 21:02:47.683 I/dun_service( 159): Post event 3
  1093. 09-27 21:02:47.683 I/dun_service( 159): received event: DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN
  1094. 09-27 21:02:47.683 I/dun_service( 159): received event(DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
  1095. 09-27 21:02:47.683 I/dun_service( 159): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
  1096. 09-27 21:02:47.683 I/dun_service( 159): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
  1097. 09-27 21:02:47.683 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): wpa_s 0x2a081620 cmd AP_SCAN 1
  1098. 09-27 21:02:47.683 D/wpa_supplicant( 598): wpa_s 0x2a081620 cmd SCAN_RESULTS
  1099. 09-27 21:02:47.874 D/PermissionCache( 149): checking android.permission.READ_FRAME_BUFFER for uid=1000 => granted (213 us)
  1100. 09-27 21:02:48.034 I/dalvikvm( 1945): Turning on JNI app bug workarounds for target SDK version 13...
  1101. 09-27 21:02:48.084 D/dalvikvm( 340): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 752K, 23% free 8227K/10627K, paused 67ms, total 71ms
  1102. 09-27 21:02:48.084 I/dalvikvm-heap( 340): Grow heap (frag case) to 9.428MB for 1048592-byte allocation
  1103. 09-27 21:02:48.164 D/dalvikvm( 340): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 67K, 22% free 9184K/11715K, paused 77ms, total 77ms
  1104. 09-27 21:02:48.194 E/Trace ( 1945): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  1105. 09-27 21:02:48.244 I/dun_service( 159): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
  1106. 09-27 21:02:48.304 D/dalvikvm( 1945): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 63K, 20% free 2263K/2816K, paused 11ms, total 14ms
  1107. 09-27 21:02:48.314 I/dalvikvm-heap( 1945): Grow heap (frag case) to 3.602MB for 1048592-byte allocation
  1108. 09-27 21:02:48.314 D/Geofencing( 1525): The battery remaining is 20%
  1109. 09-27 21:02:48.314 D/Geofencing( 1525): Stopping location updates because battery is low: 20
  1110. 09-27 21:02:48.314 D/Geofencing( 1525): Stopping Location updates
  1111. 09-27 21:02:48.314 D/Geofencing( 1525): Thread id:1525 Geofencing failure reason: 10 count: 4 value: 20
  1112. 09-27 21:02:48.354 D/dalvikvm( 1945): GC_CONCURRENT freed 3K, 16% free 3283K/3907K, paused 19ms+1ms, total 42ms
  1113. 09-27 21:02:48.815 D/dalvikvm( 1945): GC_CONCURRENT freed 41K, 13% free 3695K/4227K, paused 47ms+16ms, total 123ms
  1114. 09-27 21:02:48.895 I/Ads ( 1945): To get test ads on this device, call adRequest.addTestDevice("C7ED1C10B75287C6A625A643A318AE57");
  1115. 09-27 21:02:48.905 I/Ads ( 1945): Unable to connect to network:$d: NETWORK_ERROR
  1116. 09-27 21:02:49.100 E/Trace ( 830): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  1117. 09-27 21:02:49.145 I/Ads ( 1945): onFailedToReceiveAd(A network error occurred.)
  1118. 09-27 21:02:49.175 I/ActivityManager( 340): Start proc for service pid=1969 uid=10017 gids={1028}
  1119. 09-27 21:02:49.205 E/Trace ( 1969): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  1120. 09-27 21:02:49.335 I/ActivityManager( 340): Displayed com.GetLogs/.GetLogsActivity: +1s372ms
  1121. 09-27 21:02:49.345 D/PhoneStatusBar( 442): addNotification score=0
  1122. 09-27 21:02:49.565 I/ResourceUtils( 513): Found default value: resource=sudden_jumping_touch_event_device_list build=[HARDWARE=qcom MODEL=LG-VM696 BRAND=lge MANUFACTURER=LGE] default=false
  1123. 09-27 21:02:49.575 I/ResourceUtils( 513): Found default value: resource=phantom_sudden_move_event_device_list build=[HARDWARE=qcom MODEL=LG-VM696 BRAND=lge MANUFACTURER=LGE] default=false
  1124. 09-27 21:02:49.605 D/dalvikvm( 513): GC_CONCURRENT freed 193K, 19% free 2820K/3459K, paused 16ms+2ms, total 32ms
  1125. 09-27 21:02:49.685 W/SettingsValues( 513): Cannot load auto correction threshold setting. currentAutoCorrectionSetting: 0, autoCorrectionThresholdValues: [, 0.185, 0.067, floatNegativeInfinity]
  1126. 09-27 21:02:49.685 W/SettingsValues( 513): java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid float: ""
  1127. 09-27 21:02:49.685 W/SettingsValues( 513): at java.lang.StringToReal.invalidReal(
  1128. 09-27 21:02:49.685 W/SettingsValues( 513): at java.lang.StringToReal.parseFloat(
  1129. 09-27 21:02:49.685 W/SettingsValues( 513): at java.lang.Float.parseFloat(
  1130. 09-27 21:02:49.685 W/SettingsValues( 513): at
  1131. 09-27 21:02:49.685 W/SettingsValues( 513): at<init>(
  1132. 09-27 21:02:49.685 W/SettingsValues( 513): at$1.job(
  1133. 09-27 21:02:49.685 W/SettingsValues( 513): at$1.job(
  1134. 09-27 21:02:49.685 W/SettingsValues( 513): at
  1135. 09-27 21:02:49.685 W/SettingsValues( 513): at
  1136. 09-27 21:02:49.685 W/SettingsValues( 513): at
  1137. 09-27 21:02:49.685 W/SettingsValues( 513): at
  1138. 09-27 21:02:49.685 W/SettingsValues( 513): at$700(
  1139. 09-27 21:02:49.685 W/SettingsValues( 513): at$UIHandler.onStartInputView(
  1140. 09-27 21:02:49.685 W/SettingsValues( 513): at
  1141. 09-27 21:02:49.685 W/SettingsValues( 513): at android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService.showWindowInner(
  1142. 09-27 21:02:49.685 W/SettingsValues( 513): at android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService.showWindow(
  1143. 09-27 21:02:49.685 W/SettingsValues( 513): at android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService$InputMethodImpl.showSoftInput(
  1144. 09-27 21:02:49.685 W/SettingsValues( 513): at android.inputmethodservice.IInputMethodWrapper.executeMessage(
  1145. 09-27 21:02:49.685 W/SettingsValues( 513): at$MyHandler.handleMessage(
  1146. 09-27 21:02:49.685 W/SettingsValues( 513): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  1147. 09-27 21:02:49.685 W/SettingsValues( 513): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  1148. 09-27 21:02:49.685 W/SettingsValues( 513): at
  1149. 09-27 21:02:49.685 W/SettingsValues( 513): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
  1150. 09-27 21:02:49.685 W/SettingsValues( 513): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  1151. 09-27 21:02:49.685 W/SettingsValues( 513): at$
  1152. 09-27 21:02:49.685 W/SettingsValues( 513): at
  1153. 09-27 21:02:49.685 W/SettingsValues( 513): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
  1154. 09-27 21:02:49.695 I/ResourceUtils( 513): Found default value: resource=keyboard_heights build=[HARDWARE=qcom MODEL=LG-VM696 BRAND=lge MANUFACTURER=LGE] default=
  1155. 09-27 21:02:49.896 D/dalvikvm( 513): GC_CONCURRENT freed 308K, 21% free 2971K/3715K, paused 15ms+13ms, total 85ms
  1156. 09-27 21:02:49.956 D/dalvikvm( 513): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 42K, 22% free 2930K/3715K, paused 34ms, total 38ms
  1157. 09-27 21:02:49.956 I/dalvikvm-heap( 513): Grow heap (frag case) to 3.501MB for 262416-byte allocation
  1158. 09-27 21:02:49.966 D/dalvikvm( 513): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 22% free 3186K/4035K, paused 14ms, total 14ms
  1159. 09-27 21:02:50.456 D/dalvikvm( 1018): GC_CONCURRENT freed 392K, 30% free 2395K/3395K, paused 11ms+1ms, total 33ms
  1160. 09-27 21:02:52.048 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3435
  1161. 09-27 21:02:52.048 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3436
  1162. 09-27 21:02:52.048 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3504
  1163. 09-27 21:02:52.058 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3505
  1164. 09-27 21:02:52.058 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3884
  1165. 09-27 21:02:52.058 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3885
  1166. 09-27 21:02:52.058 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3886
  1167. 09-27 21:02:52.058 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3887
  1168. 09-27 21:02:52.058 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3888
  1169. 09-27 21:02:52.058 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3889
  1170. 09-27 21:02:52.058 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3890
  1171. 09-27 21:02:52.058 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3891
  1172. 09-27 21:02:52.058 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3892
  1173. 09-27 21:02:52.058 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3893
  1174. 09-27 21:02:52.058 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3894
  1175. 09-27 21:02:52.058 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3895
  1176. 09-27 21:02:52.068 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3896
  1177. 09-27 21:02:52.068 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3897
  1178. 09-27 21:02:52.068 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3898
  1179. 09-27 21:02:52.068 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3899
  1180. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3900
  1181. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3901
  1182. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3902
  1183. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3903
  1184. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3904
  1185. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3905
  1186. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3906
  1187. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3907
  1188. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3908
  1189. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3909
  1190. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3910
  1191. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3911
  1192. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3912
  1193. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3913
  1194. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3914
  1195. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3915
  1196. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3916
  1197. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3917
  1198. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3918
  1199. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3919
  1200. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3920
  1201. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3921
  1202. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3922
  1203. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3923
  1204. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3924
  1205. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3925
  1206. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3926
  1207. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3927
  1208. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3928
  1209. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3929
  1210. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3930
  1211. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3931
  1212. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3932
  1213. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3933
  1214. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3934
  1215. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3935
  1216. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3936
  1217. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3937
  1218. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3938
  1219. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3939
  1220. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3940
  1221. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3941
  1222. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3942
  1223. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3943
  1224. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3944
  1225. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3945
  1226. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3946
  1227. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3947
  1228. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3948
  1229. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3949
  1230. 09-27 21:02:52.078 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3950
  1231. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3951
  1232. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3952
  1233. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3953
  1234. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3954
  1235. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3955
  1236. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3956
  1237. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3957
  1238. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3958
  1239. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3959
  1240. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3960
  1241. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3961
  1242. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3962
  1243. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3963
  1244. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3964
  1245. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3965
  1246. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3966
  1247. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3967
  1248. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3968
  1249. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3969
  1250. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3970
  1251. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3971
  1252. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3972
  1253. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3973
  1254. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3974
  1255. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3975
  1256. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3976
  1257. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3977
  1258. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3978
  1259. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3979
  1260. 09-27 21:02:52.088 D/MediaProvider( 1018): object removed 3980
  1261. 09-27 21:02:52.168 D/dalvikvm( 1018): GC_CONCURRENT freed 389K, 30% free 2392K/3395K, paused 12ms+12ms, total 43ms
  1262. 09-27 21:02:53.189 D/dalvikvm( 1018): GC_CONCURRENT freed 387K, 30% free 2399K/3395K, paused 12ms+2ms, total 37ms
  1263. 09-27 21:02:53.229 I/dun_service( 159): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 2
  1264. 09-27 21:02:53.249 D/Geofencing( 1525): The battery remaining is 20%
  1265. 09-27 21:02:53.249 D/Geofencing( 1525): Stopping location updates because battery is low: 20
  1266. 09-27 21:02:53.249 D/Geofencing( 1525): Stopping Location updates
  1267. 09-27 21:02:53.249 D/Geofencing( 1525): Thread id:1525 Geofencing failure reason: 10 count: 5 value: 20
  1268. 09-27 21:02:54.240 D/dalvikvm( 1945): GC_CONCURRENT freed 177K, 14% free 3952K/4547K, paused 17ms+23ms, total 54ms
  1269. 09-27 21:02:54.250 V/PhoneStatusBar( 442): setLightsOn(true)
  1270. 09-27 21:02:54.250 D/webviewglue( 1945): nativeDestroy view: 0x2a1ded28
  1271. ======================= RADIO LOG ===================
  1272. 06-11 23:26:16.671 E/RILD ( 148): **RIL Daemon Started**
  1273. 06-11 23:26:16.671 E/RILD ( 148): **RILd param count=1**
  1274. 06-11 23:26:17.021 E/RILD ( 148): RIL_Init argc = 5 client = 0
  1275. 06-11 23:26:17.271 E/RILC ( 148): RIL_register: RIL version 6
  1276. 06-11 23:26:17.271 E/RILC ( 148): s_registerCalled = 1, s_started = 1, RIL_getMaxNumClients = 1
  1277. 06-11 23:26:33.707 D/RILB ( 531): /proc/cmdline=androidboot.hardware=qcom kcal= 0 0 0 0 0 0 androidboot.emmc=true androidboot.serialno=31220be3 androidboot.baseband=msm
  1278. 06-11 23:26:33.707 D/RILB ( 531): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
  1279. 06-11 23:26:33.948 D/RILB ( 531): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
  1280. 06-11 23:26:33.988 I/PHONE ( 531): Network Mode set to 4
  1281. 06-11 23:26:34.008 I/PHONE ( 531): Cdma Subscription set to 1
  1282. 06-11 23:26:34.008 I/PHONE ( 531): RILClassname is LGEQualcommRIL
  1283. 06-11 23:26:34.118 D/RILJ ( 531): RIL(context, preferredNetworkType=4 cdmaSubscription=1)
  1284. 06-11 23:26:34.238 D/RILJ ( 531): Starting RILReceiver
  1285. 06-11 23:26:34.298 I/RILJ ( 531): Connected to 'rild' socket
  1286. 06-11 23:26:34.298 D/RILJ ( 531): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_RADIO_STATE_CHANGED RADIO_OFF
  1287. 06-11 23:26:34.298 D/RILB ( 531): Notifying: radio available
  1288. 06-11 23:26:34.298 D/RILJ ( 531): [0000]> SCREEN_STATE: true
  1289. 06-11 23:26:34.328 D/RILB ( 531): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
  1290. 06-11 23:26:34.328 I/PHONE ( 531): Creating CDMAPhone
  1291. 06-11 23:26:34.448 D/PHONE ( 531): mDoesRilSendMultipleCallRing=false
  1292. 06-11 23:26:34.448 D/PHONE ( 531): mCallRingDelay=0
  1293. 06-11 23:26:34.468 D/RILJ ( 531): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_VOICE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED
  1294. 06-11 23:26:34.478 D/RILJ ( 531): [UNSL]< <unknown response: 1037>
  1295. 06-11 23:26:34.508 D/RILJ ( 531): [0000]< SCREEN_STATE
  1296. 06-11 23:26:34.558 D/RIL_UiccController( 531): Creating UiccController
  1297. 06-11 23:26:34.558 D/RIL_UiccController( 531): New phone type is CDMAPhone
  1298. 06-11 23:26:34.558 D/CDMA ( 531): [IccCard] [IccCard] Creating card type 3gpp2
  1299. 06-11 23:26:34.558 D/RILB ( 531): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
  1300. 06-11 23:26:34.648 D/RILJ ( 531): setPhoneType=2 old value=0
  1301. 06-11 23:26:34.779 D/SMS ( 531): SMSDispatcher: ctor mSmsCapable=true format=3gpp2 mSmsReceiveDisabled=false mSmsSendDisabled=false
  1302. 06-11 23:26:34.789 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] DCT.constructor
  1303. 06-11 23:26:34.819 D/GSM ( 531): [RM] resetRetryCount: 0
  1304. 06-11 23:26:34.839 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDC-1] DataConnection constructor E
  1305. 06-11 23:26:34.839 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDC-1] DataConnection constructor X
  1306. 06-11 23:26:34.839 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDC-1] Made CdmaDC-1
  1307. 06-11 23:26:34.839 D/RILB ( 531): registerForRilConnected h=Handler ($SmHandler) {40d77b98} w=262149
  1308. 06-11 23:26:34.839 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDC-1] clearSettings
  1309. 06-11 23:26:34.889 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Fully connected
  1310. 06-11 23:26:34.939 D/CDMA ( 531): [CDMAPhone] CDMAPhone: init set 'gsm.sim.operator.numeric' to operator='311490'
  1311. 06-11 23:26:34.989 D/CDMA ( 531): [CDMAPhone] updateCurrentCarrierInProvider from system: numeric=311490
  1312. 06-11 23:26:35.489 D/RILB ( 531): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
  1313. 06-11 23:26:35.549 D/RILB ( 531): registerForRilConnected h=Handler ( {40d64458} w=4
  1314. 06-11 23:26:36.330 D/CDMA ( 531): [IccCard] Broadcasting intent ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED NOT_READY reason null
  1315. 06-11 23:26:36.340 D/RILJ ( 531): [0001]> RADIO_POWER on
  1316. 06-11 23:26:36.340 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] pollStateDone: oldSS=[1 home null null null Unknown CSS not supported 0 0 RoamInd=0 DefRoamInd=0 EmergOnly=false] newSS=[3 home null null null Unknown CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false]
  1317. 06-11 23:26:36.340 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] operatorNumeric is null
  1318. 06-11 23:26:36.370 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] onReceive:
  1319. 06-11 23:26:36.370 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] CdmaDCT handleMessage msg={ what=270337 when=-1s573ms obj=android.os.AsyncResult@40d751a8 }
  1320. 06-11 23:26:36.370 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] notifyOffApnsOfAvailability - reason= null
  1321. 06-11 23:26:36.370 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1322. 06-11 23:26:36.370 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1323. 06-11 23:26:36.370 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1324. 06-11 23:26:36.370 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1325. 06-11 23:26:36.370 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1326. 06-11 23:26:36.370 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1327. 06-11 23:26:36.390 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1328. 06-11 23:26:36.390 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1329. 06-11 23:26:36.390 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1330. 06-11 23:26:36.390 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1331. 06-11 23:26:36.390 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1332. 06-11 23:26:36.390 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1333. 06-11 23:26:36.400 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1334. 06-11 23:26:36.400 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1335. 06-11 23:26:36.400 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1336. 06-11 23:26:36.400 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1337. 06-11 23:26:36.400 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1338. 06-11 23:26:36.410 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1339. 06-11 23:26:36.410 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1340. 06-11 23:26:36.410 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1341. 06-11 23:26:36.410 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1342. 06-11 23:26:36.410 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1343. 06-11 23:26:36.410 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1344. 06-11 23:26:36.410 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1345. 06-11 23:26:36.430 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1346. 06-11 23:26:36.430 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1347. 06-11 23:26:36.430 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1348. 06-11 23:26:36.430 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1349. 06-11 23:26:36.430 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1350. 06-11 23:26:36.430 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1351. 06-11 23:26:36.430 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1352. 06-11 23:26:36.430 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1353. 06-11 23:26:36.430 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1354. 06-11 23:26:36.430 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1355. 06-11 23:26:36.430 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1356. 06-11 23:26:36.430 D/RILJ ( 531): [0001]< RADIO_POWER
  1357. 06-11 23:26:36.440 D/RILJ ( 531): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_RADIO_STATE_CHANGED RADIO_ON
  1358. 06-11 23:26:36.440 D/RILB ( 531): Notifying: Radio On
  1359. 06-11 23:26:36.440 D/RILJ ( 531): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_VOICE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED
  1360. 06-11 23:26:36.440 D/RILJ ( 531): [UNSL]< <unknown response: 1037>
  1361. 06-11 23:26:36.440 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1362. 06-11 23:26:36.450 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1363. 06-11 23:26:36.450 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1364. 06-11 23:26:36.450 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1365. 06-11 23:26:36.450 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1366. 06-11 23:26:36.450 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1367. 06-11 23:26:36.450 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1368. 06-11 23:26:36.450 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] CdmaDCT handleMessage msg={ what=270342 when=-1s653ms obj=android.os.AsyncResult@40d75250 }
  1369. 06-11 23:26:36.450 D/GSM ( 531): [RM] resetRetryCount: 0
  1370. 06-11 23:26:36.450 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Radio is off and clean up all connection
  1371. 06-11 23:26:36.450 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] CdmaDCT handleMessage msg={ what=270356 when=-1s653ms obj=android.os.AsyncResult@40d755a8 }
  1372. 06-11 23:26:36.450 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] ***trySetupData due to cdmaDataDetached
  1373. 06-11 23:26:36.450 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1374. 06-11 23:26:36.460 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1375. 06-11 23:26:36.460 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1376. 06-11 23:26:36.460 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] notifyOffApnsOfAvailability - reason= cdmaDataDetached
  1377. 06-11 23:26:36.460 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1378. 06-11 23:26:36.460 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1379. 06-11 23:26:36.460 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1380. 06-11 23:26:36.460 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1381. 06-11 23:26:36.460 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1382. 06-11 23:26:36.460 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1383. 06-11 23:26:36.530 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1384. 06-11 23:26:36.530 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1385. 06-11 23:26:36.530 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1386. 06-11 23:26:36.530 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1387. 06-11 23:26:36.530 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1388. 06-11 23:26:36.530 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1389. 06-11 23:26:36.540 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1390. 06-11 23:26:36.540 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1391. 06-11 23:26:36.540 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1392. 06-11 23:26:36.540 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1393. 06-11 23:26:36.540 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1394. 06-11 23:26:36.540 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1395. 06-11 23:26:36.550 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1396. 06-11 23:26:36.550 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1397. 06-11 23:26:36.550 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1398. 06-11 23:26:36.550 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1399. 06-11 23:26:36.550 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1400. 06-11 23:26:36.550 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1401. 06-11 23:26:36.550 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1402. 06-11 23:26:36.550 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1403. 06-11 23:26:36.550 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1404. 06-11 23:26:36.550 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1405. 06-11 23:26:36.560 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1406. 06-11 23:26:36.560 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1407. 06-11 23:26:36.570 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1408. 06-11 23:26:36.570 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1409. 06-11 23:26:36.570 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1410. 06-11 23:26:36.570 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1411. 06-11 23:26:36.570 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1412. 06-11 23:26:36.570 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1413. 06-11 23:26:36.580 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1414. 06-11 23:26:36.580 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1415. 06-11 23:26:36.580 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1416. 06-11 23:26:36.580 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1417. 06-11 23:26:36.580 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1418. 06-11 23:26:36.580 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1419. 06-11 23:26:36.590 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] CdmaDCT handleMessage msg={ what=270348 when=-1s788ms obj=android.os.AsyncResult@40d75700 }
  1420. 06-11 23:26:36.590 D/GSM ( 531): [RM] resetRetryCount: 0
  1421. 06-11 23:26:36.590 D/RILJ ( 531): [0002]> BASEBAND_VERSION
  1422. 06-11 23:26:36.600 D/RILJ ( 531): [0002]< BASEBAND_VERSION error: GENERIC_FAILURE
  1423. 06-11 23:26:36.600 D/RILJ ( 531): [0003]> RIL_REQUEST_DEVICE_IDENTITY
  1424. 06-11 23:26:36.610 D/CDMA ( 531): Event EVENT_RADIO_OFF_OR_NOT_AVAILABLE Received
  1425. 06-11 23:26:36.610 D/RILJ ( 531): [0003]< RIL_REQUEST_DEVICE_IDENTITY {0, 00, 80C9D030, ###IMEI/MEID/ESN###}
  1426. 06-11 23:26:37.111 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] Subscription Source : 1
  1427. 06-11 23:26:37.111 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] Storing cdma subscription source: 1
  1428. 06-11 23:26:37.121 D/RILJ ( 531): [0004]> OPERATOR
  1429. 06-11 23:26:37.121 D/RILJ ( 531): [0004]< OPERATOR {null, null, null}
  1430. 06-11 23:26:37.121 D/RILJ ( 531): [0005]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE
  1431. 06-11 23:26:37.121 D/RILJ ( 531): [0006]> RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_GET_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE
  1432. 06-11 23:26:37.121 D/CDMA ( 531): Received Cdma subscription source: 1
  1433. 06-11 23:26:37.141 D/RILJ ( 531): [0007]> GET_SIM_STATUS
  1434. 06-11 23:26:37.141 D/RILJ ( 531): [0008]> GET_CURRENT_CALLS
  1435. 06-11 23:26:37.161 D/CDMA ( 531): Event EVENT_RADIO_ON Received
  1436. 06-11 23:26:37.171 D/RILJ ( 531): [0009]> RIL_REQUEST_VOICE_RADIO_TECH
  1437. 06-11 23:26:37.171 D/RILJ ( 531): [0005]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {2, null, null, 0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0}
  1438. 06-11 23:26:37.171 D/RILJ ( 531): [0010]> OPERATOR
  1439. 06-11 23:26:37.171 D/RILJ ( 531): [0011]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE
  1440. 06-11 23:26:37.181 D/RILJ ( 531): [0006]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_GET_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE {1}
  1441. 06-11 23:26:37.181 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] CdmaDCT handleMessage msg={ what=270366 when=-722ms }
  1442. 06-11 23:26:37.181 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] cleanUpConnection: reason: null
  1443. 06-11 23:26:37.181 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] setState: DISCONNECTING
  1444. 06-11 23:26:37.181 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] notifyOffApnsOfAvailability - reason= null
  1445. 06-11 23:26:37.181 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1446. 06-11 23:26:37.181 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1447. 06-11 23:26:37.181 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1448. 06-11 23:26:37.181 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1449. 06-11 23:26:37.181 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1450. 06-11 23:26:37.181 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1451. 06-11 23:26:37.191 E/RILC ( 148): invalid command block for token 9 request GET_DATA_CALL_PROFILE and client_id 0
  1452. 06-11 23:26:37.191 D/RILJ ( 531): This is a CDMA PHONE 0
  1453. 06-11 23:26:37.191 W/RILJ ( 531): [0007]< GET_SIM_STATUS exception, possible invalid RIL response
  1454. 06-11 23:26:37.191 W/RILJ ( 531): java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Invalid index 0, size is 0
  1455. 06-11 23:26:37.191 W/RILJ ( 531): at java.util.ArrayList.throwIndexOutOfBoundsException(
  1456. 06-11 23:26:37.191 W/RILJ ( 531): at java.util.ArrayList.get(
  1457. 06-11 23:26:37.191 W/RILJ ( 531): at
  1458. 06-11 23:26:37.191 W/RILJ ( 531): at
  1459. 06-11 23:26:37.191 W/RILJ ( 531): at
  1460. 06-11 23:26:37.191 W/RILJ ( 531): at
  1461. 06-11 23:26:37.191 W/RILJ ( 531): at$
  1462. 06-11 23:26:37.191 W/RILJ ( 531): at
  1463. 06-11 23:26:37.191 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1464. 06-11 23:26:37.191 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1465. 06-11 23:26:37.191 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1466. 06-11 23:26:37.191 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1467. 06-11 23:26:37.191 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1468. 06-11 23:26:37.191 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1469. 06-11 23:26:37.191 D/RILJ ( 531): [0008]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS
  1470. 06-11 23:26:37.201 D/RILJ ( 531): [0010]< OPERATOR {null, null, null}
  1471. 06-11 23:26:37.211 D/RILJ ( 531): [0011]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {2, null, null, 0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0}
  1472. 09-27 21:02:11.510 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1473. 09-27 21:02:11.510 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1474. 09-27 21:02:11.510 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1475. 09-27 21:02:11.510 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1476. 09-27 21:02:11.510 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1477. 09-27 21:02:11.510 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1478. 09-27 21:02:11.530 D/RILJ ( 531): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_VOICE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED
  1479. 09-27 21:02:11.530 D/RILJ ( 531): [UNSL]< <unknown response: 1037>
  1480. 09-27 21:02:11.530 D/RILJ ( 531): [UNSL]< UNSOL_NITZ_TIME_RECEIVED 13/09/28,01:02:43-16,01
  1481. 09-27 21:02:11.540 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1482. 09-27 21:02:11.540 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1483. 09-27 21:02:11.540 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1484. 09-27 21:02:11.540 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1485. 09-27 21:02:11.540 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1486. 09-27 21:02:11.540 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1487. 09-27 21:02:11.540 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1488. 09-27 21:02:11.540 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1489. 09-27 21:02:11.540 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1490. 09-27 21:02:11.550 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1491. 09-27 21:02:11.550 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1492. 09-27 21:02:11.550 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1493. 09-27 21:02:11.550 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1494. 09-27 21:02:11.550 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1495. 09-27 21:02:11.550 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1496. 09-27 21:02:11.550 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1497. 09-27 21:02:11.550 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1498. 09-27 21:02:11.550 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1499. 09-27 21:02:11.570 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1500. 09-27 21:02:11.570 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1501. 09-27 21:02:11.570 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1502. 09-27 21:02:11.570 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1503. 09-27 21:02:11.570 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1504. 09-27 21:02:11.570 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1505. 09-27 21:02:11.580 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] cleanUpConnection: teardown, conn.tearDown
  1506. 09-27 21:02:11.580 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDC-1] DcInactiveState: msg.what=EVENT_DISCONNECT
  1507. 09-27 21:02:11.580 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDC-1] NotifyDisconnectCompleted$DisconnectParams@40dc5a60
  1508. 09-27 21:02:11.580 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] [DataConnection] Stop poll NetStat
  1509. 09-27 21:02:11.620 D/RILJ ( 531): [0012]> RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION
  1510. 09-27 21:02:11.620 D/RILJ ( 531): [0013]> OPERATOR
  1511. 09-27 21:02:11.620 D/RILJ ( 531): [0014]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE
  1512. 09-27 21:02:11.620 D/RILJ ( 531): [0012]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION {###MDN##, 4139,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535, 2163385554, 61007}
  1513. 09-27 21:02:11.640 D/RILJ ( 531): [0013]< OPERATOR {SPG, , 111000}
  1514. 09-27 21:02:11.640 D/RILJ ( 531): [0014]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, null, null, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4396, 29, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}
  1515. 09-27 21:02:11.650 D/RILJ ( 531): [0015]> RIL_REQUEST_REPORT_STK_SERVICE_IS_RUNNING
  1516. 09-27 21:02:11.660 D/RILJ ( 531): [0015]< RIL_REQUEST_REPORT_STK_SERVICE_IS_RUNNING
  1517. 09-27 21:02:11.660 D/CDMA ( 531): Event EVENT_NV_READY Received
  1518. 09-27 21:02:11.660 D/CDMA ( 531): loadEriFileFromXml: check for alternate file
  1519. 09-27 21:02:11.730 D/CDMA ( 531): loadEriFileFromXml: no alternate file
  1520. 09-27 21:02:11.730 D/CDMA ( 531): loadEriFileFromXml: open normal file
  1521. 09-27 21:02:11.820 E/CDMA ( 531): Error Parsing ERI file: 176 defined, 180 parsed!
  1522. 09-27 21:02:11.820 D/CDMA ( 531): loadEriFileFromXml: eri parsing successful, file loaded
  1523. 09-27 21:02:11.820 D/CDMA ( 531): [CDMAPhone] ERI read, notify registrants
  1524. 09-27 21:02:11.860 D/RILJ ( 531): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_VOICE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED
  1525. 09-27 21:02:11.860 D/RILJ ( 531): [UNSL]< <unknown response: 1037>
  1526. 09-27 21:02:11.860 D/RILJ ( 531): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_VOICE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED
  1527. 09-27 21:02:11.860 D/RILJ ( 531): [UNSL]< <unknown response: 1037>
  1528. 09-27 21:02:11.940 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSSM] CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE event = 2
  1529. 09-27 21:02:11.960 E/CDMA ( 531): Error getting ICC status. RIL_REQUEST_GET_ICC_STATUS should never return an error
  1530. 09-27 21:02:11.960 E/CDMA ( 531): java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Invalid index 0, size is 0
  1531. 09-27 21:02:11.960 E/CDMA ( 531): at java.util.ArrayList.throwIndexOutOfBoundsException(
  1532. 09-27 21:02:11.960 E/CDMA ( 531): at java.util.ArrayList.get(
  1533. 09-27 21:02:11.960 E/CDMA ( 531): at
  1534. 09-27 21:02:11.960 E/CDMA ( 531): at
  1535. 09-27 21:02:11.960 E/CDMA ( 531): at
  1536. 09-27 21:02:11.960 E/CDMA ( 531): at
  1537. 09-27 21:02:11.960 E/CDMA ( 531): at$
  1538. 09-27 21:02:11.960 E/CDMA ( 531): at
  1539. 09-27 21:02:11.960 D/CDMA ( 531): Event EVENT_POLL_CALLS_RESULT Received
  1540. 09-27 21:02:11.960 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaCallTracker] update phone state, old=IDLE new=IDLE
  1541. 09-27 21:02:11.960 D/RILJ ( 531): [0016]> OPERATOR
  1542. 09-27 21:02:11.980 D/RILJ ( 531): [0017]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE
  1543. 09-27 21:02:11.980 D/RILJ ( 531): [0016]< OPERATOR {SPG, , 310127}
  1544. 09-27 21:02:11.990 D/RILJ ( 531): [0017]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, null, null, 6, 314, 597487, -1176624, 0, 4396, 29, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}
  1545. 09-27 21:02:11.990 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] NITZ: 13/09/28,01:02:43-16,01,24106 start=24563 delay=457
  1546. 09-27 21:02:11.990 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] NITZ: tzOffset=-14400000 dst=1 zone=NULL iso= mGotCountryCode=false mNeedFixZone=true
  1547. 09-27 21:02:11.990 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] NITZ: Auto updating time of day to Fri Sep 27 21:02:43 EST 2013 NITZ receive delay=462ms gained=31456ms from 13/09/28,01:02:43-16,01
  1548. 09-27 21:02:11.500 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] NITZ: update nitz time property
  1549. 09-27 21:02:11.500 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] NITZ: end=24580 dur=17
  1550. 09-27 21:02:11.520 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] CdmaDCT handleMessage msg={ what=270351 when=-468ms obj=android.os.AsyncResult@40dc5bf0 }
  1551. 09-27 21:02:11.520 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] DataConnectoinTracker.handleMessage: EVENT_DISCONNECT_DONE msg={ what=270351 when=-468ms obj=android.os.AsyncResult@40dc5bf0 }
  1552. 09-27 21:02:11.520 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] EVENT_DISCONNECT_DONE connId=0
  1553. 09-27 21:02:11.520 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] setState: IDLE
  1554. 09-27 21:02:11.520 D/CDMA ( 531): [CDMAPhone] getDataConnectionState apnType=default ret=DISCONNECTED
  1555. 09-27 21:02:11.520 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1556. 09-27 21:02:11.520 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1557. 09-27 21:02:11.520 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1558. 09-27 21:02:11.520 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1559. 09-27 21:02:11.520 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1560. 09-27 21:02:11.520 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1561. 09-27 21:02:11.670 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] notifyOffApnsOfAvailability - reason= null
  1562. 09-27 21:02:11.670 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1563. 09-27 21:02:11.670 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1564. 09-27 21:02:11.670 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1565. 09-27 21:02:11.670 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1566. 09-27 21:02:11.670 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1567. 09-27 21:02:11.670 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1568. 09-27 21:02:11.690 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1569. 09-27 21:02:11.690 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1570. 09-27 21:02:11.690 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1571. 09-27 21:02:11.690 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1572. 09-27 21:02:11.690 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1573. 09-27 21:02:11.690 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1574. 09-27 21:02:11.690 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1575. 09-27 21:02:11.690 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1576. 09-27 21:02:11.690 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1577. 09-27 21:02:11.690 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1578. 09-27 21:02:11.690 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1579. 09-27 21:02:11.690 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1580. 09-27 21:02:11.710 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1581. 09-27 21:02:11.710 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1582. 09-27 21:02:11.710 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1583. 09-27 21:02:11.710 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1584. 09-27 21:02:11.710 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1585. 09-27 21:02:11.710 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1586. 09-27 21:02:11.710 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1587. 09-27 21:02:11.710 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1588. 09-27 21:02:11.710 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1589. 09-27 21:02:11.710 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1590. 09-27 21:02:11.710 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1591. 09-27 21:02:11.710 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1592. 09-27 21:02:11.720 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1593. 09-27 21:02:11.720 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1594. 09-27 21:02:11.730 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1595. 09-27 21:02:11.730 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1596. 09-27 21:02:11.730 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1597. 09-27 21:02:11.730 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1598. 09-27 21:02:11.750 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1599. 09-27 21:02:11.750 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1600. 09-27 21:02:11.750 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1601. 09-27 21:02:11.750 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: bad mMin='null'
  1602. 09-27 21:02:11.750 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=1
  1603. 09-27 21:02:11.750 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data not allowed due to - psState= 1 - needs Provisioning
  1604. 09-27 21:02:11.750 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Data Connection activate failed. Scheduling next attempt for 5s
  1605. 09-27 21:02:11.770 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION: SID=4139,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
  1606. 09-27 21:02:11.770 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION: NID=65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535
  1607. 09-27 21:02:11.770 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] GET_CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION: MDN=###MDN##
  1608. 09-27 21:02:11.770 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=3
  1609. 09-27 21:02:11.770 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION: call notifyRegistrants()
  1610. 09-27 21:02:11.770 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION: call notifyOtaspChanged old otaspMode=0 new otaspMode=3
  1611. 09-27 21:02:11.780 D/CDMA ( 531): [IccCard] Broadcasting intent ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED IMSI reason null
  1612. 09-27 21:02:11.790 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] [CdmaServiceStateTracker] ERI file has been loaded, repolling.
  1613. 09-27 21:02:11.790 D/RILJ ( 531): [0018]> OPERATOR
  1614. 09-27 21:02:11.800 D/RILJ ( 531): [0019]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE
  1615. 09-27 21:02:11.800 D/RILJ ( 531): [0018]< OPERATOR {SPG, , 310127}
  1616. 09-27 21:02:11.800 D/RILJ ( 531): [0020]> OPERATOR
  1617. 09-27 21:02:11.810 D/RILJ ( 531): [0019]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, null, null, 6, 314, 597487, -1176624, 0, 4396, 29, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}
  1618. 09-27 21:02:11.810 D/RILJ ( 531): [0021]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE
  1619. 09-27 21:02:11.810 D/RILJ ( 531): [0022]> OPERATOR
  1620. 09-27 21:02:11.820 D/RILJ ( 531): [0020]< OPERATOR {SPG, , 310127}
  1621. 09-27 21:02:11.820 D/RILJ ( 531): [0021]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, null, null, 6, 314, 597487, -1176624, 0, 4396, 29, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}
  1622. 09-27 21:02:11.820 D/RILJ ( 531): [0022]< OPERATOR {SPG, , 310127}
  1623. 09-27 21:02:11.820 D/RILJ ( 531): [0023]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE
  1624. 09-27 21:02:11.830 D/RILJ ( 531): [0023]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, null, null, 6, 314, 597487, -1176624, 0, 4396, 29, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}
  1625. 09-27 21:02:11.990 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] setAndBroadcastNetworkSetTime: time=1380330163462ms
  1626. 09-27 21:02:12.610 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] Set CDMA Roaming Indicator to: 1. mCdmaRoaming = false, isPrlLoaded = true. namMatch = false , mIsInPrl = true, mRoamingIndicator = 1, mDefaultRoamingIndicator= 0
  1627. 09-27 21:02:12.610 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] pollStateDone: oldSS=[3 home null null null Unknown CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] newSS=[0 home null 310127 1xRTT CSS not supported 29 4396 RoamInd=1 DefRoamInd=0 EmergOnly=false]
  1628. 09-27 21:02:12.660 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] shouldFixTimeZoneNow: retVal=true iccCard.state=READY iccCardExist=true operatorNumeric=310127 mcc=310 prevOperatorNumeric= prevMcc=311 needToFixTimeZone=true ltod=09-27 21:02:12.666
  1629. 09-27 21:02:12.660 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] fixTimeZone zoneName='America/Detroit' mZoneOffset=-14400000 mZoneDst=true iso-cc='us' iso-cc-idx=-21
  1630. 09-27 21:02:12.720 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] fixTimeZone: using getTimeZone(off, dst, time, iso)
  1631. 09-27 21:02:12.720 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] fixTimeZone: zone != null zone.getID=America/Detroit
  1632. 09-27 21:02:12.730 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] setAndBroadcastNetworkSetTimeZone: setTimeZone=America/Detroit
  1633. 09-27 21:02:13.560 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] updateSpnDisplay: changed sending intent showPlmn='true' plmn='Virgin Mobile'
  1634. 09-27 21:02:13.620 D/CDMA ( 531): [CDMAPhone] getDataConnectionState apnType=default ret=DISCONNECTED
  1635. 09-27 21:02:13.620 D/RILB ( 531): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
  1636. 09-27 21:02:13.620 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=3
  1637. 09-27 21:02:13.620 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] getAnyDataEnabled false
  1638. 09-27 21:02:13.630 D/CDMA ( 531): Event EVENT_REGISTERED_TO_NETWORK Received
  1639. 09-27 21:02:13.630 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] CdmaDCT handleMessage msg={ what=270339 when=-16ms obj=android.os.AsyncResult@40db9008 }
  1640. 09-27 21:02:13.630 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] ***trySetupData due to (unspecified)
  1641. 09-27 21:02:13.630 D/RILB ( 531): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
  1642. 09-27 21:02:13.630 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=3
  1643. 09-27 21:02:13.630 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] getAnyDataEnabled false
  1644. 09-27 21:02:13.630 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] notifyOffApnsOfAvailability - reason= null
  1645. 09-27 21:02:13.630 D/RILB ( 531): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
  1646. 09-27 21:02:13.630 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=3
  1647. 09-27 21:02:13.630 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] getAnyDataEnabled false
  1648. 09-27 21:02:13.660 D/RILB ( 531): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
  1649. 09-27 21:02:13.660 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=3
  1650. 09-27 21:02:13.660 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] getAnyDataEnabled false
  1651. 09-27 21:02:13.670 D/RILB ( 531): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
  1652. 09-27 21:02:13.670 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=3
  1653. 09-27 21:02:13.670 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] getAnyDataEnabled false
  1654. 09-27 21:02:13.680 D/RILB ( 531): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
  1655. 09-27 21:02:13.680 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=3
  1656. 09-27 21:02:13.680 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] getAnyDataEnabled false
  1657. 09-27 21:02:13.680 D/RILB ( 531): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
  1658. 09-27 21:02:13.680 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=3
  1659. 09-27 21:02:13.680 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] getAnyDataEnabled false
  1660. 09-27 21:02:13.690 D/RILB ( 531): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
  1661. 09-27 21:02:13.690 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=3
  1662. 09-27 21:02:13.690 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] getAnyDataEnabled false
  1663. 09-27 21:02:13.770 D/RILB ( 531): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
  1664. 09-27 21:02:13.770 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=3
  1665. 09-27 21:02:13.770 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] getAnyDataEnabled false
  1666. 09-27 21:02:15.161 D/RILJ ( 531): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_VOICE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED
  1667. 09-27 21:02:15.161 D/RILJ ( 531): [0024]> OPERATOR
  1668. 09-27 21:02:15.171 D/RILJ ( 531): [0025]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE
  1669. 09-27 21:02:15.171 D/RILJ ( 531): [UNSL]< <unknown response: 1037>
  1670. 09-27 21:02:15.191 D/RILJ ( 531): [0024]< OPERATOR {SPG, , 310127}
  1671. 09-27 21:02:15.191 D/RILJ ( 531): [0025]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, null, null, 6, 314, 597487, -1176624, 0, 4396, 29, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}
  1672. 09-27 21:02:15.191 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] Set CDMA Roaming Indicator to: 1. mCdmaRoaming = false, isPrlLoaded = true. namMatch = false , mIsInPrl = true, mRoamingIndicator = 1, mDefaultRoamingIndicator= 0
  1673. 09-27 21:02:15.191 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] pollStateDone: oldSS=[0 home Virgin Mobile 310127 1xRTT CSS not supported 29 4396 RoamInd=1 DefRoamInd=0 EmergOnly=false] newSS=[0 home null 310127 1xRTT CSS not supported 29 4396 RoamInd=1 DefRoamInd=0 EmergOnly=false]
  1674. 09-27 21:02:15.191 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] shouldFixTimeZoneNow: retVal=false iccCard.state=READY iccCardExist=true operatorNumeric=310127 mcc=310 prevOperatorNumeric=310127 prevMcc=310 needToFixTimeZone=false ltod=09-27 21:02:15.198
  1675. 09-27 21:02:16.061 D/RILJ ( 531): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_VOICE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED
  1676. 09-27 21:02:16.061 D/RILJ ( 531): [0026]> OPERATOR
  1677. 09-27 21:02:16.061 D/RILJ ( 531): [UNSL]< <unknown response: 1037>
  1678. 09-27 21:02:17.393 D/RILJ ( 531): [0027]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE
  1679. 09-27 21:02:17.403 D/RILJ ( 531): [UNSL]< UNSOL_NITZ_TIME_RECEIVED 13/09/28,01:02:49-16,00
  1680. 09-27 21:02:17.413 D/RILJ ( 531): [0026]< OPERATOR {SPG, , 310127}
  1681. 09-27 21:02:17.413 D/RILJ ( 531): [0027]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, null, null, 6, 314, 597487, -1176624, 0, 4396, 29, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}
  1682. 09-27 21:02:17.463 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] NITZ: 13/09/28,01:02:49-16,00,29832 start=29910 delay=78
  1683. 09-27 21:02:17.463 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] NITZ: tzOffset=-14400000 dst=0 zone=NULL iso=us mGotCountryCode=true mNeedFixZone=true
  1684. 09-27 21:02:17.473 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] NITZ: Auto updating time of day to Fri Sep 27 21:02:49 EST 2013 NITZ receive delay=90ms gained=31605ms from 13/09/28,01:02:49-16,00
  1685. 09-27 21:02:17.473 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] setAndBroadcastNetworkSetTime: time=1380330169090ms
  1686. 09-27 21:02:17.500 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] NITZ: update nitz time property
  1687. 09-27 21:02:17.500 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] NITZ: end=29939 dur=29
  1688. 09-27 21:02:17.510 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] Set CDMA Roaming Indicator to: 1. mCdmaRoaming = false, isPrlLoaded = true. namMatch = false , mIsInPrl = true, mRoamingIndicator = 1, mDefaultRoamingIndicator= 0
  1689. 09-27 21:02:17.510 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] pollStateDone: oldSS=[0 home Virgin Mobile 310127 1xRTT CSS not supported 29 4396 RoamInd=1 DefRoamInd=0 EmergOnly=false] newSS=[0 home null 310127 1xRTT CSS not supported 29 4396 RoamInd=1 DefRoamInd=0 EmergOnly=false]
  1690. 09-27 21:02:17.520 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] shouldFixTimeZoneNow: retVal=true iccCard.state=READY iccCardExist=true operatorNumeric=310127 mcc=310 prevOperatorNumeric=310127 prevMcc=310 needToFixTimeZone=true ltod=09-27 21:02:17.529
  1691. 09-27 21:02:17.520 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] fixTimeZone zoneName='America/Detroit' mZoneOffset=-14400000 mZoneDst=false iso-cc='us' iso-cc-idx=-21
  1692. 09-27 21:02:17.540 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] fixTimeZone: using getTimeZone(off, dst, time, iso)
  1693. 09-27 21:02:17.540 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] fixTimeZone: zone == null, do nothing for zone
  1694. 09-27 21:02:18.100 D/RILJ ( 531): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_VOICE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED
  1695. 09-27 21:02:18.100 D/RILJ ( 531): [0028]> OPERATOR
  1696. 09-27 21:02:18.100 D/RILJ ( 531): [UNSL]< <unknown response: 1037>
  1697. 09-27 21:02:18.120 D/RILJ ( 531): [0029]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE
  1698. 09-27 21:02:18.120 D/RILJ ( 531): [UNSL]< UNSOL_NITZ_TIME_RECEIVED 13/09/28,01:02:49-16,01
  1699. 09-27 21:02:18.130 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] NITZ: 13/09/28,01:02:49-16,01,30540 start=30564 delay=24
  1700. 09-27 21:02:18.130 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] NITZ: tzOffset=-14400000 dst=1 zone=America/Detroit iso=us mGotCountryCode=true mNeedFixZone=true
  1701. 09-27 21:02:18.130 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] setAndBroadcastNetworkSetTimeZone: setTimeZone=America/Detroit
  1702. 09-27 21:02:18.130 D/RILJ ( 531): [0028]< OPERATOR {SPG, , 310127}
  1703. 09-27 21:02:18.140 D/RILJ ( 531): [0029]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, null, null, 6, 314, 597487, -1176624, 0, 4396, 29, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}
  1704. 09-27 21:02:18.160 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] NITZ: Auto updating time of day to Fri Sep 27 21:02:49 EST 2013 NITZ receive delay=55ms gained=30884ms from 13/09/28,01:02:49-16,01
  1705. 09-27 21:02:18.160 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] setAndBroadcastNetworkSetTime: time=1380330169055ms
  1706. 09-27 21:02:49.055 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] NITZ: update nitz time property
  1707. 09-27 21:02:49.055 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] NITZ: end=30608 dur=44
  1708. 09-27 21:02:49.065 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] Set CDMA Roaming Indicator to: 1. mCdmaRoaming = false, isPrlLoaded = true. namMatch = false , mIsInPrl = true, mRoamingIndicator = 1, mDefaultRoamingIndicator= 0
  1709. 09-27 21:02:18.500 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] shouldFixTimeZoneNow: retVal=true iccCard.state=READY iccCardExist=true operatorNumeric=310127 mcc=310 prevOperatorNumeric=310127 prevMcc=310 needToFixTimeZone=true ltod=09-27 21:02:18.510
  1710. 09-27 21:02:18.500 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] fixTimeZone zoneName='America/Detroit' mZoneOffset=-14400000 mZoneDst=true iso-cc='us' iso-cc-idx=-21
  1711. 09-27 21:02:18.500 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] fixTimeZone: using getTimeZone(off, dst, time, iso)
  1712. 09-27 21:02:18.500 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] fixTimeZone: zone != null zone.getID=America/Detroit
  1713. 09-27 21:02:18.500 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] setAndBroadcastNetworkSetTimeZone: setTimeZone=America/Detroit
  1714. 09-27 21:02:20.111 D/RILB ( 531): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
  1715. 09-27 21:02:20.111 D/RILB ( 531): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
  1716. 09-27 21:02:20.111 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=3
  1717. 09-27 21:02:20.111 D/RILB ( 531): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
  1718. 09-27 21:02:20.111 D/RILB ( 531): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
  1719. 09-27 21:02:20.331 D/RILJ ( 531): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_VOICE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED
  1720. 09-27 21:02:20.331 D/RILJ ( 531): [0030]> OPERATOR
  1721. 09-27 21:02:20.331 D/RILJ ( 531): [0031]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE
  1722. 09-27 21:02:20.331 D/RILJ ( 531): [UNSL]< <unknown response: 1037>
  1723. 09-27 21:02:20.341 D/RILJ ( 531): [0030]< OPERATOR {SPG, , 310127}
  1724. 09-27 21:02:20.341 D/RILJ ( 531): [0031]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, null, null, 6, 313, 597487, -1176624, 0, 4396, 29, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}
  1725. 09-27 21:02:20.341 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] Set CDMA Roaming Indicator to: 1. mCdmaRoaming = false, isPrlLoaded = true. namMatch = false , mIsInPrl = true, mRoamingIndicator = 1, mDefaultRoamingIndicator= 0
  1726. 09-27 21:02:20.341 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] pollStateDone: oldSS=[0 home Virgin Mobile 310127 1xRTT CSS not supported 29 4396 RoamInd=1 DefRoamInd=0 EmergOnly=false] newSS=[0 home null 310127 1xRTT CSS not supported 29 4396 RoamInd=1 DefRoamInd=0 EmergOnly=false]
  1727. 09-27 21:02:20.341 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] shouldFixTimeZoneNow: retVal=false iccCard.state=READY iccCardExist=true operatorNumeric=310127 mcc=310 prevOperatorNumeric=310127 prevMcc=310 needToFixTimeZone=false ltod=09-27 21:02:20.350
  1728. 09-27 21:02:22.202 D/RILJ ( 531): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_VOICE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED
  1729. 09-27 21:02:22.202 D/RILJ ( 531): [0032]> OPERATOR
  1730. 09-27 21:02:22.202 D/RILJ ( 531): [0033]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE
  1731. 09-27 21:02:22.202 D/RILJ ( 531): [UNSL]< <unknown response: 1037>
  1732. 09-27 21:02:22.202 D/RILJ ( 531): [UNSL]< UNSOL_NITZ_TIME_RECEIVED 13/09/28,01:02:54-16,00
  1733. 09-27 21:02:22.202 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] NITZ: 13/09/28,01:02:54-16,00,34651 start=34658 delay=7
  1734. 09-27 21:02:22.213 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] NITZ: tzOffset=-14400000 dst=0 zone=NULL iso=us mGotCountryCode=true mNeedFixZone=true
  1735. 09-27 21:02:22.213 D/RILJ ( 531): [0032]< OPERATOR {SPG, , 310127}
  1736. 09-27 21:02:22.213 D/RILJ ( 531): [0033]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, null, null, 6, 313, 597487, -1176624, 0, 4396, 29, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}
  1737. 09-27 21:02:22.213 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] NITZ: Auto updating time of day to Fri Sep 27 21:02:54 EST 2013 NITZ receive delay=9ms gained=31793ms from 13/09/28,01:02:54-16,00
  1738. 09-27 21:02:22.213 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] setAndBroadcastNetworkSetTime: time=1380330174009ms
  1739. 09-27 21:02:49.065 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] pollStateDone: oldSS=[0 home Virgin Mobile 310127 1xRTT CSS not supported 29 4396 RoamInd=1 DefRoamInd=0 EmergOnly=false] newSS=[0 home null 310127 1xRTT CSS not supported 29 4396 RoamInd=1 DefRoamInd=0 EmergOnly=false]
  1740. 09-27 21:02:54.009 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] NITZ: update nitz time property
  1741. 09-27 21:02:22.500 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] Set CDMA Roaming Indicator to: 1. mCdmaRoaming = false, isPrlLoaded = true. namMatch = false , mIsInPrl = true, mRoamingIndicator = 1, mDefaultRoamingIndicator= 0
  1742. 09-27 21:02:22.500 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] pollStateDone: oldSS=[0 home Virgin Mobile 310127 1xRTT CSS not supported 29 4396 RoamInd=1 DefRoamInd=0 EmergOnly=false] newSS=[0 home null 310127 1xRTT CSS not supported 29 4396 RoamInd=1 DefRoamInd=0 EmergOnly=false]
  1743. 09-27 21:02:22.510 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] shouldFixTimeZoneNow: retVal=true iccCard.state=READY iccCardExist=true operatorNumeric=310127 mcc=310 prevOperatorNumeric=310127 prevMcc=310 needToFixTimeZone=true ltod=09-27 21:02:22.520
  1744. 09-27 21:02:22.510 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] fixTimeZone zoneName='America/Detroit' mZoneOffset=-14400000 mZoneDst=false iso-cc='us' iso-cc-idx=-21
  1745. 09-27 21:02:22.510 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] fixTimeZone: using getTimeZone(off, dst, time, iso)
  1746. 09-27 21:02:22.510 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] fixTimeZone: zone == null, do nothing for zone
  1747. 09-27 21:02:31.598 D/RILJ ( 531): [0034]> SIGNAL_STRENGTH
  1748. 09-27 21:02:31.598 D/RILJ ( 531): [0034]< SIGNAL_STRENGTH {99, 0, 90, 115, 102, 60, 3, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}
  1749. 09-27 21:02:32.559 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] onReceive:
  1750. 09-27 21:02:32.559 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] Reconnect alarm. Previous state was IDLE
  1751. 09-27 21:02:32.559 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] CdmaDCT handleMessage msg={ what=270339 when=0 }
  1752. 09-27 21:02:32.559 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] ***trySetupData due to (unspecified)
  1753. 09-27 21:02:32.559 D/RILB ( 531): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
  1754. 09-27 21:02:32.559 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=3
  1755. 09-27 21:02:32.559 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] getAnyDataEnabled false
  1756. 09-27 21:02:32.559 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] notifyOffApnsOfAvailability - reason= null
  1757. 09-27 21:02:32.559 D/RILB ( 531): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
  1758. 09-27 21:02:32.559 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=3
  1759. 09-27 21:02:32.559 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] getAnyDataEnabled false
  1760. 09-27 21:02:32.569 D/RILB ( 531): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
  1761. 09-27 21:02:32.569 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=3
  1762. 09-27 21:02:32.569 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] getAnyDataEnabled false
  1763. 09-27 21:02:32.569 D/RILB ( 531): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
  1764. 09-27 21:02:32.569 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=3
  1765. 09-27 21:02:32.569 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] getAnyDataEnabled false
  1766. 09-27 21:02:32.569 D/RILB ( 531): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
  1767. 09-27 21:02:32.569 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=3
  1768. 09-27 21:02:32.569 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] getAnyDataEnabled false
  1769. 09-27 21:02:32.569 D/RILB ( 531): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
  1770. 09-27 21:02:32.569 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=3
  1771. 09-27 21:02:32.569 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] getAnyDataEnabled false
  1772. 09-27 21:02:32.579 D/RILB ( 531): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
  1773. 09-27 21:02:32.579 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=3
  1774. 09-27 21:02:32.579 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] getAnyDataEnabled false
  1775. 09-27 21:02:32.579 D/RILB ( 531): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
  1776. 09-27 21:02:32.579 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] getOtasp: state=3
  1777. 09-27 21:02:32.579 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaDCT] getAnyDataEnabled false
  1778. 09-27 21:02:54.009 D/CDMA ( 531): [CdmaSST] NITZ: end=34674 dur=16
  1779. ======================= KERNEL LOG ===================
  1780. <4>[ 22.114959] IRQ GPIO = 0
  1781. <4>[ 22.118957] write: pn544_write len=:7
  1782. <4>[ 22.122802] write: pn544_write len=:4
  1783. <4>[ 22.122802] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  1784. <4>[ 22.122833] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  1785. <4>[ 22.123016] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  1786. <4>[ 22.123016] [R]0000 : 06
  1787. <4>[ 22.126678] IRQ GPIO = 1
  1788. <4>[ 22.127227] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  1789. <4>[ 22.127227] [R]0000 : 82 82 80 10 EE C5
  1790. <4>[ 22.143951] IRQ GPIO = 0
  1791. <4>[ 22.151885] write: pn544_write len=:7
  1792. <4>[ 22.153259] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  1793. <4>[ 22.153289] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  1794. <4>[ 22.153472] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  1795. <4>[ 22.153472] [R]0000 : 19
  1796. <4>[ 22.156890] write: pn544_write len=:4
  1797. <4>[ 22.158874] IRQ GPIO = 1
  1798. <4>[ 22.160827] pn544_dev_read : Received 25 bytes successfully!
  1799. <4>[ 22.160827] [R]0000 : 8B 82 80 04 05 11 13 14
  1800. <4>[ 22.160827] [R]0008 : 21 23 30 31 90 91 92 94
  1801. <4>[ 22.160858] [R]0016 : A0 A1 B0 15 12 FF FF D4
  1802. <4>[ 22.160858] [R]0024 : 09
  1803. <4>[ 22.160919] IRQ GPIO = 0
  1804. <4>[ 22.170898] write: pn544_write len=:7
  1805. <4>[ 22.172332] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  1806. <4>[ 22.172363] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  1807. <4>[ 22.172546] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  1808. <4>[ 22.172546] [R]0000 : 10
  1809. <4>[ 22.176574] write: pn544_write len=:4
  1810. <4>[ 22.177062] IRQ GPIO = 1
  1811. <4>[ 22.178314] pn544_dev_read : Received 16 bytes successfully!
  1812. <4>[ 22.178344] [R]0000 : 94 82 80 A7 56 6D 56 00
  1813. <4>[ 22.178344] [R]0008 : 15 6D 0B 6D 0B 6D 41 37
  1814. <4>[ 22.178497] IRQ GPIO = 0
  1815. <4>[ 22.180267] write: pn544_write len=:8
  1816. <4>[ 22.190246] write: pn544_write len=:4
  1817. <4>[ 22.192474] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  1818. <4>[ 22.193145] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  1819. <4>[ 22.193359] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  1820. <4>[ 22.193359] [R]0000 : 03
  1821. <4>[ 22.206085] IRQ GPIO = 1
  1822. <4>[ 22.206817] pn544_dev_read : Received 3 bytes successfully!
  1823. <4>[ 22.206848] [R]0000 : C5 8E B4
  1824. <4>[ 22.206878] IRQ GPIO = 1
  1825. <4>[ 22.207061] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  1826. <4>[ 22.207061] [R]0000 : 05
  1827. <4>[ 22.207122] IRQ GPIO = 1
  1828. <4>[ 22.207580] pn544_dev_read : Received 5 bytes successfully!
  1829. <4>[ 22.207611] [R]0000 : 9D 8D 80 33 5C
  1830. <4>[ 22.207702] IRQ GPIO = 0
  1831. <4>[ 22.208801] write: pn544_write len=:7
  1832. <4>[ 22.210205] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  1833. <4>[ 22.210327] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  1834. <4>[ 22.210540] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  1835. <4>[ 22.210540] [R]0000 : 06
  1836. <4>[ 22.215576] write: pn544_write len=:4
  1837. <4>[ 22.216064] IRQ GPIO = 1
  1838. <4>[ 22.216644] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  1839. <4>[ 22.216644] [R]0000 : A6 8D 80 05 BA 35
  1840. <4>[ 22.216705] IRQ GPIO = 0
  1841. <4>[ 22.221221] write: pn544_write len=:7
  1842. <4>[ 22.227203] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  1843. <4>[ 22.227386] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  1844. <4>[ 22.227569] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  1845. <4>[ 22.227600] [R]0000 : 03
  1846. <4>[ 22.230041] write: pn544_write len=:10
  1847. <4>[ 22.231018] IRQ GPIO = 1
  1848. <4>[ 22.231323] pn544_dev_read : Received 3 bytes successfully!
  1849. <4>[ 22.231353] [R]0000 : C7 9C 97
  1850. <4>[ 22.231384] IRQ GPIO = 0
  1851. <4>[ 22.231994] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  1852. <4>[ 22.232025] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  1853. <4>[ 22.232208] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  1854. <4>[ 22.232208] [R]0000 : 06
  1855. <4>[ 22.233306] IRQ GPIO = 1
  1856. <4>[ 22.234100] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  1857. <4>[ 22.234130] [R]0000 : A8 83 80 0D AB 07
  1858. <4>[ 22.234191] IRQ GPIO = 0
  1859. <4>[ 22.235626] write: pn544_write len=:10
  1860. <4>[ 22.242095] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  1861. <4>[ 22.242126] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  1862. <4>[ 22.242309] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  1863. <4>[ 22.242309] [R]0000 : 06
  1864. <4>[ 22.249023] IRQ GPIO = 1
  1865. <4>[ 22.250122] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  1866. <4>[ 22.250152] [R]0000 : B1 83 80 24 AA 81
  1867. <4>[ 22.250213] IRQ GPIO = 0
  1868. <4>[ 22.253143] write: pn544_write len=:10
  1869. <4>[ 22.255096] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  1870. <4>[ 22.255126] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  1871. <4>[ 22.255310] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  1872. <4>[ 22.255340] [R]0000 : 06
  1873. <4>[ 22.259582] IRQ GPIO = 1
  1874. <4>[ 22.260131] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  1875. <4>[ 22.260162] [R]0000 : BA 83 80 0A C3 89
  1876. <4>[ 22.260223] IRQ GPIO = 0
  1877. <4>[ 22.261993] write: pn544_write len=:10
  1878. <4>[ 22.263946] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  1879. <4>[ 22.264007] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  1880. <4>[ 22.264190] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  1881. <4>[ 22.264190] [R]0000 : 06
  1882. <4>[ 22.271087] IRQ GPIO = 1
  1883. <4>[ 22.271667] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  1884. <4>[ 22.271667] [R]0000 : 83 83 80 22 18 91
  1885. <4>[ 22.271728] IRQ GPIO = 0
  1886. <4>[ 22.273406] write: pn544_write len=:10
  1887. <4>[ 22.275390] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  1888. <4>[ 22.275482] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  1889. <4>[ 22.275665] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  1890. <4>[ 22.275665] [R]0000 : 06
  1891. <4>[ 22.276702] IRQ GPIO = 1
  1892. <4>[ 22.277252] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  1893. <4>[ 22.277282] [R]0000 : 8C 83 80 08 B9 AD
  1894. <4>[ 22.277343] IRQ GPIO = 0
  1895. <4>[ 22.280883] write: pn544_write len=:10
  1896. <4>[ 22.309661] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  1897. <4>[ 22.309692] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  1898. <4>[ 22.310150] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  1899. <4>[ 22.310180] [R]0000 : 06
  1900. <4>[ 22.313079] IRQ GPIO = 1
  1901. <4>[ 22.313659] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  1902. <4>[ 22.313659] [R]0000 : 95 83 80 1E CC E2
  1903. <4>[ 22.313720] IRQ GPIO = 0
  1904. <4>[ 22.319519] write: pn544_write len=:10
  1905. <4>[ 22.321533] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  1906. <4>[ 22.321563] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  1907. <4>[ 22.321746] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  1908. <4>[ 22.321777] [R]0000 : 06
  1909. <4>[ 22.327758] IRQ GPIO = 1
  1910. <4>[ 22.328338] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  1911. <4>[ 22.328338] [R]0000 : 9E 83 80 1C CB 01
  1912. <4>[ 22.328399] IRQ GPIO = 0
  1913. <4>[ 22.335021] write: pn544_write len=:10
  1914. <4>[ 22.339874] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  1915. <4>[ 22.339935] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  1916. <4>[ 22.340118] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  1917. <4>[ 22.340118] [R]0000 : 06
  1918. <4>[ 22.341491] IRQ GPIO = 1
  1919. <4>[ 22.342041] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  1920. <4>[ 22.342071] [R]0000 : A7 83 80 13 AD 4C
  1921. <4>[ 22.342132] IRQ GPIO = 0
  1922. <4>[ 22.353576] write: pn544_write len=:10
  1923. <4>[ 22.355560] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  1924. <4>[ 22.355590] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  1925. <4>[ 22.355773] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  1926. <4>[ 22.355773] [R]0000 : 06
  1927. <4>[ 22.361541] IRQ GPIO = 1
  1928. <4>[ 22.362091] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  1929. <4>[ 22.362121] [R]0000 : A8 83 80 3F 3A 15
  1930. <4>[ 22.362152] IRQ GPIO = 0
  1931. <4>[ 22.364105] write: pn544_write len=:10
  1932. <4>[ 22.366088] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  1933. <4>[ 22.366180] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  1934. <4>[ 22.368286] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  1935. <4>[ 22.368286] [R]0000 : 06
  1936. <4>[ 22.368347] IRQ GPIO = 1
  1937. <4>[ 22.369049] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  1938. <4>[ 22.369049] [R]0000 : B1 83 80 00 8C E6
  1939. <4>[ 22.369110] IRQ GPIO = 0
  1940. <4>[ 22.370758] write: pn544_write len=:10
  1941. <4>[ 22.372741] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  1942. <4>[ 22.372772] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  1943. <4>[ 22.372955] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  1944. <4>[ 22.372985] [R]0000 : 06
  1945. <4>[ 22.383728] IRQ GPIO = 1
  1946. <4>[ 22.384307] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  1947. <4>[ 22.384307] [R]0000 : BA 83 80 05 34 71
  1948. <4>[ 22.384399] IRQ GPIO = 0
  1949. <4>[ 22.387786] write: pn544_write len=:10
  1950. <4>[ 22.390075] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  1951. <4>[ 22.390106] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  1952. <4>[ 22.390319] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  1953. <4>[ 22.390319] [R]0000 : 06
  1954. <4>[ 22.391662] IRQ GPIO = 1
  1955. <4>[ 22.392211] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  1956. <4>[ 22.392211] [R]0000 : 83 83 80 A1 8B 27
  1957. <4>[ 22.392272] IRQ GPIO = 0
  1958. <4>[ 22.393737] write: pn544_write len=:10
  1959. <4>[ 22.395721] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  1960. <4>[ 22.395751] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  1961. <4>[ 22.395935] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  1962. <4>[ 22.395935] [R]0000 : 06
  1963. <4>[ 22.397979] IRQ GPIO = 1
  1964. <4>[ 22.398529] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  1965. <4>[ 22.398529] [R]0000 : 8C 83 80 00 F1 21
  1966. <4>[ 22.398620] IRQ GPIO = 0
  1967. <4>[ 22.400115] write: pn544_write len=:10
  1968. <4>[ 22.402099] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  1969. <4>[ 22.402160] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  1970. <4>[ 22.402343] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  1971. <4>[ 22.402343] [R]0000 : 06
  1972. <4>[ 22.405120] IRQ GPIO = 1
  1973. <4>[ 22.405670] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  1974. <4>[ 22.405670] [R]0000 : 95 83 80 B0 B8 AE
  1975. <4>[ 22.405731] IRQ GPIO = 0
  1976. <4>[ 22.407196] write: pn544_write len=:10
  1977. <4>[ 22.413818] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  1978. <4>[ 22.414764] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  1979. <4>[ 22.414947] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  1980. <4>[ 22.414978] [R]0000 : 06
  1981. <4>[ 22.421325] IRQ GPIO = 1
  1982. <4>[ 22.421875] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  1983. <4>[ 22.421875] [R]0000 : 9E 83 80 B0 AD 6E
  1984. <4>[ 22.422088] IRQ GPIO = 0
  1985. <4>[ 22.422729] write: pn544_write len=:10
  1986. <4>[ 22.424743] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  1987. <4>[ 22.425476] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  1988. <4>[ 22.425659] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  1989. <4>[ 22.425659] [R]0000 : 06
  1990. <4>[ 22.431274] IRQ GPIO = 1
  1991. <4>[ 22.439392] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  1992. <4>[ 22.439422] [R]0000 : A7 83 80 01 3E 7F
  1993. <4>[ 22.439605] IRQ GPIO = 0
  1994. <4>[ 22.440368] write: pn544_write len=:10
  1995. <4>[ 22.442321] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  1996. <4>[ 22.442932] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  1997. <4>[ 22.443115] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  1998. <4>[ 22.443145] [R]0000 : 06
  1999. <4>[ 22.443206] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2000. <4>[ 22.443756] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  2001. <4>[ 22.443756] [R]0000 : A8 83 80 14 EB 8A
  2002. <4>[ 22.447998] write: pn544_write len=:10
  2003. <4>[ 22.449035] IRQ GPIO = 0
  2004. <4>[ 22.450042] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  2005. <4>[ 22.453521] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  2006. <4>[ 22.453704] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  2007. <4>[ 22.453735] [R]0000 : 06
  2008. <4>[ 22.453796] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2009. <4>[ 22.454345] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  2010. <4>[ 22.454345] [R]0000 : B1 83 80 60 8A 85
  2011. <4>[ 22.454925] IRQ GPIO = 0
  2012. <4>[ 22.455139] write: pn544_write len=:10
  2013. <4>[ 22.457122] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  2014. <4>[ 22.461059] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  2015. <4>[ 22.461242] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  2016. <4>[ 22.461242] [R]0000 : 06
  2017. <4>[ 22.461334] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2018. <4>[ 22.461883] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  2019. <4>[ 22.461883] [R]0000 : BA 83 80 00 99 26
  2020. <4>[ 22.462066] IRQ GPIO = 0
  2021. <4>[ 22.463317] write: pn544_write len=:10
  2022. <4>[ 22.465301] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  2023. <4>[ 22.472473] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  2024. <4>[ 22.472686] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  2025. <4>[ 22.472686] [R]0000 : 06
  2026. <4>[ 22.474456] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2027. <4>[ 22.475036] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  2028. <4>[ 22.475036] [R]0000 : 83 83 80 C8 4C D9
  2029. <4>[ 22.475219] IRQ GPIO = 0
  2030. <4>[ 22.477508] write: pn544_write len=:10
  2031. <4>[ 22.479522] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  2032. <4>[ 22.479705] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  2033. <4>[ 22.479888] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  2034. <4>[ 22.479888] [R]0000 : 06
  2035. <4>[ 22.482635] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2036. <4>[ 22.484344] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  2037. <4>[ 22.484344] [R]0000 : 8C 83 80 40 F5 63
  2038. <4>[ 22.491943] IRQ GPIO = 0
  2039. <4>[ 22.494415] write: pn544_write len=:10
  2040. <4>[ 22.496429] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  2041. <4>[ 22.497802] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  2042. <4>[ 22.497985] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  2043. <4>[ 22.498016] [R]0000 : 06
  2044. <4>[ 22.503906] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2045. <4>[ 22.504455] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  2046. <4>[ 22.504455] [R]0000 : 95 83 80 40 37 59
  2047. <4>[ 22.511505] IRQ GPIO = 0
  2048. <4>[ 22.513061] write: pn544_write len=:10
  2049. <4>[ 22.515075] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  2050. <4>[ 22.515136] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  2051. <4>[ 22.515319] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  2052. <4>[ 22.515350] [R]0000 : 06
  2053. <4>[ 22.516937] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2054. <4>[ 22.517486] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  2055. <4>[ 22.517578] [R]0000 : 9E 83 80 00 26 DB
  2056. <4>[ 22.518493] IRQ GPIO = 0
  2057. <4>[ 22.520629] write: pn544_write len=:10
  2058. <4>[ 22.522613] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  2059. <4>[ 22.522674] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  2060. <4>[ 22.522857] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  2061. <4>[ 22.522857] [R]0000 : 06
  2062. <4>[ 22.526214] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2063. <4>[ 22.526824] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  2064. <4>[ 22.526824] [R]0000 : A7 83 80 00 B7 6E
  2065. <4>[ 22.527038] IRQ GPIO = 0
  2066. <4>[ 22.528900] write: pn544_write len=:10
  2067. <4>[ 22.530944] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  2068. <4>[ 22.534027] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  2069. <4>[ 22.534210] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  2070. <4>[ 22.534240] [R]0000 : 06
  2071. <4>[ 22.551086] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2072. <4>[ 22.551635] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  2073. <4>[ 22.551635] [R]0000 : A8 83 80 00 4E DC
  2074. <4>[ 22.551818] IRQ GPIO = 0
  2075. <4>[ 22.554229] write: pn544_write len=:10
  2076. <4>[ 22.556182] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  2077. <4>[ 22.556213] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  2078. <4>[ 22.556457] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  2079. <4>[ 22.556457] [R]0000 : 06
  2080. <4>[ 22.560607] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2081. <4>[ 22.561157] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  2082. <4>[ 22.561187] [R]0000 : B1 83 80 00 8C E6
  2083. <4>[ 22.561370] IRQ GPIO = 0
  2084. <4>[ 22.563049] write: pn544_write len=:10
  2085. <4>[ 22.565032] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  2086. <4>[ 22.565093] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  2087. <4>[ 22.565277] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  2088. <4>[ 22.565277] [R]0000 : 06
  2089. <4>[ 22.567260] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2090. <4>[ 22.567840] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  2091. <4>[ 22.567840] [R]0000 : BA 83 80 0E E7 CF
  2092. <4>[ 22.567901] IRQ GPIO = 0
  2093. <4>[ 22.584594] write: pn544_write len=:10
  2094. <4>[ 22.599700] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  2095. <4>[ 22.599731] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  2096. <4>[ 22.599914] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  2097. <4>[ 22.599945] [R]0000 : 06
  2098. <4>[ 22.601562] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2099. <4>[ 22.602111] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  2100. <4>[ 22.602111] [R]0000 : 83 83 80 40 0C D1
  2101. <4>[ 22.602172] IRQ GPIO = 0
  2102. <4>[ 22.602935] write: pn544_write len=:10
  2103. <4>[ 22.604919] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  2104. <4>[ 22.604949] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  2105. <4>[ 22.605133] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  2106. <4>[ 22.605133] [R]0000 : 06
  2107. <4>[ 22.605194] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2108. <4>[ 22.605743] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  2109. <4>[ 22.605743] [R]0000 : 8C 83 80 02 E3 02
  2110. <4>[ 22.605804] IRQ GPIO = 0
  2111. <4>[ 22.606719] write: pn544_write len=:10
  2112. <4>[ 22.608703] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  2113. <4>[ 22.608734] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  2114. <4>[ 22.608917] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  2115. <4>[ 22.608917] [R]0000 : 06
  2116. <4>[ 22.612945] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2117. <4>[ 22.613555] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  2118. <4>[ 22.613586] [R]0000 : 95 83 80 00 33 1B
  2119. <4>[ 22.613647] IRQ GPIO = 0
  2120. <4>[ 22.615051] write: pn544_write len=:10
  2121. <4>[ 22.617065] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  2122. <4>[ 22.617095] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  2123. <4>[ 22.617279] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  2124. <4>[ 22.617309] [R]0000 : 06
  2125. <4>[ 22.617370] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2126. <4>[ 22.617919] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  2127. <4>[ 22.617919] [R]0000 : 9E 83 80 01 AF CA
  2128. <4>[ 22.617980] IRQ GPIO = 0
  2129. <4>[ 22.620269] write: pn544_write len=:10
  2130. <4>[ 22.622283] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  2131. <4>[ 22.622314] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  2132. <4>[ 22.622497] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  2133. <4>[ 22.622528] [R]0000 : 06
  2134. <4>[ 22.628326] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2135. <4>[ 22.628875] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  2136. <4>[ 22.628906] [R]0000 : A7 83 80 00 B7 6E
  2137. <4>[ 22.628967] IRQ GPIO = 0
  2138. <4>[ 22.630401] write: pn544_write len=:10
  2139. <4>[ 22.639129] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  2140. <4>[ 22.639160] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  2141. <4>[ 22.639343] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  2142. <4>[ 22.639343] [R]0000 : 06
  2143. <4>[ 22.644195] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2144. <4>[ 22.644744] pn544_dev_read : Received 6 bytes successfully!
  2145. <4>[ 22.644744] [R]0000 : A8 83 80 00 4E DC
  2146. <4>[ 22.644805] IRQ GPIO = 0
  2147. <4>[ 22.647186] write: pn544_write len=:8
  2148. <4>[ 22.648681] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  2149. <4>[ 22.648712] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  2150. <4>[ 22.648895] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  2151. <4>[ 22.648925] [R]0000 : 05
  2152. <4>[ 22.655609] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2153. <4>[ 22.656097] pn544_dev_read : Received 5 bytes successfully!
  2154. <4>[ 22.656127] [R]0000 : B1 8C 80 73 E3
  2155. <4>[ 22.656158] IRQ GPIO = 0
  2156. <4>[ 22.661163] write: pn544_write len=:20
  2157. <4>[ 22.663940] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  2158. <4>[ 22.663970] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  2159. <4>[ 22.664154] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  2160. <4>[ 22.664184] [R]0000 : 05
  2161. <4>[ 22.677429] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2162. <4>[ 22.677917] pn544_dev_read : Received 5 bytes successfully!
  2163. <4>[ 22.677947] [R]0000 : BA 8A 80 05 9E
  2164. <4>[ 22.678009] IRQ GPIO = 0
  2165. <4>[ 22.679443] write: pn544_write len=:20
  2166. <4>[ 22.682281] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  2167. <4>[ 22.682312] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  2168. <4>[ 22.682495] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  2169. <4>[ 22.682495] [R]0000 : 05
  2170. <4>[ 22.685607] write: pn544_write len=:4
  2171. <4>[ 22.695190] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2172. <4>[ 22.695739] pn544_dev_read : Received 5 bytes successfully!
  2173. <4>[ 22.695739] [R]0000 : 83 8B 80 6D 9D
  2174. <4>[ 22.695800] IRQ GPIO = 0
  2175. <4>[ 22.700744] write: pn544_write len=:4
  2176. <4>[ 22.949401] write: pn544_write len=:6
  2177. <4>[ 22.952789] write: pn544_write len=:7
  2178. <4>[ 22.954101] write: pn544_write len=:8
  2179. <4>[ 22.955413] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  2180. <4>[ 22.955413] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  2181. <4>[ 22.955596] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  2182. <4>[ 22.955627] [R]0000 : 05
  2183. <4>[ 22.955657] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2184. <4>[ 22.956115] pn544_dev_read : Received 5 bytes successfully!
  2185. <4>[ 22.956146] [R]0000 : 8E 84 80 DA E1
  2186. <4>[ 22.956176] IRQ GPIO = 0
  2187. <4>[ 22.956878] write: pn544_write len=:6
  2188. <4>[ 22.958892] write: pn544_write len=:9
  2189. <4>[ 22.962799] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  2190. <4>[ 22.962829] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  2191. <4>[ 22.963104] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  2192. <4>[ 22.963104] [R]0000 : 03
  2193. <4>[ 22.963165] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2194. <4>[ 22.964324] pn544_dev_read : Received 3 bytes successfully!
  2195. <4>[ 22.964324] [R]0000 : C0 23 E3
  2196. <4>[ 22.964385] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2197. <4>[ 22.964569] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  2198. <4>[ 22.964599] [R]0000 : 05
  2199. <4>[ 22.964630] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2200. <4>[ 22.965087] pn544_dev_read : Received 5 bytes successfully!
  2201. <4>[ 22.965118] [R]0000 : 90 84 80 54 74
  2202. <4>[ 22.965148] IRQ GPIO = 0
  2203. <4>[ 22.966339] write: pn544_write len=:8
  2204. <4>[ 22.969451] write: pn544_write len=:4
  2205. <4>[ 22.973144] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  2206. <4>[ 22.973175] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  2207. <4>[ 22.973358] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  2208. <4>[ 22.973388] [R]0000 : 03
  2209. <4>[ 22.973449] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2210. <4>[ 22.973785] pn544_dev_read : Received 3 bytes successfully!
  2211. <4>[ 22.973785] [R]0000 : C1 AA F2
  2212. <4>[ 22.973815] IRQ GPIO = 0
  2213. <4>[ 22.975341] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  2214. <4>[ 22.976470] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  2215. <4>[ 22.976654] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  2216. <4>[ 22.976684] [R]0000 : 05
  2217. <4>[ 22.977050] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2218. <4>[ 22.977569] pn544_dev_read : Received 5 bytes successfully!
  2219. <4>[ 22.977600] [R]0000 : 99 8B 80 82 6B
  2220. <4>[ 22.978210] IRQ GPIO = 0
  2221. <4>[ 22.978820] write: pn544_write len=:8
  2222. <4>[ 22.981323] write: pn544_write len=:4
  2223. <4>[ 22.983673] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  2224. <4>[ 22.983703] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  2225. <4>[ 22.983886] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  2226. <4>[ 22.983917] [R]0000 : 05
  2227. <4>[ 22.983978] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2228. <4>[ 22.985595] pn544_dev_read : Received 5 bytes successfully!
  2229. <4>[ 22.985626] [R]0000 : A2 8A 80 52 DD
  2230. <4>[ 22.985839] IRQ GPIO = 0
  2231. <4>[ 22.987060] write: pn544_write len=:8
  2232. <4>[ 22.988555] write: pn544_write len=:4
  2233. <4>[ 22.988647] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  2234. <4>[ 22.988830] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  2235. <4>[ 22.989257] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  2236. <4>[ 22.989288] [R]0000 : 05
  2237. <4>[ 22.989318] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2238. <4>[ 22.989776] pn544_dev_read : Received 5 bytes successfully!
  2239. <4>[ 22.989807] [R]0000 : AB 84 80 5C DB
  2240. <4>[ 22.989929] IRQ GPIO = 0
  2241. <4>[ 22.990905] write: pn544_write len=:8
  2242. <4>[ 22.992523] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  2243. <4>[ 22.992553] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  2244. <4>[ 22.992828] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  2245. <4>[ 22.992828] [R]0000 : 05
  2246. <4>[ 22.999847] write: pn544_write len=:4
  2247. <4>[ 23.000305] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2248. <4>[ 23.000793] pn544_dev_read : Received 5 bytes successfully!
  2249. <4>[ 23.000793] [R]0000 : B4 84 80 0E 14
  2250. <4>[ 23.000854] IRQ GPIO = 0
  2251. <4>[ 23.001525] write: pn544_write len=:6
  2252. <4>[ 23.002868] write: pn544_write len=:4
  2253. <4>[ 23.007415] pn544_dev_irq_handler : 251
  2254. <4>[ 23.007446] wait_event_interruptible : 0
  2255. <4>[ 23.007629] pn544_dev_read : Received 1 bytes successfully!
  2256. <4>[ 23.007629] [R]0000 : 03
  2257. <4>[ 23.007720] IRQ GPIO = 1
  2258. <4>[ 23.008026] pn544_dev_read : Received 3 bytes successfully!
  2259. <4>[ 23.008026] [R]0000 : C5 8E B4
  2260. <4>[ 23.008087] IRQ GPIO = 0
  2261. <6>[ 24.066009] RPC CALL -- TOD TIME UPDATE: ttick = 1228060
  2262. <6>[ 24.066040] stamp=55803397680431104, freq = 0
  2263. <7>[ 24.076782] msmrtc_tod_proc_result: 09/28/2013 01:02:11 (05)
  2264. <6>[ 24.076812] rs30000048 rs30000048.262144: setting system clock to 2013-09-28 01:02:11 UTC (1380330131)
  2265. <1>[ 24.076812] Current proces is "krtcclntcbd" (PID 61)
  2266. <7>[ 24.586242] rs30000048 rs30000048.262144: msmrtc_timeremote_set_time: 08/28/2013 01:02:43 (06)
  2267. <6>[ 24.586975] RPC CALL -- TOD TIME UPDATE: ttick = 1245131
  2268. <6>[ 24.586975] stamp=55803397680431104, freq = 0
  2269. <7>[ 24.609832] msmrtc_tod_proc_result: 09/28/2013 01:02:11 (05)
  2270. <6>[ 24.609863] rs30000048 rs30000048.262144: setting system clock to 2013-09-28 01:02:11 UTC (1380330131)
  2271. <1>[ 24.609893] Current proces is "krtcclntcbd" (PID 61)
  2272. <6>[ 25.676696] msm_batt_capacity: low_voltage = 2800 high_voltage = 4300
  2273. <6>[ 25.676696] msm_batt_capacity: current_voltage = 3680
  2274. <6>[ 25.676727] msm_batt_capacity: Capacity calculated = 58 battery_soc=20
  2275. <6>[ 25.973785] RPC CALL -- TOD TIME UPDATE: ttick = 1290118
  2276. <6>[ 25.973815] stamp=55803397680431107, freq = 0
  2277. <7>[ 25.985107] msmrtc_tod_proc_result: 09/28/2013 01:02:13 (05)
  2278. <6>[ 25.985107] rs30000048 rs30000048.262144: setting system clock to 2013-09-28 01:02:13 UTC (1380330133)
  2279. <1>[ 25.985137] Current proces is "krtcclntcbd" (PID 61)
  2280. <7>[ 29.971679] rs30000048 rs30000048.262144: msmrtc_timeremote_set_time: 08/28/2013 01:02:49 (06)
  2281. <6>[ 29.972808] RPC CALL -- TOD TIME UPDATE: ttick = 1421604
  2282. <6>[ 29.972808] stamp=55803397680431107, freq = 0
  2283. <7>[ 30.008789] msmrtc_tod_proc_result: 09/28/2013 01:02:17 (05)
  2284. <6>[ 30.008789] rs30000048 rs30000048.262144: setting system clock to 2013-09-28 01:02:17 UTC (1380330137)
  2285. <1>[ 30.008819] Current proces is "krtcclntcbd" (PID 61)
  2286. <3>[ 30.072357] init: sys_prop: permission denied uid:1003 name:service.bootanim.exit
  2287. <6>[ 30.485687] init: waitpid returned pid 335, status = 00000000
  2288. <5>[ 30.485717] init: process 'bootanim', pid 335 exited
  2289. <6>[ 30.485809] init: processing action 0x5be60 (property:init.svc.bootanim=stopped)
  2290. <5>[ 30.485900] init: starting 'qcom-post-boot'
  2291. <6>[ 30.486145] init: command 'start' r=0
  2292. <6>[ 30.525787] CPUFREQ: Per core ondemand sysfs interface is deprecated - up_threshold
  2293. <6>[ 30.534240] CPUFREQ: Per core ondemand sysfs interface is deprecated - sampling_rate
  2294. <6>[ 30.585937] init: waitpid returned pid 855, status = 00000000
  2295. <5>[ 30.585968] init: process 'qcom-post-boot', pid 855 exited
  2296. <4>[ 30.666931] msm_batt_update_psy_status: 20 callbacks suppressed
  2297. <7>[ 30.666931] BATT: msm_batt_get_batt_chg_status() read success
  2298. <7>[ 30.666961] BATT: charger_status = [3]
  2299. <7>[ 30.666961] BATT: charger_type = [0]
  2300. <7>[ 30.666961] BATT: battery_status = [0]
  2301. <7>[ 30.666961] BATT: battery_level = [2]
  2302. <7>[ 30.666961] BATT: battery_voltage = [3663]
  2303. <7>[ 30.666992] BATT: battery_temp = [310]
  2304. <7>[ 30.666992] BATT: battery_soc = [20]%
  2305. <7>[ 30.666992] BATT: ext_pwr = [0]%
  2306. <7>[ 30.666992] BATT: batt_thm_valid = [1]
  2307. <6>[ 30.667022] msm_batt_capacity: low_voltage = 2800 high_voltage = 4300
  2308. <6>[ 30.667022] msm_batt_capacity: current_voltage = 3663
  2309. <6>[ 30.667022] msm_batt_capacity: Capacity calculated = 57 battery_soc=20
  2310. <7>[ 30.687255] rs30000048 rs30000048.262144: msmrtc_timeremote_set_time: 08/28/2013 01:02:49 (06)
  2311. <6>[ 30.688446] RPC CALL -- TOD TIME UPDATE: ttick = 1445053
  2312. <6>[ 30.688476] stamp=55803397680431107, freq = 0
  2313. <7>[ 30.699493] msmrtc_tod_proc_result: 09/28/2013 01:02:18 (05)
  2314. <6>[ 30.699523] rs30000048 rs30000048.262144: setting system clock to 2013-09-28 01:02:18 UTC (1380330138)
  2315. <1>[ 30.699554] Current proces is "krtcclntcbd" (PID 61)
  2316. <6>[ 31.041839] RPC CALL -- TOD TIME UPDATE: ttick = 1456638
  2317. <6>[ 31.041870] stamp=55803397680431107, freq = 0
  2318. <7>[ 31.055084] msmrtc_tod_proc_result: 09/28/2013 01:02:18 (05)
  2319. <6>[ 31.055114] rs30000048 rs30000048.262144: setting system clock to 2013-09-28 01:02:18 UTC (1380330138)
  2320. <1>[ 31.055114] Current proces is "krtcclntcbd" (PID 61)
  2321. <4>[ 34.321380] [matthew] kp_bl_set value : 0, blink = 0, timer_state = -1
  2322. <7>[ 34.774505] rs30000048 rs30000048.262144: msmrtc_timeremote_set_time: 08/28/2013 01:02:54 (06)
  2323. <6>[ 34.775268] RPC CALL -- TOD TIME UPDATE: ttick = 1578980
  2324. <6>[ 34.775268] stamp=55803397680431107, freq = 0
  2325. <7>[ 34.786071] msmrtc_tod_proc_result: 09/28/2013 01:02:22 (05)
  2326. <6>[ 34.786102] rs30000048 rs30000048.262144: setting system clock to 2013-09-28 01:02:22 UTC (1380330142)
  2327. <1>[ 34.786132] Current proces is "krtcclntcbd" (PID 61)
  2328. <6>[ 34.805358] RPC CALL -- TOD TIME UPDATE: ttick = 1579964
  2329. <6>[ 34.805358] stamp=55803397680431107, freq = 0
  2330. <7>[ 34.817810] msmrtc_tod_proc_result: 09/28/2013 01:02:22 (05)
  2331. <6>[ 34.817840] rs30000048 rs30000048.262144: setting system clock to 2013-09-28 01:02:22 UTC (1380330142)
  2332. <1>[ 34.817871] Current proces is "krtcclntcbd" (PID 61)
  2333. <6>[ 35.643768] msm_batt_capacity: low_voltage = 2800 high_voltage = 4300
  2334. <6>[ 35.643768] msm_batt_capacity: current_voltage = 3648
  2335. <6>[ 35.643798] msm_batt_capacity: Capacity calculated = 56 battery_soc=20
  2336. <6>[ 39.905883] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p12): re-mounted. Opts: (null)
  2337. <6>[ 39.948638] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p12): re-mounted. Opts: (null)
  2338. <4>[ 40.646606] msm_batt_update_psy_status: 20 callbacks suppressed
  2339. <7>[ 40.646606] BATT: msm_batt_get_batt_chg_status() read success
  2340. <7>[ 40.646606] BATT: charger_status = [3]
  2341. <7>[ 40.646606] BATT: charger_type = [0]
  2342. <7>[ 40.646606] BATT: battery_status = [0]
  2343. <7>[ 40.646636] BATT: battery_level = [2]
  2344. <7>[ 40.646636] BATT: battery_voltage = [3672]
  2345. <7>[ 40.646636] BATT: battery_temp = [310]
  2346. <7>[ 40.646636] BATT: battery_soc = [20]%
  2347. <7>[ 40.646636] BATT: ext_pwr = [0]%
  2348. <7>[ 40.646636] BATT: batt_thm_valid = [1]
  2349. <6>[ 40.646667] msm_batt_capacity: low_voltage = 2800 high_voltage = 4300
  2350. <6>[ 40.646667] msm_batt_capacity: current_voltage = 3672
  2351. <6>[ 40.646667] msm_batt_capacity: Capacity calculated = 58 battery_soc=20
  2352. <4>[ 41.169708] [matthew] kp_bl_set value : 1, blink = 0, timer_state = -1
  2353. <6>[ 41.359191] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p12): re-mounted. Opts: (null)
  2354. <6>[ 41.461029] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p12): re-mounted. Opts: (null)
  2355. <4>[ 42.439208] [HSCD] i2c_writem param check(addr c, length 2, txData 1b 60)
  2356. <4>[ 42.439239] [HSCD] i2c_writem param check(addr c, length 2, txData 1b 6c)
  2357. <4>[ 42.448455]
  2358. <6>[ 45.618408] msm_batt_capacity: low_voltage = 2800 high_voltage = 4300
  2359. <6>[ 45.618438] msm_batt_capacity: current_voltage = 3662
  2360. <6>[ 45.618438] msm_batt_capacity: Capacity calculated = 57 battery_soc=20
  2361. <4>[ 46.045013] [HSCD] i2c_writem param check(addr c, length 2, txData 1b 60)
  2362. <4>[ 46.045043]
  2363. <6>[ 46.806549] binder: release proc 1504, transaction 17014, not freed
  2364. <4>[ 47.379669] [matthew] kp_bl_set value : 0, blink = 0, timer_state = -1
  2365. <6>[ 47.774444] binder: release proc 1709, transaction 17896, not freed
  2366. <6>[ 47.774444] binder: release proc 1709, transaction 17902, not freed
  2367. <4>[ 50.617828] msm_batt_update_psy_status: 20 callbacks suppressed
  2368. <7>[ 50.617828] BATT: msm_batt_get_batt_chg_status() read success
  2369. <7>[ 50.617828] BATT: charger_status = [3]
  2370. <7>[ 50.617858] BATT: charger_type = [0]
  2371. <7>[ 50.617858] BATT: battery_status = [0]
  2372. <7>[ 50.617858] BATT: battery_level = [2]
  2373. <7>[ 50.617858] BATT: battery_voltage = [3662]
  2374. <7>[ 50.617858] BATT: battery_temp = [320]
  2375. <7>[ 50.617858] BATT: battery_soc = [20]%
  2376. <7>[ 50.617889] BATT: ext_pwr = [0]%
  2377. <7>[ 50.617889] BATT: batt_thm_valid = [1]
  2378. <4>[ 53.156799] [matthew] kp_bl_set value : 1, blink = 0, timer_state = -1
  2379. <6>[ 53.909423] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2380. <6>[ 53.909423] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2381. <6>[ 53.909423] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2382. <6>[ 53.912872] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2383. <6>[ 53.912872] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2384. <6>[ 53.912872] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2385. <6>[ 53.916076] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2386. <6>[ 53.916076] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2387. <6>[ 53.916076] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2388. <6>[ 53.919525] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2389. <6>[ 53.919525] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2390. <6>[ 53.919525] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2391. <6>[ 54.533782] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2392. <6>[ 54.533782] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2393. <6>[ 54.533782] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2394. <6>[ 54.555236] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2395. <6>[ 54.555236] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2396. <6>[ 54.555236] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2397. <6>[ 54.586120] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2398. <6>[ 54.586120] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2399. <6>[ 54.586120] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2400. <6>[ 54.689392] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2401. <6>[ 54.689392] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2402. <6>[ 54.689392] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2403. <6>[ 54.692718] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2404. <6>[ 54.692718] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2405. <6>[ 54.692718] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2406. <6>[ 54.695983] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2407. <6>[ 54.695983] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2408. <6>[ 54.695983] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2409. <6>[ 54.699218] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2410. <6>[ 54.699218] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2411. <6>[ 54.699218] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2412. <6>[ 54.702514] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2413. <6>[ 54.702514] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2414. <6>[ 54.702514] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2415. <6>[ 54.729431] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2416. <6>[ 54.729431] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2417. <6>[ 54.729431] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2418. <6>[ 54.732635] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2419. <6>[ 54.732635] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2420. <6>[ 54.732635] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2421. <6>[ 54.798156] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2422. <6>[ 54.798156] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2423. <6>[ 54.798156] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2424. <6>[ 54.801513] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2425. <6>[ 54.801513] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2426. <6>[ 54.801513] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2427. <6>[ 54.807800] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2428. <6>[ 54.807800] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2429. <6>[ 54.807800] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2430. <6>[ 54.811065] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2431. <6>[ 54.811065] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2432. <6>[ 54.811065] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2433. <6>[ 54.814453] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2434. <6>[ 54.814453] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2435. <6>[ 54.814453] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2436. <6>[ 55.026702] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2437. <6>[ 55.026702] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2438. <6>[ 55.026702] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2439. <6>[ 55.043640] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2440. <6>[ 55.043640] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2441. <6>[ 55.043640] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2442. <6>[ 55.047912] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2443. <6>[ 55.047912] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2444. <6>[ 55.047912] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2445. <6>[ 55.051605] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2446. <6>[ 55.051605] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2447. <6>[ 55.051605] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2448. <6>[ 55.055145] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2449. <6>[ 55.055145] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2450. <6>[ 55.055145] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2451. <6>[ 55.058471] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2452. <6>[ 55.058471] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2453. <6>[ 55.058471] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2454. <6>[ 55.062103] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2455. <6>[ 55.062103] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2456. <6>[ 55.062103] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2457. <6>[ 55.065429] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2458. <6>[ 55.065429] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2459. <6>[ 55.065429] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2460. <6>[ 55.068756] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2461. <6>[ 55.068756] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2462. <6>[ 55.068756] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2463. <6>[ 55.072113] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2464. <6>[ 55.072113] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2465. <6>[ 55.072113] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2466. <6>[ 55.075714] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2467. <6>[ 55.075714] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2468. <6>[ 55.075714] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2469. <6>[ 55.079132] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2470. <6>[ 55.079132] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2471. <6>[ 55.079132] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2472. <6>[ 55.082458] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2473. <6>[ 55.082458] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2474. <6>[ 55.082458] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2475. <6>[ 55.085784] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2476. <6>[ 55.085784] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2477. <6>[ 55.085784] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2478. <6>[ 55.089111] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2479. <6>[ 55.089111] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2480. <6>[ 55.089111] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2481. <6>[ 55.116973] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2482. <6>[ 55.116973] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2483. <6>[ 55.116973] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2484. <6>[ 55.159454] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2485. <6>[ 55.159454] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2486. <6>[ 55.159454] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2487. <6>[ 55.163085] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2488. <6>[ 55.163085] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2489. <6>[ 55.163085] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2490. <6>[ 55.166625] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2491. <6>[ 55.166625] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2492. <6>[ 55.166625] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2493. <6>[ 55.170166] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2494. <6>[ 55.170166] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2495. <6>[ 55.170166] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2496. <6>[ 55.173706] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2497. <6>[ 55.173706] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2498. <6>[ 55.173706] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2499. <6>[ 55.177215] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2500. <6>[ 55.177215] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2501. <6>[ 55.177215] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2502. <6>[ 55.180755] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2503. <6>[ 55.180755] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2504. <6>[ 55.180755] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2505. <6>[ 55.184295] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2506. <6>[ 55.184295] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2507. <6>[ 55.184295] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2508. <6>[ 55.187805] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2509. <6>[ 55.187805] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2510. <6>[ 55.187805] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2511. <6>[ 55.191314] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2512. <6>[ 55.191314] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2513. <6>[ 55.191314] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2514. <6>[ 55.194854] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2515. <6>[ 55.194854] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2516. <6>[ 55.194854] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2517. <6>[ 55.198669] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2518. <6>[ 55.198669] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2519. <6>[ 55.198669] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2520. <6>[ 55.202178] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2521. <6>[ 55.202178] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2522. <6>[ 55.202178] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2523. <6>[ 55.206390] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2524. <6>[ 55.206390] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2525. <6>[ 55.206390] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2526. <6>[ 55.209899] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2527. <6>[ 55.209899] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2528. <6>[ 55.209899] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2529. <6>[ 55.213439] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2530. <6>[ 55.213439] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2531. <6>[ 55.213439] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2532. <6>[ 55.217102] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2533. <6>[ 55.217102] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2534. <6>[ 55.217102] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2535. <6>[ 55.220642] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2536. <6>[ 55.220642] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2537. <6>[ 55.220642] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2538. <6>[ 55.224487] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2539. <6>[ 55.224487] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2540. <6>[ 55.224487] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2541. <6>[ 55.227996] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2542. <6>[ 55.227996] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2543. <6>[ 55.227996] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2544. <6>[ 55.231506] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2545. <6>[ 55.231506] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2546. <6>[ 55.231506] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2547. <6>[ 55.287170] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2548. <6>[ 55.287170] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2549. <6>[ 55.287170] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2550. <6>[ 55.295288] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2551. <6>[ 55.295288] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2552. <6>[ 55.295288] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2553. <6>[ 55.298034] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2554. <6>[ 55.298034] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2555. <6>[ 55.298034] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2556. <6>[ 55.302398] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2557. <6>[ 55.302398] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2558. <6>[ 55.302398] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2559. <6>[ 55.306701] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2560. <6>[ 55.306701] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2561. <6>[ 55.306701] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2562. <6>[ 55.310974] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2563. <6>[ 55.310974] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2564. <6>[ 55.310974] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2565. <6>[ 55.315246] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2566. <6>[ 55.315246] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2567. <6>[ 55.315246] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2568. <6>[ 55.319396] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2569. <6>[ 55.319396] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2570. <6>[ 55.319396] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2571. <6>[ 55.321533] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2572. <6>[ 55.321533] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2573. <6>[ 55.321533] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2574. <6>[ 55.325683] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2575. <6>[ 55.325683] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2576. <6>[ 55.325683] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2577. <6>[ 55.330535] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2578. <6>[ 55.330535] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2579. <6>[ 55.330535] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2580. <6>[ 55.602325] msm_batt_capacity: low_voltage = 2800 high_voltage = 4300
  2581. <6>[ 55.602325] msm_batt_capacity: current_voltage = 3678
  2582. <6>[ 55.602355] msm_batt_capacity: Capacity calculated = 58 battery_soc=20
  2583. <6>[ 55.673156] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2584. <6>[ 55.673156] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2585. <6>[ 55.673156] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2586. <6>[ 56.784667] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2587. <6>[ 56.784667] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2588. <6>[ 56.784667] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2589. <6>[ 56.789733] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2590. <6>[ 56.789733] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2591. <6>[ 56.789733] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2592. <6>[ 56.793212] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2593. <6>[ 56.793212] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2594. <6>[ 56.793212] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2595. <6>[ 56.796539] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2596. <6>[ 56.796539] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2597. <6>[ 56.796539] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2598. <6>[ 56.799713] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2599. <6>[ 56.799713] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2600. <6>[ 56.799713] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2601. <6>[ 56.805267] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2602. <6>[ 56.805267] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2603. <6>[ 56.805267] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2604. <6>[ 56.809844] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2605. <6>[ 56.809844] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2606. <6>[ 56.809844] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2607. <6>[ 56.813079] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2608. <6>[ 56.813079] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2609. <6>[ 56.813079] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2610. <6>[ 56.816497] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2611. <6>[ 56.816497] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2612. <6>[ 56.816497] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2613. <6>[ 56.819824] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2614. <6>[ 56.819824] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2615. <6>[ 56.819824] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2616. <6>[ 56.823089] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2617. <6>[ 56.823089] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2618. <6>[ 56.823089] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2619. <6>[ 56.826385] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2620. <6>[ 56.826385] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2621. <6>[ 56.826385] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2622. <6>[ 56.829559] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2623. <6>[ 56.829559] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2624. <6>[ 56.829559] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2625. <6>[ 56.832733] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2626. <6>[ 56.832733] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2627. <6>[ 56.832733] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2628. <6>[ 56.837005] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2629. <6>[ 56.837005] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2630. <6>[ 56.837005] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2631. <6>[ 56.841278] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2632. <6>[ 56.841278] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2633. <6>[ 56.841278] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2634. <6>[ 56.867462] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2635. <6>[ 56.867462] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2636. <6>[ 56.867462] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2637. <6>[ 58.059417] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2638. <6>[ 58.059417] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2639. <6>[ 58.059417] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2640. <6>[ 58.063537] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2641. <6>[ 58.063537] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2642. <6>[ 58.063537] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2643. <6>[ 58.067169] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2644. <6>[ 58.067169] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2645. <6>[ 58.067169] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2646. <6>[ 58.071289] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2647. <6>[ 58.071289] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2648. <6>[ 58.071289] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2649. <6>[ 58.074798] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2650. <6>[ 58.074798] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2651. <6>[ 58.074798] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2652. <6>[ 58.078033] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2653. <6>[ 58.078033] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2654. <6>[ 58.078033] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2655. <6>[ 58.081268] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2656. <6>[ 58.081268] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2657. <6>[ 58.081268] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2658. <6>[ 58.084442] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2659. <6>[ 58.084442] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2660. <6>[ 58.084442] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2661. <6>[ 58.087646] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2662. <6>[ 58.087646] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2663. <6>[ 58.087646] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2664. <6>[ 58.091796] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2665. <6>[ 58.091796] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2666. <6>[ 58.091796] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2667. <6>[ 58.119537] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2668. <6>[ 58.119537] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2669. <6>[ 58.119537] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2670. <6>[ 58.210174] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2671. <6>[ 58.210174] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2672. <6>[ 58.210174] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2673. <6>[ 58.213562] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2674. <6>[ 58.213562] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2675. <6>[ 58.213562] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2676. <6>[ 58.218048] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2677. <6>[ 58.218048] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2678. <6>[ 58.218048] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2679. <6>[ 58.221771] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2680. <6>[ 58.221771] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2681. <6>[ 58.221771] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2682. <6>[ 58.225402] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2683. <6>[ 58.225402] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2684. <6>[ 58.225402] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2685. <6>[ 58.229003] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2686. <6>[ 58.229003] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2687. <6>[ 58.229003] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2688. <6>[ 58.232482] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2689. <6>[ 58.232482] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2690. <6>[ 58.232482] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2691. <6>[ 58.259460] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2692. <6>[ 58.259460] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2693. <6>[ 58.259460] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2694. <6>[ 58.262878] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2695. <6>[ 58.262878] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2696. <6>[ 58.262878] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2697. <6>[ 58.266235] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2698. <6>[ 58.266235] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2699. <6>[ 58.266235] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2700. <6>[ 58.270050] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2701. <6>[ 58.270050] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2702. <6>[ 58.270050] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2703. <6>[ 58.273406] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2704. <6>[ 58.273406] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2705. <6>[ 58.273406] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2706. <6>[ 58.276885] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2707. <6>[ 58.276885] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2708. <6>[ 58.276885] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2709. <6>[ 58.280242] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2710. <6>[ 58.280242] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2711. <6>[ 58.280242] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2712. <6>[ 58.304321] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2713. <6>[ 58.304321] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2714. <6>[ 58.304321] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2715. <6>[ 58.308288] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2716. <6>[ 58.308288] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2717. <6>[ 58.308288] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2718. <6>[ 58.311676] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2719. <6>[ 58.311676] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2720. <6>[ 58.311676] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2721. <6>[ 58.315032] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2722. <6>[ 58.315032] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2723. <6>[ 58.315032] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2724. <6>[ 58.318847] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2725. <6>[ 58.318847] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2726. <6>[ 58.318847] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2727. <6>[ 58.322204] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2728. <6>[ 58.322204] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2729. <6>[ 58.322204] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2730. <6>[ 58.325866] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2731. <6>[ 58.325866] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2732. <6>[ 58.325866] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2733. <6>[ 58.329223] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2734. <6>[ 58.329223] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2735. <6>[ 58.329223] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2736. <6>[ 58.332794] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2737. <6>[ 58.332794] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2738. <6>[ 58.332794] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2739. <6>[ 58.336364] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2740. <6>[ 58.336364] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2741. <6>[ 58.336364] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2742. <6>[ 58.339935] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2743. <6>[ 58.339935] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2744. <6>[ 58.339935] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2745. <6>[ 58.343292] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2746. <6>[ 58.343292] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2747. <6>[ 58.343292] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2748. <6>[ 58.369689] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2749. <6>[ 58.369689] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2750. <6>[ 58.369689] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2751. <6>[ 58.429809] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2752. <6>[ 58.429809] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2753. <6>[ 58.429809] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2754. <4>[ 60.573181] msm_batt_update_psy_status: 17 callbacks suppressed
  2755. <7>[ 60.573181] BATT: msm_batt_get_batt_chg_status() read success
  2756. <7>[ 60.573181] BATT: charger_status = [3]
  2757. <7>[ 60.573181] BATT: charger_type = [0]
  2758. <7>[ 60.573181] BATT: battery_status = [0]
  2759. <7>[ 60.573181] BATT: battery_level = [2]
  2760. <7>[ 60.573181] BATT: battery_voltage = [3682]
  2761. <7>[ 60.573181] BATT: battery_temp = [320]
  2762. <7>[ 60.573211] BATT: battery_soc = [20]%
  2763. <7>[ 60.573211] BATT: ext_pwr = [0]%
  2764. <7>[ 60.573211] BATT: batt_thm_valid = [1]
  2765. <6>[ 60.573211] msm_batt_capacity: low_voltage = 2800 high_voltage = 4300
  2766. <6>[ 60.573211] msm_batt_capacity: current_voltage = 3682
  2767. <6>[ 60.573211] msm_batt_capacity: Capacity calculated = 58 battery_soc=20
  2768. <6>[ 64.434570] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2769. <6>[ 64.434570] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2770. <6>[ 64.434570] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2771. <6>[ 64.442962] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2772. <6>[ 64.442962] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2773. <6>[ 64.442962] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2774. <6>[ 64.448455] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2775. <6>[ 64.448455] [SMEM] allocated fail 0x0 id:93
  2776. <6>[ 64.448455] [SMEM] allocated 0xfa143520 id:83
  2777. <6>[ 65.556518] msm_batt_capacity: low_voltage = 2800 high_voltage = 4300
  2778. <6>[ 65.556518] msm_batt_capacity: current_voltage = 3680
  2779. <6>[ 65.556549] msm_batt_capacity: Capacity calculated = 58 battery_soc=20
  2780. ======================= RUNNING PROCESSES ===================
  2782. root 1 0 540 400 c00f96d8 00008edc S /init
  2783. root 2 0 0 0 c010c494 00000000 S kthreadd
  2784. root 3 2 0 0 c00fbf6c 00000000 S ksoftirqd/0
  2785. root 4 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S events/0
  2786. root 5 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S khelper
  2787. root 6 2 0 0 c0112798 00000000 S async/mgr
  2788. root 7 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S suspend_sys_syn
  2789. root 8 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S suspend/0
  2790. root 9 2 0 0 c012c6a0 00000000 S irq/155-pm8058-
  2791. root 10 2 0 0 c014ef30 00000000 S sync_supers
  2792. root 11 2 0 0 c014fce8 00000000 S bdi-default
  2793. root 12 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S kblockd/0
  2794. root 13 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S kmmcd
  2795. root 14 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S rpciod/0
  2796. root 15 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S modem_notifier
  2797. root 16 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S smd_channel_clo
  2798. root 17 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S qmi
  2799. root 18 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S nmea
  2800. root 19 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S rpcrouter
  2801. root 20 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S dalrpc_rcv_DAL0
  2802. root 21 2 0 0 c006a408 00000000 D rpcrotuer_smd_x
  2803. root 22 2 0 0 c006e730 00000000 S krpcserversd
  2804. root 23 2 0 0 c006cb84 00000000 D audio_mvs
  2805. root 24 2 0 0 c006cb84 00000000 D krmt_storagecln
  2806. root 25 2 0 0 c006f6a8 00000000 D krmt_storagecln
  2807. root 26 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S rmt_storage
  2808. root 27 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S detection/0
  2809. root 28 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S sync_cmd_wq
  2810. root 29 2 0 0 c0149bbc 00000000 S kswapd0
  2811. root 30 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S aio/0
  2812. root 31 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S nfsiod
  2813. root 32 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S crypto/0
  2814. root 44 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S mdp_dma_wq
  2815. root 45 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S mdp_vsync_wq
  2816. root 46 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S mdp_pipe_ctrl_w
  2817. root 47 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S mdp_cursor_ctrl
  2818. root 48 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S vidc_worker_que
  2819. root 49 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S vidc_timer_wq
  2820. root 50 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S kgsl-3d0/0
  2821. root 51 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S kgsl-2d0/0
  2822. root 52 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S scsi_tgtd/0
  2823. root 53 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S k_otg
  2824. root 54 2 0 0 c006cb84 00000000 D koemrapiclientc
  2825. root 55 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S k_gserial
  2826. root 56 2 0 0 c034de1c 00000000 S file-storage
  2827. root 57 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S diag_wq
  2828. root 58 2 0 0 c0359a08 00000000 S kthread_lg_diag
  2829. root 59 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S melfas_wq
  2830. root 60 2 0 0 c006cb84 00000000 D krtcclntd
  2831. root 61 2 0 0 c006f6a8 00000000 D krtcclntcbd
  2832. root 62 2 0 0 c006cb84 00000000 D kbatteryclntd
  2833. root 63 2 0 0 c006f6a8 00000000 D kbatteryclntcbd
  2834. root 64 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S msm_adc
  2835. root 65 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S kstriped
  2836. root 66 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S kondemand/0
  2837. root 67 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S kconservative/0
  2838. root 68 2 0 0 c03d2b7c 00000000 S kinteractiveup
  2839. root 69 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S knteractive_dow
  2840. root 70 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S ksmartass_up/0
  2841. root 71 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S ksmartass_down/
  2842. root 72 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S kconservative/0
  2843. root 73 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S kinteractive_up
  2844. root 74 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S knteractive_dow
  2845. root 75 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S ksavagedzen_up/
  2846. root 76 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S ksavagedzen_dow
  2847. root 77 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S ksmartass_up/0
  2848. root 78 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S ksmartass_down/
  2849. root 79 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S ksmoothass_up/0
  2850. root 80 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S ksmoothass_down
  2851. root 81 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S ksmartass_up/0
  2852. root 82 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S ksmartass_down/
  2853. root 83 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S kdarkside_up/0
  2854. root 84 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S kdarkside_down/
  2855. root 85 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S kbrazilianwax_u
  2856. root 86 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S kbrazilianwax_d
  2857. root 87 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S kintellidemand/
  2858. root 88 2 0 0 c010c2ac 00000000 D klulzactiveup
  2859. root 89 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S klulzactive_dow
  2860. root 90 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S klazy/0
  2861. root 91 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S iewq/0
  2862. root 92 2 0 0 c012c6a0 00000000 S irq/170-msm-sdc
  2863. root 93 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S binder
  2864. root 94 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S l2cap
  2865. root 95 2 0 0 c052ab94 00000000 S krfcommd
  2866. root 96 2 0 0 c007a6f8 00000000 D voice
  2867. root 97 2 0 0 c00c96a8 00000000 S acdb_cb_thread
  2868. root 98 2 0 0 c006cb84 00000000 D khsclntd
  2869. root 99 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S proximity_wq
  2870. root 100 1 440 164 c01741e0 0000870c S /sbin/ueventd
  2871. root 101 2 0 0 c03eba30 00000000 S mmcqd
  2872. root 104 2 0 0 c0202920 00000000 S jbd2/mmcblk0p12
  2873. root 105 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S ext4-dio-unwrit
  2874. root 106 1 540 328 c00f96d8 00008edc S /init
  2875. root 108 2 0 0 c03eba30 00000000 S mmcqd
  2876. root 110 2 0 0 c0202920 00000000 S jbd2/mmcblk0p13
  2877. root 111 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S ext4-dio-unwrit
  2878. root 112 106 540 328 c00f96d8 00008edc S /init
  2879. root 114 2 0 0 c0202920 00000000 S jbd2/mmcblk0p6-
  2880. root 115 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S ext4-dio-unwrit
  2881. root 116 112 540 328 c00f96d8 00008edc S /init
  2882. root 118 2 0 0 c0202920 00000000 S jbd2/mmcblk0p5-
  2883. root 119 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S ext4-dio-unwrit
  2884. root 120 116 548 408 c01741e0 0000870c S /init
  2885. root 129 2 0 0 c0202920 00000000 S jbd2/mmcblk0p21
  2886. root 130 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S ext4-dio-unwrit
  2887. root 143 120 928 352 c03fd3f8 40036bd4 S /system/bin/servicemanager
  2888. root 144 120 4200 904 ffffffff 4003e360 S /system/bin/vold
  2889. nobody 145 120 916 360 c00d599c 40036bd4 S /system/bin/rmt_storage
  2890. root 146 120 9708 1124 ffffffff ffff0520 S /system/bin/netd
  2891. root 147 120 980 392 c042cb58 40037664 S /system/bin/debuggerd
  2892. radio 148 120 17840 2140 ffffffff 40037360 S /system/bin/rild
  2893. system 149 120 56040 9412 ffffffff 40066bd4 S /system/bin/surfaceflinger
  2894. root 150 120 275500 24708 ffffffff 40036cf8 S zygote
  2895. root 151 120 12580 2444 ffffffff 400b9bd4 S /system/bin/drmserver
  2896. media 152 120 32580 4200 ffffffff 4008fbd4 S /system/bin/mediaserver
  2897. bluetooth 153 120 1476 476 c01741e0 40046b28 S /system/bin/dbus-daemon
  2898. root 154 120 940 388 c04cc260 4003699c S /system/bin/installd
  2899. keystore 155 120 1956 876 c042cb58 40037664 S /system/bin/keystore
  2900. radio 156 120 7572 640 ffffffff 40036cf8 S /system/bin/qmuxd
  2901. radio 157 120 5616 752 ffffffff 40040cdc S /system/bin/netmgrd
  2902. root 158 120 3412 164 ffffffff 00008294 S /sbin/adbd
  2903. system 159 120 2260 596 ffffffff 4005099c S /system/bin/port-bridge
  2904. root 212 2 0 0 c0183a28 00000000 S flush-179:0
  2905. system 340 150 370320 43108 ffffffff 40036bd4 S system_server
  2906. bluetooth 391 120 856 460 c003a2c4 40032540 S /system/bin/sh
  2907. bluetooth 426 391 1904 448 c01741e0 40098b28 S /system/bin/hciattach
  2908. root 428 2 0 0 c0108a00 00000000 S hci0
  2909. bluetooth 430 120 2272 648 c01741e0 40098b28 S /system/bin/bluetoothd
  2910. bluetooth 431 120 852 452 c003a2c4 40032540 S /system/bin/sh
  2911. bluetooth 434 431 3372 444 ffffffff 40083cdc S /system/bin/btwlancoex
  2912. u0_a37 442 150 337572 39248 ffffffff 40037ab0 S
  2913. root 504 2 0 0 bf0101a4 00000000 S WD_Thread
  2914. root 505 2 0 0 c03ea704 00000000 S ksdioirqd/mmc1
  2915. root 506 2 0 0 bf010998 00000000 S MC_Thread
  2916. root 507 2 0 0 bf0104f4 00000000 S TX_Thread
  2917. u0_a62 513 150 292828 27100 ffffffff 40037ab0 S
  2918. radio 531 150 305028 24520 ffffffff 40037ab0 S
  2919. nfc 537 150 301340 21516 ffffffff 40037ab0 S
  2920. u0_a39 547 150 285080 18320 ffffffff 40037ab0 S com.aokp.Torch
  2921. u0_a27 561 150 323324 37620 ffffffff 40037ab0 S com.teslacoilsw.launcher
  2922. wifi 598 120 2676 1184 c01741e0 40031cf8 S /system/bin/wpa_supplicant
  2923. u0_a45 643 150 284040 18408 ffffffff 40037ab0 S
  2924. u0_a46 765 150 339212 29904 ffffffff 40037ab0 S
  2925. u0_a46 969 150 316324 26704 ffffffff 40037ab0 S
  2926. u0_a10 1018 150 292976 24960 ffffffff 40037ab0 S
  2927. root 1064 2 0 0 c0183a28 00000000 S flush-179:32
  2928. u0_a32 1143 150 287148 20508 ffffffff 40037ab0 S com.aokp.romcontrol
  2929. u0_a67 1525 150 296580 28420 ffffffff 40037ab0 S
  2930. u0_a6 1811 150 286936 20644 ffffffff 40037ab0 S
  2931. u0_a35 1897 150 287820 22308 ffffffff 40037ab0 S eu.chainfire.supersu
  2932. u0_a0 1910 150 347208 38432 ffffffff 40037ab0 S android.process.acore
  2933. u0_a59 1945 150 328868 31052 ffffffff 40037ab0 S com.GetLogs
  2934. u0_a17 1969 150 285540 20960 ffffffff 40037ab0 S
  2935. root 1988 1945 848 444 c003a2c4 40032540 S sh
  2936. root 1989 1988 352 164 c01741e0 00008384 S su
  2937. root 1990 1989 844 436 c003a2c4 40032540 S sh
  2938. root 1992 1990 225932 4780 00000000 407b918c R app_process
  2939. root 2000 1988 1088 448 00000000 4003699c R ps
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