
Royal Blood Kallabash

Jul 16th, 2019
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  1. -Byond Key: King Destroyer
  3. -IGN: Anupo (Will Become Kallabash if I get the role)
  5. -Discord Name: K̵̛̗̆̓͌ͅȋ̶̍̈́n̵̽́̊̅G̶̿͛̉͠#5031
  7. -Race: Alien (Going For Royal Blood Saiyan)
  9. -Why do you want this race/rank/tech/item
  11. : I think playing a full saiyan that is apart of the full blood would be fun and thrust me into the story. I would be able to help and grow stronger while assisting the King. I have been King on a different DU server and know how to help. I will help the best I can and try to improve the story.
  13. -How do you think you can improve RP with this race/rank/tech/item
  15. : Giving different points to the King, maybe betraying or taking over. Assisting a fight between the Icers or not allowing them to hurt or beat any other Saiyans. Willing to even die for that, I am dedicated to the role of a Saiyan and any position or relationship I get with the King.
  17. -Do you agree not to use this for OOC purposes?
  19. : I do agree
  21. -How experienced are you in roleplaying?
  23. : I have been RPing for a while, I been RPing so long I know UMad from multiple servers on discord and even on Byond. I have been RPing for more than five years at this point.
  25. -Do you have any outside activities such as school/work that stops you from being on during times of the day
  27. : I do have work coming up, I am going to be busy with that and I will let you know when I get my schedule for my job.
  29. -Now I would like you to write me a roleplay involving the use or life of the race/rank/tech/item, it must be at least one paragraph of ten sentences. This roleplay will be IC and used on the character that you have already. If it does not fit your current character in any way, then perhaps try to RP more until it does
  31. The Saiyan who was sent over the pod went over to it grabbing the door with blood spilling out of his head. The door was peeled off with a mountainous male slowly being shown to the sunlight sitting in the darkness as the creature was released. The male got out of the pod stepping to the ground with the hands in chains up to the forearm and a muzzle on his is mouth staring forward at the alien. The Saiyan male grabbed the gauntlets and opened them letting him out of the restraints. The Saiyan grabbed the muzzle crushing it with his hands smiling evilly while the male was abusing the woman. Punches over and over to the back dropping her to the ground stomping on the back of the woman. The roar of the new Saiyan erupted over the battlefield with the alien turning to the male. The alien turned to the Saiyan fully after kicking the woman away with this new Saiyan starting to approach. The aura began to wrap around the alien while the Saiyan began to come closer to him. The Saiyan had his own darkish red aura wrap around him getting in the face of the Alien. The two of them were staring at one another with the Saiyan growing a smile as well as the alien.
  33. The alien was first pulling back a fist smashing it in the stomach of the Saiyan but this time was different. This Saiyan did not flinch with this action happening to the brute in front of him. The alien was a bit worried now, but the assault was not over with the alien pulling back his fist. The alien threw a fist towards the face of the Saiyan trying to smash it across the face. The Saiyan head-butted the fist so hard that it shattered the bones in the alien's hand. The Alien let out a screech moving back while the Saiyan grabbed the broken hand squeezing it to bring more pain yanking the alien back. The arm of the Saiyan smashed into the head of the alien flipping it inside out. The alien laid on the ground trying to recover from the strength of the strike. The Saiyan smirked as his left palm stretched to the ground charging a ball in his hand placing it in the back of the alien. The ball went downward into the back of the Alien creature creating a big ball of light flashing around everyone. The aliens split back into the four while the aliens looked at this new creature that was upon them. A cackle out of the mouth with his hands going up in the air throwing down ki blast on them. The screams of agony made him excited and wanting more of this pained yells while he started to fly around the area killing whoever got in his way. The male got closer to the Saiyans in his group preparing to tear through the male until something impeded his path. It was the Saiyan girl reaching a hand up to the male and rubbing his cheek. She was apprehensive but slowly gave his cheek the rub with him staring at her. "Stop Kallabash, you have done your job. I am safe. Calm down now." Slowly turning to the side the male walked back to the cuffs holding out his arms. The Saiyans put cuffs on his arms once more turning him back to the pod and pushing him inside one of the pods. The Saiyan was closed off from the world watching the Princess of the Saiyans.
  35. Kallabash, the ruthless evil Saiyan warrior they claimed under elite watching what kept him from a full rage. The woman that kept everything together being the leader of the group of elites he was in. He sat still in the pod waiting for the world to change back to the black depths of space. He just sat there quietly reading the lips of the warriors as they all spoke about fearing for their lives. The woman reassuring that she could control the monster inside of him. The male closed his eyes leaning backward on the chair in the pod while the Princess informed her dad of the win. Everything went to plan with the males all getting prepared to leave, one of them staying behind while they were sent to return back to Sadala. The days grew dark once more which forced the giant Saiyan to fall back asleep until it was time for him to wake up again. Always prepared to wreak havoc on the world if the Princess needed him to or for his own fun.
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