
Heavy Feathers

Jun 24th, 2017
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  1. Writing Entry for an art-jam.
  2. Contains: Vore, underage, prey, unwilling prey, willing prey, Oral Vore, Multiple prey, and sex.
  7. Feather Bang gulped, realizing only now that asking those three little fillies for help was a mistake. Legs stiff, and hooves scraping against the ground the three fillies, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, pushed him across the dirt street towards his “secret” admirers. Instilled with a semblance of confidence by the young ponies he still couldn’t help the feeling of fear sending a cold rush through his rigid legs. The three mares weren’t slow to notice his forced approach, sitting at an outside table at the little villages restaurant watching with sly grins as the three fillies pushed their angel voiced stallion to their table.
  9. “Oh gosh, you girls don’t think he is afraid of us, do you?” The unicorn Mare asked
  11. “No way, Ciam! Don’t even joke about that!” The earth pony mare remarked with a hushed voice.
  13. “I dunno Sandy, a little shyness can be cute…” The pegasus mare muttered, taking a sip from her drink.
  15. “Oh! Hush hush Radiant, there he is!” Ciam said.
  17. Feather Bangs came to a stop just short of the table, a nervous smile plastered on his face as he looked at the three mares silently staring back at him. Glancing back he saw the three fillies giving him the gesture to ‘go on’ as they watched a few feet a away. Swallowing the thick lump in his throat, Feather Bangs took a deep breath and flipped the frosted tips of his styled mane into place.
  19. “Fake it until you make it,” He said, his smug smile creeping across his face. “Ladies, how are you all doing today?”
  21. All at once the mares burst into a fit of giggles and guffaws, Radiant having a moment where she almost spit her drink all over the table. Feather Bangs gulped, unsure if their laughter was a good sign or a bad one.
  23. “So, I see you got yourselves something to eat! Feeling a little famished myself actually, maybe you girls could…” Feather Bangs said but paused as he bopped a menu out of the hooves of one of the waiters into the air and caught it while open with his hoof “Let me know what the order of the day is?”
  25. Sandy and Radiant couldn’t bring themselves to speak, caught in a recurring act of giggling fit after giggling fit, a clear blush in their cheeks that their forehooves failed to hide.
  27. “Oh gosh, Feather baby,” Ciam said “I feel like I speak for all of us when I say that what we want you to eat ain’t on this menu…”
  29. Sandy and Radiant squealed, as if imitating a bursting pipe when Ciam spoke. Radiant got up and immediately took off overhead. Sandy shook Ciam, jaw agape and face flushed red.
  30. “Ciam! What!?” Sandy squealed
  32. “What?” Ciam replied
  34. “What?!” Sandy squealed again, pointing her hoof at Feather Bangs
  36. “What?” Ciam asked again, a devilish smirk on her face.
  38. Radiant came down, landing next to Feather Bangs; the stallion was still smiling on the outside but it was getting harder and harder to conceal his mounting panic, still uncertain if these mares were laughing with him or at him.
  40. “Feather Bangs, don’t listen to our friend Ciam. We would love to have you for dinner,” Radiant said, softly.
  42. “Well, that sounds all sorts of awesome but I got a small condition, if you lovely mares would indulge a selfish stallion like me,” Feather Bangs said, fluttering his eyes at Radiant and making the mare blush all over again.
  44. “Oh anything, you gift from Celestia,” Radiant said, looking down and shuffling her hoof in the dirt.
  46. “I’d like to bring those three with us, I’m taking care of them...sort of,” Feather Bangs said, pointing to Sweetie Belle, Applebloom and Scootaloo.
  48. “Oh, a little kinky aren’t we?” Ciam breathed getting a poke to her ribs from Sandy
  50. “Ciam! Behave!” Sandy scolded before looking into feathers bangs soft green eyes “I don’t mind the kids, in fact it almost makes you look…Fatherly,”
  52. “Mature,” Radiant chimed in
  54. “Sexy” Ciam said, earning another jab to the ribs.
  56. It was Feather Bangs turn for his cheeks to redden, sputtering out half formed words to try and deflect those kind words, not wholly convinced that he was any of those things. The girls wasted no time, Ciam and Sandy grabbing the stallion by his forelegs and Radiant corralling the little fillies who cheered at their own successful matchmaking.
  58. The house Feather Bangs was lead to looked like every other on the street but inside the house was more spacious than it appeared. A couch meant for three and two chairs creating a half circle near the fireplace, a movie projector tucked into the corner of the room, a sturdy looking table that was shined to a perfect polish on top of a throw rug that matched the drapes hanging from the windows. A hall just ahead ended with a set of stairs the lead up to the second story which is where Ciam and Sandy continued to drag Feather Bangs with Radiant, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom closing the front door after them.
  60. “Huh. I wonder where they are taking Feather Bangs…Scootaloo said.
  62. “Feel free to help yourselves to anything in the cupboard and make yourselves at home,” Radiant called and soon after the muffled sound of activity could be heard above the two fillies.
  64. “I’m gonna see if they have any cookies,” Applebloom said, going in search of the kitchen.
  66. Feather Bangs was pinned to the bed by two mares, Ciam and Sandy trading lip locks with the charming stallion. Ciam was the first to slip her tongue into his mouth, and sighing sweetly when he returned the affection, Sandy patiently waited her turn when she spotted something a little more enticing. Feather Bangs cock was rising, half erect and eager for attention and quickly received it from Sandy’s lips wrapping softly around the head.
  68. Feather Bangs jolted from the sensation of a tongue, loving dragging over his the head of his cock, the throb of excitement giving Sandy more and more of his cock as he reached his full length and, rather impressive, girth. Scootaloo was greeted by the scene, realizing she shouldn’t be seeing such things at her age but watching Sandy take inch after inch of his pride it became absolutely entrancing.
  70. “Girls, our first filly is here,” Radiant announced.
  72. Ciam withdrew from the kiss, a small string of saliva still connecting the two ponies tongues, despite their heavy breathing. Scootaloo felt herself be taken by the familiar force, Ciam’s unicorn magic lifting the filly into the air and over Feather Bangs head.
  74. “Open wide, handsome,” Ciam purred.
  76. “Huh? Wait, what are you doing?” Scootaloo said.
  78. Feather Bangs couldn’t do as asked, his head rolled back from Sandy slurping at his cock and taking it deeper each time she slide it into her mouth and doesn her soft gullet. Hooves clasped at the base of her stallions stiff member, eyes closed so she could concentrate on her worship, only removing her oral fixation to lap at the soft broad tip and around the edge of the head before reintroducing it to the warm, wet confines of her mouth. Ciam had no choice but to time this right, waiting for Feather Bangs mouth to gape from a shock of pleasure; soon getting her chance when Feather Bangs body began to tremble, he opened wide to howl in pleasure and instead, had his mouth stuffed full.
  80. “Ew! Stop, stop!” Scootaloo exclaimed
  82. Feather Bangs finally noticed and with a surprised gulp, the little filly’s head filled his throat and her forehooves were pushed in by Ciam who bit her lip at the sight. A flood of sensations was washing over him, his orgasm sent sparks, like fireworks, into his eyesight; the sharp taste of Scootaloo on his tongue as another swallow pulled the yelling filly deeper into his throat. The whole situation was almost rhythmic, Ciam feeding the filly to Feather Bangs whose next thick gulp was prompted by another volley of cum being, surprisingly, delivered right to Radiants outstretched tongue, while her wings stroked and coaxed another helping of cum from his balls.
  84. Feather Bangs lips burned slightly as they stretched to fit Scootaloo’s hips past them, but with a little magical assistance from Ciam it wasn’t long before crusaders cutie marked flanks slide past his lips, licked and tasted by the dashing stallions tongue and sent down his tight throat with a orgasmic swallow. Feather Bangs came down from his orgasm, just as the last bit of Scootaloo was swallowed, the filly filling out his belly and making it swell outwards gently. Feather Bangs sight cleared, breathing heavy and still processing what had just happened when a shift in his middle made him look down at a set of small bulges distending his belly out and muffled cry for help.
  86. “How you feeling big guy?” Sandy asked, cuddling up next to the stallion and kissing his neck.
  88. “I...Uh…” Feather Bangs was looking down at his belly,
  90. “Don’t you worry bout her, she’s just making herself useful,” Radiant said caressing the squirming mound with both hooves.
  92. “That’s not the prob-” Feather Bangs began but moaned when he felt Ciam’s magical grip start stroking his still hard length.
  94. “Oh, someone's sensitive,” Ciam said
  96. “And soon, full of meat,” Radiant said, opening the door to the room.
  98. Radiant left the room and Ciam took her place, massaging Feather Bangs new gut while her magic stroked back and forth across his shaft. Sandy locked lips with Feather Bangs, her tongue slipping in his mouth and getting a few hints of what Scootaloo tasted like. Radiant soon returned with Sweetie Belle, the little filly letting out a yelp as soon as she beheld the scene before her. Radiant almost closed the door, leaving it slightly ajar to hold a nervous Sweetie Belle still in her forehooves.
  100. “I really shouldn’t be watching this,” Sweetie Belle said looking around “Where’s Scootaloo?”
  102. Sweetie Belle never received an answer, instead Sandy came to Radiants aid and hoisted her up and over Ciam who mounted Feather Bangs and pressed the head of his throbbing cock up to her pussy. Feather Bangs head was swimming, his sense feeling floaty and almost dream like, and when he saw the hind hooves of Sweetie Belle presented to him he gave no resistance as he took them in with a greedy slurp and roll of his tongue. Ciam moaned, her legs threatening to let her fall as she gently rode that stallion cock, doing her best to maintain concentration on her magic, which did as much for her as it did for Feather Bangs.
  104. Radiant and Sandy bit their lips in a mixture of excitement and exertion as the watched Sweetie Belle squirm and fight against their hold. Sweetie Belle opened her mouth to call for Apple Bloom but found herself gagged with feathers when Radiant shoved a portion of her wing to keep her quiet. Feather Bangs throat tugged more and more of Sweetie Belle in, his tongue lapping at her soft supple coat and his teeth gently gnawing at the baby fat still cushioning her young figure. The belly chub and fatty thighs squeezing down his throat with little trouble as their form to fit the wet confines of his mouth.
  106. Sweetie Belle sank into the inviting gullet past her chest when Sandy let go, trusting Radiant to handle the rest and placing herself next to Ciam who was leaning on the still struggling bulge of Scootaloo and put her hooves on his gut to massage the filly down when she noticed the door was ajar. Sweetie Belle felt the brief scratch of teeth on the back of her head, Feather Bangs thick swallows were loud and frightening, the soft wet tongue of the stallion was placed right under her chin. Radiant saw the pleading eyes of the whimpering filly and removed her wing from her mouth, wincing when a few feathers were pulled out.
  108. “Please let me go, I won’t tell anypony I promise!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed
  110. Radiant pushed the filly the rest of the way into Feather Bangs gullet, the warm wet feeling of Feather Bangs maw taking her hoof in and sending a rush of excitement up Radiant’s back. Swallowing a few more times, Feather Bang sent Sweetie Belle to join Scootaloo, a second meal to join the first and making his belly press up against the thighs of Ciam who had hit her climax. Watching the entire scene unfold from her vantage point, feeling the filly cozy right up against her friend in the warm belly and stuffing his gut to the point where she might as well of had his filly filled belly in her lap, it all sent her over the edge.
  112. “Girls. We have a spy in our midst,” Sandy said softly, nodding her head to the door.
  114. Apple Bloom had seen it all; heard it all and when Radiant opened the door she stood stock still, unsure if she should move or…
  116. “W-what did ya’ll do with Sweetie Belle…” Apple Bloom stammered “...and Scootaloo,”
  118. Applebloom knew well what had happened and her eyes shifted over to Feather Bangs distended and shifting gut and felt her breath hitch in her throat when recalling the sight of Sweetie Belle’s soft belly passing by his lips. Applebloom’s tail twitched, her cheeks blushed pink with excitement and she bit her bottom lip. Radiant had a knowing smile, a willing meal was too often a rarity and she knew all she had to do was give a little nudge.
  120. “Why don’t you try a…” Radiant said, stepping to the side “Rescue mission?”
  122. “Yeah…” Applebloom said, “I-I need to get in there…and save them,”
  124. “Of course,” Radiant said, closing the door behind Applebloom
  126. Sandy, Siam and Feather Bangs watched as Applebloom came to bedside and climbed up on and looked at the fleshy belly and rubbed it gingerly, before running her hoof up the stallion's belly, chest and chin, presenting her hoof to Feather Bangs mouth. Feather Bangs mouth watered, the filly in front of him wasn’t the same one that helped him talk to mares today, she was a meal, and succulent third course to compliment the other two and finish of the day. Radiant took Ciam’s place, wrapping her hooves around the belly and hugging it softly while Ciam and Sandy carefully lined up their friend and their stallion. Radiant timed it carefully, watching as Applebloom removed her pink bow and tossed it to the floor.
  128. A wash of hot air washed over Applebloom’s face, the drooling muzzle wide open and tongue rolled out just waiting and wanting her to fill it as much as she did. Pinning her ears back, Applebloom slid her forehooves in first before her head followed and everything going dark. The world around the little filly was muffled with the except for rhythmic beat of a heart steadily increasing, a moan of delight from Feather Bangs that made Applebloom smile and the slimey sound of undulating muscles getting ready to do what they do best. The first gulp was a loud jolt to the senses and Applebloom felt the wet walls of Feather Bangs throat pressed right up against her snout, and constrict her on all sides.
  130. Applebloom shivered with each swallow, the warmth of Feather Bangs soft, inviting lips gradually crawling across her body, the way that wet tongue thoroughly tasted her belly and sides before passing them along down his throat, the full embrace of a throat that she willingly surrendered herself to. When Feather Bangs tongue reached between Applebloom’s thighs, he grabbed hold of those toned flanks and lifted her straight into the air, Applebloom reacted by curling her legs up close to herself.
  132. Radiant’s breath was hitching, she was so close and trying her best to control the pace, but watching her stallion pack away such a co-operative meal wasn’t helping her stave off her orgasm. Feather Bangs jaws framed Applebloom’s ass before they closed as best they could and his lips cut all but Applebloom’s tail from the outside world and with a few more hungry swallows even that slid out of sight between Feather Bangs lips, chasing the third helping of filly filling that day. Radiant could see every second of it, the bulge in his throat struggling at first to move but then, all at once, she slid into his belly, atop the two previous meals that were her friends and the extra weight landed in her lap, forcing her legs to give and bury Feather Bangs cock deep in her. The orgasm made every muscle in her body contract, Radiant hugged the absolutely stuffed gut and squealed with every pulse of pleasure; her pleasure driving Feather Bangs to come to his second orgasm and experience the thrill of being feeding and fucking all over again.
  134. The peak lasted for minutes, but eventually both mare and stallion calmed down, Ciam laid at the side of Feather Bangs and Sandy took the other, Radiant caught her breath, her front half draped over the squirming, noisey belly of the three fillies.
  136. “Girls...That was amazing,” Feather Bangs said,
  138. “I’m glad you liked it,” Ciam said,
  140. “We like our stallion with some weight on them,” Sandy said, reaching down and claiming Applebloom’s ribbon for her own.
  142. “We… we would love to do this again,” Radiant said, gazing at his shifting belly
  144. Feather Bangs licked his lips “Well...I got two ponies in mind, if you girls are interested,”
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