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a guest
May 5th, 2020
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text 324.34 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Log file open, 05/05/20 21:32:19
  2. LogConsoleResponse: Display: Failed to find resolution value strings in scalability ini. Falling back to default.
  3. LogLoad: CommandLine (Starting):
  4. LogLoad: CommandLine (After RemoveExeName):
  5. LogPakFile: Registered encryption key '00000000000000000000000000000000': 0 pak files mounted, 0 remain pending
  6. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk9-WindowsNoEditor.pak attempting to mount.
  7. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk9-WindowsNoEditor.pak.
  8. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk8-WindowsNoEditor.pak attempting to mount.
  9. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk8-WindowsNoEditor.pak.
  10. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk7-WindowsNoEditor.pak attempting to mount.
  11. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk7-WindowsNoEditor.pak.
  12. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk6-WindowsNoEditor.pak attempting to mount.
  13. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk6-WindowsNoEditor.pak.
  14. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk5-WindowsNoEditor.pak attempting to mount.
  15. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk5-WindowsNoEditor.pak.
  16. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk4-WindowsNoEditor.pak attempting to mount.
  17. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk4-WindowsNoEditor.pak.
  18. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk3-WindowsNoEditor.pak attempting to mount.
  19. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk3-WindowsNoEditor.pak.
  20. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk20-WindowsNoEditor.pak attempting to mount.
  21. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk20-WindowsNoEditor.pak.
  22. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk2-WindowsNoEditor.pak attempting to mount.
  23. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk2-WindowsNoEditor.pak.
  24. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk19-WindowsNoEditor.pak attempting to mount.
  25. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk19-WindowsNoEditor.pak.
  26. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk18-WindowsNoEditor.pak attempting to mount.
  27. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk18-WindowsNoEditor.pak.
  28. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk17-WindowsNoEditor.pak attempting to mount.
  29. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk17-WindowsNoEditor.pak.
  30. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk16-WindowsNoEditor.pak attempting to mount.
  31. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk16-WindowsNoEditor.pak.
  32. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk15-WindowsNoEditor.pak attempting to mount.
  33. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk15-WindowsNoEditor.pak.
  34. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk14-WindowsNoEditor.pak attempting to mount.
  35. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk14-WindowsNoEditor.pak.
  36. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk13-WindowsNoEditor.pak attempting to mount.
  37. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk13-WindowsNoEditor.pak.
  38. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk12-WindowsNoEditor.pak attempting to mount.
  39. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk12-WindowsNoEditor.pak.
  40. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk11-WindowsNoEditor.pak attempting to mount.
  41. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk11-WindowsNoEditor.pak.
  42. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk10-WindowsNoEditor.pak attempting to mount.
  43. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk10-WindowsNoEditor.pak.
  44. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk1-WindowsNoEditor.pak attempting to mount.
  45. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk1-WindowsNoEditor.pak.
  46. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk0-WindowsNoEditor.pak attempting to mount.
  47. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk0-WindowsNoEditor.pak.
  48. LogPlatformFile: Not using cached read wrapper
  49. LogTaskGraph: Started task graph with 4 named threads and 22 total threads with 3 sets of task threads.
  50. LogD3D11RHI: Loaded GFSDK_Aftermath_Lib.x64.dll
  51. LogICUInternationalization: ICU TimeZone Detection - Raw Offset: -5:00, Platform Override: ''
  52. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin Squad
  53. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin PhysXVehicles
  54. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin RCONServer
  55. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin StaticCableComponent
  56. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin CableComponent
  57. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OnlineSubsystem
  58. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OnlineSubsystemUtils
  59. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin EasyAntiCheat
  60. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin Modding
  61. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OnlineSubsystemSteam
  62. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin PluginBrowser
  63. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin DiscordRPC
  64. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin Spectral
  65. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ReplicationGraph
  66. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin BlueprintStats
  67. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OnlineFramework
  68. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin EditorScriptingUtilities
  69. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin PrefabTool
  70. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin MeshTool
  71. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin EditableMesh
  72. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin JoystickPlugin
  73. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin StereoPanorama
  74. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin CanadianArmedForces
  75. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AISupport
  76. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin LightPropagationVolume
  77. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AssetManagerEditor
  78. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin CryptoKeys
  79. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin FacialAnimation
  80. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin MeshEditor
  81. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin DatasmithContent
  82. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin VariantManagerContent
  83. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AlembicImporter
  84. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin GeometryCache
  85. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AppleImageUtils
  86. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin BackChannel
  87. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin CharacterAI
  88. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AvfMedia
  89. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ImgMedia
  90. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin LinearTimecode
  91. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin MediaCompositing
  92. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin WmfMedia
  93. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin TcpMessaging
  94. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin UdpMessaging
  95. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ActorSequence
  96. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin NetcodeUnitTest
  97. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OnlineSubsystemNull
  98. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin LauncherChunkInstaller
  99. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ArchVisCharacter
  100. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AudioCapture
  101. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin CustomMeshComponent
  102. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ExampleDeviceProfileSelector
  103. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ProceduralMeshComponent
  104. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin RuntimePhysXCooking
  105. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin WebMMoviePlayer
  106. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin WebMMedia
  107. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin WindowsMoviePlayer
  108. LogStreaming: Display: Took 0.154s to configure plugins.
  109. LogInit: Using libcurl 7.55.1-DEV
  110. LogInit: - built for x86_64-pc-win32
  111. LogInit: - supports SSL with OpenSSL/1.0.2h
  112. LogInit: - supports HTTP deflate (compression) using libz 1.2.8
  113. LogInit: - other features:
  114. LogInit: CURL_VERSION_SSL
  116. LogInit: CURL_VERSION_IPV6
  119. LogInit: CURL_VERSION_IDN
  120. LogInit: CurlRequestOptions (configurable via config and command line):
  121. LogInit: - bVerifyPeer = true - Libcurl will verify peer certificate
  122. LogInit: - bUseHttpProxy = false - Libcurl will NOT use HTTP proxy
  123. LogInit: - bDontReuseConnections = false - Libcurl will reuse connections
  124. LogInit: - MaxHostConnections = 16 - Libcurl will limit the number of connections to a host
  125. LogInit: - LocalHostAddr = Default
  126. LogInit: - BufferSize = 65536
  127. LogOnline: Display: STEAM: Loading Steam SDK 1.39
  128. LogSquadVoiceInputWASAPI: Warning: Stream Latency 0 (1056)
  129. LogOnline: STEAM: Steam User is subscribed 1
  130. LogOnline: STEAM: [AppId: 393380] Client API initialized 1
  131. LogOnline: STEAM: [AppId: 393380] Game Server API initialized 1
  132. LogInit: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467
  133. LogInit: Build: ++UE4+Release-4.21-CL-0
  134. LogInit: Engine Version: 4.21.2-0+++UE4+Release-4.21
  135. LogInit: Compatible Engine Version: 4.21.0-0+++UE4+Release-4.21
  136. LogInit: Net CL: 0
  137. LogInit: OS: Windows 10 (), CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz, GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
  138. LogInit: Compiled (64-bit): Dec 16 2019 11:18:32
  139. LogInit: Compiled with Visual C++: 19.16.27027.01
  140. LogInit: Build Configuration: Shipping
  141. LogInit: Branch Name: ++UE4+Release-4.21
  142. LogInit: Command Line:
  143. LogInit: Base Directory: D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Squad/SquadGame/Binaries/Win64/
  144. LogInit: Installed Engine Build: 1
  145. LogStreaming: Display: Took 0.002s to delete old logs.
  146. LogInit: Presizing for max 2097152 objects, including 1 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes for permanent pool.
  147. LogStreaming: Display: Async Loading initialized: Event Driven Loader: true, Async Loading Thread: true, Async Post Load: true
  148. LogInit: Object subsystem initialized
  149. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.setres:1280x720]]
  150. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.EarlyZPassMovable:1]]
  151. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.EarlyZPass:3]]
  152. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DBuffer:1]]
  153. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.UseAdaptiveNetUpdateFrequency:1]]
  154. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.ForceUpdateOnClientSaturation:0]]
  155. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.AllowEncryption:0]]
  156. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.FinishCurrentFrame:0]]
  157. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.UseRelativeNetUpdateFrequency:1]]
  158. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.soldier.self:15]]
  159. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.soldier.0_meters:15]]
  160. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.soldier.25_meters:12]]
  161. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.soldier.50_meters:10]]
  162. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.soldier.100_meters:8]]
  163. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.soldier.250_meters:5]]
  164. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.soldier.500_meters:3]]
  165. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicle.self:20]]
  166. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicle.0_meters:17]]
  167. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicle.25_meters:12]]
  168. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicle.50_meters:9]]
  169. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicle.100_meters:7]]
  170. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicle.250_meters:4]]
  171. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicle.500_meters:2]]
  172. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicle.1000_meters:1]]
  173. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicleseat.self:20]]
  174. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicleseat.0_meters:10]]
  175. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicleseat.25_meters:7]]
  176. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicleseat.50_meters:5]]
  177. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicleseat.100_meters:3]]
  178. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicleseat.250_meters:2]]
  179. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicleseat.500_meters:1]]
  180. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.weapon.self:15]]
  181. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.weapon.0_meters:10]]
  182. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.weapon.25_meters:5]]
  183. LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.weapon.50_meters:2]]
  184. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.setres:1280x720]]
  185. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.EarlyZPassMovable:1]]
  186. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.EarlyZPass:3]]
  187. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DBuffer:1]]
  188. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.UseAdaptiveNetUpdateFrequency:1]]
  189. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.ForceUpdateOnClientSaturation:0]]
  190. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.AllowEncryption:0]]
  191. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.FinishCurrentFrame:0]]
  192. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.UseRelativeNetUpdateFrequency:1]]
  193. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.soldier.self:15]]
  194. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.soldier.0_meters:15]]
  195. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.soldier.25_meters:12]]
  196. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.soldier.50_meters:10]]
  197. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.soldier.100_meters:8]]
  198. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.soldier.250_meters:5]]
  199. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.soldier.500_meters:3]]
  200. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicle.self:20]]
  201. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicle.0_meters:17]]
  202. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicle.25_meters:12]]
  203. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicle.50_meters:9]]
  204. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicle.100_meters:7]]
  205. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicle.250_meters:4]]
  206. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicle.500_meters:2]]
  207. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicle.1000_meters:1]]
  208. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicleseat.self:20]]
  209. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicleseat.0_meters:10]]
  210. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicleseat.25_meters:7]]
  211. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicleseat.50_meters:5]]
  212. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicleseat.100_meters:3]]
  213. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicleseat.250_meters:2]]
  214. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.vehicleseat.500_meters:1]]
  215. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.weapon.self:15]]
  216. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.weapon.0_meters:10]]
  217. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.weapon.25_meters:5]]
  218. [2020.05.06-01.32.22:994][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.relativeupdaterates.weapon.50_meters:2]]
  219. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:042][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Engine.ini]
  220. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.GPUCrashDebugging:0]]
  221. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.HZBOcclusion:1]]
  222. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MobileHDR:1]]
  223. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MobileNumDynamicPointLights:1]]
  224. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MobileDynamicPointLightsUseStaticBranch:1]]
  225. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Mobile.EnableStaticAndCSMShadowReceivers:0]]
  226. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DiscardUnusedQuality:0]]
  227. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AllowOcclusionQueries:1]]
  228. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MinScreenRadiusForLights:0.200000]]
  229. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MinScreenRadiusForDepthPrepass:0.200000]]
  230. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MinScreenRadiusForCSMDepth:0.200000]]
  231. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.PrecomputedVisibilityWarning:0]]
  232. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[Compat.UseDXT5NormalMaps:0]]
  233. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ClearCoatNormal:0]]
  234. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ReflectionCaptureResolution:128]]
  235. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ForwardShading:0]]
  236. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AllowStaticLighting:0]]
  237. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.NormalMapsForStaticLighting:0]]
  238. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.GenerateMeshDistanceFields:1]]
  239. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.GenerateLandscapeGIData:0]]
  240. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TessellationAdaptivePixelsPerTriangle:48.000000]]
  241. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SeparateTranslucency:0]]
  242. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TranslucentSortPolicy:0]]
  243. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.CustomDepth:1]]
  244. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DefaultFeature.Bloom:1]]
  245. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DefaultFeature.AmbientOcclusion:1]]
  246. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DefaultFeature.AmbientOcclusionStaticFraction:0]]
  247. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DefaultFeature.AutoExposure:1]]
  248. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DefaultFeature.AutoExposure.Method:1]]
  249. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DefaultFeature.MotionBlur:0]]
  250. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DefaultFeature.LensFlare:0]]
  251. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DefaultFeature.AntiAliasing:2]]
  252. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.StencilForLODDither:0]]
  253. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.EarlyZPass:2]]
  254. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.EarlyZPassMovable:1]]
  255. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DBuffer:1]]
  256. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ClearSceneMethod:1]]
  257. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.BasePassOutputsVelocity:1]]
  258. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SelectiveBasePassOutputs:1]]
  259. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AllowGlobalClipPlane:0]]
  260. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.GBufferFormat:0]]
  261. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MorphTarget.Mode:0]]
  262. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[vr.InstancedStereo:0]]
  263. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[vr.MultiView:0]]
  264. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.WireframeCullThreshold:5.000000]]
  265. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SupportStationarySkylight:1]]
  266. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SupportLowQualityLightmaps:1]]
  267. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SupportPointLightWholeSceneShadows:1]]
  268. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SupportAtmosphericFog:1]]
  269. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TonemapperFilm:1]]
  270. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DistanceFieldBuild.Compress:0]]
  271. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.Checkerboard:1]]
  272. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM:0]]
  273. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.EarlyZPassOnlyMaterialMasking:1]]
  274. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TemporalAACurrentFrameWeight:0.2]]
  275. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TemporalAASamples:2]]
  276. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TemporalAAFilterSize:0.2]]
  277. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TemporalAA.Upsampling:1]]
  278. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Tonemapper.Sharpen:0.8]]
  279. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/Engine.RendererOverrideSettings] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Engine.ini]
  280. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/Engine.StreamingSettings] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Engine.ini]
  281. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.MinBulkDataSizeForAsyncLoading:131072]]
  282. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.AsyncLoadingThreadEnabled:1]]
  283. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.EventDrivenLoaderEnabled:1]]
  284. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.WarnIfTimeLimitExceeded:0]]
  285. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.TimeLimitExceededMultiplier:1.5]]
  286. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.TimeLimitExceededMinTime:0.005]]
  287. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.UseBackgroundLevelStreaming:1]]
  288. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.PriorityAsyncLoadingExtraTime:15.0]]
  289. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.LevelStreamingActorsUpdateTimeLimit:5.0]]
  290. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.PriorityLevelStreamingActorsUpdateExtraTime:5.0]]
  291. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.LevelStreamingComponentsRegistrationGranularity:10]]
  292. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.UnregisterComponentsTimeLimit:1.0]]
  293. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.LevelStreamingComponentsUnregistrationGranularity:5]]
  294. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/Engine.GarbageCollectionSettings] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Engine.ini]
  295. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.MaxObjectsNotConsideredByGC:1]]
  296. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.SizeOfPermanentObjectPool:0]]
  297. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:043][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.FlushStreamingOnGC:0]]
  298. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:044][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.NumRetriesBeforeForcingGC:10]]
  299. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:044][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.AllowParallelGC:1]]
  300. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:044][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.TimeBetweenPurgingPendingKillObjects:61.1]]
  301. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:044][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.MaxObjectsInEditor:8388607]]
  302. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:044][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.IncrementalBeginDestroyEnabled:1]]
  303. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:044][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.CreateGCClusters:0]]
  304. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:044][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.MergeGCClusters:0]]
  305. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:044][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.MinGCClusterSize:5]]
  306. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:044][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.ActorClusteringEnabled:0]]
  307. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:044][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.BlueprintClusteringEnabled:0]]
  308. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:044][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.UseDisregardForGCOnDedicatedServers:0]]
  309. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:044][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/Engine.NetworkSettings] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Engine.ini]
  310. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:044][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[p.EnableMultiplayerWorldOriginRebasing:1]]
  311. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:133][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ViewDistanceQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  312. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:133][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkeletalMeshLODBias:-1]]
  313. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:133][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ViewDistanceScale:1.0]]
  314. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:133][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MipMapLODBias:-1]]
  315. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:133][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [AntiAliasingQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  316. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:133][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.PostProcessAAQuality:4]]
  317. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:133][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ShadowQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  318. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightFunctionQuality:1]]
  319. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ShadowQuality:5]]
  320. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.CSM.MaxCascades:2]]
  321. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.MaxResolution:2048]]
  322. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.MaxCSMResolution:2048]]
  323. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold:0.03]]
  324. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.DistanceScale:1.0]]
  325. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.CSM.TransitionScale:0.3]]
  326. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.PreShadowResolutionFactor:1.0]]
  327. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DistanceFieldShadowing:1]]
  328. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DistanceFieldAO:1]]
  329. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AOQuality:2]]
  330. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog:1]]
  331. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.GridPixelSize:8]]
  332. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.GridSizeZ:128]]
  333. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.HistoryMissSupersampleCount:4]]
  334. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightMaxDrawDistanceScale:1]]
  335. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.CapsuleShadows:1]]
  336. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [PostProcessQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  337. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MotionBlurQuality:4]]
  338. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionMipLevelFactor:0.4]]
  339. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionMaxQuality:100]]
  340. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionLevels:-1]]
  341. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionRadiusScale:1.0]]
  342. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DepthOfFieldQuality:2]]
  343. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.RenderTargetPoolMin:400]]
  344. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LensFlareQuality:2]]
  345. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SceneColorFringeQuality:1]]
  346. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.EyeAdaptationQuality:2]]
  347. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.BloomQuality:5]]
  348. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.FastBlurThreshold:3]]
  349. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Upscale.Quality:3]]
  350. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Tonemapper.GrainQuantization:1]]
  351. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightShaftQuality:1]]
  352. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Filter.SizeScale:1]]
  353. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Tonemapper.Quality:3]]
  354. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.AccumulatorQuality:1 ; higher gathering accumulator quality]]
  355. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.PostfilterMethod:1 ; Median3x3 postfilering method]]
  356. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.EnableBokehSettings:0 ; no bokeh simulation when gathering]]
  357. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.RingCount:4 ; medium number of samples when gathering]]
  358. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.ForegroundCompositing:1 ; additive foreground scattering]]
  359. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.BackgroundCompositing:2 ; additive background scattering]]
  360. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.EnableBokehSettings:1 ; bokeh simulation when scattering]]
  361. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.MaxSpriteRatio:0.1 ; only a maximum of 10% of scattered bokeh]]
  362. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Recombine.Quality:1 ; cheap slight out of focus]]
  363. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Recombine.EnableBokehSettings:0 ; no bokeh simulation on slight out of focus]]
  364. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.TemporalAAQuality:1 ; more stable temporal accumulation]]
  365. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Kernel.MaxForegroundRadius:0.025]]
  366. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Kernel.MaxBackgroundRadius:0.025]]
  367. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [TextureQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  368. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MipBias:0]]
  369. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.AmortizeCPUToGPUCopy:0]]
  370. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MaxNumTexturesToStreamPerFrame:0]]
  371. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.Boost:1]]
  372. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MaxAnisotropy:8]]
  373. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM:0]]
  374. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConsoleManager: Warning: Setting the console variable 'r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM' with 'SetByScalability' was ignored as it is lower priority than the previous 'SetByProjectSetting'. Value remains '0'
  375. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.PoolSize:1000]]
  376. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MaxEffectiveScreenSize:0]]
  377. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [EffectsQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  378. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TranslucencyLightingVolumeDim:48]]
  379. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.RefractionQuality:1]]
  380. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSR.Quality:0]]
  381. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SceneColorFormat:4]]
  382. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DetailMode:2]]
  383. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TranslucencyVolumeBlur:1]]
  384. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MaterialQualityLevel:1 ; High quality]]
  385. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:134][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.Scale:1]]
  386. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:135][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.SampleSet:2]]
  387. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:135][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.Quality:1]]
  388. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:135][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.HalfRes:1]]
  389. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:135][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.EmitterSpawnRateScale:0.8]]
  390. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:135][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ParticleLightQuality:2]]
  391. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:135][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ParticleMinTimeBetweenTicks:16]]
  392. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:135][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [FoliageQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  393. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:135][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[foliage.DensityScale:1.0]]
  394. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:135][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[grass.DensityScale:1.0]]
  395. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:135][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[grass.MaxUpdateFrequency:30]]
  396. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:180][ 0]LogInit: Selected Device Profile: [WindowsNoEditor]
  397. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:180][ 0]LogInit: Applying CVar settings loaded from the selected device profile: [WindowsNoEditor]
  398. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:261][ 0]LogHAL: Display: Platform has ~ 16 GB [17136910336 / 17179869184 / 16], which maps to Larger [LargestMinGB=32, LargerMinGB=12, DefaultMinGB=8, SmallerMinGB=6, SmallestMinGB=0)
  399. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogInit: Going up to parent DeviceProfile [Windows]
  400. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Vulkan.UseRealUBs:1]]
  401. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogInit: Going up to parent DeviceProfile []
  402. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ViewDistanceQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  403. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkeletalMeshLODBias:-1]]
  404. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ViewDistanceScale:1.0]]
  405. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MipMapLODBias:-1]]
  406. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [AntiAliasingQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  407. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.PostProcessAAQuality:4]]
  408. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ShadowQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  409. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightFunctionQuality:1]]
  410. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ShadowQuality:5]]
  411. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.CSM.MaxCascades:2]]
  412. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.MaxResolution:2048]]
  413. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.MaxCSMResolution:2048]]
  414. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold:0.03]]
  415. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.DistanceScale:1.0]]
  416. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.CSM.TransitionScale:0.3]]
  417. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.PreShadowResolutionFactor:1.0]]
  418. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DistanceFieldShadowing:1]]
  419. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DistanceFieldAO:1]]
  420. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AOQuality:2]]
  421. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog:1]]
  422. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.GridPixelSize:8]]
  423. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.GridSizeZ:128]]
  424. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.HistoryMissSupersampleCount:4]]
  425. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightMaxDrawDistanceScale:1]]
  426. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.CapsuleShadows:1]]
  427. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [PostProcessQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  428. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MotionBlurQuality:4]]
  429. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionMipLevelFactor:0.4]]
  430. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionMaxQuality:100]]
  431. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionLevels:-1]]
  432. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionRadiusScale:1.0]]
  433. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DepthOfFieldQuality:2]]
  434. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.RenderTargetPoolMin:400]]
  435. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LensFlareQuality:2]]
  436. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SceneColorFringeQuality:1]]
  437. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.EyeAdaptationQuality:2]]
  438. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.BloomQuality:5]]
  439. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.FastBlurThreshold:3]]
  440. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Upscale.Quality:3]]
  441. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Tonemapper.GrainQuantization:1]]
  442. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightShaftQuality:1]]
  443. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Filter.SizeScale:1]]
  444. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Tonemapper.Quality:3]]
  445. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.AccumulatorQuality:1 ; higher gathering accumulator quality]]
  446. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.PostfilterMethod:1 ; Median3x3 postfilering method]]
  447. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.EnableBokehSettings:0 ; no bokeh simulation when gathering]]
  448. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.RingCount:4 ; medium number of samples when gathering]]
  449. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.ForegroundCompositing:1 ; additive foreground scattering]]
  450. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.BackgroundCompositing:2 ; additive background scattering]]
  451. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.EnableBokehSettings:1 ; bokeh simulation when scattering]]
  452. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.MaxSpriteRatio:0.1 ; only a maximum of 10% of scattered bokeh]]
  453. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Recombine.Quality:1 ; cheap slight out of focus]]
  454. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Recombine.EnableBokehSettings:0 ; no bokeh simulation on slight out of focus]]
  455. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.TemporalAAQuality:1 ; more stable temporal accumulation]]
  456. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Kernel.MaxForegroundRadius:0.025]]
  457. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Kernel.MaxBackgroundRadius:0.025]]
  458. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [TextureQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  459. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MipBias:0]]
  460. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.AmortizeCPUToGPUCopy:0]]
  461. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MaxNumTexturesToStreamPerFrame:0]]
  462. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.Boost:1]]
  463. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MaxAnisotropy:8]]
  464. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM:0]]
  465. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConsoleManager: Warning: Setting the console variable 'r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM' with 'SetByScalability' was ignored as it is lower priority than the previous 'SetByProjectSetting'. Value remains '0'
  466. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.PoolSize:1000]]
  467. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MaxEffectiveScreenSize:0]]
  468. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [EffectsQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  469. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TranslucencyLightingVolumeDim:48]]
  470. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.RefractionQuality:1]]
  471. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:262][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSR.Quality:0]]
  472. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:263][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SceneColorFormat:4]]
  473. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:263][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DetailMode:2]]
  474. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:263][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TranslucencyVolumeBlur:1]]
  475. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:263][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MaterialQualityLevel:1 ; High quality]]
  476. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:263][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.Scale:1]]
  477. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:263][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.SampleSet:2]]
  478. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:263][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.Quality:1]]
  479. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:263][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.HalfRes:1]]
  480. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:263][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.EmitterSpawnRateScale:0.8]]
  481. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:263][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ParticleLightQuality:2]]
  482. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:263][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ParticleMinTimeBetweenTicks:16]]
  483. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:263][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [FoliageQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  484. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:263][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[foliage.DensityScale:1.0]]
  485. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:263][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[grass.DensityScale:1.0]]
  486. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:263][ 0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[grass.MaxUpdateFrequency:30]]
  487. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:263][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ConsoleVariables] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Engine.ini]
  488. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:263][ 0]LogInit: Computer: DARK
  489. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:263][ 0]LogInit: User: dark
  490. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:263][ 0]LogInit: CPU Page size=4096, Cores=4
  491. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:263][ 0]LogInit: High frequency timer resolution =10.000000 MHz
  492. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:263][ 0]LogMemory: Memory total: Physical=16.0GB (16GB approx)
  493. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:264][ 0]LogMemory: Platform Memory Stats for WindowsNoEditor
  494. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:264][ 0]LogMemory: Process Physical Memory: 141.00 MB used, 249.27 MB peak
  495. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:264][ 0]LogMemory: Process Virtual Memory: 133.50 MB used, 254.67 MB peak
  496. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:264][ 0]LogMemory: Physical Memory: 10317.15 MB used, 6025.88 MB free, 16343.03 MB total
  497. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:264][ 0]LogMemory: Virtual Memory: 4677.34 MB used, 134213048.00 MB free, 134217728.00 MB total
  498. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:897][ 0]LogInit: Overriding language with engine culture configuration option (en-US).
  499. [2020.05.06-01.32.23:897][ 0]LogInit: Overriding locale with engine culture configuration option (en-US).
  500. [2020.05.06-01.32.24:085][ 0]LogStreaming: Display: Took 0.202s to InitEngineTextLocalization.
  501. [2020.05.06-01.32.24:465][ 0]LogSlate: New Slate User Created. User Index 0, Is Virtual User: 0
  502. [2020.05.06-01.32.24:465][ 0]LogSlate: Slate User Registered. User Index 0, Is Virtual User: 0
  503. [2020.05.06-01.32.24:542][ 0]LogD3D11RHI: D3D11 adapters:
  504. [2020.05.06-01.32.26:508][ 0]LogD3D11RHI: 0. 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti' (Feature Level 11_0)
  505. [2020.05.06-01.32.26:508][ 0]LogD3D11RHI: 11127/0/8171 MB DedicatedVideo/DedicatedSystem/SharedSystem, Outputs:2, VendorId:0x10de
  506. [2020.05.06-01.32.26:651][ 0]LogD3D11RHI: 1. 'Microsoft Basic Render Driver' (Feature Level 11_0)
  507. [2020.05.06-01.32.26:651][ 0]LogD3D11RHI: 0/0/8171 MB DedicatedVideo/DedicatedSystem/SharedSystem, Outputs:0, VendorId:0x1414
  508. [2020.05.06-01.32.26:651][ 0]LogD3D11RHI: Chosen D3D11 Adapter: 0
  509. [2020.05.06-01.32.26:659][ 0]LogD3D11RHI: Creating new Direct3DDevice
  510. [2020.05.06-01.32.26:660][ 0]LogD3D11RHI: GPU DeviceId: 0x1b06 (for the marketing name, search the web for "GPU Device Id")
  511. [2020.05.06-01.32.26:678][ 0]LogWindows: EnumDisplayDevices:
  512. [2020.05.06-01.32.26:678][ 0]LogWindows: 0. 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti' (P:1 D:1)
  513. [2020.05.06-01.32.26:706][ 0]LogWindows: 1. 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti' (P:0 D:1)
  514. [2020.05.06-01.32.26:706][ 0]LogWindows: 2. 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti' (P:0 D:0)
  515. [2020.05.06-01.32.26:706][ 0]LogWindows: 3. 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti' (P:0 D:0)
  516. [2020.05.06-01.32.26:706][ 0]LogWindows: DebugString: FoundDriverCount:4
  517. [2020.05.06-01.32.26:706][ 0]LogD3D11RHI: Adapter Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
  518. [2020.05.06-01.32.26:706][ 0]LogD3D11RHI: Driver Version: 445.87 (internal:, unified:445.87)
  519. [2020.05.06-01.32.26:706][ 0]LogD3D11RHI: Driver Date: 4-3-2020
  520. [2020.05.06-01.32.26:707][ 0]LogRHI: Texture pool is 7788 MB (70% of 11127 MB)
  521. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:009][ 0]LogD3D11RHI: Async texture creation enabled
  522. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:206][ 0]LogD3D11RHI: GPU Timing Frequency: 1000.000000 (Debug: 2 1)
  523. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:261][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: Global and no native library supported.
  524. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:261][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: Squad and no native library supported.
  525. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:261][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: Squad_SC and no native library supported.
  526. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:261][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: Squad and no native library supported.
  527. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:261][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: Squad_SC and no native library supported.
  528. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:261][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: Modding and no native library supported.
  529. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:261][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: Modding_SC and no native library supported.
  530. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:261][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: Modding and no native library supported.
  531. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:261][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: Modding_SC and no native library supported.
  532. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:261][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: DiscordRPC and no native library supported.
  533. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:261][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: DiscordRPC_SC and no native library supported.
  534. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:261][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: DiscordRPC and no native library supported.
  535. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:261][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: DiscordRPC_SC and no native library supported.
  536. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:261][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: PrefabTool and no native library supported.
  537. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:261][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: PrefabTool_SC and no native library supported.
  538. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:261][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: PrefabTool and no native library supported.
  539. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:261][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: PrefabTool_SC and no native library supported.
  540. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:261][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: MeshTool and no native library supported.
  541. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:261][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: MeshTool_SC and no native library supported.
  542. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:261][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: MeshTool and no native library supported.
  543. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:262][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: MeshTool_SC and no native library supported.
  544. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:262][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: CanadianArmedForces and no native library supported.
  545. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:262][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: CanadianArmedForces_SC and no native library supported.
  546. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:262][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: CanadianArmedForces and no native library supported.
  547. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:262][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: CanadianArmedForces_SC and no native library supported.
  548. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:262][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: CryptoKeys and no native library supported.
  549. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:262][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: CryptoKeys_SC and no native library supported.
  550. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:262][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: CryptoKeys and no native library supported.
  551. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:262][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: CryptoKeys_SC and no native library supported.
  552. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:262][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: MeshEditor and no native library supported.
  553. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:262][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: MeshEditor_SC and no native library supported.
  554. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:262][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: MeshEditor and no native library supported.
  555. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:262][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: MeshEditor_SC and no native library supported.
  556. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:262][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: DatasmithContent and no native library supported.
  557. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:262][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: DatasmithContent_SC and no native library supported.
  558. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:262][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: DatasmithContent and no native library supported.
  559. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:262][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: DatasmithContent_SC and no native library supported.
  560. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:262][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: VariantManagerContent and no native library supported.
  561. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:262][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: VariantManagerContent_SC and no native library supported.
  562. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:262][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: VariantManagerContent and no native library supported.
  563. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:262][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: VariantManagerContent_SC and no native library supported.
  564. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:262][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: MediaCompositing and no native library supported.
  565. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:262][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: MediaCompositing_SC and no native library supported.
  566. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:263][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: MediaCompositing and no native library supported.
  567. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:263][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: MediaCompositing_SC and no native library supported.
  568. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:494][ 0]LogMaterial: Verifying Global Shaders for PCD3D_SM5
  569. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:638][ 0]LogSlate: Using FreeType 2.6.0
  570. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:689][ 0]LogSlate: SlateFontServices - WITH_FREETYPE: 1, WITH_HARFBUZZ: 1
  571. [2020.05.06-01.32.28:850][ 0]LogMoviePlayer: Initializing movie player
  572. [2020.05.06-01.32.29:054][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: SquadGame and no native library supported.
  573. [2020.05.06-01.32.29:054][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: SquadGame_SC and no native library supported.
  574. [2020.05.06-01.32.29:054][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Opened pipeline cache after state change and enqueued 0 of 0 tasks for precompile.
  575. [2020.05.06-01.32.29:054][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: SquadGame and no native library supported.
  576. [2020.05.06-01.32.29:055][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: SquadGame_SC and no native library supported.
  577. [2020.05.06-01.32.29:055][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Opened pipeline cache after state change and enqueued 0 of 0 tasks for precompile.
  578. [2020.05.06-01.32.29:055][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Failed to open default shader pipeline cache for SquadGame using shader platform 0.
  579. [2020.05.06-01.32.29:055][ 0]LogRHI: Display: Failed to open default shader pipeline cache for SquadGame using shader platform 0.
  580. [2020.05.06-01.32.29:055][ 0]LogInit: Overriding language with engine culture configuration option (en-US).
  581. [2020.05.06-01.32.29:055][ 0]LogInit: Overriding locale with engine culture configuration option (en-US).
  582. [2020.05.06-01.32.29:082][ 0]LogStreaming: Display: Took 0.027s to InitGameTextLocalization.
  583. [2020.05.06-01.32.29:599][ 0]LogAssetRegistry: FAssetRegistry took 0.4529 seconds to start up
  584. [2020.05.06-01.32.30:751][ 0]LogStreaming: Display: Flushing async loaders.
  585. [2020.05.06-01.32.30:822][ 0]LogPackageLocalizationCache: Processed 13 localized package path(s) for 2 prioritized culture(s) in 0.069094 seconds
  586. [2020.05.06-01.32.30:862][ 0]LogPakFile: New pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk0-WindowsNoEditor.pak added to pak precacher.
  587. [2020.05.06-01.32.30:921][ 0]LogInit: Selected Device Profile: [WindowsNoEditor]
  588. [2020.05.06-01.32.31:336][ 0]LogNetVersion: SquadGame 1.0.0, NetCL: 0, EngineNetVer: 5, GameNetVer: 0 (Checksum: 2667604396)
  589. [2020.05.06-01.32.47:728][ 0]LogPakFile: New pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk3-WindowsNoEditor.pak added to pak precacher.
  590. [2020.05.06-01.32.47:824][ 0]LogEasyAntiCheatServer: Warning: Failed to locate EasyAntiCheat server library eac_server64.dll
  591. [2020.05.06-01.32.47:824][ 0]LogEasyAntiCheatClient: Using path: (D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Squad/EasyAntiCheat)
  592. [2020.05.06-01.32.47:825][ 0]LogEasyAntiCheatClient: Loading native plugin from: D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Squad/EasyAntiCheat
  593. [2020.05.06-01.32.47:868][ 0]LogEasyAntiCheatClient: [FEasyAntiCheatClient::EACInitFinished] Result: 0
  594. [2020.05.06-01.32.47:869][ 0]LogEasyAntiCheatClient: Native plugin initialized successfully.
  595. [2020.05.06-01.32.47:869][ 0]LogEasyAntiCheatClient: Events registered
  596. [2020.05.06-01.32.47:869][ 0]JoystickPluginLog: FJoystickPlugin::StartupModule() creating Device SDL
  597. [2020.05.06-01.32.47:869][ 0]JoystickPluginLog: DeviceSDL Starting
  598. [2020.05.06-01.32.47:869][ 0]JoystickPluginLog: DeviceSDL::InitSDL() SDL init 0
  599. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:045][ 0]JoystickPluginLog: DeviceSDL::InitSDL() SDL init subsystem haptic
  600. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:195][ 0]JoystickPluginLog: DeviceSDL::InitSDL() SDL init subsystem joystick
  601. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:195][ 0]JoystickPluginLog: DeviceSDL::InitSDL() SDL init subsystem joystick
  602. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:317][ 0]LogUObjectArray: 183195 objects as part of root set at end of initial load.
  603. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:317][ 0]LogUObjectArray: 2 objects are not in the root set, but can never be destroyed because they are in the DisregardForGC set.
  604. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:318][ 0]LogUObjectAllocator: 38699448 out of 0 bytes used by permanent object pool.
  605. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:318][ 0]LogUObjectArray: CloseDisregardForGC: 183195/183195 objects in disregard for GC pool
  606. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:406][ 0]LogEngine: Initializing Engine...
  607. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:422][ 0]LogGameplayTags: ImportTagsFromConfig is in a deprecated location, open and save GameplayTag settings to fix
  608. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:422][ 0]LogGameplayTags: ImportTagsFromConfig is in a deprecated location, open and save GameplayTag settings to fix
  609. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:716][ 0]LogInit: Initializing FReadOnlyCVARCache
  610. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:931][ 0]LogInit: XAudio2 using 'Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)' : 2 channels at 48 kHz using 32 bits per sample (channel mask 0x3)
  611. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:949][ 0]LogInit: FAudioDevice initialized.
  612. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:949][ 0]LogNetVersion: Set ProjectVersion to b- Version Checksum will be recalculated on next use.
  613. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:949][ 0]LogInit: Texture streaming: Enabled
  614. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:949][ 0]LogSquad: Discovered Asset Report:
  615. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:949][ 0]LogSquad: Name: '/Game/Maps/BASRAH_CITY/Basrah_MapList.Basrah_MapList' id: 'SQMapList:Basrah_MapList'
  616. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:949][ 0]LogSquad: Name: '/Game/Maps/Belaya_Pass/Belaya_MapList.Belaya_MapList' id: 'SQMapList:Belaya_MapList'
  617. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:950][ 0]LogSquad: Name: '/Game/Maps/Chora/Chora_MapList.Chora_MapList' id: 'SQMapList:Chora_MapList'
  618. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:950][ 0]LogSquad: Name: '/Game/Maps/Fallujah_City/Fallujah_MapList.Fallujah_MapList' id: 'SQMapList:Fallujah_MapList'
  619. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:950][ 0]LogSquad: Name: '/Game/Maps/Fools_Road/FoolsRoad_MapList.FoolsRoad_MapList' id: 'SQMapList:FoolsRoad_MapList'
  620. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:950][ 0]LogSquad: Name: '/Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_MapList.Gorodok_MapList' id: 'SQMapList:Gorodok_MapList'
  621. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:950][ 0]LogSquad: Name: '/Game/Maps/Jensens_Range/Jensens_Range_MapList.Jensens_Range_MapList' id: 'SQMapList:Jensens_Range_MapList'
  622. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:950][ 0]LogSquad: Name: '/Game/Maps/Kamdesh_Highlands/Kamdesh_MapList.Kamdesh_MapList' id: 'SQMapList:Kamdesh_MapList'
  623. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:950][ 0]LogSquad: Name: '/Game/Maps/Kohat/Kohat_MapList.Kohat_MapList' id: 'SQMapList:Kohat_MapList'
  624. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:950][ 0]LogSquad: Name: '/Game/Maps/Kokan_Valley/Kokan_MapList.Kokan_MapList' id: 'SQMapList:Kokan_MapList'
  625. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:950][ 0]LogSquad: Name: '/Game/Maps/Logar_Valley/Logar_MapList.Logar_MapList' id: 'SQMapList:Logar_MapList'
  626. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:950][ 0]LogSquad: Name: '/Game/Maps/Mestia_Green/Mestia_MapList.Mestia_MapList' id: 'SQMapList:Mestia_MapList'
  627. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:950][ 0]LogSquad: Name: '/Game/Maps/Mutaha/Mutaha_MapList.Mutaha_MapList' id: 'SQMapList:Mutaha_MapList'
  628. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:950][ 0]LogSquad: Name: '/Game/Maps/Narva/Narva_MapList.Narva_MapList' id: 'SQMapList:Narva_MapList'
  629. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:950][ 0]LogSquad: Name: '/Game/Maps/Skorpo/Skorpo_MapList.Skorpo_MapList' id: 'SQMapList:Skorpo_MapList'
  630. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:950][ 0]LogSquad: Name: '/Game/Maps/Sumari/Sumari_MapList.Sumari_MapList' id: 'SQMapList:Sumari_MapList'
  631. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:950][ 0]LogSquad: Name: '/Game/Maps/Tallil_Outskirts/Tallil_MapList.Tallil_MapList' id: 'SQMapList:Tallil_MapList'
  632. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:950][ 0]LogSquad: Name: '/Game/Maps/Tutorials/Tutorials_MapList.Tutorials_MapList' id: 'SQMapList:Tutorials_MapList'
  633. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:950][ 0]LogSquad: Name: '/Game/Maps/Yehorivka/Yehorivka_MapList.Yehorivka_MapList' id: 'SQMapList:Yehorivka_MapList'
  634. [2020.05.06-01.32.48:950][ 0]LogSquad: End Asset Report.
  635. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:134][ 0]LogSquad: Initializing Squad version b-
  636. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:134][ 0]LogSquad: CPU Brand: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz
  637. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:134][ 0]LogSquad: CPU Vendor: GenuineIntel
  638. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogPakFile: New pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk18-WindowsNoEditor.pak added to pak precacher.
  639. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogPakFile: New pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk19-WindowsNoEditor.pak added to pak precacher.
  640. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogPakFile: New pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk20-WindowsNoEditor.pak added to pak precacher.
  641. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogPakFile: New pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk17-WindowsNoEditor.pak added to pak precacher.
  642. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogPakFile: New pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk16-WindowsNoEditor.pak added to pak precacher.
  643. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogPakFile: New pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk15-WindowsNoEditor.pak added to pak precacher.
  644. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogPakFile: New pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk14-WindowsNoEditor.pak added to pak precacher.
  645. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogPakFile: New pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk13-WindowsNoEditor.pak added to pak precacher.
  646. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogPakFile: New pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk12-WindowsNoEditor.pak added to pak precacher.
  647. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogPakFile: New pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk11-WindowsNoEditor.pak added to pak precacher.
  648. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogPakFile: New pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk10-WindowsNoEditor.pak added to pak precacher.
  649. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogPakFile: New pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk9-WindowsNoEditor.pak added to pak precacher.
  650. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogPakFile: New pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk8-WindowsNoEditor.pak added to pak precacher.
  651. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogPakFile: New pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk7-WindowsNoEditor.pak added to pak precacher.
  652. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogPakFile: New pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk6-WindowsNoEditor.pak added to pak precacher.
  653. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogPakFile: New pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk5-WindowsNoEditor.pak added to pak precacher.
  654. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogPakFile: New pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk4-WindowsNoEditor.pak added to pak precacher.
  655. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Al Basrah AAS v1
  656. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Al Basrah Insurgency v1
  657. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Al Basrah Invasion v1
  658. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Al Basrah Invasion v2
  659. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Al Basrah RAAS v1
  660. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Al Basrah Skirmish v1
  661. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Al Basrah Skirmish v2
  662. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Al Basrah TC v1
  663. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Al Basrah TC v2
  664. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 9 Map(s) for Al Basrah
  665. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Belaya AAS v1
  666. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Belaya Invasion v1
  667. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Belaya Invasion v2
  668. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Belaya Invasion v3
  669. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Belaya RAAS v1
  670. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Belaya RAAS v2
  671. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Belaya RAAS v3
  672. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Belaya Skirmish v1
  673. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:546][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Belaya TC v1
  674. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 9 Map(s) for Belaya
  675. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Chora AAS v1
  676. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Chora AAS v2
  677. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Chora Insurgency v1
  678. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Chora Invasion v1
  679. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Chora Invasion v2
  680. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Chora RAAS v1
  681. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Chora RAAS v2
  682. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Chora Skirmish v1
  683. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Chora TC v1
  684. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 9 Map(s) for Chora
  685. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 0 Map(s) for Fallujah
  686. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Fool's Road AAS v1
  687. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Fool's Road AAS v2
  688. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Fool's Road Destruction v1
  689. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Fool's Road Invasion v1
  690. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Fool's Road RAAS v1
  691. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Fool's Road RAAS v2
  692. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Fool's Road RAAS v3
  693. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Fool's Road Skirmish v1
  694. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Fool's Road Skirmish v2
  695. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Fool's Road TC v1
  696. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 10 Map(s) for Fool's Road
  697. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Gorodok AAS v1
  698. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Gorodok AAS v2
  699. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Gorodok Destruction v1
  700. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Gorodok Insurgency v1
  701. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Gorodok Invasion v1
  702. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Gorodok Invasion v2
  703. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Gorodok RAAS v1
  704. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Gorodok RAAS v2
  705. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Gorodok RAAS v3
  706. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Gorodok RAAS v4
  707. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Gorodok RAAS v5
  708. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Gorodok Skirmish v1
  709. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Gorodok TC v1
  710. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 13 Map(s) for Gorodok
  711. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Jensen's Range v1
  712. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Jensen's Range v2
  713. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Jensen's Range v3
  714. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kamdesh AAS v1
  715. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kamdesh Insurgency v1
  716. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:547][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kamdesh Insurgency v2
  717. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kamdesh Invasion v1
  718. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kamdesh Invasion v2
  719. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kamdesh Invasion v3
  720. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kamdesh RAAS v1
  721. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kamdesh RAAS v2
  722. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kamdesh RAAS v3
  723. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kamdesh RAAS v4
  724. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kamdesh Skirmish v1
  725. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kamdesh TC v1
  726. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kamdesh TC v2
  727. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 13 Map(s) for Kamdesh
  728. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kohat AAS v1
  729. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kohat Insurgency v1
  730. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kohat Invasion v1
  731. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kohat Invasion v2
  732. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kohat RAAS v1
  733. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kohat RAAS v2
  734. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kohat RAAS v3
  735. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kohat RAAS v4
  736. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kohat Skirmish v1
  737. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kohat TC v1
  738. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 10 Map(s) for Kohat
  739. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kokan Valley AAS v1
  740. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kokan Insurgency v1
  741. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kokan Invasion v1
  742. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kokan RAAS v1
  743. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kokan RAAS v2
  744. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kokan Skirmish v1
  745. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Kokan TC v1
  746. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 7 Map(s) for Kokan
  747. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Logar Valley AAS v1
  748. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Logar Valley AAS v2
  749. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Logar Valley Insurgency v1
  750. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Logar Valley RAAS v1
  751. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Logar Valley Skirmish v1
  752. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Logar Valley TC v1
  753. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 6 Map(s) for Logar
  754. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Mestia AAS v1
  755. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Mestia Invasion v1
  756. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Mestia Invasion v2
  757. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Mestia RAAS v1
  758. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Mestia Skirmish v1
  759. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Mestia TC v1
  760. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 6 Map(s) for Mestia
  761. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:548][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Mutaha AAS v1
  762. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Mutaha Invasion v1
  763. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Mutaha RAAS v1
  764. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Mutaha Skirmish v1
  765. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Mutaha TC v1
  766. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Mutaha TC v2
  767. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 6 Map(s) for Mutaha
  768. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Narva AAS v1
  769. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Narva AAS v2
  770. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Narva AAS v3
  771. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Narva Destruction v1
  772. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Narva Invasion v1
  773. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Narva Invasion v2
  774. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Narva RAAS v1
  775. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Narva Skirmish v1
  776. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Narva TC v1
  777. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Narva TC v2
  778. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 10 Map(s) for Narva
  779. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Skorpo AAS v1
  780. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Skorpo RAAS v1
  781. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Skorpo RAAS v2
  782. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Skorpo RAAS v3
  783. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Skorpo RAAS v4
  784. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Skorpo Invasion v1
  785. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Skorpo Invasion v2
  786. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Skorpo Skirmish v1
  787. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Skorpo TC v1
  788. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Skorpo TC v2
  789. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Skorpo TC v3
  790. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 11 Map(s) for Skorpo
  791. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Sumari AAS v1
  792. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Sumari Insurgency v1
  793. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Sumari Invasion v1
  794. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Sumari RAAS v1
  795. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Sumari RAAS v2
  796. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Sumari Skirmish v1
  797. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Sumari TC v1
  798. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 7 Map(s) for Sumari
  799. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Tallil Outskirts AAS v1
  800. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Tallil Outskirts Invasion v1
  801. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Tallil Outskirts Invasion v2
  802. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Tallil Outskirts Invasion v3
  803. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:549][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Tallil Outskirts RAAS v1
  804. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:550][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Tallil Outskirts RAAS v2
  805. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:550][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Tallil Outskirts RAAS v3
  806. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:550][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Tallil Outskirts RAAS v4
  807. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:550][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Tallil Outskirts Skirmish v1
  808. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:550][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Tallil Outskirts Skirmish v2
  809. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:550][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Tallil Outskirts Skirmish v3
  810. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:550][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Tallil Outskirts Tanks v1
  811. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:550][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Tallil Outskirts Tanks v2
  812. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:550][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Tallil Outskirts TC v1
  813. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:550][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 14 Map(s) for Tallil
  814. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:550][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Infantry Tutorial
  815. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:550][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for
  816. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:550][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 2 Map(s) for Tutorials
  817. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:550][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Yehorivka AAS v1
  818. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:550][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Yehorivka AAS v2
  819. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:550][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Yehorivka Destruction v1
  820. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:550][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Yehorivka Invasion v1
  821. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:550][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Yehorivka Invasion v2
  822. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:550][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Yehorivka RAAS v1
  823. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:550][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Yehorivka RAAS v2
  824. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:550][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Yehorivka RAAS v3
  825. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:550][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Yehorivka RAAS v4
  826. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:550][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Yehorivka RAAS v5
  827. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:550][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Yehorivka Skirmish v1
  828. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:550][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Yehorivka Skirmish v2
  829. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:550][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Yehorivka Skirmish v3
  830. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:550][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Yehorivka TC v1
  831. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:550][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 1 Map(s) for Yehorivka TC v2
  832. [2020.05.06-01.32.49:550][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::Init(): Added 15 Map(s) for Yehorivka
  833. [2020.05.06-01.32.51:679][ 0]LogModdingRuntimeModule: Display: Successfully mounted and serialised mod: SquadKart_Rainbowroad
  834. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:333][ 0]LogModdingRuntimeModule: Display: Successfully mounted and serialised mod: CanadianArmedForces
  835. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:333][ 0]LogModdingRuntimeModule: Warning: Trying to load a duplicate mod: CanadianArmedForces (ignoring)
  836. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:334][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: LL_Daytime
  837. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:334][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Gorodok_Invasion_v1
  838. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:334][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Gorodok_RAAS_v1
  839. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:334][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Gorodok_RAAS_v2
  840. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:334][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Gorodok_TC_v1
  841. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:334][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Jensens_Range_v4
  842. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:334][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Kamdesh_Invasion_v1
  843. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:334][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Kamdesh_RAAS_v1
  844. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:334][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Kamdesh_TC_v1
  845. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:334][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Kohat_Invasion_v1
  846. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:334][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: Manic-5
  847. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:334][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Manic_Invasion_v1
  848. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:334][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Manic_Invasion_v2
  849. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:334][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Manic_RAAS_v1
  850. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:334][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Manic_RAAS_v2
  851. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:334][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Manic_RAAS_v3
  852. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Manic_RAAS_v4
  853. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Manic_Skirmish_v1
  854. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Manic_Skirmish_v2
  855. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Manic_TC_v1
  856. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: LL_Manic-5_Overcast
  857. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: LL_Manic-5_Sunset
  858. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: LL_Manic_FoggyMorning
  859. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: Nanisivik
  860. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Nanisivik_Invasion_v1
  861. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Nanisivik_RAAS_v1
  862. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: LL_Nanisivik_Overcast
  863. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: LL_Nanisivik_SnowStorm
  864. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Narva_RAAS_v1
  865. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Tallil_Outskirts_RAAS_v1
  866. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Yehorivka_Invasion_v1
  867. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Yehorivka_RAAS_v1
  868. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Yehorivka_TC_V1
  869. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: Rainbowroad_a1
  870. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: LL_Daytime
  871. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Gorodok_Invasion_v1
  872. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Gorodok_RAAS_v1
  873. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Gorodok_RAAS_v2
  874. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Gorodok_TC_v1
  875. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Jensens_Range_v4
  876. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Kamdesh_Invasion_v1
  877. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Kamdesh_RAAS_v1
  878. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Kamdesh_TC_v1
  879. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Kohat_Invasion_v1
  880. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: Manic-5
  881. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Manic_Invasion_v1
  882. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Manic_Invasion_v2
  883. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Manic_RAAS_v1
  884. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Manic_RAAS_v2
  885. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Manic_RAAS_v3
  886. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Manic_RAAS_v4
  887. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Manic_Skirmish_v1
  888. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Manic_Skirmish_v2
  889. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Manic_TC_v1
  890. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: LL_Manic-5_Overcast
  891. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: LL_Manic-5_Sunset
  892. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: LL_Manic_FoggyMorning
  893. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: Nanisivik
  894. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Nanisivik_Invasion_v1
  895. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Nanisivik_RAAS_v1
  896. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: LL_Nanisivik_Overcast
  897. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: LL_Nanisivik_SnowStorm
  898. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Narva_RAAS_v1
  899. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Tallil_Outskirts_RAAS_v1
  900. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Yehorivka_Invasion_v1
  901. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Yehorivka_RAAS_v1
  902. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::AddModMapsToMapList(): Added Modded Map: CAF_Yehorivka_TC_V1
  903. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:335][ 0]LogOnline: GotoState: NewState: MainMenu
  904. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:336][ 0]LogSlate: Updating window title bar state: overlay mode, drag disabled, window buttons hidden, title bar hidden
  905. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:336][ 0]LogInit: Display: Game Engine Initialized.
  906. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:336][ 0]LogGameplayTags: Display: UGameplayTagsManager::DoneAddingNativeTags. DelegateIsBound: 0
  907. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:336][ 0]LogGameplayTags: ImportTagsFromConfig is in a deprecated location, open and save GameplayTag settings to fix
  908. [2020.05.06-01.32.52:336][ 0]LogGameplayTags: ImportTagsFromConfig is in a deprecated location, open and save GameplayTag settings to fix
  909. [2020.05.06-01.32.53:045][ 0]LogInit: Display: Starting Game.
  910. [2020.05.06-01.32.53:247][ 0]LogLoad: (Engine Initialization) Total time: 35.10 seconds
  911. [2020.05.06-01.32.53:297][ 0]LogContentStreaming: Texture pool size now 8345 MB
  912. [2020.05.06-01.32.53:539][ 0]LogStreaming: Display: Suspending async loading (1)
  913. [2020.05.06-01.32.53:584][ 0]LogStreaming: Display: Resuming async loading (0)
  914. [2020.05.06-01.32.53:593][ 1]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::BeginMainMenuState(): HideLoadingScreen
  915. [2020.05.06-01.32.53:593][ 1]LogNet: Browse: /Game/Maps/EntryMap
  916. [2020.05.06-01.32.53:593][ 1]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::LogWorldMaps(): [USQGameInstance::OnPreLoadMap]: WorldContext GC=0 TC=0 WC=1 URLs=||!/Game/Maps/EntryMap!||@/Game/Maps/EntryMap@||##|
  917. [2020.05.06-01.32.53:593][ 1]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::OnPreLoadMap():
  918. [2020.05.06-01.32.53:593][ 1]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::OnPreLoadMap(): LoadingScreenModule:
  919. [2020.05.06-01.32.53:593][ 1]LogActor: Warning: SquadLoadingScreen: StartInGameLoadingScreen
  920. [2020.05.06-01.32.53:617][ 1]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::OnPreLoadMap(): SquadViewport:
  921. [2020.05.06-01.32.53:630][ 1]LogLoad: LoadMap: /Game/Maps/EntryMap
  922. [2020.05.06-01.32.53:649][ 1]LogStreaming: Display: Flushing async loaders.
  923. [2020.05.06-01.32.54:538][ 1]LogPakFile: New pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk2-WindowsNoEditor.pak added to pak precacher.
  924. [2020.05.06-01.32.54:538][ 1]LogSlate: Took 0.032196 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font '../../../Engine/Content/Slate/Fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf' (155K)
  925. [2020.05.06-01.32.54:541][ 1]LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world EntryMap
  926. [2020.05.06-01.32.54:542][ 1]LogLoad: Game class is 'BP_MenuGameMode_C'
  927. [2020.05.06-01.32.54:542][ 1]LogStreaming: Display: ULevelStreaming::RequestLevel(/Game/Maps/EntryMaps_Archive/EntryMap_RUArmy_Desert) is flushing async loading
  928. [2020.05.06-01.32.58:543][ 1]LogPakFile: New pak file ../../../SquadGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk1-WindowsNoEditor.pak added to pak precacher.
  929. [2020.05.06-01.32.58:637][ 1]LogPhysics: Warning: Initialising Body : Scale3D is (nearly) zero:
  930. [2020.05.06-01.32.58:644][ 1]LogStreaming: Display: ULevelStreaming::RequestLevel(/Game/Maps/Tallil_Outskirts/Lighting_Layers/LL_Talil_Daytime) is flushing async loading
  931. [2020.05.06-01.32.58:998][ 1]LogWorld: Bringing World /Game/Maps/EntryMap.EntryMap up for play (max tick rate 240) at 2020.05.05-21.32.58
  932. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:008][ 1]LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.011068
  933. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:009][ 1]LogSquad: Login: NewPlayer: SQLocalPlayer /Engine/Transient.SQGameEngine_0:SQLocalPlayer_0
  934. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:010][ 1]LogSquad: Admin has joined
  935. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:010][ 1]LogSquad: Admin dark has joined
  936. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:010][ 1]LogSquad: PostLogin: NewPlayer: BP_MainMenu_PC_C /Game/Maps/EntryMap.EntryMap:PersistentLevel.BP_MainMenu_PC_C_0
  937. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:010][ 1]LogGameMode: Warning: Pending Player 76561198212264252 is valid but not in the PendingPlayers map
  938. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:010][ 1]LogOnline: Starting session GameSession on client
  939. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:010][ 1]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Can't start an online game for session (GameSession) that hasn't been created
  940. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:010][ 1]LogGameMode: Display: Match State Changed from EnteringMap to WaitingToStart
  941. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:010][ 1]LogGameState: Match State Changed from EnteringMap to WaitingToStart
  942. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:010][ 1]LogGameMode: Display: Match State Changed from WaitingToStart to InProgress
  943. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:010][ 1]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Can't start an online game for session (GameSession) that hasn't been created
  944. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:010][ 1]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQGameMode::RestartPlayer(): On Server PC=dark Spawn=nullptr DeployRole=nullptr
  945. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:011][ 1]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQPlayerController::Possess(): PC=dark Pawn=MenuCamPawn_179 FullPath=MenuCamPawn_C /Game/Maps/EntryMap.EntryMap:PersistentLevel.MenuCamPawn_179
  946. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:011][ 1]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQPlayerController::ChangeState(): PC=dark OldState=Inactive NewState=Playing
  947. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:011][ 1]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQPlayerController::EndInactiveState(): PC=dark
  948. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:013][ 1]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ViewDistanceQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  949. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:013][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkeletalMeshLODBias:-1]]
  950. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:013][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ViewDistanceScale:1.0]]
  951. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MipMapLODBias:-1]]
  952. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [AntiAliasingQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  953. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.PostProcessAAQuality:4]]
  954. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ShadowQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  955. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightFunctionQuality:1]]
  956. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ShadowQuality:5]]
  957. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.CSM.MaxCascades:2]]
  958. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.MaxResolution:2048]]
  959. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.MaxCSMResolution:2048]]
  960. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold:0.03]]
  961. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.DistanceScale:1.0]]
  962. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.CSM.TransitionScale:0.3]]
  963. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.PreShadowResolutionFactor:1.0]]
  964. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DistanceFieldShadowing:1]]
  965. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DistanceFieldAO:1]]
  966. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AOQuality:2]]
  967. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog:1]]
  968. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.GridPixelSize:8]]
  969. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.GridSizeZ:128]]
  970. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.HistoryMissSupersampleCount:4]]
  971. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightMaxDrawDistanceScale:1]]
  972. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.CapsuleShadows:1]]
  973. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [PostProcessQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  974. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MotionBlurQuality:4]]
  975. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionMipLevelFactor:0.4]]
  976. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionMaxQuality:100]]
  977. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionLevels:-1]]
  978. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionRadiusScale:1.0]]
  979. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DepthOfFieldQuality:2]]
  980. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.RenderTargetPoolMin:400]]
  981. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LensFlareQuality:2]]
  982. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SceneColorFringeQuality:1]]
  983. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.EyeAdaptationQuality:2]]
  984. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.BloomQuality:5]]
  985. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.FastBlurThreshold:3]]
  986. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Upscale.Quality:3]]
  987. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Tonemapper.GrainQuantization:1]]
  988. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightShaftQuality:1]]
  989. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Filter.SizeScale:1]]
  990. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Tonemapper.Quality:3]]
  991. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.AccumulatorQuality:1 ; higher gathering accumulator quality]]
  992. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.PostfilterMethod:1 ; Median3x3 postfilering method]]
  993. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.EnableBokehSettings:0 ; no bokeh simulation when gathering]]
  994. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.RingCount:4 ; medium number of samples when gathering]]
  995. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.ForegroundCompositing:1 ; additive foreground scattering]]
  996. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.BackgroundCompositing:2 ; additive background scattering]]
  997. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.EnableBokehSettings:1 ; bokeh simulation when scattering]]
  998. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.MaxSpriteRatio:0.1 ; only a maximum of 10% of scattered bokeh]]
  999. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Recombine.Quality:1 ; cheap slight out of focus]]
  1000. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Recombine.EnableBokehSettings:0 ; no bokeh simulation on slight out of focus]]
  1001. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.TemporalAAQuality:1 ; more stable temporal accumulation]]
  1002. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Kernel.MaxForegroundRadius:0.025]]
  1003. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Kernel.MaxBackgroundRadius:0.025]]
  1004. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [TextureQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  1005. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MipBias:0]]
  1006. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.AmortizeCPUToGPUCopy:0]]
  1007. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MaxNumTexturesToStreamPerFrame:0]]
  1008. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.Boost:1]]
  1009. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MaxAnisotropy:8]]
  1010. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM:0]]
  1011. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConsoleManager: Warning: Setting the console variable 'r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM' with 'SetByScalability' was ignored as it is lower priority than the previous 'SetByProjectSetting'. Value remains '0'
  1012. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.PoolSize:1000]]
  1013. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:014][ 1]LogConsoleManager: Warning: Setting the console variable 'r.Streaming.PoolSize' with 'SetByScalability' was ignored as it is lower priority than the previous 'SetByCode'. Value remains '8345'
  1014. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:015][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MaxEffectiveScreenSize:0]]
  1015. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:015][ 1]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [EffectsQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  1016. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:015][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TranslucencyLightingVolumeDim:48]]
  1017. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:015][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.RefractionQuality:1]]
  1018. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:015][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSR.Quality:0]]
  1019. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:015][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SceneColorFormat:4]]
  1020. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:015][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DetailMode:2]]
  1021. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:015][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TranslucencyVolumeBlur:1]]
  1022. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:015][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MaterialQualityLevel:1 ; High quality]]
  1023. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:015][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.Scale:1]]
  1024. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:015][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.SampleSet:2]]
  1025. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:015][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.Quality:1]]
  1026. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:015][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.HalfRes:1]]
  1027. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:015][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.EmitterSpawnRateScale:0.8]]
  1028. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:015][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ParticleLightQuality:2]]
  1029. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:015][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ParticleMinTimeBetweenTicks:16]]
  1030. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:015][ 1]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [FoliageQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  1031. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:015][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[foliage.DensityScale:1.0]]
  1032. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:015][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[grass.DensityScale:1.0]]
  1033. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:015][ 1]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[grass.MaxUpdateFrequency:30]]
  1034. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:016][ 1]LogSquad: Error: MapTextureCornerZero is null
  1035. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:017][ 1]LogSquad: Error: MapTextureCornerOne is null
  1036. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:017][ 1]LogSquad: Warning: StoreWorldBounds() returned a value with invalid min and max X values. A swap was performed.
  1037. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:017][ 1]LogSquad: Warning: StoreWorldBounds() returned a value with invalid min and max Y values. A swap was performed.
  1038. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:055][ 1]LogSlate: Took 0.010755 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font '../../../Engine/Content/EngineFonts/Faces/RobotoRegular.ufont' (155K)
  1039. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:074][ 1]Warning: Processing the console input parameters the leading '=' is ignored (only needed for ini files).
  1040. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:074][ 1]r.DistanceFieldShadowing = "0"
  1041. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:407][ 1]LogSlate: FSceneViewport::OnFocusLost() reason 2
  1042. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:407][ 1]LogSquad: Warning: GetNextMap: Unable to find any valid maps in the GameUserSettings.ini to rotate to, please check that there is one valid map, restarting the current map
  1043. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:407][ 1]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQGameMode::HandleMatchHasStarted(): PC: dark is in state: Playing
  1044. [2020.05.06-01.32.59:407][ 1]LogGameState: Match State Changed from WaitingToStart to InProgress
  1045. [2020.05.06-01.33.03:621][ 1]LogLoad: Took 9.991391 seconds to LoadMap(/Game/Maps/EntryMap)
  1046. [2020.05.06-01.33.04:672][ 1]LogRenderer: Reallocating scene render targets to support 1920x1080 Format 10 NumSamples 1 (Frame:1).
  1047. [2020.05.06-01.33.04:711][ 1]LogSlate: Took 0.017745 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font '../../../Engine/Content/EngineFonts/Faces/RobotoBold.ufont' (160K)
  1048. [2020.05.06-01.33.04:714][ 1]LogSlate: FSceneViewport::OnFocusLost() reason 2
  1049. [2020.05.06-01.33.05:674][123]LogSquad: USQGameState: Server Tick Rate: 9.82
  1050. [2020.05.06-01.33.15:693][298]LogSquad: USQGameState: Server Tick Rate: 217.09
  1051. [2020.05.06-01.33.25:720][523]LogSquad: USQGameState: Server Tick Rate: 221.91
  1052. [2020.05.06-01.33.35:733][782]LogSquad: USQGameState: Server Tick Rate: 225.58
  1053. [2020.05.06-01.33.40:530][850]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Can't cancel a search that isn't in progress
  1054. [2020.05.06-01.33.40:964][928]LogSquad: Error: Whitelist flag incorrect for server: - [OpsHC] #1 Mixed Modes | Hosted by
  1055. [2020.05.06-01.33.41:197][963]LogSlate: Took 0.036171 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font '../../../Engine/Content/Slate/Fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf' (3848K)
  1056. [2020.05.06-01.33.42:945][353]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Failed to respond IP:
  1057. [2020.05.06-01.33.42:968][357]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Failed to respond IP:
  1058. [2020.05.06-01.33.42:988][362]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Failed to respond IP:
  1059. [2020.05.06-01.33.43:031][372]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Failed to respond IP:
  1060. [2020.05.06-01.33.43:196][408]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Failed to respond IP:
  1061. [2020.05.06-01.33.43:238][418]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Rules refresh complete
  1062. [2020.05.06-01.33.43:383][451]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Failed to respond IP:
  1063. [2020.05.06-01.33.44:007][593]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Failed to respond IP:
  1064. [2020.05.06-01.33.44:007][593]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Failed to respond IP:
  1065. [2020.05.06-01.33.44:419][688]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Failed to respond IP:
  1066. [2020.05.06-01.33.45:243][878]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Failed to respond IP:
  1067. [2020.05.06-01.33.45:655][972]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Failed to respond IP:
  1068. [2020.05.06-01.33.45:756][995]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Failed to respond IP:
  1069. [2020.05.06-01.33.45:756][995]LogSquad: USQGameState: Server Tick Rate: 220.78
  1070. [2020.05.06-01.33.46:290][122]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Failed to respond IP:
  1071. [2020.05.06-01.33.46:702][221]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Failed to respond IP:
  1072. [2020.05.06-01.33.47:241][350]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Rules refresh complete
  1073. [2020.05.06-01.33.55:778][378]LogSquad: USQGameState: Server Tick Rate: 237.80
  1074. [2020.05.06-01.33.56:371][517]LogNet: Display: SteamNetDriver_0 bound to port 15000
  1075. [2020.05.06-01.33.56:371][517]PacketHandlerLog: Loaded PacketHandler component: Engine.EngineHandlerComponentFactory (StatelessConnectHandlerComponent)
  1076. [2020.05.06-01.33.56:371][517]LogNet: Game client on port 15000, rate 15000
  1077. [2020.05.06-01.33.58:748][ 70]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Rules failed to respond for server, query port 27165
  1078. [2020.05.06-01.33.58:796][ 70]LogSquad: Error: Whitelist flag incorrect for server: - [OpsHC] #1 Mixed Modes | Hosted by
  1079. [2020.05.06-01.33.58:838][ 70]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Can't cancel a search that isn't in progress
  1080. [2020.05.06-01.34.03:104][ 64]LogNetVersion: SquadGame b-, NetCL: 0, EngineNetVer: 5, GameNetVer: 0 (Checksum: 1217798602)
  1081. [2020.05.06-01.34.03:129][ 70]LogBeacon: SQJoinBeaconClient_0[SteamNetConnection_0] Client received: BeaconWelcome
  1082. [2020.05.06-01.34.03:167][ 79]LogBeacon: SQJoinBeaconClient_0[SteamNetConnection_0] Client received: BeaconAssignGUID
  1083. [2020.05.06-01.34.03:218][ 91]LogNet: NotifyAcceptingChannel 2/2 client SQJoinBeaconClient_0
  1084. [2020.05.06-01.34.03:218][ 91]LogNet: Client accepting actor channel
  1085. [2020.05.06-01.34.03:945][260]LogNet: DestroyNamedNetDriver SteamNetDriver_0 [SteamNetDriver_0]
  1086. [2020.05.06-01.34.03:945][260]LogNet: UNetConnection::Close: [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr: 90135036087926793:15000, Name: SteamNetConnection_0, Driver: SteamNetDriver_0 SteamNetDriver_0, IsServer: NO, PC: NULL, Owner: SQJoinBeaconClient_0, UniqueId: Steam:dark [0x2BA067F8A10], Channels: 3, Time: 2020.05.06-01.34.03
  1087. [2020.05.06-01.34.03:945][260]LogNet: UChannel::Close: Sending CloseBunch. ChIndex == 0. Name: [UChannel] ChIndex: 0, Closing: 0 [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr: 90135036087926793:15000, Name: SteamNetConnection_0, Driver: SteamNetDriver_0 SteamNetDriver_0, IsServer: NO, PC: NULL, Owner: SQJoinBeaconClient_0, UniqueId: Steam:dark [0x2BA098DD5A0]
  1088. [2020.05.06-01.34.03:945][260]LogExit: SteamNetDriver_0 SteamNetDriver_0 shut down
  1089. [2020.05.06-01.34.05:855][710]LogSquad: USQGameState: Server Tick Rate: 231.44
  1090. [2020.05.06-01.34.09:947][686]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: AUTH: JoinInternetSession is calling the depricated AdvertiseGame call
  1091. [2020.05.06-01.34.09:947][686]LogOnline: Join session: traveling to steam.90135036087926793:5660
  1092. [2020.05.06-01.34.09:972][686]LogSlate: Updating window title bar state: overlay mode, drag disabled, window buttons hidden, title bar hidden
  1093. [2020.05.06-01.34.09:972][686]LogOnline: GotoState: NewState: Playing
  1094. [2020.05.06-01.34.09:974][687]LogGameMode: Display: Match State Changed from InProgress to LeavingMap
  1095. [2020.05.06-01.34.09:974][687]LogGameState: Match State Changed from InProgress to LeavingMap
  1096. [2020.05.06-01.34.09:974][687]LogNet: Browse: steam.90135036087926793:5660//Game/Maps/EntryMap
  1097. [2020.05.06-01.34.09:974][687]LogNet: Display: SteamNetDriver_1 bound to port 5660
  1098. [2020.05.06-01.34.09:975][687]PacketHandlerLog: Loaded PacketHandler component: Engine.EngineHandlerComponentFactory (StatelessConnectHandlerComponent)
  1099. [2020.05.06-01.34.09:975][687]LogNet: Game client on port 5660, rate 15000
  1100. [2020.05.06-01.34.15:872][102]LogSquad: USQGameState: Server Tick Rate: 238.91
  1101. [2020.05.06-01.34.16:781][320]LogNet: UPendingNetGame::SendInitialJoin: Sending hello. [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr: 90135036087926793:5660, Name: SteamNetConnection_1, Driver: PendingNetDriver SteamNetDriver_1, IsServer: NO, PC: NULL, Owner: NULL, UniqueId: INVALID
  1102. [2020.05.06-01.34.16:801][325]LogOnlineIdentity: STEAM: Obtained steam authticket
  1103. [2020.05.06-01.34.16:925][331]LogNet: Welcomed by server (Level: /Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_RAAS_v1, Game: /Game/Gameplay/GameModes/BP_GameMode_RAAS.BP_GameMode_RAAS_C)
  1104. [2020.05.06-01.34.16:925][331]LogSquadTrace: [Client] USQGameInstance::LogWorldMaps(): [USQGameInstance::OnPreLoadMap]: WorldContext GC=0 TC=0 WC=1 URLs=||!/Game/Maps/EntryMap!||@/Game/Maps/EntryMap@||##||$/Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_RAAS_v1$|
  1105. [2020.05.06-01.34.16:925][331]LogSquadTrace: [Client] USQGameInstance::OnPreLoadMap(): Gorodok RAAS v1
  1106. [2020.05.06-01.34.16:925][331]LogSquadTrace: [Client] USQGameInstance::OnPreLoadMap(): LoadingScreenModule: Gorodok RAAS v1
  1107. [2020.05.06-01.34.16:925][331]LogActor: Warning: SquadLoadingScreen: StartInGameLoadingScreen
  1108. [2020.05.06-01.34.16:925][331]LogSquadTrace: [Client] USQGameInstance::OnPreLoadMap(): SquadViewport: Gorodok RAAS v1
  1109. [2020.05.06-01.34.16:938][331]LogLoad: LoadMap: steam.90135036087926793:5660//Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_RAAS_v1?game=/Game/Gameplay/GameModes/BP_GameMode_RAAS.BP_GameMode_RAAS_C
  1110. [2020.05.06-01.34.16:938][331]LogSquadTrace: [Client] ASQPlayerController::UnPossess(): PC=dark
  1111. [2020.05.06-01.34.16:938][331]LogSquadTrace: [Client] ASQPlayerController::ChangeState(): PC=dark OldState=Playing NewState=Inactive
  1112. [2020.05.06-01.34.16:938][331]LogSquadTrace: [Client] ASQPlayerController::BeginInactiveState(): PC=dark
  1113. [2020.05.06-01.34.16:938][331]LogSquadTrace: [Client] ASQPlayerController::SetCurrentRole(): On Server PC=dark NewRole=nullptr
  1114. [2020.05.06-01.34.16:938][331]LogSquadTrace: [Client] ASQPlayerController::SetCurrentRole(): On Server PC=dark CurrentRole=nullptr
  1115. [2020.05.06-01.34.16:938][331]LogSquadTrace: [Client] ASQPlayerController::SetCurrentRole(): On Server !NewRole || same as old role: PC=dark CurrentRole=nullptr
  1116. [2020.05.06-01.34.16:938][331]LogSquadTrace: [Client] ASQPlayerController::UnPossess(): PC=BP_MainMenu_PC_C_0
  1117. [2020.05.06-01.34.17:072][331]LogStreaming: Display: Flushing async loaders.
  1118. [2020.05.06-01.34.40:325][331]LogStreaming: Display: ULevelStreaming::RequestLevel(/Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_LandscapeGeo) is flushing async loading
  1119. [2020.05.06-01.34.59:070][331]LogModelComponent: Model /Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_LandscapeGeo.Gorodok_LandscapeGeo:PersistentLevel.ModelComponent_399 has elements that reference missing vertices. MaxVertex=3, NumVertices=0
  1120. [2020.05.06-01.34.59:070][331]LogModelComponent: Model /Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_LandscapeGeo.Gorodok_LandscapeGeo:PersistentLevel.ModelComponent_400 has elements that reference missing vertices. MaxVertex=7, NumVertices=0
  1121. [2020.05.06-01.34.59:070][331]LogModelComponent: Model /Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_LandscapeGeo.Gorodok_LandscapeGeo:PersistentLevel.ModelComponent_401 has elements that reference missing vertices. MaxVertex=11, NumVertices=0
  1122. [2020.05.06-01.34.59:070][331]LogModelComponent: Model /Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_LandscapeGeo.Gorodok_LandscapeGeo:PersistentLevel.ModelComponent_401 has elements that reference missing vertices. MaxVertex=15, NumVertices=0
  1123. [2020.05.06-01.34.59:070][331]LogModelComponent: Model /Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_LandscapeGeo.Gorodok_LandscapeGeo:PersistentLevel.ModelComponent_401 has elements that reference missing vertices. MaxVertex=19, NumVertices=0
  1124. [2020.05.06-01.34.59:070][331]LogModelComponent: Model /Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_LandscapeGeo.Gorodok_LandscapeGeo:PersistentLevel.ModelComponent_401 has elements that reference missing vertices. MaxVertex=23, NumVertices=0
  1125. [2020.05.06-01.34.59:070][331]LogModelComponent: Model /Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_LandscapeGeo.Gorodok_LandscapeGeo:PersistentLevel.ModelComponent_402 has elements that reference missing vertices. MaxVertex=27, NumVertices=0
  1126. [2020.05.06-01.34.59:070][331]LogModelComponent: Model /Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_LandscapeGeo.Gorodok_LandscapeGeo:PersistentLevel.ModelComponent_402 has elements that reference missing vertices. MaxVertex=31, NumVertices=0
  1127. [2020.05.06-01.34.59:070][331]LogModelComponent: Model /Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_LandscapeGeo.Gorodok_LandscapeGeo:PersistentLevel.ModelComponent_402 has elements that reference missing vertices. MaxVertex=35, NumVertices=0
  1128. [2020.05.06-01.34.59:070][331]LogModelComponent: Model /Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_LandscapeGeo.Gorodok_LandscapeGeo:PersistentLevel.ModelComponent_402 has elements that reference missing vertices. MaxVertex=43, NumVertices=0
  1129. [2020.05.06-01.34.59:070][331]LogModelComponent: Model /Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_LandscapeGeo.Gorodok_LandscapeGeo:PersistentLevel.ModelComponent_402 has elements that reference missing vertices. MaxVertex=47, NumVertices=0
  1130. [2020.05.06-01.34.59:070][331]LogModelComponent: Model /Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_LandscapeGeo.Gorodok_LandscapeGeo:PersistentLevel.ModelComponent_403 has elements that reference missing vertices. MaxVertex=39, NumVertices=0
  1131. [2020.05.06-01.34.59:070][331]LogModelComponent: Model /Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_LandscapeGeo.Gorodok_LandscapeGeo:PersistentLevel.ModelComponent_403 has elements that reference missing vertices. MaxVertex=51, NumVertices=0
  1132. [2020.05.06-01.34.59:070][331]LogModelComponent: Model /Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_LandscapeGeo.Gorodok_LandscapeGeo:PersistentLevel.ModelComponent_403 has elements that reference missing vertices. MaxVertex=55, NumVertices=0
  1133. [2020.05.06-01.34.59:070][331]LogModelComponent: Model /Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_LandscapeGeo.Gorodok_LandscapeGeo:PersistentLevel.ModelComponent_403 has elements that reference missing vertices. MaxVertex=59, NumVertices=0
  1134. [2020.05.06-01.34.59:070][331]LogModelComponent: Model /Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_LandscapeGeo.Gorodok_LandscapeGeo:PersistentLevel.ModelComponent_403 has elements that reference missing vertices. MaxVertex=63, NumVertices=0
  1135. [2020.05.06-01.34.59:070][331]LogModelComponent: Model /Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_LandscapeGeo.Gorodok_LandscapeGeo:PersistentLevel.ModelComponent_403 has elements that reference missing vertices. MaxVertex=67, NumVertices=0
  1136. [2020.05.06-01.34.59:070][331]LogModelComponent: Model /Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_LandscapeGeo.Gorodok_LandscapeGeo:PersistentLevel.ModelComponent_403 has elements that reference missing vertices. MaxVertex=71, NumVertices=0
  1137. [2020.05.06-01.34.59:070][331]LogModelComponent: Model /Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_LandscapeGeo.Gorodok_LandscapeGeo:PersistentLevel.ModelComponent_403 has elements that reference missing vertices. MaxVertex=75, NumVertices=0
  1138. [2020.05.06-01.34.59:070][331]LogModelComponent: Model /Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_LandscapeGeo.Gorodok_LandscapeGeo:PersistentLevel.ModelComponent_403 has elements that reference missing vertices. MaxVertex=79, NumVertices=0
  1139. [2020.05.06-01.34.59:071][331]LogModelComponent: Model /Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_LandscapeGeo.Gorodok_LandscapeGeo:PersistentLevel.ModelComponent_403 has elements that reference missing vertices. MaxVertex=83, NumVertices=0
  1140. [2020.05.06-01.34.59:071][331]LogModelComponent: Model /Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_LandscapeGeo.Gorodok_LandscapeGeo:PersistentLevel.ModelComponent_403 has elements that reference missing vertices. MaxVertex=87, NumVertices=0
  1141. [2020.05.06-01.34.59:071][331]LogModelComponent: Model /Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_LandscapeGeo.Gorodok_LandscapeGeo:PersistentLevel.ModelComponent_403 has elements that reference missing vertices. MaxVertex=91, NumVertices=0
  1142. [2020.05.06-01.34.59:071][331]LogModelComponent: Model /Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_LandscapeGeo.Gorodok_LandscapeGeo:PersistentLevel.ModelComponent_403 has elements that reference missing vertices. MaxVertex=95, NumVertices=0
  1143. [2020.05.06-01.35.00:466][331]LogMaterial: Warning: Material /Engine/EngineMaterials/BaseFlattenMaterial.BaseFlattenMaterial missing bUsedWithInstancedStaticMeshes=True! Default Material will be used in game.
  1144. [2020.05.06-01.35.00:466][331]LogMaterial: Warning: The material will recompile every editor launch until resaved.
  1145. [2020.05.06-01.35.00:716][331]LogStreaming: Display: ULevelStreaming::RequestLevel(/Game/Maps/Gorodok/Lighting_Layers/LL_Gorodok_Midday) is flushing async loading
  1146. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:905][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1147. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:905][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1148. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:905][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1149. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:905][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1150. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:905][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1151. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:905][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1152. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:905][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1153. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:905][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1154. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1155. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1156. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1157. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1158. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1159. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1160. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1161. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1162. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1163. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1164. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1165. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1166. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1167. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1168. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1169. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1170. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1171. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1172. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1173. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1174. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1175. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1176. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1177. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1178. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1179. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1180. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1181. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1182. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1183. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1184. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1185. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1186. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_2 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1187. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_27 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1188. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_27 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1189. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_27 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1190. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_27 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1191. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_27 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1192. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_27 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1193. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_27 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1194. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_27 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1195. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:906][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_27 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1196. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_27 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1197. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_27 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1198. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_27 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1199. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_27 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1200. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_27 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1201. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_27 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1202. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_29 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1203. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_29 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1204. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_29 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1205. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_29 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1206. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_29 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1207. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_29 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1208. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_29 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1209. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_29 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1210. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_29 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1211. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_29 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1212. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_29 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1213. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_29 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1214. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_29 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1215. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_29 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1216. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_29 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1217. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_29 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1218. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_29 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1219. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_29 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1220. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_29 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1221. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_29 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1222. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_29 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1223. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_29 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1224. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_29 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1225. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1226. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1227. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1228. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1229. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1230. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1231. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1232. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1233. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1234. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1235. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1236. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1237. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1238. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1239. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1240. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1241. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1242. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1243. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1244. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1245. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:907][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1246. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1247. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1248. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1249. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1250. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1251. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1252. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1253. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1254. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1255. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1256. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1257. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1258. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1259. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1260. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1261. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1262. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1263. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1264. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1265. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1266. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1267. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1268. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1269. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1270. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1271. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1272. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1273. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1274. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1275. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1276. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1277. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1278. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1279. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1280. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1281. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1282. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1283. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1284. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1285. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1286. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1287. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1288. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1289. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1290. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1291. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1292. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1293. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1294. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1295. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:908][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1296. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1297. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1298. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1299. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1300. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1301. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1302. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1303. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1304. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1305. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1306. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_32 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1307. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_33 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1308. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_33 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1309. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_33 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1310. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_33 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1311. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_33 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1312. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_33 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1313. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_33 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1314. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_33 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1315. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_33 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1316. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_33 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1317. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_33 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1318. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_33 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1319. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_33 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1320. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_33 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1321. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_33 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1322. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_33 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1323. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1324. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1325. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1326. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1327. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1328. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1329. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1330. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1331. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1332. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1333. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1334. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1335. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1336. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1337. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1338. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1339. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1340. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1341. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1342. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1343. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1344. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:909][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1345. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1346. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1347. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1348. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1349. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1350. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1351. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1352. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1353. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1354. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1355. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1356. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1357. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1358. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1359. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1360. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1361. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1362. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1363. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1364. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1365. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1366. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1367. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1368. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1369. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1370. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1371. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1372. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1373. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1374. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1375. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1376. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1377. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1378. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1379. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1380. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1381. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1382. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1383. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1384. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1385. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1386. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1387. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1388. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1389. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1390. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1391. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:910][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1392. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1393. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1394. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1395. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1396. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1397. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1398. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1399. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1400. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1401. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1402. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1403. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1404. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1405. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1406. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1407. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1408. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1409. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1410. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1411. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1412. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1413. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1414. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1415. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1416. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1417. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1418. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1419. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1420. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1421. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1422. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1423. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1424. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1425. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1426. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1427. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1428. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1429. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1430. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1431. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1432. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1433. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1434. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1435. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1436. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:911][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1437. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_6 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1438. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1439. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1440. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1441. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1442. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1443. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1444. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1445. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1446. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1447. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1448. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1449. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1450. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1451. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1452. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1453. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1454. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1455. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1456. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1457. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1458. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1459. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1460. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1461. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1462. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1463. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1464. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1465. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1466. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1467. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1468. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1469. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1470. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1471. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1472. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1473. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1474. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1475. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1476. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1477. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1478. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1479. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1480. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1481. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1482. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1483. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1484. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:912][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1485. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:913][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1486. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:913][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1487. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:913][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1488. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:913][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1489. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:913][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1490. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:913][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1491. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:913][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1492. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:913][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1493. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:913][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1494. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:913][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1495. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:913][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1496. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:913][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1497. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:913][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1498. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:913][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1499. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:913][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1500. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:913][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1501. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:913][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1502. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:913][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1503. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:913][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1504. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:913][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_8 at location X=0.000 Y=0.000 Z=0.000 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1505. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:913][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component StaticMeshComponent0 at location X=2380349.000 Y=2050108.250 Z=3462326.500 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1506. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:913][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component StaticMeshComponent0 at location X=28354.848 Y=738866.375 Z=-27580.068 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1507. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:913][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component StaticMeshComponent0 at location X=-736450.063 Y=183948.906 Z=-24229.648 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1508. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:913][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component StaticMeshComponent0 at location X=-730124.938 Y=332610.094 Z=-11183.085 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1509. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:913][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component StaticMeshComponent0 at location X=901688.375 Y=-286829.031 Z=-34445.664 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1510. [2020.05.06-01.35.01:913][331]LogPhysics: Warning: Component StaticMeshComponent0 at location X=1039758.250 Y=63224.367 Z=-34398.656 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1511. [2020.05.06-01.35.02:044][331]LogWorld: Bringing World /Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_RAAS_v1.Gorodok_RAAS_v1 up for play (max tick rate 240) at 2020.05.05-21.35.02
  1512. [2020.05.06-01.35.02:092][331]LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.077494
  1513. [2020.05.06-01.35.02:294][331]LogSlate: FSceneViewport::OnFocusLost() reason 2
  1514. [2020.05.06-01.35.02:297][331]LogLoad: Took 45.359558 seconds to LoadMap(/Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_RAAS_v1)
  1515. [2020.05.06-01.35.02:297][331]LogNet: UNetDriver::TickDispatch: Very long time between ticks. DeltaTime: 0.00, Realtime: 45.37. SteamNetDriver_1
  1516. [2020.05.06-01.35.02:350][332]LogStaticMesh: Allocated 512x512x1021 distance field atlas = 510.5Mb, with 1044 objects containing 320.8Mb backing data
  1517. [2020.05.06-01.35.02:377][332]LogNet: UNetDriver::TickDispatch: Very long time between ticks. DeltaTime: 45.45, Realtime: 0.08. SteamNetDriver_1
  1518. [2020.05.06-01.35.02:379][332]LogSquad: Advance and Secure
  1519. [2020.05.06-01.35.02:379][332]LogSquad: dark has connected.
  1520. [2020.05.06-01.35.02:380][332]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BB176E7630]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1521. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:783][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker (govprop [0x2BA05BC69D0]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1522. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:783][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA05BC69D0]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1523. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:783][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA05BC69D0]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1524. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:784][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker (Spearhead [0x2BA05BC69D0]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1525. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:784][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA05BC69D0]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1526. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:784][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA05BC6F70]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1527. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:784][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA05BC6F70]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1528. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:785][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA05BC6F70]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1529. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:785][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA05BC6F70]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1530. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:785][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker (Maverick [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1531. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:785][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker (Zangell [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1532. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:786][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker (halotyler3221 [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1533. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:786][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1534. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:786][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1535. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:786][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1536. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:786][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1537. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:786][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1538. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:786][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker (T3hmann [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1539. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:786][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1540. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:787][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1541. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:787][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1542. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:787][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1543. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:787][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1544. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:787][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1545. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:787][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1546. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:787][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1547. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:787][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker (A Mr Unicorn [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1548. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:788][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker (chillin [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1549. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:788][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1550. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:788][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1551. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:788][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1552. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:788][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1553. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:788][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1554. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:788][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker (piss on me , beat me [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1555. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:789][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1556. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:789][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1557. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:789][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1558. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:789][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1559. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:789][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1560. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:789][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1561. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:789][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1562. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:789][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1563. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:790][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1564. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:790][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1565. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:790][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker (UrsoDoSon0 [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1566. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:790][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1567. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:790][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1568. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:790][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1569. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:790][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1570. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:791][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1571. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:791][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1572. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:791][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1573. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:791][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1574. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:791][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([FWG] TichyMooMoo [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1575. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:791][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker (SpLiNTeR [0x2BA09B61030]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1576. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:791][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker (YvungSchmeat [0x2BA09B61210]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1577. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:792][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker (Waqaaluq [0x2BA09B64510]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1578. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:792][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA8360B170]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1579. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:793][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker (ruby the cherry [0x2BA8360B170]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1580. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:793][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA8360B170]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1581. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:796][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA01894C30]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1582. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:796][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA01894C30]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1583. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:796][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA01894C30]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1584. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:796][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA07521990]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1585. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:797][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA0189E710]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1586. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:797][333]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA0752F910]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1587. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:805][333]LogSQMove: Warning: GetCurrentLocation Could not retrieve MeshOwner, bailing out
  1588. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:805][333]LogSQMove: Warning: GetCurrentRotation Could not retrieve MeshOwner, bailing out
  1589. [2020.05.06-01.35.03:919][338]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_AK74M_1P78_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1590. [2020.05.06-01.35.04:180][369]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_AKS74U_2mags_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1591. [2020.05.06-01.35.04:195][372]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_PKP_1P78_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1592. [2020.05.06-01.35.04:223][377]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BB1C2709D0]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1593. [2020.05.06-01.35.04:355][396]LogSQMove: Warning: GetCurrentLocation Could not retrieve MeshOwner, bailing out
  1594. [2020.05.06-01.35.04:355][396]LogSQMove: Warning: GetCurrentRotation Could not retrieve MeshOwner, bailing out
  1595. [2020.05.06-01.35.04:356][396]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_AK74M_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1596. [2020.05.06-01.35.04:660][442]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_AK74M_1P78_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1597. [2020.05.06-01.35.04:759][455]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_AK74M_1P78_Tracer_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1598. [2020.05.06-01.35.04:811][463]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_RPK74M_1P78_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1599. [2020.05.06-01.35.04:856][471]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_AK74M_1P78_C_2 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1600. [2020.05.06-01.35.04:885][476]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_RPK74M_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1601. [2020.05.06-01.35.04:942][484]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_PKP_1P78_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1602. [2020.05.06-01.35.04:964][487]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_AKS74U_2mags_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1603. [2020.05.06-01.35.04:964][487]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_AKS74U_2mags_C_2 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1604. [2020.05.06-01.35.06:597][505]LogSQMove: Warning: GetCurrentLocation Could not retrieve MeshOwner, bailing out
  1605. [2020.05.06-01.35.06:597][505]LogSQMove: Warning: GetCurrentRotation Could not retrieve MeshOwner, bailing out
  1606. [2020.05.06-01.35.06:602][505]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BADAB4FE80]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1607. [2020.05.06-01.35.06:605][505]LogSQMove: Warning: GetCurrentLocation Could not retrieve MeshOwner, bailing out
  1608. [2020.05.06-01.35.06:605][505]LogSQMove: Warning: GetCurrentRotation Could not retrieve MeshOwner, bailing out
  1609. [2020.05.06-01.35.06:614][505]LogSQMove: Warning: GetCurrentLocation Could not retrieve MeshOwner, bailing out
  1610. [2020.05.06-01.35.06:614][505]LogSQMove: Warning: GetCurrentRotation Could not retrieve MeshOwner, bailing out
  1611. [2020.05.06-01.35.06:957][506]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_AK74M_1P78_C_3 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1612. [2020.05.06-01.35.06:957][506]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_AK74MGP25_Rifle_1P78_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1613. [2020.05.06-01.35.06:957][506]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_AKS74U_2mags_C_3 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1614. [2020.05.06-01.35.06:984][508]LogSQMove: Warning: GetCurrentLocation Could not retrieve MeshOwner, bailing out
  1615. [2020.05.06-01.35.06:984][508]LogSQMove: Warning: GetCurrentRotation Could not retrieve MeshOwner, bailing out
  1616. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:487][510]LogSQMove: Warning: GetCurrentLocation Could not retrieve MeshOwner, bailing out
  1617. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:487][510]LogSQMove: Warning: GetCurrentRotation Could not retrieve MeshOwner, bailing out
  1618. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:706][549]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_MPL50_Shovel_Engineer_Rus_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1619. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:828][570]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_AKS74U_2mags_C_4 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1620. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ViewDistanceQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  1621. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkeletalMeshLODBias:-1]]
  1622. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ViewDistanceScale:1.0]]
  1623. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MipMapLODBias:-1]]
  1624. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [AntiAliasingQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  1625. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.PostProcessAAQuality:4]]
  1626. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ShadowQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  1627. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightFunctionQuality:1]]
  1628. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ShadowQuality:5]]
  1629. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.CSM.MaxCascades:2]]
  1630. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.MaxResolution:2048]]
  1631. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.MaxCSMResolution:2048]]
  1632. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold:0.03]]
  1633. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.DistanceScale:1.0]]
  1634. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.CSM.TransitionScale:0.3]]
  1635. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.PreShadowResolutionFactor:1.0]]
  1636. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DistanceFieldShadowing:1]]
  1637. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConsoleManager: Warning: Setting the console variable 'r.DistanceFieldShadowing' with 'SetByScalability' was ignored as it is lower priority than the previous 'SetByConsole'. Value remains '0'
  1638. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DistanceFieldAO:1]]
  1639. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AOQuality:2]]
  1640. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog:1]]
  1641. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.GridPixelSize:8]]
  1642. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.GridSizeZ:128]]
  1643. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.HistoryMissSupersampleCount:4]]
  1644. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightMaxDrawDistanceScale:1]]
  1645. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.CapsuleShadows:1]]
  1646. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [PostProcessQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  1647. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MotionBlurQuality:4]]
  1648. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionMipLevelFactor:0.4]]
  1649. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionMaxQuality:100]]
  1650. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionLevels:-1]]
  1651. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionRadiusScale:1.0]]
  1652. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DepthOfFieldQuality:2]]
  1653. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.RenderTargetPoolMin:400]]
  1654. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LensFlareQuality:2]]
  1655. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:934][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SceneColorFringeQuality:1]]
  1656. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.EyeAdaptationQuality:2]]
  1657. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.BloomQuality:5]]
  1658. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.FastBlurThreshold:3]]
  1659. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Upscale.Quality:3]]
  1660. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Tonemapper.GrainQuantization:1]]
  1661. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightShaftQuality:1]]
  1662. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Filter.SizeScale:1]]
  1663. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Tonemapper.Quality:3]]
  1664. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.AccumulatorQuality:1 ; higher gathering accumulator quality]]
  1665. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.PostfilterMethod:1 ; Median3x3 postfilering method]]
  1666. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.EnableBokehSettings:0 ; no bokeh simulation when gathering]]
  1667. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.RingCount:4 ; medium number of samples when gathering]]
  1668. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.ForegroundCompositing:1 ; additive foreground scattering]]
  1669. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.BackgroundCompositing:2 ; additive background scattering]]
  1670. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.EnableBokehSettings:1 ; bokeh simulation when scattering]]
  1671. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.MaxSpriteRatio:0.1 ; only a maximum of 10% of scattered bokeh]]
  1672. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Recombine.Quality:1 ; cheap slight out of focus]]
  1673. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Recombine.EnableBokehSettings:0 ; no bokeh simulation on slight out of focus]]
  1674. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.TemporalAAQuality:1 ; more stable temporal accumulation]]
  1675. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Kernel.MaxForegroundRadius:0.025]]
  1676. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Kernel.MaxBackgroundRadius:0.025]]
  1677. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [TextureQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  1678. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MipBias:0]]
  1679. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.AmortizeCPUToGPUCopy:0]]
  1680. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MaxNumTexturesToStreamPerFrame:0]]
  1681. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.Boost:1]]
  1682. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MaxAnisotropy:8]]
  1683. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM:0]]
  1684. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConsoleManager: Warning: Setting the console variable 'r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM' with 'SetByScalability' was ignored as it is lower priority than the previous 'SetByProjectSetting'. Value remains '0'
  1685. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.PoolSize:1000]]
  1686. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConsoleManager: Warning: Setting the console variable 'r.Streaming.PoolSize' with 'SetByScalability' was ignored as it is lower priority than the previous 'SetByCode'. Value remains '8345'
  1687. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MaxEffectiveScreenSize:0]]
  1688. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [EffectsQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  1689. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TranslucencyLightingVolumeDim:48]]
  1690. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.RefractionQuality:1]]
  1691. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSR.Quality:0]]
  1692. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SceneColorFormat:4]]
  1693. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DetailMode:2]]
  1694. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TranslucencyVolumeBlur:1]]
  1695. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MaterialQualityLevel:1 ; High quality]]
  1696. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.Scale:1]]
  1697. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.SampleSet:2]]
  1698. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.Quality:1]]
  1699. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.HalfRes:1]]
  1700. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.EmitterSpawnRateScale:0.8]]
  1701. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ParticleLightQuality:2]]
  1702. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ParticleMinTimeBetweenTicks:16]]
  1703. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [FoliageQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  1704. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[foliage.DensityScale:1.0]]
  1705. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[grass.DensityScale:1.0]]
  1706. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:935][585]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[grass.MaxUpdateFrequency:30]]
  1707. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:944][585]LogSquad: Warning: StoreWorldBounds() returned a value with invalid min and max Y values. A swap was performed.
  1708. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:955][585]LogSquad: Warning: StoreWorldBounds() returned a value with invalid min and max Y values. A swap was performed.
  1709. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:971][585]LogSquadTrace: [Client] ASQTeamPrep::BeginPlay(): 3.725286 1
  1710. [2020.05.06-01.35.07:971][585]LogSquadTrace: [Client] ASQTeamPrep::BeginPlay(): 3.725286 1
  1711. [2020.05.06-01.35.08:057][586]LogRenderer: Reallocating scene render targets to support 2048x2048 Format 10 NumSamples 1 (Frame:256).
  1712. [2020.05.06-01.35.08:288][586]LogSquad: Warning: Projectile BP_Projectile_Green_762mm_C_0 hit weapon BP_CROWS_M2_Stryker_C_0
  1713. [2020.05.06-01.35.08:306][587]LogSQMove: Warning: GetCurrentLocation Could not retrieve MeshOwner, bailing out
  1714. [2020.05.06-01.35.08:306][587]LogSQMove: Warning: GetCurrentRotation Could not retrieve MeshOwner, bailing out
  1715. [2020.05.06-01.35.08:310][587]LogLevel: WORLD TRANSLATION BEGIN {0, 0, 0} -> {-175576, 129730, -4037}
  1716. [2020.05.06-01.35.08:354][587]LogLevel: WORLD TRANSLATION END {-175576, 129730, -4037} took 44.2037 ms
  1717. [2020.05.06-01.35.08:374][587]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon SmokeGenerator_Tracked_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1718. [2020.05.06-01.35.08:376][588]LogRenderer: Reallocating scene render targets to support 1920x1080 Format 10 NumSamples 1 (Frame:259).
  1719. [2020.05.06-01.35.09:067][631]LogSQMove: Warning: GetCurrentLocation Could not retrieve MeshOwner, bailing out
  1720. [2020.05.06-01.35.09:067][631]LogSQMove: Warning: GetCurrentRotation Could not retrieve MeshOwner, bailing out
  1721. [2020.05.06-01.35.09:534][678]Warning: Processing the console input parameters the leading '=' is ignored (only needed for ini files).
  1722. [2020.05.06-01.35.09:534][678]r.DistanceFieldShadowing = "0"
  1723. [2020.05.06-01.35.09:786][678]LogSquad: Warning: StoreWorldBounds() returned a value with invalid min and max Y values. A swap was performed.
  1724. [2020.05.06-01.35.09:795][678]LogSquad: Warning: StoreWorldBounds() returned a value with invalid min and max Y values. A swap was performed.
  1725. [2020.05.06-01.35.09:806][678]LogSquad: Capture and Defend the Control Points in order.
  1726. [2020.05.06-01.35.10:068][678]LogSlate: Took 0.258628 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font '../../../Engine/Content/EngineFonts/Faces/RobotoTiny.ufont' (159K)
  1727. [2020.05.06-01.35.10:367][678]LogSlate: Took 0.297120 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font '../../../Engine/Content/EngineFonts/Faces/RobotoLight.ufont' (159K)
  1728. [2020.05.06-01.35.10:469][678]LogSlate: Took 0.101079 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font '../../../SquadGame/Content/UI/Widgets/Menu_Deployment/Screen_Squads/Uni_Sans_Heavy.ufont' (112K)
  1729. [2020.05.06-01.35.10:521][679]LogSquadTrace: [Client] USQScoreboardTeam::CreateNewSquad_Implementation(): SCOREBOARD: Squad was added for tracking
  1730. [2020.05.06-01.35.10:522][679]LogSquadTrace: [Client] USQScoreboardTeam::CreateNewSquad_Implementation(): SCOREBOARD: Squad was added for tracking
  1731. [2020.05.06-01.35.10:522][679]LogSquadTrace: [Client] USQScoreboardTeam::CreateNewSquad_Implementation(): SCOREBOARD: Squad was added for tracking
  1732. [2020.05.06-01.35.10:532][679]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4_M150_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1733. [2020.05.06-01.35.10:533][679]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_AKS74U_2mags_C_5 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1734. [2020.05.06-01.35.10:576][679]LogSlate: Took 0.040355 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font '../../../Engine/Content/EngineFonts/Faces/RobotoItalic.ufont' (157K)
  1735. [2020.05.06-01.35.10:704][680]LogSquadTrace: [Client] USQScoreboardTeam::CreateNewSquad_Implementation(): SCOREBOARD: Squad was added for tracking
  1736. [2020.05.06-01.35.10:704][680]LogSquadTrace: [Client] USQScoreboardTeam::CreateNewSquad_Implementation(): SCOREBOARD: Squad was added for tracking
  1737. [2020.05.06-01.35.11:725][780]LogSquad: Hispanic Jesus has connected.
  1738. [2020.05.06-01.35.11:818][791]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker (chillin [0x2BA22A34FF0]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1739. [2020.05.06-01.35.11:819][791]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA22A34FF0]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1740. [2020.05.06-01.35.11:819][791]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker (A Mr Unicorn [0x2BA22A34FF0]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1741. [2020.05.06-01.35.11:819][791]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA1F950490]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1742. [2020.05.06-01.35.11:819][791]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker (YvungSchmeat [0x2BA22A34FF0]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1743. [2020.05.06-01.35.11:820][791]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA22A34FF0]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1744. [2020.05.06-01.35.11:820][791]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA22A34FF0]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1745. [2020.05.06-01.35.11:820][791]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker (piss on me , beat me [0x2BA22A34FF0]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1746. [2020.05.06-01.35.11:820][791]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA22A34FF0]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1747. [2020.05.06-01.35.11:820][791]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA22A34FF0]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1748. [2020.05.06-01.35.11:821][791]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA22A34FF0]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1749. [2020.05.06-01.35.11:821][791]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA22A34FF0]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1750. [2020.05.06-01.35.11:821][791]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker (UrsoDoSon0 [0x2BA22A34FF0]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1751. [2020.05.06-01.35.11:821][791]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA22A34FF0]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1752. [2020.05.06-01.35.11:844][794]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA22A30AF0]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1753. [2020.05.06-01.35.11:844][794]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([FWG] TichyMooMoo [0x2BA22A30AF0]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1754. [2020.05.06-01.35.11:844][794]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA22A30AF0]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1755. [2020.05.06-01.35.11:844][794]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA22A30AF0]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1756. [2020.05.06-01.35.11:844][794]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA22A30AF0]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1757. [2020.05.06-01.35.11:845][794]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA22A30AF0]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1758. [2020.05.06-01.35.11:866][797]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BB1C27E4D0]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1759. [2020.05.06-01.35.11:866][797]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BB1C27E4D0]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1760. [2020.05.06-01.35.11:916][803]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BA1F9559E0]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1761. [2020.05.06-01.35.11:976][811]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2B9326318D0]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1762. [2020.05.06-01.35.12:016][816]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker (ruby the cherry [0x2BC1B183190]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1763. [2020.05.06-01.35.12:580][884]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M3MAAWS_Tandem_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1764. [2020.05.06-01.35.12:630][887]LogOnline: Starting session GameSession on client
  1765. [2020.05.06-01.35.12:632][887]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M249_Pip_M68_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1766. [2020.05.06-01.35.12:929][920]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_BMP2_Konkurs_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1767. [2020.05.06-01.35.13:156][944]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4_4Mags_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1768. [2020.05.06-01.35.13:172][946]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4A1_M150_Foregrip_Tracer_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1769. [2020.05.06-01.35.13:436][973]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4_M150_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1770. [2020.05.06-01.35.13:436][973]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4_2Mags_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1771. [2020.05.06-01.35.13:595][991]LogSquadTrace: [Client] USQScoreboardTeam::CreateNewSquad_Implementation(): SCOREBOARD: Squad was added for tracking
  1772. [2020.05.06-01.35.14:038][ 40]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4_M68_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1773. [2020.05.06-01.35.14:130][ 49]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_MPL50_Shovel_Rus_C_5 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1774. [2020.05.06-01.35.14:266][ 62]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4_M68_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1775. [2020.05.06-01.35.14:286][ 64]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4_2Mags_C_3 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1776. [2020.05.06-01.35.14:339][ 69]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M110_Optic_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1777. [2020.05.06-01.35.14:661][102]LogSquadVoice: Warning: Unknown remote talker ([unknown] [0x2BC2B95AC30]) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()
  1778. [2020.05.06-01.35.14:788][114]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4_2Mags_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1779. [2020.05.06-01.35.14:968][132]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4A1_M150_Foregrip_Tracer_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1780. [2020.05.06-01.35.15:008][136]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4_M68_4Mags_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1781. [2020.05.06-01.35.15:178][144]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M240_M145_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1782. [2020.05.06-01.35.15:319][147]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4_M68_C_2 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1783. [2020.05.06-01.35.15:391][149]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4_2Mags_C_4 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1784. [2020.05.06-01.35.15:852][189]LogSquadTrace: [Client] USQScoreboardTeam::CreateNewSquad_Implementation(): SCOREBOARD: Squad was added for tracking
  1785. [2020.05.06-01.35.15:994][202]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_BFV_vehicleTOW_Woodland_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1786. [2020.05.06-01.35.16:116][213]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4_M150_C_2 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1787. [2020.05.06-01.35.16:116][213]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_EntrenchingTool_C_10 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1788. [2020.05.06-01.35.16:116][213]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M249_Pip_M68_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1789. [2020.05.06-01.35.16:147][216]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4_2Mags_C_2 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1790. [2020.05.06-01.35.17:241][291]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4_M68_C_3 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1791. [2020.05.06-01.35.17:907][310]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon SmokeGenerator_Wheeled_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1792. [2020.05.06-01.35.17:907][310]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon SmokeGenerator_Wheeled_C_2 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1793. [2020.05.06-01.35.18:185][320]LogBlueprintUserMessages:
  1794. Script call stack:
  1795. Function /Game/UI/UI_Components/UI_Events_Component.UI_Events_Component_C:Team Selection Changed
  1796. Function /Game/UI/UI_Components/UI_Events_Component.UI_Events_Component_C:ExecuteUbergraph_UI_Events_Component
  1797. Function /Game/UI/UI_Components/UI_Events_Component.UI_Events_Component_C:Add Sound to Async Queue
  1798. Function /Game/UI/UI_Components/UI_Events_Component.UI_Events_Component_C:ExecuteUbergraph_UI_Events_Component
  1800. [2020.05.06-01.35.18:292][326]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_EmplacedM2_Weapon_ACOG_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1801. [2020.05.06-01.35.18:640][351]LogSquad: M.Kampfur has connected.
  1802. [2020.05.06-01.35.20:145][450]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M240H_DoorGun_C_2 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1803. [2020.05.06-01.35.20:436][468]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon SmokeGenerator_Wheeled_C_3 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1804. [2020.05.06-01.35.23:405][618]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M9_C_6 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1805. [2020.05.06-01.35.23:499][624]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_Generic_MedicalKit_C_3 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1806. [2020.05.06-01.35.23:955][651]LogSlate: FSceneViewport::OnFocusLost() reason 0
  1807. [2020.05.06-01.35.24:288][674]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M18Smoke_Parent_C_3 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1808. [2020.05.06-01.35.24:382][680]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M9_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1809. [2020.05.06-01.35.24:507][689]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M110_Optic_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1810. [2020.05.06-01.35.25:076][703]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4_2Mags_C_5 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1811. [2020.05.06-01.35.25:331][717]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M3MAAWS_Tandem_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1812. [2020.05.06-01.35.25:436][720]LogSlate: FSceneViewport::OnFocusLost() reason 3
  1813. [2020.05.06-01.35.27:581][796]LogSlate: FSceneViewport::OnFocusLost() reason 0
  1814. [2020.05.06-01.35.27:584][796]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M3MAAWS_HEAT_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1815. [2020.05.06-01.35.28:632][797]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4_M150_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1816. [2020.05.06-01.35.28:636][797]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M3MAAWS_Tandem_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1817. [2020.05.06-01.35.28:980][799]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4_M68_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1818. [2020.05.06-01.35.28:981][799]LogSquad: Candianbaconx has connected.
  1819. [2020.05.06-01.35.30:500][914]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M3MAAWS_HEAT_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1820. [2020.05.06-01.35.30:568][918]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_Generic_MedicalKit_C_3 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1821. [2020.05.06-01.35.31:257][973]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_Generic_FieldDressing_C_11 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1822. [2020.05.06-01.35.31:948][ 24]LogSquad: Gringo has connected.
  1823. [2020.05.06-01.35.32:108][ 36]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_RepairTool_C_2 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1824. [2020.05.06-01.35.32:650][ 56]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_Generic_FieldDressing_C_10 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1825. [2020.05.06-01.35.33:457][109]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_RepairTool_C_6 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1826. [2020.05.06-01.35.34:496][187]LogSquad: 348 has connected.
  1827. [2020.05.06-01.35.36:592][336]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M249_Pip_M145_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1828. [2020.05.06-01.35.36:608][338]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_MP443_C_2 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1829. [2020.05.06-01.35.38:212][456]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4_M68_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1830. [2020.05.06-01.35.38:223][457]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_Generic_FieldDressing_C_18 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1831. [2020.05.06-01.35.38:684][494]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_EntrenchingTool_C_14 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1832. [2020.05.06-01.35.39:356][543]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4_M150_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1833. [2020.05.06-01.35.41:243][689]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4A1_M150_Foregrip_Tracer_C_2 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1834. [2020.05.06-01.35.41:556][711]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_RPK74M_1P78_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1835. [2020.05.06-01.35.43:220][827]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4A1_M68_Foregrip_Tracer_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1836. [2020.05.06-01.35.48:296][179]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_RPK74M_1P78_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1837. [2020.05.06-01.35.48:453][190]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_AK74M_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1838. [2020.05.06-01.35.51:013][362]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_AK74M_1P78_C_4 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1839. [2020.05.06-01.35.51:128][369]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_AK74M_C_2 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1840. [2020.05.06-01.35.51:245][378]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_AK74M_1P78_C_5 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1841. [2020.05.06-01.35.51:345][385]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_AK74M_1P78_Tracer_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1842. [2020.05.06-01.35.51:399][388]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_AK74M_4Mags_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1843. [2020.05.06-01.35.51:700][397]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_AK74M_1P78_C_6 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1844. [2020.05.06-01.35.51:701][397]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_AK74M_1P78_C_7 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1845. [2020.05.06-01.35.55:934][635]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4_M68_4Mags_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1846. [2020.05.06-01.35.56:327][659]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4_2Mags_C_6 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1847. [2020.05.06-01.35.58:056][766]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4_2Mags_C_7 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1848. [2020.05.06-01.35.58:400][788]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_AK74M_1P78_C_8 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1849. [2020.05.06-01.35.59:183][835]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_EntrenchingTool_C_14 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1850. [2020.05.06-01.36.00:909][940]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_EntrenchingTool_C_11 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1851. [2020.05.06-01.36.02:555][ 25]LogSquad: Kraft Punk has connected.
  1852. [2020.05.06-01.36.06:254][190]LogSquad: Tpierr has connected.
  1853. [2020.05.06-01.36.06:429][199]LogAnimMontage: Warning: SetNextSectionName None to None failed for Montage A_Gun_Mpl50shovel_Dig_Montage
  1854. [2020.05.06-01.36.06:429][199]LogAnimMontage: Warning: SetNextSectionName None to None failed for Montage A_Gun_Mpl50shovel_Dig_Montage
  1855. [2020.05.06-01.36.08:020][245]LogAnimMontage: Warning: SetNextSectionName None to None failed for Montage A_Gun_Entrenchingtool_Dig_Montage
  1856. [2020.05.06-01.36.08:020][245]LogAnimMontage: Warning: SetNextSectionName None to None failed for Montage A_Gun_Entrenchingtool_Dig_Montage
  1857. [2020.05.06-01.36.08:352][252]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_PKP_1P78_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1858. [2020.05.06-01.36.10:947][301]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_AK74M_C_3 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1859. [2020.05.06-01.36.12:441][326]LogNet: Warning: UNetDriver::ProcessRemoteFunction: No owning connection for actor SmokeGenerator_Tracked_C_0. Function ServerStopGenerator will not be processed.
  1860. [2020.05.06-01.36.19:806][464]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_US_Binoculars_C_7 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1861. [2020.05.06-01.36.21:304][483]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_EntrenchingTool_C_12 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1862. [2020.05.06-01.36.23:757][527]LogAnimMontage: Warning: SetNextSectionName None to None failed for Montage A_Gun_Entrenchingtool_Dig_Montage
  1863. [2020.05.06-01.36.23:757][527]LogAnimMontage: Warning: SetNextSectionName None to None failed for Montage A_Gun_Entrenchingtool_Dig_Montage
  1864. [2020.05.06-01.36.27:528][616]LogAnimMontage: Warning: SetNextSectionName None to None failed for Montage A_Gun_Entrenchingtool_Dig_Montage
  1865. [2020.05.06-01.36.27:528][616]LogAnimMontage: Warning: SetNextSectionName None to None failed for Montage A_Gun_Entrenchingtool_Dig_Montage
  1866. [2020.05.06-01.36.28:185][635]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_Generic_FieldDressing_Medic_C_5 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1867. [2020.05.06-01.36.29:129][656]LogSquad: SilverStag has disconnected.
  1868. [2020.05.06-01.36.31:917][711]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_EmplacedM2_Weapon_ACOG_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1869. [2020.05.06-01.36.32:297][719]LogAnimMontage: Warning: SetNextSectionName None to None failed for Montage A_Gun_Entrenchingtool_Dig_Montage
  1870. [2020.05.06-01.36.32:297][719]LogAnimMontage: Warning: SetNextSectionName None to None failed for Montage A_Gun_Entrenchingtool_Dig_Montage
  1871. [2020.05.06-01.36.32:676][726]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4_2Mags_C_8 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1872. [2020.05.06-01.36.32:813][731]LogSquad: Gassine has connected.
  1873. [2020.05.06-01.36.33:762][753]LogAnimMontage: Warning: SetNextSectionName None to None failed for Montage A_Gun_Entrenchingtool_Dig_Montage
  1874. [2020.05.06-01.36.33:763][753]LogAnimMontage: Warning: SetNextSectionName None to None failed for Montage A_Gun_Entrenchingtool_Dig_Montage
  1875. [2020.05.06-01.36.34:656][775]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M249_Pip_M68_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1876. [2020.05.06-01.36.35:432][799]LogSquad: Error: Couldn't equip weapon because PawnOwner was nullptr
  1877. [2020.05.06-01.36.42:046][995]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_AKS74U_2mags_C_3 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1878. [2020.05.06-01.36.42:236][ 0]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_AK74Bayonet_C_5 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1879. [2020.05.06-01.36.43:434][ 38]LogSquad: SGT._Kraft Punk has disconnected.
  1880. [2020.05.06-01.36.44:946][ 78]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_Generic_MedicalKit_Russia_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1881. [2020.05.06-01.36.45:350][ 92]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_AKS74U_2mags_C_5 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1882. [2020.05.06-01.36.46:617][134]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_US_Binoculars_C_3 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1883. [2020.05.06-01.36.50:251][236]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4_M150_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1884. [2020.05.06-01.36.51:921][288]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_EntrenchingTool_C_3 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1885. [2020.05.06-01.36.52:207][297]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_RPG26_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1886. [2020.05.06-01.36.52:813][312]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_US_Binoculars_C_6 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1887. [2020.05.06-01.37.00:254][537]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_AK74M_1P78_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1888. [2020.05.06-01.37.01:155][564]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_AK74M_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1889. [2020.05.06-01.37.03:987][655]LogSquad: Trolling / Griefing may result in removal from the server
  1890. [2020.05.06-01.37.10:322][847]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_RepairTool_C_6 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1891. [2020.05.06-01.37.10:436][851]LogSquad: dudewithaboner has connected.
  1892. [2020.05.06-01.37.10:705][859]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_RepairTool_C_2 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1893. [2020.05.06-01.37.11:886][887]LogSlate: FSceneViewport::OnFocusLost() reason 0
  1894. [2020.05.06-01.37.13:275][930]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M110_Optic_C_2 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1895. [2020.05.06-01.37.14:234][957]LogSlate: FSceneViewport::OnFocusLost() reason 3
  1896. [2020.05.06-01.37.16:352][ 25]LogSlate: FSceneViewport::OnFocusLost() reason 0
  1897. [2020.05.06-01.37.19:895][122]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_EntrenchingTool_C_20 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1898. [2020.05.06-01.37.20:026][126]LogSlate: FSceneViewport::OnFocusLost() reason 3
  1899. [2020.05.06-01.37.20:702][143]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_RGD5Frag_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1900. [2020.05.06-01.37.22:841][202]LogSquad: R2JCranium has disconnected.
  1901. [2020.05.06-01.37.22:914][203]LogNet: Warning: UNetDriver::ProcessRemoteFunction: No owning connection for actor BP_Soldier_RU_SL_Pilot_C_1. Function ServerSetRagdollState will not be processed.
  1902. [2020.05.06-01.37.24:288][246]LogSlate: FSceneViewport::OnFocusLost() reason 0
  1903. [2020.05.06-01.37.24:470][251]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4_4Mags_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1904. [2020.05.06-01.37.24:560][254]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_Generic_FieldDressing_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1905. [2020.05.06-01.37.26:095][303]LogAnimMontage: Warning: SetNextSectionName None to None failed for Montage A_Gun_Entrenchingtool_Dig_Montage
  1906. [2020.05.06-01.37.26:095][303]LogAnimMontage: Warning: SetNextSectionName None to None failed for Montage A_Gun_Entrenchingtool_Dig_Montage
  1907. [2020.05.06-01.37.26:787][327]LogAnimMontage: Warning: SetNextSectionName None to None failed for Montage A_Gun_Entrenchingtool_Dig_Montage
  1908. [2020.05.06-01.37.26:787][327]LogAnimMontage: Warning: SetNextSectionName None to None failed for Montage A_Gun_Entrenchingtool_Dig_Montage
  1909. [2020.05.06-01.37.28:096][367]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M110_Optic_C_2 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1910. [2020.05.06-01.37.29:750][423]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_US_Binoculars_C_6 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1911. [2020.05.06-01.37.30:115][434]LogPhysics: Warning: Component ForceD at location X=294664.906 Y=-165839.000 Z=-96146.516 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1912. [2020.05.06-01.37.30:466][445]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4M203_Rifle_M150_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1913. [2020.05.06-01.37.30:696][453]LogPhysics: Warning: Component ForceB at location X=219336.250 Y=-132607.281 Z=-95978.523 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1914. [2020.05.06-01.37.31:389][475]LogPhysics: Warning: Component Force at location X=194048.781 Y=-133470.250 Z=-96147.281 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1915. [2020.05.06-01.37.31:796][488]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M240_M145_C_1 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1916. [2020.05.06-01.37.31:934][493]LogPhysics: Warning: Component ForceB at location X=241033.250 Y=-147335.766 Z=-95824.602 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1917. [2020.05.06-01.37.32:705][517]LogPhysics: Warning: Component ForceC at location X=205912.922 Y=-71942.641 Z=-96162.781 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1918. [2020.05.06-01.37.32:806][520]LogPhysics: Warning: Component Force at location X=201219.391 Y=-159812.594 Z=-96016.055 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1919. [2020.05.06-01.37.33:086][529]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_RPK74M_1P78_C_2 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1920. [2020.05.06-01.37.33:851][553]LogPhysics: Warning: Component ForceE at location X=185351.016 Y=-128591.883 Z=-96179.156 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1921. [2020.05.06-01.37.34:151][563]LogPhysics: Warning: Component ForceC at location X=240949.734 Y=-121187.906 Z=-95915.695 has physics bodies outside of MBP bounds. Check MBP bounds are correct for this world, collisions are disabled for bodies outside of MBP bounds when MBP is enabled.
  1922. [2020.05.06-01.37.40:248][773]LogAnimMontage: Warning: SetNextSectionName None to None failed for Montage A_Gun_Entrenchingtool_Dig_Montage
  1923. [2020.05.06-01.37.40:248][773]LogAnimMontage: Warning: SetNextSectionName None to None failed for Montage A_Gun_Entrenchingtool_Dig_Montage
  1924. [2020.05.06-01.37.40:999][799]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4_2Mags_C_9 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1925. [2020.05.06-01.37.42:349][846]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_AK74M_1P78_C_3 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1926. [2020.05.06-01.37.45:697][958]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_M4_M68_C_3 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1927. [2020.05.06-01.37.48:246][ 44]LogSquad: Shivors [BDE24/7] has connected.
  1928. [2020.05.06-01.37.48:731][ 60]LogSquad: Warning: Weapon BP_SVDM_Optic_C_0 was equipped but could not be found in PawnInventory.
  1929. [2020.05.06-01.37.50:568][115]LogSquadTrace: [Client] USQScoreboardTeam::CreateNewSquad_Implementation(): SCOREBOARD: Squad was added for tracking
  1930. [2020.05.06-01.37.52:943][194]LogNetSerialization: Error: FBitWriter overflowed! (WriteLen: -1, Remaining: 8110, Max: 8110)
  1931. [2020.05.06-01.37.52:957][194]LogNet: Warning: Closing connection. Can't send function 'ServerJoinSquad' on 'BP_PlayerController_C /Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_RAAS_v1.Gorodok_RAAS_v1:PersistentLevel.BP_PlayerController_C_0': Reliable buffer overflow. FieldCache->FieldNetIndex: 139 Max 182. Ch MaxPacket: 1024.
  1932. [2020.05.06-01.37.52:969][194]LogNet: UNetConnection::Close: [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr: 90135036087926793:5660, Name: SteamNetConnection_1, Driver: GameNetDriver SteamNetDriver_1, IsServer: NO, PC: BP_PlayerController_C_0, Owner: BP_PlayerController_C_0, UniqueId: Steam:dark [0x2BA18264AE0], Channels: 756, Time: 2020.05.06-01.37.52
  1933. [2020.05.06-01.37.52:969][194]LogNet: UChannel::Close: Sending CloseBunch. ChIndex == 0. Name: [UChannel] ChIndex: 0, Closing: 0 [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr: 90135036087926793:5660, Name: SteamNetConnection_1, Driver: GameNetDriver SteamNetDriver_1, IsServer: NO, PC: BP_PlayerController_C_0, Owner: BP_PlayerController_C_0, UniqueId: Steam:dark [0x2BB1C274450]
  1934. [2020.05.06-01.37.52:979][194]LogNet: Warning: Network Failure: GameNetDriver[ConnectionLost]: Your connection to the host has been lost.
  1935. [2020.05.06-01.37.52:986][194]LogSquad: Warning: Dropped from server. Reason: Your connection to the host has been lost.
  1936. [2020.05.06-01.37.52:986][194]LogOnline: GotoState: NewState: MainMenu
  1937. [2020.05.06-01.37.53:000][194]LogNet: NetworkFailure: ConnectionLost, Error: 'Your connection to the host has been lost.'
  1938. [2020.05.06-01.37.53:022][194]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: AUTH: DestroyInternetSession is calling the depricated AdvertiseGame call
  1939. [2020.05.06-01.37.53:053][195]LogSquadTrace: [Client] USQGameInstance::BeginMainMenuState(): HideLoadingScreen
  1940. [2020.05.06-01.37.53:053][195]LogNet: Browse: /Game/Maps/EntryMap
  1941. [2020.05.06-01.37.53:053][195]LogSquadTrace: [Client] USQGameInstance::LogWorldMaps(): [USQGameInstance::OnPreLoadMap]: WorldContext GC=0 TC=0 WC=1 URLs=||!/Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_RAAS_v1!||@/Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_RAAS_v1@||##|
  1942. [2020.05.06-01.37.53:053][195]LogSquadTrace: [Client] USQGameInstance::OnPreLoadMap():
  1943. [2020.05.06-01.37.53:053][195]LogSquadTrace: [Client] USQGameInstance::OnPreLoadMap(): LoadingScreenModule:
  1944. [2020.05.06-01.37.53:053][195]LogActor: Warning: SquadLoadingScreen: StartInGameLoadingScreen
  1945. [2020.05.06-01.37.53:064][195]LogSquadTrace: [Client] USQGameInstance::OnPreLoadMap(): SquadViewport:
  1946. [2020.05.06-01.37.53:078][195]LogLoad: LoadMap: /Game/Maps/EntryMap
  1947. [2020.05.06-01.37.53:078][195]LogNet: World NetDriver shutdown SteamNetDriver_1 [GameNetDriver]
  1948. [2020.05.06-01.37.53:078][195]LogNet: DestroyNamedNetDriver SteamNetDriver_1 [GameNetDriver]
  1949. [2020.05.06-01.37.53:087][195]LogExit: GameNetDriver SteamNetDriver_1 shut down
  1950. [2020.05.06-01.37.53:200][195]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQPlayerController::UnPossess(): PC=dark
  1951. [2020.05.06-01.37.54:427][195]LogOnline: STEAM: Removing P2P Session Id: Server[0x14...8009], IdleTime: 1.457
  1952. [2020.05.06-01.37.55:158][195]LogStreaming: Display: Flushing async loaders.
  1953. [2020.05.06-01.37.56:166][195]LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world EntryMap
  1954. [2020.05.06-01.37.56:171][195]LogLoad: Game class is 'BP_MenuGameMode_C'
  1955. [2020.05.06-01.37.56:176][195]LogStreaming: Display: ULevelStreaming::RequestLevel(/Game/Maps/EntryMaps_Archive/EntryMap_RUArmy_Desert) is flushing async loading
  1956. [2020.05.06-01.37.59:850][195]LogPhysics: Warning: Initialising Body : Scale3D is (nearly) zero:
  1957. [2020.05.06-01.37.59:857][195]LogStreaming: Display: ULevelStreaming::RequestLevel(/Game/Maps/Tallil_Outskirts/Lighting_Layers/LL_Talil_Daytime) is flushing async loading
  1958. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:209][195]LogWorld: Bringing World /Game/Maps/EntryMap.EntryMap up for play (max tick rate 240) at 2020.05.05-21.38.00
  1959. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:284][195]LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.075412
  1960. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:285][195]LogSquad: Login: NewPlayer: SQLocalPlayer /Engine/Transient.SQGameEngine_0:SQLocalPlayer_0
  1961. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:288][195]LogSquad: Admin has joined
  1962. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:288][195]LogSquad: Admin dark has joined
  1963. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:298][195]LogSquad: PostLogin: NewPlayer: BP_MainMenu_PC_C /Game/Maps/EntryMap.EntryMap:PersistentLevel.BP_MainMenu_PC_C_0
  1964. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:303][195]LogGameMode: Warning: Pending Player 76561198212264252 is valid but not in the PendingPlayers map
  1965. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:303][195]LogOnline: Starting session GameSession on client
  1966. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:303][195]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Can't start an online session (GameSession) in state Destroying
  1967. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:303][195]LogGameMode: Display: Match State Changed from EnteringMap to WaitingToStart
  1968. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:304][195]LogGameState: Match State Changed from EnteringMap to WaitingToStart
  1969. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:304][195]LogGameMode: Display: Match State Changed from WaitingToStart to InProgress
  1970. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:304][195]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Can't start an online session (GameSession) in state Destroying
  1971. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:305][195]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQGameMode::RestartPlayer(): On Server PC=dark Spawn=nullptr DeployRole=nullptr
  1972. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:305][195]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQPlayerController::Possess(): PC=dark Pawn=MenuCamPawn_179 FullPath=MenuCamPawn_C /Game/Maps/EntryMaps_Archive/EntryMap_RUArmy_Desert.EntryMap_RUArmy_Desert:PersistentLevel.MenuCamPawn_179
  1973. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:305][195]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQPlayerController::ChangeState(): PC=dark OldState=Inactive NewState=Playing
  1974. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:305][195]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQPlayerController::EndInactiveState(): PC=dark
  1975. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:321][195]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ViewDistanceQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  1976. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:321][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkeletalMeshLODBias:-1]]
  1977. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:321][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ViewDistanceScale:1.0]]
  1978. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:321][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MipMapLODBias:-1]]
  1979. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:321][195]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [AntiAliasingQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  1980. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:321][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.PostProcessAAQuality:4]]
  1981. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:321][195]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ShadowQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  1982. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:321][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightFunctionQuality:1]]
  1983. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:321][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ShadowQuality:5]]
  1984. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:321][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.CSM.MaxCascades:2]]
  1985. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:321][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.MaxResolution:2048]]
  1986. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:321][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.MaxCSMResolution:2048]]
  1987. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:321][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold:0.03]]
  1988. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:321][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.DistanceScale:1.0]]
  1989. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:321][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.CSM.TransitionScale:0.3]]
  1990. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:321][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.PreShadowResolutionFactor:1.0]]
  1991. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:321][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DistanceFieldShadowing:1]]
  1992. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:321][195]LogConsoleManager: Warning: Setting the console variable 'r.DistanceFieldShadowing' with 'SetByScalability' was ignored as it is lower priority than the previous 'SetByConsole'. Value remains '0'
  1993. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:321][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DistanceFieldAO:1]]
  1994. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:321][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AOQuality:2]]
  1995. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:321][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog:1]]
  1996. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.GridPixelSize:8]]
  1997. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.GridSizeZ:128]]
  1998. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.HistoryMissSupersampleCount:4]]
  1999. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightMaxDrawDistanceScale:1]]
  2000. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.CapsuleShadows:1]]
  2001. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [PostProcessQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  2002. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MotionBlurQuality:4]]
  2003. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionMipLevelFactor:0.4]]
  2004. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionMaxQuality:100]]
  2005. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionLevels:-1]]
  2006. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionRadiusScale:1.0]]
  2007. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DepthOfFieldQuality:2]]
  2008. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.RenderTargetPoolMin:400]]
  2009. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LensFlareQuality:2]]
  2010. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SceneColorFringeQuality:1]]
  2011. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.EyeAdaptationQuality:2]]
  2012. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.BloomQuality:5]]
  2013. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.FastBlurThreshold:3]]
  2014. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Upscale.Quality:3]]
  2015. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Tonemapper.GrainQuantization:1]]
  2016. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightShaftQuality:1]]
  2017. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Filter.SizeScale:1]]
  2018. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Tonemapper.Quality:3]]
  2019. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.AccumulatorQuality:1 ; higher gathering accumulator quality]]
  2020. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.PostfilterMethod:1 ; Median3x3 postfilering method]]
  2021. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.EnableBokehSettings:0 ; no bokeh simulation when gathering]]
  2022. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.RingCount:4 ; medium number of samples when gathering]]
  2023. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.ForegroundCompositing:1 ; additive foreground scattering]]
  2024. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.BackgroundCompositing:2 ; additive background scattering]]
  2025. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.EnableBokehSettings:1 ; bokeh simulation when scattering]]
  2026. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.MaxSpriteRatio:0.1 ; only a maximum of 10% of scattered bokeh]]
  2027. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Recombine.Quality:1 ; cheap slight out of focus]]
  2028. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Recombine.EnableBokehSettings:0 ; no bokeh simulation on slight out of focus]]
  2029. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.TemporalAAQuality:1 ; more stable temporal accumulation]]
  2030. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:322][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Kernel.MaxForegroundRadius:0.025]]
  2031. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Kernel.MaxBackgroundRadius:0.025]]
  2032. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [TextureQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  2033. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MipBias:0]]
  2034. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.AmortizeCPUToGPUCopy:0]]
  2035. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MaxNumTexturesToStreamPerFrame:0]]
  2036. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.Boost:1]]
  2037. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MaxAnisotropy:8]]
  2038. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM:0]]
  2039. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConsoleManager: Warning: Setting the console variable 'r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM' with 'SetByScalability' was ignored as it is lower priority than the previous 'SetByProjectSetting'. Value remains '0'
  2040. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.PoolSize:1000]]
  2041. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConsoleManager: Warning: Setting the console variable 'r.Streaming.PoolSize' with 'SetByScalability' was ignored as it is lower priority than the previous 'SetByCode'. Value remains '8345'
  2042. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MaxEffectiveScreenSize:0]]
  2043. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [EffectsQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  2044. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TranslucencyLightingVolumeDim:48]]
  2045. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.RefractionQuality:1]]
  2046. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSR.Quality:0]]
  2047. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SceneColorFormat:4]]
  2048. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DetailMode:2]]
  2049. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TranslucencyVolumeBlur:1]]
  2050. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MaterialQualityLevel:1 ; High quality]]
  2051. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.Scale:1]]
  2052. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.SampleSet:2]]
  2053. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.Quality:1]]
  2054. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.HalfRes:1]]
  2055. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.EmitterSpawnRateScale:0.8]]
  2056. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ParticleLightQuality:2]]
  2057. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ParticleMinTimeBetweenTicks:16]]
  2058. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [FoliageQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  2059. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[foliage.DensityScale:1.0]]
  2060. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[grass.DensityScale:1.0]]
  2061. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:323][195]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[grass.MaxUpdateFrequency:30]]
  2062. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:326][195]LogSquad: Error: MapTextureCornerZero is null
  2063. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:326][195]LogSquad: Error: MapTextureCornerOne is null
  2064. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:326][195]LogSquad: Warning: StoreWorldBounds() returned a value with invalid min and max X values. A swap was performed.
  2065. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:326][195]LogSquad: Warning: StoreWorldBounds() returned a value with invalid min and max Y values. A swap was performed.
  2066. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:416][195]Warning: Processing the console input parameters the leading '=' is ignored (only needed for ini files).
  2067. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:416][195]r.DistanceFieldShadowing = "0"
  2068. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:846][195]LogSlate: FSceneViewport::OnFocusLost() reason 2
  2069. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:864][195]LogSquad: Warning: GetNextMap: Unable to find any valid maps in the GameUserSettings.ini to rotate to, please check that there is one valid map, restarting the current map
  2070. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:864][195]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQGameMode::HandleMatchHasStarted(): PC: dark is in state: Playing
  2071. [2020.05.06-01.38.00:865][195]LogGameState: Match State Changed from WaitingToStart to InProgress
  2072. [2020.05.06-01.38.03:084][195]LogLoad: Took 10.006396 seconds to LoadMap(/Game/Maps/EntryMap)
  2073. [2020.05.06-01.38.03:113][195]LogSlate: FSceneViewport::OnFocusLost() reason 2
  2074. [2020.05.06-01.38.03:157][199]LogOnline: STEAM: AUTH: Revoking all tickets.
  2075. [2020.05.06-01.38.03:158][199]LogGameMode: Display: Match State Changed from InProgress to LeavingMap
  2076. [2020.05.06-01.38.03:158][199]LogGameState: Match State Changed from InProgress to LeavingMap
  2077. [2020.05.06-01.38.03:159][199]LogNet: Browse: /Game/Maps/EntryMap?closed
  2078. [2020.05.06-01.38.03:159][199]LogNet: Connection failed; returning to Entry
  2079. [2020.05.06-01.38.03:159][199]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::LogWorldMaps(): [USQGameInstance::OnPreLoadMap]: WorldContext GC=0 TC=0 WC=1 URLs=||!/Game/Maps/Gorodok/Gorodok_RAAS_v1!||@/Game/Maps/EntryMap@||##|
  2080. [2020.05.06-01.38.03:160][199]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::OnPreLoadMap():
  2081. [2020.05.06-01.38.03:160][199]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::OnPreLoadMap(): LoadingScreenModule:
  2082. [2020.05.06-01.38.03:160][199]LogActor: Warning: SquadLoadingScreen: StartInGameLoadingScreen
  2083. [2020.05.06-01.38.03:160][199]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] USQGameInstance::OnPreLoadMap(): SquadViewport:
  2084. [2020.05.06-01.38.03:173][199]LogLoad: LoadMap: /Game/Maps/EntryMap?closed
  2085. [2020.05.06-01.38.03:202][199]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQPlayerController::UnPossess(): PC=dark
  2086. [2020.05.06-01.38.03:202][199]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQPlayerController::ChangeState(): PC=dark OldState=Playing NewState=Inactive
  2087. [2020.05.06-01.38.03:203][199]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQPlayerController::BeginInactiveState(): PC=dark
  2088. [2020.05.06-01.38.03:203][199]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQPlayerController::SetCurrentRole(): On Server PC=dark NewRole=nullptr
  2089. [2020.05.06-01.38.03:203][199]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQPlayerController::SetCurrentRole(): On Server PC=dark CurrentRole=nullptr
  2090. [2020.05.06-01.38.03:203][199]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQPlayerController::SetCurrentRole(): On Server !NewRole || same as old role: PC=dark CurrentRole=nullptr
  2091. [2020.05.06-01.38.03:203][199]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQPlayerController::UnPossess(): PC=BP_MainMenu_PC_C_0
  2092. [2020.05.06-01.38.03:300][199]LogStreaming: Display: Flushing async loaders.
  2093. [2020.05.06-01.38.03:403][199]LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world EntryMap
  2094. [2020.05.06-01.38.03:403][199]LogLoad: Game class is 'BP_MenuGameMode_C'
  2095. [2020.05.06-01.38.03:403][199]LogStreaming: Display: ULevelStreaming::RequestLevel(/Game/Maps/EntryMaps_Archive/EntryMap_RUArmy_Desert) is flushing async loading
  2096. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:018][199]LogPhysics: Warning: Initialising Body : Scale3D is (nearly) zero:
  2097. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:029][199]LogStreaming: Display: ULevelStreaming::RequestLevel(/Game/Maps/Tallil_Outskirts/Lighting_Layers/LL_Talil_Daytime) is flushing async loading
  2098. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:142][199]LogWorld: Bringing World /Game/Maps/EntryMap.EntryMap up for play (max tick rate 240) at 2020.05.05-21.38.04
  2099. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:161][199]LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.019578
  2100. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:161][199]LogSquad: Login: NewPlayer: SQLocalPlayer /Engine/Transient.SQGameEngine_0:SQLocalPlayer_0
  2101. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:162][199]LogSquad: Admin has joined
  2102. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:162][199]LogSquad: Admin dark has joined
  2103. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:163][199]LogSquad: PostLogin: NewPlayer: BP_MainMenu_PC_C /Game/Maps/EntryMap.EntryMap:PersistentLevel.BP_MainMenu_PC_C_0
  2104. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:163][199]LogGameMode: Warning: Pending Player 76561198212264252 is valid but not in the PendingPlayers map
  2105. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:163][199]LogOnline: Starting session GameSession on client
  2106. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:163][199]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Can't start an online game for session (GameSession) that hasn't been created
  2107. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:163][199]LogGameMode: Display: Match State Changed from EnteringMap to WaitingToStart
  2108. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:163][199]LogGameState: Match State Changed from EnteringMap to WaitingToStart
  2109. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:163][199]LogGameMode: Display: Match State Changed from WaitingToStart to InProgress
  2110. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:163][199]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Can't start an online game for session (GameSession) that hasn't been created
  2111. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:163][199]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQGameMode::RestartPlayer(): On Server PC=dark Spawn=nullptr DeployRole=nullptr
  2112. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:163][199]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQPlayerController::Possess(): PC=dark Pawn=MenuCamPawn_179 FullPath=MenuCamPawn_C /Game/Maps/EntryMaps_Archive/EntryMap_RUArmy_Desert.EntryMap_RUArmy_Desert:PersistentLevel.MenuCamPawn_179
  2113. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:163][199]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQPlayerController::ChangeState(): PC=dark OldState=Inactive NewState=Playing
  2114. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:164][199]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQPlayerController::EndInactiveState(): PC=dark
  2115. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:168][199]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ViewDistanceQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  2116. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkeletalMeshLODBias:-1]]
  2117. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ViewDistanceScale:1.0]]
  2118. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MipMapLODBias:-1]]
  2119. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [AntiAliasingQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  2120. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.PostProcessAAQuality:4]]
  2121. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ShadowQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  2122. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightFunctionQuality:1]]
  2123. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ShadowQuality:5]]
  2124. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.CSM.MaxCascades:2]]
  2125. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.MaxResolution:2048]]
  2126. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.MaxCSMResolution:2048]]
  2127. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold:0.03]]
  2128. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.DistanceScale:1.0]]
  2129. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.CSM.TransitionScale:0.3]]
  2130. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.PreShadowResolutionFactor:1.0]]
  2131. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DistanceFieldShadowing:1]]
  2132. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConsoleManager: Warning: Setting the console variable 'r.DistanceFieldShadowing' with 'SetByScalability' was ignored as it is lower priority than the previous 'SetByConsole'. Value remains '0'
  2133. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DistanceFieldAO:1]]
  2134. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AOQuality:2]]
  2135. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog:1]]
  2136. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.GridPixelSize:8]]
  2137. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.GridSizeZ:128]]
  2138. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.HistoryMissSupersampleCount:4]]
  2139. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightMaxDrawDistanceScale:1]]
  2140. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.CapsuleShadows:1]]
  2141. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [PostProcessQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  2142. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MotionBlurQuality:4]]
  2143. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionMipLevelFactor:0.4]]
  2144. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionMaxQuality:100]]
  2145. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionLevels:-1]]
  2146. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionRadiusScale:1.0]]
  2147. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DepthOfFieldQuality:2]]
  2148. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.RenderTargetPoolMin:400]]
  2149. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LensFlareQuality:2]]
  2150. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SceneColorFringeQuality:1]]
  2151. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.EyeAdaptationQuality:2]]
  2152. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.BloomQuality:5]]
  2153. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.FastBlurThreshold:3]]
  2154. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Upscale.Quality:3]]
  2155. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Tonemapper.GrainQuantization:1]]
  2156. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightShaftQuality:1]]
  2157. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Filter.SizeScale:1]]
  2158. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Tonemapper.Quality:3]]
  2159. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:169][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.AccumulatorQuality:1 ; higher gathering accumulator quality]]
  2160. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.PostfilterMethod:1 ; Median3x3 postfilering method]]
  2161. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.EnableBokehSettings:0 ; no bokeh simulation when gathering]]
  2162. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.RingCount:4 ; medium number of samples when gathering]]
  2163. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.ForegroundCompositing:1 ; additive foreground scattering]]
  2164. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.BackgroundCompositing:2 ; additive background scattering]]
  2165. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.EnableBokehSettings:1 ; bokeh simulation when scattering]]
  2166. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.MaxSpriteRatio:0.1 ; only a maximum of 10% of scattered bokeh]]
  2167. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Recombine.Quality:1 ; cheap slight out of focus]]
  2168. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Recombine.EnableBokehSettings:0 ; no bokeh simulation on slight out of focus]]
  2169. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.TemporalAAQuality:1 ; more stable temporal accumulation]]
  2170. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Kernel.MaxForegroundRadius:0.025]]
  2171. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Kernel.MaxBackgroundRadius:0.025]]
  2172. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [TextureQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  2173. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MipBias:0]]
  2174. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.AmortizeCPUToGPUCopy:0]]
  2175. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MaxNumTexturesToStreamPerFrame:0]]
  2176. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.Boost:1]]
  2177. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MaxAnisotropy:8]]
  2178. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM:0]]
  2179. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConsoleManager: Warning: Setting the console variable 'r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM' with 'SetByScalability' was ignored as it is lower priority than the previous 'SetByProjectSetting'. Value remains '0'
  2180. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.PoolSize:1000]]
  2181. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConsoleManager: Warning: Setting the console variable 'r.Streaming.PoolSize' with 'SetByScalability' was ignored as it is lower priority than the previous 'SetByCode'. Value remains '8345'
  2182. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MaxEffectiveScreenSize:0]]
  2183. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [EffectsQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  2184. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TranslucencyLightingVolumeDim:48]]
  2185. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.RefractionQuality:1]]
  2186. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSR.Quality:0]]
  2187. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SceneColorFormat:4]]
  2188. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DetailMode:2]]
  2189. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TranslucencyVolumeBlur:1]]
  2190. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MaterialQualityLevel:1 ; High quality]]
  2191. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.Scale:1]]
  2192. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.SampleSet:2]]
  2193. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.Quality:1]]
  2194. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.HalfRes:1]]
  2195. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.EmitterSpawnRateScale:0.8]]
  2196. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ParticleLightQuality:2]]
  2197. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ParticleMinTimeBetweenTicks:16]]
  2198. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [FoliageQuality@3] File [C:/Users/dark/AppData/Local/SquadGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Scalability.ini]
  2199. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:170][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[foliage.DensityScale:1.0]]
  2200. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:171][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[grass.DensityScale:1.0]]
  2201. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:171][199]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[grass.MaxUpdateFrequency:30]]
  2202. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:173][199]LogSquad: Error: MapTextureCornerZero is null
  2203. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:173][199]LogSquad: Error: MapTextureCornerOne is null
  2204. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:173][199]LogSquad: Warning: StoreWorldBounds() returned a value with invalid min and max X values. A swap was performed.
  2205. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:173][199]LogSquad: Warning: StoreWorldBounds() returned a value with invalid min and max Y values. A swap was performed.
  2206. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:228][199]LogOnline: Error: USQFindFriendsCallbackProxy you already have Active callback.
  2207. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:265][199]Warning: Processing the console input parameters the leading '=' is ignored (only needed for ini files).
  2208. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:265][199]r.DistanceFieldShadowing = "0"
  2209. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:619][199]LogSquad: Warning: GetNextMap: Unable to find any valid maps in the GameUserSettings.ini to rotate to, please check that there is one valid map, restarting the current map
  2210. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:619][199]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQGameMode::HandleMatchHasStarted(): PC: dark is in state: Playing
  2211. [2020.05.06-01.38.04:619][199]LogGameState: Match State Changed from WaitingToStart to InProgress
  2212. [2020.05.06-01.38.13:166][199]LogLoad: Took 9.991858 seconds to LoadMap(/Game/Maps/EntryMap)
  2213. [2020.05.06-01.38.13:186][199]LogSlate: FSceneViewport::OnFocusLost() reason 2
  2214. [2020.05.06-01.38.13:880][277]LogSquad: USQGameState: Server Tick Rate: 7.27
  2215. [2020.05.06-01.38.21:696][213]LogSlate: FSceneViewport::OnFocusLost() reason 0
  2216. [2020.05.06-01.38.21:771][220]Closing by request
  2217. [2020.05.06-01.38.21:774][220]LogWindows: FPlatformMisc::RequestExit(0)
  2218. [2020.05.06-01.38.21:874][221]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQPlayerController::UnPossess(): PC=dark
  2219. [2020.05.06-01.38.21:874][221]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQPlayerController::ChangeState(): PC=dark OldState=Playing NewState=Inactive
  2220. [2020.05.06-01.38.21:874][221]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQPlayerController::BeginInactiveState(): PC=dark
  2221. [2020.05.06-01.38.21:874][221]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQPlayerController::SetCurrentRole(): On Server PC=dark NewRole=nullptr
  2222. [2020.05.06-01.38.21:874][221]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQPlayerController::SetCurrentRole(): On Server PC=dark CurrentRole=nullptr
  2223. [2020.05.06-01.38.21:874][221]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQPlayerController::SetCurrentRole(): On Server !NewRole || same as old role: PC=dark CurrentRole=nullptr
  2224. [2020.05.06-01.38.21:895][221]LogSquadTrace: [Standalone] ASQPlayerController::UnPossess(): PC=BP_MainMenu_PC_C_0
  2225. [2020.05.06-01.38.21:900][221]LogStreaming: Display: Flushing async loaders.
  2226. [2020.05.06-01.38.22:662][221]LogStreaming: Display: Suspending async loading (1)
  2227. [2020.05.06-01.38.22:677][221]LogStreaming: Display: Resuming async loading (0)
  2228. [2020.05.06-01.38.22:679][221]LogSlate: Request Window 'SquadGame ' being destroyed
  2229. [2020.05.06-01.38.22:679][221]LogStreaming: Display: Suspending async loading (1)
  2230. [2020.05.06-01.38.22:742][221]LogStreaming: Display: Resuming async loading (0)
  2231. [2020.05.06-01.38.22:743][221]LogSlate: Window 'SquadGame ' being destroyed
  2232. [2020.05.06-01.38.22:863][221]LogWindowsTextInputMethodSystem: Display: IME system now deactivated.
  2233. [2020.05.06-01.38.22:907][221]LogSlate: Slate User Destroyed. User Index 0, Is Virtual User: 0
  2234. [2020.05.06-01.38.22:933][221]LogExit: Preparing to exit.
  2235. [2020.05.06-01.38.22:933][221]LogMoviePlayer: Shutting down movie player
  2236. [2020.05.06-01.38.23:267][221]LogSlate: Updating window title bar state: overlay mode, drag disabled, window buttons hidden, title bar hidden
  2237. [2020.05.06-01.38.23:268][221]LogOnline: Display: OSS: Removing 0 named interfaces
  2238. [2020.05.06-01.38.23:418][221]LogExit: Game engine shut down
  2239. [2020.05.06-01.38.23:979][221]LogExit: Object subsystem successfully closed.
  2240. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:387][221]LogD3D11RHI: Shutdown
  2241. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:387][221]LogD3D11RHI: CleanupD3DDevice
  2242. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:488][221]LogD3D11RHI: ~FD3D11DynamicRHI
  2243. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:566][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module AIModule (212)
  2244. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:566][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module NavigationSystem (211)
  2245. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:566][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module WebMMediaFactory (208)
  2246. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:566][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module WebMMedia (206)
  2247. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:566][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module WmfMediaFactory (204)
  2248. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:566][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module OpenExrWrapper (202)
  2249. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:566][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module ImgMediaFactory (200)
  2250. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:566][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module AvfMediaFactory (198)
  2251. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:566][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module CharacterAI (196)
  2252. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:566][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module SessionServices (194)
  2253. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:566][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module MovieSceneTracks (192)
  2254. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:566][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module MovieScene (190)
  2255. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:566][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module StreamingPauseRendering (188)
  2256. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:566][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module ImageWriteQueue (186)
  2257. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:570][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module ProceduralMeshComponent (184)
  2258. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:570][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module CustomMeshComponent (182)
  2259. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:570][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module AudioCapture (180)
  2260. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:570][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module ArchVisCharacter (178)
  2261. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:570][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module MediaCompositing (174)
  2262. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:570][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module LinearTimecode (172)
  2263. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:570][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module ImgMedia (170)
  2264. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:576][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module BackChannel (168)
  2265. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:576][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module AppleImageUtils (166)
  2266. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:577][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module GeometryCacheTracks (164)
  2267. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:577][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module GeometryCache (162)
  2268. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:577][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module VariantManagerContent (160)
  2269. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:577][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module StereoPanorama (158)
  2270. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:577][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module JoystickPlugin (156)
  2271. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:583][221]JoystickPluginLog: DeviceSDL Closing
  2272. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:605][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module EditableMesh (154)
  2273. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:606][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module MeshToolRuntime (152)
  2274. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:606][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module PrefabAsset (150)
  2275. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:606][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module LoginFlow (148)
  2276. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:606][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module PlayTimeLimit (146)
  2277. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:606][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module Rejoin (144)
  2278. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:606][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module Hotfix (142)
  2279. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:606][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module Lobby (140)
  2280. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:606][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module Party (138)
  2281. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:606][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module Qos (136)
  2282. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:606][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module ModdingCommon (134)
  2283. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:606][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module ModdingRuntime (132)
  2284. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:606][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module EasyAntiCheatCommon (130)
  2285. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:606][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module EasyAntiCheatClient (128)
  2286. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:647][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module EasyAntiCheatServer (126)
  2287. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:647][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module CableComponent (124)
  2288. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:647][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module StaticCableComponent (122)
  2289. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:647][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module Squad (120)
  2290. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:647][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module SquadGame (118)
  2291. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:647][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module RuntimePhysXCooking (116)
  2292. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:647][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module ActorSequence (114)
  2293. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:647][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module UdpMessaging (112)
  2294. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:648][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module TcpMessaging (110)
  2295. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:648][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module FacialAnimation (108)
  2296. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:648][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module LightPropagationVolumeRuntime (106)
  2297. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:648][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module AISupportModule (104)
  2298. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:648][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module ReplicationGraph (102)
  2299. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:648][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module DiscordRpc (100)
  2300. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:648][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module RCONServer (98)
  2301. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:648][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module PhysXVehicles (96)
  2302. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:648][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module SquadAnalyticsModule (94)
  2303. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:649][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module SquadCrypto (92)
  2304. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:649][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module SquadLoadingScreen (90)
  2305. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:649][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module WindowsMoviePlayer (88)
  2306. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:649][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module WebMMoviePlayer (86)
  2307. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:649][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module WmfMedia (84)
  2308. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:772][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module Media (83)
  2309. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:778][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module Spectral (80)
  2310. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:842][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module PacketHandler (78)
  2311. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:842][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module ClothingSystemRuntime (76)
  2312. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:866][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module MediaAssets (74)
  2313. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:866][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module Overlay (72)
  2314. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:866][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module UMG (70)
  2315. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:866][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module Slate (68)
  2316. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:866][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module MRMesh (66)
  2317. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:866][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module Messaging (64)
  2318. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:866][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module HeadMountedDisplay (62)
  2319. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:866][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module XAudio2 (60)
  2320. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:866][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module Networking (58)
  2321. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:866][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module Core (56)
  2322. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:866][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module LevelSequence (54)
  2323. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:866][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module ImageWrapper (48)
  2324. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:866][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module InputCore (46)
  2325. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:866][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module PhysXCooking (44)
  2326. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:866][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module ExampleDeviceProfileSelector (42)
  2327. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:866][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module LauncherChunkInstaller (40)
  2328. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:866][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module DatasmithContent (38)
  2329. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:885][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module OnlineSubsystem (34)
  2330. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:885][221]LogOnline: Display: STEAM: OnlineSubsystemSteam::Shutdown()
  2331. [2020.05.06-01.38.24:886][221]LogOnline: STEAM: AUTH: Revoking all tickets.
  2332. [2020.05.06-01.38.25:032][221]LogOnline: Display: STEAM: OnlineSubsystemSteam::Shutdown()
  2333. [2020.05.06-01.38.25:032][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module SquadVoice (29)
  2334. [2020.05.06-01.38.25:038][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module HTTP (27)
  2335. [2020.05.06-01.38.25:063][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module SSL (26)
  2336. [2020.05.06-01.38.25:085][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module ShaderCore (22)
  2337. [2020.05.06-01.38.25:085][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module Landscape (20)
  2338. [2020.05.06-01.38.25:085][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module SlateRHIRenderer (18)
  2339. [2020.05.06-01.38.25:094][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module OpenGLDrv (16)
  2340. [2020.05.06-01.38.25:094][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module D3D11RHI (14)
  2341. [2020.05.06-01.38.25:094][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module AnimGraphRuntime (12)
  2342. [2020.05.06-01.38.25:094][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module Renderer (10)
  2343. [2020.05.06-01.38.25:094][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module Engine (8)
  2344. [2020.05.06-01.38.25:094][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module CoreUObject (6)
  2345. [2020.05.06-01.38.25:094][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module SandboxFile (4)
  2346. [2020.05.06-01.38.25:094][221]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module PakFile (2)
  2347. [2020.05.06-01.38.25:106][221]LogExit: Exiting.
  2348. [2020.05.06-01.38.25:114][221]Log file closed, 05/05/20 21:38:25
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