
A day in the life of Midnight

Mar 18th, 2017
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  1. "...Ahhh..." Today started out like any other,I got out of bed,the cold air from Snowdin town pierced through my fur like cold,sharp knives,but I'm used to it! "Hmm...Wonder what's going on today...Probably nothing much,Snowdin is pretty boring anyway..." I went and took a burning hot shower,it's so cold outside you can barely tell that the water is hot,"Mmm...One Wolf,two wolf,three wolf,four..." To pass the time,I sang a little song to myself that my parents made up,"Five wolf,six wolf,seven wolf,ten...What happened to eight and nine?" It was very confusing to me,but I don't question the song...Nobody questioned the song! "....I wonder how cold it is today...Probably 18 or 23 degrees out there...I don't know..." Well...A few minutes later,I got out the shower and dried myself off...Seems boring,right? Well it'll get better soon! "Okay! What do I wanna wear today?" It's real cold outside,so my big bad wolf shirt is out of the case...And my Taki island shirt...I wanna go back there! "Ahh! Here we are!" I took out some blue and red underwear,some blue jeans,and a gray long sleeve shirt with the picture of a wolf on it,"Here we go! Thank god I have all these winter clothes!" I quickly put the clothes on and smiled,"Now I just need a sweater,a jacket,some boots,So-" Yeah,you get the point...I found all those things and put them on,it was nice and warm now,and I liked it! "Okay,what do I wanna do when I get outside..." There aren't a lot of things I CAN do...I can slip on the ice,that's for sure,I could go to Grillby's,as long as the dumb skeleton isn't there...You know the guy,he makes puns,puts whoopee cushions on the seat,I hate the guy! He absolutely embarrasses me all the time with the stupid joy buzzer and all that jazz!
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