Guest User

Lego City Undercover Config

a guest
Apr 5th, 2017
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  1. FileVersion 6
  2. ScreenWidth 1680
  3. ScreenHeight 1050
  4. WindowWidth 1680
  5. WindowHeight 1050
  6. WindowLeft 0
  7. WindowTop 0
  8. ScreenRefreshRate 59
  9. VerticalSync 1
  10. AspectRatio 3
  11. EdgeAA 0
  12. ShaderQuality 0
  13. ShadowQuality 1
  14. TextureQuality 1
  15. SoftParticles 1
  16. UserBrightness 0
  17. UserBlackLevel 0
  18. AllowRenderThread 0
  19. SFXVolume 0
  20. MusicVolume 0
  21. MasterVolume 10
  22. MusicEnabled 1
  23. SubtitlesEnabled 1
  24. MouseSensitivity 0
  25. InvertY 0
  26. Vibration_P1 0
  27. Vibration_P2 0
  28. BloomEnabled 0
  29. ExposureControlEnabled 0
  30. DoFEnabled 0
  31. SoftShadowsEnabled 0
  32. SpeedBlurEnabled 0
  33. MotionBlurEnabled 0
  34. ProcessColourEnabled 0
  35. WaterDistortionEnabled 0
  36. EdgeAAEnabled 0
  37. SSAOEnabled 0
  38. RingEffectEnabled 0
  39. LensFilterEnabled 0
  40. ScreenSpaceReflectionsEnabled 0
  41. EdgeHightlightEnabled 0
  42. ForceMultithreadedD3D 0
  43. IgnoreVendorPresets 0
  44. DisableShaderCaching 0
  45. DisableMultithreadedShaders 0
  46. AllowVendorExtensions 0
  47. AllowNVIDIAStereo 0
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