

Sep 20th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. <C00lDude> then we have a deal?
  2. <D4rkGh0st> im thinking about it
  3. <C00lDude> come on you can trust me
  4. [Server] WhiteRose joined the room
  5. <D4rkGh0st> HOLY FUCKHJFING SHIT!!1!
  6. <D4rkGh0st> sorry kid get lost
  7. <C00lDude> wait what
  8. <D4rkGh0st> /kick C00lDude
  9. [Server] C00lDude was kicked from the room
  10. <WhiteRose> lol what was that
  11. <D4rkGh0st> Welcome back
  12. <D4rkGh0st> You disappeared for a long time
  13. <WhiteRose> I had to fix some issues
  14. <D4rkGh0st> all good?
  15. <WhiteRose> yeah
  16. <D4rkGh0st> great
  17. <D4rkGh0st> do you know what's going on with Alyx?
  18. <WhiteRose> ALYX????
  19. <D4rkGh0st> uhm... yes, Alyx
  20. <D4rkGh0st> she was gone for a few weeks
  21. <D4rkGh0st> since then she's been acting weird
  22. <WhiteRose> ofc she was gone she got caught by the FBI
  23. <WhiteRose> I'm the last person she talked to
  24. <D4rkGh0st> The FBI? did she talk to Kosiak91?
  25. <WhiteRose> yes...
  27. <WhiteRose> there is nothing we can do about it
  28. <D4rkGh0st> ):
  29. <D4rkGh0st> well that explains everything i guess
  30. <WhiteRose> "everything"?
  31. <D4rkGh0st> yeah, she kept sending weird messages
  32. <WhiteRose> messages? what are you talking about
  33. <WhiteRose> did Alyx contact you?
  34. <D4rkGh0st> yeah several times
  35. <WhiteRose> there is no way it was her. it must be someone from the FBI
  36. <D4rkGh0st> nono it was her fr, she recited the code
  37. <WhiteRose> we don't know the situation, chances are they are using her to discover us
  38. <WhiteRose> did she ask you about the N0tPr0n operation?
  39. <D4rkGh0st> no dude she was talking about bacon
  40. <WhiteRose> wtf do you mean?
  41. <D4rkGh0st> she literally mentioned it in every single message
  42. <WhiteRose> can I see it?
  43. <D4rkGh0st> there is nothing special about those
  44. <D4rkGh0st> but the last one is interesting
  45. <WhiteRose> send it
  46. <D4rkGh0st> I wISh I COuLD TakE A stEp baCKWaRds ANd CHaNgE WHAt I DId, DONt WoRrY FOR ME, fINIsh whAT WE StARTed. I KNoW WE CaNT tuRN BAck The TimE buT We CAN Still REVErSE ThE eVEnts. ALyX
  47. <WhiteRose> did you decode it yet?
  48. <D4rkGh0st> no
  49. <WhiteRose> ok I got it
  50. <D4rkGh0st> you got what?
  51. <WhiteRose> just solve lol.
  52. [Server] D4rkGh0st left the room
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