

Oct 17th, 2017
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  1. on right click:
  2. if {死亡狀態::%player%} is set:
  3. stop
  4. if name of player's tool contains "紅色藥水":
  5. cancel event
  6. remove 1 of player's tool from player's tool
  7. heal player by 20 / (player's max health + {飾品狀態.%player%::血量增加}) * player's max health
  8. send "&a你使用了&C紅色藥水&a,恢復 &c20 &aHP"
  9. stop
  10. if name of player's tool contains "橘色藥水":
  11. cancel event
  12. remove 1 of player's tool from player's tool
  13. heal player by 50 / (player's max health + {飾品狀態.%player%::血量增加}) * player's max health
  14. send "&a你使用了&C橘色藥水&a,恢復 &c50 &aHP"
  15. stop
  16. if name of player's tool contains "白色藥水":
  17. cancel event
  18. remove 1 of player's tool from player's tool
  19. heal player by 150 / (player's max health + {飾品狀態.%player%::血量增加}) * player's max health
  20. send "&a你使用了&C白色藥水&a,恢復 &c150 &aHP"
  21. stop
  22. if name of player's tool contains "紅色藥丸":
  23. cancel event
  24. remove 1 of player's tool from player's tool
  25. heal player by 100 / (player's max health + {飾品狀態.%player%::血量增加}) * player's max health
  26. send "&a你使用了&C紅色藥丸&a,恢復 &c100 &aHP"
  27. stop
  28. if name of player's tool contains "橘色藥丸":
  29. cancel event
  30. remove 1 of player's tool from player's tool
  31. heal player by 200 / (player's max health + {飾品狀態.%player%::血量增加}) * player's max health
  32. send "&a你使用了&C橘色藥丸&a,恢復 &c200 &aHP"
  33. stop
  34. if name of player's tool contains "白色藥丸":
  35. cancel event
  36. remove 1 of player's tool from player's tool
  37. heal player by 300 / (player's max health + {飾品狀態.%player%::血量增加}) * player's max health
  38. send "&a你使用了&C白色藥丸&a,恢復 &c300 &aHP"
  39. stop
  40. if name of player's tool contains "糖葫蘆":
  41. cancel event
  42. remove 1 of player's tool from player's tool
  43. heal player by 1000 / (player's max health + {飾品狀態.%player%::血量增加}) * player's max health
  44. send "&a你使用了&C糖葫蘆&a,恢復 &c1000 &aHP"
  45. stop
  46. if name of player's tool contains "東京名產辣雞丼":
  47. cancel event
  48. remove 1 of player's tool from player's tool
  49. heal player by 250 / (player's max health + {飾品狀態.%player%::血量增加}) * player's max health
  50. send "&a你使用了&C辣雞丼&a,恢復 &c250 &aHP"
  51. stop
  52. if name of player's tool contains "富士山名產蘋果":
  53. cancel event
  54. remove 1 of player's tool from player's tool
  55. heal player by 400 / (player's max health + {飾品狀態.%player%::血量增加}) * player's max health
  56. send "&a你使用了&C富士山名產蘋果&a,恢復 &c400 &aHP"
  57. stop
  58. if name of player's tool contains "松坂名產和牛":
  59. cancel event
  60. remove 1 of player's tool from player's tool
  61. heal player by 325 / (player's max health + {飾品狀態.%player%::血量增加}) * player's max health
  62. send "&a你使用了&C富士山名產蘋果&a,恢復 &c325 &aHP"
  63. stop
  64. if name of player's tool contains "大碗拉麵":
  65. cancel event
  66. remove 1 of player's tool from player's tool
  67. heal player by 5
  68. send "&a你使用了&C大碗拉麵&a,恢復 &c50%% &aHP"
  69. stop
  70. if name of player's tool contains "海草汁":
  71. cancel event
  72. remove 1 of player's tool from player's tool
  73. heal player by 450 / (player's max health + {飾品狀態.%player%::血量增加}) * player's max health
  74. send "&a你使用了&C海草汁&a,恢復 &c450 &aHP"
  75. stop
  76. if name of player's tool contains "蟹肉棒":
  77. cancel event
  78. remove 1 of player's tool from player's tool
  79. heal player by 150 / (player's max health + {飾品狀態.%player%::血量增加}) * player's max health
  80. send "&a你使用了&C蟹肉棒&a,恢復 &c150 &aHP"
  81. stop
  82. if name of player's tool contains "豬肉滿福堡" or "勁辣雞腿堡" or "雙層起司牛肉堡" or "麥香魚":
  83. cancel event
  84. remove 1 of player's tool from player's tool
  85. heal player by 75 / (player's max health + {飾品狀態.%player%::血量增加}) * player's max health
  86. send "&a你食用了&c麥當勞經典食物&a,恢復 &c75 &aHP"
  87. stop
  88. if name of player's tool contains "鯛魚燒":
  89. cancel event
  90. remove 1 of player's tool from player's tool
  91. heal player by 500 / (player's max health + {飾品狀態.%player%::血量增加}) * player's max health
  92. send "&a你食用了&c鯛魚燒&a,恢復 &c500 &aHP"
  93. stop
  94. if name of player's tool contains "中秋奢華燒肉":
  95. cancel event
  96. remove 1 of player's tool from player's tool
  97. heal player by 3.5
  98. send "&a你食用了&e中秋&6奢華&c燒肉&a,恢復 &c35%% &aHP"
  99. stop
  100. if name of player's tool contains "中秋高級燒肉":
  101. cancel event
  102. remove 1 of player's tool from player's tool
  103. heal player by 350 / (player's max health + {飾品狀態.%player%::血量增加}) * player's max health
  104. send "&a你食用了&c中秋高級燒肉&a,恢復 &c350 &aHP"
  105. stop
  106. if name of player's tool contains "搖頭丸":
  107. cancel event
  108. remove 1 of player's tool from player's tool
  109. heal player by 400 / (player's max health + {飾品狀態.%player%::血量增加}) * player's max health
  110. apply jump boost 8 to the player for 10 second
  111. send "&c你&6服&e用&a了&b搖&9頭&5丸&a,恢復 &c400 &aHP"
  112. stop
  113. if name of player's tool contains "超酷聖結石":
  114. cancel event
  115. remove 1 of player's tool from player's tool
  116. heal player by 2
  117. send "&6你BANG了&c超酷的結石哥哥&6,結石哥哥讓周圍玩家回復 &c20%% &6HP" to player
  118. loop entities in radius 10 of player:
  119. if loop-entity is a player:
  120. heal loop-entity by 2
  121. spawn 15 of particle heart offset by 0.1, 0.5, 0.1 at location of loop-entity
  122. play raw sound "random.explode" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  123. send "&6你被&c超酷的結石哥哥&6BANG了,結石哥哥讓你回復 &c20%% &6HP" to loop-entity
  124. stop
  125. stop
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