
Pokémon Diamond/Pearl - Piplup%

Dec 26th, 2015
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  1. Pokémon Diamond/Pearl - Any% Glitchless - Piplup% (last update : May 6th, 2016)
  3. Ranges detailled here : http://pastebin.com/GpaPxZyt (most Hidden Power ranges might be obselete)
  4. NEW ==>> Follow setup and RNG manip from there : http://pastebin.com/FPexwh8c
  6. Introduction :
  7. * On emulator : start game @ 10/10/2069 06:59:02 -
  8. - on Pearl : hit 1:29.10 (frame 5325-5326)
  9. - on Diamond : use Lowercase/Uppercase once, hit 1:29.14(frame 5327-5328)
  11. Twinleaf Town :
  12. * Check if the ID is 36359 (<= new / old was 09164)
  13. * Switch options to convenience
  15. Verity Lakefront :
  16. * Fight wild Starly :
  17. Starly 2 : spam Pound
  19. Twinleaf Town :
  20. * Run until Sandgem Town
  22. Sandgem Town :
  23. * Reach the mart :
  24. - Buy : 5 Potions . 1,500$
  25. * Come back to Twinleaf Town
  27. Twinleaf Town :
  28. * Take the Running Shoes
  29. * Go back to Sandgem Town, go north to Route 202
  31. Route 202 : (Potion inside fights only for RNG manip)
  32. * Fight Youngster Tristan (80$) :
  33. Starly 5 : spam Pound (Tackle, QA ~4/6) - FASTER
  35. * Fight Lass Natalie (48$) :
  36. Bidoof 3 x2 : spam Pound (Tackle 3-4, then 1-3 crit 4)
  38. * Fight Youngster Logan (80$) :
  39. Shinx 5 : spam Pound (Tackle ~3-4)
  41. Jubilife City :
  42. * Reach the Trainers' School
  43. * Potion if < 22 HP (gives Torrent for Rival)
  44. * Fight School Kid Harrison (120$) :
  45. Abra 6 : Pound x2 (HP = 5-7) - FASTER
  46. * Fight School Kid Christine (120$) :
  47. Abra 6 : Pound x2 (HP = 6-8)
  49. * Talk to the Rival
  50. * Menu before exiting :
  51. - Use a Potion if ~5- HP left
  52. - Teach TM10 Hidden Power to Piplup
  54. * Finish the "Clown quest"
  56. Route 203 :
  57. * Fight Rival (900$) :
  58. Starly 7 : HP + Bubble / T HP (Quick Attack ~4-6) - SPEEDTIE @9 // HP:14
  59. Turtwig 9 : HP x3 (+ Pound) (Tackle ~4) // HP:11
  60. * Go through Oreburgh Gate
  62. Oreburgh City :
  63. * Reach Oreburgh Mine
  64. * Take the Escape Rope
  65. * Talk to Roark
  66. * Menu :
  67. - Use a Potion
  68. - Use an Escape Rope
  70. * Gym :
  71. - Roark :
  72. Geodude 12 : HP / Bubble (93.8% OHKO)
  73. Onix 12 : HP
  74. Cranidos 14 : HP (x2) (Headbutt ~19, Pursuit ~11) (will always heal below 50%)
  75. (43.8% OHKO) // HP:8
  76. * Mart :
  77. Sell : TM76 Stealth Rock
  78. Buy : 4 Super Potions . 2,800
  79. 7 Repels . 2,450
  80. ---------------------------
  81. . 5,250
  83. Oreburgh Gate :
  84. * Menu :
  85. - Teach HM06 Rock Smash to Bidoof
  86. - Use a Repel
  88. Jubilife City :
  89. * Team Galaxy Double Battle :
  90. Zubat 9 : HP // HP:7
  91. Wurmple 9 : (Ember) | Pound if not KO
  93. Route 204 :
  94. * Before Lass Sarah :
  95. - Use a Repel
  96. * DODGE Lass Sarah :
  97. Bidoof 7 : HP // HP:6
  98. * Go through Ravaged Path
  99. * DODGE Aroma Lady Taylor :
  100. Budew 7 : Pound x2
  101. Cherubi 7 : Pound x2-3
  103. Floaroma Town :
  104. * Go east
  106. Route 205 :
  107. * Talk to the girl
  108. * Come back, take the Pecha Berry
  110. Floaroma Town :
  111. * Take TM88 Pluck in the left-most house
  112. * Menu (ONLY IF HP PP BELOW OR EQUAL 7) :
  113. - Teach TM88 Pluck over Growl
  114. - Equip the Pecha Berry
  116. Eterna Forest :
  117. * Galactic Grunt 1 :
  118. Wurmple 9 : HP if 7+ PP / Pluck
  119. Silcoon 9 : HP // HP:5
  120. * Galactic Grunt 2 :
  121. Zubat 11 : HP (+ Pound) // HP:4
  122. (6.3% OHKO)
  124. Floaroma Town :
  125. * Take the Cherry Berry
  126. * Go back to Valley Windworks
  128. Valley Windworks :
  129. * Galactic Grunt :
  130. Glameow 11 : HP (+ Pound) - FASTER // HP:3
  131. * Menu before dodging the spinner :
  132. - Heal to near full
  133. - Do previously skipped menu
  135. * DODGE Galactic Grunt :
  136. Cascoon 11 : HP / Pluck if 3- HP left
  137. * Commander Mars : (manipulate Torrent if possible)
  138. Zubat 14 : HP + Pluck (Leech Life 2, Bite ~6-7) - FASTER
  139. Purugly 16 : - 14- HP = heal
  140. - 15-28 HP = Pluck if not done already
  141. - 29+ HP = HP
  142. Pluck + HP x2 (Scratch ~12-15, FA ~12-15) // HP:0
  143. (don't learn Metal Claw)
  145. Route 205 :
  146. * Before the grass :
  147. - Potion if HP < 5
  148. - Use a Repel
  149. * Take the X Attack
  150. * DODGE Hiker Daniel :
  151. Geodude 11 : Bubble
  152. Machop 11 : Pluck / HP T
  153. Geodude 11 : Bubble
  154. Bidoof 11 : Pluck x2 / HP
  156. Eterna Forest :
  157. * Encounter a wild Pokémon to heal
  158. * Double Battle :
  159. (1) Pachirisu 14 : HP x2 (+ Bubble)
  160. (2) Wurmple 9: HP / Pound after Egg Bomb
  161. (3) Beautifly 13 : HP (25% OHKO) + Pound / T HP
  162. (4) Silcoon 11 : HP
  163. * Take the Parlyz Heal
  164. * Psychic Lindsey :
  165. Abra 15 : Pluck - FASTER
  166. * Psychic Elijah :
  167. Abra 15 : Pluck (don't learn Bide) - FASTER
  168. * Before the grass :
  169. - Use a Repel
  170. * Reach Eterna City
  172. Eterna City :
  173. * Cynthia gives HM01 Cut
  174. * Reach Herb Shop :
  175. - 2 Heal Powders
  176. - 2 EnergyPowders (290+ ext*ra for 3)
  177. - 1 Revival Herb
  178. * Reach the Gym
  179. * Aroma Lady :
  180. Cherubi 15 : Pluck
  181. Roselia 15 : Pluck
  182. * Aroma Lady Jenna :
  183. Budew 14 : Pluck
  184. Budew 13 : Pluck
  185. Budew 15 : Pluck
  186. * Aroma Lady Angela :
  187. Turtwig 17 : HP + Pluck (Razor Leaf = 26-42/54-66)
  188. * Beauty Lindsay :
  189. Roselia 17 : Pluck (56.3%/81.3%) + Pound (Mega Drain = 18-24)
  190. * Menu :
  191. - Heal to full
  192. - Equip Cherry Berry
  193. * Gardenia :
  194. Cherubi 19 : X Attack + Pluck (Grass Knot = 14-20)
  195. Turtwig 19 : Pluck (50%) (x2-3) (Grass Knot = 14-18)
  196. Roserade 22 : Pluck x2 + Pluck/Pound
  197. Switch to Bidoof + Revival Herb if dead
  198. (Grass Knot ~32-42, Magical Leaf = 50-62) - FASTER
  199. (if poisoned & at low HP, don't cure the PSN & Energy Root in next menu)
  201. * Reach Team Galactic Eterna Building
  202. * Menu :
  203. - Equip Pecha Berry if still have it
  204. - Teach TM86 Grass Knot over Pound
  205. - Teach HM01 Cut to Bidoof
  206. - Heal if below 45HP
  208. * Enter Team Galactic Eterna Building
  209. * Galactic Grunt 1 :
  210. Zubat 14 : HP
  211. Glameow 14 : HP (Fake Out ~4) // HP:13
  212. * Galactic Grunt 2 :
  213. Wurmple 13 : HP
  214. Cascoon 13 : HP // HP:11
  215. * Galactic Grunt 3 :
  216. Wurmple 12 : HP
  217. Silcoon 12 : HP
  218. Zubat 12 : Pluck // HP:9
  219. * Galactic Grunt 4 :
  220. Kadabra 15 : HP (Confusion crit ~25) - FASTER // HP:8
  221. * Commander Jupiter :
  222. Zubat 18 : HP
  223. Skuntank 20 : @L23 Pluck + HP + Pluck/HP (BB over B) (Night Slash ~21-24)
  224. @L24 BB + HP (+ BB)
  225. // HP:6
  227. * Go to the Underground Man's House (right of the Pokémon Center)
  228. * Reach the Cycle Shop
  229. * Register the Bike
  231. Route 206 :
  232. * Right most tile before cutscene
  233. * Dawn gives you the VS. Seeker and the Downsing Machine
  235. * Take hidden Revive (skip it if still have the Revival Herb)
  236. * Take the bottom path, SKIP the hidden Rare Candy
  237. (* DODGE Hiker Kevin :
  238. Geodude 15 : GK
  239. Geodude 16 : GK
  240. Geodude 16 : GK
  241. Zubat 17 : BB)
  242. * Before Hiker Justin :
  243. - Use a Repel
  244. * DODGE Hiker Justin :
  245. Geodude 16 : GK
  246. Bronzor 18 : BB x2 / T BB
  248. Mt Coronet :
  249. * Cutscene
  250. * SKIP the hidden Ether in the central rock
  252. Route 208 :
  253. * DODGE Hiker Robert :
  254. Geodude 17 : GK
  255. Geodude 17 : GK
  256. * DODGE Hiker Jonathan :
  257. Onix 19 : GK
  258. * Use another Repel
  260. Hearthome City :
  261. * Cutscene
  262. * Mart :
  263. - 5 Super Potions . 3,500
  264. - 3 Repels . 1,050
  266. * Reach the Super Contest Hall (talk to Fantina from the side)
  267. * Heal + deposit Bidoof in the Hall PC :
  268. - Move Pokemon
  269. - Party => Prinplup => Store
  270. - Y => Bidoof => B => Prinplup
  271. - Party => Starly => slot 2
  273. * Cutscene, then exit the City
  274. * Rival :
  275. Starly 19 : BB (QA = 7-9)
  276. Grotle 21 : HP x2 + Pluck (82.4% kill) (Razor Leaf = 32-42)
  277. Switch to Starly + Revive if dead
  278. Buizel 20 : Switch to Starly if still alive unless <11 HP
  279. Grass Knot (WG ~4, Pursuit & Quick Attack ~5) - FASTER
  280. Ponyta 20 : BB - FASTER // HP:13
  281. (Tackle ~7, Ember ~4)
  283. Route 209 :
  284. * Dodge the trainer going in the upper grass (yolo 2 tiles)
  285. * Going up, take the left grassy path
  286. * Repel before more important grass patch
  288. Lost Tower :
  289. * Repel 3 times
  290. * DODGE Roughneck Kirby :
  291. Cleffa 19 : BB
  292. * Take HM04 Strength (left guy, latest floor)
  294. Solaceon Town :
  295. * Take a Persim Berry
  297. Route 210 :
  298. * Take the central path
  299. * Pass in front of double trainers & yolo 2 tiles
  301. Route 215 :
  302. * Ruin Maniac Calvin :
  303. Bronzor 21 : HP (+ BB) / BB T
  304. Shieldon 23 : BB // HP:12
  306. * Menu before Black Belt Derek :
  307. - Use a Repel
  308. - Heal if HP < 32
  309. * DODGE Black Belt Derek :
  310. Croagunk 25 : BB*
  311. * Take the hidden Zinc in the north-east trees (bottom tile of second tree)
  312. * Ace Trainer Maya :
  313. Glameow 23 : BB - SPEEDTIE @26
  314. Kadabra 23 : HP (68.8%) + Pluck (Confusion = 22-27) - FASTER // HP:11
  315. * Heal if needed
  316. * Ace Trainer Dennis :
  317. Monferno 23 : BB (Mach Punch ~13) - FASTER
  318. Gyarados 23 : Grass Knot x3 (Bite ~15-17, Thrash ~23-27) - FASTER
  320. Veilstone City :
  321. * Take outside PP Up (west side of Galactic Veilstone Building)
  322. * Mart :
  323. 1F Buy : 3 Super Repels
  324. 3F (down) Sell : 1 PP Up & 1 Zinc
  325. Buy : TM14 Blizzard
  326. 2F Buy : 14 X Speeds
  327. 22-26 X Specials
  328. ----------------------
  329. TOTAL : 19.600+
  330. * Reach the Gym
  333. * Black Belt Rafael (right) :
  334. Meditite 28 : BB x2 (BB in Torrent) (FP ~28, Confusion ~12-13)
  335. * DODGE Black Belt (left) : (0-1 xspc)
  336. Machoke 25 : X Special (1 hit from Torrent)
  337. HP T+1 @L27 / BB T+1 @28 / BB x2 (Karate Chop = 18-22)
  338. Machop 25 : HP / BB T (Low Kick = 12-15)
  339. Machoke 25 : BB T+1 (x2 otherwise) // HP:9
  340. * DODGE Black Belt Colby (central) : (1 xspc)
  341. Machoke 25 : X Special (1 hit from Torrent)
  342. HP T+1 / BB x2 (Karate Chop ~20) // HP:8
  343. Machoke 25 x2 : (BB x2) x2
  344. * Heal at least at ~50 HP
  345. * Maylene : (1 xspd - 2 xspc)
  346. Meditite 27 : X Special x2
  347. X Speed if 24-38 HP @27 or 23-38 @28
  348. heal if 23- HP @27 or 22- HP @28
  349. BB
  350. (Drain Punch = 21-25/19-24) (don't learn Fury Attack)
  351. Machoke 27 : HP (81.3% at +2) / BB T (Brick Break = 30-36)
  352. Lucario 30 : HP x2 / HP in Torrent (Force Palm / Drain Punch = 33-39)
  353. // HP:6
  354. * Menu : (postpone after Double if HP without healing)
  355. - Depending on health :
  356. @29 /78-80(26) @30 /81+(27)
  357. HP 0-6 Potion & HP
  358. HP 7 Powder & Blizzard Potion & HP
  359. HP 8-21 Powder & Blizzard
  360. HP 22-26 HP
  361. HP 27 Blizzard HP
  362. HP 28+ Blizzard
  364. - Use appropriate healing item
  365. - Teach TM14 Blizzard over Bubblebeam
  366. - Teach HM04 Strength over Pluck
  368. * Reach the Galactic Warehouse
  369. * Galactic Double Battle : (Use 4 Blizzard at most)
  370. # Blizzard :
  371. (1) Dustox 25 : | Blizzard x2 (Psybeam = 9-11)
  372. (1) Beautifly 25 : | "" x1 (Mega Drain = 18-22)
  373. (2) Stunky 25 : Blizzard x2 (Slash = 10-12) - FASTER
  374. (3) Croagunk 25 : Blizzard if not alone - HP otherwise
  375. (can HP Stunky if Dustox full HP + Stunky enters)
  377. # Strength :
  378. (1) Beautifly 25 : HP T (Mega Drain = 18-22)
  379. (2) Stunky 25 : HP T (Slash = 10-12) - FASTER
  380. (3) Dustox 25 : HP T (Psybeam = 9-11)
  381. (4) Croagunk 25 : BB T // HP:3
  383. * Take HM02 Fly from the warehouse
  385. Route 214 :
  386. * Menu :
  387. - Equip the Persim Berry
  388. - Heal below 44 HP
  389. - Use a Super Repel
  391. * Psychic Abigail :
  392. Gastly 22 : HP (Sucker Punch ~6)
  393. Misdreavus 23 : HP x2 / HP in Torrent (Psybeam ~12, Astonish ~6)
  394. Kadabra 24 : Strength - FASTER
  395. (Can Disable, Confusion ~19, Psybeam ~22-27) // HP:1
  396. * Dodge Collector Douglas biking the left most tile of the path
  398. Verity Lakefront :
  399. * TAKE the hidden Max Ether in the top top-left-most tree of the grassy corner (Ether:0 / Max Ether:1)
  400. * SKIP guard heal
  402. Route 213 :
  403. * DODGE Beauty Cindy :
  404. Glameow 23 : HP // GK:20 St:13 Bl:1 HP:0
  406. Pastoria City : (can skip Defog)
  407. * Take HM05 Defog from the Safari Zone
  408. * Reach Route 212 Pog, and take the hidden Ether & Rare Candy there (Ether:1 / Max Ether:1)
  409. * Take x Persim Berry :
  410. - 1 if still equiped
  411. - 2 if not**
  412. * Reach the Gym
  413. * Equip a Persim Berry
  414. * Sailor Damian :
  415. Wingull 24 : Strength (Wing Attack ~7-9) - FASTER
  416. Wingull 24 : Strength - FASTER // GK:20 St:11 Bl:1 HP:4
  417. * Tuber Jacky :
  418. Buizel 26 : Grass Knot (Sonicboom 20, Aqua Jet ~4-5) - FASTER
  419. // GK:19 St:11 Bl:1 HP:4
  420. * Tuber Caitlyn :
  421. Azurill 24 : HP
  422. Marill 24 : Strength x2 // GK:19 St:9 Bl:1 HP:3
  423. * Sailor Samson :
  424. Shellos 24 : Strength x2 (Mud Bomb ~8, Water Pulse ~6)
  425. Shellos 24 : Strength x2
  426. Wingull 24 : Strength // GK:19 St:4 Bl:1 HP:3
  427. * Menu :
  428. - Heal to full
  429. - Equip a Persim Berry if consumed the equiped one
  430. * Wake : (1 xspd - 1 xspc)
  431. Gyarados 27 : X Speed + X Special + Grass Knot x2 (3 if Super Potion)
  432. OR Strength x2-3 (if Swagger x2)
  433. (Bite = 17-21, Dragon Rage = 40)
  434. Quagsire 27 : Grass Knot (HP in Torrent)
  435. Floatzel 30 : GK (50%/100%) - FASTER
  436. (Pursuit/Swift = 14-17, Brine <50% ~21)
  437. (don't learn Brine)
  438. // GK:14 St:3 Bl:1 HP:2
  440. * SKIP Center (unless 0 HP PP)
  442. * Talk to the Galactic Grunt & follow him
  443. * Rival :
  444. Starly 26 : HP if 2+ left / Strength (Quick Attack = 7-10)
  445. Grotle 28 : Blizzard (Razor Leaf = 38-48)
  446. Ponyta 25 : HP (Stomp = 13-16) - FASTER
  447. Buizel 25 : Grass Knot (Pursuit ~7, Aqua Jet ~5-8) - FASTER
  448. // GK:13 St:5 Bl:0 HP:0
  449. Verity Lakefront :
  450. * TALK to the guard to heal (skip if took backup center)
  452. Route 212 :
  453. * Galactic Grunt :
  454. Glameow 25 : HP // GK:20 St:15 Bl:5 HP:14
  455. * Talk to Cynthia
  456. * Menu :
  457. - Teach HM02 Fly on Starly (IF LEVEL 5+, teach Defog before Fly)
  458. - Teach HM05 Defog on Starly
  459. - Use a Super Repel
  460. - Fly to Solaceon Town
  462. Route 210 : (3 HP available for potential missed Blizzard, then Strength)
  463. * IMPORTANT : Rare Candy to 36 as soon as possible (TO-DO when can 36 after grunt ?)
  464. * Give the SecretPotion to the Psyducks
  465. * Ace Trainer Alyssa :
  466. Ponyta 27 : HP (Stomp ~12-13) / Strength if evolved (TO-DO) - FASTER
  467. Grotle 27 : Blizzard // GK:20 St:15 Bl:4 HP:13
  468. * DODGE Ace Trainer Ernest :
  469. Mothim 25 : Blizzard (Silver Wind ~30)
  470. Luxio 27 : HP x2 (T OHKOs)
  471. Onix 26 : HP // GK:20 St:15 Bl:3 HP:10
  472. * Black Belt :
  473. Machoke 29 : HP x2 / Blizzard or HP T if evolved (Seismic Toss 29, Revenge ~50+)
  474. // GK:20 St:15 Bl:2 HP:8
  475. * Bird Keeper Brianna :
  476. Hoothoot 27 : Blizzard or HP T / Strength or HP if evolved
  477. Noctowl 27 : Blizzard (+ Strength) (Peck ~7)
  478. // GK:20 St:15 Bl:0 HP:7
  479. * (without spinners, you should Candy here - don't learn Aqua Jet)
  480. * DODGE Veteran Brian :
  481. Buitzel 26 : Grass Knot
  482. Machoke 26 : HP (range) + Strength (Low Kick ~45)
  483. Girafarig 26 : HP (range) // GK:19 St:14 Bl:0 HP:5
  485. Celestic Town :
  486. * Take the Choice Specs (available before 9:45AM)
  487. * Reach the Ruins
  488. * Galactic Grunt :
  489. Beautifly 25 : HP
  490. Croagunk 27 : HP // GK:19 St:14 Bl:0 HP:3
  491. * Enter the Ruin
  492. * Receive HM03 Surf, & exit
  493. * Menu :
  494. - Equip Choice Specs
  495. - Teach HM03 Surf over HP
  496. - Fly to Hearthome City // GK:19 St:14 Bl:0 S:15
  498. Hearthome City :
  499. * Reach the Gym
  500. * Right - Middle - Left - Right
  501. * Fantina : (1 xspd - 0-1 xspc)
  502. Drifblim 32 : X Speed + (X Special w/out Torrent +) Surf
  503. Mismagius 36 : Surf (Magical Leaf / Shadow Ball = 20-24)
  504. Gengar 34 : Surf // GK:19 St:14 Bl:0 S:12
  506. * Menu :
  507. - Use a Super Repel
  508. - Fly to Jubilife City & reach Route 218
  510. Route 218 :
  511. * Switch to 3rd gear before surfing
  512. * Take northeast Rare Candy if no 3 extra Speed EVs
  513. * DODGE Sailor Skyler (can run-to-bike) :
  514. Mantyke 27 : Grass Knot x1-2
  515. Gyarados 31 : Grass Knot x2 // GK:14 St:14 Bl:0 S:12
  517. Canalave City :
  518. * Mart :
  519. - 11 Hyper Potions . 13,200
  520. - 1 Revive . 1,500 (ONLY IF used the picked one)
  521. - 4 Full Heal . 2,400
  522. - 1 Escape Rope . 550
  523. - 9-11 Max Repels . 7,700 (only 9 required, 11 faster to buy)
  524. * Rival : (0-1 xspc)
  525. Staravia 31 : X Special only if <45 HP + Surf
  526. (Take Down ~12, Quick Attack ~5-6)
  527. Heracross 30 : Surf (Brick Break = 56-68)
  528. Grotle 35 : X Special if Torrent possible (not used one on Staravia)
  529. Surf (x2) (Bite ~8-9)
  530. Ponyta 32 : Surf
  531. Buizel 32 : Surf (QA ~3, Aqua Jet ~5) // GK:14 St:14 Bl:0 S:6
  533. * Gym
  534. * Black Belt Ricky :
  535. Steelix 33 : Grass Knot // GK:13 St:14 Bl:0 S:6
  536. * Ace Trainer Cesar :
  537. Skorupi 30 : Surf (don't learn Whirlpool)
  538. Steelix 32 : Surf // GK:13 St:14 Bl:0 S:4
  539. * Worker Gerardo :
  540. Onix 29 : Grass Knot
  541. Onix 29 : Grass Knot // GK:11 St:14 Bl:0 S:4
  542. * Black Belt David :
  543. Onix 30 : Grass Knot
  544. Steelix 32 : Grass Knot // GK:9 St:14 Bl:0 S:4
  545. * Ace Trainer Breanna :
  546. Azumarill 33 : Grass Knot (43.8%) x2 // GK:7 St:14 Bl:0 S:4
  547. * Byron :
  548. Bronzor 36 : Surf
  549. Steelix 36 : Surf
  550. Bastiodon 39 : Surf // GK:7 St:14 Bl:0 S:1
  552. * Reach the Library
  553. * Menu :
  554. - Teach TM91 Flash Cannon over Grass Knot
  555. - Fly to Pastoria & reach Valor Lakefront
  557. Valor Lakefront :
  558. - Heal with the guard // FC:10 St:15 Bl:5 S:15
  560. Valor Lake :
  561. * DODGE Galactic Grunt 3 :
  562. Golbat 32 : FC
  563. Croagunk 36 : FC (Sucker Punch ~6) // FC:8 St:15 Bl:5 S:15
  564. * Commander Saturn :
  565. Kadabra 35 : Surf (Psychic ~21-22, Shock Wave ~34-38) - FASTER
  566. Toxicroak 37 : Surf (Revenge ~100, Faint Attack ~8)
  567. Bronzor 35 : Surf // FC:8 St:15 Bl:5 S:12
  568. * Fly to Twinleaf Town & reach Verity Lake
  570. Verity Lake :
  571. * Galactic Double Battle :
  572. (1) Glameow 33 : | Surf
  573. (1) Silcoon 32 : |
  574. (2) Golbat 32 : Surf
  575. (3) Glameow 32 : Surf (can Fake Out) // FC:8 St:15 Bl:5 S:9
  576. * Surf to avoid the second Double Battle
  577. * Commander Mars : (0-1 xspd)
  578. Golbat 37 : (X Speed +) Surf (Air Cutter/Bite = 6-8) - FASTER w/out X Speed
  579. Bronzor 37 : Surf
  580. Purugly 39 : Surf - FASTER w/out X Speed // FC:8 St:15 Bl:5 S:6
  581. * Menu :
  582. - Use a Max Repel (requires perfect movement, can postpone)
  583. - Fly to Celestic Town
  585. Mt Coronet :
  586. * B1F : take the hidden Rare Candy
  588. Route 216 :
  589. * HAIL IS ~8 DMG
  590. * DODGE Ace Trainer Maria :
  591. Golduck 34 : Surf x2
  592. Sudowoodo 33 : Surf
  593. Ponyta 35 : Surf // FC:8 St:15 Bl:5 S:2
  595. * Skip the Snowbound Lodge (no spinners => S:7)
  597. * Menu before the grass :
  598. - Use a Max Repel
  600. * Dodge Ace Trainer Garrett going full up
  602. Route 217 :
  603. * Ace Trainer Dalton : (Surf x3-4 if dodged Maria)
  604. Raichu 34 : Blizzard (QA ~4)
  605. Hippopotas 38 : Blizzard
  606. Pelipper 36 : Blizzard (Water Pulse ~10, Aerial Ace ~7)
  607. // FC:8 St:15 Bl:2 S:2
  608. * Take HM08 Rock Climb
  610. * Ace Trainer Olivia :
  611. Roselia 37 : FC
  612. Seaking 37 : FC x2 (93%) // FC:5 St:15 Bl:2 S:2
  614. Snowpoint City :
  615. * DODGE Ace Trainer Brenna :
  616. Snover 39 : Flash Cannon // FC:4 St:15 Bl:2 S:2
  617. * Candice : (1 xspd)
  618. Snover 38 : X Speed + Flash Cannon
  619. Medicham 40 : Flash Cannon (Force Palm = 72-86) - FASTER w/out X Speed
  620. Abomasnow 42 : Flash Cannon
  621. Sneasel 38 : Flash Cannon / T Surf (Faint Attack ~8) - FASTER w/out X Speed
  622. // FC:0 St:15 Bl:2 S:2
  624. * Menu :
  625. - Use a Max Repel
  627. * Reach the Acuity Lake
  628. * Fly to Veilstone City
  630. Veilstone City :
  631. * Take the Storage Key & reach the Warehouse
  632. * DODGE Galactic Grunt 1 :
  633. Golbat 37 : Surf if 2+ left / FC
  635. * Galactic Grunt 2 :
  636. Dustox 35 : Surf
  637. Bronzor 35 : Surf
  638. * DODGE Galactic Grunt 3 :
  639. Glameow 37 : Surf / FC
  640. * Left TP twice
  641. * Take the Galactic Key & reach the Team Galactic HQ
  643. * Take the hidden PP Up (top flower pot)
  644. * Fight left Galactic Grunt making him walk 2 tiles up :
  645. Golbat 36 : Surf
  646. Golbat 36 : Surf
  647. * Bypass Galactic Grunt 4
  648. * Central TP
  649. * Heal in the bed // FC:10 St:15 B:5 S:15
  650. * Galactic Grunt 5 :
  651. Croagunk 35 : Flash Cannon (Sucker Punch ~5-6)
  652. Stunky 35 : Flash Cannon
  653. Glameow 35 : Flash Cannon
  654. * Galactic Grunt 6 :
  655. Stunky 36 : Flash Cannon
  656. Croagunk 36 : Flash Cannon // FC:5 St:15 B:5 S:15
  657. * SKIP Central TP (skip Elixir & hidden Rare Candy)
  659. * Boss Cyrus :
  660. Murkrow 40 : FC (Drill Peck ~16, Night Shade 40)
  661. Golbat 40 : FC (Bite ~7) - SPEEDTIE @48 w/out X Speed
  662. Sneasel 43 : FC (QA ~7, Ice Punch ~9) - FASTER w/out X Speed
  663. // FC:2 St:15 B:5 S:15
  664. * Commander Saturn :
  665. Kadabra 38 : Surf (Shock Wave ~30-36, Psychic ~19-20) - FASTER
  666. Toxicroak 40 : Surf (range after Embargo)
  667. Bronzor 38 : Surf // FC:2 St:15 B:5 S:12
  669. * Menu :
  670. - Fly to Oreburgh City & reach Mt Coronet
  672. Mt Coronet :
  673. * Menu :
  674. - Use a Max Repel
  675. - Use PP Up on Surf here if not already
  676. - Teach HM08 Rock Climb over Blizzard // FC:2 St:15 B:5 S:15
  677. * 2F : SKIP Ether in lone rock (Ether:1 / Max Ether:1)
  678. * DODGE Galactic Grunt :
  679. Beautifly 40 : Surf // FC:2 St:15 RC:20 S:14
  680. * Use a Max Repel before the grass outside
  682. * SKIP Ether in lone rock (Ether:1 / Max Ether:1)
  683. * DODGE Galactic Grunt : (this guy gives the lacking 3 Speed EVs for Infernape)
  684. Stunky 38 : Flash Cannon
  685. Golbat 38 : Flash Cannon // FC:0 St:15 RC:20 S:14
  687. * In last snowy area, continue after the stairs to take the hidden Rare Candy in the rock
  688. * Rock Climb twice (going around wastes the Super Repel still inside the cave)
  690. * Galactic Grunt 1 :
  691. Bronzor 38 : Surf
  692. Glameow 38 : Surf // FC:0 St:15 RC:20 S:12
  693. * Galactic Grunt 2 :
  694. Bronzor 37 : Surf
  695. Golbat 37 : Surf // FC:0 St:15 RC:20 S:10
  696. * Galactic Grunt 3 :
  697. Golbat 37 : Surf
  698. Glameow 37 : Surf
  699. Bronzor 37 : Surf // FC:0 St:15 RC:20 S:7
  701. * Menu :
  702. - Rare Candy @L48 to reach level 50 (51 if extra candy)
  704. * Galactic Double Battle :
  705. (1) Dustox 38 : | Surf
  706. (1) Stunky 38 : |
  707. (2) Croagunk 38 : | Surf
  708. (2) Glameow 38 : | // FC:0 St:15 RC:20 S:5
  709. * Double Commander Battle : (1 xspd)
  710. (1) Bronzor 41 : | Surf
  711. (1) Bronzor 41: |
  712. (2) Purugly 45 : | X Speed + Surf - FASTER w/out X Speed
  713. (2) Skuntank 46 : | (6.3% @L50, 37.5% @L51 so Surf on Golbat + Skuntank)
  714. (3) Golbat 42 : | Surf - FASTER w/out X Speed
  715. (3) Golbat 41 : | // FC:0 St:15 RC:20 S:1-2
  717. * (free heal)
  719. * Boss Cyrus : (1-2 xspd - 1 xspc)
  720. Honchkrow 45 : X Special + Surf (Dark Pulse ~20-30)
  721. Gyarados 45 : Surf x2-3 (Giga Impact ~40, EQ ~84-86, Aqua Tail ~29-30)
  722. Weavile 48 : (X Speed @L52 +) Surf - FASTER w/ 1 X Speed
  723. (Brick Break ~74, Ice Punch ~13, X-Scissor ~21-23, Night Slash ~25)
  724. Crobat 46 : Surf (Air Slash ~15, Bite ~11) - FASTER w/ 1 X Speed
  725. // FC:10 St:15 RC:20 S:11 (assumes 7 Surfs)
  726. * Run away from Dialga
  727. * Enter cave, use an Escape Rope & Fly to Pastoria City
  729. Pastoria City :
  730. * Talk to the guard to heal
  732. Route 222 :
  733. * DODGE Tuber Holly :
  734. Remoraid 43 : FC // FC:9 S:18
  736. * Sailor Luther :
  737. Feebas 37 : Surf
  738. Machoke 40 : Surf
  739. Gastrodon 43 : Surf // FC:9 S:15
  741. Sunyshore City :
  742. * Reach the Lighthouse
  743. * Reach the Gym
  744. * School Kid Tiera :
  745. Pachirisu 44 : Surf // FC:9 S:14
  746. * School Kid Forrest :
  747. Mr. Mime 44 : Flash Cannon // FC:8 S:14
  748. * Guitarist Jerry :
  749. Luxio 44 : Surf // FC:8 S:13
  751. * DODGE Poke Kid Meghan :
  752. Pikachu 41 x4 : Flash Cannon x4 // FC:4 S:13
  753. * DODGE Guitarist Lonnie : (this guy gives the lacking 3 Speed EVs for Infernape)
  754. Raichu 44 : Surf - FASTER // FC:4 S:12
  755. * Ace Trainer Destiny : (1 xspd)
  756. Kadabra 44 : X Speed @L53+ + Surf - FASTER w/out X Speed
  757. (Psychic = 20-24)
  758. Raichu 44 : Surf (Dig = 36-44 , Thunderbolt = 72-86) - FASTER w/out X Speed
  759. // FC:4 S:10
  760. * Guitarist Preston :
  761. Luxio 42 : Surf
  762. Bibarel 42 : Surf // FC:4 S:8
  763. * Ace Trainer Zachery :
  764. Steelix 44 : Surf
  765. Medicham 44 : Surf // FC:4 S:6
  766. * Volkner : (1 xspd - 1-2 xspc)
  767. Raichu 46 : X Speed
  768. X Special
  769. Stall for T if Light Screen (heal and/or another X Special)
  770. Surf (Charged Beam = 44-54/66-80, Brick Break = 44-54)
  771. Luxray 49 : Surf
  772. Ambipom 47 : Surf (Shock Wave ~42)
  773. Octillery 47 : Surf (x2-3) // FC:4 S:0
  775. Route 223 :
  776. * Talk to Jasmine & receive HM07 Waterfall
  777. * Menu :
  778. - Use a Max Repel
  779. - Teach HM07 Waterfall over Flash Cannon
  780. * Swimmer Oscar :
  781. Mantyke 38 : Strength
  782. Remoraid 40 : Strength
  783. Mantine 42 : Strength x2-3 (because of Bounce)
  784. * DODGE Swimmer Gabrielle :
  785. Golduck 43 : Strength x2
  787. * PC :
  788. - Move Pokemon
  789. - Bidoof => Withdraw
  790. - Party => Y => Empoleon => box
  791. - Empoleon => Party => Starly => box
  793. Victory Road :
  794. * When Max Repel wears off :
  795. - Use a Max Repel
  796. * Ace Trainer Mariah :
  797. Golduck 46 : Rock Climb x2-3
  798. Blissey 48 : Rock Climb
  799. * Ace Trainer Omar : (1 xspc)
  800. Rapidash 45 : Surf (Fire Blast ~42) - FASTER @55-
  801. Carnivine 45 : X Special (skip if Torrent) + Surf
  802. Rampardos 48 : Surf
  803. * Ace Trainer Sydney :
  804. Clefable 46 : Surf
  805. Torterra 48 : Surf
  806. * Take the hidden Rare Candy among the movable boulders
  807. * Black Belt Miles :
  808. Machamp 49 : Surf (Cross Chop ~140)
  809. * Psychic Valancia :
  810. Chingling 44 : Surf
  811. Chimecho 48 : Surf
  812. * Dragon Tamer :
  813. Gabite 49 : Surf
  814. * Veteran Edgar :
  815. Tentacruel 45 : Surf x2 - FASTER
  816. Golem 45 : Surf
  817. Empoleon 48 : Surf x2 (Drill Peck ~28)
  818. * Dragon Tamer Clinton :
  819. Gible 46 x2 : Surf
  820. Gyarados 49 : Surf x2
  822. Pokemon League :
  823. * Heal at the center
  824. * Rival : (1 xspd - 1-2 xspc)
  825. Staraptor 48 : X Special
  826. Surf (Close Combat = 90-108)
  827. Torterra 53 : X Speed if no damage
  828. Surf (Earthquake = 126-150)
  829. Heracross 50 : Surf - FASTER w/out X Speed
  830. Floatzel 49 : Heal if can't tank Brick Break
  831. X Speed if not used yet
  832. X Special if no Torrent
  833. Surf (Aqua Jet ~9, Brick Break = 52-62)
  834. Snorlax 51 : Surf (Earthquake = 78-84)
  835. Rapidash 49 : Surf // S:12
  837. * Aaron : (1 xspd - 1-2 xspc)
  838. Dustox 53 : X Speed
  839. - in Torrent w/ Light Screen : X Special, Surf
  840. - in Torrent w/out LS : Surf*
  841. - no Torrent w/ Light Screen : Surf, X Special x2 :
  842. => if still not in Torrent : heal, then Surf
  843. => otherwise : Surf
  844. - no Torrent w/out LS : X Special, Surf
  845. Surf (Bug Buzz = 17-21)
  846. Heracross 54 : Surf (Close Combat = 170-204 (75% OHKO))
  847. Vespiquen 54 : Surf (Attack Order ~25)
  848. Beautifly 53 : Surf
  849. Drapion 57 : Surf // S:6
  850. * Menu :
  851. - Super Potion if HP <= 20
  853. * Bertha : (0-1 xspc)
  854. Quagsire 55 : Surf (heal if Dig)
  855. Hippowdon 59 : Surf
  856. Golem 56 : Surf
  857. Whiscash 55 : X Special if no Torrent
  858. + Surf
  859. Sudowoodo 56 : Surf (Sucker Punch ~19) // S:1
  860. * Menu :
  861. - Heal to ~150
  863. - Use a Max Ether on Surf // S:18
  865. * Flint : (1 xspd, 1-2 xspc) TORRENT FROM RAPIDASH => SKIP X SPECIALS
  866. Rapidash 58 : X Speed
  867. - if Flare Blitz, Surf x2, X Special on Lopunny
  868. - otherwise X Special
  869. + Surf (SolarBeam ~48, Bounce ~23, Flare Blitz = 90-102/132-156)
  870. Infernape 61 : Surf (Flare Blitz SD = 128-152, EQ = 98-116, Mach Punch = 60-72)
  871. - FASTER w/ 1 X Speed with 3 Speed EVs
  872. Lopunny 57 : X Special if none or Sunny Day
  873. + Surf (Thunderpunch = 50-60)
  874. Steelix 57 : Surf
  875. Drifblim 58 : Surf // S:13
  877. * Menu :
  878. - Heal to full
  879. * Lucian : (1 xspd - 1-2 xspc)
  880. Mr. Mime 59 : X Speed
  881. - 1 X Special if no TBolt
  882. - 2 X Specials if Light Screen, then heal until faded
  883. Surf (TBolt ~84-100, Psychic = 30-36)
  884. ↑(101+ HP safe, 99-100 1/16, 97-98 3/16)
  885. Medicham 60 : Surf (Drain Punch > 95)
  886. Alakazam 60 : Surf
  887. Bronzong 63 : Surf (Earthquake = 90-108)
  888. Girafarig 59 : Surf // S:8
  889. * Menu :
  890. - Heal to full at < 55ish HP & > 110ish
  891. - Skip Ether on Surf if yolo (NO EXTRA SURF USED required)
  892. * Cynthia : (1 xspd - 4-6 xspc)
  893. Spiritomb 61 : X Speed + X Special
  894. X Special if still not in Torrent & next EQ can kill
  895. Surf (Dark Pulse = 24-28)
  896. Gastrodon 60 : If EQ doesn't kill, X Special to +2 here
  897. Surf (Earthquake = 102-122)
  898. Garchomp 66 : Surf (Earthquake = 176-210 (37.5% OHKO))
  899. Lucario 63 : Surf
  900. Roserade 60 : X Specials to +4 in Torrent or +6 without
  901. If Roserade doesn't cooperate (spam Energy Ball or too few damage)
  902. just go to +3 and finish setup on Milotic
  903. Surf (Energy Ball = 66-78)
  904. Milotic 63 : Surf (x2) (+4 in Torrent OHKO, +6 is 37.5%)
  905. (Mirror Coat sucks)
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