
Liberation of Nova Spera Session 6

Aug 2nd, 2015
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  1. CawklesGM The fire rises tonight, crackling ominiously. A hint of things to come, no doubt. It is 0200 and Brash Platoon continues to loaf around Objective Albrecht despite the arrival of Captain De Frank and HQ company. The man, without ceremony or remorse, booted the lot of you out of the objective you sacrificed so much to secure. Even the Master of Ordnance was evicted without thanks; the man who directed artillery for the past two hours, directly supporting De Frank's advance to this position, was shuffled out like he was some cadet. Only the LT, the tech-priest, and Roland were allowed to stay, much to the chagrin of the rest of Brash platoon. As tempers rise, the fighting cooled; the city now sits quietly like a sickly animal, the occasional cough of gunfire illustrating the terrible disease that is afflicting it. What remains of Brash Platoon now huddles together in the hab blocks where the blood of Ali's men and their alien murderers mingle together in congealed pools. The pyre that burns their corspes still rages, fueled by the bodies of the wounded Divine Cohort who were exceuted by Roxy's squad. A sense of anxious rest pervades the hab block; all sit around waiting for something, anything to happen. But the quiet continues still.
  2. CawklesGM What remains of Snow Squad quietly tries to relax in the best appointed hab in the building. The blood stains here are small and do not smell as bad, and there are no blast holes in the walls, making it the best real estate for miles around. The only noise here is the bubbling of Kahina's cook cauldron, situated in the center of the drab room ferrocrete room. Like a witch of old, she stews the concoction silently as Izem looks on. As the silence become more untenable, Muffin brings it upon herself to ease the tension...
  3. CawklesGM "Seh," She begins. "'oo 'ere tinks taht kipton defronk ees a tosspot deek 'ead?"
  4. CawklesGM Abbass sighs. "Muffin, come on. I don't think anybody wants to talk about it."
  5. Izem_abn_Anaruz rubs his chin with a hand and he thinks over the events of the last couple of hours. "We all know that Muffin," he says without turning to her.
  6. CawklesGM Jurdik, his temper still simmering, spits. "I can talk about how I want to wring that little Throne-kissing little shit all day!" Kahina looks up from her cooking and hisses something in Qom. Jurdik gives her a rude gesture. Bartleby, who sits handcuffed in the corner, chuckles. It seems everybody forgot he was even there.
  7. CawklesGM "You know," he begins, flashing his yellow grin. "I ran with the Sidewinders for all my life. My mom was a sidewinder, so was me pa. I spent my entire life among dregs and criminals....and even after such a life, I don't think I've ever seen such a sorry group of losers, outcasts, and scum."
  8. CawklesGM "I mean, think about it. We got a several criminals, a history teacher who's a *gigantic* pussy, an outcast lady with a gigantic pole up her ass, a whore, a con man, a drug addict..."
  9. CawklesGM "I think I fit right in." Bartleby erupts into a fit of laughter.
  10. Izem_abn_Anaruz "A great thing then, that your opinion is as about as valuable as the dirt under your nails." He says nonchalantly with a wave of the hand.
  11. CawklesGM Bartleby shrugs. "I've been around the block a couple of times, Mister Izem, and I think you need to listen to me. I can tell you won't be able to handle what's coming. The blood, I mean."
  12. CawklesGM Muffin sneers. "Shutty ya feekin' doon hompin' ninny, we reddy fer anyting."
  13. Izem_abn_Anaruz "We'll see soon enough, Boog."
  14. CawklesGM There is a sudden ominous aspect about Bartleby as he leans back into his little corner. "Indeed, indeed..."
  15. Ace_Nerat "Can we just try and relax?"
  16. Rajh_Tara checks his equipment while hanging out in the back.
  17. CawklesGM Ishmael sighs and looks up from one of his books. "Right... let me know when you say anything important."
  18. Ace_Nerat "I would stop talking if I where you Bart, or maybe I'll give you another taste of Cupcake."
  19. CawklesGM Bartleby's retort is cut off by the kind of news nobody present really wants to hear. Sergeant Roxy, sounding exhausted, drops the bomb over the vox: +Heads up, cupcakes. You got a guest coming to see you. The big man himself. Get ready.+
  20. CawklesGM Clearly Roxy took her time or De Frank hurried, because just as she finishes there is quick rap across the steel door to room.
  21. Izem_abn_Anaruz [Bazir] "Too early for this shit."
  22. Ace_Nerat stands and stretches before walking to the door and opening it
  23. Ishmael stands and looks at the door.
  24. Rajh_Tara finishes his equipment check and stands.
  25. CawklesGM Captain De Frank, that baby faced little administrator, is standing in the doorway. His typical haughty sneer grows even more disgusted and mortified as he sees his soldiers squatting around the room. His nose wrinkles at the smell of the cookpot. "Weren't you told I was coming? Why are the lot of you sitting around stew like a bunch of peasants? What's more, why am I not being saluted? Bah, nevermind...nevermind...we have more pressing matters to attend to." He steps into the room and closes the door. The rest of the squad perks up as the urgency in his voice disturbs the uneasy peace. He turns to Ishmael, the highest ranking officer. "Is the room secure?"
  26. Ace_Nerat "Bout as secure as you're gonna get."
  27. Ishmael salutes. "As far as we are aware, sir, It is."
  28. Rajh_Tara slowly salutes.
  29. Ace_Nerat lights a Lho stick
  30. Izem_abn_Anaruz approaches behind Ishmael, he gives a late salute to de Frank.
  31. CawklesGM De Frank nods, cracks open the door and receives a small box from somebody standing out there. He closes the portal once again, sets the box down on the floor, and kicks it over to Ace's feet. "I have a mission for the lot of you...or some of you, rather. Tara, Anaruz, Nerat, Master of Ordnance, get ready to move out. Take your subordinates as well as two other members of your choice from your platoon and meet me outside the hab-blocks in three minutes. Don't delay." He turns on his heel, and leaves as suddenly as he came. Jurdik spits.
  32. CawklesGM The rest of the squad, however, blinks in confusion. This is...sudden.
  33. Ace_Nerat "Get Ziida and Wrenchman in here." He says to Muffin
  34. Izem_abn_Anaruz "Yeah, too early."
  35. Ishmael "Agreed."
  36. Ishmael salutes as he leaves.
  37. CawklesGM Muffin scrambles to her feet, and wraps some clothes around her bare chest. "Meh beh roight back." And true to form, she is right back in but a moment; The bushy face of Wrenchman, a cigar clamped between his teeth, saunters in. After him, the pale form of Ziida follows as well. Her eyes are sunken and ringed by black, and her normally styled hair falls to her shoulders in filthy tresses.
  38. CawklesGM She salutes Ishmael.
  39. CawklesGM Wrenchman breaks the silence first. "Whaddya need, sirrah?"
  40. Rajh_Tara follows Ishmael.
  41. Ace_Nerat "I Want both of you to give me your best man or women for a mission."
  42. Ishmael Looks at Ziida. "How are you doing, Sargeant?" He asks while returning the salute.
  43. CawklesGM Wrenchman and Ziida salute Ace. Wrenchman takes a drag from his cigar and grins. "I got jess the man. How about you pookie?"
  44. CawklesGM Ziida rolls her eyes. "My new woman is pretty good. I'll send for her immediately. And...don't call me that, Wrenchman."
  45. CawklesGM The grizzled Boog sergeant grins. "You know you like it."
  46. CawklesGM Ziida smiles gently as she addresses Ishmael. "And...I'm okay, sir. Just stressed is all, for understandable reasons."
  47. CawklesGM Wrenchman looks down at the box near Ace's feet. "Hoo boy, what's in the box boss?"
  48. Ace_Nerat "No idea boyo." he says as he picks up the box and opens it.
  49. Ishmael "Just a little something regarding our mission, probably. Now, go send your boy and girl over and have fun guarding the place." He smiles.
  50. Izem_abn_Anaruz stands off to the side, craning his head to get a better view of the box in Ace's hand.
  51. CawklesGM The two sergeants nod and leave the room. Ziida has herself a little chuckle, relieved that she doesn't have to go out into battle herself. Cracking open the small crate, lying inside is a small note lying on top of...a power fist. A beefy, green colored gauntlet with a small cable attached to a belt mounted power source.
  52. Ishmael raises his eyebrow. "What's this doing here...?" He then tries to read the note.
  53. CawklesGM Kahina matches Izem's movement and her jaw drops. "The fist of Shaban...!"
  54. Izem_abn_Anaruz frowns, recognizing who it came from. [Bazir] "Arkwrighter greed."
  55. Ace_Nerat "Mr.Rose came through."
  56. CawklesGM "The holy fist wreathed in the fire of Amm," She breathes, in almost religious reverence.
  57. Ishmael "Mr. Rose?"
  58. Izem_abn_Anaruz "The man he let go last night."
  59. Ishmael looks between Ace and Izem. "Weren't we questioned about someone with that name?"
  60. CawklesGM Muffin squeask with surprise, and the other squaddies start to look...perturbed. Kahina frowns.
  61. Izem_abn_Anaruz "Yes, we were...."
  62. Ishmael "And you two let him go...?"
  63. Izem_abn_Anaruz "Hah! He did! I was against it from the start."
  64. Ishmael then looks over at the others. "What?" He flatly asks.
  65. Ace_Nerat straps on the power fist
  66. Rajh_Tara looks at Ace and says "Looks good."
  67. Izem_abn_Anaruz "Apparently," he lowers his voice for Ishmael. "this Mr. Rose is in league with de Frank. I don't trust the bastard myself."
  68. Ishmael sighs. "Alright... let's keep it hush hush for now... next time we can reach higher ups above De Frank we'll see what we do."
  69. Ace_Nerat "Shut up about it for now."
  70. Ace_Nerat reads the note and nods silently, before sticking it in one of his pockets.
  71. CawklesGM Just as the hush conversation comes to a close, two figures enter the room. One is a woman, a pretty young Mahdite of twenty with a radiant smile and meticulously caked on make up. A whole canvas of traditional mahdite tattoos adorn her arms, and her face gleams with several nose and lip piercings. The other, a portly young al-Isman with a big bushy beard, flabby jowels, and profound dull eyes framed by his long black hair. The pair salute.
  72. Ace_Nerat greets the two with a nod
  73. Ishmael smiles. "You two are my volunteers?"
  74. Rajh_Tara [Mahdi] "Looks like it."
  75. CawklesGM "Private Samsara-Bat Talia, Rattle Squad, reporting for duty!" The spritely young woman reports with a salute. "I got here, like, uh...two hours ago?"
  76. Ace_Nerat "You'll be coming with us on our next mission."
  77. CawklesGM The al-Isman man scratches his chin. "Private Krav al-Zarqawi, reportin' for duty," The man groans. "What's the mission?"
  78. CawklesGM Samsara beams and elbows the man. "We don't know yet, silly!"
  79. Ishmael frowns slightly. "Oh... well... I welcome you to our unit, then. Sorry for the lack of a welcoming party. Right, everyone, we are moving out. De Frank is no doubt waiting and I don't want him to breathe down my neck."
  80. CawklesGM "I wasn't asking you," the man sighs.
  81. Ace_Nerat "Come on everyone, we are moving out."
  82. Ishmael "Also, tell me about each of you while on the way."
  83. CawklesGM The squad rouses and prepares to move out. As the squad files out, past all the blood, the tired eyes, the groaning wounded...the squad mates begin to introduce themselves.
  84. Izem_abn_Anaruz quickly gathers his gear after adjusting his bandages before catching up with the group.
  85. Rajh_Tara [Mahdi] "I think we got screwed."
  86. CawklesGM "I'm Samsara, as I said, hee hee!" The young woman says. "I was an Actress-Priestess for most my life, playing the Divine Mother herself in many of al-Ashur's renditions of the Sacred Stories! Gosh, it was so hard remembering all of those lines and stuff but i did really good!"
  87. Ace_Nerat "You sure are pretty enough doll."
  88. CawklesGM The bubbly young woman touches her piercings. "And and and and I really enjoy hanging out with my friends, and reading books, and..."
  89. Rajh_Tara [Mahdi] "Ishmael, what do you think?"
  90. CawklesGM Kahina puts her hand on the woman's shoulder. "Stop embarassing yourself," She says bluntly.
  91. Ishmael stares at Rajh for a moment, his eyes showing his confusion.
  92. Rajh_Tara rubs his temple.
  93. Ishmael "So, why did you join...?"
  94. Ace_Nerat "Tell me more about the book you like darling." He says, moving closer.
  95. CawklesGM The portly al-Isman chuckles. "You should listen to the Kinwoman, Samsara. As for me, I'm nobody really; Aaftaab in descendant, my father was martyred ten years ago. I've been a practitioner of the Sacred Art for most my life." Kahina's eye raises, and askes the man something in Qom. He responds, and the pair smile.
  96. Ishmael "Sacred Art...?"
  97. Izem_abn_Anaruz "Simply put, cooking."
  98. Ishmael "They landed me with a pair of priests?"
  99. Ishmael "Oh..."
  100. CawklesGM Samsara lolls her head to the side, completely blowing off Kahina. "I like to read the sacred tales...and the way of flesh piercing...and stuff, ya know?"
  101. CawklesGM Kahina shoots a glare at Izem. "Remember what I said, Izem? It transcends cooking. We are no mere chef. We commune with Shaban and the essence of humanity while we slave away at the cook fire."
  102. Ishmael nods, smiling apologetically. "Mind telling me why you joined?"
  103. Rajh_Tara [Mahdi] "So... Hopefully, the Emperor will be with be us."
  104. Ace_Nerat "I know some pretty good professionals that gave me and some of my boys back home some good ink."
  105. Izem_abn_Anaruz holds up his hands in apology. "I meant no disrespect, not everyone would understand as such."
  106. Ace_Nerat "Maybe after this war I'll hook you up." He says with a wink.
  107. CawklesGM Samsara shrugs. "The temple of Al-Ashur got lit on fire and then turned into a military base. I was outta a job! And can you believe it! Nobody would pay me to perform!"
  108. Ishmael nods slowly. "Oooooh... Uh... whenever we go, watch our rear, will you?"
  109. Rajh_Tara [Mahdi] "I think the Priestesses should do some blessing before we leave."
  110. Ishmael looks at Rajh. [Mahdi]"You want my job? I've been doing it less than a day and I think I had enough..."
  111. CawklesGM "So," She continues, "My father gave me a choice: I have to go back to that icky school of his in Sal'Sassoon, or I can join up with the Blazing Trail as a secretary. Well, I was like 'Sweet Ashura fuck my dad' and I joined the infantry just to make him mad. They ushered me through training really quickly (they said I was the best shot, like, ever!) and so here I am."
  112. Rajh_Tara says to Ishmael [Mahdi] "Nope. You are doing just fine."
  113. Ace_Nerat "Wow you really are something wonderful huh? Glad to have you around."
  114. CawklesGM As the squad passes through the hab block double-doors and out into the hot Qalyatan night, Samsara beams. "Thanks!"
  115. Izem_abn_Anaruz A look of worry and pity flashes across Izem's face, thankful that no one could see it as such because of the dark. [Bazir] "And here I thought I was green."
  116. Ishmael rolls his eyes. [Mahdi]"Well, I hope you are indeed a good shot. Anyways, just stick close to the rear in case we need a quick snipe here and there, alright, miss?"
  117. Ace_Nerat "I'll watch the rear with her."
  118. Ishmael "No you won't Ace."
  119. Izem_abn_Anaruz "Shouldn't you be leading from the front, Sarge?"
  120. Ishmael "I need you up front with that fist of yours."
  121. Rajh_Tara "Agreed."
  122. Ace_Nerat laughs and ignores them
  123. Rajh_Tara moves to the back with Ace.
  124. Izem_abn_Anaruz [Bazir] "Some NCO. Is it always like that with air-heads Abbass?"
  125. CawklesGM Captain De Frank stands near where Wrenchman made his defense a couple of hours ago. The hustle and bustle of Objective Albrecht has ramped up considerably since HQ company has gotten here; men and technicals by the dozen roll in with materiel and troops as they prepare to make Albrecht into a fortress from which the Blazing Trail will launch attacks, come dawn. The artillery, once directed by Ishmael, continues to thunder in the distance; the occasional hurricane of flak is heard as autocannon technicals chase off Tau aerial attacks from the vulnerable artillery. A cough of gunfire can be heard, answered by the plasma of the Tau. As the squad approaches, you can see two smaller figures have joined De Frank in waiting for the squad.
  126. CawklesGM Abbass smiles. [Bazir]"Usually. If she's smart, she'll exploit these idiots into doing whatever she wants. It's what I'd do, anyway." The suave Bazir combs over his hair, making sure it's perfect as he approaches De Frank with the rest of the squad. Muffin hangs back, looking rather upset.
  127. Izem_abn_Anaruz [Bazir] "Terrific." He says dejectedly, while scratching his head.
  128. CawklesGM Kahina sullenly sloops down alongside Izem, clearly not at all pleased with the new addition herself. De Frank turns on his heel as the squad approaches.
  129. Ishmael salutes. "Snow squad reporting, sir."
  130. Izem_abn_Anaruz gives Kahina a friendly pat on the back and a small smile before falling in.
  131. Rajh_Tara lines into formation and salutes.
  132. Ishmael tries to get a look at the persons with De Frank.
  133. Izem_abn_Anaruz gives a short salute.
  134. CawklesGM "Gentlemen," he begins. "As I understand it, Master Ishmael is wise in the ways of the, er, 'history' of this planet. With this in mind, I need the lot of you to proceed to these coordinates..." He wrangles out a map of the Tareb Gate distirct. "There will be somebody waiting for you there to take you down into a newly discovered tunnel system. Once down there, I need you all to scout it out. See if there is anything useful to us down there." He ushers the two small figures foward...
  135. Ishmael "You mean that thing I was going to do in those tunnels you had caved in, sir?"
  136. Ace_Nerat chuckles and pats Ishmael on the back
  137. CawklesGM Two adolescents step forward. It's Iqbal and Tali, now bedecked in clean Blazing Trail staff uniforms. They both look rather nervous and jittery. De Frank grins, "Ah yes, those tunnels precisely. These two creatures you kidnapped have no surviving family to ransom them to, so they will serve as your runners in the even the Tau decide to activate that fiendish jamming beacon again. Questions?"
  138. CawklesGM Jurdik raises his hand. "When will we know we're done?"
  139. CawklesGM De Frank scratches his chin. "I suspect you'll know. I can't imagine these tunnels go on forever."
  140. Ishmael "Being thrown into the dark, got it..." He then tries to smile at his two runners. "Nice to see you two again. How are you fellas doing?"
  141. Ace_Nerat "I want both of you to stay in the back. Rajh, I want you to protect these two with your life." He says grimly.
  142. Rajh_Tara "Understood."
  143. CawklesGM The two kids say nothing; they slide over to the squad. De Frank shrugs. "You have shown your competence thus far, Ishmael. I know this is dangerous; this is why I'm sending snow squad." He smiles. It's...disconcerting.
  144. Rajh_Tara [Mahdi] "...I'm terrible with kids."
  145. CawklesGM Iqbal fumes. [Mahdi]"I'm not a kid!"
  146. CawklesGM Tali bats his brother on the shoulder.
  147. Ishmael frowns a bit before looking back at De Frank. "I'm glad you have us in such high regard, sir." He forces out.
  148. Izem_abn_Anaruz suddenly remembers something, he turns and approaches the little girl of the two. "Tali, how is your head?"
  149. Ace_Nerat turns to Izem, concerned
  150. Rajh_Tara says to the children [Mahdi] "Ah, sorry about hitting you guys..."
  151. Ishmael then takes a close look at the map.
  152. CawklesGM Tali blinks. "Wha-? Oh my head is, hurts at night. I think it's all the bugs that come out at night."
  153. CawklesGM The location to which you much travel is not far from here; four blocks at most.
  154. Rajh_Tara [Mahdi] "Well, I meant... never mind."
  155. Izem_abn_Anaruz "Bugs?"
  156. Ishmael "Alright... anything else you need of us, sir?"
  157. CawklesGM De Frank shakes his head. "Make sure the map is legible."
  158. CawklesGM Tali bites her lips. "I don't know, Mister Izem! It just happens. Ever since the fighting started I've been getting headaches."
  159. Ace_Nerat "Alright, move out." he says, taking point
  160. CawklesGM her brother laughs. "Maybe you're a sissy, Tali. Maybe it's stress."
  161. Ishmael takes the map and looks at Iqbal. "Every little thing can be dangerous in our line of work, you should keep that in mind."
  162. Ishmael "So any little health concern should be taken up with the good doc here."
  163. Izem_abn_Anaruz "More than likely it is stress, what you two have been through....I know it all too well." He puts both hands on her shoulders. "You and your brother are strong, and you still have each other. Try not to let it get to you."
  164. Izem_abn_Anaruz "Don't make fun of your sister, Iqbal, she's all you have." He then gives them both a smile and falls in.
  165. CawklesGM The squad moves out in good order, passing by surging BT forces as they move forward. It's heartening to see the sheer magnitude of the assault being mounted; there are hundreds, nay, thousands of men and materiel moving up into positions secured by advance forces like yours. Iqbal and Tali are shaken by the exchange and try to keep in step with the seasoned soldiers in their marching. Samsara never shuts up the entire way; the normally ebullient Muffin sulks in the back with Jurdik and Kahina. As they get closer to their destination, the sights get...disturbing.
  166. CawklesGM Piles of corpses, many Divine Cohort, more civilian, lying in buzzing piles sequestered away in alleys and holes. Wooden coffins, chained closed, line one of the streets you advance down. Your destination, another long abandoned manufactorum, looms close.
  167. CawklesGM Kahina prays loudly in Qom; she is joined by Krav. The two Mahdi children shudder in fear; the nasheeds of the mountain people inspire fear in the Mahdi.
  168. Ishmael tries to make their way through the more unsettling streets as brief as it can be.
  169. CawklesGM As the squad enters the manufactorum, it looks like a carbon copy of the manufacotrum from Objective Albrecht. That would make sense, too; there are probably dozens of such manufactorums around, all perfect clones of each other that fell from the sky. Like the other manufactorum, there is a basement to the east of the manufactorum floor. Like the other manufactorum, too, it glows with a light that springs from some source at the bottom of the stair case.
  170. Ishmael "Alright people, keep your guns ready from here on out." He then starts leading the way into the manufactorum. "And keep in formation."
  171. Rajh_Tara follows behind the squad with his hotshot rifle readied.
  172. Izem_abn_Anaruz keeps his lascarbine in a low readied stance. He gives a short nod to Kahina to ready her weapon as well.
  173. CawklesGM The squad is tense, expecting a retread of last time as they keep their weapons ready to fire off at any time.
  174. CawklesGM A lone figure hustles up the staircase...
  175. Ace_Nerat chases after the figure
  176. Ishmael curses. "Damn it. Alright, everyone after the Master-Sergeant. But stay in formation!"
  177. Rajh_Tara gently pushes the children behind him as the move.
  178. CawklesGM Ace chases the figure down and slams its into the ground. The tiny figure squeaks in pain as the wind is knocked out of her. She squirms in Ace's grip and tries to scream, to no avail.
  179. Ishmael takes his light and shines it down.
  180. Ace_Nerat jumps up and lifts the girl into the air.
  181. CawklesGM A little Mahdite woman stares at Ishmael, her intelligent and soulful eyes ringed by black. Her hair, unkempt and greasy, reaches her near to her waist and swishes around with her thrashing. Her round spectacles, thrown from her face by the tackle, glint on the ground as the lumen light hits it. She begins to sniffle. "P-p-please! Let me go! I-" She looks at Ace's uniform and her act drops immediately. She sighs, disgusted. "I'm assuming," She hisses, "You're the squad I'm supposed to be waiting for?"
  182. CawklesGM Samsara scratches her head. "Wait, you're not bad?"
  183. Ishmael picks up the glasses. "Depends, who are you waiting for?"
  184. Rajh_Tara stands guard.
  185. Ace_Nerat continues to hold her up in the air
  186. CawklesGM The woman stops squirming, and looks to where the voice issued forth. Considering the great difficulty with which she strains her face, you gather she must really need those glases. "...Ishmael?" She croaks.
  187. Ishmael hands the glasses over carefully, not speaking and seemingly caught a bit in surprise.
  188. CawklesGM Kahina looks at the officer in charge, an eyebrow raised.
  189. Ishmael slowly raises his light at her a bit more gently. "What are you doing here...?"
  190. Ace_Nerat lowers her to the ground and heads downstairs
  191. CawklesGM She snatches the glasses from the hand offering them and puts them on the bridge of her nose, pushing them up until they are comfortably adjusted. She flashes a bright smile. "I should be asking you the same, Ishmael." She rushes forward and gives him a hug. "I thought you were dead."
  192. CawklesGM Muffin sighs. "Car tah splane whysa tis 'ere sheila tryna plook yoo roight 'ere an' now?"
  193. CawklesGM Downstairs, there is a large hole in the too familiar basement floor with a rope ladder leading down into the abyss.
  194. Ishmael hugs the woman a bit timidly, slowly tightening it. "Ayala! Of all the places to find you!" He smiles. "Well, I'm still rather alive and I sure am glad to see you are as well. I was sent to do well... oh, now I get why you are here!"
  195. Rajh_Tara is genuinely confused at the situation.
  196. Ishmael then lets go and looks at the rest of the squad. He clears his throat. "Right, this lady here is Miss Ayala-Bat Hoglah. A fellow historian. We actually did a thesis together back before this whole mess."
  197. Ace_Nerat "More smart-alcks."
  198. CawklesGM Ayala tears away from Ishmael and turns to rush down the staircase. "YES! What was discovered down here is phenomenal, transcendent...It's making me think everything we know about Ghadeeran history might be inaccurate. Really, it's quite exhilarating!"
  199. CawklesGM She doesn't even introduce herself to the squad; now that you're all here, she wastes no time descending into the depths, chattering all the way.
  200. Ace_Nerat "And full of crazy cultists tying to kill us." he say glumly
  201. Rajh_Tara [Mahdi] "Okay....?"
  202. Ace_Nerat follows after her with a sigh
  203. Izem_abn_Anaruz "Well she's full of energy." Izem notes to no one in particular. He then moves to the hole and digs out his lamp-pack and shines it down while waiting for the others.
  204. Ishmael sighs and smiles. [Mahdi]"She hasn't changed a bit..."
  205. CawklesGM "You see," She says. "We all accepted the old story of the Annulment: it was a power struggle, Shaban did it because he believed Ashura (blessed be her name) was too soft to rule the Empire. What I found down here seems to imply that the situation was much more...complex."
  206. Ishmael "I'd love to hear about it. I really do. But is this really safe to do now? Aren't there dangers down there, Ayala?"
  207. CawklesGM "What's more," There is a thud as she reaches the bottom, "These catacombs seem to imply that ancient Qalyat was not the Mahidte strong hold we thought it was. Can you imagine? Who built it? Pre-Bazir tribes?"
  208. Rajh_Tara [Mahdi] "This has been one weird ass day."
  209. Ishmael tries to look at the walls once he was down. "Before a few days ago, I would've said the tribes, yes. Now, not so sure."
  210. Ishmael "Found some tunnels that seem to indicate a darker origin."
  211. Ishmael "You would've loved them."
  212. CawklesGM The rest of the squad reaches the bottom. The tunnel is like the other, all strange quarried stone with rough worksmanship and even rough relief work. Ayala has laid out several lumen lamps to light the way, but the light they provide taper off into a greater darkness. With the lumen lamps, the strange runes adorning the walls are clearly visible.
  213. Ishmael "Got some notes you might be interested in."
  214. CawklesGM Ayala perks up. "Oh?"
  215. CawklesGM Iqbal, Tali, Kahina, all present seem to shudder and sigh as the chill of the cave washes over them. There almost seems to be a breeze down here in these dark halls, but how?
  216. Izem_abn_Anaruz gives a grunt as he finishes climbing down, he runs the light of his lamppack around the room. "Is this what those tunnels you went into several weeks ago were like?"
  217. Ishmael "Mostly some copies of writing on the wall. Bit difficult to translate so you might have some better... luck...." He trails off as his eyes take the sight of the caves. "How long have you been here?"
  218. CawklesGM Muffin slides down last. As she sees Samsara take Ace's side, she sighs audibly. Despite the chill, she takes off her chest armor, letting her girls chill in the icy breeze. She shivers.
  219. Ace_Nerat paces nervously as he stares into the tunnel, as a shiver goes down his spine.
  220. Rajh_Tara turns on his lamppack and hands it to Tali.
  221. Rajh_Tara "Here."
  222. CawklesGM Tali takes it, and she clutches her head. She gasps in pain and stoops towards the floor.
  223. Ishmael turns and rushes to Tali's side. "Izem!"
  224. CawklesGM Iqbal rushes to her side. "Tal?"
  225. Rajh_Tara tries to grab Tali.
  226. Izem_abn_Anaruz walks over to the girl and gives her a look.
  227. Izem_abn_Anaruz "How bad is the pain, child?"
  228. CawklesGM Krav al-Zarqawi is like Ayala; He is too busy staring at the walls, running his fingers against the strange runes on the wall.
  229. CawklesGM Tali looks at Izem, her eyes weak with pain. "It's...fading now. It was like getting hit with a rock. It...hurt. It hurt so much!"
  230. Ishmael stands up and looks around. "How do you feel now?"
  231. CawklesGM Tali stands up. "Better." Iqbal rubs his hand all over Tali's hair, fussing it up. "Goood thing too, sis. I was about to explore these spooky caves without you."
  232. CawklesGM Samsara chuckles. "Divine Mother, those two kids are adorable!"
  233. Ace_Nerat "I love children."
  234. CawklesGM Muffin rolls her eyes. "Unbelief...!"
  235. Rajh_Tara "This is getting stranger and stranger."
  236. Izem_abn_Anaruz huffs and rolls his eyes. He then digs into his medikit and grabs a couple of small pills before wrapping them in plastic. "If you feel anymore pain take one of these, it should help."
  237. Ishmael "Agreed."
  238. CawklesGM Abbass, normally content to be silent, forcefully nods in agreement. "Rajh, this place is all sorts of wrong."
  239. CawklesGM The little girl nods. Kahina, her patience growing thin, decides to start to wander down the hall, towards the darkness. Ayala watches as she passes. "Ma'am, be careful! I think the people who made these tunnels installed,"
  240. CawklesGM Jurdik groans. "What kind of security?"
  241. Ishmael sighs in relief as he looks closer at the symbols. "Not quite wrong... just old and steeped in a bit of violent histor- hey hey!" He screams as he watches Kahina drifting away.
  242. CawklesGM "You know...dart walls, crushers, insect pits, pungi stakes, the like...?"
  243. Rajh_Tara "Or a simple trip mine."
  244. Ace_Nerat "Well, we need to get moving."
  245. Ace_Nerat 'Now."
  246. Rajh_Tara "Agreed."
  247. CawklesGM Kahina turns around, her face white but still stoic. "These walls are in Qom," She says. Ayala looks at her askance. "Yes, so?"
  248. CawklesGM Kahina repeats herself. "These walls. These walls in Qom. What is our sacred tongue doing in the bowels of a Mahdite city?"
  249. CawklesGM Krav nods. "This is an affront to the great leader."
  250. Ishmael "Hey, if we are moving, we are following her directions." He points at Ayala. "Not Mahdite, Kahina. But what do they say."
  251. CawklesGM Ayala nods and pushes down the hallway, past Kahina. "Right, follow me then. Down here is an interesting chamber I want you to see, Ish. I didn't even know it was there until one day somebody decided to light the braziers positioned there."
  252. Rajh_Tara "Kama bāta hai, aura adhika kara rahī hai?"
  253. Ace_Nerat follows the nerd
  254. Rajh_Tara follows behind the squad.
  255. Izem_abn_Anaruz approaches Kahina from behind and queries, "what bothers you about this?" He looks back at the squad who are continuing down the tunnel.
  256. Ishmael follows. "If you mean the chamber, that means that you've been here for a while..." He whistles. "Seems your decision for field work paid off, huh?"
  257. Ace_Nerat chats up Samsara
  258. CawklesGM The squad follows their master sergeant, deeper into the bowels of this primordial place. The pale wind rakes the party, its incessant marching accompanied by other odd sounds. Muffin, quite chilly, saunters up to her superior and clings to him. "Meh scurred," She says, making wide eyes.
  259. Ace_Nerat "It'll be okay, just some carving." he says reassuringly
  260. CawklesGM Ayala nods, ebuillent. "it sure beats hanging around Sal'Sassoon, that's for sure. I was thinking about digging up some old excavations in the Chahanda so I could avoid the war, but this is too good an opportunity to pass up. You'll see why."
  261. CawklesGM Kahina, in the mean time, shudders at Izem's query. "Qom was spoken by two peoples, divorced forever: The righteous followers of the God-Emperor, and...and..."
  262. CawklesGM Krav fills in for her. "The hordes of Niassi. Many of the mountain tribes, furious at Shaban's marriage to Ashura and the birth of the Old Empire, joined up with Niassia to tear it all down and start anew. They preferred the night, and wanted it to return."
  263. CawklesGM Ayala clicks her tongue. "The al-Isman speaks the truth. It's why I think these catacombs are raising some troubling questions about Qalyat's origins..."
  264. Izem_abn_Anaruz nods gravely. "I can see why this would be an affront to you." He clicks his tongue several times in disgust. [Bazir] "Disgusting bastards."
  265. Ishmael "If by troubling you mean it makes people uncomfortable then... yes..."
  266. Ishmael "Did I tell you we fought some crazies who were into Niassi near the tunnels I told you about?"
  267. Ishmael "Seemed they even lived down there."
  268. Izem_abn_Anaruz "Considering we fought those cannibal scum back at the docks weeks ago through one of these tunnels, uncomfortable is a tad of an understatement."
  269. Ishmael "Point... hence why I asked if this place was safe..."
  270. Izem_abn_Anaruz "She's still down here isn't she?"
  271. Ishmael "Well, maybe there's some caved in tunnel that connects to them or something."
  272. Izem_abn_Anaruz shrugs, his assorted gear clinking as he does so. "We should be getting a move on though, these tunnels are starting to even get to me.
  273. CawklesGM Abbass chuckles. A short distance later through these strange, dank tunnels, the squad arrives in the room Ayala spoke off. Lit by the dancing illumination of sevearl roaring braziers, the large square room seems to be an intersection through which three other tunnels pass. It seems to be some kind of strange parody of a lecture room: Wide steps wrap around the room before descending into a low point in the center of the room. Four great columns support the room at the edges. Across the wall, all sorts of runes and pictorgrams swirl together madly. In the center of the room, a small jet black obelisk sits serenely, almost radiant with strange power.
  274. Ace_Nerat "Feck this man."
  275. Ace_Nerat "This is all evil."
  276. CawklesGM There are some more...recent additions to the writing on the wall. It's sickly red color does not invite the mind to investiage further...but it's everywhere. Scrawlled across the floors. And the ceilings. Over and over and over and over...
  280. Ishmael "By Ashura.... what's" He then raises his weapon. "Rifles up!"
  281. Rajh_Tara readies his Hotshot rifle.
  282. Izem_abn_Anaruz tenses at the sight. "How have you stayed down here for so long, Aayla?"
  283. Rajh_Tara "Ace, gimme your cloak."
  284. Izem_abn_Anaruz sweeps the room with his lascarbine after querying the young female professor.
  285. Ishmael looks around the room nervously. "Ayala... this room is... something else."
  286. Ace_Nerat tosses it to him
  287. CawklesGM Ayala seems unphased, perhaps even...excited? She chuckles at everybody's reactions. "Gentlemen, please! Just historical artifacts is all. Whoever vandalized this room should be ashamed...but Ishmael, come here. Look at this obelisk. See the designs on it? Not only does it clearly show robed figures, but it also shows indisticnt shadows pouring from ships that sail in the sky..."
  288. Rajh_Tara hands the 2 Chameleoline Cloaks to the kids and tells them to wrap themselves with the cloak and stay low.
  289. Ishmael gulps and nervously walks down for a closer look.
  290. CawklesGM "I think those robed figures are the Warriors of Light talked about so much in the old tales...and those shadows. These are the first depictions of the Shadows that Blow Across the Dunes. Weird, isn't it? I never imagined them in flying ships."
  291. Ace_Nerat paces around nervously.
  292. Ace_Nerat "Why don't we just hurry up and map this place out?"
  293. Izem_abn_Anaruz "Calm yourself Sarge, we'll be out of this place soon enough."
  294. CawklesGM "And look at this sequence," She continues. "These shadows don't kill people, they drag them back to their dunes..." She traces her finger across to another sequence. "...And they turn them into more shadows." The terrifying tableau before Ishmael depicts ephermeral human figures gnashing about in horrid, maddening pain as the evil shadows stick strange instruments into their cavorting flesh.
  295. Rajh_Tara starts softly singing "Madara Ashura, madara Ashura. Kr̥payā hamārī madada karēṁ..."
  296. Ishmael shivers as he starts getting goosebumps. "This is bad... real bad..."
  297. Ishmael "You've been hearing the rumors?"
  298. Rajh_Tara "Kr̥payā hamārī madada karēṁ. Rōśanī karanē kē li'ē hamēṁ lānā."
  299. CawklesGM Kahina prays quietly to herself. Samsara gawks mindlessly at the runes. Ayala turns to Ishmael. "What rumors?"
  300. Ishmael "Heard of people dissapearing in isolated places. Shadows might've been mentioned..."
  301. Ishmael "Lots of crazy stuff happening lately. Surprised you haven't picked up on it."
  302. Izem_abn_Anaruz "They were, settlements in the Ghoba have been vanishing."
  303. CawklesGM Ayala scratches her chin, adjusting her spectacles. "Well, I have been living down here for the past two weeks."
  304. Ace_Nerat "I signed up to fight Tau, not shadows."
  305. CawklesGM Muffin nods.
  306. Ishmael "Good thing we have lasguns and not autoguns then, huh, Ace?"
  307. Rajh_Tara "Apanē divya tēja karanē kē li'ē. Dina kē li'ē rāta kō dūra karēṅgē."
  308. Ishmael timidly jokes to release some tension.
  309. Ace_Nerat chuckles "Guess so."
  310. Ishmael "Two weeks, huh...? Right... I'll take a quick look around and after that we are out of this room."
  311. CawklesGM Suddenly, then, it comes. Clang, Clang, Clang. Clang ClanG Clang. Abbass clciks his tongue and shushes Rajh. "Stop that praying! Do you hear it? It's the north tunnel..." He points out the tunnel in question.
  312. CawklesGM Samsara loudly groans. "Guys, I think those are footsteps!"
  313. Rajh_Tara "Shh."
  314. Ishmael takes a knee and aims at the tunnel in question. "Anyone unarmed... behind us. Snow squad, ready weapons."
  315. CawklesGM "Neh sheet ya eemptee 'eaded sloot," Muffin shoots back. She draws her chainsword and revs the motor. "Tah ear tellin meh issa wen step."
  316. Rajh_Tara aims at the tunnel.
  317. Izem_abn_Anaruz silently takes up a prone position at the top of the stairway. Aiming down at the north tunnel entrance.
  318. Ace_Nerat passes muffin the power maul "An upgrade."
  319. Ishmael "Ayala... you've been alone, right...?"
  320. Ace_Nerat stands defiantly in the open "Who is there?" he shouts
  321. CawklesGM A figure emerges from the tunnel, wearing a familiar great coat but clad in a handsome suit bedecked with jewelery and medals. Clasped in his hand is a handsome wooden cane, an Aquila made of polished gold serving as the grip. He looks to be an older man, but he still undeniably handsome; a thin mustache and a rogueish grin makes him disarming and dashing at the same time. The top of his head is completely bald, but a crown of long, grey hair clings to the side and rear of his head, falling down to his shoulders. Who this is, is obvious enough, but his confident swagger dispels any confusion as to who the man before you is. He walks to the edge of the top step, and plants his cane down on the ground. The sound echoes through the tunnel.
  322. CawklesGM "Miss Ayala has been alone," The man says. "We made sure of that. I'd hate to have such an intelligent young lady get eaten by cultists, right?"
  323. Izem_abn_Anaruz "The hell is he doing down here?" Izem asks to no one in particular.
  324. Ace_Nerat "If it isn't our good friend."
  325. Ishmael grits his teeth. "Right... and We? Mind explaining why you are down here?"
  326. Izem_abn_Anaruz "That's Mr. Rose, Ish. Well he certainly walks like him."
  327. CawklesGM Tali terror does not abate, as she wraps herself in the camo cloak and looks green with nausea. Mr. Rose shrugs, and an easy grin stretches his face. "I just wanted to check up on my favorite Blazing Trail Platoon. You liking the Power Fist, Mister Nerat?"
  328. CawklesGM "I was surprised De Frank was willing to give it up. But hey, money talks right?"
  329. Ace_Nerat shrugs "Haven't been able to use it yet."
  330. CawklesGM Abbass narrows his gaze. "I know a con man when I've seen one," he says. "What's your play?"
  331. CawklesGM Mr. Rose sighs. "I thought we could talk before I revealed my hand. Would you like that? Talking, I mean. I don't wanna be a jerk and start my little soiree without your consent."
  332. Ace_Nerat "Whatever keeps me alive longer."
  333. Ishmael "I'm listening."
  334. CawklesGM Samsara grins. "Soiree! I know that word! It means party...right?"
  335. Rajh_Tara [Mahdi] "Ashura damn it."
  336. Ishmael [Mahdi]"If things go south, grab the civies and get them out of here..."
  337. CawklesGM Mr. Rose smiles. "Well, De Frank was convinced that you guys would be totally onboard to helping out my boss. Banking on it, in fact. When you turned me down, his feelings got kind of hurt. I figured I'd cheer him up and give it another go. He seemed really keen on recruiting you all."
  338. CawklesGM "So, before we talk, I should introduce you to some friends of mine."
  339. CawklesGM Mr. Rose snaps his fingers. From the darkness behind him, several carapace clad warriors emerge, black as night. A woman, with advanced optical bionics replacing most of her head, leads them. Her pale skin and buzzed hair gives her a decidely military aspect sits at the front of the squad. Behind her, two more trooper stand, one with a glowing plasma weapon and the other with a hellgun.
  340. CawklesGM Behind him the pair, a muscular man covered in hexagramic wards lugs a Heavy Bolter. Two more storm troopers wielding hell guns stand behind them. And at the very back, a huge man with a power fist and his meek shadow lord over all. The big man chuckles.
  341. CawklesGM "Well I'll be damned... Long time no see," Sergeant Pounder says as with a barking laugh.
  342. CawklesGM The woman, her accent thick, turns to her sergeant and addresses him. "Play nice, Bratan. They are our friends now."
  343. Ace_Nerat "No hard feeling mate?"
  344. Izem_abn_Anaruz "What? Who the hell are these guys?"
  345. Ishmael "Oh... parley?"
  346. CawklesGM Sergeant Pounder pushes to the front, his assitant Meep following behind him. "Parley," The sergeant growls.
  347. Ishmael "You are not dragging any big crossbows this time around, huh?"
  348. Ace_Nerat rubs his arm unconsciously
  349. CawklesGM "So long as you promise not to bring another flamer, we're good." Meep squeaks, rubbing where his burn wounds must be.
  350. Rajh_Tara thinks to himself "I am officially done with this day."
  351. Ishmael stands up and lowers his rifle. "Well... we can sure talk now."
  352. CawklesGM The Stormtrooper next to the plasma gun wielder growls. "Gents...these are those SOBs that axed Braddock."
  353. Rajh_Tara lowers his weapon.
  354. CawklesGM Chuka turns to the young man. "Hush, Brinden. Things are different now."
  355. Ace_Nerat "Hey, what can you do when he's trying to kill you."
  356. CawklesGM Mr. Rose clicks his tongue. "Indeed. So, this all must look very shady to you. That's not my intent. I want this to all be copa-shee shee, you know? Peaceful, nice, etc. etc.. So to that end, how about you try asking me your burning questions?"
  357. CawklesGM Samsara pipes up first. "Why do you have a cane even though you can walk just fine?"
  358. Rajh_Tara [Mahdi] "Samsara, shut the fuck up."
  359. CawklesGM Mr. Rose rolls his eyes. "REAL questions, please."
  360. Ace_Nerat "Who do you work for?"
  361. CawklesGM Samsara frowns and lowers her head.
  362. Ishmael "Shady? Your display at the tower? That was shady. This is actually more clear. Anyways. What were you doing down here and what do you know about this place?"
  363. CawklesGM Mr. Rose scratches his chin. "I know about this place because De Frank told me about it. I was down here coming to meet you. It wasn't that hard; I did put a tracking device in that power fist after all."
  364. CawklesGM Sergeant Pounder sniggers. Chuka elbows her superior.
  365. Izem_abn_Anaruz glares accusingly at Ace.
  366. Ace_Nerat shrugs "Sure he'd find us other ways."
  367. Ace_Nerat "Through maybe De Frank."
  368. CawklesGM Mr. Rose clicks his tongue. "As for who I work for...Uh, do you really want to know? That's some dangerous information. If you know you're effectively painting a target on your back, buddy. Really, I'm trying to look out for you here."
  369. Ace_Nerat "Better, what do you want from us?"
  370. Rajh_Tara "And...what about that strange thing in the middle?"
  371. Izem_abn_Anaruz "Why us then, you're obviously from the Imperium, we're not exactly buddy buddy with them.
  372. CawklesGM Mr. Rose raps his cane against the ground. "You think you're against the Imperium, but you're not. Your Blazing Trail is a Regicide Queen waiting to be snatched. A perfect tool on this planet; no Imperial meddling within, no Imperial support from without. It would be completely safe and loyal to my employer, and nobody would even suspect she's directing them. She? did I say she? I meant he. Or maybe I meant she." He winks. "We just want to uplift your little organization into a Tau fighting machine, and keep the other factions away from you so you can focus on fighting the Tau. That is, after all, why we are here, right? RIGHT?"
  373. CawklesGM Mr. Rose looks over to his Stormtroopers. Many nod, but Sergeant Pounder and Chuka look on disapporvingly.
  374. Ace_Nerat sighs
  375. CawklesGM "As for the obelisk...fuck If I know, man. I'm a businessman, not a Navigator."
  376. Ace_Nerat "Can I guess that if we refuse we die?"
  377. Ishmael "Riiiiight... And not this shady stuff, that's just a coincidence, right?"
  378. Izem_abn_Anaruz gives the man an incredulous look.
  379. Ishmael "Also, why us when you already have the cohort assholes at your beck and call?"
  380. CawklesGM Mr. Rose shakes his head. "If you refuse, you wouldn't die it'd probably be pretty bad. I mean-" Mr. Rose looks at Muffin and her bare chest.
  381. Ace_Nerat steps in front of her and glares at him
  382. CawklesGM "Errr, not that I am to complain, but why is that woman wearing no clothes? Come here sweetheart, I want to hear you answer."
  383. Rajh_Tara "I thought at least someone would be professional."
  384. Ishmael steps between them.
  385. Ishmael "Local tradition."
  386. Rajh_Tara "Yea, that."
  387. CawklesGM Sergeant Pounder sighs. "I agree with the Redguard. Keep going, Mr. Rose. There is plenty of...THAT...else where. We're here on business."
  388. CawklesGM Muffin, for the first time probably EVER, covers her bare chest with her arms, looking ashamed.
  389. Ace_Nerat "You're not getting any of my Muffin Poundcake."
  390. Rajh_Tara starts rubbing his temple in frustration.
  391. CawklesGM Mr. Rose struts back. "Okay okay, fine back to business. What is it? You all on board or not?"
  392. CawklesGM "I mean, take your time-" There is a sudden rush of footsetps coming from...every tunnel in the intersection.
  393. Rajh_Tara [Mahdi] "I guess..."
  394. CawklesGM Mr. Rose groans. "Emperor dammit his sense of timing is impeccable."
  395. Ace_Nerat "Well, not like there is much choice eh?"
  396. Ishmael "Who's?"
  397. Ace_Nerat "Sure. If you get me some carapace."
  398. CawklesGM Bright lights from the tunnels swim closer and closer. Kahina raises her weapon. "I wouldn't do that," Mr. Rose chides.
  399. Rajh_Tara "Damn it, Ace."
  400. Izem_abn_Anaruz "Hostiles incoming." Izem resumes his position, he takes whatever cover he can find, and faces the tunnel they all had come through minutes ago.
  401. Ishmael readies his weapon. "These aren't your friends, are they?"
  402. CawklesGM And then they arrive. Hordes of Blue and white clad soldiers struggling to get through the tunnels, their Sylphite rifles raised at the Blazing Trail squad in the middle of the room. They have you completely surrounded. Mr. Rose nods solemnly..
  403. CawklesGM "If surrender, I can gurantee that you won't be harmed." Mr. Rose says
  404. Ace_Nerat "Can we get our civvies out?"
  405. CawklesGM Tali And Iqbal drop to the ground, as does Ayala with a scream. Kahina, Muffin, Abbass, Jurdik, Samsara, and Krav raise their weapons but don't fire. The Divine Cohort do the same, coming to the edge of the steps but not firing into you. Mr. Rose looks at a big Mahdite man covered in tattoos who pushes to his side.
  406. Izem_abn_Anaruz starts to curse very loudly at the current situation. [Bazir] "Emperor damn you, you snake."
  407. Rajh_Tara "So what do you say Mr. Rose?"
  408. CawklesGM They exchange heated words you cannot hear; you do catch "You weren't supposed to be here," but thats it. Mr. Rose's composure is cracking like a broken mirror, his temper spiralling out of control as his little get together is crashed. The tattooed man pushes away from Mr. Rose to address Snow Squad.
  409. Rajh_Tara [Mahdi] "I think we are fucked."
  410. CawklesGM "Heretics," He begins, his voice a deep bass that shakes you to your very bones. "You have transgressed against the God-Emperor's laws and shamed Mother Ashura with your wanton destruction of her holy cities. But Mother Ashura is a merciful mother, and her kindness knows no bounds; if you throw down your weapons now, your life shall be spared.
  411. Ishmael "And what will be of us...?"
  412. CawklesGM "Maor..." Mr. Rose admonishes. "These people are my guests."
  413. Ace_Nerat "I don't deal with filth like this Mr.Rose."
  414. CawklesGM Maor ignores Mr. Rose. "You will be taken to our holy temples and stand trial for your crimes."
  415. CawklesGM Mr. Rose looks empathetically at Ace. He shrugs, and mouths an apology.
  416. Rajh_Tara mouths to Mr. Rose "You fucked us."
  417. Izem_abn_Anaruz grips his lascarbine tightly, anger and despair coursing through him like a storm.
  418. Ishmael "Sooo... either that or..." He then makes emphasis as he puts emphasis on the trigger to his tread-fether. "I cause all this to come down around our ears."
  419. CawklesGM Kahina presses hand on Izem's shoulder. "Steady yourself. Steady yourself..."
  420. Ishmael "Or you could let us go and we leave on amicable terms, buddy."
  421. CawklesGM The divine cohort gasp, and take a step away from the edge of the steps. Maor stands his ground. Mr. Rose nudges Maor, whispering "You better listen to him." Maor, despite his face covering, looks like he's wracked in thought.
  422. CawklesGM "You wouldn't," he growls. "I know you can, but even if you do, you're trapped. The minute you run out of this room, we'll be waiting."
  423. Ishmael "You know who was making shells rain down everywhere?"
  424. CawklesGM His troops, however, seem to not share his confidence. They look shaken, training their weapons on Ishmael.
  425. Ace_Nerat "But hey, more of you are dead." he says with a shrug
  426. Ishmael "I know how to bring down a lot of things."
  427. Ishmael slowly starts to move towards where they came.
  428. CawklesGM Maor takes a las pistol from his hip and points it at Ishmael, gesturing with it wildly. "Don't you move, artillery man. It was you who shlled us? Bastard!"
  429. CawklesGM The storm trooper squad look at Ishmael and look just...annoyed. That artillery must have been really inconvenient.
  430. Ishmael "I wouldn't mind adding everyone here to the count." He grins.
  431. Ace_Nerat moves in between the two
  432. CawklesGM "And yourself as well, you fool? Say you collapse this room, fine. You kill some of my men, fine. But there are seventy men down here. You'll kill about thirty. That's forty more men ready to make you regret your decision." Maor puffs out his chest, and you can sense his grin. He thinks he has you.
  433. Izem_abn_Anaruz "Are your men willing to make that sacrifice?" Izem pipes up.
  434. Ishmael "Really, I'd rather that than ending broken like one of my friends did at the hands of the cohort!"
  435. Ace_Nerat "Yeah, Fuck you guys, you rapist pigs."
  436. CawklesGM Maor looks to his men. They're afraid, and he gives them a stern glare. Sergeant Pounder perks up and his voice booms over Maor's. "What are you talking about?"
  437. CawklesGM Chuka turns pale. "Yeah...what are you sukas talking about? These are discilpined men."
  438. Ace_Nerat "They caught one of our friends in a beartrap, cut off her leg, and raped her."
  439. Ishmael "I found a girl who patched me up, used to be rather nice. Sans one leg, raped and broken. Now she's really lost it."
  440. Rajh_Tara [Mahdi] "Like fucking dogs."
  441. Izem_abn_Anaruz "She almost didn't make it, I was lucky enough to get to her when I did."
  442. CawklesGM Sergeant Pounder grins wistfully...and Maor catches it. "Ra'iib, why do you smile at such crimes?"
  443. CawklesGM Sergeant Pounder tries to act innocent. "They're desperate men trying to lie their way out of a bad spot. Don't listen to them."
  444. Ishmael "I swear by Ashura that it's the truth!"
  445. CawklesGM Mr. Rose turns on a heel, and addresses Pounder's subordinate, Meep. "Meep," He says. "By Order of the House, is Sergeant Pounder lying?"
  446. CawklesGM Meep, the small man shakes. "Maurice, don't do this..."
  447. CawklesGM Mr. Rose leans forward. "Meep..."
  448. Ace_Nerat remembers that he has the tape of the done deed, he fishes it out and begins to play on a player.
  449. CawklesGM The entire assemblage turns around and watches Ace's recording device warble out its message...
  450. CawklesGM ++-...itch from that Beetee squad. Them darkies are working her over right now.++ The voice sounds gruff, grating.
  451. CawklesGM ++That's savage, Bratan. She crack yet?++ The accent is thick and foregin, belonging to a woman. The gruff man responds.
  452. CawklesGM ++Nope. They must have conditioned them good. I'm impressed. Think they got spooky backing? Ex-Inquisitor? Munitorum stooge?++
  453. CawklesGM +Nah, Bratan. Just dedicated. The preperations for that jump done yet? ++Yeah yeah Chuka...The minute they cross that corner...boom. Hehe. They ain't gonna see it comin'.++
  454. CawklesGM ++Brilliant. HEY! BOYS! QUIT THAT! WE WANT HER ALIVE! Jesus...those darkies. [You can hear a distant struggle]. Be Gentle, she's just a kid! Haw haw haw!++
  455. Ace_Nerat "You scum."
  456. CawklesGM Maor slowly turns around and stares daggers at the Storm Trooper squad. Sergeant Pounder's face turns to stone as he stares down the large Mahdite man.
  457. CawklesGM "You turned my men into animals, you ra'iib bastard." Maor hisses.
  458. CawklesGM "They were going to town on her anyway," Pounder says nonchalantly. "I just made it more efficent. One man at a time was a waste."
  459. Ishmael quotes. "-Watch those who you walk with and those under your roof. For the shadows can be found even under a roof or a bed..."
  460. CawklesGM Maor nods along to the ancient wisdom of his people. "You should have stopped them. You should have maintained discipline."
  461. CawklesGM "I relieved stress and let an enemy combatant know that we don't take her transgressions lightly." Pounder rerots. "We were going to kill her anyway. Why not use her first?"
  462. CawklesGM "You. Are. Misssing. The. POINT!" Maor stamps his foot. "The female form is sacred!"
  463. CawklesGM "I agree," Pounder says with a smile. "That's why I did what I did."
  464. Ishmael "Maybe I should make sure most of the stone falls on you, outsider. Such a barbarian is even worse than the most skilled enemy soldier."
  465. CawklesGM Mr. Rose sighs. "Look, can you just secure those prisoners Lt. Maor? I'm growing impatient..."
  466. CawklesGM Maor thumbs his nose at Mr. Rose. "Capture them yourself, barbarain. Dietrich will hear of this."
  467. Ishmael slowly resumes his walk unless he and his squad is stopped.
  468. CawklesGM Maor waves his men off into the tunnel. "Move out," Maor roars. "We will let these fools deal with these self-destructive psychos."
  469. CawklesGM And with that...the Divine Cohort begin to file out of the tunnel.
  470. Rajh_Tara grabs the kids and follows the squad.
  471. CawklesGM Mr. Rose smiles to himself as the Divine Cohort file out. "Well played, Pounder."
  472. CawklesGM Sergeant Pounder smiles. "I knew his limits. Any further and he would have shot me."
  473. Ace_Nerat lets out a chuckle
  474. CawklesGM "Good thing you didn't tell him know," Chuka says with a chuckle. "I think he would have twisted your head off."
  475. CawklesGM Mr. Rose bows at Snow Squad. "You gents did well yourself."
  476. CawklesGM "It more or less confirms that De Frank was right to bring you on board."
  477. Izem_abn_Anaruz visibly calms down, but his glare doesn't go away.
  478. Rajh_Tara lights a Iho stick.
  479. Ishmael stares daggers at Pounder, not letting go of the launcher.
  480. CawklesGM Mr. Rose and his storm troopers waltz down the steps down towards snow squard. Kahina raises her rifle slowly, but stops as their peaceful intent seems evident.
  481. Ace_Nerat glowers at Pounder
  482. Ishmael steps back, wanting to keep their distance.
  483. CawklesGM "What?" Pounder asks Ishmael and Ace. "Oh, right. That was you friend? Small world, huh? She was pretty good. Not the best I've seen but..."
  484. Ace_Nerat "One more word."
  485. Ishmael "She saved my life you bastard!"
  486. Rajh_Tara starts singing "Ina kamīnōṁ bhāṛa mēṁ jā'ō. Una ām̐khōṁ mēṁ bhāṛa mēṁ jā'ō. Ina kamīnōṁ bhāṛa mēṁ jā'ō. Vē maratē dama taka unhēṁ bakavāsa."
  487. Izem_abn_Anaruz bites his tongue, he still remembers the sight of the young medic, her near dead form almost impossible to save when he found her weeks ago.
  488. CawklesGM Pounder shrugs. "Look kid, my boys don't discriminate when it comes to matters of tail. You're yelling at me like I was the one who spit-roasted her." Pounder looks to his stormtrooper fellows for supprot. Chuka nods along...the others are not so keen on agreeing. Mr. Rose hushes everybody.
  489. Ace_Nerat takes a step forward
  490. CawklesGM "Okay," Mr. Rose starts. "Here is what I think. The Divine Cohort thinks you work for me now. By extension, so does the Speran Cabal. Your boss already works for me, and a man in your platoon works for me as well. I think you're swimming against the tide here..."
  491. CawklesGM "And you have nothing to lose as well. So how about we finalize it? You help me, I help you, everybody is hunkey dorey..."
  492. Izem_abn_Anaruz "Ashura preserve us all, we seem to not have a choice in this. Fate is cruel." Izem shoulders his lascarbine.
  493. Ishmael "I want your men responsible punished, Rose."
  494. CawklesGM Kahina nudges Izem. "There is alwasy a choice, and I say we don't entreat with serpents."
  495. Ace_Nerat "No no, I'll take care of it."
  496. CawklesGM Mr. Rose shrugs. "That's up to the boss lady, Mister Ishmael."
  497. Ishmael "Then give me a chance of talking with her, at least. Or he." He dares to crack a joke, maybe due to the pressure.
  498. CawklesGM "And she' She tends to accept such things more readily. Acceptable losses and such, you know? I fear for her sometimes."
  499. CawklesGM Mr. Rose chuckles. "She IS going to be here soon. Maybe that can be arranged."
  500. Izem_abn_Anaruz "Given the cirumstances, I think fate is against us. Our superior is already with them, and he says another in our platoon is theirs, it doesn't surprise me now." Izem gives her a dejected look. He then lowers his voice. "I'd rather we all stayed alive, especially you."
  501. Ace_Nerat "There isn't much to lose with this guy here." he motions to Pounder
  502. CawklesGM Abbass pushes to the front and jabs a finger into Mr. Rose's chest. "Look buddy, no more games and 'maybes'. I'm quite, quite tired of this nonsense and I want you to tell me who exactly you are and who you work for."
  503. CawklesGM Mr. Rose is split between all the people talking, and rubs his temples impatiently. "Question one: My name is Maurice Rose. Pleasure to meet you."
  504. CawklesGM "And from what I'm sensing, I think I can answer your second question. Maybe it'll help convince you to come over to where the grass is greener."
  505. CawklesGM " it ready for the truth? That big, conspiracy type truth that might shatter your brain?" Mr. Rose smiles. "Do you think you can handle it?"
  506. CawklesGM Abbass rolls his eyes. "Ashura's sake man, spit it out!"
  507. Ace_Nerat yawns dramatically
  508. Izem_abn_Anaruz "Enough theatrics, Mr. Rose."
  509. Rajh_Tara "If I wanted this much drama, I would go back to reading my book."
  510. CawklesGM "Right, okay. I work for a wonderful young woman named Calliope Sandoval Raulwind Rook, Daughter of Lancel Rook, Son of Remois Rook, Current bearer of the Rook Dynasty Warrant. A long time ago, I used to be a pilot for the Rook Dynasty, a glorified carriage driver. Now, I bear the rank of Seneschal, and I tend to her interests, of which there are many."
  511. Ace_Nerat "Great, Rogue Traders."
  512. Izem_abn_Anaruz "No wonder."
  513. Rajh_Tara thinks to himself "This is like one of my cheesy romance novels."
  514. Ishmael rolls his eyes. "Great... so you guys are just after profit?"
  515. Rajh_Tara "Cold Trade?"
  516. CawklesGM Maurice smiles. "We're interested in securing the Imperium's borders. But profit...we'll definitely make a profit, that's for sure."
  517. Ace_Nerat "Well the cats out huh? so what do you want?"
  518. Ishmael sits on one of the steps. "Who else has fingers around here, then? Because if it ain't the spooky (I)s..."
  519. CawklesGM "Cold trade? God-Emperor, no! Lady Rook has been all about cleaning away her house's, err, unseelie reputation. She's all about purity and what have you now. Well, human supremacy I mean." Maurice steeples his fingers between his face, handing off his cane to Sergeant Pounder. "And as to who else has fingers around here...The Deparmento, the Inquisition, another Rogue Trader MAYBE...and that's it I think?"
  520. CawklesGM "And you all keep asking me what the Rook Dynasty wants. Secure the borders, I told you. Secure borders mean human worlds. Human worlds means business. Business means profit. That and we have a pledge we have to uphold, but that's neither here nor there..."
  521. CawklesGM Sergeant Pound snorts. "All you need to know is that the cause is just, the money is better."
  522. Ace_Nerat "What do you want from us...."
  523. Ishmael "And no offence but why us and not higher up...? I mean, if you'd let us have autonomy... I don't think that goes against BT doctrine."
  524. Izem_abn_Anaruz [Bazir] "We're to become a honed knife for their use."
  525. CawklesGM "Why you? Your competnent, that's why. And you're on the frontlines. Bottom up control." Mr. Rose then turns to Ace. "Now that's an interesting question. I want your loyalty, I want reports on your movements, I want reports on Tau movements. With any luck, we can coordinate human efforts torwards the Tau rather than against each other..."
  526. CawklesGM Mr. Rose. smiles. [Bazir]"Precisely, Mister Anaruz."
  527. CawklesGM Kahina mutters a curse in Qom. "That's treason."
  528. Ace_Nerat "My loyalty is pretty expenisve."
  529. CawklesGM "Not...really? It's not like you're getting your men killed. You're doing the exact opposite, in fact."
  530. Izem_abn_Anaruz gives the man an accusing stab of the finger. [Bazir] "How do you know my tongue?"
  531. Rajh_Tara says to Ishmael [Mahdi] "I think we can come to a conclusion that this day was awful and confusing."
  532. Ishmael [Mahdi]"Very... and I have to talk to his boss."
  533. Rajh_Tara [Mahdi] "The sooner we finish this, the sooner we can get some rest."
  534. CawklesGM Mr. Rose shrugs [Bazir] "All thanks to hypno-conditiong my friend. Am I saying that right? Hypno coniditioning? I'm still working out some of the diction. The process only goes so far you know."
  535. Ishmael sighs. "As long as we don't betray our comrades and I get that talk. I think we could work..."
  536. Izem_abn_Anaruz nods wearily.
  537. CawklesGM Mr.Rose clasps his hand heartily. "Good, good! It warms my hear that this ended up working out..."
  538. CawklesGM Maurice turns around and glares at the storm troopers, who start up the steps and into the dark tunnel from whence they came. "You'll be hearing from me soon," Mr. Rose says as he too starts up the steps. "And I promise you'll like it!"
  539. Ace_Nerat "CARAPACE." he shouts after him
  540. Ishmael "Don't forget my talk!"
  541. Izem_abn_Anaruz waves him off dismissively.
  542. Ishmael then lays down on the floor, sighing. "That was rough..."
  543. CawklesGM Mr. Rose erupts into a raucous fit of laughter. "For sure! For sure! Adieu, gentlemen!"
  544. CawklesGM And with that, Mr. Rose disappears.
  545. Rajh_Tara [Mahdi] "In all seriousness, this guy is getting on my nerves."
  546. Rajh_Tara "Fuck that guy."
  547. Ace_Nerat "Fuckers, Im starting to like him."
  548. Ishmael "Well, you sure ain't who's working for them."
  549. Izem_abn_Anaruz "Eugh, I feel sick." He says before drinking heartily from his canteen.
  550. Ishmael "So... Ayala, you knew them? Do you have more stuff to show?"
  551. CawklesGM Ayala, it seems, fainted awhile ago. She's out cold on the stone floor.
  552. Ace_Nerat sighs and leans against the Heretical walls, smoking a Lho.
  553. Ishmael moves over to her. "Izem... I need your help here."
  554. CawklesGM Kahina rolls the woman over and sighs in disgust. "Coward."
  555. Izem_abn_Anaruz moves over to Ish, wordlessly.
  556. CawklesGM Abbass clicks his tongue. "Jeez Kahina, go easy on her. She's a civvy."
  557. Izem_abn_Anaruz "Nerves." He splashes some of the water from his canteen on her face."
  558. CawklesGM "So, wait," Samsara blurts. "He said he worked for a 'Rogue' trader. So that means he's like a slaver, right?"
  559. Ishmael "Not really...some of them do that but... those are the most irreputable ones."
  560. Rajh_Tara "Honestly, I have no idea. This is just plain shady."
  561. Ishmael "Less shady now, at least."
  562. Rajh_Tara "It's still grey."
  563. Ace_Nerat "No darling, they are rich traders."
  564. Ishmael "Better than black."
  565. Rajh_Tara "True."
  566. CawklesGM Ayala starts awake suddenly when the water hits her face, her fist waving around wildy in a blind animal fury. The only victim of her assault is Kahina's groin, which causes the Woman to double over in pain and whimper silently.
  567. CawklesGM Jurdik snorts with laughter.
  568. Ace_Nerat "Everyone pack up."
  569. Izem_abn_Anaruz springs to Kahina's side, asking her if she is okay.
  570. Ishmael tries to hold her hands. "We are safe, Ayala!"
  571. Ace_Nerat "We are moving out."
  572. CawklesGM "Your friend's quite the tiger, Ish," He guffaws.
  573. CawklesGM Kahina waves Izem away. "This is not the most painful thing to happen to this part of my body, Izem. I will be fine."
  574. CawklesGM Iqbal and Tali reappear from their hiding place beside the obelisk, badly shaken. Iqbal seems fine but Tali seems...otherworldy. Her eyes dart about against her will, and a small stream of blood leaks from her nose.
  575. Izem_abn_Anaruz nods knowingly to Kahina, reddening in the face despite himself. He turns to the kids, "Iqbal bring your sister here."
  576. Ishmael rushes towards Tali. "Iqbal, what happened?"
  577. Rajh_Tara follows Ishmael.
  578. CawklesGM Muffin stoops by the young woman and picks her up, bringing her to Izem. Iqbal looks exasperated. "She just started doing this!" He insists. "I swear I didn't do anything!"
  579. Ishmael "We know, we know, Iqbal... Izem... can you help her?" He asks, concerned.
  580. Ace_Nerat walks over to the girl, cleaning some of the blood off her face with his uniform
  581. Izem_abn_Anaruz "This seems to be out of my realm of capabilities but, I can try."
  582. CawklesGM Kahina nods solemnly. "She has been kissed by the djinn."
  583. CawklesGM Krav, the silent al-Isman, suddenly pipes up. "She should be killed, then."
  584. Ishmael turns to Kahina.
  585. Ishmael "Whoa, whoa, whoa!"
  586. CawklesGM Muffin's jaw drops. "ya kint beh sers, tas a feckin' gurl!"
  587. CawklesGM Krav shrugs. "Just a suggestion."
  588. Ishmael "It was taken into consideration and we are not doing it."
  589. Izem_abn_Anaruz "When we get back I'll have her sent back, perhaps Father will know what to do for her."
  590. Rajh_Tara "We are not killing another girl within 24 hours."
  591. Ishmael nods and tries to carry her. "Right... I think we need to report back and ask for more time. This place is too big..."
  592. Ace_Nerat "Do you honestly think De Frank cares about this place?"
  593. CawklesGM Muffin nods. "Tees wassa settup, yeh?"
  594. Rajh_Tara "Probably not."
  595. Izem_abn_Anaruz "Somewhat, though I doubt we were sent down here to scout, obviously."
  596. CawklesGM Jurdik growls. "Then let's roll, then. The sooner I'm out of here the better. I'm sure that smug bastard De Frank would want to hear the 'good news' anyway."
  597. Ishmael "Fuck if I know. I sure do, though... Take the girl and see if you can get her sent to some medicaes and report to De Frank. I'll stay back and look around a bit more. I feel there's important stuff here..."
  598. Ace_Nerat "Alright, Everyone else we are moving out."
  599. Ishmael "I'll vox if anything's up."
  600. Izem_abn_Anaruz takes the little girl from Ish, and starts heading back.
  601. Ace_Nerat "Sure Sure."
  602. Rajh_Tara follows Izem.
  603. CawklesGM And thus, the squad parted ways. They live to fight another day...but for who?
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