

Apr 6th, 2014
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  1. [X] 6 Encourage him to go deeper in, there's treasure inside that will be a good lure for other adventurers, no more traps, and the boulder only has a 25% chance of activating. He'll do far better for spreading spreading the word if he actually has all that shiny yellow metal to spread around.: (Jiven, iamnuff, Drakebane, mc2rpg, hunter09, Vanathor)
  2. [X] 3 Let him go now. No sense having him risk when he'd be more valuable spreading the word and he did get the silver in the first room.: (Robotninja, Deathwings, Silversun17)
  3. [X] 8 Let him go now.... Something about this scene is just too bothersome to continue. More will come, yes, you can eat more later.: (drake_azathoth, megrisvernin, Da Boyz, BFldyq, another advent, kinglugia, Emral282, Heaven Canceler)
  4. [X] 1 Wil's soul has to be better food than his laughably incompetent brother. Encourage him to go deeper in, the traps you left in the third room have to be able to take care of him. (The trapped treasure chest launches poisoned needles at him in addition to arming the boulder trap in the second room. Also, there are 8 wolves, and it's even darker than usual.): (Winged One)
  5. -[X] 2 Wil, correct? You weren't strong enough to protect your brother, which is why he died. Leave with your brother's corpse. Become stronger. Perhaps, one day when you are strong enough, you may be able to claim my Master's accursed fortune.: (kinglugia, Heaven Canceler)
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