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Sep 26th, 2016
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  1. Hy, if you're reading this you're either on my wall to post some epic meme or just wondering why I'm tourbanned. Well, let's say I got "tricked". During a DPP Tour someone named "maliwara22" PMed me saying he was a friend of me and was asking for some ""help"". I didn't check his alt and ghosted him. I didn't think about it anymore until the next day, when someone asked me if I was tourbanned. I checked the STour thread afterwards and saw that my friend didn't sign-up and maliwara22 was an alt with only 1 post which was registered a day before. I asked my friend and he said he didn't play. You can see the result for yourself. However, I know that what I did was incredibly stupid and I also know that this is my own fault. Don't ghost. Just don't. I'm sorry for this, especially considering I was really looking forward to play Sun & Moon. However I'm __not__ quitting (or not planning to). This game's still super fun to me, and not being able to play Tournaments or not being able to talk German on Smogtours won't stop me! Also I want to start contributing.
  3. - qwily
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