

Jul 13th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. Marie has been summoned on a quest to deliver the One Ring to Mount Doom.;
  2. Marie joined a whale wrestling cult.;
  3. Marie is following her bliss with a travelling circus of panda bears.;
  4. Marie joined a biker gang and can only return when she had robbed exactly 11 gas stations in the Kane County area.;
  5. "You don't have the right clearance level for that information";
  6. Marie has to save the boys from drowning in Mountain Dew.;
  7. Guys...Marie can't return because she's in training to become a wizard. Very demanding stuff.;
  8. Marie is in her second semester at wizard school.;
  9. Marie is trying to get out of a contract she made with some rando wizard dude.;
  10. Marie is sitting in class with a bunch of 11 year olds so she can finally get to achieve her dream of witchcraft.;
  11. A bunch of Dwarves showed up and need help getting their mountain back, so Marie went to be their burglar... but ONLY if a certain elf shows up. Otherwise she's unqualified. For reasons.;
  12. They're taking Marie to Isengard.;
  13. Marie is currently training at Kaer Morhen.;
  14. Marie ate a piece of hair and now is training to be a hero in Japan.;
  15. Sorry, Marie's in another castle.;
  16. Marie went through a broken teleporter in Blood Gulch and was put into the past.;
  17. Marie went back in time to save York n North cause they deserve it.
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