
Mind of Matter - Chapter 10

Sep 13th, 2012
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  1. Mind of Matter - Chapter 10
  3. Celestia smiled, her smile was heartwarming in every way possible. Compassion, care, general well-ness of a friend was all you could read from her expression. You choked, you could help but feel both terrible and welcoming at the same time as you adverted your gaze to your right, out the window, watching the sun rise.
  4. Perhaps Celestia got the hint, and simply nodded, trotting over to the left side as she looked over the small breakfast serving, somewhat disappointed that it remained untouched as she magics the tray over to you, opening the bedside table in front of you and placing it on top.
  5. You look at her out of the corner of your eye and see the food there.
  6. You were hungry as she smiles.
  7. "Eat, you need your strength." she magiced a piece of fruit over to you "it is unwise to let good food go to waste."
  8. You remain silent, turning back to the sunrise as Celestia lowers it, ears folding slightly down as she trots close.
  9. "Anon...please...don't shun me...I do not wish to bring you any more trouble."
  10. You still don't respond as you huff, keeping your gaze away as she trotted around your bed to face you.
  11. She stood there, her expression serious, but turned soft, ears still folded down "Anon...please speak to me..." 
  12. You remained button up, looking beyond her, your expression cross as you shoot her a slight glare.
  13. She lowers her head just a bit, submissive almost as her eyes cast their sight to yours, never waving as her mane continues to ebb and flow.
  14. "Anon...I bring news of the trial for you...I thought you would may like to hear them... Blueblood has seen it fit to condem you for your crimes; he's already got the council set up....the problem for him so, they had no direct agreement. It was a perfect balance between your exile, and your freedom. Blueblood belives that your actions againsyt a heir of royalty and the very presence of his honur at stake. However, the other half of the council thinks you should not be at fault." She paused, smirking a bit as she rose her head, keeping her expressopn soft.
  15. "I belives you to be  innocent Anon, but my word alone cannot be enough to release you, but there can be no other assurance in the matter that I go through your.... find the answers. I'm...sorry it has to be like that."
  16. 'Oh you can't be serious.'
  17. "Anon?"
  18. 'Aint no WAY somepony is gonna read my mind, are you outt of yours? Please understand that no one, not in a million years, can go through my mind. Thats private property TO me and only me.'
  19. You look back at her, still silent as you exhale, your expression breaking just a bit as she comes closer.
  20. "Anon, i wish  only to apologize, I alone cannot permit hyou freedom, and with BlueBlood demanding the case, the only way we ,can permit any avoidance is to take the very memeories of what happend from your conciousness."
  21. 'I said...not in a million years....a billion now cause your pushing.'
  22. "Anon... speak of what has occurred. There is little more I can do but courier that news to you...I tried...I had done much seeking to find the answer, but this is the only way we know can be done to help... and... how wrong I was."
  23. You blink again, not much you can think about as you exhale, suddenly shaking your fists to find that you were still unable to move them.
  24. "You were right all along, and in my condolences for harming you, I seek your forgiveness. I..I know you are right, that your actions were just despite the violence...I know...but this cannot be enough...Please...Anon....there is little help my sister and I can be to you if you do not let me read your memories, you can keep what else away...and I shall solely find the memories I seek."
  25. That was unexpected, big of her, but her sorrow expression, closed eyes and all were a testament to her deisre to be forgiven, perhaqps moreso that she knew you were right.
  26. "Anon, you had defended my sister when I should have, you had offered her kindess and protection when In shpuld have. what sister does that make me to not even take a hoof forward to protect those closest? I was...ashamed with myself after what transpired in the courtroom. If I had been the right kind of sister as Luna sees me as...I...never should have let the trial happen in  the first place."
  27. She turned a bit, gazing out the window, watching the waterfall cascade down the bankment of the city edge "Then the events of last night, with you and allowing you a chance to explain, not truusting you...Oi felt worse, shamed og my actions not only to an honoured guest, but a creature vanguarding a race we have never spoken of or seen in our existance...I hate to admit, my student may even be cross with me; the discovery her little heart and mind would flutter for."
  28. She sighed, you can see its serene before you exhale, turning to her.
  29. 'Celestia... I know that I may not be the best example of my species, but I can assure you that I always have good intentions for those I meet with; patience, consideration, and just plain good feeling wrapped in a blanket of calmness.
  30. I can understand your sorrow and you know, I can't be mad at you for any of it. I mean, we make mistakes right, nothing can ever be perfect, stuffs gotta go south at SOME point in our lives.'
  31. Celestia smiled, slowly trotting over to stand before you, the sun cresting her form, hiding her out like a shadow before you.
  32. "I mean well to Anon, for my subjects, my family, and the very members I wish to protect and see the best intent. Everypony under my sister and I rule shall always be served the utmost kindness and dedication to keeping them alive with hope and adoration they continue to give. The ponies are our power are they not, their love is what fuels us, perhaps because it is a habit of many to realize its power; the utmost in dedication and kindness to the seeker of it. hold no hate for my people, and your kindness had been proven by your actions in the could still consider that...stallion of a ruth nothing more than fettle trash; he put my sister upon the stake, what reason is there to be forging for that?"
  33. You smirk, she did have some hella ovaries in that sensation, being able to admit that sorta thing...well...
  34. 'Celestia..." you begin as the mare smiles at you, her expression captivated by the realization, perhaps almost naughtiness of saying such uncouth things 'the one thing I really took  away from my family is that there are always sleaze. No matter how "picture perfect" it may be, the sheer fact that not everyone is kind is just a realization we hate to be with. No one wants bad blood with their tree, but...even the proudest trees have bad roots.'
  35. Celestia hrmmed a bit, not too certain she followed Anon completely, but she understood the sincerity in his voice.  Sheepishly she eases over, standing somewhat before you in a near promotive manner.
  36. "Thy still has much food to kinder, nourishment is paramout is it not?"
  37. You blink a bit, not really sure where she was going with this, the sheer awkwardness of her closeness was rather unsettling as you stare up at that horn.
  38. 'Uhh thanks, but I think I should be able to handle-'
  39. She was on you in a second, fore-hooves placed upon your legs as she stares at you from your knees while her horn glowed. A peice of bread floated infront of your face as you stare at it, as she to you.
  40. Its bread, nothing to be unnerved about as you take it in your mouth, chewing the soft, moist interior and perfectly firm exterior of the bread and crust. It was good...oddly enough it was sweeter than you normally remember, chewing and swallowing as Celestia smiles.
  41. She hovers another piece of bread, gently waggling it before you as you give her a look. 
  42. 'I'm not a dog, if I could move my arms, you wouldn't have to.'
  43. Celestia looks down trotten before she eases upright to gaze at you, pulling part of the sheet away to expose a silver gauntlet with blue padding along the interior, chained to  your wrist and the bedpost it was attached to. It looked more like armour than anything else...perhaps you could use that....
  44. "It bears the coat of arms of Prince Blueblood, no magic but his own can free you from them." Celestia said as she eyed up at you, head having went low and come quiet close to you, that horn waved just above your head as the tip began to simmer.
  45. "I...uh...hate to say it, but he doesn't want you to leave... Anon, let me see your thoughts, let me be close to your mind to understand...."
  46. She was closer how, her maw coming right to your mouth.
  47. Holy shit
  48. "Sister dear...what...what is all this?"
  49. Celestia pauses, the door...was Princess Luna and her entourage of two guards. Hovering just beisde her was a bottle of cider with two crystal goblets hovering beside it on one side and a box of what appeared to be  cookies and a small ensemble of flowers.
  50. luna of course just saw her elders sisters fore-hooves on the bed, her head oddly close to the humans face and her horn....glowing?
  51. "Guards...leave us." Luna says, her expression soemwhat defiant as the two guards leave within an instance, closing the door behind them.
  52. "Hello there Sister dear, what brings you about this early in the morning." Celestia began, speaking with an uncharasmatic tone as though her sister walked into something important as she eased her forehooves off the bed and stood there. smiling at her.
  53. Luna huffed, trotting to the other side of the bed, across from Celestia.
  54. "I had just happen to complete my night time duties, and decide it would be best to check on my loyal knight having recently been taken into custody at the Canterlot General, I just had to go investigate his condition immediately, why thou not be a part of my nightly duties?"
  55. Celestia smirked, keeping her expression calm "Ah, but of course, he is...still under your charging? I don't recall having him knighted though.."
  56. 'I don't remeb-'
  57. "It was recent, the moment I aided his escape from the city it-"
  58. 'Oooh, so you admit to helping a figtivite?"
  59. Luna was taken back. "Sister, dare say such a thing, Anon is not of any crime nor to be accused as such, thy should know his kindess is potent to stray away even the darkest of desures."
  60. "Yet, you bring him cider and seems more you seek than just to see Sister."
  61. Luna seems tense, both of them almost glaring at one another in their own way, While celestia remained calm, you could see the distaste in Luna's expression mixed with the slight embarrassment that her sister was right.
  62. 'Before you two start ripping into one another, may I ask you do it outside?' you remark, clearly being the middle ground in this unusual confrontation as both look at you then sigh.
  63. "I can see how right he is sister, we are bickering over something fruitless, obviously anon is capable of noting our flaws, but then, we are not perfect." Celestia remarks, causing Luna to gaze at her sister, she'd never expect to hear her admit such a thing, being such grand royalty.
  64. "Well...yes i can understand what may be the case for your reason thy sister, but that leaves how Anon got here, surley something had occured?"
  65. Celestia turns to you, then  to her sister, explaining the entierty, in perfect detail, of the fight between you and her. Luna's expression shifted more times than you'd think, each one turning from worry, admiration, suprise, and eventually heart--warmth when Celestia noted her deposit of Anon in the hospital and had him administered first.
  66. "That was...kind of you sister, and well in regards to what you had caused." Luna saidc pointing her head at her sister who nodded slowly.
  67. "Anon showed me that clearly Luna, what sister had I been when so far twice now I have failed my duties of sibling, rather than of family, especially when one as rotten as he shall be refrained from speak."
  68. Luna chuckled "all too true sister."
  69. There was a sudden knock on the door as Celestia and Luna turn, oddly enough, neither of them felt inclined to answer before it swung open and there, somewhat in a riled mess, was Prince Blueblood. He hadn't fully recovered from Cerminas beat down as he still had some blemishes upon his face and a poor?y done badnage wrap around his forehead and horn.
  70. "You...diabolical little welp..." he began, trotting in with two of his burly armoured guards "you think you can get such royalties from our higher class facilities for such a commoner? Perish the thought if we were so kind to all those who suffer at thy hand of thy Auntie, yet when her own kin is harmed, she grants warmth and comfort than justice? Auntie dear, you seem to be...lacking."
  71. "And newphew dear, I would beg your silence to endure, you have no place to speak here, you already demanded him secured, and Anon is still, but you were not to come until the period of the trial."
  72. Blueblood smirked, ushering HIS guards forward, each one standing before the two princess. "Oh, i am aware of thy demands, but you see, though I cannot gain superior leverage to you through my normal means, I had of speeding the process of the trial to within an hour from now."
  73. "An hour? ANon has yet to heal, are you that cold thy prince?" Luna asked, only to get a rather hateful glare and the guard, almost without a word, predd forward, backing Luna into the bed. 
  74. "You best hold your tounge child, I do not seek any remorse for thy either, I stand by my vows to seek you put away for your crimes, and i shall have that when the time comes."
  75. You want to smash
  76. You can feel the rage in you, the hateful, disgusting rage of a thousand angry midgets, you want to tear into this bastard with as much fevor as nerds seeking a pizza at a convention; you will rip him apart.
  77. "Blueblood...I suggest you relinquish your guard from my sisters presence immediately before I am forced to dispatch him my self."
  78. Blueblood scowls, huffing as he almost reeled in the guard, having him trot back several paces before pausing. Blueblood didn't need to be told twice, the brilliance of her Aunties horn was enough to satisfy her demands.
  79. "Very well, then I guess he was made aware of the situation the council is in?"
  80. Blueblood asks as he smirks at Celestia. The princess's expression unchanges, from sterness to simple dread as she exhaled deeply "yes...he has been..." she began, looking at you with sorrowful eyes "he knows the crime, and the punishment the council has assigned."
  81. "Good...very good, it seems you can do something well, how did it feel to tell him, oh, don't bother, im sure he felt resentful to you as you had for him with me" he chuckled a boyious, almost satisfied chuckle as he stepped back, turning slowly to the door
  82. "because, auntie dear, if he does not wish for you to, I am the only other capable of such a thing."
  84. The door closes with an almost ominous click as you and the two princess stand in utter silence. The words of Blueblood ringing in your ears as you can remeber them perfectly "... i am the only other capable of such a thing."
  85. Shit
  86. shitshitshit.
  87. Perhaps it could be a good thing, focus your mind on other thoughts or try to get him kill, but it wouldn't end like that, not in a good way anyway; the risk was to high, if it failed.
  88. "Anon..." Celestia began, easing close to your bedside "please...i beg of thee to allow me the chance to seek answers from your mind. Anon, it is the only way, at least to prevent...him...from doing so."
  89. 'I don't know, maybe I'd want him to try.'
  90. "That won't get you anywere, Anon, Blueblood is maticulious, he would seek them and find them before you could even think of a response to his invasion. He would seek the darkest corners, a stallion with no kind emotions, especially to thy foe, won't end well good Anon, and...I couldn't dare to see you wind up a wreck."
  91. "Nor do I." Luna added, trotting her fore-hooves in place.
  92. You smile as Celestia nudges your shoulder gently. " have done so much, to let..." she paused " let him defile you would be the utmost shameful thing I could experience...please...for the sake of my subjects, for the sake of me...please let me find the answers we seek."
  93. You really have no argument, either Celestia does it gently, or Blueblood rapes your brain.
  94. Tough choice.
  95. The fact it was reading your mind was even more degrading and wasn't something she would enjoy just as much as you. He expression behind the mask was the deepest worry you could conceive; never once did she say anything less of you, it almost made you feel the need to hug her, bring her close, but you're tied...and since Bb didn't seemed inclind to release you, this would have to be just you and your thoughts.
  96. 'Can I ask you both to leave me be? He said an hour right? If either of you could come and get me before he arrives, I much like the protection from his dastardly grace, give me some hope to know I have someone on my wing.'
  97. The two princess were reluctant, but with an almost syncornized sigh, they nod.
  98. "I must be upon my throne Anon, perhaps Luna can be your escort... you are more familiar with her and her guards are you not...sir knight?"
  99. You blink, watching Celestia trot towards the door, slowly opening it as she turned to smile at you as both you and Luna shared a suprised expression.
  100. "Take care of him Luna, the responsibility is in your hooves this time around." she wiggled her nose a bit as she opened the door, easing out and leaving the two alone, closing the door behind her.
  101. Luna blinks, turning from the door to you as she sighs.
  102. "Well, if you wish for a moment of peace...I shall leave you be." She trots over, easing against the bed "are you sure you will be alright Anon?"
  103. you smile 'Ill be fine...its more trying to figure the best way your sister could read my mind without exposing anything I may regret.'
  104. Luna chuckles "I may not know the experience, but I am sure sister Celestia wishes the same, perhaps you can leave it out in a box?"
  105. 'a box? hrmm...that may work.'
  106. "Really?" Luna blinks "if thou has plan, we wish to hear of it."
  107. 'I simply let her see what I saw right, I mean, its like giving someone a film to view, video footage, like.... moving pictures.'
  108. "Perhaps, thy not know what to expect yes?"
  109. 'Mind reading isn't exactly common in my species, we think the mind is our own, though we always do want to know what others think.'
  110. "It is not frivilious..." Luna remarks, huffing slightly as she looks away from you. "Celestias mind will enter yours, part of her shall expel into you to seek what she desires, it will be instant  but blending of minds to such a level that even the slightest mistake could...."
  111. You look at her, she was tearing up as her gaze returned, seeing you stare at her.
  112. "I would not want either of you to end their lives like that, both...both of you are precious, to rule and to guide...both of you are something...this world...needs." she smiled a bit, blinking to wash the tears aside, sniffling a bit. "I...I know you will do whats right Anon, and....I will make sure to support you because...i know you know." she turned a bit, her rump to you as she starts trotting towards the door, opening it just a bit before turning and galloping over to you, planting a soft...kiss...upon your cheek before she flew from the room, red blush dimming to violet across her face.
  114. "It seems you are very popular with dem comrade." Cermina says, slipping out from under the bed before getting up and keeping her gaze on the door. Rolling her shoulders, she turns back to you, a sly grin on her face.
  115. 'oh don't start' you retort, wanting to cross your arms, but looking pretty bleak about it.
  116. "Tut, was trying to lighten mood comrade, no v'one wants to have dere minds read."
  117. 'I don't suppose you know any means of defending against such a thing, least I want to have some solace of control when someone goes looking in there.'
  118. Cermina hurrmed, putting her talon to her lower jaw.
  119. "Mind reqding v'as something v'e were though of to do, but dat was simply a myth, v'at we did learn is method on preventing interrigation...torture if you v'ill."
  120. You perk your head 'how so?'
  121. "We'ver trianed to move our conciousness to a subconcious level, allowing whatever horrors befalling us dare not compromise our integrity. Ve made sure dat any knowledge of our own was hidden, and our minds suppressed the pain our bodies eudure."
  122. she seperated her talons, brining them palm upwards as she extended them before her. "We trained our bodies to take great pain, but since ve' cannot do dat, ve must find a means to train you to suppress brain, perhaps some level of control as an interrorgation countermeasure."
  123. 'so basically...some control of my thoughts?'
  124. "more or less, it takes many months to perfect duch ting, but...for a kin as me, it had only taken days. For you comrade, v'e have vune hour, we will have to...shall we say...crash to understand at least bare minimum."
  125. 'I can take anything yah give me CerminA, lets get this over with.'
  127. An hour past when Luna came to the door, greeting her with a rather...exhausted smile.
  128. "Anon, are you well?" she asked, seeing the exhaustion in your complexion. 
  129. you nod 'yeah, sorry, just was trying to get my head around this whole thing....and mentally preparing myself for it.'
  130. "Ah..." Luna replies with a smile as she trots over with two guards "Then let us make haste to the council chamber..." she said, smirking as she motioned to her guards who began pushing you out of the hospital room, bed and all. You noticed one of the guards held a ruttsack on his back, drawing it forward he plopped it on your lap.
  131. "Your clothing, cleaned, mended and pressed for you, we may not be able to free you, but we can provide you with what is yours before we commit you to your sentance." 
  132. 'Thanks...uhh but how am I suppose to change with my arms tied down?"
  133. Luna huffed "It would be a matter of dispelling them, fortunately, I have an old trick to do just that."
  134. She grinned, coy as she looked left and then right before he readied her horn, lowering it directly to each gauntlet chain, but keeping the device locked in. A magical burst and the chain broke, allowing you to move your left arm before she trotted over to your right and did the same thing. " gauntlest can only be removed by Prince Blueblood, but your arms are free to move as you see fit."
  135. You nod, gripping the wrists gauntlets as they were quite secure on his wrists.
  136. 'Thank you Luna...I can always feign being tied down so he doesn't get too...suspicious.'
  137. "That should be sufficent, anything to give you some freedom should...well..." she looks away as you smile.
  138. 'Hey, s'gonna be okay, your sister will do all she can to make this work.'
  139. "You trust her to do so?" Luna asks, still figuring you were disapproving of it.
  140. 'She talked to me a bit before you came, saying it was either her or Blueblood, I mean, what choice is there?"
  141. Luna huffs, nodding "I understand, if it were me who was granted such a power, then I would do it for you with the utmost care and secrecy, your thoughts are your own right?"
  142. 'Yeah, but, if I'm to help Celestia in any way towards this case, then I must let her do whats neccissary.'
  143. Luna smiled "I am glad you are so willing to allow her."
  144. 'Call it thinking ahead, my best bet here is to help you both keep Blueblood at bay, less we find ourselves under his foo- uhh hoof.'
  145. Luna giggled a bit "ah, but that be the day when we come to losing all hope and sanity if this fair city, you and I both know that won't happen easily."
  146. 'I wouldn't know exactly, but pretty much the last thing we'd want is Bb in power. Things would just be crazy, already with the other half of the council taking my side is enough of an achievement in itself.'
  147. Luna smiled "indeed it is."
  148. You lay back as you feel the cart come to a halt outside a pair of massive doors. The two guards turning you to face it as the doors open, exposing the same council chamber just last night you had been settling Luna's trial in. Nothing changed, the same setup as before, only BlueBlood being absent and his booth had only a few advisors this time around. 
  149. You noticed the others, donning red robes this time around compared to the blue and gray they had before, signifying their difference as you were wheeled over to them at the defense table. Two of them were male, a Pegasus and an Earth pony, the other was a female unicorn. They smiled, each one bowing respectfully before you are straightened and the two guards stepped back, allowing Luna to stand beside you. 
  150. Celestia was not present, perhaps since the trial had not been called to order she was preparing herself, and why would't she be, she'd be going into your mind soon enough.
  153. You are Celestia
  154. All your dreams you had about Anon, about what he was, what he brought with him.
  155. They stirred around in your head, questions this and thatc, doubts, concerns.
  156. Reading a mind was risky for both parties, especially considering a part of your conscious dives into his subconsciousness.
  157. Its almost like going into somepony's home uninvited, seeing their deepest desires, dreams, even fears. 
  158. You shiver, hesitating to rest your crown atop your head, you detasted this whole, perhaps more than anon; breaching his trust just to let him be freed by your arrogant nephew who sought nothing more than to cause as much strain possible for you, your sister, and now ANon for his display against him in court.
  159. You trot over to the window, watching the sun slowly creep towards the highest point, noon, the time of his trial, of your dastardly work, Bluebloods answer...
  160. You turn, exhaling as you settle your bare hooves into your nhooflets, easing them snugly into place as you here a tap tap at your door.
  161. You trot over, donning your sash as you open it to show your two guards, at attention.
  162. "Your magesty, it is time." one said as you nod.
  163. 'Yes...let us go.'
  165. The same courtroom before you, the same ensemble of faces, smells and just expressions. Passing through the drape as your arrival was announced was calming, you could see all eyes gaze at you, even your newphew with some shred of dignity and respected looked, but quickly turned away as you trot before your throne.
  166. ' we seeking answers, truth behind a crime that one had commit.'
  167. You stare at Anon, he stares back, no expression, but you can see he's ready for anything.
  168. 'Anon...your actions as we have seen during the trial of Luna were the  very essence of compassion and friendship we have seen, as the court had befell to grant her innocence, we had only moments before actions in question...brought about this trial to your head.'
  169. "Oh auntie dear?" Blueblood calls, your hide shivers aw you turn your gaze to him.
  170. 'Yes....newphew prince?'
  171. "Need ai remind you that this court suggest you take neutrality, and we know for a fact your sympathy for him..." His voice chilled for the word of him, his distate for Anon is far more apparent than you'd remeber him; almost as though he himself was being floored by a 'lesser species'. You smirk, enjoying that though with a tight not.
  172. 'I understand that newphew, I had done so before in the ruling of Luna's trial, but Anon is not of this court, nor is the verdict left without royal consent.'
  173. You turn to Luna.
  174. 'As per equality for Anon, Princess Luna....ny sister....will be aiding Anon's case as his defense attorney. As he had done so magnificently for my sister, by her word, she wishes to stand by his side this time in stride to support him.'
  175. For the first heard a faint clop of hooves on the stone baseboard of the benches, and a smile crept along your  muzzle.
  176. 'His crime however, is one not of relaxing complaint; Anon, as per BlueBloods case against you, this trial is for your attempted Murder of prince Blueblood.'
  177. Murmurs in the heard was apparent as many ponies had taken a liking to Anon for his aid towards the Celestial princesses, but those who were so strongly with Blueblood, shared his utmost distaste of this human, perhaps his stifling the darkness Blueblood was committing could start bringing those who followed him into the light.
  178. 'However...' you begin again, hushing the murmurs without another word 'there is one thing different from this trial; we are at an impass.' you turn to Luna, she nods with a step forward.
  179. "The council is left divided equally, with no fault or reason for this crime and trial, however, since a stalemate refuses any form of outcome, Anon....has been requested to have his mind read for the final piece of evidence; his own witness to the events of last night."
  180. You tense as Luna concludes your speech, you can see Blueblood angst towards you as obvious as ever whilst you give a small smile in reply as you hear the wheels of Anons bed strolled before you, held in place atop the center carpet of the courtroom floor.
  181. 'Anon....are yo-'
  182. "Just hit me with it Princess...lets get this over and done with."
  183. You can't help but blink in surprise at his edgarness, his frank words almost pushing you on as you feel the energy crawling up your rump and spine. It was alluring to be pressured on, even more to remain so calm about it as you stand, slowly trotting down the stairs to him before stopping just at the edge of her thrones staircase.
  184. "Alright Celestia...lets just do this once okay, don't want any reruns to do now okay?"
  185. A chuckle escapes your lips, battung your eyes cutley to him before you lean forward just a bit.
  186. 'You and I both know this will be plesant Anon, I shall make it the grandest display of mind induction as possible.'
  187. Anon smirks a bit, perhaps a bit too strong? You can see him reeling against the bed firmly as those hands grip the sheets.
  188. 'I meant no fear Anon, I shall do my duty for you, respectfully and dignifiably'
  189. Anon calms "Thanks..." he mutters, still gripping the sheets as you step back up to your throne, turning to...wiggle...your rump before him in an ever so swag walk.
  190. You sit, gaze at him, eyes catching his as your magic begins to conduct into your horn. Your eyes go wide, wider still on his side as you hear the charging of magic flowing into your horn. It radiates, stabalizing before charging further and further, eventually casting nsuch a brilliance hour whole body glows with illumincence before you unleash a steady beam from the tip of your horn, instantly into Anons forehead.
  191. His eyes gape...and you draw yourself in.
  193. Anons mind is dark
  194. darker than anything you've seen. 
  195. Complete blackness orbits you as you regain vision inside the mind of this human, Anon.
  196. You are unsure what to make of it as you almost float in utter nothingness before you catch a faint twinkle in the distance. Noticing, you light your horn, spreading wings and with a windsnap, flying forwrad. You made silver trials along his thoughts, casting the only light in the shadows as you fly closer and closer, the twinkle becoming ever bigger and bigger, until yhou soar from the dark into a brilliant blace of the sapcial reaches beyond. Your eyes scan what you can only see as a system, seveal planets before you, centered around a brilliant sun further in as your eyes scan the brilliance of the blues, purples, violets and. oranges of the stars, casting glows and hues to  brown, green and grey upon the planets below.
  197. However, something catches your interest as what looks like an object floating before the closest planet seems to blink with red and green lights. A sudden twinkle of a blue light catches your interest again as you sweep your wings ans fly towards it.
  198. The station was massive, a single spanning almost the lenght of your fair city canterlot with a massive array of glimmering blue scales before it ((SOLAR PANNELS)). You were perplex, but you see the same blue light almost leading you overtop the station, behind itc causing you to turn and see two large sections cast in brilliant white and blue. A single blue light becons atop one of the ingraved obejcts, its doors slowly opening to expose an interior complex as you fly towards it, green lights strech from the platformc casting almost a path along either side of you, guiding you in before the doors seal and the dim red light of this place catches you again in the dark.
  199. No one greets you as everything becomes silent, no warmth of a welcoming, not hint of life as lights glint along the floor, again, guiding you inwards to another pair of doors that hiss open and you trot inside; white washed hallways casting fair light around you as you're guided by these strange little lights.
  200. You come to a broad hallway, a single stone placed within this massive chamber, and a little red box upon it.
  201. You blink, trotting over to the box as you study it, seeing nothing unusal of it as you magic the latch open, and find what looks like a screen...similar to that device he
  202. You recall using it, easing it gently into your magoica grasp as you see a picture on the screen.
  203. "Tap me." it said, and so, creating the myst like ball, you tap the screen. The picture changes to a personal perspective...leaving your room no less, checking the bottle of zap apple cider neatly tucked in place.
  204. You watch the scenes to follow, going to BlueBlood, the talk, his rant towards the kingdom, the city, you and your sister, nut most of all, those dragons. He had said many hurtful things, things that even you felt detested to hearing. Tehen...something unusal appears, a creature that was not there earlier in the screen time. She appeared far larger than you, deep crimson scales adonning her chest surrounded by black scales all down her arms, legs and backside. She began approching Blueblood, her long tail lashing about as those talons glint and her teeth bare.
  205. Why had BlueBlood not noticed, was he that ignorant to the threat?
  206. He kept talking as it lunged...and then the violence.
  207. By Equestria...her ruthlessness...
  208. She pounded him into the desk, slamming his head once, twice, three times into it before pulling him up and throwing him to the wall. 
  209. You grab her tail, she turns, hissing, blinding rage within those eyes. They calmed, seeing you, but hel the hatred as strong as before.
  210. She mutters something, and then goes forward, smashing Blueblood across the face before walking away and...vanishing.
  211. "Not my best moment, but I assure you, dat was a rare occurance; such hate is only reserved for enemies, dosha."
  212. You whip around to see that creature, the drakess.
  213. 'Cermina?' you say slowly, having met her before in the castle... in your dreams.
  214. "Ah, so anon spoke of me, good, dat is good. He is good human, good friend, he means much to me, so I am glad to stand by him."
  215. 'You know him well?'
  216. "Dah" she replied, a big grin on her maw "He made me."
  217. It took a moment for you to remeber what Anon told you about her, she could be trusted, and you smiled.
  218. 'SO, you admit to the crime?'
  219. "Yah, t'was me, but had reason, he bashed kin, ruthlessness bear ruthlessness, I acted as any of my kin would."
  220. 'It is still a crime.'
  221. "Den will you challenge me for regards to be subdued? I do not tink so."
  222. She had a point...even as an entity non-existant, she had...touched made you quiver but she kept her distance.
  223. "If dat is what you seek, take, but, dere is pje request I ask of thee "
  224. You quirk a brow 'what would that be?'
  225. "To release me."
  226. You shiver at those words.
  227. Relasing a beast unknown into your realm?
  228. You had seen the damage she had done to Blueblood, could she be trusted with freedom?
  229. You back away from her, easing towards the stand were the box of evidence lay, causing it to shift in place, closing atop the small viewing device.
  230. The darkess hissed "You do not trust me comrade? I am shamed, Blueblood was rare case, he deserved beating I gave to him, but I would dare not bring harm to your kind, they hold no reason to see as threat."
  231. You stand firm, returning the gaze to this beast 'You had committed a crime against my subjects and against my family, there is little for me to say but to condone you to be punished for your actions.'
  232. Cermina hurred, smirking a bit "Really, dat is all you can say; to see me punished for actions against one of YOUR kin who, if given the chance, would be just as easy to take hold and rid the world of my kin? You did hear what he said did you not?"
  233. You pause, she of course was right, you did hear him say his distate for the scale-kin, dragons were something that had rid his mother of the ruling power, but that gave no reason to beat someone for it.
  234. 'I stand by my words, you cannot commit an act of violence without the repercussions of the court, you had done wrong, and you must pay for it."
  235. Cermina hissed "You are a fool, you are blinded by your own rules to realize dat you cannot keep following dem, soon, something v'ill break and den what, cower back to the same laws you stand by, de same ones dat nearly put your sister away?"
  236. |You glare, a nerve, but you hide your anger 'you dare speak of such things as though you are an authority? The law had been passed, one that even I did not wish to happen.' you look away, Cermina just crosses her arms.
  237. "Realize that even laws are not best, you are just to blame for actions towards your sister."
  238. 'That still...doesn't resolve your crime, you had assaulted Prince BlueBlood in cold blood.'
  239. She huffs, pointing to herself "I am dragon, tis my nature to be cold blooded..."
  240. You pause for a second, a stifle of laughter in your gut as you shake your head 'I meant your actions were unjust and unnecessary, assaulting a pony is one thing, Royalty is another matter, one that cannot go unpunished..'
  241. The drake only grins "So, what do you wish to do, you cannot simply punish me here, dat would be foolish, dis is not your world Celestia, I am free to do as I please."
  242. You blink, it had all returned to you that you were in ANON's mind, and this thing certainly did have all the power in the world to do as it saw fit.
  243. "You seem to forget dat you cannot simply 'punish' me here comrade, dis is my world, and I plan to avoid having to deal v'ith such tings as punishment here."
  244. You look quizzically at first, but that changes when Cermina grins and snaps her claws.
  245. Everything changes, you are now standing on what looks like a platue, a flat surface within a range of mountains.
  246. All around high mountains of dirt and stone surround you, nothing like those of Equestria..
  247. The ground feels as those a thousand ranges of flame had scorched this land, leaving ash and dust in its wake.
  248. And the smell
  249. That smell...
  250. it was...
  251. death.
  252. You feel cold, your purity now being tainted by this place, the essence of the dead slowly wafting around you as you can sense it, feel it ripple through your hooves as you shake your head.
  253. "Tis wonderful yah?" Cermina mutters across the plateu from you "death...destruction, the dark side of humans...humans like Anon, but den, humans make wars far more devastating den anything you or I could comprehend." She grins, easing her arms behind her head.
  254. 'Where are we, how did-'
  255. "We get here? Dat is my power here comrade, I put you in mid, no longer Anons... hehe... I did give you easy choice to make, but you refused."
  256. 'Choice? More like demand, the evidence for your freedom, certainly not a measurable demand... especially considering it is you to blame and not Anon.'
  257. You trot in place, slowly feeling the ground, the ash making it hard to keep steady, the air now thick with its fumes.
  258. "True and I admit my reasons as just, you may not see dat you are simply coyed by your nephew; family as he is, seeking his own agenda even against you comrade. Hah, do not make me laugh, do not even doubt you are GLAD it happened. BlueBlood saw nothing but the worst in you, your sister, even your kingdom, yet you go blindly about without knowing dat he wishes simply to remove you and rule, but your just spineless princess unable to handle duties."
  259. You glare 'Your wrong..if you hear all around Anon, then you must have known what I spoke with him about, you were there were you not?'
  260. Cermina hurred, but said nothing.
  261. 'His reasons were noble, and my doing was my fault, my mistake for not trusting him and bending backwards for a newphew rotted with hate. I was a terrible sister and a worse princess...but...Anon made me realize something; I am still able to rule my subjects, I am still there for them, and shall be so for a very long time. I know that Anon is of truth and just and that finding his freedom is all I can for him, to make amends for my mistakes...his...suffering.' You look down, Cermina smirks, grinning.
  262. "Noble, i applaud your attitude and means well for your future, but little to now, you still have dis to deal with."
  263. 'My words may be charged under Anon, but I cannot trust you. Your crimes cannot simply go unpunished, so I cannot allow your freedom from this place.
  264. "Hrmmm...den if dat is your choice, den I guess dere is no other option for me." she grins, slowly coming forward "if you cannot let me leave, den I shall not let you."
  265. You blink, was she...serious? Certainly in this realm she did have control, but you would not submit to her, never, she wasn't evil, but her crimes would not permit her to have that freedom.
  266. You already know what you need to know, despite no physical evidence, you dare not waver.
  267. You spread your wings, and take to the sky.
  268. Cermina below, growling as she rushes to the place you launched form, already high above her as she hisses loudly, scuttling off into the distance as you veer your head to the sky, seeing nothing but haze and clouds....and a twinkle of a bright star in the distance.
  269. You bear straight for it, not wasting a moment in this wretched place as your wings snap you forward. Following that light
  270. That star
  271. Could it be a way out?
  272. You think, but your thoughts are stopped by a sudden noise you never heard before.
  273. It sounded like blades...cutting through the air.
  274. And a noise that was almost unnatural.
  275. Come up behind you is a beast you've never seen before.
  276. Its shape was like nothing you've seen before.
  277. A creature with two massive orbs in its front, glinting, showing the reflection of the world around it. Two smaller ones above them as something above it, like a blade, cut through the air as it gave chase.
  278. IT was wide, carrying two small wings along its side as each one held orb like objects, glimmering as its nose began to shift towards you.
  279. It almost resembled a dragon...almost.
  280. The kept close, no matter how fast you flew it was still there, still giving chase.
  281. Its noise was deafening, but you pushed it aside
  282. The twinkle
  283. That star
  284. You keep going, flying higher and higher.
  285. Increasing your altitude, going completely vertical as the thing behind you starts to sag.
  286. Cermina breaks from one of the glass globes, growling as she begins to trod across the front of it.
  287. You're surprised, shocked as you fly higher, leaving the thing behind as the Drakes fcrouches, and then with a strong jump, soars right towards you.
  288. The star brightens as you fly nearer and nearer.
  289. Its light envelopes you both as you fly right into it...feeling the cold scales...upon your body.
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