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ign Kimo

a guest
Dec 9th, 2019
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  1. FT or Can Breed:
  2. (ask for IVs if it matters to you. Certain natures and O speed IV available upon request)
  4. HA Heavy Ball Drilbur (Jolly)
  5. HA Heavy Ball Duraludon (Modest)
  6. HA Heal Ball Hatenna (Sassy)
  7. HA Moon Ball Rookiedee w/ Tailwind (Adamant)
  8. HA Love Ball Eevee (Modest)
  9. HA Premier Ball Darumaka (Adamant/Jolly)
  10. HA Lure Ball Gyarados (Adamant/Jolly)
  11. HA Ultra Ball Snorlax (Adamant/Brave)
  12. HA Ultra Ball Ralts (Timid)
  13. Dream Ball Ponyta (Modest)
  14. Friend Ball Applin (Jolly/Modest)
  15. Level Ball Larvitar (Jolly)
  16. Love Ball Snom (Modest)
  17. Love Ball Mimikyu (Adamant/Jolly)
  18. Friend Ball Snom (Adamant/Modest)
  19. Dream Ball Eiscue w/ Belly Drum Icicle Crash Head Smash (Jolly)
  20. Moon Ball Dreepy (Jolly/Modest)
  21. Beast Ball Zigzagoon w/ Knock Off Quick Guard Parting Shot (Jolly)
  22. Poke Ball Ferroseed w/ Leech Seed Knock Off
  24. Most exclusives just ask
  25. Gothita Turtonator Drampa are the common ones
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