
Chakra for Sadey

Jul 4th, 2015
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  10. [center][size=6][font=georgia][i]I'm in[/i][/font][/size][/center]
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  12. [right][i]Tech skills to rival the gods[/i][/right]
  14. Chakra's the sort who believes that true advancement for dragonkind is well on its way (whether we're ready for it or not), and it comes bearing a highly advanced set of power armor and a golem gauntlet. Ever since she saw her first construct as a child, Chakra knew the most important thing in this world was technology and the ability to wield it effectively.
  16. She grew up sharp-eyed and quick-minded, always with a witty comeback or a solution to a long-suffered problem just on the tip of her tongue. Her smile graced the hallways of her former home -- that is, whenever she was out of her tinkerer's den long enough to see another flesh-and-blood soul. Everybody knew Chakra would go far but nobody knew exactly [i]how[/i] far.
  18. You see, Chakra's belief that dragonkind's one true salvation was plated in shiny alloys and whirring at a blinding 600 megabytes per second superseded her belief in the Stormcatcher as necessarily being the spearhead of the future. If [i]she[/i] could wield tech with nary a bead of sweat on her brow, why should she necessarily turn to the Stormcatcher for guidance? So she did the most sensible thing in her mind at the time, which was hack the Tempest Spire. Which she did. Successfully.
  20. It's been years since her heist. Nobody really knows how she did it, much less successfully, but after the proverbial dust on the Spire had settled one thing was certain: Chakra couldn't be anywhere [i]near[/i] the Spire ever again. So she wound up here, in the Crystalline Gallows. Her reputation preceded her somewhat: within days of her arrival she was swamped with tech repair requests and questions. She took them all and filed them away with Lightning efficiency, and used them to make herself more or less irreplaceable. After a time, after earning enough respect and free reign over the scrap tech supply, Chakra built herself another golem gauntlet assistant. She ironically named it Spire, and taught it to "play hacked" by dramatically falling out of the air and rolling around as if wounded. This trick is generally how she introduces herself to any newcomers to the Gallows, and she swears she'll never grow tired of the look on their faces when she does it.
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  24. [center][size=2]Bio by [url=]Rifter #2226[/url].[/size][/center]
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