
The Trap

Mar 30th, 2012
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  1. >Fluffy pony wakes you up, like she does every morning
  2. >She's bouncing on your chest
  3. >"Wan huggies"
  4. >You sit up and give her huggies
  5. >Her fur is matted in some places and she's wincing while you're hugging her
  6. >There are bite marks all over fluffy pony
  7. >You realize the goddamned rats must have been nibbling on her while she was sleeping
  8. >You take her to the vet to get the wounds cleaned and make sure she hasn't contracted some disease
  9. >You've been having rat problems for months now, but they haven't done anything to hurt fluffy pony until now
  10. >It's time you finally did something about these rats before they really hurt fluffy pony. You won't let them keep tearing at her flesh each night
  12. >Kill traps and poisons are just begging to hurt fluffy pony and you don't want to see what would happen if you got a cat
  13. >Finally, you decide live traps are the best idea.
  14. >That way, you can get rid of the rats and fluffy pony can't hurt herself
  15. >You buy some solid metal one-way door traps and set them out in front of the rat holes
  16. >Fluffy pony watches you intently as you bait the traps with peanut butter on crackers
  17. >"Nummies fow fwuffy?"
  18. >"No, these nummies aren't for you. They're for your little rat friends."
  19. >"Wittoh fwens? Fwuffy no nummies?"
  20. >"That's right. Little friends. Not for fluffy. So don't touch."
  21. >She appears to mull this over for a few seconds before nodding her head.
  22. >You can't tell if she understands or not, but you don't really care.
  23. >You half expect she'll try to eat the bait, but you figure she'll probably learn her lesson after getting her head stuck in the trap once or twice
  24. >At any rate, it's not like it could hurt her
  25. >Fluffy pony sleeps with you that night
  27. >You leave the next morning hoping for the best
  28. >When you return, you don't even have to get through the door before you can tell fluffy pony has gotten herself in trouble
  29. >You can already hear her incoherent shouting and an intermittent banging sound coming from inside
  30. >As you come inside, you see fluffy pony scampering across the floor in a panic
  31. >She's got a rat trap stuck snugly on her head.
  32. >You watch as she runs blindly headlong into the wall with a loud bang and falls over before getting up and doubling back
  34. >Fluffy pony continues panicking and shouting incoherently, running into walls and tripping over her own feet trying vainly to get the trap off her head
  35. >You know you should help fluffy pony, but you have to admit it's pretty funny to watch, and she'll have forgotten the worst of it about five minutes after you take the trap off her head anyway
  36. >After a couple more minutes, you finally decide you've had enough of fluffy pony panic over having a trap stuck on her head and grab her mid-scamper
  38. >You chuckle as you lift the spring and pull the trap off the still panicking fluffy
  40. >You can't believe the sheer amount of blood streaming from fluffy pony's face
  41. >There are only little bits of skin and bloodstained fluff left on her shredded face
  42. >Her eyelids are swollen shut and blood is dripping out from between them
  43. >As you drop the cage to the ground, you see a giant, bloodsoaked rat jump out and quickly scamper out of sight
  44. >"wittoh fwen, fwuffy no nummies. Why wittoh fwen nummies?"
  45. >She was probably just trying to play with her little friend
  46. >You still have no idea how she got her head under a sprung door
  47. >You need a new fluffy pony
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