
MAM Sparring Session 2011.0609 C

Jun 9th, 2011
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  1. [05:59:02] -->| Roukan ( has joined #martial-meido
  2. [05:59:06] <Roukan> HEAVEN OR HELL.
  3. [05:59:08] <Roukan> DUEL ONE.
  4. [05:59:12] <Roukan> LET'S ROCK!
  5. [05:59:20] <Natsuki> Kay, should be good now.
  6. [05:59:24] <Lloyd> o.o
  7. [05:59:25] <Sect> Dude, Iced ain't here yet.
  8. [05:59:39] <Roukan> >A player has disconnected from the session.
  9. [05:59:49] <Lloyd> Roukan~ :3
  10. [06:00:09] -->| Iced ( has joined #martial-meido
  11. [06:00:24] =-= Natsuki is now known as Natsuki|Practice
  12. [06:01:05] <Iced> Initiative 4
  13. [06:01:15] <Roukan> Hello Roid.
  14. [06:01:24] <Natsuki|Practice> Initiative 19.
  15. [06:01:29] <Roukan> NATSUKI MOVES AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT
  16. [06:01:40] <Natsuki|Practice> ^.^;;
  17. [06:01:43] * Lloyd waves at Roukan
  18. [06:02:42] <Natsuki|Practice> 14 + 6 = 20
  19. [06:03:04] |<-- ZengarZombolt has left (Quit: Leaving)
  20. [06:03:06] <Iced> 4+7 = 11
  21. [06:03:28] <Roukan> 5 damage!
  22. [06:03:44] <Natsuki|Practice> ... Shouldn't that be 4?
  23. [06:03:50] <Sect> Rounds up.
  24. [06:03:54] <Natsuki|Practice> Ah.
  25. [06:03:59] <Iced> You get +1 for style too.
  26. [06:04:09] <Natsuki|Practice> Oic.
  27. [06:04:19] <Roukan> OH DAMN.
  28. [06:04:25] <Roukan> OH...SLIGHTLY LESS DAMN.
  29. [06:04:37] <Natsuki|Practice> 16 + 5 = 21.
  30. [06:04:49] <Natsuki|Practice> (Defending with Force.)
  31. [06:04:54] <Iced> I know.
  32. [06:05:10] <Iced> 20+7 = 27
  33. [06:05:20] <Roukan> -3 Fort
  34. [06:05:30] * Natsuki|Practice : 19 Fort!
  35. [06:06:20] <Natsuki|Practice> 14 + 6 = 20
  36. [06:06:24] <Natsuki|Practice> ... Again.
  37. [06:06:28] <Sect> What abilities do you two have?
  38. [06:06:32] <Roukan> You roll damn well, Natsuki.
  39. [06:06:42] <Natsuki|Practice> Stunning Blow.
  40. [06:06:43] <Roukan> [Is it possible you're seeing Keine at the moment?]
  41. [06:06:56] <Roukan> Ah, did you toss the coin for paralysis?
  42. [06:07:10] <Natsuki|Practice> ...Oh. No.
  43. [06:07:17] <Sect> Don't worry about it for now, then.
  44. [06:07:18] <Natsuki|Practice> Oh well, my bad. >>
  45. [06:07:39] <Iced> 19 + 2 + 7 = 28
  46. [06:07:44] <Natsuki|Practice> (Also, "seeing Keine"?)
  47. [06:07:47] <Iced> Also spending a point for Karma.
  48. [06:08:00] <Roukan> FREE ATTACK GET!
  49. [06:08:08] <Iced> But it sucks.
  50. [06:08:15] <Natsuki|Practice> 11 + 5 = 16
  51. [06:08:18] <Iced> Whiff
  52. [06:08:27] <Iced> Okay, time for a real attack.
  53. [06:08:31] <Roukan> Well. Still your move!
  54. [06:08:52] <Sect> Oh snap Iced's bringing out the spirit!
  55. [06:08:59] <Iced> (Spirit is 1 to one or 1 to 2?)
  56. [06:09:15] <Sect> (Spirit is 1 point for 2)
  57. [06:09:29] <Sect> (Unless you have Pressure Points)
  58. [06:09:30] <Roukan> For rolls? 1 point = +2 bonus.
  59. [06:09:39] <Iced> K. Real attack is 16 + 6 + 7 = 29
  60. [06:09:44] <Roukan> oh damn
  61. [06:09:57] <Sect> (Iced, you used favor for that? Is that the same bonus?)
  62. [06:10:07] <Iced> (Yeah. I have for the mistress)
  63. [06:10:12] <Natsuki|Practice> 5 + 5 + 6 = 16...
  64. [06:10:21] <Sect> 7 damage
  65. [06:10:29] <Iced> Burnt 3 of your own spirit eh?
  66. [06:10:36] * Natsuki|Practice : 12 Fort.
  67. [06:10:38] <Natsuki|Practice> Yus.
  68. [06:10:49] <Natsuki|Practice> ... Sigh
  69. [06:10:56] <Natsuki|Practice> 7 + 3 = 13.
  70. [06:11:02] <Natsuki|Practice> (Rou, you suck.)
  71. [06:11:09] <Roukan> :3
  72. [06:11:14] <Sect> (I forgot you could use favor, but in our spars we never bothered anyways.)
  73. [06:11:15] <Iced> 13?
  74. [06:11:24] <Roukan> 10, methinks?
  75. [06:11:32] <Iced> 7+6 = 13 for me.
  76. [06:11:32] <Roukan> Iced's move!
  77. [06:11:40] <Iced> Actually I karma again for 2 moves.
  78. [06:11:49] <Roukan> Alright. First hit?
  79. [06:12:12] <Iced> 12 + 7 = 19
  80. [06:12:30] <Natsuki|Practice> 19 + 5 = 24!
  81. [06:12:34] <Iced> Whiff
  82. [06:12:57] <Iced> Real attack! 16+7 = 21
  83. [06:13:06] <Iced> ^^;
  84. [06:13:07] <Natsuki|Practice> 20 + 5 = 25!
  85. [06:13:18] <Iced> Your go.
  86. [06:13:24] <Natsuki|Practice> (... I take back everything I said. I love you Keine.)
  88. [06:13:37] <Roukan> attack is not quite so manly.
  89. [06:13:38] <Natsuki|Practice> (... Maybe not.)
  90. [06:13:44] <Sect> (:D)
  91. [06:13:49] <Natsuki|Practice> 2 + 6 = 8.
  92. [06:13:58] <Iced> 20+6 = 26
  93. [06:14:02] <Iced> Karma
  94. [06:14:08] <Natsuki|Practice> (Keine is officially Tsundere.)
  95. [06:14:15] <Iced> ^^;
  96. [06:14:16] <Natsuki|Practice> (AND SHE CANNOT DENY IT.)
  97. [06:14:20] <Roukan> FUUUUUUUMBLE
  98. [06:14:47] <Natsuki|Practice> 10 + 5 = 15!
  99. [06:15:00] <Natsuki|Practice> (Counter?)
  100. [06:15:00] <Iced> Take your free attack off my free attack
  101. [06:15:12] =-= rdj522|Away is now known as rdj522
  102. [06:15:19] <Roukan> COUNTER!
  103. [06:15:26] <Roukan> I love the irony of this.
  104. [06:15:31] <Natsuki|Practice> 12 + 6 = 18!
  105. [06:15:33] <Lloyd> (:3c)
  106. [06:15:41] <Natsuki|Practice> (Irony?)
  107. [06:15:41] <Sect> (Man, I was hoping for a counter of a counter of a counter)
  108. [06:15:56] <Roukan> CROSS COUNTER.
  109. [06:16:36] <Iced> 10 + 6 + 2 = 18
  110. [06:16:42] <Iced> (Why you eat my spirit!?)
  111. [06:16:53] <Natsuki|Practice> (Lol.)
  112. [06:16:57] <Sect> (Where'd the plus 2 come from?)
  113. [06:17:02] <Iced> Might as well karma off my failed karma counter....
  114. [06:17:08] <Iced> (Spirit)
  115. [06:17:16] <Iced> (I'm at 1 now!)
  116. [06:17:18] <Sect> (Be sure to declare it)
  117. [06:17:22] <Iced> (Right)
  118. [06:17:27] <Roukan> So, 2 hits again!
  119. [06:17:31] <Roukan> DON'T FUMBLE ICED.
  120. [06:17:52] <Sect> WHAM
  121. [06:17:52] <Natsuki|Practice> 8 + 5 = 13...
  122. [06:17:52] <Roukan> oh fuck
  123. [06:17:54] <Iced> I didn't
  124. [06:17:59] <Iced> 20 + 7 = 27
  125. [06:18:04] <Roukan> 7 damage!
  126. [06:18:09] * Natsuki|Practice 5 Fort.
  127. [06:18:11] <Roukan> And again!
  128. [06:18:40] <Iced> 10 + 7 + 6 = 23
  129. [06:18:49] <Natsuki|Practice> 10 + 5 = 15.
  130. [06:18:52] <Roukan> 4 damage!
  131. [06:18:59] <Roukan> YOU'RE NOT DEAD YET
  132. [06:19:01] * Natsuki|Practice 1 Fort.
  133. [06:19:04] <Iced> Y U still standing!
  134. [06:19:19] <Natsuki|Practice> 12 + 6 = 18
  135. [06:19:22] <Iced> 15 + 6 = 21
  136. [06:19:25] <Natsuki|Practice> (I want my Immune to Pain back.)
  137. [06:19:30] <Roukan> Sowwy.
  138. [06:19:35] <Roukan> FINISH HER.
  139. [06:19:49] <Sect> (Why DID you reroll that skill?)
  140. [06:19:59] <Iced> 17 + 7 = 24
  141. [06:20:04] <Natsuki|Practice> (I didn't, I only get one Maid Power now.)
  142. [06:20:09] <Sect> (Oh)
  143. [06:20:12] <Natsuki|Practice> 5 + 5 = 10.
  144. [06:20:16] <Roukan>
  145. [06:20:17] * Natsuki|Practice is K.O.'d!
  146. [06:20:21] <Iced> (Same reason I don't have super evasion.)
  147. [06:20:27] <Iced> Also that was a painful win.
  148. [06:20:37] <Natsuki|Practice> Howso?
  149. [06:20:47] <Iced> Cost me 6 favor.
  150. [06:20:52] <Iced> And all but one spirit.
  151. [06:20:55] <Natsuki|Practice> Heh...
  152. [06:21:06] <Roukan> Yeah, favour is not that common. Also you need it to level up
  153. [06:21:08] <Sect> Lloyd! Were you keeping track?
  154. [06:21:09] <Roukan> Consider it an XP cost.
  155. [06:21:26] <Iced> On the other hand I didn't need the last 3 favor shot it seems.
  156. [06:21:45] <Iced> So I should learn to hold back a little. Still that was 9 spirit worth of attack I tossed on.
  157. [06:21:52] <Lloyd> annh...? wha....?
  158. [06:21:58] * Lloyd sleepy bubbles come off him
  159. [06:22:05] <Sect> Okay, so Karma's pretty deadly. What was your other ability, Iced?
  160. [06:22:11] <Lloyd> ...yesh I'm..logging it...
  161. [06:22:15] * Natsuki|Practice takes 1 point off of Skill and sticks it in Will.
  162. [06:22:17] <Natsuki|Practice> >>
  163. [06:23:28] <Iced> For the Mistress.
  164. [06:23:38] <Iced> It allows me to spend favor as Spirit.
  165. [06:23:46] <Sect> Oh, right.
  166. [06:23:48] <Iced> Which is awesome short term and painful long term.
  167. [06:23:56] <Natsuki|Practice> ... How much favor do I have again?
  168. [06:24:06] <Sect> ... Good question, actually...
  169. [06:24:14] =-= Natsuki|Practice is now known as Natsuki
  170. [06:24:18] <Sect> I don't think you ever got Favor.
  171. [06:24:29] <Roukan> Ah. True.
  172. [06:24:33] <Roukan> Take 3d6.
  173. [06:24:38] <Sect> Anyways, Immune to Pain makes more sense for your character than Stalking does, Natsuki.
  174. [06:24:42] <Roukan> That's what the rest of the players got after the first session.
  175. [06:24:46] <Natsuki> Yeah, it does.
  176. [06:24:58] <Natsuki> Yay, 9 Favor.
  177. [06:25:06] <Sect> Nine. Nine nine nine nine!
  178. [06:25:16] <Sect> (Imagine that with a German accent)
  179. [06:25:17] <Natsuki> Shush.
  180. [06:25:17] <Natsuki> >>
  181. [06:25:37] * Lloyd sleepy chuckles Β¦D
  182. [06:25:44] <Roukan>
  183. [06:25:48] <Roukan> Related.
  184. [06:26:41] <Lloyd> ...Sseeeect, what kind of "keeping track"...? Llike ...your current stats...?
  185. [06:26:42] <rdj522> pffft
  186. [06:27:17] <Lloyd> or the log of what's happening...?
  187. [06:30:49] <Sect> Log.
  188. [06:30:56] <Sect> Don't worry about it, Lloyd.
  189. [06:31:17] <Lloyd> oohnkayyz~ =w=...
  190. [06:31:51] <Sect> Iced, Natsuki, do you want to keep the log?
  191. [06:32:05] <Natsuki> I can keep logs if need be.
  192. [06:32:24] <Iced> Might as well.
  193. [06:35:44] <rdj522> So, Rou read the three-way log?
  194. [06:37:22] <Lloyd> Whereh/What line ahm I ghoing to end the logh...? =w=
  195. [06:37:39] <Natsuki> [17:03:19] * Natsuki|Practice is K.O.'d!
  196. [06:37:40] <Natsuki> Maybe?
  197. [06:38:30] <Lloyd> ...Hnnh... including some randhom talk is nice too, sohmtimes =w=... lessee...
  198. [06:39:27] <Natsuki> ...
  199. [06:39:30] <Natsuki> "[01:54:17] <Nozome|Sparring> (Too bad I don't have my RED THREADED MAIDEN to congratulate my victory.)"
  200. [06:39:32] <Natsuki> ... Wait what
  201. [06:40:31] <Lloyd> Rei/Moerin, if I remember correcthly...
  202. [06:42:16] <Natsuki> And...
  203. [06:42:27] <Natsuki> "[16:56:25] <Natsuki|Practice> (... I take back everything I said. I love you Keine.)"
  204. [06:42:31] <Natsuki> ...I think I'll stand by that comment.
  205. [06:42:33] <Natsuki> >>
  206. [06:44:55] * Natsuki coughs.
  207. [06:44:56] <Natsuki> Anyways.
  208. [06:45:11] <Sect> So, thoughts on how it went?
  209. [06:45:24] <Roukan> Most important question.
  210. [06:45:27] <Roukan> Did you guys have fun?
  211. [06:45:32] <Natsuki> Yes.
  212. [06:45:41] <Iced> Yeah. It was a good fight.
  213. [06:45:43] <Natsuki> ... One moment,
  214. [06:45:49] <Roukan> Then my work here is done.
  215. [06:45:50] * Roukan bows.
  216. [06:45:53] <Natsuki> "We drank, we fought, we made our ancestors proud!"
  217. [06:45:57] <Natsuki> Just because.
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