
Han MinHwa

Jan 22nd, 2018
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  1. " where are you? "
  3. username; hyoonjeans
  5. slot; H2
  7. faceclaim; @gini_s2_ on IG
  9. backup; @han_kyung__ on IG
  11. " and i'm so sorry "
  13. name; han minhwa
  15. kakaotalk id; hwan_minnie
  17. age; 17
  19. date of birth; may 1, 2000
  21. birthplace; seoul, korea
  23. hometown; london, the united kingdom
  25. languages; english, korean, a bit of german
  27. " i cannot sleep "
  29. personality; minhwa is usually pretty silent and reserved to herself around everyone she's not close to, making people think she's introverted. in actuality she's just cautious of who she spends her time around and who she befriends, so only those who are special to her get to see her true self: a bubbly girl, clumsy and an airhead but loveable, a real sunray. she loves seeing those she loves smile, especially when she herself makes them smile. she doesn't mind getting teased for being silly; she actually loves it.
  30. she's there to help anyone in need, but smart, not to let herself get folled by people. it happened before, but she learned from her mistakes.
  32. background; minhwa was born in korea, but soon enough moved in the uk when she was just 2, living her whole life there. her childhood wasn't particularly interesting or eventful, if you don't count the birth of her twin little brothers as that. due to her younger siblings, she grew up to be responsible.
  33. when she was younger she used to be pretty naive, so people took advantage of that fact. growing up a little older minhwa realized that and grew aware of her mistake; that made her trust people harder, but when she did end up trusting, she'll open up and act like a totally different person.
  34. when she was 14 she was at the playground with her brothers, when she noticed one of them wasn't there. she was close to a heart attack while desperately looking for him, when a boy probably around her age or slightly younger came hand in hand with him. "he told me he was with his sister and other brother, and from the looks of it seems you're her" he said with a smile while minhwa hugged her little sibling. she wanted to repay him, so they met up again, and then again and again after that...
  36. family;
  37. mother- han seulgi; 44; accountant
  38. father- han kyungsol; 45; fashion designer
  39. brothers- han yeonjae, han haeju; 9; students in primary school
  41. occupation; highschool student, grade 11
  43. description; minhwa has her hair dyed in a silver shade, but it started fading slightly, and her roots are showing a bit. on her face there are a few freckles here and there, along with a beauty mark by her left eye.
  45. clothing style; minhwa usually opts for a more casual and comfortable style, that mostly consists of jeans and oversized sweaters, or maybe tank tops and an oversized hoodie on top. shortly, oversized clothing are her thing. she'd also choose sneakers and combat boots over heels any day
  47. " i cannot dream tonight "
  50. ×ice cream
  51. ×caramel
  52. ×music
  53. ×her family
  54. ×art in general
  55. ×making her loved ones smile
  57. dislikes;
  58. ×two faced people
  59. ×unloyal 'friends'
  60. ×bugs. burn them with fire
  61. ×spicy food
  62. ×heights
  63. ×clowns
  65. hobbies; drawing; listening to music, cooking
  67. habits; she tends to look away when she's embarrassed; biting her nails when nervous; scratching at her left wrist constantly, hence the constant redness and little marks on it.
  69. trivia;
  70. ×she gets scared easily
  71. ×has a cat named 'Honey'
  72. ×once fell asleep in the car and woke up with her face being a marker piece of art
  73. ×fainted during a horror movie. that's how scared she was
  74. ×accidentally locked herself in a closet while playing a game
  75. ×may or may have not fought with her parents about dyeing her hair
  77. " i need somebody and always "
  79. love interest; yang jeongin
  81. kakaotalk id; cute_braces
  83. dating period; a year and a half
  85. couple trivia;
  86. ×video chatting constantly, a lot of 'i miss you's being thrown
  87. ×calling each cute nicknames
  88. ×jeongin sending her a gift through post (i think i don't even know how that works)
  90. " i miss you "
  92. requested scenes with LI
  94. requested scenes with girls
  96. requested scenes with everyone
  98. ^i seriously can't think of anything right now, but i'll make sure to let you know if i have any requested scene ^^' i just wanted to finish my form as soon as possible so i don't forget
  100. also idk how jeongin even got in the uk but lets say he was staying at some family for a while lol
  102. also(2) im so depressed rn i was in the middle of writing my form for R when you updated :'))
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