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Jan 22nd, 2019
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  1. P376EMToday at 2:29 PM
  2. I Give Up, its as if im out to waste my time and breath
  3. P376EMToday at 2:47 PM
  4. Did you know?
  6. Today 5 hrs of my time was wasted waiting for you to do the bungee servers
  7. KalinoxToday at 2:47 PM
  8. We're currently on it at the moment.
  9. Royal was suppose to hand out the list of names as requested by didn't. So we're doing what he didn't.
  10. but didn't*
  11. Schematics are pretty much all made
  12. But we can't make servers without schematic names. Otherwise we won't know which server name to give them.
  13. P376EMToday at 2:49 PM
  14. are you just trying to make your life 100 times harder
  15. KalinoxToday at 2:50 PM
  16. No, I'm trying to involve everyone in this. Even at the cost of time, because we're only as strong as the weakest link.
  17. To you it seems like we aren't doing much. But to be honest we had the same motivation you had a couple of months ago. And just like you, with time things start to slow down. You will lose motivation as well.
  19. We've put our max into this Network at the beginning. The only reason why you feel like you're "Faster" than us is simply because you just got in here. Everything is fresh and new and almost already done.
  21. Where as to us, we're going at our own paste so we don't burn out after months of working on it.
  22. You have to understand our perspective.
  23. P376EMToday at 3:00 PM
  24. Well what happened to yesterdays agreement as we agreed to do bungee today but by the time you got up half the day had gone and all of my day had gone and its like with permissions you expect me to do things and help out but then im left jumping through loop holes trying to sort shit out. plus going to server name why were naming conventions created
  25. KalinoxToday at 3:02 PM
  26. I understand your frustration, but there are multiple things that can be tended to in the meantime while you wait for this. You don't have to wait for us to do the bungeearenas. You can work on your mini-games/gamemodes/errors/bugs/script/fixes/innovation/check out plugins/spend time enjoying your time etc.
  27. When the time is right we can work together.
  28. You can't be mad because of our different time zones. I'm sleeping and wake up while you're already in the afternoon. And at night time while I work at my own paste you're sleeping even if I wish you were on to help.
  29. But I can't be upset at you for sleeping yknow xD?
  30. We'll get there mate, I'm not worried about that. And when we do we'll be able to invest some $ into ads.
  31. When all is done we'll be able to enjoy ourselves.
  32. P376EMToday at 3:04 PM
  33. ~I like this 'spend time enjoying your time ' To be honest you should see my life its fucking empty the only thing it has in it are my 2 children noting else coding is my social life
  34. KalinoxToday at 3:05 PM
  35. Same dude, this minecraft Network is my life and I love it.
  36. I have my girlfriend and familly but thats about it.
  37. And nothing stops you from coding while you're waiting.
  38. P376EMToday at 3:06 PM
  39. coding is the only thing keeping me sane as im either infront of my pc or in bed. I have my 2 kids no girlfriend and lonely as fuck
  40. KalinoxToday at 3:06 PM
  41. You're a cool guy man, I respect your honesty. I will try and make up for it and try to strive up to your expectations. Lets have fun while we work on this :ok_hand:
  42. P376EMToday at 3:13 PM
  43. It’s like to fix the majority of the errors most of the servers need a plugin reconfigure
  44. KalinoxToday at 3:14 PM
  45. They need a plugin reconfigure because we updated them
  46. P376EMToday at 3:14 PM
  47. Not just that it’s like I can’t access half the error logs either
  48. KalinoxToday at 3:16 PM
  49. Zombie
  50. -ZombieNukeTown
  51. -ZombieNatchDerUntoten
  52. -ZombieTown
  53. -ZombieKinoDerToten
  54. -ZombieDerRiese
  55. BuildBattle
  56. -BuildBattleLobby
  57. -BuildBattleWaitingRoom
  58. -BuildBattleGameRoom
  59. Bedwars
  60. -BedwarsAridIsland
  61. -BedwarsBumbleBee
  62. -BedwarsNetherWar
  63. -BedwarsFortress
  64. -BedwarsMush
  65. -BedwarsMedieval
  66. -BedwarsSpaceShips
  67. PaintBall
  68. -PaintBallTheEnd
  69. -PaintBallNukeTown
  70. -PaintBallVillage
  71. -PaintBallOilCrane
  72. -PaintBallIce
  73. -PaintBallCastles
  74. -PaintBallBlackWhiteCTF
  75. -PaintBallSnow
  76. Arena
  77. -Arena1
  78. -Arena2
  79. -Arena3
  80. -Arena4
  81. P376EMToday at 3:17 PM
  82. Just call them the server name then game1 only bungeecord is going to see it
  84. Example mobstrikelobby1 and mobstrikegame1
  85. KalinoxToday at 3:17 PM
  86. (We can't make schematics on PaintBall because of world edit, unsure as to why)
  87. We want to properly call them, hence why we made names for them
  88. So we can easily modify them in the end.
  89. When it comes to Pterodactyl.
  90. P376EMToday at 3:20 PM
  91. Fine do it you way make your life hard but I won’t help with it because it’s like when ever I try to help and do stuff there is always a restriction in place making it 10 times harder to do
  92. Because I sent you an example yesterday of what I was looking for a I get a fucking name list some use that is
  93. KalinoxToday at 3:24 PM
  94. Yes but I was waiting on Royal because he told me he would do it.
  95. P376EMToday at 3:25 PM
  96. All I wanted was numbers so names are useless because I was going to work out what could fit where
  97. KalinoxToday at 3:25 PM
  98. And there's no problem mate, I'm simply going to setup the servers and setup the schematics in void worlds. Name them correctly and when that's done I'll hit you up for the setup.
  99. So you can simply relax and carry on with your scripting work :ok_hand:
  100. P376EMToday at 3:26 PM
  101. 2 words Don’t Bother
  102. KalinoxToday at 3:26 PM
  103. Well, it's what we're aiming for anyways :3 might as well carry on ^-^
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