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Jul 22nd, 2017
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  1. [7/19/2017 2:20:45 PM] potatodiamondxd: fix my nibba wither
  2. [7/19/2017 2:20:58 PM] potatodiamondxd: so I can wither people 2 death
  3. [7/19/2017 2:21:10 PM] jay!: wither will be bad no matter what u do with it
  4. [7/19/2017 2:21:46 PM] jay!: even if u fix wither damage actually working
  5. [7/19/2017 2:22:03 PM | Edited 2:22:08 PM] jay!: it is still very frail and does the same amount of dmg as kanga
  6. [7/19/2017 2:22:18 PM] jay!: but because of how annoying withering is
  7. [7/19/2017 2:22:24 PM] jay!: it cant be buffed
  8. [7/19/2017 2:22:50 PM] jay!: its literally a maximum meme kit even if u gave it to stimpy
  9. [7/19/2017 2:41:40 PM] potatodiamondxd: it's the utility of it that makes it
  10. [7/19/2017 2:41:44 PM] potatodiamondxd: above average
  11. [7/19/2017 2:42:09 PM] jay!: if u want utility go pyro
  12. [7/19/2017 2:42:19 PM] potatodiamondxd: the fire on pyro lasts me only 2 ticks though
  13. [7/19/2017 2:42:26 PM] potatodiamondxd: instead of actual fire aspect 3
  14. [7/19/2017 2:42:33 PM] jay!: yeah and it has better armor
  15. [7/19/2017 2:42:40 PM] jay!: it might have a stronger sword cant rmr
  16. [7/19/2017 2:42:43 PM] jay!: and it has a bow
  17. [7/19/2017 2:42:48 PM] jay!: u want utility
  18. [7/19/2017 2:42:51 PM] jay!: nigga run pyro
  19. [7/19/2017 2:42:53 PM] potatodiamondxd: waawawaawadw
  20. [7/19/2017 2:42:55 PM] Gus: nerf are
  21. [7/19/2017 2:42:56 PM] Gus: s
  22. [7/19/2017 2:42:59 PM] Gus: that's all I have to say
  23. [7/19/2017 2:43:14 PM] potatodiamondxd: can't remember if wither had wither 1 or wither 2
  24. [7/19/2017 2:43:29 PM] jay!: I agree with gus tbh
  25. [7/19/2017 2:43:31 PM] potatodiamondxd: the blackening of hearts on the screen is rape
  26. [7/19/2017 2:43:37 PM] potatodiamondxd: how would ares be nerfed tho
  27. [7/19/2017 2:43:42 PM] jay!: the only kit that absolutely NEEDS a change is ares
  28. [7/19/2017 2:43:49 PM | Edited 2:43:54 PM] jay!: gimme the current armor and sword of ares
  29. [7/19/2017 2:43:55 PM] potatodiamondxd: it's basic af
  30. [7/19/2017 2:44:01 PM] potatodiamondxd: full chain prot 1 unbreak 1 iron sword sharp 2
  31. [7/19/2017 2:44:02 PM] jay!: prot 1 unb 1 right?
  32. [7/19/2017 2:44:08 PM] jay!: remove prot
  33. [7/19/2017 2:44:13 PM] jay!: downgrade SHARP
  34. [7/19/2017 2:44:41 PM] potatodiamondxd: then that'd make it a weaker version of ironman
  35. [7/19/2017 2:44:57 PM] jay!: yes but u can crit spam with ironman like u can with ares
  36. [7/19/2017 2:45:17 PM] jay!: ares and ironman are not made for the same playing style
  37. [7/19/2017 2:45:18 PM] potatodiamondxd: crit spam usually goes to /pvp
  38. [7/19/2017 2:45:21 PM] potatodiamondxd: o
  39. [7/19/2017 2:45:38 PM] jay!: I'm not saying pvp couldn't use a nerf either
  40. [7/19/2017 2:46:04 PM] potatodiamondxd: pvp crits are like : 9.25+4
  41. [7/19/2017 2:46:06 PM] jay!: but keep in mind that pvp armor breaks faster
  42. [7/19/2017 2:46:52 PM] jay!: the reason why people like c0ld were almost unstoppable in ares is because of longevity as well as dmg and good prot
  43. [7/19/2017 2:47:44 PM | Edited 3:09:31 PM] jay!: pvp is supposed to be for an all out crit spammer attacker that cares more about dealing dmg than they souping
  44. [7/19/2017 2:47:53 PM] jay!: pvp is the kanga of non speed kits
  45. [7/19/2017 2:47:57 PM] jay!: think of it that way
  46. [7/19/2017 2:48:11 PM] potatodiamondxd: now that makes it ez to understand
  47. [7/19/2017 2:48:32 PM] jay!: the issue is, people who play like that can just chose ares and do just as well if not better using the same playing style
  48. [7/19/2017 2:48:37 PM] jay!: when ares is made for a heavy souper
  49. [7/19/2017 2:48:50 PM] jay!: not someone like jayx10, if u rmr how he used to fight
  50. [7/19/2017 2:49:17 PM] potatodiamondxd: which is why ares needs its armor nerfed
  51. [7/19/2017 2:49:18 PM] potatodiamondxd: ic
  52. [7/19/2017 2:49:23 PM] jay!: precisely
  53. [7/19/2017 2:53:36 PM] potatodiamondxd: I'm in single player rn looking at wither 2 and 3 differences and I see what you mean
  54. [7/19/2017 2:53:41 PM] potatodiamondxd: can't really be buffed
  55. [7/19/2017 2:54:18 PM] jay!: yeah wither should honestly just be moved to the same class as ghost and just call it a meme kit
  56. [7/19/2017 2:56:26 PM] potatodiamondxd: meme kits r weak but again rapists when left alone to do their own thing
  57. [7/19/2017 2:56:38 PM] potatodiamondxd: let that ghost nigga get speed 3 and ur dead
  58. [7/19/2017 2:56:43 PM] potatodiamondxd: unless ur on 1.8
  59. [7/19/2017 2:57:23 PM] potatodiamondxd: if wither was left alone in it's armor/sword, i'd say wither 3 would be good enough
  60. [7/19/2017 2:57:34 PM] potatodiamondxd: duration for 2-4 seconds because 5 is absolute rape
  61. [7/19/2017 2:57:53 PM] potatodiamondxd: has the same play style of viper - you can't run from it effectively
  62. [7/19/2017 2:58:06 PM] potatodiamondxd: have to attack head on or you will die from constant back-siding
  63. [7/19/2017 2:58:21 PM | Edited 2:58:29 PM] jay!: take into consideration that about 85% of public texture packs aren't wither hearts friendly
  64. [7/19/2017 2:58:42 PM] jay!: the difference between viper and wither is simple
  65. [7/19/2017 2:58:52 PM] jay!: you will always be able to tell your hearts when posioned
  66. [7/19/2017 2:59:00 PM] jay!: that is not the case when withered
  67. [7/19/2017 2:59:12 PM] potatodiamondxd: that too, that's why I like wither so much
  68. [7/19/2017 2:59:27 PM] potatodiamondxd: if you misunderstand the amount of hearts your at, you are fuked.
  69. [7/19/2017 2:59:31 PM] jay!: which gives it no room to upgrade the withering effect
  70. [7/19/2017 3:00:25 PM] potatodiamondxd: but since it doesn't have speed (shouldn't), should it deal more damage on contact but less when crit on
  71. [7/19/2017 3:00:48 PM] jay!: I would say no
  72. [7/19/2017 3:00:59 PM] jay!: messing around with dmgs like that can be tricky
  73. [7/19/2017 3:01:13 PM] jay!: especially because you can get crits from naturally getting kb
  74. [7/19/2017 3:02:18 PM] potatodiamondxd: ye if I remember, stone swords deal 5(+1) dmg and crits are 3 additional damage vs the iron sword which does 6(+1) which means 3.5 addional dmg
  75. [7/19/2017 3:02:45 PM | Edited 3:02:50 PM] potatodiamondxd: it can make a difference when your constantly critting or add up quickly
  76. [7/19/2017 3:02:53 PM] jay!: ya
  77. [7/19/2017 3:03:02 PM] jay!: balancing kits can be tricky
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