Guest User


a guest
Apr 12th, 2018
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  1. meaCraft:
  2. author: 'Travis Ralston :'
  3. meaGreylister:
  4. enabled: 'true'
  5. author: 'Travis Ralston :'
  6. onDeclineCommads:
  7. command1: broddcast %PLAYER% fails!
  8. onAcceptCommads:
  9. command1: perm global setgroup Default %PLAYER%
  10. command2: broadcast %PLAYER% is now a Member!
  11. adminView:
  12. label1: age
  13. label2: rules
  14. label3: message
  15. var1: age
  16. var2: rules
  17. var3: message
  18. return1: 'Age: %age%'
  19. return2: 'Rules: %rules%'
  20. return3: 'Message: %message%'
  21. messages:
  22. onApplyError: '&9An error has occured while applying. Please notify an admin.'
  23. onGuestJoin: '&9Welcome, please type /apply to become a member!'
  24. notEnoughArgs: '&9You must supply enough arguments: %HELPMENU%'
  25. colorVariable: '&'
  26. onApplicantJoin: '&9Welcome, your application is still under review.'
  27. onApplyHave: '&9No need to send two applications!'
  28. onConsoleSend: '&9You must be in-game!'
  29. onAppError: '&9An error has occured while handling the applications. Please
  30. notify an admin.'
  31. newApplication: '&9There is a new application from %PLAYER% (%NEWAPPS% applications) Type
  32. /apps view %PLAYER% or /apps list to view the current applications.'
  33. onApplyExempt: '&9No need, you are already &faccepted&9.'
  34. onApplySent: '&9Your application has been sent succesfully, please wait for
  35. an administrator to accept or deny you.'
  36. onDisable: meaGreylister disabled!
  37. onEnable: meaGreylister enabled!
  38. meaFreeze:
  39. timestamp:
  40. format: dd/MMM/YYYY @ hh:mm:ss z
  41. enabled: 'true'
  42. author: 'Travis Ralston :'
  43. settings:
  44. iceDome: 'true'
  45. lagReduction: 'false'
  46. code:
  47. randomUppercase: 'true'
  48. length: '8'
  49. characters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789
  50. messages:
  51. notFrozen: '%PLAYER% is not frozen!'
  52. onUnfreezeCommand: broadcast %PLAYER% is unfrozen!
  53. freezeInfo:
  54. line4: 'Frozen On: %FROZENON%'
  55. line1: 'Frozen By: %WHOFROZE%'
  56. line3: 'Code Frozen: %CODEFROZEN%'
  57. line2: 'Frozen Until: %FROZENUNTIL%'
  58. onFreezeCommand: broadcast %PLAYER% is frozen by %WHOFROZE% for %FROZENLENGTH%!
  59. notEnoughArgs: 'You must supply enough arguments: %HELPMENU%'
  60. onUnfreeze: You are free!
  61. colorVariable: '&'
  62. onEnable: meaFreeze enabled!
  63. onCodeFreeze: You are frozen! Type /code %CODE% to unfreeze!
  64. onFreeze: You are frozen!
  65. onDisable: meaFreeze disabled!
  66. meaShop:
  67. enabled: 'true'
  68. defaultLookupStackAmount: '1'
  69. discountFile: /shop/discounts.yml
  70. sellInventoryConfirmation: 'false'
  71. logFile: /shop/logs/transactions.txt
  72. pricesFile: /shop/prices.csv
  73. backupLogsOnLoad: 'true'
  74. author: 'Travis Ralston :'
  75. messagesFile: /shop/messages.yml
  76. itemsFile: /shop/items.yml
  77. sellAllConfirmation: 'true'
  78. logToFile: 'true'
  79. defaultBuySellStackAmount: '1'
  80. discounts: 'true'
  81. globalMessages: 'true'
  82. itemsPerPage: '10'
  83. meaEconomy:
  84. iconomy:
  85. port: '3306'
  86. host: localhost
  87. table: iconomy
  88. user: meaSuite
  89. database: minecraft
  90. pass: meaSuite
  91. author: 'Travis Ralston :'
  92. convertIconomy: 'false'
  93. meaRandomTP:
  94. onDisabledError: We disabled teleports for now, sorry!
  95. noPerms: You can't do that!
  96. enabled: 'true'
  97. author: 'Travis Ralston :'
  98. colorVariable: '&'
  99. onEnable: RandomTP enabled
  100. maxY: '750'
  101. maxX: '750'
  102. onTP: Woosh!
  103. minX: '300'
  104. onDisable: RandomTP disabled
  105. minY: '300'
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