

Apr 27th, 2019
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  1. disable-commands-suggestions:
  2. # Whether to restrict 1.13 commands suggestions
  3. enabled: true
  4. # Not blocked suggestions
  5. # Use an empty list [] to block every suggestion)
  6. whitelists:
  7. # Whitelist for players without any of the following permissions
  8. default:
  9. - "spawn"
  10. - "home"
  11. - "msg"
  12. - "reply"
  13. - "r"
  14. - "help"
  15. - "money"
  16. - "balance"
  17. - "tpa"
  19. extra:
  20. # Whitelist for players with a specific permission.
  21. # Permissions format: acs.whitelist.{SECTION-NAME}
  22. # For example, the permission for this section is "acs.whitelist.staff"
  23. staff:
  24. - "fly"
  25. - "kick"
  26. - "ban"
  27. - "mute"
  28. vip:
  29. - "fly"
  30. - "kit vip"
  31. - "tpa"
  32. - "god"
  33. # You can add as many extra whitelists as you want
  34. # NOTE: changes are applied when the player joins the server
  36. disable-commands-execution:
  37. blacklist: false
  38. worldguard-regions:
  39. - "pl"
  40. residence-regions: []
  41. commands:
  42. exact:
  43. - "tp Gasha"
  44. - "fly Gasha"
  45. - "god Gasha"
  46. ignore-args:
  47. - "pl"
  48. - "plugins"
  49. - "bukkit"
  50. - "epl"
  51. - "end"
  52. - "server"
  53. - "eplugins"
  54. - "bukkit:help"
  55. - "/?"
  56. - "?"
  57. - "calc"
  58. - "icanhasbukkit"
  59. - "about"
  60. - "ver"
  61. - "icanhasbukkit"
  62. - "version"
  63. - "bukkit:pl"
  64. - "bukkit:plugins"
  65. - "bukkit:?"
  66. - "eabout"
  67. - "bukkit:about"
  68. - "bukkit:ver"
  69. - "calculate"
  70. - "/solve"
  71. - "/worldedit:/eval"
  72. - "worldedit:/eval"
  73. - "solve"
  74. - "/calc"
  75. - "stop"
  76. - "restart"
  77. - "eop"
  78. - "essentials:op"
  79. - "essentials:eop"
  80. - "edeop"
  81. - "superpickaxe"
  82. - "/superpickaxe"
  83. - "/sp"
  84. - "sp"
  85. - "essentials:deop"
  86. - "essentials:edeop"
  87. - "icanhasbukkit ?"
  88. - "me"
  89. - "minecraft:me"
  90. - "minecraft:op"
  91. - "minecraft:pl"
  92. - "minecraft:deop"
  93. - "minecraft:?"
  94. - "minecraft:tp"
  95. - "minecraft:defaultgamemode"
  96. - "minecraft:execute"
  97. - "e:help"
  98. - "essentials:help"
  99. - "essentials:ehelp"
  100. - "minecraft:summon"
  101. - "minecraft:ban"
  102. - "minecraft:help"
  103. - "evolve"
  104. - "/evolve"
  105. - "minecraft:give"
  106. - "minecraft"
  107. - "minecraft:"
  108. - "we"
  109. - "spartan"
  110. - "worldedit"
  111. - "superpickaxe"
  112. - "/superpickaxe"
  113. - "sp"
  114. - "/sp"
  115. starts-with:
  116. - "ban Gasha"
  118. messages:
  119. - "&eYou don't have permission for that&c! &7 Contact &cOwner&a!"
  120. # Sounds played when a player is prevented from executing one of the commands
  121. sounds:
  124. Messages:
  125. chat-prefix: "&7[&cACS&7]&r "
  126. reload-no-perms: "&cYou don't have the permission to reload the configuration file!"
  127. reload-success: "&aConfiguration reloaded with success!"
  128. commands-usage: "&aUsage: &c/acs reload"
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