

Jun 16th, 2016
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  1. Name: Adagumo no Saragimaru (Saragimaru Adagumo)
  2. Species: Orochi (Youkai)
  3. Elements: Wind, Lightning, Water
  4. Ability: The Ability to Manipulate the Weather, through her sword, the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi. Has inhuman speed, and stamina. Can inflict curses with her sword, Muramasa, a gift from Friday. The curses have various effects, like sealing your power, slowing you down, or stealing effects from you, or even poisoning you. She can empower the runes that she inflicts with her dagger, the Sakenomi.
  5. Gear/Items: Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi, Muramasa, Sakenomi.
  6. Personality: Saragimaru has a strong sense of justice, often defending people who are being attacked, or who she believes to be defenseless. She often is protecting humans, and has gained a reputation for defending humans, but if a human were to attack her, she would likely abandon her mercy, and would kill them without regret, and would eat them. She refuses to harm young children, and actually loves them. She'd make a good babysitter. She is quite self-sacrificial, often not caring for her own well-being when it comes to her friends. Her siblings had mostly died long ago, leaving her with only her older sister, whom she loves dearly, but the feeling is not returned, but Saragimaru still secretly watches over her sister. She originally had asked Sukune Katano to recreate a legendary sword that her sister had lost centuries ago, but, afraid of her sisters rejection, she never went to go and pick the sword up. She is quite vigilant, but often will bite off more than she can chew when it comes to being everywhere at once for her friends. She loves sake, and can stomach oni sake. If a human were to attack her, and then beg for mercy, she'd most likely leave them alone. If a demon attacked her, she'd likely kill them anyways, unless she decided they were worth living.
  7. Backstory: Saragimaru is the eye of Yamata no Orochi. When Orochi was slaughtered, its body parts split up, and became their own beings, resembling humans. Most of the body parts were bent on revenge to the killers, and died on their quest for it. Now only Saragimaru and Yaorochi remain. Saragimaru had watched over Yaorochi, and petitioned Sukune Katano to create a new sword for Yaorochi when she lost her own. Yaorochi found the old sword, but it was broken. Afraid of rejection, Saragi never went to pick the sword up from Sukune. Yaorochi ended up finding the sword anyways, and transferred the energy of the sword into the the one Sukune made. The ritual was interfered with by Tsubakura Enraku, who was irritated by the cloudy weather that the ritual caused. Saragi decided to lure Tsubakura in to a trap to murder her for interfering with Yaorochi's happiness. She ended up being defeated by Tsubakura, despite her physical prowess, and was spared. She grew to respect Tsubakura's intelligence and strength, and became friends with her. She later realized that Tsubakura was actually drunk when she battled her. She felt a bit humiliated. She feels that Yaorochi doesn't really need her anymore, and decided to move on, looking for something else to do. She had battled with the Oni Friday, and had defeated him, with a lot of effort. She was nearly overwhelmed by Friday's immense physical prowess and speed, but with Saragimaru's magical capabilities and demon killing techniques, she managed to seal Friday's power. Friday ended up opening a massive portal to consume everything around them, and Saragimaru tackled the portal, attaching her weapons to it, to form an X shape on it, and she made her magical runes grow across the weapons like a web, which sealed the portal. Friday was about to break the seal by making the portal explode, so Saragi punched the seal, shattering it, and the portal mysteriously vanished. Friday's items he had consumed over the years had spilled out. Friday nearly came back to defeat Saragi, but she confounded the young oni with her speed, and ended up defeating him in her next attack, emerging victoriously. She stabbed the oni with her dagger, that was imbued with sealing magic. An angry manticore that Friday had consumed before had carried Friday off. Friday liberated his leg in which the dagger was stuck in, in order to get rid of it, as he couldn't touch it. Saragi sensed this, and appeared by the oni, and conversated with him, asking him where he got some of his weapons. Friday told her that he had either found them, or stole them. She knew he was a youkai, so it was believable. She decided to befriend him, drinking alcohol together, and deciding to eat together. She looked through Friday's weapons, and found her current ones. She likes Friday, and respects his strength, but feels he's a tad inconsiderate to human life. She has a fairly similar outlook on them, but she believes that some are pure, and will spare them, and does not like to attack first, unless she has reason. She later met Orchid, and helped him defeat a demon that was plaguing him. She figured he was in a lot of trouble, and that he would likely need more help in the future. She decided she'd watch over him.
  8. Partners/Summons: None
  9. Danger Level: 0 if left alone. B if you provoke her, she's quite dangerous, but may spare you if you plead for mercy. SSS if she believes you truly must die, and will not give you mercy.
  10. Human Friendship Level: High. She enjoys human company at times, but sometimes looks down on them. She does believe that they may be pure, and can change, and loves them for that. She will however disregard those who she believes are impure, and will not change. She dislike liars.
  11. Babysitting Skill: Max. She is a master at babysitting. Most of her friends require babysitting, to her slight annoyance. She loves kids.
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