
2018-01-16 TOEFL: word roots, reading paraphrase

Jan 16th, 2018
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. - notes from all classes
  4. ---
  5. Homework: Go through the rest of your reading questions. Do you understand how some of your answers were wrong and the correct answer is correct?
  6. ---
  7. Word Roots - list 3 - With your partner, try to think of one or two words to explain the meaning of each root.
  8. ego (egotistical, egomania) = self
  9. endo (endotherm, endocrine) = inside
  10. epi (epiphyte, epidermis, epidemic) = on/upon
  11. equi (equidistant, equation) = same (quantity)
  12. erg (ergonomic, energy) = work
  13. esth/aesth (anesthetic, kinesthesia) = sensory feeling, but also (the appreciation of) beauty
  14. eu (euphemism, euphoria) = good
  15. ex/ect (ex-husband, exit, excavate, ectotherm) = out/former (as a location)
  16. extra (extraordinary, extrovert, extraterrestrial) = beyond/outward (as a direction)
  17. fac/fact (artifact, factory) = make
  18. fer (transfer, ferry) = carry/move (transitive)
  19. flect/flex (deflect, reflection, flexible) = bend
  20. fore (foreground, forecast) = before/front/previous (“fore”, “first”, “pre”, “prim” - all share a root)
  21. fract/frag (fracture, fragment) = break
  22. fug (refugee, fugitive) = flee/escape
  23. funct (function, defunct) = perform
  24. gen (generation, generate, genealogy) = birth/make (Some words with this root come from a birth->family->kind evolution of meaning.)
  25. geo (geography, geology, geometry, geodesy) = Earth
  26. graph (autograph, graphite, seismograph) = write/draw
  27. grat (gratify, gratuity, grateful) = please (v)
  28. helio (heliocentric, heliograph) = Sun
  29. hemo (hemophilia, hemorrhage, hemoglobin) = blood
  30. hetero (heterogeneous, heteronym) = different
  31. homo (homogeneous, homonym) = same (type; qualitatively the same)
  32. hydro (hydrate, hydraulic, hydrophobia) = water (or fluid in general)
  33. hyper (hyperextend, hyperactive, hypertension) = over
  34. hypo (hypodermic, hypothermia, hypotension) = under
  35. ---
  36. Often words with the same or synonymous roots have (slightly) different meanings
  37. ectothermic - relating to an animal that takes heat from outside (e.g. reptiles)
  38. exothermic - chemical reactions that produce heat
  39. reflect - bending back (of light)
  40. reflex - an automatic reaction of the body
  41. predict - guess about the future through normal means
  42. foretell - predict the future in a possibly magical way
  43. prophecy - predict the future in a definitely magical or divine way
  44. ---
  45. Reading Question Types:
  46. - fact
  47. - negative fact
  48. - vocabulary
  49. - reference
  50. - inference
  51. - purpose
  52. - paraphrase/sentence restatement
  53. - sentence insertion
  54. - summarize
  55. - organize/categorize
  56. ---
  57. DELTA p. 110 - Without looking outside the box, choose the correct answer to the sample question.
  58. These studies are hard evidence that the natural world is already responding dramtically to climate change, even though the change has just begun.
  59. D - Climate change is recent, but there is strong proof that species are reacting.
  60. To know that the studies are about species you need to read the sentence before the highlighted one, to understand the referent of “These studies”.
  61. ---
  62. p. 111 and 112 describe some common clues for paraphrase questions
  63. p. 114-115 - Take 4 minutes to answer the first four questions.
  64. 1 D
  65. 2 A
  66. 3 C
  67. 4 B
  68. p. 116-117 - Take 4 minutes for these, then compare with your partner.
  69. 5 D
  70. 6 B
  71. 7 C
  72. 8 A
  73. ---
  74. BREAK
  75. ---
  76. Handout (Cengage) p. 103-105 exercise 5.1 - Take 10 minutes to decide if each restatement is Correct, Incomplete, or Incorrect (X). Then compare with a partner and try to convince them of your answers if you disagree.
  77. 1 incomplete (doesn’t include “today there are no reptiles capable of flight”)
  78. 2 correct
  79. 3 incorrect - It’s the town of Muncie, not Middleton
  80. 4 incorrect
  81. 5 correct
  82. 6 incorrect - All the formations have two-word names
  83. 7 correct
  84. 8 incomplete - It’s true that there’s an international governing board for chess, but the main point of the original sentence is that there isn’t one for checkers and that this results in variations in rules from place to place.
  85. 9 incorrect (You should be able to infer that Handel wrote clarinet music before the mid-19th century.)
  86. 10 correct
  87. 11 correct
  88. 12 incorrect - They were equally talented.
  89. 13 incorrect
  90. 14 incorrect
  91. 15 incomplete - It doesn’t mention the visual spectacle.
  92. 16 incorrect - Initials will not be elevated by the growth of the tree.
  93. ---
  94. Handout (Cambridge) p. 188-190 exercise R13 - Take 10 minutes to choose the correct paraphrase of each highlighted sentence. Then compare with your partner. Why are their answers wrong if they disagree with yours?
  95. 1 B
  96. 2 D
  97. 3 C
  98. 4 B
  99. 5 D
  100. 6 A
  101. 7 B
  102. 8 C
  103. 9 A
  104. 10 A
  105. ---
  106. Handout (Longman) p. 28 - Take 90 seconds to answer these two paraphrase questions. Then compare with your partner.
  107. 1 A
  108. 2 D
  109. p. 29-30 - Take 4 minutes to answer the paraphrase questions about Post-it Notes.
  110. 3 A
  111. 4 B
  112. 5 C
  113. 6 D
  114. ---
  115. Homework: Answer the Pulizer Prize questions on the handout and do DELTA p. 119-121 exercise 1.6.B
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