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Dec 15th, 2013
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. December-15-13
  3. 5:58 PM - slightly useful: I'm jive, ma'fuckas. Let's do this shit.
  4. 5:58 PM - ❄jbondguy007❄: This is my first Trivia, so sorry if I mess up. :)
  5. 5:58 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Any trick questions?
  6. 5:58 PM - chronicdiscord: just be sure to read those rules and no harm will come to you
  7. 5:58 PM - zufuru: Lol
  8. 5:58 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Are there going to be trick questions today?
  9. 5:58 PM - chronicdiscord: I don't think I put any in
  10. 5:58 PM - leomoty: :o
  11. 5:59 PM - ❄jbondguy007❄: Last minute recheck of the rules.
  12. 5:59 PM - zufuru: It's 100 answers per person per minute rule right?
  13. 5:59 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  14. 5:59 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  15. 5:59 PM - chronicdiscord: What is the name of Canada's first female prime minister?
  16. 5:59 PM - zufuru: Lola ponce
  17. 5:59 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Kim Campbell
  18. 5:59 PM - chronicdiscord: Sweetie
  19. 5:59 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: woo
  20. 5:59 PM - chronicdiscord: oh shit, I meant What is the name of Canada's first female prime minister
  21. 5:59 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Gonna cockblock you all
  22. 5:59 PM - chronicdiscord: forgot about that
  23. 5:59 PM - Docam: Canadians ruin trivia :p
  24. 5:59 PM - matrix_omega entered chat.
  25. 5:59 PM - norby89: cockblocker!
  26. 5:59 PM - Whoritiquisha: whens
  27. 5:59 PM - ❄jbondguy007❄: Kim Campbell
  28. 5:59 PM - Whoritiquisha: this start
  29. 6:00 PM - chronicdiscord: it's answered
  30. 6:00 PM - ❄jbondguy007❄: Shit.
  31. 6:00 PM - ❄jbondguy007❄: Sorry.
  32. 6:00 PM - MrMonotone is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  33. 6:00 PM - chronicdiscord: keep an eye on the green name
  34. 6:00 PM - chronicdiscord: it's supposed to be the only one making official trivia comments
  35. 6:00 PM - MrMonotone: Lara Croft
  36. 6:00 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: i already own terraria, so it's just me cockblocking people
  37. 6:00 PM - Hermit Assix ❄ disconnected.
  38. 6:00 PM - slightly useful: ...
  39. 6:00 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Am I doing good so far?
  40. 6:00 PM - Crazedanimal™: yay sweetie
  41. 6:00 PM - DoctorUndead left chat.
  42. 6:00 PM - I'm Vizard entered chat.
  43. 6:00 PM - norby89: you answered 100% of the questions
  44. 6:00 PM - MrMonotone: Yes. Please keep talking about it, too.
  45. 6:01 PM - Kiru: haha
  46. 6:01 PM - norby89: i think you're doing pretty good.
  47. 6:01 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak: Lmao
  48. 6:01 PM - MrMonotone: It makes you cooler.
  49. 6:01 PM - I'm Vizard: CC
  50. 6:01 PM - slightly useful: Pretty well,
  51. 6:01 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  52. 6:01 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  53. 6:01 PM - chronicdiscord: Who was the first black President of South Africa
  54. 6:01 PM - norby89: maple syrup
  55. 6:01 PM - Henric_Kühn: mandela
  56. 6:01 PM - Gabriel: Mandela
  57. 6:01 PM - Gabriel: Dang
  58. 6:01 PM - Gabriel: Won't even try
  59. 6:01 PM - I'm Vizard: NELSON MANDELA
  60. 6:01 PM - Kiru: leon s kennedy
  61. 6:01 PM - Crazedanimal™: Nelson Mandela
  62. 6:01 PM - chronicdiscord: Vizard
  63. 6:01 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak: Nelson Mandela
  64. 6:01 PM - tr4656: Nelson Mandela
  65. 6:01 PM - slightly useful: Mombutu
  66. 6:01 PM - I'm Vizard: WOW
  67. 6:01 PM - ❄jbondguy007❄: nelson
  68. 6:01 PM - slightly useful: fuck
  69. 6:01 PM - slightly useful: I can't spell it
  70. 6:01 PM - I'm Vizard: :D
  71. 6:01 PM - slightly useful: Mambutu
  72. 6:01 PM - Chack: Melson Nandela
  73. 6:01 PM - zufuru: Morgan freeman
  74. 6:01 PM - slightly useful: Manbutu
  75. 6:01 PM - ❄jbondguy007❄: I'm sooo slow. :-/
  76. 6:01 PM - norby89: why did i have to write maple syrup
  77. 6:02 PM - I'm Vizard: HOHOHOH
  78. 6:02 PM - chronicdiscord: Henric and Gabe, sorry, but the guy has a first name
  79. 6:02 PM - Kiru: because you think with your stomach
  80. 6:02 PM - Gabriel: Have a good trivia, guys, I'm gonna take a break.
  81. 6:02 PM - chronicdiscord: he's no Madonna to be known by one
  82. 6:02 PM - Henric_Kühn: ok
  83. 6:02 PM - Whoritiquisha: whens this begin?
  84. 6:02 PM - Gabriel: And yeah, I know.
  85. 6:02 PM - slightly useful: Zuma
  86. 6:02 PM - chronicdiscord: it began two minutes ago
  87. 6:02 PM - Whoritiquisha: lol
  88. 6:02 PM - Whoritiquisha: Bs
  89. 6:02 PM - slightly useful: jacob zuma
  90. 6:02 PM - Gabriel: See you later, guys!
  91. 6:02 PM - Whoritiquisha: you just said 12 mins ago
  92. 6:02 PM - Whoritiquisha: XD
  93. 6:02 PM - Gabriel left chat.
  94. 6:02 PM - I'm Vizard: e,e
  95. 6:02 PM - MrMonotone: I need to pack. I'm going on vacation for like 3 weeks and I haven't started yet.
  96. 6:02 PM - MrMonotone: But...trivia.
  97. 6:03 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  98. 6:03 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  99. 6:03 PM - chronicdiscord: Who was the first black President of the United States of America
  100. 6:03 PM - norby89: obama
  101. 6:03 PM - slightly useful: Obama
  102. 6:03 PM - tr4656: Barack Obamaq
  103. 6:03 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Barack Obama
  104. 6:03 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak: Barack Obama
  105. 6:03 PM - I'm Vizard: BARACK OBAMA
  106. 6:03 PM - MrMonotone: barack hussein obama
  107. 6:03 PM - zufuru: barack obama
  108. 6:03 PM - Henric_Kühn: barack obama
  109. 6:03 PM - tr4656: *Obama
  110. 6:03 PM - chronicdiscord: tr4656
  111. 6:03 PM - slightly useful: Oh wtf
  112. 6:03 PM - Docam: Trick question, Bill Clinton
  113. 6:03 PM - I'm Vizard: nop
  114. 6:03 PM - Kiru: lol
  115. 6:03 PM - chronicdiscord: nice doccam
  116. 6:03 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: damn, i got pingfucked. Okthen
  117. 6:03 PM - c00lizz: Obamaq?`I don't know that one. :p
  118. 6:03 PM - I'm Vizard: SAY BARACK OBAMAQ
  119. 6:03 PM - zufuru: Barack Hussein Obama II
  120. 6:03 PM - I'm Vizard: e,e
  121. 6:03 PM - ❄jbondguy007❄: Obamaq?
  122. 6:03 PM - MrMonotone: Nothing for the middle name? ;)
  123. 6:03 PM - I'm Vizard: I SAY BARACK OBAMA
  124. 6:03 PM - I'm Vizard: jajajaa
  125. 6:03 PM - I'm Vizard: hahahaha
  126. 6:03 PM - slightly useful: Full name?
  127. 6:03 PM - zufuru: Full name heeeere
  128. 6:03 PM - chronicdiscord: typos and spelling mistakes are aloud
  129. 6:03 PM - slightly useful: Come on
  130. 6:03 PM - MrMonotone: Hah. I see what you did there.
  131. 6:03 PM - mellery entered chat.
  132. 6:04 PM - Ha Bumhug ¦ вlϊтz is now playing Day of Defeat: Source. Click here to join.
  133. 6:04 PM - Ha Bumhug ¦ вlϊтz entered chat.
  134. 6:04 PM - slightly useful: If it's full name the MrMonotone wins
  135. 6:04 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: no, it appeared for me as i was before tr. i was ping fucked
  136. 6:04 PM - Docam: I was serious lol
  137. 6:04 PM - zufuru: Did i get a point?
  138. 6:04 PM - MMRhino: oh fuck trivia is on and I'm going to bed
  139. 6:04 PM - chronicdiscord: zufuru, leeme check to make sure he is the second
  140. 6:04 PM - zufuru: Chronic?
  141. 6:04 PM - zufuru: Kay
  142. 6:04 PM - MMRhino: Chron I'll have my questions more or less done in a few days,
  143. 6:04 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak: I was the 2nd
  144. 6:04 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak: lmao
  145. 6:04 PM - Concii entered chat.
  146. 6:04 PM - chronicdiscord: yeah
  147. 6:04 PM - I'm Vizard: Concii e,e
  148. 6:04 PM - chronicdiscord: zufuru
  149. 6:04 PM - chronicdiscord: you get a pick up
  150. 6:05 PM - slightly useful: cray
  151. 6:05 PM - slightly useful: <3
  152. 6:05 PM - zufuru: Yep, finally!
  153. 6:05 PM - Kiru: no chronic wanted to check if obama is the second^^
  154. 6:05 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: so i was double pingfucked. oh boy, comcast sucks
  155. 6:05 PM - Kiru: as in the name II
  156. 6:05 PM - slightly useful: His dad was BHO?
  157. 6:05 PM - slightly useful: interesting
  158. 6:05 PM - Ha Bumhug ¦ вlϊтz left chat.
  159. 6:05 PM - MMRhino: Y'all have fun, night
  160. 6:05 PM - MMRhino left chat.
  161. 6:05 PM - MrMonotone: Ya'll
  162. 6:05 PM - ❄jbondguy007❄: Good night.
  163. 6:05 PM - Whoritiquisha: when does this begin
  164. 6:05 PM - slightly useful: lol Whor
  165. 6:05 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: IT BEGAN 5 MINUTES AGO
  166. 6:05 PM - MrMonotone: -5 minutes from now
  167. 6:05 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak: ^
  168. 6:06 PM - slightly useful: NEXT
  169. 6:06 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  170. 6:06 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  171. 6:06 PM - chronicdiscord: Who was the first female Prime Minister of England
  172. 6:06 PM - Whoritiquisha: ...
  173. 6:06 PM - Whoritiquisha: What
  174. 6:06 PM - Concii: churchill
  175. 6:06 PM - MrMonotone: margaret thatcher
  176. 6:06 PM - Whoritiquisha: The fuck
  177. 6:06 PM - mellery: thatcher
  178. 6:06 PM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: thatcher
  179. 6:06 PM - slightly useful: OH MY GOD
  180. 6:06 PM - slightly useful: FUCK
  181. 6:06 PM - chronicdiscord: MrMonotone
  182. 6:06 PM - I'm Vizard: O.O
  183. 6:06 PM - slightly useful: Margaret Thatcher
  184. 6:06 PM - slightly useful: Spelleging
  185. 6:06 PM - slightly useful: er
  186. 6:06 PM - zufuru: Margaret Hilda Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher
  187. 6:06 PM - slightly useful: Spelling
  188. 6:06 PM - Whoritiquisha: Mrs Margaret
  189. 6:06 PM - matrix_omega left chat.
  190. 6:06 PM - Kiru: lol zufuru
  191. 6:06 PM - Whoritiquisha: Mrs Margaret Thatcher
  192. 6:06 PM - MrMonotone: Sepelleging
  193. 6:06 PM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: NSANE: Had the same problem with this, would only allow creation of length var
  194. 6:06 PM - I'm Vizard: Margaret Thatcher
  195. 6:06 PM - slightly useful: lol
  196. 6:06 PM - Whoritiquisha: Mrs. Margaret Thatcher
  197. 6:07 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Are these all about high power roles like president of prime minister?
  198. 6:07 PM - mellery left chat.
  199. 6:07 PM - Concii: Oh female lol
  200. 6:07 PM - Whoritiquisha: no
  201. 6:07 PM - chronicdiscord: zufuru narrowly gets a wikipedia point
  202. 6:07 PM - Whoritiquisha: ;[
  203. 6:07 PM - Concii: not churchill then xD
  204. 6:07 PM - Whoritiquisha: stop
  205. 6:07 PM - chronicdiscord: almost ran out of time on that one
  206. 6:07 PM - I'm Vizard: Margaret Hilda Thatcher
  207. 6:07 PM - zufuru: Hej Kiru!
  208. 6:07 PM - slightly useful: Zufuru cut that searching shit out
  209. 6:07 PM - slightly useful: that's bull
  210. 6:07 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak:
  211. 6:07 PM - Whoritiquisha left chat.
  212. 6:07 PM - Kiru: I only have this to post fits the game
  213. 6:07 PM - Concii: whats the prize this week?
  214. 6:08 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: zufuru is no longer able to pick up. he broke his arms with the last one
  215. 6:08 PM - Kiru: Terraria
  216. 6:08 PM - I'm Vizard: Terraria
  217. 6:08 PM - zufuru: Slightly... That's how we do it when Deiru and snake are not around
  218. 6:08 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak:
  219. 6:08 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  220. 6:08 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  221. 6:08 PM - chronicdiscord: Who was the first man to set foot on the Moon
  222. 6:08 PM - Concii: armstrong
  223. 6:08 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Neil Armstron
  224. 6:08 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak: Neil Armstrong
  225. 6:08 PM - c00lizz: Lance Armstrong
  226. 6:08 PM - chronicdiscord: Sweetie Bellicious
  227. 6:08 PM - Kiru: XD
  228. 6:08 PM - tr4656: Neil Alden Armstrong
  229. 6:08 PM - MrMonotone: Lance Aldrin
  230. 6:08 PM - Kiru: c00liz good joke
  231. 6:08 PM - slightly useful: Zufuru: Good thing I already have Terraria then I guess
  232. 6:08 PM - Docam: Lance Stronarm
  233. 6:08 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak: aw man
  234. 6:08 PM - chronicdiscord: tr picks up the spare point for the right answer
  235. 6:09 PM - Concii: It was actually
  236. 6:09 PM - slightly useful: lol this is ridic
  237. 6:09 PM - Concii: Yuri the monkey
  238. 6:09 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: So i'm at 2?
  239. 6:09 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: yahoo
  240. 6:09 PM - Kiru: like when a student said harrison ford instead of henry ford
  241. 6:09 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: cockblocking time
  242. 6:09 PM - c00lizz: Always bet on Yuri!
  243. 6:09 PM - chronicdiscord: Yuri did not go to the moon, did he?
  244. 6:09 PM - MrMonotone: Nope
  245. 6:09 PM - zufuru: Nope
  246. 6:09 PM - slightly useful: Nah
  247. 6:09 PM - Kiru: he was first in space i think
  248. 6:09 PM - Concii: He did in awesomenauts ;D
  249. 6:09 PM - Kiru: yuri
  250. 6:09 PM - c00lizz: Thats what they SAY! :p
  251. 6:09 PM - zufuru: Gagarin one
  252. 6:09 PM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: no ruskie went to the moon officially
  253. 6:09 PM - norby89: he went a lot far away than that
  254. 6:09 PM - slightly useful: wtf
  255. 6:09 PM - slightly useful: I am surrounded by retards
  256. 6:09 PM - I'm Vizard: Chronic, assume that for each question is a participant to the giveaway?
  257. 6:09 PM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: if they did they died and in soviet russia we never admit mishap
  258. 6:10 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  259. 6:10 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  260. 6:10 PM - chronicdiscord: Who was the first man to enter what we people call, "space "
  261. 6:10 PM - Kiru: XD
  262. 6:10 PM - Concii: yuri
  263. 6:10 PM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: gagarin
  264. 6:10 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Yuri Gagarin
  265. 6:10 PM - norby89: yuri gagarin
  266. 6:10 PM - chronicdiscord: Sweetie
  267. 6:10 PM - I'm Vizard: yuri gargarin
  268. 6:10 PM - c00lizz: Mr. French Ballonist.
  269. 6:10 PM - norby89: damn typo
  270. 6:10 PM - I'm Vizard: e,e
  271. 6:10 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Woo
  272. 6:10 PM - Concii: LOL
  273. 6:10 PM - Concii: it was yuri?
  274. 6:10 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak: Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin
  275. 6:10 PM - Kiru: I said the answer again before it was asked
  276. 6:10 PM - zufuru: Jurij Alekseevič Gagarin
  277. 6:10 PM - Kiru: damn
  278. 6:10 PM - norby89: y do i have to correct it lol
  279. 6:10 PM - norby89: lmao
  280. 6:10 PM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: aww, I was helping out Concii, look what I get :)
  281. 6:10 PM - zufuru: Lol
  282. 6:10 PM - zufuru: Time on that
  283. 6:10 PM - norby89: its gettin better and better
  284. 6:10 PM - Concii: I was just thnking it was teh monkey
  285. 6:10 PM - Concii: xD
  286. 6:10 PM - slightly useful: Haha, sweetie, blocker of the cock
  287. 6:10 PM - chronicdiscord: Drew will take the pick up
  288. 6:10 PM - slightly useful: Or rock, since it's Terraria
  289. 6:11 PM - slightly useful: buh-dum-tsss
  290. 6:11 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: I love blocking cocks
  291. 6:11 PM - zufuru: Aww... But i spelled right!
  292. 6:11 PM - Concii: Can you play trivia and not enter the draw?
  293. 6:11 PM - Concii: or is that a dick move
  294. 6:11 PM - MrMonotone: I am
  295. 6:11 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: This is the best i've ever done in trivia, but sadly i akready own the game. XD
  296. 6:11 PM - I'm Vizard: e,e
  297. 6:11 PM - MrMonotone: Sweetie is
  298. 6:11 PM - slightly useful: Sweetie: lol same
  299. 6:11 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak: First time playing and I did something right
  300. 6:11 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak: whoooo
  301. 6:11 PM - slightly useful: but I ain't got shit
  302. 6:12 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  303. 6:12 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  304. 6:12 PM - chronicdiscord: A layer of what chemical is famous for having developed a hole in it, and protecting the planet from radiation
  305. 6:12 PM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: ozone
  306. 6:12 PM - MrMonotone: ozone
  307. 6:12 PM - slightly useful: O-zone
  308. 6:12 PM - chronicdiscord: Jack
  309. 6:12 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak: The O-zone Layer
  310. 6:12 PM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: woowoo
  311. 6:12 PM - norby89: the chuck norris layer
  312. 6:12 PM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: o3
  313. 6:12 PM - Docam: Another Trick question
  314. 6:12 PM - Kiru: O-zone, wasn't that a boygroup ?
  315. 6:12 PM - zufuru:
  316. 6:12 PM - slightly useful: Not before these bullet handed motherfuckers
  317. 6:12 PM - zufuru: WIN
  318. 6:12 PM - slightly useful: Wow
  319. 6:12 PM - MrMonotone: O3
  320. 6:12 PM - slightly useful: I have never seen anyone type so fast
  321. 6:12 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Trioxygen
  322. 6:12 PM - norby89: it wasnt even that fast
  323. 6:12 PM - Kiru: yeah
  324. 6:13 PM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: already said o3 ?
  325. 6:13 PM - slightly useful: I am just having fun :)
  326. 6:13 PM - Kiru: I can't participate, but would have typed faster I think^^
  327. 6:13 PM - MrMonotone: o3=ozone, so it's not like it's any different.
  328. 6:13 PM - slightly useful: They're all :| I'm ready
  329. 6:13 PM - zufuru: Foreign languages take more to comprehend D:
  330. 6:13 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak: Spent 2 much time reading the question
  331. 6:13 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak: gg
  332. 6:13 PM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: But o3 is also trioxygen
  333. 6:13 PM - zufuru: Drew.
  334. 6:13 PM - ❄jbondguy007❄: Next?
  335. 6:13 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  336. 6:13 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  337. 6:13 PM - chronicdiscord: Literally meaning, "earth-like," what geological secondary structures which occur in certain sedimentary and volcanic rocks sound a lot like a pokemon
  338. 6:13 PM - Concii: magma
  339. 6:14 PM - zufuru: What?
  340. 6:14 PM - ❄jbondguy007❄: Magma?
  341. 6:14 PM - Docam: Slugma
  342. 6:14 PM - Docam: :p
  343. 6:14 PM - Lucas: geodude
  344. 6:14 PM - Kiru: :D
  345. 6:14 PM - Docam: Gravveler
  346. 6:14 PM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: geode
  347. 6:14 PM - MrMonotone: onix
  348. 6:14 PM - chronicdiscord: Jack
  349. 6:14 PM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: ?
  350. 6:14 PM - Docam: Ditto
  351. 6:14 PM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: Thanks Lucas
  352. 6:14 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak: Oh snap
  353. 6:14 PM - chronicdiscord: Lucas got the pokemon
  354. 6:14 PM - chronicdiscord: but that doesn't get you a point
  355. 6:14 PM - Lucas: np :)
  356. 6:14 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak: Lmao
  357. 6:14 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: drop the points after this next question
  358. 6:15 PM - Lucas: I'm a master pokemon
  359. 6:15 PM - slightly useful: A geode eh? Learn something every day
  360. 6:15 PM - I'm Vizard: e,e
  361. 6:15 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak: I don't think Geode has another term
  362. 6:15 PM - slightly useful: I thought it was one of the crust layers of earth
  363. 6:15 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak: Other then EarthLike
  364. 6:15 PM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: geo-oid
  365. 6:15 PM - Manni is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  366. 6:15 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak: ic
  367. 6:15 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  368. 6:15 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  369. 6:16 PM - chronicdiscord: Greek for, "blue-stone," what crystal formation is really just rusty aluminium
  370. 6:16 PM - slightly useful: SAPPHIRE
  371. 6:16 PM - slightly useful: wait
  372. 6:16 PM - slightly useful: sike
  373. 6:16 PM - chronicdiscord: useful
  374. 6:16 PM - chronicdiscord: nice
  375. 6:16 PM - slightly useful: lol
  376. 6:16 PM - chronicdiscord: that was quite fast
  377. 6:16 PM - slightly useful: It's my birthstone
  378. 6:16 PM - I'm Vizard: =(
  379. 6:16 PM - ❄jbondguy007❄: You guys are too good.
  380. 6:16 PM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: aluminum oxide, seriously?
  381. 6:16 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: brb
  382. 6:16 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak: 2pro4me
  383. 6:16 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious left chat.
  384. 6:16 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak: I only have one point
  385. 6:16 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak: @_@
  386. 6:16 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious entered chat.
  387. 6:16 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: back
  388. 6:16 PM - ❄jbondguy007❄: I don't even type that fast. :P
  389. 6:17 PM - MegaGiga disconnected.
  390. 6:17 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious left chat.
  391. 6:17 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious entered chat.
  392. 6:17 PM - norby89: front
  393. 6:17 PM - slightly useful: corundrum
  394. 6:17 PM - slightly useful: Ya'll may have heard of it from Skyrim
  395. 6:17 PM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: what is the gift today
  396. 6:17 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Terraria
  397. 6:17 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak: Terraria
  398. 6:17 PM - Docam: someone gave me keys to hit my lag sqitch on you sweets
  399. 6:17 PM - zufuru: Lol, didn't know about it being an aluminium oxide crystal
  400. 6:17 PM - I'm Vizard: T,T
  401. 6:17 PM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: I have terraria, I need to opt-out of getting the URL
  402. 6:17 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious left chat.
  403. 6:17 PM - Docam: switch*
  404. 6:17 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious entered chat.
  405. 6:17 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  406. 6:18 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  407. 6:18 PM - chronicdiscord: What beautiful crystal formation is known as, "unbreakable," when it's name is translated from Greek
  408. 6:18 PM - norby89: diamond
  409. 6:18 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Diamon
  410. 6:18 PM - Concii: quartz
  411. 6:18 PM - zufuru: diamond
  412. 6:18 PM - Henric_Kühn: diamond
  413. 6:18 PM - I'm Vizard: DIAMOND
  414. 6:18 PM - chronicdiscord: norby
  415. 6:18 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak: Diamond
  416. 6:18 PM - ❄jbondguy007❄: Diamoug
  417. 6:18 PM - slightly useful: :D
  418. 6:18 PM - norby89: diamoug
  419. 6:18 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Aw, second pingfuck of the day...
  420. 6:18 PM - ❄jbondguy007❄: lol
  421. 6:18 PM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: Will I be taking up a slot if i'm in the top ten, even though I already have terraria?
  422. 6:18 PM - Kiru: adamas
  423. 6:18 PM - Docam: :p
  424. 6:18 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: yes
  425. 6:19 PM - Henric_Kühn: C its it chemystri formula
  426. 6:19 PM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: so I can't just pass on the GA
  427. 6:19 PM - slightly useful: I know I won't win but I like trivia :)
  428. 6:19 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak: adámas means unbreakable :P
  429. 6:19 PM - MrMonotone: Admiral Adama?
  430. 6:19 PM - slightly useful: Adamantium
  431. 6:19 PM - slightly useful: ?
  432. 6:19 PM - slightly useful: lol
  433. 6:19 PM - zufuru: hahah
  434. 6:19 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: add a dollop of daisy
  435. 6:19 PM - Grizzlywolf entered chat.
  436. 6:19 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: oh
  437. 6:19 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  438. 6:19 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  439. 6:19 PM - chronicdiscord: A diamond is a formation of carbon, compressed really tightly and in a rigid form, it's more populous and less popular cousin formation is what pencil component
  440. 6:20 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Coal
  441. 6:20 PM - MrMonotone: grahite
  442. 6:20 PM - Concii: graphite
  443. 6:20 PM - zufuru: graphite
  444. 6:20 PM - norby89: quartz
  445. 6:20 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak: Coals
  446. 6:20 PM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: graphite
  447. 6:20 PM - norby89: damn
  448. 6:20 PM - chronicdiscord: MrMonotone
  449. 6:20 PM - Docam: Cola
  450. 6:20 PM - slightly useful: It's graphite
  451. 6:20 PM - Lucas: Coal?
  452. 6:20 PM - zufuru: Ehm.
  453. 6:20 PM - Lucas: LOL!
  454. 6:20 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: no idea
  455. 6:20 PM - Lucas: he said pencil component xD
  456. 6:20 PM - slightly useful: Technically it's Concii
  457. 6:20 PM - zufuru: Monotone said it wrong
  458. 6:20 PM - chronicdiscord: I gotta take a 10 minute break, to talk at a door
  459. 6:20 PM - slightly useful: He spelled it right
  460. 6:20 PM - chronicdiscord: don't anyone die
  461. 6:20 PM - norby89: typos allowed
  462. 6:20 PM - MrMonotone: Technically, typos count.
  463. 6:20 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak: I read too fast
  464. 6:20 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak: lmao
  465. 6:20 PM - zufuru: D:
  466. 6:20 PM - Concii: I dont want points
  467. 6:20 PM - slightly useful: Oh
  468. 6:20 PM - slightly useful: cool
  469. 6:20 PM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: typos count unless you're intentionally trying to be obscure or something
  470. 6:20 PM - slightly useful: I didn't know that
  471. 6:20 PM - Concii: got terreria
  472. 6:20 PM - norby89: i just had quartz stuck in my mind from the last question
  473. 6:20 PM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: for speed etc
  474. 6:20 PM - I'm Vizard:
  475. 6:20 PM - slightly useful: :)
  476. 6:21 PM - zufuru: I want a point for mine being the not typed one D:
  477. 6:21 PM - Concii: quartz was my answer <3
  478. 6:21 PM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: but but there's LEAD in a pencil
  479. 6:21 PM - zufuru: I'm greeeedy
  480. 6:21 PM - Grizzlywolf: has it started?
  481. 6:21 PM - Kiru: hope it doesn't really take 10 minutes lol
  482. 6:21 PM - slightly useful: Grizzly: no
  483. 6:21 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: it's been for 21 minutes
  484. 6:21 PM - Boko entered chat.
  485. 6:21 PM - zufuru: Well, fasting time.
  486. 6:21 PM - Boko: oh hi
  487. 6:21 PM - ❄jbondguy007❄: Hi.
  488. 6:21 PM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: hihihi
  489. 6:22 PM - chairmankao left chat.
  490. 6:22 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: Wee the riddler ? got implemented.. say thanks!
  491. 6:22 PM - =(eGO)=|Drew-X #Studybreak left chat.
  492. 6:23 PM - zufuru: Done.
  493. 6:23 PM - I'm Vizard: e_e
  494. 6:23 PM - zufuru:
  495. 6:24 PM - Grim Squeaker entered chat.
  496. 6:24 PM - zufuru: Look at those awesome things.
  497. 6:24 PM - zufuru: I've just tried the yellow one. :Q___
  498. 6:24 PM - Kiru: yeah I know these, but not this brand though
  499. 6:24 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: it is what it be
  500. 6:24 PM - beep: Hello
  501. 6:24 PM - beep: Argh, Trivia time
  502. 6:25 PM - zufuru: nougat?
  503. 6:25 PM - Boko: when is it supposed to start
  504. 6:25 PM - zufuru: Or torrone sweet?
  505. 6:25 PM - zufuru: It has started 5 mins ago
  506. 6:25 PM - zufuru: Maybe more
  507. 6:25 PM - Concii: 25mins ago
  508. 6:25 PM - Boko: lol
  509. 6:25 PM - zufuru: LOL
  510. 6:25 PM - Concii: Im guessing here
  511. 6:25 PM - Concii: :D
  512. 6:25 PM - zufuru: Time...
  513. 6:25 PM - slightly useful left chat.
  514. 6:26 PM - ❄jbondguy007❄: Well...
  515. 6:27 PM - Concii: well
  516. 6:27 PM - Concii:
  517. 6:27 PM - ❄jbondguy007❄: I can clearly see that I have no chance to win Trivia.
  518. 6:27 PM - ❄jbondguy007❄: ;)
  519. 6:27 PM - Concii: Just get into top 10
  520. 6:27 PM - zufuru:
  521. 6:27 PM - zufuru: ^
  522. 6:27 PM - nicolobos77 entered chat.
  523. 6:27 PM - zufuru: ^
  524. 6:27 PM - nicolobos77: hi
  525. 6:27 PM - Docam left chat.
  526. 6:28 PM - nicolobos77: hi
  527. 6:28 PM - Concii:
  528. 6:28 PM - zufuru: Hi nico!
  529. 6:28 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Chronic, current points?
  530. 6:28 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: when you get back
  531. 6:28 PM - ❄jbondguy007❄: Chronic is gone...
  532. 6:28 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: i know
  533. 6:28 PM - CheesyBull entered chat.
  534. 6:28 PM - Law: good morrow
  535. 6:28 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: when he gets back
  536. 6:29 PM - Kiru: man I wanted trivia to finish in an hour, why does chronic always get visits during trivia ? :D
  537. 6:29 PM - Manni is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  538. 6:29 PM - nicolobos77 left chat.
  539. 6:29 PM - Grizzlywolf: 0:00 - Chronicdiscord: Fuck this shit, I'm leaving!
  540. 6:29 PM - MrMonotone: He lives next to Jehovah's witnesses who like to talk a lot.
  541. 6:30 PM - zufuru: Lol
  542. 6:30 PM - zufuru: I actually live near one of those "things"
  543. 6:30 PM - beep: "Things"? More like people
  544. 6:31 PM - CheesyBull is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  545. 6:31 PM - zufuru: "Things" = the places where they meet
  546. 6:31 PM - Grizzlywolf: they are people too, albeit a little bit weird
  547. 6:31 PM - Concii left chat.
  548. 6:31 PM - zufuru: I don't know how they call them
  549. 6:32 PM - Grizzlywolf left chat.
  550. 6:34 PM - Carmah left chat.
  551. 6:34 PM - zufuru: Re-
  552. 6:35 PM - Kiru: that's more than 10 minutes :D
  553. 6:36 PM - Kiru: jehovas witnesses got chronic and now he's one of them
  554. 6:36 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: oh no
  555. 6:37 PM - zufuru: Answering to a phone call by girlfriend of my roommate telling her that he's sleeping while he's fucking another girl.
  556. 6:37 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: WHAT?
  557. 6:37 PM - Kiru: wow
  558. 6:37 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: WHAT?
  559. 6:37 PM - zufuru: That.
  560. 6:38 PM - norby89: u should tell her he's cheatin on her
  561. 6:38 PM - norby89: then hook up with her
  562. 6:38 PM - zufuru: Also, luckily weren't my parents.
  563. 6:38 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: he's sleep fucking?
  564. 6:38 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: i have concocted a story about what is happening to Chronic.. be aware it will be a wall of text and contain emoticons to promote the story! :D
  565. 6:38 PM - zufuru: Nah, She's too far away
  566. 6:38 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Ok, i'll read the story
  567. 6:38 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: a came which was infected and knocked on Chronics door "knock knock knock " now Chronic who has a big finds his and lets the poor inside, Chronic takes out his in order to try and fix the , but only to find out it was a monkey .. while Chronic turns his back, the takes off its and shows its true face! .. now knocks Chronic over and starts stomping on him! "stomp stomp stomp " Chronic cries and his broken.. but to his suprise turns out to be trying to help him, as a had crawled up Chronics butt and infected him! so Chronic gives a hug and they both get an for effort
  568. 6:39 PM - Soüp: ...
  569. 6:39 PM - zufuru: Torai, you should do something awesome that all the world can see, now or then.
  570. 6:39 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: <3
  571. 6:39 PM - Kiru: lol
  572. 6:39 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: ok
  573. 6:40 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: id did what i could with the limited emoticons i have!
  574. 6:40 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: make a story with only emoticons
  575. 6:40 PM - Kiru: man chronic should hurry after this, or I'll put up the giveaway in advance I think, need to sleep for uni
  576. 6:41 PM - norby89: make it last for a couple hours
  577. 6:41 PM - norby89: share the link with chronic and go to bed
  578. 6:41 PM - CheesyBull is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  579. 6:41 PM - Kiru: yeah, I still don't get that 1 hour rule or whatever
  580. 6:41 PM - CheesyBull is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  581. 6:41 PM - Kiru: I still won't be able to send the game after 1 hour lol
  582. 6:41 PM - CheesyBull is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  583. 6:41 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: Majestic
  584. 6:41 PM - zufuru: What about his broken "fish"
  585. 6:41 PM - zufuru: ?
  586. 6:42 PM - Kiru: how much is the fish
  587. 6:43 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: 7 dollars
  588. 6:43 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: and 69 cents
  589. 6:43 PM - Law: have the starbound stretch goal shit been added to the game yet
  590. 6:43 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: Scooter - how much is the fish
  591. 6:43 PM - beep: I think so.
  592. 6:43 PM - beep: What is it?
  593. 6:43 PM - Soüp: no that will be the last stuff they add
  594. 6:43 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄:
  595. 6:43 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: dear god
  596. 6:43 PM - Law: the novakid race
  597. 6:43 PM - Law: etc
  598. 6:43 PM - Kiru: torai got it
  599. 6:43 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Chronic
  600. 6:43 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: he
  601. 6:43 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: he's dead
  602. 6:44 PM - MrMonotone: ded
  603. 6:44 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: he was killed by one of those jahovah's witness fuckers
  604. 6:44 PM - Kiru: jehova got him
  605. 6:44 PM - Henric_Kühn: he is kidnapped
  606. 6:44 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: i was big into Scooters music at one point Kiru >_>
  607. 6:44 PM - Henric_Kühn: because of Terraria
  608. 6:44 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: we must kill those bitches
  609. 6:44 PM - Henric_Kühn: the guy wanted it so mich
  610. 6:44 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: *runs to chronic's house*
  611. 6:44 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: *see he's right there talking to that fucker*
  612. 6:44 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: oh
  613. 6:45 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: sorry to bother you
  614. 6:45 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: He's still alive
  615. 6:45 PM - Kiru: you can run fast
  616. 6:45 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: maybe i should make a Chronic story every trivia night.. but then i'd need more emoticons :< meh expenses
  617. 6:45 PM - norby89: sweetie lives next door to chronic
  618. 6:45 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: totally
  619. 6:45 PM - norby89: sweetie IS the jehova's witness
  620. 6:45 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: well
  621. 6:45 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: no
  622. 6:45 PM - norby89: YES
  623. 6:45 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: bitch i might be
  624. 6:46 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: *whispers to chronic* they know...
  625. 6:46 PM - zufuru:
  626. 6:46 PM - ❄jbondguy007❄ left chat.
  627. 6:46 PM - zufuru: Saw "them" (actually just one) last week
  628. 6:46 PM - Kiru: jay z is behind this, that's why is nickname is J-Hova, also he's an illuminati
  629. 6:46 PM - Kiru: lol
  630. 6:47 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: *whispers to chronic again
  631. 6:47 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: They know it all... we must kill them
  632. 6:47 PM - Henric_Kühn: lol
  633. 6:47 PM - Crazedanimal™: quit whispering sweet nothings to chronic!
  634. 6:47 PM - norby89: good idea for a game
  635. 6:47 PM - Crazedanimal™: he's mine!
  636. 6:47 PM - norby89: stalin vs the illuminazis
  637. 6:47 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: seriously tho where is that fucker
  638. 6:48 PM - Crazedanimal™: he is talking at a door
  639. 6:48 PM - beep: How to fix this?
  640. 6:48 PM - zufuru: Wait makes me hungry...
  641. 6:48 PM - Kiru: lol beep
  642. 6:48 PM - beep: I feel Asian
  643. 6:48 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: you are the chosen one
  644. 6:49 PM - zufuru: More an arabian one
  645. 6:49 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: Beep alt+shift?
  646. 6:49 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: i dno
  647. 6:49 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: You must spread asian grammar to americans
  648. 6:49 PM - chronicdiscord: my apologies there
  649. 6:49 PM - chronicdiscord: did not expect that
  650. 6:49 PM - beep: Nope Torai, doesn't work
  651. 6:49 PM - chronicdiscord: had to read and sign some paper work
  652. 6:49 PM - Kiru: your family again ? haha
  653. 6:49 PM - Henric_Kühn: its okay
  654. 6:49 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: I thought you fucking died!
  655. 6:49 PM - Ladeeda disconnected.
  656. 6:49 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: See? the bastard missed my story..
  657. 6:49 PM - I'm Vizard: e_e
  658. 6:49 PM - chronicdiscord: kiru, in a way
  659. 6:49 PM - chronicdiscord: formalizing my mother's funeral plans
  660. 6:50 PM - MrMonotone: :(
  661. 6:50 PM - Boko: :(
  662. 6:50 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: oh
  663. 6:50 PM - Grim Squeaker left chat.
  664. 6:50 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: um
  665. 6:50 PM - Henric_Kühn: oh man
  666. 6:50 PM - zufuru: ...
  667. 6:50 PM - chronicdiscord: no wories
  668. 6:50 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: this just got awkward
  669. 6:50 PM - chronicdiscord: don't go freaking out
  670. 6:50 PM - Crazedanimal™: /me hugs chronic
  671. 6:50 PM - zufuru: So
  672. 6:50 PM - chronicdiscord: she's been ill for like 2 years
  673. 6:50 PM - Henric_Kühn: /hug chronic
  674. 6:50 PM - chronicdiscord: anyways, what I ask last?
  675. 6:50 PM - zufuru: Let's give chronic a big HUG and games
  676. 6:50 PM - beep: Ctrl+shift+X
  677. 6:50 PM - zufuru: And other Lovely things.
  678. 6:51 PM - MrMonotone: graphite
  679. 6:51 PM - chronicdiscord: ah, diamond fallout
  680. 6:51 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: coal
  681. 6:51 PM - chronicdiscord: good good
  682. 6:51 PM - zufuru:
  683. 6:51 PM - Ampula Recti left chat.
  684. 6:51 PM - Kiru: coal was last
  685. 6:51 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Chronic, current scores
  686. 6:51 PM - Kiru: ah graphite I mean
  687. 6:51 PM - Kiru: XD
  688. 6:51 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: ?
  689. 6:51 PM - chronicdiscord: scoredump
  690. 6:51 PM - chronicdiscord: Sweetie Bellicious x3
  691. zufuru x2
  692. tr4656 x2
  693. Jack O'Neill x2
  694. MrMonotone x2
  695. I'm Vizard
  696. Drew
  697. slightly useful
  698. norby
  699. 6:51 PM - Crazedanimal™: sweetie in the lead O.o
  700. 6:51 PM - zufuru: Sweeetie
  701. 6:51 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: I'm number 1!
  702. 6:51 PM - I'm Vizard: :c
  703. 6:51 PM - Crazedanimal™: yay I guess =D
  704. 6:51 PM - zufuru: HOW U DARE?!
  705. 6:52 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: I cockblocking all you fuckers!
  706. 6:52 PM - Lucas: chronic
  707. 6:52 PM - Boko: It's cold today
  708. 6:52 PM - Lucas: Lucas 0.5
  709. 6:52 PM - Crazedanimal™: I own it already so...
  710. 6:52 PM - CheesyBull is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  711. 6:52 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  712. 6:52 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  713. 6:52 PM - chronicdiscord: Who was the first Emperor of China
  714. 6:52 PM - Crazedanimal™: lock my cock@
  715. 6:52 PM - beep: Mao ze dong
  716. 6:52 PM - MrMonotone: zhao
  717. 6:52 PM - Crazedanimal™: you cant block my cock*
  718. 6:52 PM - Henric_Kühn: mao tse tung
  719. 6:52 PM - Lucas: Mao Tse Tung
  720. 6:52 PM - norby89: Qin Shi Huan]
  721. 6:52 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: Sum Ting Wong
  722. 6:52 PM - I'm Vizard: QIN SHIHUANG
  723. 6:52 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Qin Shi Huaj
  724. 6:52 PM - zufuru: Qin Shi Huang
  725. 6:52 PM - I'm Vizard: QIN SHI HUANG
  726. 6:52 PM - chronicdiscord: norby gets it
  727. 6:52 PM - CheesyBull is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  728. 6:52 PM - Kiru: nasi goreng
  729. 6:52 PM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: mao, haha
  730. 6:53 PM - MrMonotone: I knew that at one point in my life
  731. 6:53 PM - zufuru: Zhao Zheng
  732. 6:53 PM - I'm Vizard: >,>
  733. 6:53 PM - zufuru: Also personal name
  734. 6:53 PM - chronicdiscord: the Civilizations series will teach you that one
  735. 6:53 PM - zufuru: Chroniiiic!
  736. 6:53 PM - norby89: jk it was actually ten shin han
  737. 6:53 PM - Henric_Kühn: so i need to buy for the next trivia
  738. 6:53 PM - Boko: Trivia is fun
  739. 6:54 PM - Law is now playing Dota 2. Click here to join.
  740. 6:54 PM - beep: Norby, where's he from?
  741. 6:54 PM - Kiru: dragonball
  742. 6:54 PM - beep: Thanks
  743. 6:54 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  744. 6:54 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  745. 6:54 PM - chronicdiscord: What was the first Bruce Lee movie
  746. 6:54 PM - zufuru: fist of the dragon
  747. 6:54 PM - Kiru: good question :D
  748. 6:54 PM - MrMonotone: enter the dragon
  749. 6:54 PM - beep: Eye of the Tiger
  750. 6:55 PM - Lucas: Golden Gate Girl
  751. 6:55 PM - Crazedanimal™: the green lantern
  752. 6:55 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: dafuq beep
  753. 6:55 PM - beep: Oh wait, wtf brain
  754. 6:55 PM - I'm Vizard: Birth of Mankind
  755. 6:55 PM - Henric_Kühn: enter the dragon
  756. 6:55 PM - norby89: golden gate girl
  757. 6:55 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: The Kid
  758. 6:55 PM - chronicdiscord: Lucas gets it
  759. 6:55 PM - Lucas: YAY
  760. 6:55 PM - chronicdiscord: sorta a trick question for some
  761. 6:55 PM - norby89: he was a baby
  762. 6:55 PM - chronicdiscord: since you assume it's a martial arts flcik
  763. 6:55 PM - chronicdiscord: er, flick
  764. 6:55 PM - zufuru: Chronic!
  765. 6:55 PM - MrMonotone: Isn't China named after Qin?
  766. 6:55 PM - chronicdiscord: but he'd been acting since he was a child
  767. 6:55 PM - chronicdiscord: yes
  768. 6:55 PM - zufuru: I deserve a point for chinese emperor
  769. 6:55 PM - MrMonotone: Dayum
  770. 6:56 PM - Lucas: I deserve 0.5 points for geodude
  771. 6:56 PM - Lucas: :p
  772. 6:56 PM - Lucas: I was wrong for "du"
  773. 6:56 PM - beep: I deserve a pat in the back
  774. 6:56 PM - likwitsnake entered chat.
  775. 6:56 PM - zufuru: Hey snake!
  776. 6:56 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: I deserve 20 points for my epic story about Chronic :<
  777. 6:56 PM - likwitsnake:
  778. 6:56 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious:
  779. 6:57 PM - norby89:
  780. 6:57 PM - beep:
  781. 6:57 PM - zufuru: Zhao Zheng was his name, then he changed into great emperor of terracotta things
  782. 6:57 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious:
  783. 6:57 PM - Crazedanimal™:
  784. 6:57 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  785. 6:57 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  786. 6:57 PM - chronicdiscord: Who made the first long distance phone call in 1876
  787. 6:57 PM - norby89: bell
  788. 6:57 PM - Boko: Edison
  789. 6:57 PM - Crazedanimal™: alexander graham bell
  790. 6:57 PM - beep: Thomas Alva Edison
  791. 6:57 PM - Henric_Kühn: gram bell
  792. 6:57 PM - chronicdiscord: Crazed gets it
  793. 6:57 PM - Kiru: norby is too lazy
  794. 6:57 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: brb
  795. 6:57 PM - norby89: yep
  796. 6:58 PM - zufuru: Edison lol
  797. 6:58 PM - beep: Oh well, I guess it's time to buy another 3 cent emoticon
  798. 6:58 PM - Lucas: btw I think I can't enter the giveaway anyway @_@
  799. 6:58 PM - Lucas: Isn't it Terraria?
  800. 6:58 PM - Kiru: edison was the lightbulb guy
  801. 6:58 PM - chronicdiscord: it is
  802. 6:58 PM - MrMonotone: If reddit has taunt me anything, it's that Edison was a giant douche.
  803. 6:58 PM - chronicdiscord: edison was not the lightbulb guy
  804. 6:58 PM - Crazedanimal™: bell was
  805. 6:58 PM - Boko: You can totally make a long distance call with a lightbulb <.<
  806. 6:58 PM - Lucas: yep, I already have but still fun answering :p
  807. 6:58 PM - MrMonotone: He was the lightbulb patent guy.
  808. 6:58 PM - chronicdiscord: he was the patent whore
  809. 6:58 PM - Kiru: :D
  810. 6:58 PM - Henric_Kühn: he was the lighting guy
  811. 6:58 PM - Henric_Kühn: like zeus
  812. 6:59 PM - chronicdiscord: that's like saying the Wright Brothers were the first to fly
  813. 6:59 PM - chronicdiscord: an australian beat them
  814. 6:59 PM - chronicdiscord: it's amercian marketing that gets those, "facts," pushed
  815. 6:59 PM - beep: That's like saying Columbus was the first one to set foot in America.
  816. 6:59 PM - Lucas: an brazilian beat the australian
  817. 6:59 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: alright then
  818. 6:59 PM - Crazedanimal™: I think pterodactyls beat them
  819. 6:59 PM - Lucas: a brazilian*
  820. 6:59 PM - zufuru: Sir frances drake was the best
  821. 6:59 PM - zufuru: *francis
  822. 6:59 PM - zufuru: But he frickin died on his journey
  823. 6:59 PM - Kiru: archaeopteryx
  824. 6:59 PM - Henric_Kühn: yeah, santos doumont was the first
  825. 6:59 PM - beep: An Argentine beat the Brazilian
  826. 6:59 PM - beep:
  827. 7:00 PM - Crazedanimal™: whats with the beatings?
  828. 7:00 PM - norby89: a monkey beat all
  829. 7:00 PM - beep: And I'll beat you
  830. 7:00 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  831. 7:00 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  832. 7:00 PM - chronicdiscord: Who was the leader of the expedition that first circumnavigated the world
  833. 7:00 PM - Boko: MAgellion
  834. 7:00 PM - MrMonotone: megellan
  835. 7:00 PM - zufuru: sir francis drake
  836. 7:00 PM - Crazedanimal™: christopher colombus?
  837. 7:00 PM - Boko: Err. Magellan
  838. 7:00 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Ferdinand Maggelan
  839. 7:00 PM - beep: Sebastian Elcano
  840. 7:00 PM - Henric_Kühn: james cook
  841. 7:00 PM - I'm Vizard: Magellan-Elcano
  842. 7:00 PM - norby89: ferdinand magellan
  843. 7:00 PM - Kiru: full name
  844. 7:00 PM - Kiru: yeah
  845. 7:00 PM - Lucas: Stop using that fakin emoticon ¬¬
  846. 7:00 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: omgzor its phineas fog/phogg whatever DAT MOVIE GUY WITH JACKIE CHAN
  847. 7:00 PM - chronicdiscord: Boko and Sweetie for the pick up
  848. 7:01 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: woo
  849. 7:01 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: 4 points
  850. 7:01 PM - MrMonotone: He's not remembered by his first name, really.
  851. 7:01 PM - Kiru: why Lucas ?
  852. 7:01 PM - ♬ [DJ]Keith ツ left chat.
  853. 7:01 PM - Lucas: hard to copy paste
  854. 7:01 PM - Lucas: xD
  855. 7:01 PM - chronicdiscord: that's why I allowed boko
  856. 7:01 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: the riddler ? is here to stay!
  857. 7:01 PM - beep: He died to hands of cannibals that lived in Uruguay
  858. 7:01 PM - Lucas: always Uruguay...
  859. 7:01 PM - Boko: The story of how he died is pretty sad too
  860. 7:01 PM - MrMonotone: Uruguay? I thought it was on some island.
  861. 7:01 PM - Crazedanimal™: could always say it was the vikings
  862. 7:02 PM - beep: And I couldn't remember his name, so I said the one of the dude that took after him and finished the trip
  863. 7:02 PM - Lucas: damn island
  864. 7:02 PM - Crazedanimal™: as they supposedly made landfall in canada much sooner
  865. 7:02 PM - Lucas: damn viking
  866. 7:02 PM - Boko: And yes. It was about 3/4 of his voyage through. I think it was in the phillipines
  867. 7:02 PM - Crazedanimal™: or the native americans
  868. 7:02 PM - ░▒∷ Ֆнιȵ๏вι ∷▒░ disconnected.
  869. 7:02 PM - beep: Oh right
  870. 7:02 PM - Lucas: I thought it was Connor Kenway
  871. 7:02 PM - MrMonotone: Yeah, in the phillipines.
  872. 7:02 PM - MrMonotone: Poison, wasn't it?
  873. 7:02 PM - beep: It was in the Philipines. He made an alliance with locals and died fighting in a war
  874. 7:02 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Assassin's creed taught m that Connor Kenway was the one who did everything
  875. 7:02 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Midnight ride? Connor
  876. 7:02 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  877. 7:02 PM - chronicdiscord: Who is the Famous White Man™ who is said to be the first to reach the magnetic north pole
  878. 7:03 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  879. 7:03 PM - Boko: Robert Peary
  880. 7:03 PM - Crazedanimal™: santa
  881. 7:03 PM - I'm Vizard: Robert Peary
  882. 7:03 PM - norby89: matthew henson
  883. 7:03 PM - MrMonotone: Frederick Cook
  884. 7:03 PM - Kiru: TM
  885. 7:03 PM - zufuru: frederick cook
  886. 7:03 PM - Henric_Kühn: Calvin Coolidge
  887. 7:03 PM - Lucas: Robert...nvm
  888. 7:03 PM - chronicdiscord: Monotone
  889. 7:03 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: Vitus bering (as if but HEY he was danish <3)
  890. 7:03 PM - MrMonotone: orly
  891. 7:03 PM - zufuru: Frederick Albert Cook
  892. 7:03 PM - Abuse.Ramesses entered chat.
  893. 7:03 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Not everyone agrees on that tho
  894. 7:03 PM - zufuru: C'moooon guys!
  895. 7:03 PM - Kiru: zufur , 2 times in 1 minute ß
  896. 7:04 PM - Kiru: zufuru
  897. 7:04 PM - chronicdiscord: That's why I said it with the trademark
  898. 7:04 PM - Abuse.Ramesses left chat.
  899. 7:04 PM - Crazedanimal™: anyways food
  900. 7:04 PM - beep: Yep. And the answer had already been given.
  901. 7:04 PM - zufuru: D:
  902. 7:04 PM - // onetwo disconnected.
  903. 7:04 PM - KhAn RuLz entered chat.
  904. 7:04 PM - zufuru: You're too competitive u.u
  905. 7:04 PM - beep: Who?
  906. 7:04 PM - Boko: All I have to say is there has to be something super crazy about a guy who is going to either of the poles.
  907. 7:04 PM - Boko: It's too cold here
  908. 7:05 PM - I'm Vizard: e,e
  909. 7:05 PM - zufuru: Just love each other
  910. 7:05 PM - norby89: u love on the north pole boko
  911. 7:05 PM - ░▒∷ Ֆнιȵ๏вι ∷▒░ entered chat.
  912. 7:05 PM - Boko: Santa is a masochist for cold weather.
  913. 7:06 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  914. 7:06 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  915. 7:06 PM - chronicdiscord: Which nation within the British Isles is represented by a red dragon
  916. 7:06 PM - MrMonotone: wales
  917. 7:06 PM - beep: Cambodia
  918. 7:06 PM - I'm Vizard: WALES
  919. 7:06 PM - chronicdiscord: monotone
  920. 7:06 PM - beep: Vizard, why do you answer in caps...?
  921. 7:06 PM - Boko: Ah. If only I were more british I would have known that.
  922. 7:06 PM - MrMonotone: He was excited.
  923. 7:06 PM - MrMonotone: I'm from California. I'm not British. :P
  924. 7:06 PM - Kiru: FUCKING WALES MANG
  925. 7:06 PM - beep: He's always excited
  926. 7:07 PM - beep: Whatever, I guess I'll you all
  927. 7:07 PM - MrMonotone: I was at the bar the other night with my buddy having some beers. We had been there a while when two large girls came up to the bar and ordered some drinks. I noticed when they ordered they both had strong accents so I said ‘Hi, are you two girls from Scotland?’ One of them spoke up, with quite an attitude and said ‘it’s WALES you idiot!!!’
  929. So I immediately said ‘Sorry, are you two Whales from Scotland?’
  930. 7:07 PM - zufuru: lol
  931. 7:07 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: XD
  932. 7:07 PM - Kiru: XD
  933. 7:07 PM - beep: Already read that
  934. 7:07 PM - beep: :/
  935. 7:07 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: Really beep? Cambodia?
  936. 7:07 PM - beep: Ceylan?
  937. 7:07 PM - MrMonotone: Cambodia has angkor wat on their flag, yeah?
  938. 7:07 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: "clashofclans"
  939. 7:08 PM - chronicdiscord: Which nation of the mediterranean is represented by a two headed blak eagle Hardly something you see everyday, they kinda die easily.
  940. 7:08 PM - chronicdiscord: shit, forgot to lock
  941. 7:08 PM - Henric_Kühn: germany
  942. 7:08 PM - MrMonotone: cyprus?
  943. 7:08 PM - Kiru: I know it
  944. 7:08 PM - Lucas disconnected.
  945. 7:08 PM - I'm Vizard: Albania
  946. 7:08 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Albania
  947. 7:08 PM - Boko: Mysore?
  948. 7:08 PM - chronicdiscord: vizard
  949. 7:08 PM - QETC™Crimson disconnected.
  950. 7:08 PM - Kiru: Vizard got it
  951. 7:08 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: damn pingfuck. Comcast hates me todau
  952. 7:08 PM - norby89:
  953. 7:08 PM - zufuru: Lol you caught us unprepared
  954. 7:09 PM - Henric_Kühn: well, i gonna go now, til the next week
  955. 7:09 PM - Henric_Kühn left chat.
  956. 7:09 PM - Lucas entered chat.
  957. 7:09 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: 1 dollar
  958. 7:09 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: 1 fucking dollar
  959. 7:09 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  960. 7:09 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  961. 7:09 PM - chronicdiscord: Which European powerhouse and former intercontinental colonial power was formerly represented by a golden flower
  962. 7:09 PM - MrMonotone: austria?
  963. 7:09 PM - I'm Vizard: Russia?
  964. 7:09 PM - beep: Bavaria
  965. 7:10 PM - norby89: germany
  966. 7:10 PM - chronicdiscord: no, austria was never a flower
  967. 7:10 PM - Kiru: I think I know it
  968. 7:10 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Philippines
  969. 7:10 PM - beep: He
  970. 7:10 PM - Boko: Portugal?
  971. 7:10 PM - beep: Google much?
  972. 7:10 PM - Kiru: phillipines is not in europe
  973. 7:10 PM - Kiru: XD
  974. 7:10 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: idk
  975. 7:10 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: i'm bored
  976. 7:10 PM - I'm Vizard: Spain?
  977. 7:10 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: I'm already winning
  978. 7:10 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  979. 7:10 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  980. 7:10 PM - chronicdiscord: Hint European, Flower, on a blue background
  981. 7:11 PM - Boko: Hungary
  982. 7:11 PM - I'm Vizard: Bosnia?
  983. 7:11 PM - Boko: Italy
  984. 7:11 PM - chronicdiscord: c'est la fleur de lis, almost true Vizard
  985. 7:11 PM - I'm Vizard: Portugal?
  986. 7:11 PM - norby89: france
  987. 7:11 PM - I'm Vizard: France
  988. 7:11 PM - I'm Vizard: xD
  989. 7:11 PM - chronicdiscord: nobody got it in time I am afraid
  990. 7:11 PM - beep: Yorkshire
  991. 7:11 PM - chronicdiscord: bosnia has never been a power
  992. 7:12 PM - zufuru: What was?
  993. 7:12 PM - chronicdiscord: nor a colonial power
  994. 7:12 PM - MrMonotone: Lol
  995. 7:12 PM - MrMonotone: Bosnia.
  996. 7:12 PM - Boko: It's slovakia. I'm sure :P
  997. 7:12 PM - beep: Close enough
  998. 7:12 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Kalmykia
  999. 7:12 PM - chronicdiscord: that's a white flower
  1000. 7:12 PM - beep: Now that nobody can get it, I'll say Holland
  1001. 7:13 PM - CheesyBull is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  1002. 7:13 PM - MrMonotone: The answer was France.
  1003. 7:13 PM - MrMonotone: Lol.
  1004. 7:13 PM - Boko: Now i'm curious as to what it was.
  1005. 7:13 PM - Boko: was it really france?
  1006. 7:13 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: Carilion?
  1007. 7:13 PM - norby89: we will never know
  1008. 7:13 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  1009. 7:13 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  1010. 7:13 PM - chronicdiscord: What nation once had an economy that revolved entirely around the Tulip, and suffered from scammers who traded big onions
  1011. 7:13 PM - zufuru: holland
  1012. 7:13 PM - norby89: holland
  1013. 7:13 PM - MrMonotone: Netherlands
  1014. 7:13 PM - Kiru: now
  1015. 7:13 PM - Boko: Italy
  1016. 7:13 PM - chronicdiscord: zufuru
  1017. 7:14 PM - beep: Netherlands
  1018. 7:14 PM - zufuru: Italy what?
  1019. 7:14 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄:
  1020. 7:14 PM - Boko: I'm still stuck on the last question
  1021. 7:14 PM - zufuru: ah? u.u
  1022. 7:14 PM - chronicdiscord: last one was france
  1023. 7:14 PM - beep: ;_; Said it before it was asked
  1024. 7:14 PM - zufuru: We've kiwis!
  1025. 7:14 PM - chronicdiscord: the fleur de lis
  1026. 7:14 PM - Kiru: how many questions left chronic ?
  1027. 7:14 PM - chronicdiscord: I got about a page
  1028. 7:14 PM - chronicdiscord: I can cut it short if you're looking to end soon
  1029. 7:14 PM - chronicdiscord: I had not expected the 15 minute hiatus
  1030. 7:14 PM - Kiru: ah ok, I think I'll set up the giveaway in advance
  1031. 7:15 PM - Kiru: no no, continue
  1032. 7:15 PM - chronicdiscord: fair enough
  1033. 7:15 PM - Kiru: I'll edit the GA tomorrow
  1034. 7:15 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  1035. 7:15 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  1036. 7:15 PM - chronicdiscord: What English writer is known as the first to create a story of, "high fantasy "
  1037. 7:16 PM - beep: Shakespeare
  1038. 7:16 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Jules Verne
  1039. 7:16 PM - MrMonotone: geoffrey chaucer
  1040. 7:16 PM - I'm Vizard: J.R.R. Tolkien
  1041. 7:16 PM - I'm Vizard: asdasdsa
  1042. 7:16 PM - chronicdiscord: Vizard
  1043. 7:16 PM - ░▒∷ Ֆнιȵ๏вι ∷▒░ disconnected.
  1044. 7:16 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: idk
  1045. 7:16 PM - MrMonotone: Verne was french
  1046. 7:16 PM - chronicdiscord: Tolkien is often credited with the creation of the genre
  1047. 7:16 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: scoooooores?
  1048. 7:16 PM - chronicdiscord: including the word orc
  1049. 7:16 PM - beep: .___. My game has an achievement named "Magellan"
  1050. 7:16 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
  1051. 7:16 PM - chronicdiscord: and the change from dwarfs to dwarves
  1052. 7:17 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: full name
  1053. 7:17 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: nyeh
  1054. 7:17 PM - chronicdiscord: Sweetie Bellicious x4
  1055. MrMonotone x4
  1056. zufuru x3
  1057. I'm Vizard x3
  1058. tr4656 x2
  1059. Jack O'Neill x2
  1060. norby x2
  1061. Drew
  1062. slightly useful
  1063. Lucas
  1064. Crazedanimal
  1065. Boko
  1066. 7:17 PM - zufuru: yep u read that on the introductionary things
  1067. 7:17 PM - ░▒∷ Ֆнιȵ๏вι ∷▒░ entered chat.
  1068. 7:17 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: monotone
  1069. 7:17 PM - zufuru: xD
  1070. 7:17 PM - MrMonotone: MMyes
  1071. 7:17 PM - I'm Vizard: :c
  1072. 7:17 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: Wheres my 20 points for epix Chronic story?... bah the system is corrupt!
  1073. 7:17 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: i will be number 1 all by myself
  1074. 7:17 PM - Warga left chat.
  1075. 7:17 PM - chronicdiscord: what story?
  1076. 7:17 PM - chronicdiscord: I wasn't here for it
  1077. 7:17 PM - beep: The one that's like 20 pages above?
  1078. 7:17 PM - MrMonotone: Don't worry about it. More questions. :P
  1079. 7:17 PM - wieh entered chat.
  1080. 7:17 PM - chronicdiscord: /me adds Torai -4
  1081. 7:18 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: this story :P
  1082. 7:18 PM - MrMonotone: Hah.
  1083. 7:18 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: : a came which was infected and knocked on Chronics door "knock knock knock " now Chronic who has a big finds his and lets the poor inside, Chronic takes out his in order to try and fix the , but only to find out it was a monkey .. while Chronic turns his back, the takes off its and shows its true face! .. now knocks Chronic over and starts stomping on him! "stomp stomp stomp " Chronic cries and his broken.. but to his suprise turns out to be trying to help him, as a had crawled up Chronics butt and infected him! so Chronic gives a hug and they both get an http://cdn.steam
  1084. 7:18 PM - chronicdiscord: oh lord
  1085. 7:18 PM - zufuru: shit.
  1086. 7:18 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: holy crap
  1087. 7:18 PM - MrMonotone: DAYUM
  1088. 7:18 PM - beep: Kick
  1089. 7:18 PM - norby89: noo
  1090. 7:18 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: oh go
  1091. 7:18 PM - chronicdiscord: please no spam
  1092. 7:18 PM - beep: Disqualify
  1093. 7:18 PM - c00lizz: You failed.
  1094. 7:18 PM - c00lizz: Hard.
  1095. 7:18 PM - norby89: torture!
  1096. 7:18 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: XD
  1097. 7:18 PM - likwitsnake:
  1098. 7:18 PM - zufuru: Bellicius.
  1099. 7:18 PM - I'm Vizard:
  1100. 7:18 PM - norby89: cut his toes off
  1101. 7:18 PM - MrMonotone: It was full of emoticons.
  1102. 7:18 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: Sweetie copied the raw input for the emoticons :P
  1103. 7:18 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious:
  1104. 7:18 PM - Boko: chronic. Add 'i' to my score. That is "the square root of -1" i
  1105. 7:18 PM - MrMonotone: Sweeties doesn't have any of the emoticons.
  1106. 7:18 PM - zufuru: You're even leading. *facepalm*
  1107. 7:18 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: heres a pic of it instead Chronic
  1108. 7:19 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  1109. 7:19 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  1110. 7:19 PM - chronicdiscord: Who was the first person to survive the Killing Curse of Avadakadavra
  1111. 7:19 PM - beep: Harry potter
  1112. 7:19 PM - zufuru: harry potter
  1113. 7:19 PM - MrMonotone: no one!
  1114. 7:19 PM - Boko: Harry potterface
  1115. 7:19 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: harry james Potter
  1116. 7:19 PM - chronicdiscord: beep and sweetie for the pick up
  1117. 7:19 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Woo
  1118. 7:19 PM - zufuru: pinnnnnng
  1119. 7:19 PM - MrMonotone: But Harry died. And then came back. Didn't he?
  1120. 7:19 PM - zufuru: Sure?
  1121. 7:20 PM - Boko: He is known as the boy who lived because the souls of his parents saved his ass.
  1122. 7:20 PM - Boko: Or something like that
  1123. 7:20 PM - Boko: Back when he was a little baby thing
  1124. 7:20 PM - ░▒∷ Ֆнιȵ๏вι ∷▒░ disconnected.
  1125. 7:20 PM - MrMonotone: Oh. Hm.
  1126. 7:20 PM - beep: I think that he directly took the Adakadavra hit
  1127. 7:20 PM - MrMonotone: Kay.
  1128. 7:20 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  1129. 7:20 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  1130. 7:20 PM - chronicdiscord: When, in an alternate reality, Bruce Wayne dies young, who takes on the mantle of Batman
  1131. 7:20 PM - zufuru: robin?
  1132. 7:20 PM - norby89: robin hopod
  1133. 7:20 PM - beep: Dick Grayson
  1134. 7:20 PM - Boko: Nathan Drake?
  1135. 7:20 PM - MrMonotone: alfred?
  1136. 7:20 PM - chronicdiscord: you mean Tim Drake
  1137. 7:21 PM - chronicdiscord: but no
  1138. 7:21 PM - Boko: Yeah
  1139. 7:21 PM - Boko: Haha
  1140. 7:21 PM - Boko: I can't remember any of the Robins
  1141. 7:21 PM - chronicdiscord: Nathan Drake is from Uncharted
  1142. 7:21 PM - Boko: Commissioner Gordon?
  1143. 7:21 PM - I'm Vizard: ASDKASDJASD
  1144. 7:21 PM - beep: Wait that's tricky, there's a lot of alternate realities
  1145. 7:21 PM - beep: Thomas Wayne
  1146. 7:21 PM - chronicdiscord: wow, nobody?
  1147. 7:21 PM - I'm Vizard: Azrael?
  1148. 7:21 PM - chronicdiscord: beep
  1149. 7:21 PM - beep: Chronic, I said it
  1150. 7:21 PM - chronicdiscord: almost did not count you, but you did wait the minute
  1151. 7:22 PM - beep: I've got the issue
  1152. 7:22 PM - Kiru: so I'm going to sleep, have fun with trivia, good night :)
  1153. 7:22 PM - Kiru: I sent you the link Chronic
  1154. 7:22 PM - zufuru: G'night Kiru! :3
  1155. 7:22 PM - chronicdiscord: spotted Kiru, danke
  1156. 7:22 PM - I'm Vizard: e,e
  1157. 7:22 PM - Kiru disconnected.
  1158. 7:22 PM - chronicdiscord: and thanks for putting up the prize this week
  1159. 7:22 PM - chronicdiscord: aw
  1160. 7:22 PM - Boko: I'm so bad at trivia, but it still so fun anyway
  1161. 7:22 PM - beep: Flashpoint: Batman Knight of Vengeance #1 to #3
  1162. 7:22 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: Hrmh hrm Chronic?
  1163. 7:23 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: the Avada kedavra was semi correct..
  1164. 7:23 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  1165. 7:23 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  1166. 7:23 PM - chronicdiscord: In this Flashpoint Paradox Universe, there is no Superman, but there is a war... Between which two characters which are usually friends in our standard DC reality
  1167. 7:23 PM - ░▒∷ Ֆнιȵ๏вι ∷▒░ entered chat.
  1168. 7:23 PM - chronicdiscord: two names, one line please
  1169. 7:23 PM - norby89: potatos and turnips?
  1170. 7:24 PM - leche entered chat.
  1171. 7:24 PM - MrMonotone: batman and the flash?
  1172. 7:24 PM - chronicdiscord: what, really? nobody knows? the next couple questions won't go over well then
  1173. 7:24 PM - beep: Flash Reverse flash
  1174. 7:24 PM - beep: Oh nevermind, I'm stupid
  1175. 7:24 PM - chronicdiscord: 3
  1176. 7:24 PM - chronicdiscord: 2
  1177. 7:24 PM - chronicdiscord: 1
  1178. 7:24 PM - chronicdiscord: Aquaman and Wonder Woman
  1179. 7:25 PM - chronicdiscord: as leaders of two different nations
  1180. 7:25 PM - beep: Argh
  1181. 7:25 PM - Boko: I almost had it too
  1182. 7:25 PM - zufuru: I knew IT
  1183. 7:25 PM - chronicdiscord: they are the only ones who could war
  1184. 7:25 PM - That Friendly Gamer is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  1185. 7:25 PM - That Friendly Gamer entered chat.
  1186. 7:25 PM - Boko: I'm not nerdy enough. I must level up.
  1187. 7:25 PM - leche: oooh triveia already started :c
  1188. 7:25 PM - beep: They destroyed like whole Europe
  1189. 7:25 PM - MrMonotone: Oh, I see it int he wiki now
  1190. 7:25 PM - That Friendly Gamer: Hi
  1191. 7:25 PM - zufuru: But i thought it wasn't right...
  1192. 7:25 PM - beep: And forgot about it
  1193. 7:26 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: do a question about something i knooooooow why should i know this shit so unfair i'm toally not winning right now
  1194. 7:26 PM - beep: You're gonna win, stop whining.
  1195. 7:26 PM - norby89: who is best pony?
  1196. 7:26 PM - MrMonotone: Trick question
  1197. 7:26 PM - beep: Rainbow Dash
  1198. 7:26 PM - zufuru: (Chronic a question about tonight trivia, who's going to enter the Ga? just the 1th place? I don't remember these things D:)
  1199. 7:26 PM - MrMonotone: None
  1200. 7:26 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: I know, but i don't know any of this shit
  1201. 7:26 PM - beep: Zufuru, top 10 people get links.
  1202. 7:26 PM - beep: They enter if they want.
  1203. 7:26 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  1204. 7:27 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  1205. 7:27 PM - chronicdiscord: If a man introduced himself as Edward, Edward Nygma, what colour of outfit would you expect him to be wearing
  1206. 7:27 PM - beep: Green
  1207. 7:27 PM - norby89: bljue
  1208. 7:27 PM - Boko: Green
  1209. 7:27 PM - I'm Vizard: Green
  1210. 7:27 PM - chronicdiscord: top ten zufuru
  1211. 7:27 PM - leche: purple
  1212. 7:27 PM - chronicdiscord: Beep
  1213. 7:27 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Green with black stripes
  1214. 7:27 PM - zufuru: Kay xD
  1215. 7:27 PM - norby89: and pink undies
  1216. 7:27 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: no
  1217. 7:27 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: black question marks
  1218. 7:27 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: because
  1219. 7:27 PM - Boko: I actually KNOW the riddler. I am sad I was not paying enough attention to get this
  1220. 7:27 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: nigma btw Edward Nigma
  1221. 7:27 PM - beep: Edward + Nigma = Enigma = Riddle
  1222. 7:27 PM - leche: lel
  1223. 7:28 PM - norby89: wow
  1224. 7:28 PM - norby89: such clever
  1225. 7:28 PM - Boko: The riddler is my favorite villain. He's even better than the Joker, but since writing him takes so much effort not a lot of people do stories around him.
  1226. 7:28 PM - beep: I love how ambiguous the "lel" thing is. You may think someone is laughing or maybe some dude is raising both of his arms straight up.
  1227. 7:28 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: By some writers, it's written as nygma.
  1228. 7:28 PM - Valko entered chat.
  1229. 7:28 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  1230. 7:28 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  1231. 7:28 PM - chronicdiscord: When the Riddler is played in a big Hollywood film, he was cast alongside Tommy Lee Jone's Two-face and played by what actor
  1232. 7:28 PM - MrMonotone: jim carrey
  1233. 7:28 PM - norby89: jim carrey
  1234. 7:28 PM - Boko: Jin carry
  1235. 7:28 PM - chronicdiscord: Monotone
  1236. 7:28 PM - norby89: i got ping focked
  1237. 7:29 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: pong ficked
  1238. 7:29 PM - beep: I know Sweetie, but he was put as "Nigma" in the Spanish version to make the wordplay better.
  1239. 7:29 PM - Boko: You know, I read the first part of that question, decided I didn't want to make a fool of myself for answering before I read the whole question, and took the time to read the rest.
  1240. 7:29 PM - Boko: Thusly got sniped :O
  1241. 7:29 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: He's written as both, but some write as nygma
  1242. 7:29 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: not just nigma
  1243. 7:29 PM - MrMonotone: ur mom's nigma
  1244. 7:30 PM - MrMonotone: :|
  1245. 7:30 PM - leche: killed it
  1246. 7:30 PM - norby89: hey hey, watch your monotone
  1247. 7:30 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: The most common way to spell it is Nigma, some use nygma ye.. but most use Nigma
  1248. 7:30 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  1249. 7:30 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  1250. 7:30 PM - chronicdiscord: The Riddler is compelled, obsessively so, to tell people about his actions, to let them know, because he has egomania, and a neurosis known by what name
  1251. 7:30 PM - MrMonotone: grandiose personality disorder
  1252. 7:30 PM - MrMonotone: Also, just amde that up.
  1253. 7:31 PM - beep: Narcisism
  1254. 7:31 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: i should know this.. was in the interview tapes in Arkham Asylum i believe... >_<
  1255. 7:31 PM - Boko: Obsessive compulsive disorder
  1256. 7:31 PM - leche: obsessive compulsion
  1257. 7:31 PM - chronicdiscord: boko
  1258. 7:31 PM - MrMonotone: Heheh.
  1259. 7:31 PM - leche: nooo
  1260. 7:31 PM - chronicdiscord: I thought that would be snapped up in an instant
  1261. 7:31 PM - Boko: I got caught for a while
  1262. 7:31 PM - leche: i really dislike superheroes tbh
  1263. 7:31 PM - Boko: Because you used obsession in the question
  1264. 7:32 PM - MrMonotone: And compelled :|
  1265. 7:32 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: oh
  1266. 7:32 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: that's a dick move
  1267. 7:32 PM - MrMonotone: nou
  1268. 7:32 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: compelled, obsessively
  1269. 7:32 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: goddamnit chronic
  1270. 7:32 PM - Cooki3 entered chat.
  1271. 7:32 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: RiddlerDiscord
  1272. 7:33 PM - slightly useful entered chat.
  1273. 7:33 PM - Cooki3: who is admin of steam gifst?
  1274. 7:33 PM - Cooki3: steamgifts*
  1275. 7:33 PM - slightly useful left chat.
  1276. 7:33 PM - beep disconnected.
  1277. 7:33 PM - norby89: cg
  1278. 7:33 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  1279. 7:33 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  1280. 7:33 PM - chronicdiscord: Poor Edward's modus operandi is so deeply ingrained into his personality that he is virtually powerless to stop himself from acting it out, his OCD is so strong that he cannot hold back, his obsession with winning puzzles came from what
  1281. 7:33 PM - Boko: His childhood
  1282. 7:33 PM - beep entered chat.
  1283. 7:33 PM - Boko: Particularly his father's pressure on him
  1284. 7:34 PM - chronicdiscord: not nearly specific enough, and that would need to stay to one line
  1285. 7:34 PM - beep: Did I miss a question?
  1286. 7:34 PM - ❄ Snow Queen Jade ❄ entered chat.
  1287. 7:34 PM - chronicdiscord: yes
  1288. 7:34 PM - MrMonotone: answering a teacher's riddle
  1289. 7:34 PM - leche: he couldn't get the riddle he got as a child
  1290. 7:34 PM - chronicdiscord: Poor Edward's modus operandi is so deeply ingrained into his personality that he is virtually powerless to stop himself from acting it out, his OCD is so strong that he cannot hold back, his obsession with winning puzzles came from what
  1291. 7:34 PM - norby89: When Edward was a young boy, he became excited at the idea of winning a puzzle contest at school. To increase his likelihood of winning, Edward sneaked into school during the night and practiced the puzzle until he could solve it with ease. He ended up winning, and was awarded a riddle book as a prize. Since that time, he has mastered puzzles, mind games, and riddles.
  1292. 7:34 PM - MrMonotone: Hah.
  1293. 7:34 PM - That Friendly Gamer is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  1294. 7:34 PM - leche: nice c/p
  1295. 7:34 PM - norby89: ty ty
  1296. 7:34 PM - chronicdiscord: norby gets the point
  1297. 7:34 PM - Boko: His father accused him of cheating on a hard test
  1298. 7:35 PM - chronicdiscord: by copypasta
  1299. 7:35 PM - MrMonotone: Not me? :P
  1300. 7:35 PM - leche: uh
  1301. 7:35 PM - chronicdiscord: he cheated on a puzzle and got away with it with all but his father
  1302. 7:35 PM - leche: i posted it above
  1303. 7:35 PM - Cooki3: can i ask if it is hard to answer that who is admin?
  1304. 7:35 PM - ❄ Snow Queen Jade ❄: Oh, duh. It's Monday here, thought I'd missed trivia, got confused
  1305. 7:35 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: cg is admin
  1306. 7:35 PM - chronicdiscord: he loved the feeling of victory, of being powerful over others
  1307. 7:35 PM - leche: >01:34 - leche: he couldn't get the riddle he got as a child
  1308. 7:35 PM - norby89: it was already answered cooki34
  1309. 7:35 PM - chronicdiscord: and it stuck in his head
  1310. 7:35 PM - Cooki3: where because i dont see anything
  1311. 7:35 PM - chronicdiscord: cooki
  1312. 7:35 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: But cookie3no support is offered through the chat please refer to for all your support needs
  1313. 7:35 PM - chronicdiscord: cg's admin
  1314. 7:36 PM - chronicdiscord: and he won't speak to you
  1315. 7:36 PM - chronicdiscord: make a support ticket
  1316. 7:37 PM - Cooki3: where can i do it?
  1317. 7:37 PM - norby89: on the site
  1318. 7:37 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  1319. 7:37 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  1320. 7:37 PM - chronicdiscord: What is the phrase that almost all incarnations of the Riddler character utter at least once to the Batman
  1321. 7:37 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: please refer to for all your support needs
  1322. 01:35 - chronicdiscord: cg's admin
  1323. 7:37 PM - Boko: Riddle me this, riddle me that
  1324. 7:37 PM - chronicdiscord: boko
  1325. 7:37 PM - Cooki3: good thing to say site, when i cant find where
  1326. 7:37 PM - beep: Riddle me this and you best beware!
  1327. 7:37 PM - Crazedanimal™: support link
  1328. 7:37 PM - chronicdiscord: "riddle me this" comes up again and again
  1329. 7:37 PM - Crazedanimal™: open ticket
  1330. 7:37 PM - beep: Related video:
  1331. 7:37 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: THAT IS THE EXACT PLACE COOKI3
  1332. 7:38 PM - chronicdiscord: Cooki, we're doing something, come back later
  1333. 7:38 PM - Cooki3: but i dont see anywhere saying support link?
  1334. 7:38 PM - Cooki3 was banned by chronicdiscord.
  1335. 7:38 PM - ❄ Snow Queen Jade ❄: What an idiot...
  1336. 7:38 PM - js51472: lol
  1337. 7:38 PM - leche: lol
  1338. 7:38 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: oh dear freaking lord
  1339. 7:38 PM - norby89: he's either slow or dumb
  1340. 7:38 PM - norby89: or both
  1341. 7:39 PM - Boko: My nerd powers are growing.
  1342. 7:39 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: scores?
  1343. 7:39 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  1344. 7:39 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  1345. 7:39 PM - chronicdiscord: What actor played the campy, almost silly, incarnation of the Riddler in the Batman television series from the 60s
  1346. 7:39 PM - beep: Frank Gorshin
  1347. 7:39 PM - MrMonotone: frank gorshin
  1348. 7:39 PM - chronicdiscord: beep
  1349. 7:39 PM - chronicdiscord: nicely done
  1350. 7:39 PM - Crazedanimal™: googlefu
  1351. 7:40 PM - chronicdiscord: scoredump
  1352. 7:40 PM - chronicdiscord: Sweetie Bellicious x5
  1353. MrMonotone x5
  1354. beep x4
  1355. zufuru x3
  1356. I'm Vizard x3
  1357. norby x3
  1358. Boko x3
  1359. tr4656 x2
  1360. Jack O'Neill x2
  1361. Drew
  1362. slightly useful
  1363. Lucas
  1364. Crazedanimal
  1365. 7:40 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Frank John Gorshin, Jr.
  1366. 7:40 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: Torai x20
  1367. 7:40 PM - DerangedBoar disconnected.
  1368. 7:40 PM - MrMonotone: Torai x-20
  1369. 7:40 PM - chronicdiscord: so, we got 9 placers, and 4 low hangers
  1370. 7:40 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: i can has pick up for full name?
  1371. 7:40 PM - chronicdiscord: that was too slow
  1372. 7:40 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: ok
  1373. 7:40 PM - chronicdiscord: I do a 15 count on them
  1374. 7:41 PM - chronicdiscord: any of those low fruit around still?
  1375. 7:41 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: wait
  1376. 7:41 PM - Crazedanimal™: \o
  1377. 7:41 PM - chronicdiscord: lucas, slightly, drew?
  1378. 7:41 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: i was first place this trivia
  1379. 7:41 PM - chronicdiscord: you three about
  1380. 7:41 PM - leche: i'm not even on the list..
  1381. 7:41 PM - Boko: If you're looking for 10 placers, please don't count me in on things. I already have the game. I'm just here for trivia.
  1382. 7:41 PM - beep: ^
  1383. 7:41 PM - MrMonotone: Oh yeah, I have it, too.
  1384. 7:41 PM - beep: I'm not in here for the game either
  1385. 7:41 PM - chronicdiscord: boko, you get to cock block
  1386. 7:41 PM - Crazedanimal™: everyone has it XD
  1387. 7:41 PM - Boko: WOOO
  1388. 7:41 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: I cockblocked someone!
  1389. 7:41 PM - leche: uhm noes
  1390. 7:41 PM - Lucas: you can remove me from that list :p
  1391. 7:41 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: because i was the greatest
  1392. 7:41 PM - Crazedanimal™: you cant block my cock!
  1393. 7:42 PM - Lucas: I already have terraria
  1394. 7:42 PM - chronicdiscord: so, lucas is not going to try to get in the top ten
  1395. 7:42 PM - Crazedanimal™: I do it myself!
  1396. 7:42 PM - I'm Vizard:
  1397. 7:42 PM - chronicdiscord: is crazed the only one of the four still running?
  1398. 7:42 PM - Kybaig:
  1399. 7:42 PM - zufuru: here I'm again
  1400. 7:42 PM - chronicdiscord: zufuru
  1401. 7:42 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: is for when you are going to the back for a "loan" Vizard
  1402. 7:42 PM - chronicdiscord: you're already safe
  1403. 7:42 PM - beep: Kybaig
  1404. 7:42 PM - beep: I literally posted that same link hours ago
  1405. 7:42 PM - chronicdiscord: ok, looks like slightly and drew ran off
  1406. 7:42 PM - chronicdiscord: probably during my break
  1407. 7:42 PM - norby89: i guess they all left
  1408. 7:43 PM - beep: I'll try to get first place in this Trivia
  1409. 7:43 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: yeah
  1410. 7:43 PM - chronicdiscord: link incoming for the remaining folks
  1411. 7:43 PM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: So which games on here is for STEAM?
  1412. 7:43 PM - leche: i'll replace a top ranker :3
  1413. 7:43 PM - zufuru: But I like you and I like your trivias
  1414. 7:43 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: Beep, i already am first place and it's over
  1415. 7:43 PM - MrMonotone: Tied for first
  1416. 7:43 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: no
  1417. 7:43 PM - beep: :/
  1418. 7:43 PM - <IMBAtv> Torai ❄: top wanker
  1419. 7:43 PM - Crazedanimal™: grats on the first place sweetie
  1420. 7:43 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: oh
  1421. 7:43 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: ok
  1422. 7:43 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: tied for first
  1423. 7:43 PM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1:
  1424. 7:44 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: i'm sitll in first
  1425. 7:44 PM - zufuru: Also got to eat something
  1426. 7:44 PM - MrMonotone: Tied for*
  1427. 7:44 PM - leche: the portal game
  1428. 7:44 PM - Crazedanimal™: yea, I was making dinner and eating for most of trivia =D
  1429. 7:44 PM - leche: @jack o neill
  1430. 7:44 PM - Crazedanimal™: stopped in for about 5 questions =D
  1431. 7:44 PM - zufuru: Should have eaten sushi for lunch but my stomach was out of business D:
  1432. 7:45 PM - Boko: Mmm. Sushik
  1433. 7:45 PM - Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1: leche awww, only portal2? I already own it
  1434. 7:45 PM - zufuru: Crazed: Let's cook something togheter some day :D
  1435. 7:45 PM - leche: yes
  1436. 7:45 PM - leche: i think the other games are origin
  1437. 7:46 PM - [CBC] {UPR} Sweetie Bellicious: 1 Entry on the giveaway
  1438. 7:46 PM - leche: for*
  1439. 7:46 PM - leche: :c
  1440. 7:46 PM - Manni is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  1441. 7:47 PM - chronicdiscord: ok, the lot should have their link
  1442. 7:48 PM - Crazedanimal™: check your PM's if you made the top ten people!
  1443. 7:48 PM - norby89:
  1444. 7:48 PM - norby89: lol
  1445. 7:48 PM - leche: when's the next so that i get here in time?
  1446. 7:48 PM - Boko left chat.
  1447. 7:49 PM - dbolt entered chat.
  1448. 7:49 PM - Crazedanimal™: thats one moldy cheese burger norby
  1449. 7:49 PM - chronicdiscord: oh wow, vizard may have a good day
  1450. 7:49 PM - beep: 8 comments 1 entry
  1451. 7:49 PM - norby89: lolol
  1452. 7:49 PM - ❄ Snow Queen Jade ❄: What was the prize?
  1453. 7:49 PM - chronicdiscord: terraria
  1454. 7:49 PM - norby89: terraria
  1455. 7:50 PM - Crazedanimal™: terraria
  1456. 7:50 PM - ❄ Snow Queen Jade ❄: Ah
  1457. 7:50 PM - ❄ Snow Queen Jade ❄: Still, Batman questions. :( Sad I slept through yet another trivia
  1458. 7:50 PM - chronicdiscord: well, I was kindly given this
  1459. 7:50 PM - chronicdiscord: so my mind went in that direction
  1460. 7:50 PM - chronicdiscord: as I was still making questions
  1461. 7:50 PM - KhAn RuLz left chat.
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