
Oh My Mummy - Monstergirl, Lewd

Aug 6th, 2014
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  1. Oh My Mummy
  3. Holy fuck, 4 pages. I'll say hard mode, immodest mode, and the extra roll telling me I'm homeless. Go, go, go!
  4. >>6074776
  6. ---
  8. Ducking out of the alley, I head out of town. Stumbling away quickly, I feel my left leg dragging behind me. It felt heavy and wooden, a feeling I was starting to get used to. A rotten piece of fruit flies over my head, as I hear the angry yelling of the shop keeper behind me. "Away, away, you worthless beggar! May Osiris take pity on your poor soul!"
  10. Dragging myself away, I flee from town, not wanting to be caught by the the town guard. Running into the desert, unsure of where I am going, I only know that is has to better then this.
  12. I had been a drifter for a while now, after my lord died. He was an adventurer, of sorts, and had been overwhelmed in an attack. I had been driving the parties wagon, as was my usual place, when we were assaulted by bandits. I barely got away, but took an arrow to the leg, and it hadn't been feeling the same since. Left with no employment, no money, no skills, and an imperfect grasp on the language in this area, I had been left no choice but to be a drifter in this sand covered area. I had gone from town to town, but each time I was eventually caught and thrown out, the merchants being the ones who ruled this desert oasis.
  14. I had finally had it, and trekked into the shifting sands. I was going to just leave, as no one seemed to have any compassion for me any more. Feeling my leg finally give out on me, I fell, resolving to simply lay there, never to stand again.
  16. A few moments later, I blinked, coming back to. I had hit my head when I dropped, on what felt like a piece of stone masonry just under the sand. I could feel one of my teeth were now loose, where I must have slammed into the stone face first. This was an uncomfortable way to die.
  18. Rolling over, I decided that if I was to die, I would at least do it on the slightly more comfortable sand then this hard stone. Feeling the masonry, ran my fingers around it, looking for the edge. It took my a minute, but I found an edge, or at least something that felt softer, like wood, perhaps. Not caring enough to consider it anymore, I settled onto the wooden plank, then started to nod off. Just before sleep claimed, for the last time hopefully, a shudder went through my hard deathbed, and I was falling, deep into a sudden pit into the earth.
  20. ---
  23. Falling. That was the first sensation, as the earth dropped me deeper, as I flailed about uselessly, grasping for a hold to stop my flight. Then...
  25. Pain. I had the wind knocked out of me, as the sudden stop on hard stone nearly broke me. I crashed into it at full speed, not bracing myself in the least. My arm was bruised, my ribs ached, and my left leg may have been twisted. I spat out a broken tooth, cursing my luck. I couldn't even die in peace, now?
  27. Rolling painfully onto my back, I stared upwards, looking at the distant sky above. A shaft of bright daylight pierced the gloom, and I could tell I was in some sort of crypt. I had never bothered listening to my masters stories about his expeditions, as my job was to stay outside and protect the wagon. Perhaps I should have payed closer attention...
  29. My fevered thoughts were suddenly stilled, as a sound echoed through the vast room I was in. Craning my head up, my breath caught, as I realized I was not alone. There was a creature standing there. A it had the shape of a human, or perhaps one of those snooty elves master had been so obsessed with. Twisting back, I tried to pull away from the beam of light that had me pinned to the floor, hoping to get away into the shadows and hide.
  31. The creature shuffled closer, and I noticed it too seemed to be favoring one leg, though it's right appeared to be the faulty one. Grasping around behind me, I managed to find a low block of fallen stone, and pulled myself up into a sitting position. That was all I had time for, my wounded speed easily slowed to that of the creature's shuffle. It reached me, unaffected by the light as it stepped into the pillar of day. My breath caught in surprise.
  33. It was a woman.
  35. ---
  37. She appeared to be human, wrapped in loose strips of worn, tattered clothing no better then my own. She was perhaps be-spelled, as she let out a small moan when she reached me, one arm held out as if to grasp me. Her one eye watched me, blue as an oasis lake, the other covered by her strange garb. Reaching my position, the woman dived, crashing forward, attempting to attack. I tried to dodge at the last moment, but my twisted leg betrayed me, and she clamped onto my shoulder with a surprising strength.
  39. We rolled about on the floor, me fighting to get away, and her... I was unsure of what it was she wanted. She managed to grasp my other shoulder, before hauling me up and slamming me back to the floor, forcing my breath from my lungs for the second time in so many minutes. Suddenly, resolve flowed through me, and I was determined to not let this strange woman be the end of me. Pulling my hands back, I gripped hers, attempting to shift them, hoping my strength was up to the task.
  41. It took a few moments, but I soon realized it was impossible. She was far too strong, possessed of some hidden power from which her small frame did not at first show. She stared down at me, her blue eye glittering in the sunlight, then shifted her neck enough that her gleaming white teeth loomed large. Lips pulled back into a growl, she drove her head down, towards my flesh. Gathering the last of my strength, I pushed upward, fighting her.
  43. Abruptly, she stopped, her dull, lifeless expression changing to one of... pleasure? Her mouth slacked open, instantly loosing it's feral tone, and her eye rolled back, while the rest of her body went limp. Looking down in confusion, I saw that my left hand had been pushing on her previously rock hard shoulder, while my right... was... My eyes widened as I realized that my hand had penetrated her layers of tattered cloth, and was holding one of her soft, heavy breasts. Her nipple was right under my hand, and I could feel it harden at my touch. I couldn't help it, and squeezed.
  45. ---
  47. With a gasp of what I could only assume was pleasure, she dropped, collapsing into my arms. She appeared to have stopped fighting me, for the moment, and was gently rubbing her surprisingly large breasts into my chest. Feeling her react to my attention, I couldn't help it as I felt myself rising to sudden, almost painful hardness. It had been a long two years since my master died, and it had been longer still since I had embraced the touch of a women. Beggars had nothing to offer, and even the few homeless females I had encountered would prefer to sell their bodies to passerby's then to give it to a fellow beggar on the streets.
  49. This... creature, however, seemed to not have those convictions. She pressed her full chest into mine, ran her hands down my arms, and was running her hips up and down my hardness. Reaching up, I brushed the cloth from her face, uncovering her other eye. She moaned as my fingers lightly touched her nose, her ear, her hair. Her beautiful blue eyes were wide, her cheeks flushed with warmth, her delicate lips slightly open as she made her pleasurable noises. I didn't know who she was, or what she was doing down in this deep hole in the earth, but I decided that if I was to die, I would at least enjoy myself first.
  51. I pushed my hand behind her head, slipping between her head coverings and her loose, silken hair, so pale as to be a moonlit silver. Pulling her down, I kissed her, slipping my tongue between her lips, running it over the inside of her mouth. She moaned into the kiss, pushing back, her curiously dry tongue almost peeling the saliva off my own. I pulled back, getting more moisture from my own mouth, and she followed back, dipping her own tongue into the deep kiss.
  53. Pulling away from the kiss to take a breath, I noticed her tanned skin was flushed even more heavily. The blush on her cheeks had traveled down her neck, and disappeared into her torn coverings. Feeling the urge to see more, I reached up, ripping the old, worn cloth, reveling more tanned skin and a pair of bounteous breasts.
  55. They were large orbs, as tanned as the rest of her, capped with a pair of delicate little nipples, and each moan she made caused them to sway slightly. I reached up, grabbing the little brown nipples in my fingers, rolling and squeezing them. She threw her head back, silver hair coming loose from her shroud and flying in an arc behind her. A long, low groan of pleasure echoed around the room, as she writhed in my grasp.
  57. She enjoyed my ministrations for a few minutes, head rolling about, tongue hanging from her mouth in absolute pleasure. I was enjoying it, myself; I didn't remember when I had last played with a set of breasts this soft, and I had NEVER had a woman who was this responsive to my touch.
  59. Soon, though, she had enough, and clearly wanted to move to the next step. Bending down to kiss me, she ran her tongue through my mouth, again stripping the moisture from it. I was beginning to worry about that, when she reached down and pulled the coverings from her hips. Grabbing my hand, my worries disappeared when she placed it firmly on her taut ass, moaning into the kiss as she rolled her hips against my hand.
  61. ---
  63. Kissing her, I ran my hands up and down her firm ass, grabbing the twin halves of her and pulling close. Reaching back, I slapped with my left hand, causing her grind her hips into my crotch with her painfully obvious need. Pulling away from her hungry mouth, I nibbled on her ear as my finger played with her ass, gently playing with her hole for a moment before I reached down to toy with her nether lips.
  65. Toying with her soft cunny, I slowed then stopped as I realized that she was not wet in the least. She was certainly reacting, as I rolled her splayed lips around in my hands, but... she... wasn't ready? Sensing my hesitation, she pulled my down and kissed my, this time obviously drawing the saliva from my mouth. Breaking the kiss, my moisture still on her lips, she stared into my eyes, desire smoldering behind her clear blue eyes. "Please... I need... wet..."
  67. My eyes widened, this time in shock. She had a deep, wonderful voice, but one that seemed stretched out and cracked, like parchment left in the sun too long. I put the pieces together, then, the manner of her curse coming into full realization. Her need was obvious by the way she kept humping at my hardness, and I for one was not unwilling. The idea of saving this beautiful woman, from breaking the chains that bound her to this accursed place, suddenly filled my resolve to live, and bring this sad story to its final end.
  69. Pulling my hands from their loose position on her supple ass, I reached down and grasped my worthless pants, pulling them aside and exposing my erect cock. Reaching to her, she closed her eyes, mouth pulled up into a grand smile, as I spread her lips. Running myself around her opening a little to give her the precious moisture that I was certain now that she needed, I sunk myself into her hole with a groan of pleasure.
  71. She was warm and soft, like muslin left in as sunlit window, and she squeezed down on me as I pushed deeper, drawing grunts of lust out of me and a long, drawn out moan of happiness from her. Grabbing her unresisting hips, I pulled her down onto me, where I soon bottomed out in her magnificent pussy. Grinding my hips into hers, I could feel her clench and massage me, the entrance to her womb kissing the head of my cock. Pulling back slowly, I gasped as she clamped down again, unwilling to let me go.
  73. Reaching up with my left hand, I pulled her face down, kissing her closed eyes gently. Leaning close to her ear, I whispered quietly, words for her ears alone. "Don't worry. I know whats wrong. I want to help you break this curse."
  75. Her eyes opened, wide eyed, as she stared down at me in pure rapture. She opened her mouth, then closed it as she hugged me close, loosening her grip on my hard cock. I finished pulling out then immediately slid back, drawing a grasp of pleasure from her. I rode her slowly, gently, as she held me close, shuddering in pleasure. I couldn't hold for long, as it had been so long since I had last had a such a willing, mutually needing woman, and I burst, filling her tight channel.
  77. I slowly drifted off to sleep, the days many excursions finally taking their toll on my weary body. Still clenched inside her, I could see her huge smile of happiness fill her face. She was crying in joy, holding me close, and I could feel a single, gentle tear drop fall onto my face.
  79. I now had a reason to live, once again.
  81. ---
  83. Stepping into the cool night air, I checked around carefully, making sure this hidden entrance was clear of passerby's. My beautiful new love held my hand tightly, unwilling to let go and risk being separated now that she had found me.
  85. It turned out, after a marathon of sensual fucking, that she had been an adventurer, like my master. Exploring this tomb with her comrades, they had abandoned the poor girl when she had been caught in a trap, promising that they would come back and save her. She wasn't sure if they did, but after that, her memories were blank, endless nights in the darkness, alone but for the thirst. Deprived of anything to eat, drink, or do, she found that she could not die. She scoured the halls of the crypt for a way out, but found that the one entrance she could find she could not pass, as the curse compelled her to stay inside. She soon lost her ability to speak, and had finally given up, letting her mind go, not even allowed the chance to kill herself.
  87. Then I had fallen through the roof, which caught her attention. Sensing another living creature, she had been prepared to simply kill me, bathing in my living juices, granting her the moisture she craved. However, I had changed that fate, pulling us both from the brink of doom. She had a small treasure trove in her cave, well enough for the two of us to get a modest house by a warm oasis lake, and settle down together. Both of us were well done with adventure, and were looking forward to relaxing together, enjoying the rest of our lives, together.
  89. Looking back over my shoulder, I saw her smile glittering at me from the darkness. “"Are you ready, my love?”"
  91. She hugged me close, whispering into my ear. “"Always, as long as it's with you...”"
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