
FE Gun Kit Forced Bullet Visualize Table Args

Feb 11th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  2. local Backpack = Player.Backpack
  3. return {
  4. [1] = {
  5. ["YMax"] = -5,
  6. ["XMax"] = -2,
  7. ["TacticalReloadAnimationSpeed"] = 1,
  8. ["CanSpinPart"] = false,
  9. ["AngleX_Min"] = 1,
  10. ["Lifesteal"] = 0.7,
  11. ["Spread"] = 7,
  12. ["ExplosionCraterFadeTime"] = 1,
  13. ["BaseDamage"] = 40,
  14. ["GoreSoundVolume"] = 0.15,
  15. ["HitCharSndPitchMin"] = 1,
  16. ["DropVelocity"] = 10,
  17. ["ChargingSoundIncreasePitch"] = true,
  18. ["WhizDistance"] = 25,
  19. ["ProjectileMotion"] = false,
  20. ["WhizSoundPitchMin"] = 1,
  21. ["ReloadAnimationSpeed"] = 0.9,
  22. ["Gravity"] =, 1000),
  23. ["SpreadRedutionS"] = 0.6,
  24. ["VisibleTime"] = 0.01,
  25. ["HoldDownAnimationSpeed"] = 0.5,
  26. ["ScopeSwaySpeed"] = 10,
  27. ["HoldingTime"] = 1,
  28. ["HeatPerFireMax"] = 8,
  29. ["FlamingBullet"] = false,
  30. ["CustomExplosion"] = false,
  31. ["ShellClipinSpeed"] = 0.5,
  32. ["EasingStyleNAD"] = Enum.EasingStyle.Quint,
  33. ["SecondaryShotgunPumpinAnimationSpeed"] = 1,
  34. ["BulletHoleVisibleTime"] = 3,
  35. ["AimIdleAnimationSpeed"] = 1,
  36. ["PreShotgunReload"] = false,
  37. ["BulletPerBurst"] = 3,
  38. ["ShotsForDepletion"] = 12,
  39. ["HitmarkerSoundID"] = {
  40. [1] = 8544267848,
  41. [2] = 8544268554,
  42. [3] = 8544269128,
  43. [4] = 8544270068,
  44. [5] = 8544270998,
  45. [6] = 8544271754
  46. },
  47. ["MuzzleLightEnabled"] = true,
  48. ["DualEnabled"] = true,
  49. ["RecoilRedution"] = 0.5,
  50. ["EasingStyle"] = Enum.EasingStyle.Quint,
  51. ["HitmarkerColorHS"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0),
  52. ["BloodWoundFadeTime"] = 1,
  53. ["DisappearTime"] = 5,
  54. ["ExplosionSoundIDs"] = {
  55. [1] = 163064102
  56. },
  57. ["BloodWoundPartColor"] = true,
  58. ["AutoReload"] = true,
  59. ["ExplosionKnockbackMultiplierOnPlayer"] = 2,
  60. ["ADSLerpAlpha"] = 0.25,
  61. ["PenetrationAmount"] = 0,
  62. ["ShotgunPumpinSpeed"] = 0.5,
  63. ["TacticalReloadAnimationID"] = 9309219075,
  64. ["DropXMax"] = 5,
  65. ["HitSoundPitchMin"] = 1,
  66. ["LowAmmo"] = true,
  67. ["BulletShellRotVelocity"] = 40,
  68. ["ADSCFrame"] =, 0, 0),, -0, -1)),
  69. ["EasingDirectionNAD"] = Enum.EasingDirection.Out,
  70. ["Auto"] = false,
  71. ["LightBrightness"] = 4,
  72. ["HitmarkerFadeTime"] = 0.4,
  73. ["SelfKnockbackMultiplier"] = 2,
  74. ["BulletHoleFadeTime"] = 1,
  75. ["MaximumTime"] = 1,
  76. ["ChargingTime"] = 1,
  77. ["InspectAnimationSpeed"] = 1,
  78. ["BulletSpeed"] = 2400,
  79. ["SelfKnockback"] = false,
  80. ["BulletPerShot"] = 8,
  81. ["CrossScaleIS"] = 0.6,
  82. ["IronsightEnabled"] = true,
  83. ["SpreadPattern"] = {
  84. [1] = {
  85. [1] = 0,
  86. [2] = -0.4
  87. },
  88. [2] = {
  89. [1] = -0.35,
  90. [2] = 0.2
  91. },
  92. [3] = {
  93. [1] = 0.35,
  94. [2] = 0.2
  95. },
  96. [4] = {
  97. [1] = 0,
  98. [2] = 1
  99. },
  100. [5] = {
  101. [1] = 0.95,
  102. [2] = 0.31
  103. },
  104. [6] = {
  105. [1] = 0.59,
  106. [2] = -0.81
  107. },
  108. [7] = {
  109. [1] = -0.59,
  110. [2] = -0.81
  111. },
  112. [8] = {
  113. [1] = -0.95,
  114. [2] = 0.31
  115. }
  116. },
  117. ["SmokeTrailEnabled"] = true,
  118. ["HeadshotEnabled"] = true,
  119. ["WalkSpeedRedution"] = 6,
  120. ["AngleZ_Max"] = 1,
  121. ["MinigunRevDownAnimationSpeed"] = 1,
  122. ["FirstPersonArms"] = true,
  123. ["FieldOfViewIS"] = 50,
  124. ["IdleAnimationSpeed"] = 1,
  125. ["DelayBeforeFiring"] = 1,
  126. ["ScopeSwayDamper"] = 0.4,
  127. ["AimFireAnimationSpeed"] = 1,
  128. ["TimeBeforeCooldown"] = 3,
  129. ["MouseSensitiveS"] = 0.2,
  130. ["Controller"] = {
  131. ["HoldDown"] = Enum.KeyCode.DPadUp,
  132. ["Inspect"] = Enum.KeyCode.DPadDown,
  133. ["Switch"] = Enum.KeyCode.DPadRight,
  134. ["Fire"] = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR1,
  135. ["ToogleAim"] = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL1,
  136. ["Reload"] = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonX
  137. },
  138. ["ReloadAnimationID"] = 7529453501,
  139. ["EquipTime"] = 0,
  140. ["BurstFireEnabled"] = false,
  141. ["XMin"] = -4,
  142. ["FireAnimationID"] = 7529374562,
  143. ["TweenLengthNAD"] = 0.8,
  144. ["Drag"] = 1,
  145. ["MaxCount"] = 200,
  146. ["CriticalBaseChance"] = 5,
  147. ["GoreSoundPitchMin"] = 1,
  148. ["GoreSoundIDs"] = {
  149. [1] = 1930359546
  150. },
  151. ["GoreEffectEnabled"] = false,
  152. ["OverheatAnimationSpeed"] = 1,
  153. ["BurstRate"] = 0.075,
  154. ["ShellTextureID"] = 95391833,
  155. ["BulletHoleTexture"] = {
  156. [1] = 2078626
  157. },
  158. ["AimAnimationsEnabled"] = false,
  159. ["Recoil"] = 25,
  160. ["HitCharSndPitchMax"] = 1,
  161. ["Range"] = 5000,
  162. ["MaxHeat"] = 100,
  163. ["FirstPersonArmADS"] = true,
  164. ["DropYMax"] = 0,
  165. ["HitmarkerSoundPitch"] = 1,
  166. ["DropXMin"] = -5,
  167. ["ScopeKnockbackSpeed"] = 7,
  168. ["FireModeTexts"] = {
  169. [1] = "SEMI-AUTO",
  170. [2] = "2-ROUND-BURST",
  171. [3] = "3-ROUND-BURST",
  172. [4] = "AUTO"
  173. },
  174. ["ShotgunPumpinAnimationSpeed"] = 1,
  175. ["HitEffectEnabled"] = true,
  176. ["PreShotgunReloadSpeed"] = 0.5,
  177. ["WhizSoundEnabled"] = true,
  178. ["HoldAndReleaseEnabled"] = false,
  179. ["AngleX_Max"] = 1,
  180. ["Level1ChargingTime"] = 1,
  181. ["SelectiveFireEnabled"] = false,
  182. ["CriticalDamageEnabled"] = true,
  183. ["AllowCollide"] = false,
  184. ["SwitchAnimationSpeed"] = 1,
  185. ["ShotgunEnabled"] = false,
  186. ["EasingDirection"] = Enum.EasingDirection.Out,
  187. ["MouseSensitiveIS"] = 0.2,
  188. ["Knockback"] = 0,
  189. ["AimSecondaryFireAnimationSpeed"] = 1,
  190. ["FullyGibbedLimbChance"] = 50,
  191. ["ExplosionCraterEnabled"] = true,
  192. ["ShotgunPump"] = false,
  193. ["MaxRotationSpeed"] = 360,
  194. ["AmmoPerMag"] = 24,
  195. ["HitSoundPitchMax"] = 1.5,
  196. ["MinigunEnabled"] = false,
  197. ["Shockwave"] = true,
  198. ["BloodWoundVisibleTime"] = 3,
  199. ["WhizSoundVolume"] = 0.15,
  200. ["ScopeSensitive"] = 0.25,
  201. ["FireRate"] = 0.125,
  202. ["ChargingAnimationSpeed"] = 1,
  203. ["HitCharSndVolume"] = 0.15,
  204. ["ZeroDamageDistance"] = 10000,
  205. ["ShotgunClipinAnimationSpeed"] = 1,
  206. ["ChargedShotEnabled"] = false,
  207. ["HitCharSndIDs"] = {
  208. [1] = 3802437008,
  209. [2] = 3802437361,
  210. [3] = 3802437696,
  211. [4] = 3802440043,
  212. [5] = 3802440388,
  213. [6] = 3802442962
  214. },
  215. ["FullDamageDistance"] = 1000,
  216. ["CrossDamper"] = 0.8,
  217. ["ExplosionSoundPitchMax"] = 1.5,
  218. ["LightColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 283, 0),
  219. ["WhizSoundPitchMax"] = 1,
  220. ["ShellScale"] =, 1.5, 1.5),
  221. ["ShellSize"] =, 0.20000000298023224, 0.3199999928474426),
  222. ["ChargingSoundPitchRange"] = {
  223. [1] = 1,
  224. [2] = 1.5
  225. },
  226. ["CriticalDamageMultiplier"] = 2,
  227. ["ExplosiveEnabled"] = false,
  228. ["ScopeDelay"] = 0,
  229. ["SecondaryFireAnimationEnabled"] = true,
  230. ["InspectAnimationEnabled"] = false,
  231. ["PartColor"] = true,
  232. ["IcifyChance"] = 100,
  233. ["TacticalReloadTime"] = 1.6,
  234. ["SecondaryFireAnimationSpeed"] = 1,
  235. ["HitSoundIDs"] = {
  236. [1] = 186809061,
  237. [2] = 186809249,
  238. [3] = 186809250,
  239. [4] = 186809252
  240. },
  241. ["Ammo"] = 90,
  242. ["ExplosionKnockback"] = false,
  243. ["HitSoundVolume"] = 0.15,
  244. ["RaisePitch"] = false,
  245. ["Keyboard"] = {
  246. ["HoldDown"] = Enum.KeyCode.E,
  247. ["Switch"] = Enum.KeyCode.V,
  248. ["Inspect"] = Enum.KeyCode.F,
  249. ["ToogleAim"] = Enum.KeyCode.Q,
  250. ["Reload"] = Enum.KeyCode.R
  251. },
  252. ["BulletShellEnabled"] = true,
  253. ["IdleAnimationID"] = 7529365624,
  254. ["MaxDepletion"] = 4,
  255. ["OverheatTime"] = 2.5,
  256. ["AngleY_Max"] = 0,
  257. ["AdvancedChargingTime"] = 5,
  258. ["ExplosionCraterSize"] = 3,
  259. ["SpinZ"] = 0,
  260. ["FieldOfViewS"] = 12.5,
  261. ["DropYMin"] = -0.1,
  262. ["DropAllRemainingBullets"] = false,
  263. ["YMin"] = -6,
  264. ["WalkSpeedRedutionEnabled"] = false,
  265. ["ExplosionSoundEnabled"] = true,
  266. ["Velocity"] = 50,
  267. ["Ejection"] = true,
  268. ["RemoveOldAtMax"] = false,
  269. ["MuzzleFlashEnabled"] = true,
  270. ["GoreSoundPitchMax"] = 1.5,
  271. ["SelfKnockbackRedution"] = 0.8,
  272. ["ShotgunPattern"] = false,
  273. ["SelfKnockbackPower"] = 50,
  274. ["PenetrationDepth"] = 0,
  275. ["PenetrationType"] = "HumanoidPenetration",
  276. ["DamageDropOffEnabled"] = false,
  277. ["ExplosionSoundPitchMin"] = 1,
  278. ["ScopeKnockbackDamper"] = 0.65,
  279. ["IgniteChance"] = 100,
  280. ["MinDepletion"] = 2,
  281. ["HeatPerFireMin"] = 7,
  282. ["ChargingAnimationEnabled"] = false,
  283. ["CooldownRate"] = 1,
  284. ["MinigunRevUpAnimationSpeed"] = 1,
  285. ["DamageBasedOnDistance"] = false,
  286. ["WhizSoundID"] = {
  287. [1] = 3809084884,
  288. [2] = 3809085250,
  289. [3] = 3809085650,
  290. [4] = 3809085996,
  291. [5] = 3809086455,
  292. [6] = 4872110675
  293. },
  294. ["BatteryEnabled"] = false,
  295. ["DelayAfterFiring"] = 1,
  296. ["ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled"] = false,
  297. ["SpinY"] = 0,
  298. ["SecondaryFireAnimationID"] = 7529377882,
  299. ["SpinX"] = 3,
  300. ["SecondaryShotgunPump"] = false,
  301. ["Acceleration"] =, 0, 0),
  302. ["ReloadTime"] = 2,
  303. ["ProjectileType"] = "NewBullet",
  304. ["ExplosionCraterPartColor"] = false,
  305. ["HitmarkerEnabled"] = true,
  306. ["CustomHitEffect"] = false,
  307. ["ExplosionCraterVisibleTime"] = 1,
  308. ["BloodWoundTexture"] = {
  309. [1] = 2078626
  310. },
  311. ["ExplosionCraterTexture"] = {
  312. [1] = 53875997
  313. },
  314. ["ExplosionKnockbackMultiplierOnTarget"] = 2,
  315. ["RecoilSpeed"] = 15,
  316. ["LightShadows"] = true,
  317. ["HitmarkerColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255),
  318. ["SniperEnabled"] = false,
  319. ["CooldownTime"] = 0.05,
  320. ["BulletHoleSize"] = 0.5,
  321. ["ExplosionRadius"] = 8,
  322. ["FreezingBullet"] = false,
  323. ["ExplosionSoundVolume"] = 0.15,
  324. ["RecoilDamper"] = 0.65,
  325. ["Accuracy"] = 0.1,
  326. ["AngleZ_Min"] = -1,
  327. ["AngleY_Min"] = 0,
  328. ["Level2ChargingTime"] = 2,
  329. ["CameraRecoilingEnabled"] = true,
  330. ["CrossScaleS"] = 0,
  331. ["LerpAlpha"] = 0.25,
  332. ["ExplosionKnockbackPower"] = 50,
  333. ["SwitchTime"] = 0.25,
  334. ["BurstRates"] = {
  335. [1] = 0,
  336. [2] = 0.075,
  337. [3] = 0.075,
  338. [4] = 0
  339. },
  340. ["FireRates"] = {
  341. [1] = 0.125,
  342. [2] = 0.5,
  343. [3] = 0.5,
  344. [4] = 0.1
  345. },
  346. ["FireModes"] = {
  347. [1] = 1,
  348. [2] = 2,
  349. [3] = 3,
  350. [4] = true
  351. },
  352. ["PreShotgunReloadAnimationSpeed"] = 1,
  353. ["LimitedAmmoEnabled"] = true,
  354. ["SecondaryShotgunPumpinSpeed"] = 0.5,
  355. ["TweenLength"] = 0.8,
  356. ["FireAnimationSpeed"] = 1,
  357. ["BloodEnabled"] = false,
  358. ["ShotgunReload"] = false,
  359. ["EquippedAnimationSpeed"] = 1,
  360. ["MaxAmmo"] = 90,
  361. ["SpreadRedutionIS"] = 0.6,
  362. ["ShellMeshID"] = 95392019,
  363. ["BloodWoundSize"] = 0.5,
  364. ["BulletShellVelocity"] = 17,
  365. ["HoldDownEnabled"] = false,
  366. ["ChargeAlterTable"] = {},
  367. ["LightRange"] = 15,
  368. ["MagCartridge"] = false,
  369. ["AimChargingAnimationSpeed"] = 1,
  370. ["CrossExpansion"] = 100,
  371. ["BloodWoundEnabled"] = true,
  372. ["HeadshotDamageMultiplier"] = 2,
  373. ["HitmarkerSoundPitchHS"] = 1,
  374. ["HitmarkerFadeTimeHS"] = 0.4,
  375. ["BloodWoundTextureColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0),
  376. ["BulletHoleEnabled"] = true,
  377. ["BulletShellDelay"] = 0,
  378. ["TacticalReloadAnimationEnabled"] = true,
  379. ["SmokeTrailRateIncrement"] = 1,
  380. ["SilenceEffect"] = false,
  381. ["EchoEffect"] = true,
  382. ["MaximumRate"] = 4,
  383. ["TacticalAddAmmo"] = true,
  384. ["CrossSize"] = 7,
  385. ["CrossSpeed"] = 15
  386. },
  387. [2] = nil,
  388. [3] = nil,
  389. [4] = {
  390. [1] =, -0.2867198586463928, -0.8633252382278442)
  391. },
  392. [5] = nil,
  393. [6] = {
  394. [1] = true,
  395. [2] = {} --[[DUPLICATE]],
  396. [3] = 1,
  397. [4] = 1.5,
  398. [5] = 0.15,
  399. [6] = nil,
  400. [7] = false
  401. },
  402. [7] = {
  403. [1] = false,
  404. [2] = {} --[[DUPLICATE]],
  405. [3] = 1,
  406. [4] = 1,
  407. [5] = 0.15,
  408. [6] = nil,
  409. [7] = {
  410. [1] = true,
  411. [2] = 0.5,
  412. [3] = {} --[[DUPLICATE]],
  413. [4] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0),
  414. [5] = 3,
  415. [6] = 1,
  416. [7] = true
  417. }
  418. },
  419. [8] = {
  420. [1] = true,
  421. [2] = 0.5,
  422. [3] = {} --[[DUPLICATE]],
  423. [4] = true,
  424. [5] = 3,
  425. [6] = 1
  426. },
  427. [9] = {
  428. [1] = false,
  429. [2] = 8,
  430. [3] = true,
  431. [4] = {} --[[DUPLICATE]],
  432. [5] = 1,
  433. [6] = 1.5,
  434. [7] = 0.15,
  435. [8] = false,
  436. [9] = nil,
  437. [10] = false,
  438. [11] = true,
  439. [12] = 3,
  440. [13] = {} --[[DUPLICATE]],
  441. [14] = false,
  442. [15] = 1,
  443. [16] = 1,
  444. [17] = false,
  445. [18] = 50,
  446. [19] = 2,
  447. [20] = 2
  448. },
  449. [10] = {
  450. [1] = "NewBullet",
  451. [2] = 2400,
  452. [3] =, 0, 0),
  453. [4] = 5000,
  454. [5] = "HumanoidPenetration",
  455. [6] = false,
  456. [7] = 3,
  457. [8] = 0,
  458. [9] = 0,
  459. [10] = 0,
  460. [11] = 0
  461. },
  462. [11] = {
  463. [1] = true,
  464. [2] = {} --[[DUPLICATE]],
  465. [3] = 1,
  466. [4] = 1,
  467. [5] = 25,
  468. [6] = 0.15
  469. }
  470. }
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