
[IMPLEMENTED] Prologue Fixes

Nov 25th, 2018
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  1. >Would you like to play through the 3-day prologue in Ingnam or just skip?
  2. Change the No button to say Skip.
  4. Add a Back button after pressing New Game. This can happen on accident and should've been there to begin with.
  5. Unify main menu Back buttons to actually be called Back and be in the same bottom-right position as most things are in-game.
  7. After character creation:
  8. >Would you like to play through the 3-day prologue in Ingnam or just skip?
  9. Change it to: "Would you like to play through the 3-day prologue in your home town or skip past it?"
  11. Ingnam Intro:
  12. >There is already a well-established array of shops with a constant hum of tradesmen and merchants.
  13. Remove the word "already", it makes it sound like the player has been a constant observer of Ingnam's progress over the years.
  15. >You wander the village for Ingnam until you feel something pressing against your shoulder and you look around to see the thief. “Your money or your life,” he demands.
  16. "You wander peacefully through your village, until you feel something pressing against your shoulder. Looking around, you see a thief behind you. "Give me your money," he demands."
  17. "to see '''a''' thief." is more sensible as you have no previous notion of there being one in the first place or knowing that it was a thief trying to mug you.
  18. Tooltip for Give Gems: "Give the thief what he wants."
  19. Tooltip for Fight: "Fight the lowlife off."
  21. >You reach into your gem pouch and take out five gems before handing them to the thief. The thief says, “Thanks, now scram!” before letting go of you and saunters off.
  22. "Reaching into your pouch, you quickly pull out a fistful of gems to hand over. The thief snatches them and tells you to scram, leaving you 5 gems lighter."
  23. After clicking Fight on the thief encounter it shows a Next button with no text changes at all, it should immediately boot you to the fight instead of giving you a pointless button to waste a click on.
  25. Completely remove the Black Market, Alchemist, and Trading Post under shops. Almost all the items either completely break the lore to even exist here and actively sold but most of them are easily obtainable in Mareth which makes them existing here and this expensive from a gameplay standpoint completely useless.
  27. >Before you can get a word in Ben lets out an exasperated sigh “Ah, just forget about…”
  28. "Before you can get a word in, Ben lets out an exasperated sigh. Ah, just forget about it..."
  30. >None of the people I’ve seen who get sent to the portal brought a weapon and you would waste some gems.
  31. "None of the people I've seen who get sent through the portal brought a weapon, so I doubt you'll need one, aside from what I assume the elders will provide you with."
  32. PC talking to themselves: You haven't received any kind of weapon from the elders yet, that'll probably come when the time to depart comes around.
  34. >The village’s temple appears humble looking from its stony exterior but the interior of temple is truly a marvel to behold
  35. "The village temple appears humble-looking from its stony exterior, but the interior of it is truly a marvel to behold"
  37. >their most valiant of feats and, to the end of the temple stands an incredibly designed shrine to
  38. "their most valiant of feats, and at the end of the temple stands an immaculately crafted shrine to"
  39. Using the word immaculate gives it holy much more holy connotation and describes such an important shrine much better.
  41. >Incense languorously wafts from the alcoves where offerings of fruit are left out for the Gods.
  42. "Incense languorously wafts from the alcoves where fruits are left out as offerings."
  43. Cutting back on the usage of the word gods.
  45. >Monks passively move amongst the parishioners, offering solace to those in need, food or drink to those who are weary, or in meditation.
  46. "Monks passively move among the parishioners, offering solace to those in need and food or drink to those who are weary from their travels."
  48. >There are several soft mats on the floor to provide soft areas for people to pray on.
  49. "There are several soft mats on the floor to provide spots for people to pray."
  51. >You find a flat, comfortable rock to sit down on and meditate. As always, meditation brings a sense of peace and calm to you, but it eats up two hours of the day.
  52. "You find a comfortable mat to sit down on and meditate. The meditation brings a sense of peace and calm to you, easing the worries of your upcoming journey. After two full hours of meditating, you come out of it with a peaceful and tranquil mind, feeling more than ready for your all-too-soon quest."
  54. Uncapitalize all instances of the word Gods, it refers to several beings under a collective name and not an actual name.
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