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Batch Programming MashTin By KaungMyatKyaw

a guest
Apr 20th, 2019
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  1. @echo off
  2. title MashTin
  3. color b
  4. cd Desktop
  5. mkdir MashTinFile
  6. cd MashTinFile
  7. mkdir Users
  8. mkdir Downloads
  9. cls
  11. :A
  12. cls
  14. echo MashTin
  15. echo.
  16. echo.
  17. echo MashTin is came from PIP(Made by KMK)
  18. echo Better Than PIP
  19. echo ---------------------------------------------------------
  20. echo (1 Login
  21. echo (2 Sign up
  22. echo ---------------------------------------------------
  23. set /p input=Code:
  24. if %input%==1 goto LM1
  25. if %input%==2 goto SU1
  26. goto A
  27. :SU1
  28. color b
  29. title Sign Up
  30. cls
  31. echo Sign Up
  32. echo ------------------------------
  33. set /p Username=Username:
  34. set /p Password=Password:
  35. goto History
  36. :History
  37. cls
  38. cd Users
  39. (echo color a
  40. echo echo %Username%)>History.bat
  41. goto save
  42. :save
  43. cls
  44. cd Users
  45. md %Username%File
  46. cd %Username%File
  47. cls
  48. (echo set Username=%Username%
  49. echo set Password=%Password%)>%Username%.bat
  50. echo set Stats=New>%Username%stat.bat
  51. echo Success :)
  52. echo -----------------------------
  53. echo Successfully Sign up
  54. pause
  55. goto A
  57. :LM1
  58. title Login
  59. cd Users
  60. cls
  61. echo Login
  62. echo -------------------------------------------------
  63. set /p name1=Username:
  64. cd %name1%File
  65. if not exist %name1%.bat (
  66. echo Invaid username
  67. pause
  68. goto A
  69. )
  70. set /p pass1=Password:
  71. call %name1%.bat
  72. if %pass1%==%Password% goto MTC
  73. if not %pass1%==%Password% (
  74. echo Invaid Password
  75. pause
  76. goto A
  77. )
  79. :MTC
  80. call %name1%stat.bat
  81. if stat==New goto MTN
  82. goto MTM
  84. :MTN
  85. cd %name1%File
  86. title MashTin for New
  87. cls
  88. echo MashTin
  89. echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  90. echo Welcome you are New, %name1%
  91. echo (1 First Welcome
  92. echo (2 Click the Number of the start to Go
  93. echo (3 Need Help?
  94. echo (4 Call me
  95. echo (5 Creator KaungMyatKyaw
  96. pause
  97. goto MTM
  99. :MTM
  100. cd Users
  101. cls
  102. rd %name1%stat.bat
  103. echo set stat=Starter>%name1%stat.bat
  104. cls
  105. goto MT
  107. :MT
  108. cd ..
  109. cd ..
  110. cd Users
  111. cd Aspire
  112. cd Desktop
  113. cd MashTin
  114. cd Users
  115. cd %name1%File
  116. cls
  117. title MashTin
  118. echo MashTin
  119. echo -----------------------------------------------------------
  120. echo (1 Internet Connector
  121. echo (2 Downloader
  122. echo (3 Movies,Series and Channels
  123. echo (4 Create Your Own Program
  124. echo (5 Created Programs By %name1%
  125. echo (6 Lucky Draw
  126. echo (7 About your Account
  127. echo ---------------------------------------------------------
  128. set /p input=Code:
  129. if %input%==1 goto IC
  130. if %input%==2 goto DLD
  131. if %input%==3 goto INCME
  132. if %input%==4 goto CYOP
  133. if %input%==5 goto CF
  134. if %input%==6 goto LD
  135. if %input%==7 goto AYA
  136. goto MT
  138. :INCME
  139. cls
  140. ping -n 0.5
  141. if errorlevel 1 goto MEL
  142. if not errorlevel 1 goto ME
  144. :MEL
  145. cls
  146. echo Internet!!! :(
  147. echo --------------------------------
  148. echo You need Good Internet Connection to do this
  149. pause
  150. goto MT
  152. :ME
  153. cls
  154. echo Movies,Series and Channels
  155. echo -------------------------------------------------
  156. echo (1 MRTV 4
  157. echo (2 MashTin Creator Channel
  158. echo -------------------------------------------------
  159. set /p input=Code:
  160. if input==1 goto MRTV4
  161. if input==2 goto MTCC
  162. goto MT
  164. :MRTV4
  165. cls
  166. start
  167. goto MT
  169. :MTCC
  170. cls
  171. start
  172. goto MT
  174. :DLD
  175. cd Desktop
  176. cd MashTinFile
  177. cd Downloads
  178. md %name1%Downloads
  179. cd %name1%Downloads
  180. cls
  181. echo Downloads
  182. echo ---------------------------------------
  183. echo (1 Second Security
  184. echo ----------------------------------------
  185. set /p input=Code:
  186. if %input%==1 goto Download1
  189. :Download1
  190. cls
  191. echo a=inputbox("Password:") >> %name1%SecondSecurity.vbs
  192. echo if a="MashTin" then >> %name1%SecondSecurity.vbs
  193. echo msgbox "logged in" >> %name1%SecondSecurity.vbs
  194. echo else >> %name1%SecondSecurity.vbs
  195. echo msgbox "Error" >> %name1%SecondSecurity.vbs
  196. echo Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell") >> %name1%SecondSecurity.vbs
  197. echo WshShell.Run ("Login.vbs") >> %name1%SecondSecurity.vbs
  198. echo end if >> %name1%SecondSecurity.vbs
  199. echo Downloaded( You can see your Download in Desktop\MashTinFile\Downloads\%name1%Downloads)
  200. echo Password will be MashTin for your download
  201. pause
  202. cd ..
  203. goto MT
  205. :CYOP
  207. cls
  208. cd ..
  209. cd MashTin
  210. cd Users
  211. cd %name1%File
  212. md %name1%Creations
  213. cd %name1%Creations
  214. cls
  215. title MashTin Studio
  216. echo MashTin Studio
  217. echo ----------------------------------------------------------
  218. echo (1 Create
  219. echo (2 Created Programs
  220. echo ---------------------------------------------------------
  221. set /p input=Code:
  222. if %input%==1 goto CE
  223. if %input%==2 goto CF
  224. goto MT
  226. :CE
  227. cls
  228. echo Creating( You need to write in one sentence only)
  229. echo ( Types only Batch Programming )
  230. echo ( You dont need to write . in Type)
  231. echo ( You can add your created program also )
  232. echo -----------------------------------:-----------------------
  233. set /p nameC= Name to save:
  234. set /p write = Write:
  235. pause
  236. echo %write% >> %nameC%Program.bat
  237. echo set Program=%nameC%Program.bat >> %name1%CreatedProgram.bat
  238. goto MT
  240. :CF
  241. cd MashTin
  242. cd Users
  243. cd %name1%File
  244. cd %name1%Creations
  245. cls
  246. if not exist %nameC%Program.bat goto CFN
  247. goto CFY
  249. :CFY
  250. cls
  251. echo Latest created file
  252. echo ----------------------------
  253. call %name1%CreatedProgram.bat
  254. echo Latest Created Program = %Program%
  255. echo ----------------------------
  256. echo (1 Open
  257. echo (2 Exit
  258. echo ------------------------------
  259. set /p input=Code:
  260. if %input%==1 goto CFYO
  261. if %input%==2 goto CFYE
  262. goto MT
  264. :CFYO
  265. start %nameC%Program.bat
  266. goto MT
  268. :CFYE
  269. goto MT
  272. :CFN
  273. cls
  274. echo Created Files
  275. echo ----------------------------------
  276. echo You haven't created Program
  277. pause
  278. goto MT
  280. :AYA
  281. cd Users
  282. cd %name1%File
  283. cls
  284. title About %name1%
  285. echo About %name1%
  286. echo ------------------------------
  287. call %name1%.bat
  288. echo Username=%Username%
  289. echo Password=%Password%
  291. if not exist %name1%Lucky.bat goto LNS
  292. goto LYS
  294. :LYS
  295. call %name1%Lucky.bat
  296. echo Lucky=%Lucky%
  297. call %name1%stat.bat
  298. echo Stat=%stat%
  299. pause
  300. goto MT
  302. :LNS
  303. echo Lucky=No
  304. call %name1%stat.bat
  305. echo Stat=%stat%
  306. pause
  307. goto MT
  309. :IC
  310. cls
  311. title Internet Connector
  312. echo Internet Connector(This will be nothing shown while Connecting)
  313. echo -------------------------------------
  314. set /p NameIT =Name of your Wifi:
  315. netsh wlan connect %NameIT%
  316. goto MT
  318. :LD
  319. cls
  320. title Lucky Draw
  321. echo Lucky Draw
  322. echo -----------------------------------
  323. set /p YLucky=Your Lucky Number:
  324. if %YLucky%==77777 goto Access
  325. goto Normal
  327. :Normal
  328. set Lucky=%random%
  329. goto Chance
  331. :Chance
  332. echo Lucky Number = %Lucky%
  333. echo Your Lucky Number = %YLucky%
  334. pause
  335. if %Lucky%==%YLucky% goto LDB
  336. goto LDL
  338. :Access
  339. set Lucky=77777
  340. goto Chance
  342. :LDL
  343. cls
  344. title Lucky Draw (lose)
  345. echo Lucky Draw
  346. echo ------------------------
  347. echo You lose the Lucky Draw
  348. pause
  349. goto MT
  351. :LDW
  352. cls
  353. title Lucky Draw (win)
  354. echo Lukcy Draw
  355. echo ---------------------------------
  356. echo You win the Lucky draw
  357. pause
  358. goto MT
  360. :LDB
  361. cls
  362. cd %name1%File
  363. echo set Lucky==Win >%name1%Lucky.bat
  364. rd %name1%stat.bat
  365. echo set stat=Lucky >%name1%stat.bat
  366. goto LDW
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