

May 19th, 2016
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  1. It had happened so fast, and he hadn't even had time to react before he was on his knees, disarmed in front of the _monster_ he considered his apprentice, his best friend, even so far as his lover. Staring into the eyes of the beast, he feels _everything_ . Fear, anger, hate. He's scared of whats going to happen, and scared of the death. He's never been one to fear anything, and would usually stare directly in the eyes of death and laugh, but in this moment, he feared _everything_ .
  3. He didn't want to go out like this, he didn't want a monstrosity possessing his former friend to take his life, nor did he want his life to end. He still had so much ahead of him, and he wanted to die peacefully after living a full life, not at a young age to a death unworthy of even the cowardly.
  5. Knowing what was to come, he presses his eyes shut, and in a last attempt to try and save his life, save the man he loved and was devoted to and a last pathetic attempt to bring him back, lets warm tears stream down his face, through the thick layers of soot and dirt on his face from the intense fight so close to the fiery pits of Mustafar.
  7. Realizing there was no going back for him, and no salvaging the moment, he's really scared, but ready to give himself up to the force, and let it do whatever it may to him. _There is no death, there is the force_ repeated in his head as he gently open his eyes to reveal the monster who would cut his life short. In a final attempt to try to save the man he loved, he pleas in a way, but knows whatever he says may as well be his final words.
  9. _"We will meet again in the place where there is no darkness."_ is all he manages to get out, before his life is tragically cut short by the swing of a deep blue saber of light he was more than familiar with, and the image of those corrupted yellow eyes burned forever into his mind.
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