
The fool, the poet, and the witch

Dec 13th, 2016
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  1. Witch
  2. Hillary should be hung for treason, you truly are a special fool, your ignorance amazes me along with your bltatant disregard for human life, may I suggest you get up, smell the coffee and get a clue!
  4. Poet
  5. I did, and whew boy I smelled a trump STANK. This is the result of misinformation and poor voter turn out. A president-elect ousFool before his inaugeration.
  7. Fool
  8. Poor Democrat voter turnout is more like it. Or should I say poor dead voter turnout.
  10. Poet
  11. Truth is Fool, #hackingate happened, and Trump was the result. He didn't save those Carrier jobs, hell, no deal was even made! Before yo get up all in mah grill with your fauxctory, maybe you should see the facts as they REALLY are.
  13. Fool
  14. How about the $50B, 50,000 job investment?? #haterswillhate #Trumptrain2016 #thewickedbitchlostsogetoverit
  16. Poet
  17. More cons from the greatest conman.
  19. Fool
  20. Harry Reid is a con. Changed his story about how he injured is eye last year.
  22. Poet
  23. Not what were focusing on. Stick to the subject matter.
  25. Fool
  26. Um. You mentioned Harry Reid making accusations in your post. So he is part of the subject matter. If he changed his story about his own injury how can he be trusFool with saying anything?
  28. Poet
  29. That's because we're not diverting from the initial point. I don't care what you had planned. The trump campaign colluded with hackers from Russia to influence the results of the campaign. What I talking about is the security of our elections as we now know them. stick to the point or GTFO of my comment stream.
  31. Fool
  32. Typical liberal response. Trying to censor what people say if you don't like it. SMH. And it will come out that a member of the DNC was behind this so called collusion. I guarantee it.
  34. Poet
  35. Fool, this isn't about the election anymore. Get over it. You only look for something to yell about because someone who yells a lot got elecFool, giving others who were afraid to yell a lot, bravery to yell a lot.
  37. Fool
  38. You need to get over it. Face the fact Trump won. Be an adult and give him a chance, just like people gave Obama a chance 8 years ago.
  40. Poet
  41. You post memes, they get deleFool, you post intelligent comments, they don't get deleFool. Simple. Right, here's another fun fact: Every president-elect on the 15th, is supposed to have a press conference about their cabinet, Trump post phoned it, this is giving the electoral college a clear sign he REALLY doesn't want the job. face facts, Fool, you got conned.
  43. Fool
  44. Where is that in the Constitution or any law?? Show me. I have never heard of any such law
  46. Poet
  47. It's just the way it is, Fool. Just the way it is.
  49. Fool
  50. And what do you mean "Trump post phoned it"? That is unintelligible. Show me the law. If there isn't any law he doesn't have to do it
  52. Poet
  53. He moved the press conference to the 15th of January.
  55. Fool
  56. So what?!?! The only Constitutional requirement that a president has about reporting on anything is the State of the Union which he has to do from time to time. Now. Historically that is done in January. But the Constitution doesn't specify when. So legally, a president can do it in February or March.
  58. Poet
  59. That means he's showing signs that he really doesn't want the presidency, he just ran as a pissing contest again Clinton for the hell of it. Think about it Fool, without any bias. Why would he choose the very year that Clinton ran as the year to run? He could've very easily run any other year, very easily! why? Because he made a bet he could win against a woman, and now that he WON that bet, he's doing everything he can to get out of the situation. The problem being, NOW there's a chance Trump might go to jail because of some idiots within his campaign decided to play with Russian hackers, thereby committing an impeachable offense.
  61. Fool
  62. He ran because he was fed up where this country was headed. Listen to his interviews starting about 30 years ago, especially the one on the Oprah Winfrey show. And please show me the source of this so called bet, along with the law stating he needs to hold a press conference. I back up my comments with facts. You need to do the same.
  64. Poet
  65. You see what I'm talking about now Fool? do ya see it? Or are you so focused on bringing up shit that doesn't FUCKING matter that you aren't thinking clearly? Enough of the 30 years Fool. That was then, this is now. Focus on the issue at hand, stop being distracFool.
  67. Fool
  68. Love the swearing. Shows the maturity level you have. And you have the audacity to criticize President-elect Trump yelling?
  70. Poet He's not taking the job seriously. And you run the risk of losing your candidate that you voFool for. Fool, focus on what's important here.
  72. Fool
  73. News flash. Nothing is going to happen to him. Again. The DNC is behind this collusion. That's all I have left to say. I have much more intelligent things to focus on instead of conversation with a liberal hypocrite who still won't back up what he says with sources. Love how you delete comments that prove you are wrong. Can't even be a man about it. Such a shame.
  75. Poet
  76. Are you sure? Because from an open minded stand point, there is a shit ton of danger that Trump is facing. This ISN'T A DNC OR RNC PROBLEM ANYMORE, THIS IS ABOUT NATIONAL SECURITY. Look, we can keep this effed up circle jerk going for as long as you want, but the truth is that WE as an AMERICAN people, regardless of political affiliation, need to take a long hard look at the security of our elections. That's what I'm focused on. you keep bringing up useless bs that isn't even relaFool to the conversation. The hell is wrong with you, that you won't even open your eyes to the fact the Trump is in danger of going to jail because someone within his campaign effed up!? I delete memes. not comments. you posFool a meme, I deleFool it. Say what you're going to say with your own words. Not a picture. Put some effort into what you post.
  78. Fool
  79. Put some effort finding that law or be man enough to tell me you don't know what you're talking about. Simple
  81. Poet
  82. I know what the hell I'm talking about. Focus on the topic at hand. Also, it's called an opinion, we are ALL entitled to it.
  84. Fool
  85. What law states that a president elect is supposed to hold a press conference about his cabinet appointments??? You said "supposed to". That means he's legally bound to do it.
  87. Fool
  88. Here's a bit of advice. Choose your words carefully. If you would have said, "should" then it's an opinion. By you saying "supposed to" means he has to do it. So again. Please show me where it states he is supposed to do it.
  90. Poet
  91. PLease show me where I'm caring about what you think about how I state things. This is how I know I've run you aground on this issue. focus on the issue Fool, focus on the issue
  93. Fool
  94. You haven't ran me aground on anything. The issue is that you won't accept Trump winning and are such a Trump hater that you can't give the guy a chance. And people like you most likely made very inflammatory remarks to people 8 years ago when they wouldn't give Obama a chance ( I voFool for him once, didn't make the same mistake twice). If things don't go liberals' way, they keep crying and whining about instead instead of sucking up and driving on. I see your posts all the time bashing Trump. Take some of that energy of bashing him and try to be positive about it. If he ends up being a bad president, I'll be the first one to admit it. But give him a chance for Pete's sake.
  96. Poet
  97. Fool No.
  98. I refuse to give him a chance.
  99. I refuse to be quiet.
  100. I refuse to be calm.
  101. I refuse the notion that this election was won honestly.
  102. I refuse to support a racist, bigoFool, sexist, greedy, egotistical, self centered, coward of a man.
  103. I refuse to support Trump or give a man who's repeaFoolly made sexist comments about women, comments that have a lasting impact, comments that have caused millions of women to feel ever more pressured to present themselves in a way that society wants them too.
  104. I refuse to quit.
  105. And I will NOT go quietly into the night.
  107. Fool
  108. Then how do you support obama? You just described him perfectly.
  110. Poet
  111. Because he's a Democrat. Plain and simple.
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