
Summary SE Axter

Jul 11th, 2018
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  1. This happened when Axter participated in the Ardore Orders tournament (not directly stated but should be the one with Lasswell?). He happened to be too strong and reached the destination too early. So the guard told him to spend the time as he liked until the rest reached. Axter consistently complained about being too free.
  3. He walked around the town of Visecteram and ran into two rogues arguing. Then the rogues slipped and threw some incense pot at Axter. Axter cut it into half by reflex, which enraged the rogues. Then they fought and Axter owned them.
  5. Then, screen shifted to the Ardore Orders battleground. Tomoe didn't participate but got mistaken as participant. Many people grouped to fight her as they mistook her as Axter, having similar (Japanese-like) clothes. And Tomoe owned them.
  7. Tomoe hailed from Ashura family in a place called Moraku. Her family was destroyed and her father murdered by a woman called Sagiri. Apparently Sagiri was a close friend of them and was like an elder sister to Tomoe but betrayed them for Ashura family heirloom. Tomoe was travelling to revenge.
  9. When Tomoe reached Visecteram, she found Axter, thinking he was also from Moraku, thusly the same clothes (he didn't deny nor admit). Tomoe asked for information regarding Sagiri, Axter smelled trouble and ran from her.
  11. Eventually Tomoe caught up, to Axter's dismay. They fought and Axter owned her (obv). Axter said he also just reached the place and knew nothing about whatever Tomoe was looking for. He also advised Tomoe not to get her own life in danger recklessly.
  13. Later, Tomoe ran into an old man being robbed of an incense pot. She sympathized and promised to bring it back. She chased after the thief and caught up to him. She found out that the thief was working for an organization called Majora Family. Majora was apparently a lady that uses incense. Since Sagiri also used incense to murder Sagiri's father, Tomoe suspected that Majora was Sagiri's new name. Tomoe made a deal with the thief to bring her to Majora Family.
  15. Then the thief brought the incense pot to the rogues who got owned by Axter earlier. Tomoe followed them stealthily and eventually fed up with their slow movement (careful not to break the pot).
  16. Tomoe owned them, but Gravie (Majora Family executive) and other Majora Family underlings showed up. Tomoe defeated the underlings and faced Gravy 1 on 1. They were evenly matched until Gravie used a dirty trick to defeat her. Then, Majora showed up. Tomoe recognized her as Sagiri.
  18. Tomoe questioned why, and still called her Sagiri-nee (older sister Sagiri). Majora commented that Tomoe still had lingering feelings for her and should not rush into revenge half-heartedly. Majora invited Tomoe to join her but Tomoe refused. Then, Majora said "Please die then" before leaving together with Gravie, letting her underlings to kill Tomoe.
  20. Then, Axter intervened and defeated all the underlings, saving Tomoe. Axter chided Tomoe for being half-hearted, saying that she did not have the resolution to achieve anything. In order to reclaim the past, she had to give up her present and future. And Axter advised her to give up the revenge.
  22. Then, Axter got chased around by Majora family. Eventually he defeated them and learnt from the last underling that Tomoe rushed into the Majora Family headquarters on her own. He said he had no obligation to help someone who ignored an advice.
  24. Tomoe reflected upon Axter's words in her monologue. She said he was right and she should indeed give up on revenge. She wanted to revive her family, but first she needed her family heirloom back and she challenged the headquarters.
  26. She defeated the underlings and eventually fought against Gravie. She won the first time. But Majora powered up Gravie with her incense. Tomoe commented that the incense drew out the power of Gravie but also corroded him, Gravie said he didn't care as he needed the power.
  28. Powered up Gravie almost defeated Tomoe, before Axter showed up and parried him. Axter commented that Tomoe's purpose was not to fight Gravie. Then he fought Gravie one on one as Tomoe left to pursue Majora who fled a while ago.
  30. Eventually, Tomoe caught up and fought Majora one on one. Tomoe won and demanded her family heirloom. Majora said the heirloom was with her and asked Tomoe to finish her. Tomoe hesitated and Majora said Tomoe was too soft as a clan leader and urged Tomoe to kill her to avenge Tomoe's father. Eventually Tomoe obliged and took the heirloom back.
  32. Axter watched from afar, saying Tomoe did not hesitate and needed his help after all. Then he said something regarding a how would the crybaby react if he knew the truth. And he resolved to crush him if he needed to.
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