

Jan 4th, 2018
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text 3.30 KB | None | 0 0
  1. public 'id' => int 25073877
  2. public 'id_str' => string '25073877' (length=8)
  3. public 'name' => string 'Donald J. Trump' (length=15)
  4. public 'screen_name' => string 'realDonaldTrump' (length=15)
  5. public 'location' => string 'Washington, DC' (length=14)
  6. public 'description' => string '45th President of the United States of America🇺🇸' (length=54)
  7. public 'url' => string '' (length=23)
  8. public 'entities' =>
  9. object(stdClass)[1090]
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  14. 0 =>
  15. object(stdClass)[1089]
  16. public 'url' => string '' (length=23)
  17. public 'expanded_url' => string '' (length=40)
  18. public 'display_url' => string '' (length=29)
  19. public 'indices' =>
  20. array (size=2)
  21. 0 => int 0
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  23. public 'description' =>
  24. object(stdClass)[1092]
  25. public 'urls' =>
  26. array (size=0)
  27. empty
  28. public 'protected' => boolean false
  29. public 'followers_count' => int 45908157
  30. public 'friends_count' => int 45
  31. public 'listed_count' => int 82120
  32. public 'created_at' => string 'Wed Mar 18 13:46:38 +0000 2009' (length=30)
  33. public 'favourites_count' => int 24
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  35. public 'time_zone' => string 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)' (length=26)
  36. public 'geo_enabled' => boolean true
  37. public 'verified' => boolean true
  38. public 'statuses_count' => int 36698
  39. public 'lang' => string 'en' (length=2)
  40. public 'contributors_enabled' => boolean false
  41. public 'is_translator' => boolean false
  42. public 'is_translation_enabled' => boolean true
  43. public 'profile_background_color' => string '6D5C18' (length=6)
  44. public 'profile_background_image_url' => string '' (length=88)
  45. public 'profile_background_image_url_https' => string '' (length=89)
  46. public 'profile_background_tile' => boolean true
  47. public 'profile_image_url' => string '' (length=74)
  48. public 'profile_image_url_https' => string '' (length=75)
  49. public 'profile_banner_url' => string '' (length=57)
  50. public 'profile_link_color' => string '1B95E0' (length=6)
  51. public 'profile_sidebar_border_color' => string 'BDDCAD' (length=6)
  52. public 'profile_sidebar_fill_color' => string 'C5CEC0' (length=6)
  53. public 'profile_text_color' => string '333333' (length=6)
  54. public 'profile_use_background_image' => boolean true
  55. public 'has_extended_profile' => boolean false
  56. public 'default_profile' => boolean false
  57. public 'default_profile_image' => boolean false
  58. public 'following' => boolean false
  59. public 'follow_request_sent' => boolean false
  60. public 'notifications' => boolean false
  61. public 'translator_type' => string 'regular' (length=7)
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