
Finished&Updated TBT League

Oct 27th, 2012
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  1. The following is a list of members and regulations of The Battle Tower league;
  2. Champion: Lasagne21
  4. Elite 4 Member # 4: MKSLAYER97
  5. Elite 4 Member # 3: Riles
  6. Elite 4 Member # 2: ZakShadow
  7. Elite 4 Member # 1: mpea
  9. Gym Leader Member # 4: Lightstorm
  10. Gym Leader Member # 3: BMWisBigMacWinner
  11. Gym Leader Member # 2: Savannah
  12. Gym Leader Member # 1: MinionQueen
  14. 1. In order to challenge The Battle Tower League, you must submit a list of 10 Pokemon of OU and lower to MKSLAYER97, which he will then save. These will be the Pokemon that you use to challenge the league.
  15. 2: You may only use 6 of the 10 Pokemon that you have submitted to challenge the league. If you use any Pokemon that you hadn't registered with MKSLAYER97, you will lose all badges.
  16. 3: To challenge the league, you must challenge the Gym Leaders in order. Once you have a badge, you move onto the next leader.
  17. 4: Once you have made it past the leaders, you may challenge the Elite 4 in order, and if you lose any battles, you must restart your Elite 4 challenge.
  18. 5: In order to join the league, you must submit a type that isn't currently taken (Dragon isn't allowed) to MKSLAYER97 and challenge the first gym leader to a 2/3 match with a team of the type you have chosen. If you win, then you take there position as the first gym leader.
  19. 6: Likewise, in order to move up in the league, you must defeat the Gym Leader/Elite 4 Member in a 2/3 match using your league team. The only exception to this is for the fourth member of the Elite 4, who may not challenge the champ in this manner.
  20. 7: In order to join the league, you must be active. If you aren't online and on The Battle Tower server, then you will have your position removed.
  21. If you have any questions pertaining to the league, then PM MKSLAYER97.
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